questionnaire on graphic novel

Post on 24-May-2015






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Final Major Project Questionnaire

Store Owner of ‘Comics, Games and Dvds’ 1. What type of Graphic Novel sells best?[x] Hardback [ ] Ring bound [ ] Paperback

2. What genre of Graphic Novel sells best?[x] Action [ ] Sci-fi [x] Superhero [x] Adventure [x] Other (please state below)


3. What is the average price for a Graphic Novel?[ ] £1.00 – £4.99 [ ] £5.00 - £9.99 [x] £10 - £14.99 [ ] £15.00+

4. Would you agree most Graphic Novels available are centred around violence?[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure [ ] Maybe

5. Best sold Graphic Novel title in the world?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Walking Dead…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....

6.Would you consider selling a fiction novel based on the early life of singer Ella Fitzgerald?Yeah sure, that’s a really cool idea… I don’t think there is anything like that out yet actually.

Store Browsers

Your favourite Graphic Novel?Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Why are you here today?Leisure

Do you think Graphic Novel sales would rise if more of a variety was available?Yes! I’d like to see more romances

Best type of Graphic Novel for you?[x] Hardback [ ] Paperback [ ] Rind bound

If you could create your own Graphic Novel, what would it be?A romance or a drama

Would you buy a Graphic Novel focused on a fictional story of jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald?Sure! I love jazz and soul music!

Your favourite Graphic Novel?Batman

Why are you here today?Leisure

Do you think Graphic Novel sales would rise if more of a variety was available?Yes, I would like more Drama/Action novels to be released

Best type of Graphic Novel for you?[x] Hardback [ ] Paperback [ ] Ring Bound

If you could create your own Graphic Novel, what would it be?A superhero story

Would you buy a Graphic Novel focused on a fictional story of jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald?I prefer more action for myself

Your favourite Graphic Novel?Hell boy

Why are you here today?Leisure and browsing

Do you think Graphic Novel sales would rise if more of a variety was available?A supernatural story

Best type of Graphic Novel for you?[x] Hardback [ ] Paperback [ ] Ring Bound

If you could create your own Graphic Novel, what would it be?Ghost tale or horror story

Would you buy a Graphic Novel focused on a fictional story of jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald?I’m not sure, not really into jazz music

Your favourite Graphic Novel?Avengers or Spiderman

Why are you here today?Leisure

Do you think Graphic Novel sales would rise if more of a variety was available?Maybe

Best type of Graphic Novel for you?[x] Hardback [ ] Paperback [ ] Ring Bound

If you could create your own Graphic Novel, what would it be?A thriller/supernatural story from both the protagonist and antagonist point of view

Would you buy a Graphic Novel focused on a fictional story of jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald?I don’t listen to that kind of music but it sounds different

Your favourite Graphic Novel?The Walking Dead

Why are you here today?Leisure

Do you think Graphic Novel sales would rise if more of a variety was available?Yes

Best type of Graphic Novel for you?[x] Hardback [ ] Paperback [ ] Ring Bound

If you could create your own Graphic Novel, what would it be?A supernatural drama

Would you buy a Graphic Novel focused on a fictional story of jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald?Possibly

Your favourite Graphic Novel?Final Fantasy or Naruto

Why are you here today?Leisure

Do you think Graphic Novel sales would rise if more of a variety was available?More romance/dramas would be good

Best type of Graphic Novel for you?[x] Hardback [x] Paperback [ ] Ring Bound

If you could create your own Graphic Novel, what would it be?An adventure/romance, set years into the future in a sci-fi environment

Would you buy a Graphic Novel focused on a fictional story of jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald?Yeah, that’s a unique idea

Your favourite Graphic Novel?Buffy or maybe the Wolverine Chronicles

Why are you here today?Leisure

Do you think Graphic Novel sales would rise if more of a variety was available?Yes

Best type of Graphic Novel for you?[x] Hardback [ ] Paperback [ ] Ring BoundThey are stronger bound and are protected and neat………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

If you could create your own Graphic Novel, what would it be?Superhero probably

Would you buy a Graphic Novel focused on a fictional story of jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald?Maybe it sounds intriguing

Your favourite Graphic Novel?Avengers Assemble and Ultimate Spiderman

Why are you here today?Leisure

Do you think Graphic Novel sales would rise if more of a variety was available?Maybe

Best type of Graphic Novel for you?[x] Hardback [ ] Paperback [ ] Ring Bound

If you could create your own Graphic Novel, what would it be?Either supernatural or superhero or a collaboration of the two

Would you buy a Graphic Novel focused on a fictional story of jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald?Maybe

Your favourite Graphic Novel?X-men or Watchmen

Why are you here today?Leisure

Do you think Graphic Novel sales would rise if more of a variety was available?Yeah I guess so

Best type of Graphic Novel for you?[x] Hardback [ ] Paperback [ ] Ring Bound

If you could create your own Graphic Novel, what would it be?Superhero

Would you buy a Graphic Novel focused on a fictional story of jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald?Maybe

Your favourite Graphic Novel?Buffy and the manga Supernatural issues

Why are you here today?Leisure

Do you think Graphic Novel sales would rise if more of a variety was available?Yes. Of course.

Best type of Graphic Novel for you?[x] Hardback [ ] Paperback [ ] Ring Bound

If you could create your own Graphic Novel, what would it be?A medieval hunting story

Would you buy a Graphic Novel focused on a fictional story of jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald?Yes. It sounds interesting, definitely creative compared to what’s out there now.

Your favourite Graphic Novel?The Walking Dead

Why are you here today?Browsing for a gift

Do you think Graphic Novel sales would rise if more of a variety was available?I believe so yeah

Best type of Graphic Novel for you?[ ] Hardback [x] Paperback [ ] Ring BoundPaperback are thinner and easier to store away or fit on shelves, they are not as heavy………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

If you could create your own Graphic Novel, what would it be?A survival apocalypse

Would you buy a Graphic Novel focused on a fictional story of jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald?I don’t think so, it depends on the price for me really

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