-rabbi david saperstein · they will sing your praises forever! simchah is the jewish value of...

Post on 22-Oct-2020






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  • Our goal must be to weave torah (study), avodah (worship), and g'milutchasadim (acts of loving kindness) together into

    a stronger tapestry of Jewish life.-Rabbi David Saperstein

    How do you think that our Jewish texts, study and our prayers might bewoven together?


    ִהֵּנה ַמה ּטֹוב ּוַמה-ָּנִעיםֶׁשֶבת ַאִחים ַגם- ָיַחד

    How good and pleasant it is that people live together.

    ַמה ּטֹבּו ֹאָהֶליL ַיֲעקֹב, ִמְשְּכֹנֶתיL ִיְׂשָרֵאלHow lovely are your tents,

    O Jacob, your dwelling places, O Israel!

    In Genesis we read,"The Eternal One appeared to Abraham, he was sitting at the entrance of the

    tent as the day grew hot. Looking up, he saw three men standing near him.As soon as he saw them, he ran from the entrance of the tent to greet them,

    and bowing to the ground, he said,"My lords, if it please you, do not go on past your servant. Let a little water be

    brought. Bathe your feet and recline under the tree. And let me fetch a

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  • morsel of bread that you may refresh yourselves; then go on- seeing that youhave come your servant's way."

    Why do you think it is important to be a good host? Is it significant thatAbraham lives in the desert? How would that affect the importance of him

    being hospitable?

    ֱא÷ַהי, ְנָׁשָמה ֶׁשָּנַתָּת ִּבי ְטהֹוָרה ִהיאMy God, the Soul you gave me is pure!

    Do you think our souls remain pure?What actions might make our soul more or less pure?

    Praise to You, Adonai, our God, Ruler of the universe, who usescreativity and wisdom to make people. Our hearts pump, our bloodflows, and our minds question. How amazing is this body You have

    created!Baruch Atah Adonai, who helps us heal the sick and creates bodies

    with wonder.Shmirat haguf is the Jewish value that reminds us to take care of our body.

    Why do we spend time giving thanks for our bodies during our prayer service?Does giving thanks for our health

    encourage us to change how we treat our bodies? How so?

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  • ָּברּוK ַאָּתה ְיָי ֱא÷ֵהינּו ֶמֶלK ָהעֹוָלם...

    who gives us a mindwho opens our eyes

    who makes people freewho lifts us up

    who stretches the earth over the waterswho strengthens our steps

    who gives us clotheswho gives us strength

    who wakes us upwho makes us in God's image

    who makes me freewho makes us a Jewish family

    who makes Israel strongwho makes Israel beautiful

    We are commanded to say 100 blessings every day.How might this inspire us to find value in our lives?

    Where do you find blessings?

    ַאְׁשֵרי יֹוְׁשֵבי ֵביֶתL, עֹוד ְיַהְללּוL ֶּסָלה

    Happy are those who dwell in Your housethey will sing Your praises forever!

    Simchah is the Jewish value of happiness or joy.What is the meaning of "dwelling in God's house? Why do those who dwell in

    God's house sing praises to God? Why are they happy?

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  • * *There are many tasks we are responsible for: honoring our mother and

    father, helping those in need, studying everyday, visiting those who are sick,celebrating at weddings, comforting those who are in pain, praying, and

    helping people making peace.

    The study of Torah leads to them all.

    Talmud Torah is the Jewish commandment to study Torah.What is the purpose of Torah study?

    Which of these commandments/values is most important? Why?What other values do we learn about in the Torah?

    The Barechu, is our call to worship. What do you feel called to do in the world?

    Who are you called to be?

    Kָּבְרכּו ֶאת ְיָי ַהְמֹבָר ָּברּוK ְיָי ַהְּמֹבָרK ְלעֹוָלם ָוֶעד

    Praise God for God should be praised forever!Praise be God who is praised now and forever!

    * *

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  • We praise You, God, Ruler of the world,who creates light and darkness,who plans and forms all things.

    We are grateful, God,for this beautiful world in which we live.We wonder:What is the right way to live?Are there certain mitzvot we should do?

    Can our daily lives be as specialas the world we have been given?

    We learn what to do from You, God.You teach us in Torah what is right and what is good.

    You show Your love for us by giving us mitzvot.We thank You for helping us lead good lives.

    ~Gates of Prayer for young People , CCAR 1997

    How can we bring light to the world around us?

