questionnaire analysis

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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By asking this question it gives me an idea of the percentage of male and females that have taken the questionnaire and how this would affect the results. For examples, it is stereotypical of males to pick rap, rock and heavy metal, where as it is stereotypical of females to choose pop, dance and RnB. Therefore I am able to figure out which gender chose what, however, I won’t be able to see whether the stereotypical gender types are challenged because of the fact that it is anonymous. Also, if I were to compare the answers between men and women then it would be unbalanced as only 2 females answered the questionnaire and so affects the results.

When I uploaded my questionnaire to Facebook I targeted 18-24 year olds specifically for the fact that they are our target audience for our music video, due to the genre of alternative music. I believe that the age of target audience will affect the way they decode the messages that we (the producer) are going to reflect in the video as they will have different opinions according to their social background. For example, for our video we are thinking of including a theft, bully and night club scene where the subjects are seen drinking, which we are going to encode the message that this is morally wrong, representing it through the way the main character is seen in bath as though she is trying to ‘cleanse’ herself from the bad things she’s done. This also corresponds to the message of the title- Hold You Down. According to their experiences and culture some may view this as wrong and have a dominant reading or some may view this video such as person who is violent and a criminal and have an oppositional reading.

I included a range of choices for the subjects to choose and most of them chose rock and house music. This is stereotypical of this age group and suggests that males chose these answers over women because these are usually associated with the male gender. what I have found is that alternative genre isn’t as big as the main stream genres such as rock, pop and rap therefore the subjects who chose this genre are from a niche audience. This means that for our music video there will be a specific style and so we would need to try and adhere to it.

I have created a questionnaire to ask my target audience a range of questions on their likes and dislikes so that when we create our music video we can appeal to them effectively as possible.

I asked this question to see how our target audience reacts to these type of music videos because in the music industry artists often create songs or videos that create controversy or shock within the media for the simple fact of generating views and making money. For example, Beyoncé has create an album of songs about her husband however there is a theory that she did this for the purpose of marketing to generate shock and therefore more money. Therefore with these results I am going to include an element of shock in the video within the narrative- such as subject 2 stealing the necklace and supposedly sleeps with someone subject 1 met on a night out but not as extreme as the videos listed. The subjects here could be experiencing a resistant reading according to Stuart Hall who claims that resistant readers who are against e.g. sexually exploiting themselves will view the video negatively. Therefore, within our video we want to encode the message that theft is wrong through the narrative which adheres to Stuart Hall’s theory.

A narrative music video is what the questioners answered as what they prefer between that and a performance video. Therefore, we are going to create a narrative for our music video. However, a few of the subjects answered that a performance video is what they prefer so therefore we are going to include some performance footage but incorporate it into the narrative.

I included this question for the fact that the people I have asked are reliable as they listen to music and understand what I am asking. The subjects asked here suggest that because they listen to music so often that they use it for pleasure and escapism, adhering to The Uses and Gratifications theory which looks at how and why audiences view/use certain texts. For this fact I believe audiences will view our music video for escapism and pleasure which would adhere to the uses and gratification theory.

Most of the people answered that they sometimes watch music videos. This could be for the fact that they have to view them online such as YouTube and it is easier to listen to the music instead. However, all of the subjects asked watched Miley Cyrus- Wrecking ball, Rhianna- Work and Niki Minaj- Anaconda, therefore adhering to The Hypodermic model where in the media there is a hype of these music videos because of how controversial and shocking they were so it is expected that because of the media they have watched it. Supporting the fact that they were powerless to resist watching it as it was also it was also on the news.

I asked the questioners what their favourite music video is so that I could get an idea at what styles that they like due to the fact they are the target audience. I found that most of the videos were narrative based such as Hozier- Take me to church and all time low- somethings gotta give.

However, most of the subjects asked were male the fact so that one subject said Rihanna –work could represent that this is appealing to a male audience and therefore adheres to Laura Mulvey’s theory of the ‘Male Gaze’. This could also me the reason that most of the subjects asked said that Rihanna’s music video work was most shocking. However du to it being anonymous it can’t be proved from these results. From the result of the question I am going to look a variety of music videos that have been stated and compare and contrast the videos and apply it to our video to see how we can attract this target audience more effectively.

Most of the subjects asked answered that extreme camera angles are most eye catching, therefore for our music video I am going to subjects capturing extreme close-ups of the subjects face or certain objects in order to appeal to our target audience of 18- 24. However, most of the subjects asked said that bold colour was most eye catching, so I am going to suggest enhancing the colour in the music video so that the audience is drawn in.

I asked this question and included these certain answers for the fact that they are what is generally seen in music videos. Most people answered that the effects are what stand out to them in a music video. However, one could argue that effects such as flashing lights, split screens aren’t usually seen in an alternative music video but I am willing to try and include different effects so that our video will stand out and challenge the typical conventions of an alternative music video.

After analysing the results I am going to try and include the suggestions made by the questioners so that we can effectively appeal to our target audience, taking into account Laura Mulvey’s theory of the Male Gaze and also Stuart Halls Reception theory on our narrative for our music video and how this will affect our audience.

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