rbc and bleeding disorders. rbc and bleeding disorders normal normal – anatomy, histology –...

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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RBC and BLEEDING DISORDERS Slide 2 RBC and Bleeding Disorders NORMAL NORMAL Anatomy, histology Development Physiology ANEMIAS ANEMIAS Blood loss: acute, chronic Hemolytic Diminished erythropoesis POLYCYTHEMIA POLYCYTHEMIA BLEEDING DISORDERS BLEEDING DISORDERS Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 TABLE 13-2 -- Adult Reference Ranges for Red Blood Cells ** Measurement (units)MenWomen Hemoglobin (gm/dL)13.617.212.015.0 Hematocrit (%)39493343 Red cell count (10 6 /L) Reticulocyte count (%)0.51.5 Mean cell volume (m 3 ) MCV8296 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (pg) MCH2733 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (gm/dL) MCHC 3337 RBC distribution width11.514.5 Slide 7 Slide 8 WHERE is MARROW? Yolk Sac: very early embryo Liver, Spleen: NEWBORN BONE CHILDHOOD: AXIAL SKELETON & APPENDICULAR SKELETON BOTH HAVE RED (active) MARROW ADULT: AXIAL SKELETON RED MARROW, APPENDICULAR SKELETON YELLOW MARROW Slide 9 MARROW FEATURES CELLULARITY 50% MEGAKARYOCYTES at least 1-2/hpf M:E RATIO 3:1 MYELOID MATURATION 1/3 bands or more ERYTHROID MATURATION nucleus/cytoplasm LYMPHS, PLASMA CELLS small percentage STORAGE IRON, i.e., HEMOSIDERIN present FOREIGN CELLS Slide 10 MARROW DIFFERENTIATION Slide 11 Slide 12 ANEMIAS* BLOOD LOSS ACUTE CHRONIC IN-creased destruction (HEMOLYTIC) DE-creased production * A good definition would be a decrease in OXYGEN CARRYING CAPACITY, rather than just a decrease in red blood cells, because you need to have enough blood cells THAT FUNCTION, and not just enough blood cells. Slide 13 Features of ALL anemias Pallor, where? Tiredness Weakness Dyspnea, why? Palpitations Heart Failure (high output), why? Slide 14 Blood Loss Acute: trauma Chronic: lesions of gastrointestinal tract, gynecologic disturbances. The features of chronic blood loss anemia are the same as iron deficiency anemia, and is defined as a situation in which the production cannot keep up with the loss. Slide 15 HEMOLYTIC HEREDITARY MEMBRANE disorders: e.g., spherocytosis ENZYME disorders: e.g., G6PD deficciency HGB disorders (hemoglobinopathies) ACQUIRED MEMBRANE disorders (PNH) ANTIBODY MEDIATED, transfusion or autoantibodies MECHANICAL TRAUMA (vascular or mechanic) INFECTIONS DRUGS, TOXINS HYPERSPLENISM Slide 16 IMPAIRED PRODUCTION Disturbance of proliferation and differentiation of stem cells: aplastic anemias, pure RBC aplasia, renal failure Disturbance of proliferation and maturation of erythroblasts Defective DNA synthesis: (Megaloblastic) Defective heme synthesis: (Fe) Deficient globin synthesis: (Thalassemias) Slide 17 MODIFIERS MCV, microcytosis, macrocytosis MCH MCHC, hypochromic RDW, anisocytosis Slide 18 HEMOLYTIC ANEMIAS Life span LESS than 120 days Marrow hyperplasia (M:E), EPO+ Increased catabolic products, e.g., bilirubin, serum HGB, hemosiderin, haptoglobin-HGB Slide 19 HEMOLYSIS INTRA-vascular (vessels) EXTRA-vascular (spleen) Slide 20 M:E Ratio normally 3:1 Slide 21 HEREDITARY SPHEROCYTOSIS Genetic defects affecting ankyrin, spectrin, usually autosomal dominant Children, adults Anemia, hemolysis, jaundice, splenomegaly, gallstones (what kind?) Slide 22 Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency A - and Mediterranean are most significant types Slide 23 FEATURES of G6PD Defic. Genetic: X-linked Can be triggered by foods (fava beans), oxidant substances drugs (primaquine, chloroquine), or