quiz about history

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Meeting in Rhodes, 3/10/2016, 7th Junior high School of Rhodes.

About: I)the most important historical events II) the most important monuments and archaeological sites and III) our local history A Quiz

Monuments and archaeological sites

In the picture you can see a palace of the Bronze Age in Greece.Where is it located?What is the name of the civilization which flourished there?

It is located on the island of Creta.It is Knossos palace, the center of the Minoan civilisation.

In the picture you can see the Lions Gateof the acropolis of the most important and richest palatial center of the Late Bronze Age in Greece.Where is it?

In Mycenae, in the region of Peloponnese.

Which archaeological site is considered as the biggest megalith ensemble in the Balkans? Where is it?From which periods are the buildings and archaeological findings of this area?

It is Perperikon on a rocky peak in Bulgaria (in the Eastern Rhodope range).

Human activity in the area dates back to 5000 B.C. Ceramics found on the place date from the Early Iron Age, as well as the impressive round altar, almost 2 m in diameter, hewn out of the rocks. A giant palace and an imposing fortress built around date from the time of the Roman Empire. A church, ( 5th c.) was also excavated.

Where is Polands best known fortified settlement situated which dates from the Iron Age?

On the island of Lake Biskupin which is now a peninsula.

Where are these ancient buildings located?

On the Acropolis of Athens, capital of Greece.

What is the name of this temple of the 5th c. BC on the Acropolis of Athens?

The Parthenon

Name two well preserved ancient theaters where dramas are presented until now.Where are they?From which era do they date?

340-330 BCTheater of Epidaurus, in Greece

Aspendos theater near Antalya in Turkey, 155AD.

In which tomb are the mural paintings considered as Bulgaria's best-preserved artistic masterpieces from the Hellenistc period (323-30BC) ?

In the Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak ( , Kazanlka grobnica).

Where do these colossal stone heads, which belong to statues,lie?When were they sculpted? By whom?

On Mount Nemrut National Park, in Turkey.

They formed part of the tomb and temple complex built by Antiochus I (6934 BC), who reigned over the Commagene kingdom.

How was the roman legionary base called, which later became a Roman town on the Danube in northern Bulgaria near Svishtov?


Which is its name?

Where is this building located?

It is located in Istanbul, Turkey.

Its name is AyaSofia

Ever since 1935 AyaSofya has been a Museum. Name two of the former uses of the building.

AyaSofya was a christian orthodox church (cathedral)built in the architectural type of the domed basilica by the emperor Justinian in the capital of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople (Istanbul) in 537.

II. After the conquest of the Empire by the Ottomans it was converted to a mosque (1453-1931).

From which period do these churches date, which are situated in central Greece (Boeotia)?How are they called?

From the 10th and 11th centuries, during the Byzantine period. The smaller church is dedicated to Theotocos (Virgin Mary).The catholicon(the main church) is dedicated to Saint (Hossios) Loukas.

Where was one of Polands main defensive and administrative centers located in the middle ages(10th-11thc. AD)? Who was it constructed by?

On Ostrw Lednicki, an island in the southern portion of Lake Lednica between the cities of Gniezno and Pozna.

During the reign of the first ruler of the Polish state, Mieszko I, and Boleslaw the Brave.

This site was inhabited from the end of the Paleolithic era until the end of the 14th century. Where is it? When was it first mentioned as capital?

In Lithuania, Kernav.

It was first mentioned in 1279, as the capital of the Grand Duke Traidenis.

In the picture you can see the primary fortress of the second Bulgarian Empire (1185 to 1393). Give its name.

Tsarevets (fortress) near Veliko Tarnovo.

Where is this castle situated which was one of the largest medieval fortresses in western Europe and an example of medieval military architecture? Whom was it constructed by?

It is situated in Poland. In northern Polands Pomeranian region, along the Nogat River, in the Vistula River delta near the Baltic Sea. It is Malbork Castle.

It was founded by the Teutonic Knights, the Catholic religious order of Germany between 1274-1457.

This is Wawel Royal Castle in Poland: Where exactly is it?By whom was it inhabited?

In the centre of Krakow upon the Vistula River.

It was the residence of the kings of Poland from 13th to 18th century.

This castle was one of the main centres of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania which held great strategic importance from the 14th c.Where is it exactly? What is its name?

It is located in Trakai, an island in Lake Galv. It is the Trakai Island Castle (Trak salos pilis).

In which countrys capital is this cathedral situated ? To whom is it dedicated?

