question 2

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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1) We have used the same reviews across both our trailer and poster to create continuity, as this would draw the most people as it shows it is a

critically acclaimed film.

2) In both the first scene of our trailer and on our poster we have used a profile shot of our

protagonist. He is wearing a hat and it is a similar angle as to create continuity across

products. It enables the audience to immediately create a recognisable link with

him, as to create the most impact in an emotional connection.

3) The same font for the title of our film has been used across all three of our products to create a branded look. This would mean our film would become recognisable across our

whole promotional package.

4) A similar outfit is used in the poster, magazine and trailer as it links the two products together. It also shows he is a

working class character as he wears simple clothing, and is not ruled by image.

5) The name of our protagonists actor, Adam Smith, has been branded across all our

products as it creates a sense of identification, as explained by Blumler and

Katz’s Uses and Gratifications. Julie Roberts is also mentioned in the trailer and poster, creating the same identification as she was

previously in “White City” (our AS production.)

6) We have advertised Cannes Film Festival in our magazine and trailer as it is one location

in which our film would be distributed, as well as The Electric Cinema. We had the

opportunity to go to The Electric Cinema to show our trailer, as the introduction of a digital screen would enable our film to be

shown in this location.

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