re erne i · 2012-12-17 · re erne • i vol. 4 treherne, manitoba, friday, december 19, 1902 the...

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re erne • I

VOL. 4 Treherne, Manitoba, Friday, December 19, 1902

The Slavery of the Mines.

II·iOmmercs: * • ~ i~ I AI ercer, ~ I «I f10 I (0 oj

Strange facts are coming to light through the im'e:;tigations of the strike commission ill the case of the miners working the G. B. Markle Co's mines, the principal witness called was James Gallagher, who worked in the mines for thirty years. He claimed the wages were so low that he was always in debt to the company, ::md that in Ii years he only once received money in wages, and that was Sso. He further testified that he had to deal with the company store, the only place'where the miners could get credit, and that the prices were from ten to twenty per cent higher than in other places. A tweh'e­year·old breaker boy was called to stand and gave testimony to show that he was working at the :Marble nlJl1es to payoff the debt incurred by his father, who was killed in the mines eighteen months ago. He received no pay, but was gi\'en due bills, showing how llluch his mother owed the company. The due bills also showed that the debt his mothcr was incurring, Stich as house rent; etc., was growing faster than he could reduce it, as he was only getting' four cents an hour. In the face of ' such facts as these one can scarcely blame the miners for striv­ing to better their condition, even if the mea us used might be condem­ned.

Capital f8 000 000 ' ~ ...... h' I . . ~ t· THE JEWEllER, 0) , - c, / I 4; H' care s oWlIlg t 115 WIIl-;' ~ FOR .) ~ ter one of the finest lines ~ ~ 0)

Rest. - - - $2,500,000 ~ of cutters-both large and: ~ Watches ~ - 4~ small-that has e\'er been I,. (~!\ :

T I G A C 00;4' brought to Treherne. ~ I~: .!-liE I- O~'pSE~i ~w. "OX, J These are of fine work-;. ~. :; • reSI( en . -U manship, graceful in des· (I> (: elk 0)

B. E. \V.U.KER, GCllcraIMalHlger..r ign and thev are low itl til- (0 0 fl S ~ . I ~ . '.J f. (. IJ 0)


SAVINGS SANK. ~Horse=Shoeing * ~ Jewellery ~ I 4) • II> (.

INTEREST AlLOWED ON I:t L;; where we .get 111 ouri: I: Repairing of all kinds. \Vatch :~ . i ./l' fine work thIS weather'il> .. 0) DEPOSITS .~ Just try our "Neverslip"'€&>: Repairing a specialty 0)

4~ . horse shoes. You can~. S. 'i'i' Ii' 4, d 1 ¢". \. 0) 4~ epell( on them no mat- ill> ~o ALL WORK GUARAHTEED :~ <I, ter how slippery the roads ~ (: 'i'i' ""

:~ may be. I~ ~ STAND AT ~ .. ; ~. ~o e)

:t W T SMITH i:~: SED. GRAHAM~S :5 l; .. · it ~: I DRUG STORE. ~ r"l~~~~~~ (. X ~.<;f9c;o.'P." •• ~ •• "'.9".""t"~ ®e~.u.!~~U-,!,~~~~-!\!)


--Farmers' and Country Business given

Special Attention. Municipal and School District Funds

received on favorable terms. H. n. HAI~ES, Manager.


. BUSINeSS Mm PROffSSIONAL CAllOS • -~- - ,~.-- .. -< .-.-~-- .. ----~-----.-----'.--

11nI .\4 . --------


phYBic.inn~ surgNJU and coruner. Offieo nut! rcsidollco nn Bo)·no stroot. Trchoruc ..


fOR CHRISTMAS ===G 1FT s===- Letter ,From fIr. \Veeks.

Sir, Physiclnll and .lIrg<,on. ~1. D. C,. Uni<or-

sit.\' of ~lullitoha. Otlico und rosilioncc,ollo block sOllth uC t.llU Ilost (liJ1co.


J. I •. T\,~DALL, 1I1. D. physician, sur.:cun, nccOUChOUl\ und carOller.

DUl' omeo in Drug ,st.oro, uight umeo o\"or r'orbe.' Illlrllwaro. !lA'l'lt WELL. AX, --------------

R. FRA)JH, !II.D.V., V.S. Votoriunrinuo Grn~lnnto .of 'l'oronto. rost

grndul\16 oC Chicugo, Ollleo on Broau' \\'6)', oppo.itu Smith's blllcksmith sho[>.

TRBllllRXE, 1,t.AN.

\Ve.offer without exception, we belie\'e, the most sell- I have sent 1110re than 500 men sible selections for gifts to be found in the tOWIl. Sensible, and boys and n few married couples because they. combine the artistic, novel and beautiful; with this season to farmers west of 'ViLl-the practical. Articles of every-day use for ladies and geu7 nipeg. I do not expect to locate tlemeu . that number and satisfy everyone.

Celluloid Goods but the cOlllplai,lts have beeu few A pretty range of Dressing cases, \Vork Boxes, l\fani- either from the boys or the fanner,

cure Sets, Glove, Handkerchief and Tie Cases, Collar and and I expect to send a thousand Cuff Cases, Photo Holders, etc. Leather goods in rich next year .. I am often asked what leather and celluloid, and photo frames· in leather, metal, terms I send them on. \\Tell, I tell glass and celluloi,d .. Fancy Chatelain and \Vrist Bags, Card the emigrants they will all have

}'[. I.IPSl\TT, V. S. - ., _ .. ~, .- C t F D ···· C ,th -Eb 'd fitt', " ' .. , good a,n!l ... kind :', f.J;.eatment, .. " fJ .. .!Ises. ,e c.,---" __ llQCY_ I,esslllg. ases_ :\'.1.... 01101. ItJgs, ... 1\\ • ..<_ ·h--~"··· .... _··Cf--'··_·l·- , .... .]. ·h"·~·--'·· "1

. . Silk lined leather cases with combination Dressing and ~ e engagee or twe ve mont s,· wit 1 J. Honor Gr:u.iunlo uf Ontario Veterinary Collego

~ro·rol1t.u. \\"ill hiJ at liruluun' s ,lrug storu o\'ory Frhluy for practice uf hi~ J,ru!cs810U.

U~lico at lJOJ.L.\XD, AX.


J. GOT.r.EY, V. S. Honor ,::rntlunlo iu 1~~ oC Ontario ~. cteT,lunry

CoUe,.;:o. All c.liseusctl of domestic nnunuJs trentod by tho lutc!5t. sciculiJi~ mctho~ls. Cl.Hu·~ ROS moderato. l'crmauontl)' locat(,,) III 4

'l'jU';Hgl(~J~, /.}., Will be ill HaLhwell weokly, Crom ~ p.m, to "

Oil PridnSri. -_.


HO'l'Ef. I.El,AND Fir~t c1nss nntllhorUllgh!)' oqt~i)Jllud to cnt~r

to tho tra\'ullil1~ l,utJhc. :;,alUlllo rooms 111 COlllIQction, Hate. ~J.:,U n <lilt .

'1'.1I. WI SOX, rnoI'.

- ..-....~~.


BARBER SHOP Go to Koarns' hair cntliug' nnd tl.hnyil1b fnr.

lors Cor n good clonu slun·\,? or I~I\ \lp--t~>:t !lto hair,clll. (lEO. KIUHX::s.

C. 1); KEIGITl.EY A rtist\c .l'cnnlllnship. AI!, kiml. or illumi n.nt.c~

Wfltll1J:' such as IHhln'~!'o~~ ote •• -tc., ('<~l~U tl'f.l )lI'oIllPtl)·. St-... tl:-faclion ~uurnntt!'OtJ. Ordurs 10Ct at tho 'l'imc8 !JUko will "promptly tilton· tI~1 to.

GEO. :\lCGOW A~ AGont ror th" London Mlltu,,1 amI Anglo-Am·

oricnn }'iro lll:mrunco l.\)':;. LOllliou (J~1\r. Dutro nuti Accidollt. Co. l:;~ut!r of !\!arrlflg-C' Licunsc5. A150 agont for t.h~ fnmuud EldrQt.igo U. ball bonring sowing maclunes. .