infections HGB can precipitate as HEINZ bodies Acute intravascular hemolysis can occur: Hemoglobinuria Hemoglobinemia Anemia Slide 24 Sickle Cell Disease Classic hemoglobinopathy Normal HGB is 2 2: -chain defects (Val->Glu) Reduced hemoglobin sickles in homozygous 8% of American blacks are heterozygous Slide 25 Clinical features of HGB-S disease Severe anemia Jaundice PAIN (pain CRISIS) Vaso-occlusive disease: EVERYWHERE, but clinically significant bone, spleen (autosplenectomy) Infections: Pneumococcus, Hem. Influ., Salmonella osteomyelitis Slide 26 Slide 27 THALASSEMIAS A WIDE VARIETY of diseases involving GLOBIN synthesis, COMPLEX genetics Alpha or beta chains deficient synthesis involved Often termed MAJOR or MINOR, depending on severity, silent carriers and traits are seen HEMOLYSIS is uniformly a feature, and microcytic anemia, i.e, LOW MCV (just like iron deficiency anemia has a low MCV) A crew cut skull x-ray appearance may be seen in severe erythroid hyperplasia. Slide 28 Slide 29 Hemoglobin H Disease Deletion of THREE alpha chain genes HGB-H is primarilly Asian HGB- H has a HIGH affinity for oxygen HGB-H is unstable and therefore has classical hemolytic behavior Slide 30 HYDROPS FETALIS FOUR alpha chain genes are deleted, so this is the MOST SEVERE form of thalassemia Many/most never make it to term Children born will have a SEVERE hemolytic anemia as in the erythroblastosis fetalis of Rh disease: Pallor (as in all anemias), jaundice, kernicterus Edema (hence the name hydrops) Massive hepatosplenomegaly (hemolysis) Slide 31 Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) ACQUIRED, NOT INHERITED like all the previous hemolytic anemias were ACQUIRED mutations in phosphatidylinositol glycan A (PIGA) Note: It is P and N only 25% of the time! G lycosylphos P hatidyl I nositol (lipid rafts) Slide 32 Immunohemolytic Anemia All of these have the presence of antibodies and/or compliment present on RBC surfaces NOT all are AUTOimmune, some are caused by drugs Antibodies can be WARM AGGLUTININ (IgG) COLD AGGLUTININ (IgM) COLD HEMOLYSIN (paroxysmal) (IgG) Slide 33 IMMUNOHEMOLYTIC ANEMIAS WARM AGGLUTININS (IgG), will NOT hemolyze at room temp Primary Idiopathic (most common) Secondary (Tumors, especially leuk/lymph, drugs) COLD AGGLUTININS: (IgM), WILL hemolyze at room temp Mycoplasma pneumoniae, HIV, mononucleosis COLD HEMOLYSINS: (IgG) Cold Paroxysmal Hemoglobinuria, hemo-LYSIS in body, ALSO often follows mycoplasma pneumoniae Slide 34 COOMBS TEST DIRECT: Patients CELLS are tested for surface Abs INDIRECT: Patients SERUM is tested for Abs. Slide 35 HEMOLYSIS/HEMOLYTIC ANEMIAS DUE TO RBC TRAUMA Mechanical heart valves breaking RBCs MICROANGIOPATHIES: TTP Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Slide 36 NON-Hemolytic Anemias: i.e., DE-creased Production Megaloblastic Anemias B12 Deficiency (Pernicious Anemia) Folate Deficiency Iron Deficiency Anemia of Chronic Disease Aplastic Anemia Pure Red Cell Aplasia OTHER forms of Marrow Failure Slide 37 MEGALOBLASTIC ANEMIAS Differentiating megaloblasts (marrow) from macrocytes (peripheral smear, MCV>94) Impaired DNA synthesis For all practical purposes, also called the anemias of B12 and FOLATE deficiency Often VERY hyperplastic/hypercellular marrow* (* exception to the rule) Slide 38 Decreased intake Inadequate diet, vegetarianism Impaired absorption Intrinsic factor deficiency Pernicious anemia Gastrectomy Malabsorption states Diffuse intestinal disease, e.g., lymphoma, systemic sclerosis Ileal resection, ileitis Competitive parasitic uptake Fish tapeworm infestation Bacterial overgrowth