    ְׁשַמע ִיְׂשָרֵאל, ְיָי ֱא÷ֵהינּו, ְיָי ֶאָחדָּברּוK ֵׁשם ְּכבֹוד ַמְלכּותֹו ְלעֹוָלם ָוֶעד

    Hear O Israel, the Eternal One is our God, the Eternal God alone. Blessed isGod's glory forever and ever!

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  • ְוָאַהְבָּת ֵאת ְיָי ֱא÷ֶהיL, ְּבָכל ְלָבְבL, ּוְבָכל ַנְפְׁשL, ּוְבָכל ְמֹאֶדL. ְוָהיּו ַהְּדָבִרים ָהֵאֶּלה, ֲאֶׁשר ָאֹנִכי ְמַצְּוL ַהּיֹום, ַעל-

    ,Lְּבֵביֶת Lְוִדַּבְרָּת ָּבם ְּבִׁשְבְּת ,Lְוִׁשַּנְנָּתם ְלָבֶני :Lְלָבֶב ,Lּוְקַׁשְרָּתם ְלאֹות ַעל ָיֶד .Lּוְבקּוֶמ ,Lּוְבָׁשְכְּב Kַבֶּדֶר Lּוְבֶלְכְּת :Lּוִבְׁשָעֶרי Lּוְכַתְבָּתם ַעל ְמֻזזֹת ֵּביֶת ,Lְוָהיּו ְלטָֹטֹפת ֵּבין ֵעיֶני

    ְלַמַען ִּתְזְּכרּו ַוֲעִׂשיֶתם ֶאת ָּכל ִמְצֹוָתי, ִוְהִייֶתם ְקדִֹשים ֵלא÷ֵהיֶכם: ֲאִני ְיְי ֱא÷ֵהיֶכם, ֲאֶׁשר הֹוֵצאִתי ֶאְתֶכם ֵמֶאֶרץ

    ִמְצַרִים, ִלְהיֹות ָלֶכם ֵלא÷ִהים, ֲאִני ְיָי ֱא÷ֵהיֶכם:

    Love Adonai your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all yourmight. Take these words that I command today and keep them in your heart.

    Teach them to your children. Talk about them in your home and on your way,before you go to sleep and when you wake up. Put them as a special sign

    upon your hand, and make them a symbol on your forehead. Write them onthe doorposts of your house and on your gates. Remember and follow all of

    My commandments, and be a holy people for your God. I am Adonai, whofreed you from slavery in Egypt to be your God. I am Adonai your God.

    * *

    Shmiat Haozen is the Jewish value of being a good listener"Shemah" means listen up. Why have the words of this prayer become so

    central in our worship?What is the relationship between listening and leading a spiritual life?

    Is it a Jewish value to love God? Why or why not?

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  • We remember when we were slaves in Egypt.We remember when the Egyptians forced us to work from sunrise to sunset.

    We remember when our bellies growled because there was no food to eat.We remember when all we wanted was a cool drink of water.

    We remember when we had no warm blankets and shivered in the night.

    We remember crossing safely and breathing the air of freedom.We remember dancing with joy and singing our song of thanks.

    And because we remember, we promise this dayto feed the hungry

    to bring water to the thirstyto give clothes to the needy

    and to reach out our hands and bring the whole world into our freedom dance.

    ִמי ָכמָֹכה ָּבֵאִלים ְיָי, ִמי ָּכמָֹכה ֶנְאָּדר ַּבּקֶֹדׁש,יøת,עֵֹׂשה ֶפֶלא: נֹוָרא ְתִהִ

    Who is like You, Adonai?Who is like You, holy and awesome, working wonders?

    Blessed are you Adonai, who rescues Your people Israel.

    :Lֲאדָֹני ְׂשָפַתי ִּתְפָּתח ּוִפי ַיִּגיד ְּתִהָּלֶת

    Eternal God, open up my lips that my mouth may declare your glory

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  • ָּברּוK ַאָּתה ְיָי ֱא÷ֵהינּו ֵוא÷ֵהי ֲאבֹוֵתינּו ְוִאּמֹוֵתנּו, ָהם, ֱא÷ֵהי ִיְצָחק, ֵוא÷ֵהי ַיֲעקֹב, ֱא÷ֵהי ַאְבָרְ

    ֱא÷ֵהי ָׂשָרה, ֱא÷ֵהי ִרבָקה, ֱא÷ֵהי ָרֵחל, ֵוא÷ֵהי ֵלָאה.

    ָּברּוK ַאָּתה ְיָי, ָמֵגן ַאְבָרָהם ְוֶעְזַרת ָׂשָרה:We praise You Eternal God, Our God and God of our ancestors: God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God of Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. We praise You Eternal God. Always be a shield and protect the Jewish people.