.:. ----._ .. JA:\1ES STEVH~SO~

nct!onccr. Sale. conducted either in town or A -:Ollll\ry • ·I~~!CS rcasonablo. Ci>ntrllcts I made at 'lmlosO.hcc. REH.-R"-" \~ T .. .r... ..,1' ... ..;u ......

K. O. T. )I.

M~lS CY0'1' fin;t nml . i1}inl Thu~Iny ill .. ~!I: lIlonth In Iho )lasolllC Hnll nt.'; 1,.111. \ I.a

i~ b. ;j'ren nlWllj'S wolomn. . Sir KI. \\' • U In,RECORD KU .. i'l:R.

------------C. O. F.

COURT TREHI?RXE C. O. :1" .. ~lect.1U Tow"

Hnll. Montlay, 011 or be­foro full moon, I\t S p. Ill. Yi:;itiu~ brclborn ulwnys welcome. .

J. A. LEWIS. R. S; 'l.'reheme.

Photographer i. .


Manicure sets; Ladies' Dressing Cases, Portfolios and Photo" free board and lodging, and be albums, etc. Perfumes, elegantly boxed anel contains paid what they are worth. The the I a t es t od 0 rs, fro 111 2 5 C: to $ IO pe r bo x , and a h os t 0 f~, gl)le'erenlll-ohllotll'ln sball1'te fCaol.ll11Iteelrls~ ','\: illtoh $,~a' 0IIOt nO\'elties in greater variety than ever before shown. ' '. "

_~ ___ ~~-. experienced men IllUSt say what they will pay .

00 IDeen~llnJ1g rlLacil11lllllle Age ll1lcy0 0

n ~((j)2 llMIPLIBMENT'S. n 9(())2 Our s\ock for the trade of 1902 is complete. See our Canada Cycle

and Motor Co's wheels. J. 1. Case and Gaar-Scott threshers. Moline :md Fish wagons. Deering machinery of all kinds. Scotch clipper and Oxford gang plows.

Campbell Carriagees Of every description. \Ve can give you a nice plain rig for little

money, or fit you out with something elegant in, the carriage line. MONEY TO LOAN-At 63~ and 7 per cent.

"'The Hub" T. A. METCALFE.

! , T • I , • I • I , • i

GRADE. A couple of words express

the quality of the whole pro­duct of the

f Treherne i + i

tRoller t t 1 •••• Mills i · t • •

LU~16ER ill ~ . -It will do you good to take a walk through the lumber yard and see the stock.

You will at once come to the conclusion that you can get any size lumber bill' filled satisfactorily. Know­ing there will be a shOt tage of dry lumber later, and ad­vanced prices,· ,,;e have stocked he~vily. f "Strai~ht Grade'~flour r~p- ,

·f resents the whole flour maklDg f CEMENT .. f ~art pf the wheat.· . ,Ve have qrder:ed a car- . lOur delivery wagon is on + load of I1fanitoba cement, • duty till noon every \veek day, ~ made at Miami,. and have i, delivering flour, wood, etc. to t sold nearly on,e half cat.

I eXI·ect to seud 50 married coup­les, sOllie of them have children big enough to work on the farm. Some have no children.

I will endeavour to supply every­one who applies to me if they give me time to do so, but if a farmer says "scndme a youth right away," unless' I can start one at once I do not know if the si tuation will be kept open, so do not send anyone. Those who say they will take the boys when I· can send them are sure to be supplied. Farmers who want help se11t by the first party in March should post their letters by January 1St. Yours truly,

. W. WEEKS. Clevertol1, Chippenllam, \Vilts, England, NO\'ember 25th, 1902.

Many a boy throughout the English speaking world, will hear with regret that George A. Henty is dead. Boys said his books were great and they outvoted the critics.

-Ir. Henty was 70 years of age and had a. somewhat varied career. While quite YOlmg he went to Cri­mea, where he spent several years a~ chief of the surveyor's depart­ment of the ·British army. After some years spent in mining operat­ions in Italy, he became a war cor­resdondent, and was throngh the Austro Italian, Franco·German and Turco·Servian wars, the Ashanti and Abyssinian· expeditions, and was with Garibaldi in the tyro1. He wrote several novels, but lat­terly he has been chiefly known as the author of boo.ks for hoys, of which he wrote n.1Ore than, 70.

;~, . Your picttir~ ton friend illakes t any par\ of ~hetown. . i Guaranteed. .3.n acceptable'.Christmas orL New I .~ .. ~: .! _,~--

~"·~i)!ea~· gift., ·fan;.beobt~li~ .at, j C WIECHMAN i J'.' ft" At. b ....

There is one word in the English language which.; can appear six times consecutively and make. it correct English; To illustrate; A b.Qy WI:ote !l sen,tence on the blaokboard whIch read; The man that lies ddes wrong-.. Th£.! te?-cher objected tq:'the "that" so the word "who" wa,s. substituted, and yet. it must be ev~~ent !o \ the reader. f()r all that, tQ:1t:that,:that i that' 'fhat te:,.cher objected to was rignt iif­ter all.

...• .,..Lusk ;:.tud~o~~e;ue .•. ,:~,.,~ ;:i, .r~;>,~.~ ,i(·;:\::; £,,;~,j'h:~; .. ~ .. ;,;:bH .. ".' '. 0 ~On1 HI L; O~~f Mariage.~.- ~~i·~:)~~~·er!·i~·.:;::.:;;:~~~~i·~~ ",lg '~ ~ 'e

, . NO. 12

Orange Election of Officers.

Boyne L. O. L. No. Ii30 held their' annual election of officers ill ~Iasonic Hall on Tuesday e\'enin~ the 9th which resulted as follows:

W. M., Bro. JJ.s. E. Spinks; D. M. Fred Carleton; Chap. Re\·. D. Robertson, Sec. Treas. 'Vm. H. Spinks; Fin. Sec'y Ell. 1IeLean. Treas. Geo. Andersou; D. of C, J. R. May. COlllmittee: 1St J. Lee, 2nd T. J.'Lamollt, 3rd J. English, 4th W. Hooey, 5th G. Brock.

Officers were cluly installed by Bro. Thos. Duff grand organizer of British America. Bovne L. O. L. will en ter the new year 111 a yery prosperous condition ..

To The Brethern of The L. O. L, of Rossendule.

DRAR FRIENDS: We were s.lprised indeed \\%il;

you made us the present of a beauti­ful bible and address. ,Ve cannot find words to express our thanks. for snch, having clone nothing that would deserve so much kincines:1 at your hands, but in accepting" the gift \ye assure you that we will al­ways prize it as the I.]ost valuable of earthly possessions. 'Vhen we take the origin of the order we think it is the noblest of many societies. \Ve feel it "'as a grand stroke when in 1'690 the Prince of Orange strnck . the blow for liberty and broke the fetters of Rome when Protestants could follow the dictates of their own hearts. The blood that was shed on that memorable day was not shed in vain. Now friends accept our heartfelt thanks tor the hand­some gi ft and our prayer will be that the Orangemen of Rossendalc may always stand for Christian lib: erty and true Orangeism and may the cause prosper in every clime nnder the sun. :May; God bles~ you all and keep you true to the Orange condi tions. .


", .. ". ,,;.?,¥ours.·· truly .Y".., .. ~,.".;.., .... ,..,~."".;" iii;:'.:'· -" •.•• ~. ·'·;!'L J.;J '"i~ .. t':,t{:aifl . "-, . ". J AS .. , r-imD " ..

Canada has already f 7,000 miles of raihvuy that cost nearly $9,000-000. She has the longest contin­ual stretch of internal navigation in the world, She has 70 miles of canals, 10,000 post offices; 30,000 miles of, telegraph wire; 18,000 public sch091S; 60,000 men in her lumber camps in winter; 17 univer-· sities; and over 50 colleges; only IS pCI' cent of illiterates; a river over 2,000 miles long; 6,000,000 people of whom nearly 90 per cent ·are Canadian born and only 3 per cent foreign born, the remaincler beilig British born. Canada ranks fourth in the production of gold; has a million square miles of practically unexplored territory; coal beds that will yield over 4,000,000 tons year­ly for 5,000 years.