in blind loops and diverticula of bowel Increased requirement Pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, disseminated cancer Slide 39 Vit-B12 Physiology Oral ingestion Combines with INTRINSIC FACTOR in the gastric mucosa Absorbed in the terminal ileum DEFECTS at ANY of these sites can produce a MEGALOBLASTIC anemia Slide 40 Please remember that ALL megaloblastic anemias are also MACROCYTIC (MCV>94 or MCV~100), and that not only are the RBCs BIG and hyperplastic/hypercellular, but so are the neutrophils, and neutrophilic precursors in the bone marrow too, and even more so, HYPERSEGMENTED!!! Slide 41 PERNICIOUS ANEMIA MEGALOBLASTIC anemia LEUKOPENIA and HYPERSEGS JAUNDICE ??? NEUROLOGIC posterolateral spinal tracts ACHLORHYDRIA Cant absorb B12 LOW serum B12 Flunk Schilling test, i.e., cant absorb B12, using a radioactive tracer Slide 42 FOLATE DEFICIENCY MEGALOBLASTIC AMEMIAS Decreased Intake: diet, etoh-ism, infancy Impaired Absorption: intestinal disease DRUGS: anticonvulsants, BCPs, CHEMO Increased Loss: hemodialysis Increased Requirement: pregnancy, infancy Impaired Usage Slide 43 Fe Deficiency Anemia Due to increased loss or decreased ingestion, almost always, in USA, nowadays, increased loss is the reason Microcytic (low MCV), Hypochromic (low MCHC) THE ONLY WAY WE CAN LOSE IRON IS BY LOSING BLOOD, because FE is recycled! Slide 44 Fe Transferrin Ferritin/apo- (GREAT test) Hemosiderin Slide 45 Clinical Fe-Defic-Anemia Adult men: GI Blood Loss PRE menopausal women: menorrhagia POST menopausal women: GI Blood Loss Slide 46 Slide 47 2 BEST lab tests: Serum Ferritin Prussian blue hemosiderin stain of marrow (also called an iron stain) Slide 48 ? Slide 49 Anemia of Chronic Disease* CHRONIC INFECTIONS CHRONIC IMMUNE DISORDERS NEOPLASMS LIVER, KIDNEY failure * Please remember these patients may very very much look like iron deficiency anemia, BUT, they have ABUNDANT STAINABLE HEMOSIDERIN in the marrow! Slide 50 APLASTIC ANEMIAS ALMOST ALWAYS involve platelet and WBC suppression as well Some are idiopathic, but MOST are related to drugs, radiation FANCONIs ANEMIA is the only one that is inherited, and NOT acquired Act at STEM CELL level, except for pure red cell aplasia Slide 51 APLASTIC ANEMIAS Slide 52 CHLORAMPHENICOL OTHER ANTIBIOTICS CHEMO INSECTICIDES, benzene, toluene, TNT VIRUSES EBV HEPATITIS VZ Slide 53 MYELOPHTHISIC ANEMIAS Are anemias caused by metastatic tumor cells replacing the bone marrow extensively Slide 54 POLYCYTHEMIA Relative (e.g., hemoconcentration) Absolute POLYCYTHEMIA VERA (Primary) ( LOW EPO), mutation in tyrosine kinase, making RBCs hyper responsive to EPO POLYCYTHEMIA (Secondary) (HIGH EPO) HIGH ALTITUDE EPO TUMORS EPO Doping CVAC, the trendy California bubble pods Slide 55 P. VERA A myeloproliferative disease ALL cell lines are increased, not just RBCs Slide 56 BLEEDING DISORDERS (aka, Hemorrhagic DIATHESES) Blood vessel wall abnormalities Reduced platelets Decreased platelet function Abnormal clotting factors DIC ( D isseminated I NTRA-vascular C oagulation), also has plats. Slide 57 VESSEL WALL ABNORMALITIES (angiopathic thrombocytopenias) (NON-thrombotic purpuras) Infections, especially, meningococcemia, and rickettsia Drug reactions causing a leukocytoclastic vasculitis Scurvy, Ehlers-Danlos, Cushing syndrome Henoch-Schnlein purpura (mesangial deposits too) Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia Amyloid Slide 58 THROMBOCYTOPENIAS Like RBCs: DE-creased production IN-creased destruction Sequestration (Hypersplenism) Dilutional Normal value 150K-300K Slide 59 DE-CREASED PRODUCTION