radam'8 microbe killer - chronicling america · 2017. 12. 20. · « with bouquet of t ... mbs...

Post on 28-Mar-2021






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*C tm BS l\ Mil ll"OS>D.


a hikim or <i nitiin» Bahaftaaiaa

eefttag of (he *. it «Irilu lloapltnl

Ilo»ril-ttiiib('r«srjr of V. iimnn'i

I lui».Olhrr ClOVS BOta*,

n i hinted that the eiti-

i ... t(JO NVC¡-

i aft, us i

i Besa, and UM.' theftT movhir» sadala ' ,.« m

t w!,i h were

rug' I W'Tds. "n* y

BOWl ver. UM re U little,i i tratalana do h

t :r mather« and sis-r have won a reputation for

> I of m'.nd

us, one

been 1m, y theD about ad U


n« « iid. t.» hav an aausualdevelopment of c

in Uila capital cltjihe v ;,.s Is un-

usu.v in the.is will bo

a bewildering display of bOBUty. a*OBMof the t\ new debutaalt young girl with a face which is

Of BOhUlty, Ce girl

« Q ' i iys interesting,-


ilaali | n tañera.

/ .mbliI of mind. The

' ¡'nsi's areBusen Skip

Edn-«. Meredith, BariaMose « Jennings,

|*4 «, Nannieen, Agnes


On Thui t.-ok pinceBrs géra on. The

. 1 wish fornot! ' - «ss In

thanBl MS. The

german gave all th» debutante! and oUterbelli'. . Util -.«-inter the

I ' Th«ater¬

ren - Mr. Joel F "Tin andMr. " »cured the

for the german. Mr.Adoh be h brought out


AdahUttleton Fita-gerald, Fltahugh , Moaeley;

.;row We Iruce, Spot«woodWellferd, Henry Grant, Bruce Bowe,Fra. ' William

*>.. Jame. T er. Henry


rt rie .' Ha Ci i- rton, Alfrt d Park» -,

i i idosa, 4'a riWil¬

liams, L Ruther¬ford. Mayo Blnfor Benson,Gesa« i: in-

Percj h

lohn Detrerllle 'rank.. and Carlton BcKem

Th- intrl-«o much to tic if th-* I ft>

White ÇX-

y I ith, molrle

> Parker,pink organdy and WkltB carnations;

|« 'ooki. white orgaad) AmyV,"«rth, f iy over

mdy over pink.carnation- B Beada

rgsi ever Mac; Julia Ol int.

ahita organdy; Anne Grant, flOVndy with velvet trlmmli

t «i«h, wh r blue aUkiI« ; ike, cartee pink silk with velvet

n míng- Anne Lewis, Charleston,over red stlkj Llaale Leery,

g erg over pink; Caroline liar-indy; Ms l< lain

Ish. white pink, withBran-

I indy; Anna B. Jett. White ever

w-ith sa ai

Anderson, win¡on. of I' .'¡hk or«

hrlnè F nue ofand pink «Ilk; B ittie Pureell,

v, white

organdy with I ribbon«;ilk with black ti Imn

« w ith bouquet of

t « Ith bite m and

trimm eg Llaale v. whitemus.:. reí blue.

There 1s flsel UuW *i*dto a Beaaatlon«mi"

' the elty,A Virginia lell< d after

famous cotll t> rman clubsn ,-v\ *-, i b and i iltuuore, a

n (¡iiring vh« m aeon. The,turo of the clasa i-

sf the usual ao

ih with thinlng B< a

b aa to

.. .,1 ho limit* to tho«« whoCarly this

Wei k th« Invll he m ot out.1

are Bi

j, ),i. William Royall,Thomas Boiling Bri William A

Mr- Howard Böge, Bra. Aus»\

Bra.< Hing, and Mr.-.


it seem» aB If « re was to he fro*giving in Bsarrbege

ber th« Wth th« wed-Louise Be Mr.

. lot in Boau«urch. '1 ha m: r will

" le, »-ist r ofher tii si i ,,ii-

roe >te.

||b B Kal Fontaine, M;.... i,iti-Laa I Ala.; M!

and th« iAd-

reh win be reetrtot-sa Intímate frkyade

n afterthi marriage «enrice arlll he «tin ,

n only te th< brld üs rat n-

aarten t hath th* arftde andi be naaaaally aumeroue and

j Ute da] not wM set. it i«gtal that Miss Ray I Mr.

t gen« Mas'si« will he manied eaily InThe wedding Will be quiet,

and will take place at th« home nf the.:üe« street.Of November will witness the

edding of Mist Florin«Nolting ana Vr. F. B. Thomas


'' t- seUaved how that the weddhag afMis» mnle Lsnghorne, deter af

ta, and Mr. i:<hnw ken of a wealthy Bostcnir n. willtake place on tho 27th of October, at"*l adur," la Ajbeniaiie, Owing tu the

ft! Ml»« I,anghorne the arraitita for g Richmond weeing a* -n utT .,,d a quiet home WOddlaj'"' n« <P---Lied upon. Mrs. CShTI anghoij!« «/|'l this week take

aghter 10 the Hot Springs, hoping t* Mlns Langhorne'a health willBBâstely restored.


Phe wedding- of Miss -l/oull« F.vans' WllMam Henry Sadler took pisaVSgay evnfhg at I o'clock itme of the Brida, No. 17 noi'h Fou

Ml decoration was In greenWhite crash 1 »he fh

n n i ei» wer« covered with mat»milax und pend al fonal, andw wladow. whsie Mr. Badlel and ?

w». arranged with ipyraaeid af patrae i

whli h aarked Um domainn minlsitr'» and which were coveíh white draper;.isslve silver cand.cstlcks with wl;x lañara. Before these were the

cushions of white silk.rhe Hi Ce Howe.- girls.Misses At

leawJe Ivans fliftl enteai forased a:, alale from Um rear dtho altar at the* front, with br<

id.« of white sa. n ribbon. The hri"ii. atoorted by Mr. R. K, Bad

en walked dawn the als'e, followede brftde and her maid of honor, y»Ule Parker, while Mr. Bhepherd W<aged 'he grand weddtaa march fr«seagrta. At Um all r Miss Bn

* Mta ¡-'«d¡er y Kev. S.sitoii, of Franklin 9 IBM Bapnah, Baltimore, aaai d by Rev.