Canada will have nearly as man)'. transcontinental railways as ih" United States if all the projects now in hand are carried QUt. \Ve ha\'e the Canadian Pacific, and 1,-

500 miles of Canadian Northern. In five years we are to have the GranclTrunk Pacific. The au­notUlcement of that undertaking has brought out a reminder from the Trans-Canada Railway people that they too propose to cross the continent, They claim that their survey from Quebec to Port Simp­son is 5i7 miles shorter than the Grand Trunk's proposed extension westward.

The C. P. R. station agent at Sintaln ta, Assa., was fined $50 . the the other day for violation of the Grain act in not distributing cars in order of applications: The case; been appealed and will be taken to the supreme courts. It has awak­ened great interest throughout the entire·west as upOli the verdict of the colirts stands or falls the Mani­toba grain bill.· 'Commissioner Castle lhid the compla'int at the in­vestigation of the Western Grain Growers association. .

An inscription painted on d board adorns a fence in Kent: lIN ot.' is-if any man's or woman's cowJ

. .... ~ . '" .'~ ~; .. ts i~to:~b~~ hare:qte~1 h!s:of/.~er tiill w111 be edt t off as the· Case rna y be."


Soc> Lin .. ,nn 11 ..... AD Ind"pend"nt Im­perial Lhn\led :S .. xt Year.

CONDENSED DISPATCHES. \ MARKET REVIE"T. ..... 01 0.. World Chronicled la D.rt

ParacraP ....


Xmportan t }few. CoDdezued IIlto Brief


.\ penal farm for Winnipeg J>olice c.,urt criminals will be sturted.

It is probable that three trains per dllY will reach Yancouyer from the pr~idgnu or lIutrc

h oni huds promised to

o ce nno er won er, enst oYer the C. P. R .• after March

lie SJW'ul EI;:ht.,.,n )~""lh4 l1catnlnro: 10

U ... "'....-:lIe Re1:lo ... anal 31adoe s.,. eral

"aluable DI...,.,yc:rl ... -U .... rd :S<alhln;:

or .. \udr~ ..

After an absence of eighte<.'Tl months during which time he has been roulll­ing around the rim of the earth in the _"rcllc circle. llr. Dn,\'id T. Han­bury, !-'. R. G. S., of London, Eng­land, returned to Winnipeg all Sat­urday, ('" route to the old country.

Wreckage from the lost steamer l\al,nor..kbuTD has been dil'co"ered,

lL Danks, an ex-Winnipeg merdmnt wa.<; round dead In bed at a hotel in :Morden.

Jock )[cCulloch. shtttel', has decided s\ollnl.

the Winnipeg to turn profes-

The Winnipeg Humane society slm to establish a refuge for anal dOgs,


Cnnudll's foreign trade shows large inl:,'eases in the export of Cann pro­ducts.

,\ confel'ence of premiel"S will at (JIlCbec this week. Premier lin will attend.

open Hob-

The sudden departure l.t Prairie resident has cleditors to mourn.

of a Portllge caused llIany

)11', Banbury has I~n north on a prh'u te ex"lomtion trip, during which he has had sOllie interestil)g cxpedences and has made scyeral dis­co .... erles In mineral geogl'aphiclll knowledge. ~Ir. Will. Whyte, assistant to the

:All', Hanbury stilted that he It'it C. P. H. president, states a new sta­tioll is ill sight for Winnipeg.

WlllnJpcg in June, 1901, and went The fuel famine is serious ulong north .... 111. Edmonton, starling on his the Pipestone alld !\orthwest Cen-trll) oC exploration\)lroper, from Fond tral branches of the C. P. H, dll Lac, 011 the Greut Slu .... e Lake 011 July HI. 1901. From there he made 11011 •• \. L. Siitoll prophesies 100,-IIi .. WilY l'ast", I·.-d, c"o:.sing th,' "' 001) new settlers will IIIH'e reached ... ido Wld reaching the headwaters of the Te .... ito .. ies by t;ho end of next tho ,\rkelccnik river,' which st,'eam he ~·elll'.

1 o t t '1.... stat t' Arrests on chargl"s of ballot stuff-

nex year. .ue emen IS • • h ' b 'S n(\w made th t an e:'ttra thro h Int,; nle ren mnde 111 t, Thomas

trnm Will run trom St. Paul to . . a ug I nml London.

SeAttle, \;0. Moose Jaw and Van- . One mnn was killed and se\'eml in­couyer. This announcement was Jun'ti by the e:'tplosion of the HIUlI­

n.ace by W. H. Callawa~-. general ilt(\n powder works. near Naunlmo. l'a!>.<,('ngcr agent Cor the Sao line, 11. c. w:th headquarters al St. Paul. All Ti,e Canlldian football team de­the equipml'nl, conSisting oC uew ieuted the Ulstel' eleyen Ilt Belfast, sle<'[K'rs, tourist cars and day coach- Irelund. es. will Le ready by March 1, at whkh dllte the initial trip of the tra ill 'will be made, starting from St. PauL

'rI,1' ,·oute will he Croln Seattle to SUlllas. o\er the Northern Pacific to lloose Jaw, ::.ranitoba, and from thel'/! ,n er the Soo line to St. Paul.

Qlleen Alexnndl'r will gh'e t\ n:(ln­ster Christmas treat to wido\\"~ llnd chilrlren of South Afl"icall heroes.

A ·role, elllployed in a lumber camp nen,' Whitcmouth, 1I1ln., was killed by it fulling tl'CC last week.

'ri\l' Northwest Mouuted Police at H('!:dna believe they hln-e in custody a notorious l\Iu .. derel' wantL'ti in Mlls­sa"h uset ts.

Jl ; ... ',. tto un extra train, t'\£'J

uno nhove ,lny which have e'-er !·ll"· op",·atetl 1 C> ".lnd from the 1.0a,·1 III llh! I'tl~t r. t' sleepers, Mr. Calla­wu.,' ""ys. '~\!I be the best tha!. Ca' e )fro :McInlles, of the C. P. R. freight ellll'lo) e(1 on the Sao line. The 1 "1,,- I depnl·tment, Winnipeg, has been ill'O­i:t carl' are of tbe sixteen l'C'~1 iun moted to te freight trlltlic mallllgel' ,a:'i"lY, with big smoking fOOl."., 1·1- in Montreal. '~l": l'ic !i.;ht and all mOdel"l1 npplian' Tho Canadian Hockey association "':" at their annunl meeting decided 110

In Sl"'u!-ing of the t.I'uin )i,·. ('a'la- lIIult:h fOI' the Stanley cup coult! be \\"~_y suy; the reason for nutL!n1:t' it I)la~-p.d until March.

lln:. Ulysses S. G rant, widow of the fo .. mer p .. esident of the li!liteJ Stllte!., died at hel' hOllle in \l'ashin~­ton 011 Dec. 14. Deceased had b'~"11 ill ill health 'for a 101lg' time.

(CompUed from Tb~ ComUl"rclalj

WlI1i:A'T-The situation in the locnl nll\rket has been I1diet all the week, but firm in sympathy with the con­dilion of the Americull S\lt.'Cu!tlth·e markets, 'Ill ere hus ~n only 1\

moderate demand, lind at the same time sellors nrc in'no wny anxious to sdl fl"t.~"·. At the close of Fridn"~s business 'prices wCI'e as follows: Xo. 1 hard, 70ic: 1 norUlern. GSic: :l northern, 671e:: 3 northern, 6;;lc. I\~ember delivery in store Fort WiI­lium: Ilnd ~lt\y delivery 751c bnsis of 1 hard. In store l~ort Arthur 01' l1u­luth are not wnntet! unl{'ss Ilt a ~c 01' so under Fort Willinm pI·i~s.

