radial analysis 3

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Radial analysis

This image represents Lil Wayne as being tough and aggressive, as he has both fists clenched. This appeals to the target audience of the magazine as the genre of hip-hop often has content of violence in it, therefore this is the type of personality that they would be interested in.

‘Big Poppa’ is highlighted in red, and is in large capital letters, making it stand-out. This is a well recognised name in the hip-hop industry, and therefore would interest the target audience as this would be what they want to read about. The chosen font and colour used puts more focus on ‘Big Poppa’s’ name from the rest of the copy, enhancing its visibility to the audience, as this would be a strong attraction to the reader.

The phrase ‘I am hip-hop’ which is on the top of Lil Wayne represents him as being the most talented artist in this genre of music at this present time. This represents the magazine as being up to date and as having the most appealing content which would appeal to its target audience.Also, Lil Wayne is a very popular and well-known person; therefore the image of him on the front page would help increase the magazines status.

The mode of address for this front cover is aggressive. This is created through the direct eye contact and clenched fists of the main feature on the page.

The personal pronoun ‘we’ll’ used here creates a friendly mode of address, giving off a sense of community.

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