questions to ask your web design company

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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Questions to Ask Your Web Design Company

Finding the right web design company to build your website can be a tedious process but it is a process

that you should take very seriously. Your website can be the difference between your business taking off

and growing to that next level or it struggling and possibly even going out of business. Many small

business owners decide that their website is where they are going to save money and choose the

cheapest web design company they can find. Most of the time ends up being a developer right out of

college or a company from another country. In both cases our Phoenix web design company has

witnessed these choices be devastating to businesses. Many times the business ends up spending more

because they go to the professional web design company anyways. There are certain questions that you

need to ask potential web designers before you give them the job. We have listed some questions that

you must make sure you ask before you hire anyone.

1. Who are your clients and what impact did your website have on their business? This is a very

important question for two reasons. One, it shows you that type of websites that the web

designer has developed in the past and if they have the experience to develop a website that

you are wanting. Two, you will be able to see if they do anything to help their clients succeed

and if they develop an ongoing relationship with their client or if they are one of those

companies that only do what they are asked and then wash their hands of the project.

2. Do you have any clients I can contact? This is important because you will get a feel for not only

how they do work but also their customer service. You don’t want to hire a Phoenix web design

team that will take a week or two to fix issues you may have with your new website. This could

ultimately end up costing business more than if you hired a bad web design company.

3. Do you develop website’s that are SEO friendly? There are web designers out there that

develop websites that are not search engine optimization friendly. You handicap your website

by not being able rank it on search engines such as Google and Yahoo.

4. Will my website be mobile friendly? With the invention of smart phones and now tablets the

way people surf the web is changing at a rapid pace. People are no

longer using desktops and laptops to surf the web but instead they

are using the much more convenient mobile devices to surf the web.

If your website is not able to be viewed on a mobile device then you

are losing out on a potentially large customer base.

5. How much will my website costs? While you want to get a good deal you also don’t want to

hire someone extremely cheap because like the old saying goes, “ You get what you pay for”

and in the web design industry this could not be more true.

Your website is what pays the bills and you need to hire a company that understands that and has the

skills to complete a website that will grow your business. That is why it is so important that you know

questions to ask potential web design companies before you hire anyone. These 5 questions will help

you weed out a lot of the bad web design companies so you can hire a great one. In the end however

you will have to use your gut to make the final decision as these 5 questions don’t guarantee anything.

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