OATS-The market is uns{'ttled nnd vlllues not well defined. Notwith­standing the fact thl\t the .. e must bo nearly 18,000,000 bushels of OlltS in the country oyer and above its seee! lind f~'ti requil·ements. and for which the,'o is now no shipping outlet,oats scarce in Winnipeg nud compnrn­tively high in price. 'I'his is entil'ely duu to the nbsence of trnnsportat!on fadli tics. which pre\'ents Ule Ollts fro III fillding theil' wny to mn I'ket. In­quiries fOl' quotations arc nume .. ous, which shows tllllt there 1I,'e plenty of wlluld-be-shippel"S, but liS they can­not gh'e immedillte delivery buye .. s al"O not willing to quote p .. iCN; fOI' fulure deliYe"y. Carlollds 011 trnck, eithet' at Winnipeg or in the count'·~, can always lind bidders. A shnrp de­cline in priccs IIIIlY be expected tiS soon tiS the oats begin to 1II0ve, No,

dCf>ccnded by canoe, tinnily reacbing .J ohll Fmsel', alias Henderson, fo,'­Chesterlleld Inlet on l1udson's Hay. nl('rly of ~lontrel\l, hns been found He waited there until the alTi\'1l1 of guill~' of manslaughtor in San Fran­UIO whaler l"I'ancis Alyn, which ar- c\!;co. rin,d from New lledl'ord. ~!IlSS" in th.! middle of September, 1901, with hill supplies for the following winter and sununer.

lIr. lIallbury SI'lyS that he left one of hhl ilion abOtud the whaler Ilnd started out tor the Barl"en Lands in cOllIpany with two white men und foul' Esqulmllllx fumilies. As the season for Arctic travel does not be­gin until March, the party spent the iUWI'\'ening time in the BalTon Lands hUllting Illusk ox, reindeer and other big gnme, of which thel'e is plenty

Haly hilS joined the powers ill the proposed blockade of the Venezuelall const. 'I'he United States has pro­tested to Ge .. many, with a view to Ilrl: iira tion,

The Education bill hilS passed its thinl I'eading in the Bl'itish House of Lords,

Annie Hose, 'l'OI·onto. hns issued a writ against He ..... 'I'homas Geoghe­gnn ... edo.. of St. Pete .. ·s chu .. ch i A ,'g-lican). llamil ton, fo.. alleged III ('uch of pl·omist'. Hev. ?III'. Geoghe­gan WIIS recently mar .. ied.

on if. that next year it if> eXp~ClalU thc-r~ wili be a greatel' tl"ltyel 11) l.hp. Pm'ilk COIlSt than eVel' before. l,ast yelli' wheJ~ the heayy trayel \\';l'; I'n. the Soo line was handli ng i 1.,. bllsi­nes~ from St, Paul to Puget =-,c>und lay lIIenlJS oi a connection with \.I'e Cnlllulian Pacific Imperial Limited. CilJllI('!< this truin, owing to its 1l)1'l, r'lI1 f:'um :Montrelll, was Ilnaille to lIluke eunnection that pro\,(·J l'at.;~-1:Il:tl" y tc the road. '1'hel1 :·.~!Il;II, the Imperial Limited was usually cr llwded with westbound passengers, and, generally, the arrangements Wel·e unsatisfactory, 'rhe new train, both east and west, he says, will be sulid, and will go without. change between the terminal points,

1'1'0111 St, Paul eastward, at the sallie t.illle. the Soo line will inaug­m'ate a new train to and from Mon­t.real. It will be independent of any other line, only that it will be opel'­ated over the Canadian Pacific tl·acks. 'I'he reasons for this man!,

HC:IlI'y M, Stanley endeayors to gh'e in The Fortnightly Heyiew some idelL oi the vastness of the Afril:an conti­IWllt. lie points out that between tho Sahal'a desert and the white mall's land Cape\\,IlI'd there lies an a .. ea which might be subdh'ided into about 11·1 squares of te .... ito .. y of the siZe of the ::5tate of New York. Each of these 'Squa .. es of reI's p .. ofitable fields fOl' o .. iginal resea .. ch. Africa is about 3,250,000 squa .. e miles la .. g­el' thlln the whole of No .. th America, ancl must requi .. e an incalculable amount of varied enel'gy before it be­comes intimately known.

2 white oats tire wo .. th 28~c PCI' bus. at Fort William, At country points fUI mel's nrc geUing 20 c~'nts pel' bus, at central points,

BAH.Ll<::Y-lnability of rllilways to muve the gnlin is hllving much the snllle ell'ect upon barley as upon othel' grllins. Buyers complnill thll t they 1Iave to p.ny highcr prices tho II the si tual.\on walTants, ulld this is 110

dnubt tl'ue in some cases where the bnl'ley is wan led nt oncc. I1l'l)wol's are bidding H2c pel' bushel fol' .No. H l'Xtl'll burley, in cm·lots. on track. Feed grades nrc worth 20 to 270.

FLAX SEED-Receipts nre InOlle,­l,te. nlld the market steady .It i;\ 1.110 pel' bl1shel for carlots at l'l"llIlry

in the fill' north. In I'cgltrd to the Es'luimn.ux. ~la',

Hnn!Jul'y says tllL\t they nrc \,el'Y timid, and w ill run from tl'a yellers and it was on account of this that hI) took tho fa Ill' families of thel'e people with him from Chesterfield ill­let, othel'wise they could not h1l\'e obtained such inforlllution from the natives encountered as would help thll !mrty in making sutisfactory progress.

'l'he sttut from the BnlTen Lands WItS made rather enl'lier than usual, as tim party left in February in 01'­

del' to eross the inten'ening counll·y. and tinnily Ogden Duy on the Arctic ocellll was reuched on April 15, of this yenr, the journey beiilg mllde by dog sleighs, on which the cnnoes wel'll hauled.

III'. Edwa"d SteillCl', of Hichmond, lnd .. is to go to HussiL\ to becOlne hiogl'llpher of Count Leo 'I'olstoi, at the I·equest of the autho,' himself.

'1'he Cllnadiun Pncific railway SR,

Empress of hldiu, which a .... h·ed Illst \\'(·el- fl'OIll the odent. had the la .. g­est silk clll'go b .. oug·ht nc"OSs the Pa­cilic. a;loo bales, \'ulued Ilt over $~,OOO,UOO.

The Pl"ince of ){onaco has decided to abolish· the ?I[onegasque lIrmy by July 1. 190'1. The enti .. e Ill"l1lY, 3:J st l"onr:-. will d iscal'd the picturesq lie unifonns whel'ein t.hey ,u'e now sel'n st rolling about the tel"l'aces and gar-dens of ·:Monte Carlo. '


)[1'. C,lllaway says. arc jJ1e same as 1I1" .. sur,," Jllir ... luccd In " Stu tett SCUll te.

the Unitcll

for the coast t"ain, One month Inter, or on April 1,

the Canadian Pllcific will put on its I'eg-ular Imperial Limited. There will be this change in its schedule, hew!;"er, thnt it will be opel'ated every dny next senson illstelld of t.hree times a week, as has been the schedule in the past.

Bl'sides this the Canadian Pacific will opemte its Atlantic express dnilY. All this prepnration is fo,' the tl'lJllIendous passenger business which it is eXJ>Qcted will be between the Pacific coast and the cast,


Senator Nelson has introduced a joint resolution for an amondment to the constitution so IlS to give the Unite': States Congress the pOWCI· to eont 1'01 trusts, and also a bill to alllClld the S~lerlllan Anti-'l' .. ust Law by more stringent provIsion. The provision fo .. the Illllendment of the constitution is as follows:

SPELT,l;-The market holds steady at 30e per bushel of 50 pounds. de­livcred in Winnipeg, HAY-Dealers are paying S6 to $6.50 per ton for carlots on tmck,

POTATOES-30c per bushel.

POUIJI'RY-D .. essed chickens worth 9 to 10c per pound, ducks geese. 10c, and tu .. keys 12~c.

Ilre and

DUT'I'ER - Creamery- Creomeries al'e asking 26c per pound from city cllstomers for choice makes.

DU'I"rEH.-Dairy-Heceipls are light with the demand about the same. Pritcs arc firm at 19 to 20c per 11l for dairy separator butter in bricks, ancl '1-1 to 17c PCI' lb, for fresh tllb but ter and rolls. Leaving Ogden Bay, ~II·. HnnbulT

followed along the Arctic coast west­wurd, stuyillg at Dathurst Inlet for some time to examine some copper depc>sits there, He then p .. ocC\.'{\ed further to a point about fOl·ty miles west of Cape Barrow. when t.he icc begall to break up and stopped his progl·ess. A wait then ensued until the icc partially melted, making a nal'l'OW rim of watC!' between the mnln body of ice nnd the coast, which olTo .. ed It waterway for passnge by cnnoes, The oxplorer continued north

"hen DI'. Livingstone died there wus not. n civilized town ill Cent"al Ail"ica. Now Livingstonin is to be lighted by electricit,v. The cost of till) mach i nel'Y and its inllisporta tion t.o the mission will be about 820.-000. A waterfall on the Rivel' Man­chewl' will furnish the pownr, which will grind whent by day and fUl'nish light h," night.

