ramayana: a divine drama - actors in the divine play as scripted by bhagawan sri sathya sai baba -...

Post on 31-Oct-2015






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Volume Three is part of the series called Ramayana: A Divine Drama - Actors in the Divine Play as scripted by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.It deals with the Rama's Brothers and their wivesThe Ramayana is not merely a great poetic work, but a great treatise on Human relationships between parents and children, between brothers, husband and wife and the king and his subjects. It is only when we are able to understand the significance of Ramayana in the larger context that the country will prosper with love and affection between citizens. In a few years’ time, nay, very shortly, the world will realise the greatness of Ramayana and try to emulate the ideals set in Ramayana.The entire story of Ramayana has been divided into five volumes: the first, second and third volumes relate to the members of the Ikshvaku Dynasty – the dynasty in which the protagonist of the divine play took birth as the seventh avatar of Vishnu; the fourth volume is dedicated to the Vanaras and the other associates of Rama in his war for the revival of Dharma; and to our noble and revered Sages and seers, who enacted their parts in the drama of Ramayana; the fifth volume deals with the antagonist, Ravana and his family members and the other characters who appear in the story.The acts of each character as played by them in the divine drama have been told in the beginning of each chapter which is followed by the inner perceptions and interpretations given by Bhagawan for their roles in the play.

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