This is Vilnius Cathedral(Lithuania). (Vilniaus v. Stanislovo ir v. Vladislovo arkikatedra bazilika) It is dedicated to St. Stanislav and St. Vladislav.

In which city is this mosque situated?How is it called?

It is in Istanbul, Turkey. It is called Sultan Ahmet Mosque (Sultan Ahmet Camii).It was built between 1609 and 1616 during the rule of Ahmet I.It is also called the Blue Mosque because of the colour of its interior decoration.

What is the name of this cathedral situated in the capital of one of the countries involved in this program?When was it constructed?

It is Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Sofia, capital of Bulgaria.Its construction began in the end of 19th c. but most of it was constructed between 1904 and 1912.

The most important events

When and where were the first Olympic games held in Antiquity?What about in the modern era?

In Olympia, Greece, 776 BC.

The first international Olympic Games held in the modern era, took place in Athens, Greece, in 1896.

When did the greek become the official written and spoken language in the areas of eastern Mediterranean?

From the period of Alexander the Great until the 6th century AD, greek became the official written and spoken language in the areas of eastern Mediterranean and it was appointed as the Hellenistic or Alexadrian Koine (common).

Whose Empire did Greece become part of after the conquest by the Romans?

Greece became part of the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire) from 4th c.AD to 15th.

When was the first Bulgarian Empire founded ? By whom?

It was founded circa 681 when Bulgarian tribes led by Asparukh moved to the northeastern Balkans.The first Bulgarian Empire existed between 7th and 11 c. AD.

From which period does this relief in Bulgaria date?What does it depict?

It is the Madara Rider. It dates from the period of the First Bulgarian Empire (c. 710), It is a large rock relief carved on the Madara Plateau east of Shumen, northeast Bulgaria.

When were Poland and Bulgaria christianised?

Paganism in Bulgaria was abolished in favour of Eastern Orthodox Christianity under Boris I in 864.In Poland ,Mieszko I accepted the Christening from hands of the German bishop in 966.

Which period of Bulgarias medieval history is called cultural golden age?

The period of the rule of Simeon the Great (893-927) is called Cultural golden age. The capitalPreslavwas built in Byzantine fashion to rivalConstantinople.

The Battle of Manzikert ended to a decisive defeat of the Byzantine army on August 26th, 1071 by the Seljuk Turks. What is the importance of this historic event? Alp Arslan humiliating Emperor Romanos IV. From a 15th-century illustrated French translation of Boccaccio's De Casibus Virorum Illustrium.

It marked the decline of the Byzantine Empire. The result of this disastrous defeat was the loss of the Eastern Roman Empire's Anatolian heartland. Manzkert Battle let the Anatolias doors open for Turkish People.

When did the battle of Grunwald take place?Who were involved?How did it end?

The battle was fought on 15 July 1410 during the PolishLithuanianTeutonic War.It ended with the victory of the Polish-Lithuanian army.The result of the battle : the Jagiellonian dynasty became the most important in Europe.

When was the capital of the Byzantine Empire , Constantinople, conquered by the Ottoman Army?

Constantinople was conquered by Ottoman Turks under the command of Sultan Mehmed II on 29th May 1453. It was renamed Istanbul.Due to this conquest, Ottomans became an Empire.

The Constitution that was adopted by the Great parliament of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth is the world's second-oldest codified national constitution after the 1789 U.S. Constitution. When was it signed?

It was signed May 3rd 1791

When was Greece recognized as an independent state?

It was recognized as an independent state by the London Protocol of February 3rd 1830 , an agreement between the three Great Powers (United Kingdom, France and Russia), which amended the decisions of the 1829 protocol and established Greece as an independent, sovereign state.

When do Bulgarians celebrate their liberation from the Ottoman Empire?

The day that the treaty of San Stefano was signed , March 3rd (1878) is celebrated as Liberation Day in Bulgaria.

According to the treaty, the Ottoman Empire gave back to Bulgaria most of the territory conquered in 14th century. It was never implemented, being superseded by the Treaty of Berlin .

Which state was the winner in Gallipoli Campaign(Battle of Gallipoli or the Dardanelles Campaign) in 1915-1916 during WWI?Why was this victory so important?

The Ottoman Empire (Turkey) won the Allied Powers (English, French, Greeks, Russians, Australian and New Zealand Army Corps ). The control of the naval way via Dardanellia by the Allied Powers was prohibited.Capturing the Ottoman capital of Istanbul was also prohibited.


When did Lithuania become an independent state?

On February 16th, 1918.