. 'Congress shall have the powel' to define. I·egulate, prohibit or dissolve trusts, lnonopolies, or combinat.ions, whether existing in the form of a eOl'­poration 01' othel"\\'ise; congress shall also have ]lower to licensQ. regulate and control al! corporations engaged in trade, eommerce or othel' business alllong t.he several states, or \vith foreign nations.

CHEESE-The price is firme .. at .... lesraphJ. x ••• of Two S.mI.pb .....

1 .. :a.aT CbroDa.18d. 13 to 13ic per pound, ,

Fuel is becoming very scal'ce in Winnipeg,

'l'ho bill for the Ilmendment of the Shel·mall· law mukes all mergers 0" cc>mbinations in restraint of trade il­legal. l1.11d provides punishment of the oO'ence by a line of S10,OOO or im­)1I'isonment for one yea ... or both, agninst each pe"son engaged in the combination. '1'he bill also pl"Ohibits comloinations in restraint of trade, and al! attempts to monopolize any part of the t .. ade of the seve .. al Stales and 'I'cni tOl'ies, proviiling a fine of 85,000 ai' imprisonment fOI' a yeal' in each case, Corporations en­gaged in inter-State commerce are re'lull'ed to file with the Inter-St.ate Comme .. ce Commission each year a statement of theil' business, and also a statement giving the names of per­sons to wholll stock was originally issued, and the price received for it.

li:GGS-Eggs are scarce und hll\'e advaDced to 22c per dozen, nllt, ill Winnipeg, subject to clliioling.

Over 5.000 new immigrants reached Winnipeg during November,

. astended for Ilbout 100 miles, the as­to the Coppermine riYe,·. which he cent preselyting numerous difficulties, He dlscoyered c<'ppel' in la,'gc quan­tities at the Coppermine I'i\'e'·.

}'rolll Coppermine river ?I[r, Hnn­btlry struck west aCI'oss the dh'ide sepul'ating t.he waters of that streulll and Great Dear Lake. On this stage of the journe~' t.he pal·ty experif)nced its onl~' pinch of huuger, and for somo days had to live on what dec,' and 11sh they could get. PI'OglX'SS was continu,~d until Bear riYel' was renched, and thence to the Mackenzie river and t.he Hudson's Day company

Idlls Sinanl. one of the best known hunlers of Daie St. 1'nul. Quo .. went on a ten days' hunting trip in ihe woods the last week of NOyelllbel·. and hilS not sint:(] been seen. No spedlll anxiety was felt 1'0" him un­til II dny or t.wo ago, when 1\ dog which accompani,'d him to the woods ret \II'ned hOllIe alone, dragging with hin' in his mouth ·his IIInstel"s over­shoes. A seul'ch party has gone af­tel' hilll.

. post at Fort Normlln, whidl was reacl1Cd all August 31 lust, when ~t ... Hanuu,'y suys h\~ felt he was pructic­Hanbury SIlYS he felt he was practic­all:.' 11 t home.

,\sked if he had henrd anything of Andree, ::Ill', Hanbury said ihut he had enquired e\'e"ywhere, but hnd leamed nothing.

_-\. Brlol" Full of Urnndy.

An ingenio'us device has been ad­opted by sllluggiers at A Yesnes, in France. A carriage dl'oye up con­taining what appeared to be a ]j\'ely wedding party, .and stopped just out­side the customshouse. The bJ"ide. however, was unusually quiet. One of the customs c.xalllinOl·s, struck by this fact, lifted up the bride's Yeil, and as she did not moye he tapped her face;' and found it was nlade of zinc, and that Ule brid~ was a dum­my, '1'he dl'i\'er lit once whipped up his horses, u\lselting the officer in the road. and the carriage got clear away, 111 all probability the bride was full of bl'andy,

ISllac 11odges, a fal'lller, Jiving nelll' Ehnstead, Ont., lit's home sulTeJ"illg frum lin ugly scalp wound, n broken left a rill , a fractured left nukle, four bl (,ken ribs and countless bl'uises al,out the body. He was caught in t\ hel tnt the elenttor.

A dispateh irolll Dawson City, yia Seattle, says: )luch cxci tement and al;I,reilension preYails at. While Horse un,l various points ulong the line of the lIew ~O\'(,I'llllent tl·ail. O\'er the repo,·t that a hand of Hiuknko In­dians ha\'e tuken to ihe war path in tire- region of the Little Salmon und l'eU) rivel·s. A store is repo .. ted to hu,," bl'en looted and burned, with the storekeeper killed and another Ulan fatally injured. Tt is stated that. ahout 150 to !:!OO Indians arc in the hostile party. An explana­tion of the outb .. cak is furnished by thl! hallrring of thn'C of theil' 1lI11nber at the Dawson barracks in 1899 for thn IIIllrdel' of a PI'OSpectOl' on the Lit.tle Salmon. •

Hon. J. H. Hoss was elected llIem­bel' for Yukon by a lal'ge majority.

The special committee of the Bdt­ish Commons hus repo):ted against ship subsidies.

Kew Westminster WIlS ,'isited by a fire 011 Dec. 9, which did $180.000 damage,

M .. s. "'lines, of the Mordell distl"ict. WuS fatllJly burned through the bn'aking of a lighted lump,

New discoveries have led u u thori­tics to believo the Chatham district oil field is a permanent one.

The Sunday car by-law in Winnipeg was defeated by ovel' 200 of a ma­jo .. .ity.

Tht! numbm' of children enrolled in the Winnipeg public schools is 7,224.

An Americlln syndicate will oper­ate a 10,000 acre farm near Moose Jaw.

" ?lrr. pine wr,ek.

Robt. Wilde caught a porcu­on his ftu'm nC(tr GI'enfel! Illst

The \'enezuelao srove)'nment hilS taken a defiant stand and placed all British and German subjects at U,e cllpitnl in jail.

'l'he Winnipeg municipal elections resuIted in )!ayor Arbuthnot being elP.<'ted OYC!' J. F. Mitchell by a ma­jority of 285. J. C. Gibson was el­ected alderman in ward J, John l{llsseil in ward 2: J. G. ~timer in ward S; J, G. Han'ey in ward 4;: D. D, Wood in ward 5: and J. W. Oock­bUl'n,in ward 6.

Thirteen anarchists were arrested ne;~r Spezia. Italy, on Dec, 9, after a de!!perate struggle, The police sur­pr'sed them at a meeting while they were in the act of taking an oath with poignards to assassinate King Victor Emmanuel. One of the anar­chists and one of the police were severely wounded,

A dispatch from Paris describes a new system of railway travelling soon to be intl'oduced in France. A traill consisting of three automobile carriages, h to lea"e Paris for Dijon on Janua .. y 18. It will travel 100 kilolllctel's (62 miles) an haUl'. The carriages will take forty passengers eaclI. as well as luggage, and a la .... a­tor:. and a bal' will be provided. Un­der the system employed a small quantity of petl'oleum converts II

filllall amount of water in the great­est possible propelling power. the stl'alll acting directly on the wheels. Thus locomoti,,~s are snperceded and each car .. iage is indeptmderit. The initial cost of the carriage complete is equal to that of one of the present corridor cars, which, howeyer, nre not convertible to tne new system. It is stated that a speed of 62 miles an honr can be maintained for the whole distance from Paris to Nice.

DIUo;SSED MEATS - Beef. city dressed, 6 to 6~c per pound; country stock. ~c under these figures; lIIulton, 8 t,) 9c; lamb, 11!c; hogs. 7c.

HlDES-Country frozen hides al'e brlllgi ng from 6c to 6{ c pel' pound, dulivered at Winnipeg, less ;, puullels tal'l'; sheep pelts, 50 to 60c.