- Centenary church, RlchmoI'ha '..ride looked lovely In her brl'»n of whna prgandy, white rthbed rOBSi while tulle vii. fastened w

arl pins, and carrying a large bouqiwhite chryaaathemti is. mi«s Bel

irker, the charming mild of honra whit» organdy with white rlbhni carried i booejnet of white <-rin

«m The ¡une Bower girls en re¡He muslin dresses.

: the very Intimate frU is present WCT« Mr. and Mrs.

p ironía of the groom, of Fi.na cotiaty; Blasea Lotties an i i

indOlph, and Mr. peyion Bandot]» - and nephew Sf the bride; Coloi,d Mr... c. o*B. Coerardla and Bhen Cowardin, l>r. ar.d Mrs. w.rker, Mrs. Joseph I Smith, a

Knt* and Annie S:i, th, Mr. I* Bampdea Pleaaanta Miss Florei

irher, Btsi Fannle Parker, and B«Men \\ l.<eMr. and Mrs. Sadler left for an «

northern trip, from which th

ill r«tum after the 21st of Octobrrrerou« and beautiful presents br

stlmony to the widespread popular!both bride and groom. The bride

m daughter of the g. tlan! Coloib( rra» .1. Fvans, who married a si»'I>r. W. W. Parker. The groom la I

of tl.b Beuglearaid,


Tho Art Club has been much lntere:In tha announcement of the spp a.

ig marriage of Mr. Cornelius Bank)Biaa Sophie BAud ateOeehee on t

ih of October. Miss McQeehee, as w

her prospective BttStMUsd, Is an art!much talent Tha wedding will ta- .' the brlda's home, in Bowlll

rOBB Kv., after which Utey will speii« winter at No. 1ii> «ast Broad street

buasday church mil was tOf B very pretty wedding. At

Bl NO ROO north Twenty-thireet, Mr*. Jennie Howard and CapU

>'. H. BexweU w«re m.-.rrled by Resal T. Tucker, of East-Bad Bapti

The bride and groom are boIdely known and respected In the ellv Bdward H Matai an Blas Blni

:. Wood were married on IVedneedit the parlor» of th« Rsv, Fath'Reilly, Mr. J. P. Grim«h eating as bemn The bride la a daughter of II

Wood, of Fluvanna county. Tn Is the foreman of the hOTBBBh

apartment of the Old Dorntnlon irond Nail-Works. The marriage ceremoi

v.T. the young couple left Richmoitt an extended northern trip.

. .

OB Monday evening Miss Bettle Beell Conker will give a concert in tl

oung .Min's Christian Aaaodatl Hipupil of Mii-s Helen Bteekdell, of Rid

nid of Blgaor Krranl A'*hllH, arnima Thursley of New Vor

k'*r lias attracted a great def attentipn wherever sha has sung. Jin Old Sweet Springs, tha Warm, tllot, und the White Sulphur sha wc

lany laurels this summer. Monday ev

Bin Williams, tha iplendid yourBingei in .-. Norfolk ."

ogue and Christ cliurch, will assist Millooker.

* »

Mb s Nannie B. Winston's lecture, iir

«f the aaaai Bl of the Woman's Cluli laal Wednesday dealt entirely witterory nuttc.i. The forty years' hh>rv of tho Atlantic Monthly Miss Wir

lOB fOry Interestingly reviewed. ! > n

f the other subjects touched en wer

l« correspondence of Lord Bryon r«

lited by . ., and a new life e

r Walter Scott, from tha prn of Pre-.sor George Salntsbeig; a fresh edio:. of Carlyle'l Hf« Of Oliver Cromt-il. and four additional works treat

ig of the Ufa of th« same great sol:er. The desire to walk in beat«nths seems to be epidemie P rhap

- ob appear iN'"\t Bights on Shakespeare.'

'he abundance of Cr.imwelllana som

by «saying that the spirit 0

romwell Is so much needed in thi«generate age. At any rate, the faciranís that books, pamphlets, an«

tggaslne anieles on Oliver Cromwel: > eontlnually multiplying. Leavuntc«. for Betion, Bias Winston mention««Sir American novels. Hugh WynnInch Or. Weir Mitchell has been pub«hing through the Century Magazine

very powerful pleturf private life on a baclurroernd of th<

latory Of Revolutionary times. In "AiConspira y," Mr. w. i>

baa written a very pleasantno'.el. The Interest Is well sus

ib.. d up to tha etid, when th« prc*tt>1:1 married the right man.

"'I he Federal Judge." I y a new writerIt Chail.s K- Lush, is said to he s

..ck written oo a subject interesting) nil Americana, and In a style whichould do credit to mnst American au-

.i «ne, a Poor man," «omt

title« declare 10 ho humorous and fasInating la all its parts, while others

decided to their o n sutisfactlor;hat It Is flat, and about Mft pages too long

tlofl to these works, there art

new novels by George Me¬sad a biography of the let« Mr

.mes M< Donald, a remarkably brilliant¡ngllsh Joum '1st. "Salted by Fire."

McDonald'.*, '.test produc-ion. Is Judged to BO ft match for th*ovellat'l mary other works. The chiefrature of tho took Is the careful work-îg out of the phenomenon «>; oonver-Ion. Amonir those who listened to Missyinston'a very interesting talk wereIn. LuaafOrd L. I/ewls, Miss lAura

larrlngten Miss Ella Garnett; Missricksburg; Miss Madge

reedley, Mlaa Bcaaeley, of Petersburg;1rs. John Robinson. Mrs. James R. V.lanlel, Mrs. T. William Pemberton, MttH'lalre Guillaume, and Miss Kate James.


At *ht> meeting of the Deep Run Hunthah BB Thuraday night the election ofn w officers took place. On Mr. Otway

positively declining to continuetent Of the organization, Dr.

roaeph A White was elected »o lakes place. There Is no doubt «hat Dr

Ahite win shake an egeaUent preekkwit,m.! *h:tt tne club will continu« to flourishn his hand* as tt did during the admin¬

istration of hl.s predecessor. Another able

ifJlcer was chosen when Mr. Andrew It.'hristian was elected Vtee-Broeldenlrhe prominent features of the work for

he winter will be tha development of

he races and the golf playing. To the

Mdth of the club-house between the

mildlng and tha Richmond, Frederlcks-

)urg and Potomac railway *i«w race

racks are being lal* out. and the S*,th

.f November ther« will be five very ex

Hing races. Th»«e aie the farmet^raalf mile tiat race; the Deep Run H ml"lub steep'echas«; th« half mile, Sal'ace, hacks and hunters; on« mile flat

race! o\en to all horse«, and a steeple-r all horse* For the winners

n a',1 these races handsome prises have

been provided. In tho steeplechase for

nters owned by. memoera of themt Club tt la atlpnlated that all whoBBBt* for the prise »hall wear the>S'l«h costume of the red coat with' hat. which will add much to theBMraosaeiiaaa of thl» alwaya plctu-*<jue occasion,rh.. new a-o.r links which lie In frontthe club «re now about compWed.