APLASTIC ANEMIA ACUTE LEUKEMIAS ALCOHOL, THIAZIDES, CHEMO MEASLES, HIV MEGALOBLASTIC ANEMIAS MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROMES Slide 60 IN-CREASED DESTRUCTION AUTOIMMUNE (ITP) POST-TRANSFUSION (NEONATAL) QUINIDINE, HEPARIN, SULFA MONO, HIV DIC TTP MICROANGIOPATHIC Slide 61 THROMBOCYTOPENIAS ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura) Acute Immune DRUG-induced HIV associated TTP, Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Slide 62 I.T.P. ADULTS AND ELDERLY ACUTE OR CHRONIC AUTO-IMMUNE ANTI-PLATELET ANTIBODIES PRESENT INCREASED MARROW MEGAKARYOCYTES Rx: STEROIDS Slide 63 ACUTE ITP CHILDREN Follows a VIRAL illness (~ 2 weeks) ALSO have anti-platelet antibodies Platelets usually return to normal in a few months Slide 64 DRUGS Quinine Quinidine Sulfonamide antibiotics HEPARIN Slide 65 HIV BOTH DE-creased production AND IN-creased destruction factors are present Slide 66 Thrombotic Microangiopathies BOTH are very SERIOUS CONDITIONS with a HIGH mortality: TTP (THROMBOTIC THROMBOCYTOPENIC PURPURA) H.U.S. (HEMOLYTIC UREMIC SYNDROME) These can also be called consumptive coagulopathies, just like a DIC Slide 67 QUALITATIVE platelet disorders Mostly congenital (genetic): Bernard-Soulier syndrome (Glycoprotein-1- b deficiency) Glanzmanns thrombasthenia (Glyc.-IIB/IIIA deficiency) Storage pool disorders, i.e., platelets mis- function because of defective granulation ACQUIRED: ASPIRIN, ASPIRIN, ASPIRIN Slide 68 PTT PT/INR Slide 69 BLEEDING DISORDERS due to CLOTTING FACTOR DEFICIENCIES NOT spontaneous, but following surgery or trauma ALL factor deficiencies are possible Factor VIII and IX both are the classic X-linked recessive hemophilias, A and B, respectively ACQUIRED disorders often due to Vitamin-K deficiencies (II, VII, IX, X) von Willebrand disease the most common, 1% Slide 70 von Willebrand Disease 1% prevalence, most common bleeding disorder Spontaneous and wound bleeding Usually autosomal dominant Gazillions of variants, genetics even more complex Prolonged BLEEDING TIME, NL platelet count vWF is von Willebrand Factor, which complexes with Factor VIII, to join platelets with the exposed ECM in endothelial disruption. it is the von Willebrand Factor which is defective in von Willebrand disease Usually BOTH platelet and FactorVIII-vWF disorders are present Slide 71 PTT PT/INR Slide 72 HEMOPHILIA A The classic HEMOPHILIA Factor VIII decreased Co-factor of Factor IX to activate Factor X Sex-linked recessive Hemorrhage usually NOT spontaneous Wide variety of severities Prolonged PTT (intrinsic) only Rx: Recombinant Factor VIII Slide 73 HEMOPHILIA B The Christmas HEMOPHILIA Factor IX decreased Sex-linked recessive Hemorrhage usually NOT spontaneous Wide variety of severities Prolonged PTT (intrinsic) only Rx: Recombinant Factor IX Slide 74 DIC, Disseminated INTRA-vascular, Coagulation ENDOTHELIAL INJURY WIDESPREAD FIBRIN DEPOSITION HIGH MORTALITY ALL MAJOR ORGANS COMMONLY INVOLVED Slide 75 DIC, Disseminated INTRA-vascular, Coagulation Extremely SERIOUS condition NOT a disease in itself but secondary to many conditions Obstetric: MAJOR OB complications, toxemia, sepsis, abruption Infections: Gm-, meningococcemia, RMSF, fungi, Malaria Many neoplasms, acute promyelocytic leukemia Massive tissue injury: trauma, burns, surgery Consumptive coagulopathy Slide 76 Common Coagulation TESTS PTT (intrinsic) PT INR (extrinsic) Platelet count, aggregation Bleeding Time, so EASY to do Fibrinogen Factor Assays Slide 77 RBC LAB http://www.chronolab.com/hematology/2_1.htm

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