WOOL-Market nominal. SENECA ROO'I'-Last purchases

were made at 5Be per pound for dean dry root, delivered at Will'nipeg.

LIVE STOCK, CATTLE-There is a good dellland

for Christmas b..'Cf, Wld animals ,,"it­able for this trade relldily bl"ing !lc PCI' pound in Winnipeg. FOI' I'Xtl"ll la)'I\<I and fancy stock betL~r 1 han thi" would be paid. Butcllfll'S' or­dilJary arc worth 3~c, and fl"OlII \ hat ng-ul'e quotations run down In :!~c. according to quality. 'J'here i~ nl,tt.­.ing doing in stocker cattle.

SHEEP-Wol·th 3~c pel' pound oil eal's here. Lambs. 4~ to !I~(:.

flOGS-The mllrket is unchanged at Gc per pound for hogs weighing frOll 100 to 200 pounds. Hellyil'9 and lights are worth ! to 1 c less,

:M1LCH COWS-Thero are very few milker~ to be had. and prices al'e nl"lu at SHO to 545 each, for such os arc to be hud, according to quality.

HORSES-There is 0. good demand for teams for the bush, and price.'1 arc stilT. Generul purpose horses IU'e al,;o wllnted.

A dispntch from Aden, Arabia saYI< that a rumor hM reached there at thll assassination oi the :Mad ?I{ullah in Somalilund. The report wus brought· to the coast by a nativo nmner from Garroro, via Berbera. The Mullah is saia 0 have boon kil­It'd by a spear thl'ust in the stomllch innicted while he was praying.

A freight train dashed into 1101l:Sa} at Shoal Lnke. Man .• 13. injuring t.he brakeman.

a ware­on face.

.Tallles Hamilton, a pump manufuc­turl'~~ of Ah'irlston. Ont" was kicken by l\ horse in \\ the head on 1lP.C. J 4 and instan.t1y killed.

:Minneapolis millers are now on the )fanitoba market for the purchase of our. hard wheat for the purpose of ~indinl:\" in bond for export. :r.ressl'S. B{'ll nnd Washburn, rcprc.'<entati\'es of the big Wnshbum-Crosby )[illing compun~'. are in Winnipeg buying the wheat. The~' ha\'e already contract ed for t.he delh'ery of 1,000,000 bush­el<;. chiefl~' through the Xorthern F.leyator and Winllipt'g Eleyator com­panies. This will all be shipped out. oC the Province by the Canadian Nor­thern, Xorthern Pacific and Great Nnrthern lines to MinneapoliS, where one big mill will 00 set aside ior the grinding of Manitoba wheat. Ar­rnngements haye not been completed as yet for shipments on the Sao line.

Wm, Haskett, of 73 Brock street, Brantrord, Out .. , WIlS found dead in his cistern, He had gone out to get a pail of soft water, and, it is SOp­posed, that the groftnd being covered with snow, he slipped and fell into the cistern.

A dispatch from Puerto Cabello, dated on Saturday, says the British cruiser Charybdis, and the German c .. uiser Vineta bombarded the fortress there at 5 o'clock that afternoon. The fire was returned, but after a bombardment of 45 minutes' the Ven­ezuelan guns were silenced. The fort­ress is composed of Fort Solano and the Castle Libertador, After the fir­ing ceased the Charybdis sent mar­ines to occupy the castle. The for.t­resS was almost demolished, It is possible that only a few persons were injured by the shelling. The com­mander oi Castle Libertador has been tl1.keD prisoner,

Haji Muhammed Abdullah, the Mad Mullah. so-called, belonged to the lIabi Sulieman 6gadcn tribe of So­maliland. He was in the primo of· life and only recently became II. dom­inant factor In the military ·and pol-, itical situation (If the protectorate of SOlUaliland, by forcing the neighbor­ing tribes into allegiance, .....