d many enthusiastic golfer» dally ad-urn to those fine grounds to paaa thene In playing that delightful game.ie COOasalttee which has controlthe golf |!nK«. lH mao. .p of ..r

lomas Htitherfoord. Mr. Hlythe Hraneh.d Mr. Allen Pott*. Arnong the otherthuslastlr; players are Mrs. Latviaynes, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N Carter,

" Otheoa, Mrs. dadrew Cbri*-<n. and Mr. Frank A. Davenport. Th*

r I» now raging all over th»-entry; during the rummer tedlM, as

i lanlleiasn. deoertod the bbirners gad the pkojsaatest novela toend the day on the golf-ground. Thena very plato explanation for thi» In

e dcMghtful nature of the popularigea I DM of th* »danger and quit«llful players of Richmond are Misselena I^efroy. ML« s Kai le Meredith. M!»»rtle Nolttng, and Miss Delia Torr.p-n«.To return to the Deep Run Hunt Club.e ciuh will eonttaoo it» de'.ixMfii s*t-

day and Wedneaday receptions, or at

>mrs, through«-ut the poor.

Ih- plans for Hie meeting of the

and ramp of Confederate Veteran* Inrginia are gradually ripening. Miiidolph, who was «hosen rponsor ofe ('amp, of Richmond, has select-as her maid of honor Miss Annie

ay The Camp of Confederate Vête¬nt« in Norfolk will have Mis» Henryr aponoor, and Mi** Hooker v.T.1 SBOnSOr for th* Hampton camp. Manyn-t «-. Bip* have accepted the invita->n -to attend the reunion h»re on the

th. but their sponsors are not yetal n

Th* Daughters of the fonfederney «vlll.Id ene Of thefT quarterly meetings Ott

the Uth Of < tota r, the anni-roary of Qenerel L***i death, at I>ee

imp Hall. On this occasion the ladies:peet to di^misn many lrrportant plansr th<- year's work. Never used to let-

ng th* grass grow und^r their f*ei,tea* ancrgetie Bonth*ra women have

pldly pushed forward tho prellmtneiyBpa for »r-i-nring funds for the erectiona monunviit to the Confederate soi-

era who dl*d within priooa wallaThe col tag.' at the Soldiers' Homeni. h the BOO* of Veterans recentlyBltOd <s ii.w roofOd over. Bi« building or these garlara for Home

the many disabled Confederate veto«ins, for whom th'-n- Is no room In the \:iin building at the home these VOOng" bgjvi accoosnlished much honorable

orh since he lather reooat date ofie formsUon of th'dr order. To themlght le said th<- word* Of old Shylock.How much more elder art thou thaniy years!"


On Monday afternoon there was atiled meeting of the Ladh)** AuxiliaryPlckett Camp. The members of the

idy have on hand plans for the nobletid BBOch-n**d*d work of fr.unillng a

une for the Indigent wMOWB ofidorat* idler« Contributton* fromie entertainment given last year forlis eaiisp are still coming In. Mr. R

Northern, win. presided at the m»«t-

ig on Monday, state,] that the reg ir

»tnlglitly gatherings would bo lnaugu-it'd on Monday, the 11th, and urged aill attendanceThe numerous organizations In the

ty which have done so much to pr^-»rve the matorlala for Virginia his« iryre preparing, for the winter's work.The Historic*] Society bei comple.ed»verai advontagoo is arrongnoonta Ttieoors of I I upper rooms, which were jime time ago lodged unsafe, an to b0ireegthened with iron girder«. Severalilerestlng lectures at»* promised for theInter, and the Association for the Pre-?rvation of Virginia Antiquities, theOlOOial Dames, and the Daughter-« Ofi* Revolution will all hold their meet«igs In the rooms of the Historical So-l*ty.The Association for the Preservationr Virginia Antiquities held its first falllooting on Tuesday. Beside» the rou-

ne business, there were Ql*eU**lon*bout the improvements made and to beado 'at JamBBtOWn, and about the ad-

laabnity Of paying further sums JustOW toward the final purchas» of th«»iv^r r-niii whiotj Chartes the Pintint to thl Queen of t! s ni

hich for geni râlions was handedown In that tribe as one of their mostrlceless -.obsessions. The treasurer ofne assof'ation reported a surplus in thereasury of S2.466.1», whteh speaks wellir the management of the ladl'S coll¬

ected with this depirtment. There were

resent Mrs. J. Taylor Ellyson. Mrs.«/illíam Robin«, Mrs. E. P. Valentine,1rs. J. Baden Robinson, Miss MafgaretI. L**, Mr*. John B. Elghtfoot, Mrs.ohn la VVellford, Mrs BdWald V

'alentine. Mrs. H. A. Claiborne, and1rs. George W. Bagby.On the lr.th Of i«, t.dier the Daughtersf the Revolution will have their Bretírrting of this BOOSOn. Plan* have b'cnamasad for the meeting and entert lin-ig here of tho regent* and other r*p-esentativrs of «he Virginia chapt.-rs, inrder to promote more intimate, relationsafeen the enSerent members of thisreat organization In the Btata

There was a m«-tliig of the Board oflaaagon of the lanHa*1 Auxiliary ofhi. Virginia H**pital on Thursday to

lect officers for ttie coming year. Mrs.3dgar Taylor, chairman of the ine.-t- jig, and president during the pastwards montba, aa re eloetod by aeVlamstion; but stated that It was im-OBilble for her to olti. iate. whereuponcommittee was ciiosen for the purpose

f conslrtering who should b* *t*Ot*d t*Bke Mrs. Taylor's place. Mrs. Moor«-,he most efficient tr« asurer of the Auxlli-ry Board, uiv> declined to be i

ated ,and Mrs. James .Sutton was

host-n as the new Uoosoror, The aaset-ng was made, unusually Interesting by

Biatlon to th* hospital of a fineortrait of the great physician which Ist its head. Two charming apaoeka* w.-r.j

aade by Mr. Edgar Taylor and Mrs.Jtepaao Putney for this distinguish«.-«!he meeting.