Who won in Warsaw Battle (1920) ?Which were the consequences of this historic event?

The Polish beat the Bolshevik Russians.Consequences: a) independence of Poland b) stop to the plans of spreading Bolshevik revolution in Western Europe.

Who was in head of the National War of Independece in Turkey (1919-1923)?

Mustafa Kemal (Atatrk)

When was the Turkish Republic founded? Who was in head?

On October 29, 1923. The leader was Mustafa Kemal (Atatrk)The Turkish Republic succeeded the Ottoman Empire.

Name at least two modern reforms that were introduced in the Turkish Republic (1922-1937).

Change of headgear and dress.Adoption of the newTurkish alphabet.Abolition of titles and by-names.Full political rights, to vote and be elected, to women.Newpenal law. New civil code.

Greece in WWII:How was the country engaged in the war?

Greece was attacked by the Italians in 1940 and then by the Germans 1941. Despite the resistance of the Greek army, Greece was occupied until 1944.

When did democracy unlawfully give place to dictatorship in Greece? How long did it last?

On April 21, 1967 conspirator army officers overthrew the government and imposed dictatorship. It lasted until 1974.

Why was Martial law imposed in Poland (1981-1983)? Who was the leader of the opposition to the governments powers?

The government wanted to destroy the Union Solidarity by imposing martial law, which drastically restricted normal life. The leader who founded the Union was Lech Wasa.

When did Greece become a member of the European Union?

It became a member of the EU on January 1st,1981.

What were the demands of people from the three Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania who formed a human chain from Tallinn to Vilnius through Riga on 23rd August, 1989?

On 23 August 1989,- the 50th anniversary of the Molotov- Ribentrop Pact , according to which the Baltic states were occupied by the Soviet Union, the three Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania demanded independence for themselves and expressed their will in the Baltic Way.

When was the independent state of Lithuania restored?

On March 11th, 1990, after 50 years under the Soviet regime,the Independent State of Lithuania was restored.

When was Lech Wasa elected president of Poland?

The round table talks between the government and the Solidarity opposition led to semi-free elections in 1989.

In December 1990, Wasa was elected President of Poland.

What do Lithuanians commemorate every year on January 13th?

They commemorate the resistance of Lithuanian people against the Soviet Army, who attacked Vilnius on January 13th,1991 in order to capture the TV Tower, the Parliament, the radio and television buildings. They also commemorate all the victims of Soviet totalitarian regime.

Local history

The name of the Polish town Pobiedziska derives from the word pobieda.What does it mean?

Victory!The name was given by Kazimierz Odnowiciel in 1048AD.

What happened in Pobiedziska in 1331?

The town was destroyed by the invasion of the Teutonic Knights who stopped its development.

The inhabitants of Pobiedziska took part in Wielkopolska uprising in 1918.Who did they fight against and take control of their town?

They took control of the town from the German officials.

How else was the town of Svishtov known as in the Roman period?

It was identified with the Roman colony Novae.

When was Svishtov liberated from the Ottoman rule?

It was liberated on June 27th,1877 in the area of Tekir Dere (today Monuments).

What was the name of Istanbul during antiquity and the medieval era?

In antiquity it was a trade colony called Byzantium .It was also called Constantinople as the capital of the Byzantine Empire in medieval time.

Which year did the former capital of the Byzantine empire become the capital of the Ottoman empire?What was the name of the conqueror?

That was in 1453 by Fatih Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror.

Who moved the capital from Istanbul to Ankara?Why?

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk moved the capital from Istanbul to Ankara due to the foundation of the Turkish Republic.

What does the word Kulupenai in the so called District mean?

The name Kulupenai comes from the stream Kulupis which means the small river with lots of stones and pebbles in it.

In which political parts was the village community of Kulupenai divided after WWII?

The village community was divided in two parts:The first was loyal to the Soviet regime .The second was against the soviet system.

What did the Forest Brothers do in Kulupenai?

They fought against the soviet rule (guerilla war) and were killed.

When was the city of Rhodes founded?

It was founded in 408 BC .

What was the name of the Order of Knights to whom the island of Rhodes was sold in 1309?Which event put an end to the Knights period?

It was the Order of the Knights Hospitaliers of Saint John of Jerusalem.In 1522 the city of Rhodes was besieged by the Ottoman Turks which marked the beginning of the Ottoman rule.

How long did the Italian occupation on the island of Rhodes and the rest of the Dodecanese last?

It started from 1912 and ended in 1947 when the Dodecanese region was reunited with Greece.

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