A bat is the worst walker at rour-legged animal. ... . ..







~~~1~~~~r~~~;~1'~,f~f~~0~8[if)~;~nri~)0:\t1fif~;~~\i1'.:n;i;'f:;~ti7';~';[1(":'Yi:y:q"!;';1<"F"f:':7('t;";;!'";"~"T't':";':\!'~!"'>.""":":2',;,::c'~~,,"l(;-~;, ',' . "-':' ;.",



'. ,






-== ]0:(:1& terrors ntne ~n discovered

in Stockholm (or evil-'doer1l in the telephone. 'flIe <:red! h'r1I or a hw;i­ned" Ulan who had doubt.s of his In­U;grity employc.-d a det.e<:th·c to ob­tain infonlluliou about him. The de­l~:ctl\"e 'lnpjJC'tl' the telepbo'l\e, wire of lhe hOUFC I\L which lhll'. SUSpl!Ct. was lI\'in,., and overheard enough COIlVer­saUNu; to muke out 0. ~;lin:>t. lhe

lIC$SnJ. C. C. Richards " Co. GenUemen.-:\[y three children were

dangerously lOll: with diphtheria. On lho advice of our priest. my wllo be­gan the UIH! of MINARIJ'S LIN!­l£EN1'. In two hours they were groolly rclle\'cd, nnd in th'; days U]oy were completely well, and I llnnly bellove your valuable Linimont suved the lh'cs of my children.

Grntefull:-.· yours, ADELDEHT LEFEBVRE.

llair's )fliis, June 10t.h, .1899.

Thirty. years ngo were scarce­ly any tl'aincd nurses in Derlln. To­day thcro nre many, but it is ofLcn difficult t.o find one at a moment's notice. It is, thcreforc, proposed to organizc the nursing profession by in­stituting a central otIlce where the public and mcdlcal mcn may be able to 1(,8Tn at any moment when nur.~es uru lellJjlOl'nrily unemployed.

MINARD'S LINIMEliT Relifff:l If enraIgIa, ----~

It is cnlculaled that e~'ery day nearly 2,500 pounds of shoc-lenthcr is worn fl'om the soles of London's foot Illlssengcl'S.

-'----'-The light ca\'lIla~' is composed of

13 lIussar l'egiUlenL'I. 1'here are 12 reg-illlcnts of mediulll and 4 only in lhe hcavy bl·igadc. '

COLIC AND KIDNEY DIFI"Icur:ry­.Mr. J. W. Wilder, J. P .• Lnfllq::c"iJ)c N Y .• writes: ·'1 nru subject to sevore' at: tack .. of Collc lind Kidney Dlfllculty .. nd and I''s PIIIR IllIonl Ine great re­lief, whllo other romedles hnve fniled Tho.\' nrc the best medicine I hllvo ove; IIs<><\." l.n fnct So grent is tho power of this In('d.clne to clonnse nnd purify thnt disen.s~s of nhnost overy nROle nnd ~n.ture nre drh'en frolll the body.

ST.\TE Ot' o III It. C.T\, OF. TOI.EllO I i .. l!G \8 COU~T\" ' f 55

Frank .r. Chenoy mnkes onth thnt he Is sonlor pnrtner of the arm of F J Ch"noy & Co .. doing business In the City of 'I'oledo. 90u,:,ty Ilnd Stnte .. forosnid. nn!1 thn t ,sn.d tirm will pn)' tho SUm of ONE HUNDHED llOLLAHS for ench I1ntl nnd every CIlSO of Cl1tnrrh thllt cnnnot be cured bv the use of HI1Il's Cntnrl'h Cu~·e. l~HA NK J. CHENEY.

Sworn to befnre 1no nut! subscribed in my 1>I"""enco tbls 6th dny of December A. D. 1886, . .

, A. W. GLEASON (Senl) Notllry 1'ubllc Hnll's Cntnrrh Cure Is tnken Internnlly'

nnd ncts directly on the blood nnd IIIU~ ~ous surfnces of tbo SYSlClll. Scud for tes­tlfnonlnls. froe.

P, .J. CIlI;;NEY & CO. Toledo 0 SOld. by nil d,·ug:g:II<IS. 75c. .. Hnll N Fnmlly Pills nre lhe best.

Sovcn hundred nnd two dilTol'ent flowcl'ing' plllnts ha\'e been found 1101'1 h of t.he Arctic circle; not one south of the Antarctic.

'I'he Escuria. 1'lI,lnce, in Spnin. is nelll'ly 2 miles fl'OIll ~rndl'id. It has 1,860 I·OOIlIS. SO stall'cuses, 48 wine­ce1l1I1'S, and 8 ol·gans.

HE )IAS 'i'nll~n l'r~-~lr, .Tohn Andel'­SOIt, ~,"1111os~. wntes: .tl venture to }'l'\' few. It finy. h11 \'t' rCCt'!ivtld J!fl'n ter lJcu, .. tj·t f.'om the usc 01 Dr. Thomns' r..,le,.t.'lc (hI. thnn I 11I1\·e. I hl",e IIsl'd it. "ell'\lI,,"­tv for over ten ycors. nnd h~\\'f' reCI)Ill-111('.)(1<><1 It to nil sufierers 1 knew of o.nd t"o~ niNO found it of ~rel\t ".'tlll€- in "ahe~ of .se,·cre bronchitis Ilnd incipient consumption.

'1'ulse Hill. n Vetnol', is snid to be the steepest hllJ in the countl'v Its grndient rUlls t.o 1 in 5. • .

The l'i\'('1' Trent' is said to hnye g!lined its nanie bl'Cnuse thh·ty dff­f('rcnt kinds oi Hsh \\'e"e iound in its 'watCl'S.

Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, Tho tcmpernture of a swnllow's

body is extrnordinarily high, no less thnn 112 degrees F'nhrcnheit.

~o fnmlh' livin!;' in n bilious country should be -without P.~nnel~·s Vegetable l'i11~, A few dos~s taken now nnd then "'111 k.-eIJ the Lh'er nclive. cl~llnsc the stomnch I1nd bowels from all bilious mnt­tor Rnd preve~t Aj!ue. !\[r.· J . '~. rri~~. Shoals. lIh\rtlll Co.. Ind.. wrtte&: I hllve tri<><i 11 bolt of Pnrml'I...,'s Pills "nd find them tho best medicine for Fever aud .Ague I havo e\Oer used .. "

How do you like folks who always ref~I' you to the dictionary.

AlmC'st nny IIlnn can sn \"e his Jr,·)n­ey, hy not betting i.t on a hot"Se I'Uce.


What frayed your linen? Not Sunlight Soap-. - ' No, indeed I


.hk for o!l Oelqea mar .OJJ


THIS PICTURE PUZZLE represents a Celestial washing, .lbout him

aeque.t Cor Puzzle Prize anel M.cIicine

ELsen,", 1-h:OICIl'" Co., LulrTED Toronto, Oat.

S.It$-1 h.,...,. foand and nu"ked Ih~ tbrea Faccs in your Picture Puzzle, and if corr..,1 oend Ine a Cbalela.ine Brooch and Locket and Ten.s-«ntBoxesofElectiDe Medicine. 1 agn:e to make an ...... at effort 10 sen the MediciD<!S and return you the mon.y with tbe under­Sl~iDg that I am to roo,. .. 'Ch"'C (or- tho sen;cc a Solid Gold Shell S·"tOO4 Ring. a N •• bcnol. II1l1Sion Braccle .. a Part.u.n Bell Buckle IU1d .. sot of Table Tennis. U I fall to seU lb. Modicin. I will ""urn i, '0 you iA 30 dars. aodrew.. my PrUc for .... ~ JO<ll PuuIc.

N~MA. ____________________ . ___ . ____ ___

ADDaE,SS'--__________________ _

are pictured faees of three customers Find these three faces, mark eaeh, then read and sign the aeeompan,J'ing request. return it to us nud we will give yon A.BSOLUTELY FREE, without any money, a finely gold-finished Chate­laine Brooch and Secret Lo~ket. We wish to impress upon any who may be suspicious owing to the unusual generosity of this proposition that there is no catch word or scheme in it to deceive or disappoint you. We do actually give the prize if your answer is correct. Frankly, we have adopted this method of prize giving, simply to interest you in our business.. We want your goodwill, and enlist your only by offers that will merit your approval. Upon receipt of the prize you cannot help being impressed with the generosity of our business methods, as it is admired and worn by the most fashionable ladies. The Locket opens and will hold two photos. It is the embodiment of artistic skill and beauty, and makes a most channing decoration, With the prize we will send you JO boxes of Standard Electine Medicines to sell, if you can. at :z 5 cents each, then return us our money and we will give you, absolutely free, a beautiful warranted Solid Gold Shell Ring, set with 5 Simulatit'~ Rubies, Emeralds or Opals, a Nethersole l11usion Bracelet, an Imported Parisian Belt Huckle and a complete set of Table Tennis (the most popular game in the world). Never before has there been gathered together such an array of beau­tiful premiums for so slight a service. We know this from thousands of testimonials praising them,

REM EIS ER all :you have to do is to solve our puzzle and sign and a.W_'.N.-•• 1. __ .::.::========;;;:::.:;;;;;.;:==;;;;;;;, return the request. The prize and snedicines '\Viii be ,

~p~r~o~sn~~p~t:'fI~:y~sn~a~lled postpai~. and even if you do not sell the medicine you at least get a beautiful prize for simply making the effort and

interpreting our Picture Puzzle. Write us now "to-day." You ELECTINE IEDICIIiE CO LI Of d TORINTO 0 t risk nothing, as we do not ask one cent of your money. n I, ml e , , D.

1. • • • . ' • .'. ,~ '.

The Gulf strcnm is 200 fathoms dp.cp 01I Cnpe Florida. Near Cape IIattel'ns t.he depth Is ol1l~' half as gl·eat. the strenm appearing to ha\'e 1'1111 uphill, with an nsccnt of 10 in. to lhe mile.

Xo one n£'ed lear eholcrn. or nny sum­mer complnlnt if tlwy hllve n bottle 01 llr. J. ll. KelloJ(J('s nysentery Cordilll reudy for usc. It corn'cls all looseness "f the bO\\"(·ls promptly nnd cnuses 11 henlthy nnd nlltur,,1 Itction. 'rhls is Il lIIediclne ndllpted for the younl'( I1nd old. rl"h and poor. I\nd is rupidl.\' becoming the most. popu1 .. r ,"edlclne for cholern. dyst!utery, .ctc., in the mnrket.