Ml:-'-. Eannle Ross Is visiting the Pnlm-rs. of Blaeksborg, itefore leaving Rich-nond Miss Ross looked very nearly aj

mU as ever, and on her return U Isloped that her restoration to health wi.jv 0*89] etc.Miss Edith White has again entered at

!3den Hall, one of the moat prominent ofhe Philadelphia schools.Miss Henninghain BptUmao Is gradually

iOOOVertaS from the . vere sprain which1er ankle received some tme ago.Mrs. Allen Pott» i» vlaiitnr Castle Hill,

1er home in Albemarle.Mr. Henry Howman and hLs bride re¬

nn.« d Saturday night from their recent

.ru.Miss Annie Dredry will shortly tak«-

in extended northern trip, including a

ilsit to Niagara, Toronto, Quebec, and

Nom York.Mrs. Jameî W. All1*00 will spend the

month of October In -New York.Mrs. Samuel Wsllacf Mrs. Otway

Allen, and Mrs. Randolph Wellford, who«lave'teen spending the summer day.« at

Iray Cliff», near the White SulphurBarings, have returned to the city.Mr. George J. Freedley guve a delight


Rheumatism Cur» U guárante.-«! to b« »bsoTuUlihr:i.l^-«. a-'.l a strong «'.nl«- inhmltlirsj up the «r raa

ii'.l debilitated. It curat actit» or v.. .«. u'»r rbet.mv.«m In from on» to Are dajrs. Sharp, «hooting p»it.iIn any pnrt of lb» bedy stepped In a few dote*. Aprompt, eonyplite and pet'in»nent cure for l*m*ne»s,loreneu, silCr back end «I! i«ln» In bip» »cd loin..:'ti.-i.me rheurr.»t!«T», «riatfra, lurcbago or pain Ini!»i>\-k »r. »;.f««l,,/ «nired. It seldom fail» lo »!«re.let from oa» to two den»a, »nd »ImoU Inrarlablx-' -c« ,«",,-.» on* boula bas been otea. Tb» MunyonRemedy Cempaay prepar» a tenarai» cure for *»« UlisfM« Alftll (^u^(|I^^-3»e»n ..'» vial. If»oUii«edmedical « ..-'- «rlie l'r' Mun« on, 1U6 Archstreet, Philadelphia. It U Abaeiuuly free.

ul little luncheon st the Weatmoreland'lub on Wednesday, to Ml«« Han-lei P.Itrother, ? ho was about t, leave for«eesbtirr.A young lady w"ho«« name must not h«nentloned. but who»« h' me Is In the «x.reme western part of the city, has bûcnetn buying her wedd!: g trousseau.Mr». Ber.ehan Cameron will soon pay aIsit to her father». Mr. Peter Mayo'a.torn«, on Franklin strtr-Mrs. James Lyons Is absent from the

ft vl»l* to New York.Mr». Virginia Newton and ftfr. and

1rs. Charles L'. Wl'llama have left forx'ew York. With them went the Misse»davenport, »-ho are to enter th» well-mown school of which Miss Feeble» waa

ermerly the principal.Mr. James 1* Young, < ' Atlanta, will'ny about ten days longer In Richmond.it ! ;: Bait Marshall street HI« object

cn.nlng to Richmond Is to collectJnds for the monument to b« erected8 Fugene Field.Mr. bawd Freeman, has Jotned th«anics of Ri-hmond dr«!»t.. and opened a

tudlo on the corner of Nlrth ard Frank-In street«. Mr. Freeman's eetleetlofl of'eally fine paintlnsf, includlrg a portrait)f the htt« Mr. BOBtwere and ano'hersOrtrall finished for Mr. Charlee F. Wll-!ams. is open to ail who »re Interestedn such work«.Mrs. Ewing. of YordUTB, N. T., la In

Richmond visiting.Mrs. K. B. Hf-m'.ss. of Nev Orleans,

ias ¡eft her home until all danger from.ellow-fever Is past, and !« now StayingU the home of her father, Mr. John L.fVHIlaiMiss Julia Budd Ja visiting tho Misses

Bclntyra, at east Gra-e street. MhBSudd is also ora of the eharmtng young«dies whom Petersburg will loso andfttchmond wlil gain fhll winter.Miss Totsle Zimmer, whose father is

irm of the most promim i.t tobacco mer¬

chants of Petersburg, will spend thesinter in thi» city.Miss Elizabeth Eggleston and

Dtella Eggleston have retunasd to the

tity to fill the gap which th«ir ahaOaegJuring the summer BaOnthl had created.Miss Leila Jefferson, of Amelia county,

ri King the MliBoe Eggtcstoa, at 509Wl (¡no e

Mrs. Lewa Boeher and Mlae EiileBasher are speeding the rronih of Octo-

' the Hol Bl rirgs.Afier tho 15th of October Mr. Beverly

T. Crump will resida at No. 831 westCraco street.


On October the 4th there was a meet-nc of what may be eol>d the Richmond*;il<m, when tha ladles of «tie Woman*«Club met to ealehretc the fourth anad-reraary of the starting of the ciub.Among th« many dheraitng and talent-ad lad-- preaenl were: t'r» William Ar*her * on, Mra. Luaaford 1.. L>wtaMrs. T. William Pemberton. ^^ss JaneM. Rutherfoord, Miss Cls'ra Gulllaum«,Mrs. Arthur I>efroy. Miss Margaret Lee,Mr«. Christopher Tompklns. and Mrs.Franc!» Keane Williams, representingih- Hoard of Governors; and Mrs.

¡;...rgi- Warren. Mis. Charlea Favei'.port.Mrs. Meredith Montague, «nd Miss MaryLoarla, of Ute House Ceramlttoe,Where such a com; any was gathered,

af course, the whole evening was de¬lightful.

'ib.- color Bcherae af aU the Meorattonawas the prevalence of yellow, la all tho

halla and roomi bsbsbm of iiright gold«rn-ri"! deoorated UM mantels and al«nd the aapper-table, prepared la the

mm. was laid with nandaOBBS yel¬low mbrolderies. In ih» centre of the

ras ti Mrthday-eako. ThisBjaJ SSI an 'very-day sort of cake It\ ,-vei. d and deeorah <i withwhite Icing, on which were put in raisedh tiers tho initiais of the «Job and the

te of its birth, .--itn four candles. r«*p-

ttng the four years of tttO clubsBl ".