    ַאָּתה ִּגּבֹור ְלעֹוָלם ֲאדָֹני, ְמַחֵּיה ַהּכֹל ַאָּתה, ַרב ְלהֹוִׁשיַע:

    You are forever mighty, Adonai. You give life to all. Who is like You, Source ofpower in the world?

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  • Inside me is a holy spark:a light that shines brightly when I feel proud of myself;

    when I feel strong inside;when I see the beautiful world around me.

    Inside each of us is a holy spark:lights that shine bright when we help one another;when we are kind to people we don't even know;

    when we take care of the world together.Blessed are You Adonai, the Holy Spark within us.

    ~Mishkan T'filah for Children

    Modim anachnu lach

    For this beautiful planet earth, its sunsets and seasonsmodim anachnu lach

    For the joy of human life, its wonders and surprises, its hopes andachievements

    modim anachnu lach

    For human community, our common past and future hope, our onenessbringing us together, and our capacity to work for peace and justice.

    modim anachnu lach

    For high hopes and good causes for understanding of views not sharedmodim anachnu lach

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  • For all who have worked for a fairer world, who have lived so that others mightlive with respect and freedom

    modim anachnu lach

    For human liberties and sacred rites, for opportunities to change and growmodim anachnu lach

    We pray that we may live not by our fears, but by our hopes, not by our wordsbut by our deeds.

    Blessed are You Adonai, You are worthy of thanks.

    ~Adapted from Mishkan Tefillah

    Sim shalom tova uv'rachachein vachesed v'rachamim v'rachamim,

    aleinu v'al kol yisrael v'al kol yisrael amecha

    Grant us peace, goodness, blessing, and kindness forus and all your people!

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  • Shalom Bayit, peace in the house, is a Jewish value thatencourages us to make family time respectful and

    peaceful.How can we achieve this?

    יַעֲׂשֶה הּוא, ּבִמְרֹומָיו ׁשָלֹום עֹׂשֶהיִׂשְרָאֵל ּכָל וְעַל, עָלֵינּו ׁשָלֹום

    .אָמֵן: וְאִמְרּו May the One who creates harmony on high , bring peace to us and all Israel.

    Prayer is a return to idealism, to hope, and to the faith that justice will prevail.-Rabbi Shmuly Yankowitz

    Do you agree? Why or why not?

    ָעֵלינּו ְלַׁשֵּבַח ַלֲאדֹון ַהּכֹל, ָלֵתת ְּגֻדָּלה ְליֹוֵצר ְּבֵראִׁשית,

    ֶׁשøא ָעָׂשנּו ְּכגֹוֵיי ָהֲאָרצֹות ְו÷א ָׂשָמנּו ְּכִמְׁשְּפחֹות ָהֲאָדָמה,

    ֶׁש÷א ָׂשם ֶחְלֵקנּו ָּכֶהם, ְוֹגָרֵלנּו ְּכָכל ֲהמֹוָנם

    ַוֲאַנְחנּו ּכֹוְרִעים ּוִמְׁשַּתֲחִוים ּומֹוִדים, ִלְפֵני ֶמֶלK, ַמְלֵכי ַהְּמָלִכים,

    ַהָּקדֹוׁש ָּברּוK הּוא.- 11 -

  • We pray that some day the world will be at peace.Then everyone will be free to pray to only You, God.

    May that great time come soon.

    In the traditional form of the aleinu prayer, we find the phrase,"tikkun olam." It means to repair the world.

    What part of the world needs the most repair?How do you repair the world today?

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  • Closing Songs

    MIRIAM'S SONGAnd the women dancing with their timbrels

    Followed Miriam as she sang her song,Sing a song to the One whom we've exalted,

    Miriam and the women danced and danced the whole night long.

    And Miriam was a weaver of unique variety,The tapestry she wove was one which sang our history.

    With every thread and every strand she crafted her delight.A woman touched with spirit, she dances toward the light.

    As Miriam stood upon the shores and gazed across the seasThe wonder of this miracle she soon came to believe.

    Whoever thought the sea would part, with an outstretched handAnd we would pass to freedom, and march to the promised land?

    And Miriam the prophet took her timbrel in her handAnd all the women followed her, just as she had planed.

    And Miriam raised her voice in song, she sang with praise and might:We've just lived through a miracle, we're going to dance tonight!

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  • MI SHEBEIRACHMi shebeirach avoteinu, Avrahham,Yitzchak v'Yaakov.Mi shebeirach imoteinu, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah v'Rachel.

