questions answers on shakespeare

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Questions Answers on Shakespeare


    Brit Lit Macbeth Review

    Act I

    1.) In Scene ii, why does King Duncan give Macbeth a new title

    Macbeth had !roven hi"sel# an honorable and loyal solider who had a

    large role in leading Duncan$s troo!s to victory.

    %.) In Scene iii, a#ter greeting Macbeth as the &hane o# 'la"is, what two

    !ro!hecies do the witches "a(e

    &hane o# awdor and King herea#ter.

    *.)+hat is the !ro!hecy the witches give Banuo in Scene iii

    -is sons descendents) will be (ing.

    /.)+ho does Duncan na"e as his heir 0rince o# u"berland)

    -is son, Malcol".

    .) In Scene v, what #ears does Lady Macbeth e2!ress about Macbeth$s


    -e is too honorable and loyal to (ill his King.

    +hy does she as( the s!irits to 3unse2 her4

    She needs to harden her e"otions in order to convince Macbeth to


    5.)62!lain Lady Macbeth$s !ro!osed !lan in Scene v

    'et Duncan$s guards drun( and (ill Duncan with their daggers.

    Re!lace the daggers and s"ear the guards with his blood.

    7.)+hat reasons does Macbeth give #or not (illing Duncan


  • 8/13/2019 Questions Answers on Shakespeare


    Brit Lit Macbeth Review

    -e has lately honored hi" awdor) and now has the King$s, as well as

    other Lord$s, #avor. -e should en8oy these new res!ects while he can.

    9lso, Duncan obviously trust hi" to co"e to his ho"e.

    Act II

    1.)Describe the ob8ect Macbeth i"agines that he sees scene i).

    -e sees a dagger be#ore hi" that eventually beco"es covered with


    %.)+hat deed is Macbeth about to co""it

    Murdering his (ing Duncan).

    *.)+hat has Lady Macbeth done to the (ing$s servants

    She !oisoned their drin(s to "a(e the" e2tre"ely drun(.

    /.)+hat does Lady Macbeth do with the daggers that she ta(es #ro"


    She !laces the" with the guards and s"ears the" with Duncan$s


    .)ontrast +hat Macbeth and Lady Macbeth say when about washing

    Duncan$s blood #ro" their hands

    Macbeth #eels no a"ount o# water can clear the blood on his hands

    idea o# his hands #orever being #iguratively dirty) while Lady Macbeth

    says 3a little water will clear us o# this deed4 showing that she is not

    "entally:e"otionally a##ected.


  • 8/13/2019 Questions Answers on Shakespeare


    Brit Lit Macbeth Review

    5.) 9#ter Macdu## has discovered Duncan$s body, Macbeth rushes in and (ills


    two guards. +hat reason does he give #or doing this

    -e was so !assionately angry at seeing the "en who could do such a

    thing to his (ing that he couldn$t control his rage and (illed those who

    should not live.

    7.) 62!lain what Malcol" and Donalbain decide to do a#ter learning o# their


    death and why they decide to ta(e this action +hat are they later accused


    &he sons #lee Malcol" to 6ngland, Donalbain to Ireland) because they

    do not trust the Scottish lords and #ear #or their li#e. &hey are accused

    o# convincing the guards to (ill their #ather.

    ;.)9t the end o# Scene iv, who is na"ed (ing o# Scotland


    Act III

    1.) +hy does Macbeth #ear Banuo +hat is "eant by the 3barren sce!ter4


    re#ers to

    Macbeth (nows the witches said Banuo$s children will be (ings. -e$s

    a#raid Banuo will ta(e action #or the throne, 8ust as Macbeth did. 9

    sce!ter is an orna"ental rod held by (ings. Macbeth$s is 3barren4

    because his line in barren, "eaning his sons will never be (ing.


  • 8/13/2019 Questions Answers on Shakespeare


    Brit Lit Macbeth Review

    %.) Macbeth instructs "urderers to (ill Banuo and who" +hy

  • 8/13/2019 Questions Answers on Shakespeare


    Brit Lit Macbeth Review

    Act IV:

    1.)9ct I> begins with Macbeth returning to the witches. &hree a!!aritions

    a!!ear to Macbeth. +hat !ro!hecy does each give

    Beware Macdu##, no "an worn?born can (ill hi" and he won$t be

    vanuished until Birna" +ood co"es to Dunisane -ill.

    %.) +hen Macbeth insists on (nowing what the #uture holds #or Banuo$s


    what !anto"i"e o# a!!aritions do the witches show hi" 62!lain why.

    9 line o# (ings who all loo( ali(e #ollowed by Banuo. @ne is holding a

    "irror. &hey re!resent all o# Banuo$s #uture generations who will be


    *.) 9#ter seeing these visions and receiving news that Macdu## has #led to


    what resolution does Macbeth "a(e

    -e will act on his e"otions and #irst instinct. -e will send "en to

    "urder Macdu##$s #a"ily.

    /.) In Scene ii Ross, trying to e2!lain to Lady Macdu## why her husband has

    #led to

    6ngland, describes what Scotland is li(e under Macbeth$s ruleA

    a.) +hat does Ross say about Macdu## -e is an honorable "an who

    thought his actions through.

    b.) +hat does he say about Scotland 9ll !eo!le are a#raid and



  • 8/13/2019 Questions Answers on Shakespeare


    Brit Lit Macbeth Review

    .) +hat ha!!ens to Lady Macdu## and her children a#ter Ross leaves

    &hey are "urdered on Macbeth$s orders.

    5.) In Scene iii Macdu## has co"e to 6ngland to !ledge his su!!ort to


    62!lain how Malcol" tests his loyalty.

    -e clai"s to have horrible vices and contains no royal traits.

    7.)+hat news does Ross bring

    Macdu##$s #a"ily has been "urdered.

    ;.)+hat action will the three "en ta(e

    'ather 6nglish #orces to "eet with Scottish #orces to overta(e


    Act V:

    1.)Lady Macbeth tal(s while slee!wal(ing. +hat are three !ast events she


    &he "urders o# Duncan, Lady Macdu## and Banuo.

    %.) In Scene iii Macbeth insists on disregarding the advancing ar"ies. +hy

    -e uses the latest !ro!hecies as reasons o# why he cannot be


    *.)+hat does Malcol" order his soldiers to do while they are in Birna"


    ut down and carry branches to hide their nu"bers.

    /.)+hat news does Macbeth receive in Scene v

    Lady Macbeth is dead.


  • 8/13/2019 Questions Answers on Shakespeare


    Brit Lit Macbeth Review

    .) -ow does Macbeth describe how he now views li#e su""arie the



    Li#e only leads to death.

    5.) -ow do the !ro!hecies in 9ct I> co"e true in 9ct > +ho (ills Macbeth


    is crowned (ing a#ter Macbeth$s death

    Birna" wood co"es to Dunsinane -ill, Macdu## was born o# a 3?

    section4 and Malcol" is (ing.

    7). Is Macbeth a tragic hero +hat is his tragic #law

    -is lust #or !ower and his sel#?con#idence:#alse sense o# security.

    ;.) Did Macbeth have seeds o# ruthless a"bition be#ore he received the


    #ro" the witches, or did the witches !lant the seeds +ere his actions o# his


    "a(ing or did others in#luence hi" In the end, who is ulti"ately res!onsible

    #or the

    various "urders and Macbeth$s down#all


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