The entertainment Was arrSngad for

by Mlae Cutiré Qulllaum« and «iven byMis:i Annie LOUiSC Reinbart, an 1 MlBBBottle Booker, with Mr. Jacob Relnhartas aeoompanlat. Their audience i

left by the musicians In a most beati¬fic stt'te, on account of each listener's

pride in being ahie to own euch giftedyoung ladli i as fellow-cltlsena, and on

account of the ft-awalaa pleeeare which

Bisa Booker's slnciii'i and Mlat Retn-1 ar''s playing of tha VlOUfl pave, andmust always gri Miss Booker'fl sci.ks

were Nymphs ai by tlelmberg;a pastoraJa b] and "TwasApril." by Nevin. Relnhart playedsome beautiful Hungarian 1rs by kii-lar Blla; Sweden's Romance, "Cavatlne,"by " if, and alambor Bong by Mr

Iavu» ilThe visitors present were Mrs. BtOd

dard, of Savannah; MlBB Bebeooa DOU-that, of Wyanoke; Iflas Rellogg, ofPennsylvania; Mrs. Buchanan, of Mem¬phis; Mrs. MeRae, or Oarveaton, andFlorence Warwick, Of New Haven, Conn.


On Thursday tho 12 o'clock train toBon Air took a party of guests to thehospitable country home of Mrs. WhltnellS. Forbes. Mrs. FOrbee met the party at

i!. train with a pro-.«-ion of carriages,and. after a delightful drive throughthe autumn-tinted woods, bvrtted themto a charming luncheon. Progresivo,euchre occupied the latter hours (' tl...

visit, until Uta only nnnloaeantnoai con-

l with the oocaaloa, Uta hour for

leaving, came, in ii,. pleeaaal partyof gu.sts were Mra «'liarles Lethrop;Mrs T. C. Wllll Bl Bn Ashton Starke,Mr«. James Patton, Mrs. MOBCUre Per¬kins. Mrs. Thomas Boiling, Mrs. BOB

Mrs. Norah LaaiJ. Mrs. WilliamMrs. William Royall, Mra Dr.

s. and Mis. Susan Skipwlth....

On the lut of February Miss Mariac; .- v.. o- the elty with a party or

girls for an eight months' tour in

Europe, a few of th.. members of herare Miss Helen Moaeley, Mise

m m*. Moi ifer, andMies Mary Donnée.


Mrs. H. T. Maloney, a prominent mom¬

ie m the Wednesday ciub, retailed toth" city on Saturday.

« « S- Basas W.lliord's many friends will

be gli d to hear Uta! C..« la «gain lu town.«

Monday tin* first class meeting or

tii.- Richmond An Club took place. Therewas an encorr iging number of attend¬ants. I'ndir the instruction of Mr. ivl

ward V. Valentine, it is thought thatih. class will do very tine work thiswintt r.


Mrs. Allen E. Donnan and family hav«

returned from a visit en Long Island,B. f. *

Miss Mary Stewart Bayes is returnedfrom a visit to Miss Easily Cary, InCharlotte county.

Mrs. A. D. Townes will soon move to

me. on west Grace street....

Mrs. Lyn::. I T. Hay, of Hot Springs,Ark., is th.- gaset Of M:s. Robert G.

Cabell, 111 east Franklin street.» »

Mrs. L. DUkenson and Misses Florenceand Dehry Dickenson hav returned from

Salem. W. Va., where they spent the


Miss Nina Randolph is again in the

(li> after a delightful stay in Louisacounty.

Mrs. John Munee and family have re¬

turned from thetr summer trip to the

Old Sweet Springs.

Miss Katherine Hawes has left the

city for Newark, N. J., and for NewYork city. At the latter place she ex¬

pects to meet her brother and slster-lu-law on their return from Europe.

Misses Louisa and Virginia. Helsey wir]

spend th« winter with Mrs. FranklinSteams, on Third «tr««t.

Mrs Matthews,"state regent of Ten-nwtsee. ha« written to a prominentDaughter of the Am«rl<:an Revolution m

Ri hmond. asking her to repreaent V|rgima at th« Expedition on Octohar lith.


Mrs. Georg« McPheraon. of New Yorkhas been paying a visit to her brotherMr. 8. W. Trav«r«, we«t Franklin street

a . .

Dr. McCaw Is the imcst of Mr. John K,

ancn ai nu kiuuis, » - «, .-.

icbesa county, N. Y.s s

Miss Edna Forbes, one of the charm-t debutantts of this seaton. Is havingvery gay and enjoyable visit to MUs'.rallklll, of St. Louis. Mo.

Miss ßafdte Mason has Lu en vt«'tlngr si«t.r, Mrs. William Archer Ander-n. She ha» now left to te.ke up againr dutiea In St I/iuis aociety.

Rarly this week the meeting of thoIe Dmgglt.'' A-««.«-latlcn, of

hich organisation Colonel John B. Pur-11 la president, will be held at the

fferson. For the entertainment of the

lest» several entertainments are plm-d. At the Jefferson ts to be a musicale,¡perlntor.ded by Mr. I-.. Of. Clowes, am.

dance, to be participated tn by manythe prominent society people.


Mrs. BE H. Levy has gone to »tay forro months with her parents, In PhilaiDhla.

Mrs. Abram LBV« has returr <-'; to thety after a delightful summer trip. HerInter home will be at 1032 weft Gracer»et.


The Jefferson Club ha.s a«V1e«l a hand->me annex to the other rooms of the«th .ildlng. Tn November this will beirov»n open and th» members of thelib will give a house-warming party.

s *

Miss Annie Lotice Rrlnhart left en

hursday for New York. Tl giftedsung artist will spend the session In

I* metropolis In order to take lessons

cm a famous violin teacher there.Mr.enry Schradiech.*


The Misses Moore, of west Franklinr.-< f, have returned to the city afterharming summer spent at the WBiaa

Dringe. * *

Miss Pessie Wl?ht Bag returned to the". fter a summer spent in the moun-

lir.s of Virginia.s «

Miss Louise Allan Mayo, who VtottediOffalO, B. Y.. and attended rêverai de-

ghtfui' house parties in l**nnsytvanlaurlng th* summer, Is at home again.


Ml««s DarfcOJ. Of North Parolina, Is

»iting Miss Mary :',.m:iders.

Rome time in January them will h« B

apUon given by the Weotmorelandlut« to the prominent ladle» of Rt-h-

'.e a

Th* Monday t. a» at the Woman's Club,hlch (rave so mueh pleasurill recommenc» an October the 11th.