    May the One who blessed our Mothers, may the One whoblessed our Fathers,

    Hear our prayer, hear our prayer, hear our prayer, hear ourprayer and bless us as well.

    Bless us with the power of Your healing,bless us with the power of Your hope.

    May our hearts be filled with understandingand strengthened by the power of Your love.

    Bless us with the vision of tomorrowHelp us to reach out to those in pain

    May the warmth of friendship ease our sorrow.Give us courage give us faith show us the way.

    Mi shebeirach avoteinuMi shebeirach imoteinu,

    Hear our prayer, hear our prayer, hear our prayer, hear ourprayer and bless us as well

    - Cantor Lisa Levine

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  • MI SHEBEIRACHMi shebeirach avoteinu, M'kor hab'racha l'imoteinu

    May the source of strength,Who blessed the ones before us,Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing,

    and let us say, Amen.Mi shebeirach imoteinu, M'kor habrachah l'avoteinuBless those in need of healing with r'fuah sh'leimah,

    The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit,And let us say, Amen


    Kol ha-o-lam ku-lo gesher tzar me'odV'ha-i-kar lo l'fached klal

    The whole world is a very narrow bridge;the important thing is not to be afraid.

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  • HeiveinuHeiveinu shalom aleichem (ooh ah!)

    Aleichem heiveinu shalom (shoo-bi-doo-bi-doo-be-doo-ap-doo-ap!)(2x’s)

    Hinei mah tov uma nayimShevet achim gam yachad


    Mitzvah Goreret Mitzvah

    Mitzvah goreret mitzvah (whoo!)Aveirah goreret aveirah (whoa-oh!)

    Mitzvah goreret mitzvah,Goreret mitzvah (la da da da da)

    L’Hiyot tzadikZ’tov (z’tov), Z’tov (z’tov)L’Hiyot tzadik, ze mazeh

    Tov meod

    (One Mitzvah leads to another Mitzvah. One sin leads to another sin. To be righteous is very good)

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  • B'TZELEM ELOHIMWe all got a life to live. We all got a gift to give.

    Just open your heart and let it out.We all got a peace to bring. We all got a song to sing.

    Just open your heart and let it out. Yeah(chorus)

    When I reach out to you and you to me,We become b'tzelem Elohim.

    When we share our hopes and our dreams,Each one of us, b'tzelem Elohim.

    We all got a tale to tell. We all want to speak it well.Just open your heart and let it out.

    We all got a mountain to climb. We all got a truth to find.Just open your heart and let it out. Yeah

    (chorus)B'reishit bara Elohim, all our hopes, all our dreams,

    B'reishit bara Elohim, each one of us, b'tzelem Elohim.(chorus)

    [B'tzelem Elohim: In God's Image][B'reishit bara Elohim: In the beginning God created]

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  • IT IS A TREE OF LIFEIt is a tree of life to them that hold fast to it

    And all of its supporters are happyIt is a tree of life to them that hold fast to it

    And all of its supporter are happy.Shalom , shalom

    OD YA VO (Sheva)od yavo shalom aleinuod yavo shalom aleinuod yavo shalom aleinu

    v'al kulamsalaam aleinu v'al kol ha-olam salaam, salaam

    HASHKIVEINU (Craig Taubman)hashkiveinu adonai eloheinu l'shalom v'hamideinu

    malkei----nu l'chayimhashkiveinu adonai eloheinu l'shalom v'hamideinu

    malkei----nu l'chayimUshmor tzeteinu u-voeinu l’chayim ulshalom me’ato v’ad olam

    hashkiveinu adonai eloheinu l'shalom v'hamideinumalkei----nu l'chayim

    hashkiveinu adonai eloheinu l'shalom v'hamideinumalkei----nu l'chayim

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  • Alef Bet

    Let’s learn the Alef BetSimple as it can be

    You’ll learn the Alef BetIf you sing the letters after me

    Each letter has a nameAnd a sound that it always makes

    Now let’s sing a special chorusWe’ll have fun it, will not bore usIt’s the Alef Bet (doo doo doo)

    Alef Bet Vet (Alef Bet Vet)Gimel Dalet Hay (Gimel Dalet Hay)

    Vav Zayin Chet Tet (Vav Zayin Chet Tet)Yud Kaf Chaf (Yud Kaf Chaf)

    Lamed Mem Nun (Lamed Mem Nun)Samech Ayin Peh Feh (Samech Ayin Peh Feh)

    Tzadi Kuf Reish (Tzadi Kuf Resh)Shin Sin Taf (Shin, Sin Taf)

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