Mhm Julia. I/ce ha» returne.l to the

ty, after a d'Mghtful summer's »tay In

auquler county.*

Sir Maflewi ne and 1-ady Jult. of ataneal. Can., are staying at tho Jefferson.


Mrs. Erne-it Polling has returned to

He city, after a »tay in I»ulsa county.' * * S

Mics Nannie Langhorne lefl on

ay fOS her father's home, in Albemarle.


iovi-1 Form of il nuniinllnu for LI-ir -.i . of I'oliiinlila « nlleae.

(New York Herald.)A schema of Illumination as beaotlfQl

ts It Is original la being put Int«-ion in tbe r of Colombia Bal«,'enity. lev a ayetem of reflected lights,i M white moon, whose lumlnl««vlll light the whole lnt.-rlor. bang* sus¬

pended from the dark-bi'j» backgroundof thu dons*.A).hough tectrlelty alone Is used, Bad

..se raya from art light* -<r<-

focuased through strong leasea an iherraot Ahite aphere the refle« ed ra>f the moon c iisi..'h of raya m idllffused that it la refreshing t<> th

iidente. In onaultlng \ una Inth* library, while racMvtna th« »

the light above them, win t>e in no n a«inconvenienced by it.Tn.- moon constata of * hoilow Bph ...

sesea feat lo diameter, constructed otm .od. and p:tin?e«l B dull white. It issuspended thirty feet fn.m the dome by aarlr* Cable aril ban«« Jual abOt he four

eh** of the library so that wl enth« lirht is thrown on it th |!. ibadow.on tho aecond i »>r of th* library. I".

the rece below every one of th* tout<r«-at wl - stationed a row ofbooksheR.-i i: the irnen of every

.- live Ioak, i ¿ti i hare la:overlng to the>e box**, and In the depth)f Back one bum* a powerful are 1 :^vwhose ray» ar> directed through a 1-n-toward th woo leu bollThe strong elMtrto lights, so powerful t.i

the sight, are entirely hidden. A» 1 « illed about the floor of the library

looked up, th* elKbt. boxes ¡jtheir respective, corners seerned portion*of th* woodwork. Been on th» Boorabove, groping among th<» books BO theBhelvea the entire unslgh'mechanism was h-.'lden from view.Bvery one of the eieht rays Is about

0 feet long, and their combined radiance.'- .'it three fourths of «he bull

1'be woolen sphere la Intensely illunil-íated. an«i diffuses a light which Is slml-

r to moonbeamsleorge H. Hak»r, the librarian, told me

that the Invention wae the idea of CharlesMi Klin, an arch"it took a lot of atudv to eyoivo a aye-em of Illumination thai would i>»> in

f with the bandeóme decorationslibrary." aald Mr. Baker.

"A gr--at chandelier auspended from thelome would bava been decidely liii late. Bad llgh been mnid the:« over th.» arches they WO iidtare confuai - i net eaosr«Lo levlse an Illumination that would dl*-cloee the dom* and Und a ehenrful airi«> the librarMr. Hak-r expressed hin.»elf ae delight-1 wl'Ui the artlflclal moon. He t

that the readers at the tables would be«>t lied with «h« shaded light«The : -'' mi m .va.« ; tt

nto practical rperatloo a few daya agoIn the old library of the Columbia Pnl-rerslty, and prove«i itself, a gr**t bucc***,iltbougb raya from only about thre» arc-

llithti «rere thrown on the sphere- \pi*r!-ntnt was made under The

In tlon of William Hellock, Professorif Physics, and Charles M-Kim, the arch¬itect.Altbough tho ! lea of a globe loopended

from lb* centra of the dome v.«» em-

bodled 'n the ineeption of the archltect'aplans. It was originally Intend»«! t.> on-

»Tuct % m*ta! spher.. t> npfOSant thekiobe, and surround it with a circle ofIncandescent lights.

Mr. ntoombera for District Deputy.At the stated convocation or Richmond

Royal Arch Chapter No. 3. held at theMssonifl Hall, <>n Franklin «tr»et. Thurs¬day ev.-ning, an ofric*»! visit was paid bythe (»rand Secretary of th» ({rand Chap¬ter of Virg la, .f H. Blanks, of Peters¬burg. He iame to represent the GrandHigh prieur ¿ho was unavoidably ab¬sent. Past fiijh Priest, now «1l»Tl>t d»p.uty of this district Most Bscellent J. J.English, Jr was als-> present In his offi¬cial capacity Th" chapter recommendedpast high priest of this chapter, Sol. I..Rloomberg, to th» Grand Chapter of Vir¬ginia for h's r0?ttton The «Irani B< ralArch Chapter me» ¡ng will ids year beheld on December 2d and td at Peters¬burg, Va.

IF YOUR DISEASEIl chroiJc or a blood ó!icrd*r, microbes cause

It. Rid yourself of tbeee germs, and the disease

goes with U».... 1 hi* «xplalaa w»y o Jugful of


KILLERIi worth more In practical results than a wholedrug atore ot other remédie*.Tbe only Rational Care for Consump¬tion, Urigpt* Olaeae», Raeomatism, ("crofuu.Catarrh, Cancer, and all óbrenlo er blood dis¬

orders. ItatrUaaasthcvauae.Invaluable aa a üooaehold Remedy for Cuts,Sorvi, yuiT.» and Bruise«.Send far Btory of tllav oodertul dlacovery.

ooctsined la paatpluvt, (free.)-«. »»»«'«»» /v»

i BOUNDLESS PROFUSION OF EVERYTHINGThat's New, Nobby, Swell, and Stylish.

.ways the first to Show Nove'ties at the Smallest Price.IIILINERY! TAILOR-MADE ANO

RUSSIAN «LOUSE WRAPS AND SUITS!WUh"iit a qasetiorj onsol the largest and mostattra< tive collee-

ons e\4>r «shown in Kiciiniond. Garments enough ad style enough) suit all tastes and pocket-bocks.THE BEST CLOAK AND WRAP STORE.We Bra entitled to thin distinction. Values, variety, and appro-

riateuess, linked to the invincible power of low piioes, make ouiLOAKH and WilAPS tho most popular in Kiclimnnd.

IILDRCVS RE «FERS.Iirlctlr taLlor-maJ« garm<mts, of heavy»Ight Cheviot. In Tan. Gr««n, and lilu«am 6 to 14 year». $2.80.K »tyllsh Keefor of mixed ele-\k.ng li

een and Brown, large sailor collaiImmed with braid, prie« 1MB, wort]sily $3.75.impire R»efer o' Ail-Wool Boucleth braided asi] r collar, worth |6. V ft'K very nobby Reefer of Plaid materialnnlr« back, braided hretetle* of solh>th to match plaid, from 6 to 14 je.ira

P'tln »nd Two-Toned Boucle Kit ersith large, braided «allor collnr. 4 to liar«. worth SI.75, priced at $f>.In addition to the above wo show Implet« line of both K-mplre and Coatick ReCers. In all ntses, from 2 to 1ars, In nobby, exclusive designs am

yles, from the leading makers of garnta Prices rang» from $7 to $:.">.Long Closka for hlld'.en from I toars. You'll find as many styl.-«iited here as all o'.her stores put tother cHn and .lo show, and ro ir.y styl«-«o be found or.ly here, as wss control tluitput for Richmond.Ail-Wool Eiderdown Cloaks In Grayhit«, an! Fed, collar trimmed In Au¬ra fur. $1.W.Two-Toned Boucle, made with larif(dor eollar and trimmed with Angor;<r. ft!.»ft, worth $2.76.Um* material, trimmed with Pt-icVral4. and riit buttons. tlîS, worth JUftCloa« m«,,-, m Stl-WOA] ...I--*' .¡..tti

ik«, bretellea. and eollar trimmed withercule» Braid, sells usually it $'., ouil-e UM.Very stylish Ol, Is of mixedoüklnt, bretelles, collar and cuffl olatn cle'I. to match, braided In WhiteIk Braid and trimmed with pearl but-«a, ir..ABBBS* JA4KKTS.Black, Qloasy, AAtraehaa Cloth ïaeketiilf silk lined, re^ulur $.">.75 garments, a?

i the? will last. $.«.»'«:.itrlctly Tailor-Mrtf'o BftBOk and Nav>eat, of am-Wii. l Kersey, latest cm, Hi..lit, »ilk lined throughout, worth $10,.50.Another male of finest quality r

all «Ilk lined, mil!' >ry effectrakl trimming, in Black. i'.:... um

en. no, sells alaewhe ?Russian liions, duckets. p| iln rtmlraided effects, rouKh ami smooth mate«I. all th« popular colors, price« fromM tt», B«.Flue Mai.-Tailored. Bilk-Lined, Fly-

nt Jacket«, in Tin. (J ten, New Bine,rown. Castor, and Bl .. price« Ironi».bo to B7.I0.W<* «r« filso «mowing n !.. ge variety of'ovcltles In fine Velour Capes and:li3usca, ranging in pr|c,i from i¡¡> to î

Kaufmann & Co.,Corner f4)t r h nnd Dread StS.


|TY here. A magnificent collecu >n ofImpcrteil Patter: Hats and Hennats, h)-Mi.dlng models from Paris, Lct.ion, aa4Sew *ork. together »iih many beautiful»nd artUtlc creation» from our own work¬roomsENGLISH, AMERICAN, AND FRENCHPELT HATS at s fraction at fhel»lvalue. Here are .he low price» t I whichwe will sell themEnglish Wool Felt Hats, In all th» n*w

fall shapes ad colors, for lsdl« and:hl!dren from lie. up.French Felt Shape* In all the newest

tail shapes and Bate, Mack or colora,*l 88c.Ladles' Fedora Wall r and Hl-yle

we ii a Iti gteiii variety, at 42,Ox., and $1.50.

TUR LARGEST ASSORTMENT Of«benutlfi.l "Tarns" for children, In allstyles and coloring* and combination* ofeoloi ar 11», « M, B), », Bd 98c. willbe ready for y ir choosing Monda.'.Also, a dainty, pretty lot of Cb'ldren'e

and Untiles Ponncts at speciallylow prices.WAIST ».»I.E.

I, i.ii.s' All-Wuol Plnrnel Waists, madew th full front, colors Navy, Led, and

pleated back, two-point yok», anddi tchabie collar-«, at fAJl-Wool Plan, at Wallt*, In Shirt and

Dress-Waist atyle ted fronts, nicelytrimmed with braid. In ill color«, at H.H.Silk Waists m ah th* new fall styles,

Roman stri; e», Roi an Plaids. Fancy.¡ml Mlaek Waist», ranging In p-d-» from

Velveteen and Corduroy Waists, oolonvVistor. 8«ge. Navy, and Red. for I 'eel

red ye t»«.iay.DRUM* »KIKTS.All the popular weave» In Week and

Colon Skirts, from the InexpensiveFigur.-d Rrilllantlne at $1" to the finerFigured Kilk and l In Satin S'ki-ta.The sime car.« and pains I« taken la

the making <>r the cheeper Skfrte as lattlvcn the bet r

Th- s- garment ' are all cut In the new¬est shape, perfectly mad* and tit

LADIES' WRAPPER*.Pretty, dainty patterna tn Flanne'lett»

Wr.ii.p- is. made Empire front, yoke back,prit a Btc 'Hier style« la botter grade»a» $1.1». P 48, and \2 3fi.Fine All-Wool Flannel Wrappera, ma«l*

same ityl« as above trimmed wfh braid.fully $5.

Tl s abo«.'.i" in B 11< K* f, andBlueFIA\M:I. IIHUMIÜG SACQl'RS,A varletl Of the** useful und com'ort-

Hlits h«vo Just beennnd St' I--« are in keep¬

ing »with the exceptional Indi« ementaheld out for you to make your purchase*h«re this w« k.

Kaufmann & Co.,(orner fourth and Brodd Ma.

«g)«a»-«g>o *>» « -«*» »*>«

BOYS'LOXG PANTS Ê'JITÇ, !$2,75 to $12.50.

We Hi'll a good, »tronar, sight] madeforts .". we sell a iW All Wool B

h ...''' ; '

î í fr . tii up; to B12.ÔÛ. W protthe wanta oí the most orttfosl youths f.irwhom we've got th« BEST, thinking that.nothing is 1 for the tn all boys .ARichmond.

KIMEE PANTS SUITS.We claim that «ra can nave yo'i at least .'."i

percent. i'r«»m tho i«ri<-es Of OtOST sture.-,. Ourprices start from $1.60 up. W* ar-showingall the Novelties iu Voter Suits.

BOYS' ALL-ÏÏOOL KNEE PANTS FROM 50c. UP.W<- give trailing «tauips.

J. JACOBUS,Leader of Low Price«*.



PETEItSlll Uli.

lundsoine t durch Improvements.The Drought.Brief«.

PETERSBUB/I, VA., October 8.-(8p*-lai.) The Improvement* at the Washing-on-Street M thi I it Episcopal churchinve ».- f»i progr****d that the eongre»,atlon will to-morrow, for the fir.st uni»

n many months, b«¡ able to worship In

he main auditorium, of thl church. When

otupleted th* Improvement* wUI have coat I«bout $J,üOO. A beautiful new steel cell- ]

Bg baa bt -n placed 01 ar th* main room, t

tew earp*t* bava b n ;.':» ^«»wn. thaiBOWly CO*l th* entlro tn- '

«rior has been '' ai j ;

On Sunday nlgbt th«s pastor of this

hurch, Rev. Dr. Will.am E. Edwarde, Iwill deliver a special mon before A. |<P. Hill Camp, of Confederate Veterana, '

abo win attend the B*rvtoe in a body.Mr. Beano I nurw«'ii, a w -known to- I

Mcconlst *nd popular cltiicii, left this

morning for Pawtocket, It. L. where on

Monday It is understoi/d he will bu anteadn marriage I I Miss Mattle Lyon, a

harming lady of that place.And still the drought continues, and the

wells In this section, which have not al¬

ready dried up, are getting lower and

Ie .«.«r each day. In Mme of the adja¬cent counties the qui-stlon of a water sup¬

ply is becoming a very serious one, and

une , early relief is afford. 1 many

it in--» will be put to great stres.. - -

n obtaining llmUed »upp a. Th*

stream» everywhere are low. and f-prlng»n« r befo.a known to fail »re dry.

Many friends tn this city of SI bopI'oadjutor Gibson will go : T -chniond to

witness his consecration.Chlef-of-Polfce Perklnson to-day arrest¬

ed a white man named W. :> Well«, who

la said to be wanted In Richmond.


And Then a I'm«.I « « ir luto theCame.

>:.-,;tr.« va.. October 9.--<Sr.!-

ciul.«-Carter PaUerson (colored^ waa

ah*t Just below the right shoulder to- I

night In the bar-room of James Walker [by another negro- named Junlus I/»e M

gan. The Bhoottng was the result of a i

fend, a woman being th* cause of It.

At the tim» of the shooting the negroes jwerg engaged in playing craps, and a t

dispute arose between Patterson and

Morgan Morgan tired five time» at Pet- 1terson. but only one bullet s<ruck him.

Morgan was amatad, and Patterson was

sent home for treatment. The ball,has not yet been «ocated. The ahootlngwas done with a 22-calibre pistol.

Duuehter» of «he « eafederaey.The fourni annual convention ot th»


rimed Daughter» of the i.onfederaoy willbe held tn Baitimor». Md.. at Lehman'»1Hah. on November 10th. Reduced ra-e»have b« n ohiatned on th* r-llroads. and

»iiora-c-a at hoUj.a tuul board-

IK-IIOHH'-S. < 'Il liiidii. .U'.ii, u.v-v

" the cry will bo fcjided to their pl.tci.r Bojonra.The Virginia annual convention of thnl'e.i Daughter« of thi -y wl:

In Lynchburg on O to;.*r 21»'t« iced railroad raten have been accordI lor this convention all«, and it ltoped ther« will he a full attendant'>4MSgatOB will he n.«t and placed.


Ilg Da«;» of 4.um«-. A Charca 4 .-lebratIon.Peraoaal.

STATJr TON, va - pedal,'he »upply of k m«* which the huntameire baKK'ng this beiiaon i« ,inprecedente.j«i a result of two-days' hunt ti t san"it on North rlvi r, two oí Ht..teveiest shut» leeaara William atemniel and J. Lewis Bumgardnei broiighlown forty-nine pheasants, »!'i« tutlay or two beioi.« Messrs Mcl'.iilei an

rann.'hill, In a tw«.-d*y»' hunt, k.licl L;

iqulmThe sportsmen tell me «hat the »toe»f gam« Is not »o phenomer \l, ut tha»wing to th" daaiih of mast ind »h¡real droua'it prevailing, hunger an

hlr»t have «IiIvmi the knnif fium thnaccesslble mountain ut retch«» «town <nthe watered valley» and ravin««. wh«wt can b« easily hunted. This year amianri re having th« go4>d luck of cracihots of other seasons.The congregation of Hebron Presbyt**.¡n church h tve l'ist celebran 1 th« t«nt

latorate of tit« R*n,'. Booker, a ho. by tho by, I« aa o«

loader Inder Mr. Booker*» chir«he chBrch baa incre^n. 1 In memberahlrom 1V7 to 311, and 8urtd»y-»ehooi »<*hotr» from 55 'r>ft«v,. whll^ 'he church »ut

lertptlona h*ve ii.cr«a«ed 70 per cent. MC Hrnwn. on behalf of the cmgregi

ion. pre»er.ted 10 Mr hooker a pur«« coialnlng $&>» » »light token of th« «*

teens In which thu people hold their ptilor.The division freight «ffie« of the H Ut

mor« ar.d Ohio railroad in tht cftyti.g <do«ed. Agent B. V Jack»on »r

Mr. Kennen í'Uck «re » 'gnttO to tlWashington offices, and th« do- ineai h«rtofore dou« h'-ra will b« U M «

¿I. th« Cumberland 'Vid | asBaaRi «ret t» fe't that 'Jen.' tl lohn' wtll not leen re ber« thi« raant« bad b*en announced. Hi» physicist

ilvl*-»'1 th.t h« cancel all lectuj; f»¿:-m,-'H* fer tVtoher aal N©r*>«nb«»Mr» «ndward EehoU la In Korfo,;, via:

The Stonewall Brigade Band went

Ptncastl« thi« we«k to pley dir'ng tlthree days of the Bote* :t t«. WuHon. Randolph Hatrleoe, of l,yn-k.,ur

Is here a' hi« old home thi« week vial

Ing bla father. Mr. Hairy Mart-bl« brother. Judg» Qeorf« M Ha. non

Mm I, a h» :n, of Richmond, la fttwth« gu««t ef ftfr. and Mra. Arehibald ICInay. at Walnut Ceeve.

II. ISWhen dinner I« laid. Llbb«y >*»

eut-giase should b« dietrl ml tf/StjThey «re th« mos; brilliant ^rgggjpiece« made. To b« "¡r« of the genulilook for this trade-mark. Always olea

ly cut on UBtoy «,.:*» *ara

top related