'fhe atmospheric pressure upon lhe slll'iace oi an ordinnry IIInn is 32,400 pOllnds. The ordlnnry rise and fnll oi the barometer increnses or de­CI'enses lhis pressllre by about a ton nnd n qunrter.

At the Ju"ilec festlvnl of the Mns­onlc Denevolent Institution, £60,000 wns collected. This is lhe record fOl' II chnrity dinner.

TIlE BLOOD. The blood is liie. We derive from

tho blood life, powel', beaut.y, nnd reason. as the doctors have,bccn say­in~ f"om time immemorial. A heal­thy hody, a fresh appenrance. nnd gl'IH"'lllIy nll the abilities we possess dcpen,l on thnt source of life. It is.


Ar .. o""" '-ak_ •• _ O.

Situated mldot .cen .... ,. unrlTAUed 'or grandeur. Tho mOAt cowJ!leto health re­Ion on dle'! continent ot Jr\orth Amerlca.

It:. baill. cure all S'er"oua and Hllao,... lor di.eaa.... Ita ..... ton heal all KldDa,. Liver and StODUlCh atlment ••

The,. I\r .. a noyp.r-faUID&, remedy for all Rheumatlo trcubl .... TERM~ ,15 to J18 I'er ..... 10. &lICOrdlu.

to ... idence In Hotal or Vlllao.

IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP Ttle quality .tontlnrd from Oce .... to O"el1n. Your monel back if not oat­I.faotor,..


DRUNKENNESS A DISEASE . and enn be cnred at

THE KEELEY INSTITUTE 133 Osborne St., Winnipeg. Established lUll.

Ov.r 800,000 cnre.. Don't be decolved It yoa want a cu.. Tilk. The Keel .. ,. where yotl are treated br a Qunli1led phYliclan. Cone. pGndence strictly private. ,

Port Snid has only 35,000 natiyes nnd 12,500 Europeans; yct while on­ly 18 nativcs died of smallpox in 1!:J00, there were 38, deaths among the whites. Vaccination is strictly enforccd by law on the nntives.

Ull'I"('forc, the duly of every sensible One of the common methods of mun to keep the hlood ns pure nml transporting cargo in the towns and nOI"l11nl as posslhle. Nature, in its ,cities in Chili is upon the bncks of IlIfinlle wis.dOl?, ~ns givcn us a ther- :horscs. Groceries, ment, milk-ill mOllletcr l?dlCallHg the state of the Ifnct, n1l clnsses or fl'eight, fl'olll bar­blood. which nl?peals t? o~r ren~on re\s of oil and cement to huge tim­by gn'lIlg !lot.ce of Its 1I11PUl'lty. Lcrs and piles nrc cal'l'ied upon the Hm.all eruptIOns of the Skill,. to back:; of horses. willcl. we pny scnn:ely any attentIOn, ______ _ hendac.he, I'ihging noises in the enrs, IlIssilude. sJc.epiesslleS!!. arc generally 11 sign that the bloQlI is not in the nOl'lllul stnte. but is 5.lled with nox­ious substances. 'These symptoms de­s(,I'\'e our full nttention. If more at­t"ntlon were paid to those symptoms anti steps tnken to 1'Clllove them, then lIIuny illnesses from which we suITel' would become unknown. S\.nd the hu­nlRn hody would become "tl'onger and hl'nllhicr A ttention. therefore, shollid be pnid to those warning sil-ms, and tho blood cn n be purified und poisonous substances rcmoved from it by the usc of Dr. August Koenig's Hnmburg Drops, discovered morlJ than 60 years ago.

Only three wru', "essels ench are al­lowed by tl'C'aty betwccn the United Stales nnd Cnrlllda to be kept by ~nch country 0n the grcat lukes.

Le"er's Y-Z (Wise HN':!) Disinfectl1nt Ron p Powder 18- n boon to -any home. 1 t disinfects Ilnd cleans nt the snme time.

-l'he V,,'nrf l~llln' of A1gerla. Tile dwarf pal!!,. wlllch furnishes

considernble qUllntlties of fiber, grows In grell t profnsion In AlgerIa and is one of the princIpal ollstacles to the c1ear­iug of the land. so tllickiy does It grow nnd so dillicult to puil up. Its roots, in sha)le resembling carrots, penetrate Into the grounu to the depth or a yard 01' more, and when its stem only is eut It spronts out again nlmost immedlate­iy. As its name indIcates, th18 palm is \'ery smail and can only nttnin a cer­tall; helgllt wilen protccted., as in the Arab cemeteries. for example.

E"cnl'cu 'VitI, HI" Life. "DId Diggs ha \'e any luek hunting

lions in Afrlea?" "Yes. Great luck." UI-lo". Y't "Diun't

ton Star. meet any 110Ils."-"rashing'

When STcen scems the predominant color of a rainbow, it is genCl'ully found that rain nnd coolel' weather will follow.

If nll the houses in the United F:ingdom were grouped togethe:'. the~' would coyer about ·180 squarc milcs of ground. Hawaii's population is one of the

most mixed on earth. Of its .160,000 Zuydcote, ncnr Dunkirk. wns o"er- people, 60,000 are Japanese, 30,000

whelmed by snnd in 1777. Only its IChinese, and anothel"15,OOO foreign-church steeple can now be seen.· IeI'd from Europe and America.


. " .. V, ... .. .. -. " . ' ,

For Goodness Sake Wear

Granby R.ubbers The Rubber that has the largest sale in Canada, simply on account of its goo d n e s s. Mad e fro m (~Io ) new rubber: lDlponaa

"Granby Ru.bbers wear like Iron"

Ogilvie Oats Delicious flavor. Free from bull., Warranted Pur ••

Put up in all lIized package..

Ogilvie's Hungarian •

A. DOW manufactured. Tbe grpat FAMILY FLOUR. lD.illt aD !tetting "OGILVIE'S," &II they .... better than the ""1 ..


\Vinn ipeg Picture Frame Factory· 493-495 Alex ....... de .. Ave.

$1 00 For life-size Oruyon Porlruit taken out • of u group, or from nny pholo, '1'bell8

h:gu.grnde piotures aro soid nil uver for $3 50. Yau enn han tbe sam" fol' $1.00. with or without framo. 8hould you wnnt a jranto to 8ult the plctul'e, we cun sell u 6-iucb urnamentnl Oak und Gilt Frume fur $1.75. A fnctory price, Mail orderd rcceiT8 prompt uttention. "-'. ~_ CRAKE, "-' ......... Ipeg. NIl ......



A Veterinary Conditioner.

Winnipeg, Mnn .• Mllrch 5th, 1902. W. G. DOUGLAS, ESQ.

llellr Sir-This is to cerUfy thl1t I have examined tbe ingredients used in mnkinl'( Douglns' Carnefllc and have no hesita­tion in recommending it to 1111 stock owners as 11 first-c1l1ss food. I1nd Is good for faltening and keepin~ all kinds of stock In /1:ood condition.-1' ours truly. S. J. THOMPSON. PrOVincial Veterinllrll1n. You CIIn obtain it from YOUI' dealer.

T. H. METCALFE" CO. anln and Comntlsslon Merohant ••

Wcbest prlceo pl1ld for wheat, Data, bar­Ie,. or fta:s In c:arlotll. Wire or writAI ma for pricea before lelling. Liberal &dyan­.... made .. n eoD51gnDlenta and handled on eomml.oion. Licenaed.and Bondad, ~. O. Bos 330, Wlnnlpq, Man.

SANTA CLAUS }"I\'!ses alter you enjoy your ChrlstmllJ Turkey, continue th'. plellsure by smok. 10, a

LUCINA CIGAR.. !'oo other has thl1t peculiar ",pet flilvor.

:Unnufsctu'red hy

GEO_ F_ BRVAN & CO_ -"-'. N. U. No. 407"



" ,,~'. ,';'F .; ~ .• '.':. ". .', ,-'. .. ., ,~, ..... " ,.,.: ... "t".

..... "'." '. ',.' . ., .'

·Trehe~-;le Times I keeper, wonder who she is. : ••••• ~e •••• o.O •• "$ .............. O.<> ••• ~~ •• ~$$~~~ •••• :

, I )fr. Grogan has been to Swan :. M X: CV£RYYRID':;:~:~~:~:TTHEOf'F1Cl:\Lake on a business trip. • ~. erry.Jfl. m' '. a~ : , ON BROADWAY. \ye are g~ad to hear that_ }'IL,,= • ~ - ~ ~ ..;:::J •

SUBSCRIPTION $1 A YEAR. \ Smith ha!i bt..""eIl re-engaged as : : A,:I'I'~rtlf,It:l> R .. 1 .... <>0 X{'I>1ieal,jon. ~:z;...CoPl1 teacher here for another term. • • , f<'T cha.nre or adT"rt'~t • .h",,'g be ill I '11 •• T t ' •

SOT L.\7F.llthIlDTt: .... .dATlloot. \\'e are to h:n·e.a saw n11 on 0 our nUlnerous cus omers • K .' ,. • E. J. McMILLAN. ~Ir. Robt. atle s POl11t to saw. IIp • •

the 1011'S that la, along the As..o;llll- • XMAS WEEK SPECIALS • EDITOR 1."0 PROPRieTOR, '" -. ,.A. ... bohlC. The logs are now bemg • •

FRIDAY. J)F.CI~)!Br:.R 19, 190~, -, I hauk-d ill, : I ~ doz. fancy silk handkerchiefs, : The llIall\" friends of ~Iiss 'rena • '-' •

Ladysmith. Leslie are - glad to welcome her : 5c each. : back to Ladysmith as she is a gen- ~ ~

Wedding bells! :,[r, BertLight- era1 fa\'oritc" with all who kIlOW: 10 doz. gents' silk ties, your choice ~ ley and ~{iss E\'a Grogan were, her. ., f~ <> unitL'il ill the holy bonds of matri-! : or :2 5 c. : mon\' at Swan Lake last week, I ~\cCreary. ~ -.. - ,,-- ~

Hen-is to be cOtlg-ratnlnted on win" -- , l' 1- 'I ~ APPLE ~, APPLES' ~ f:iu" one of the llW,t hinhh' res- )fr',Sallluel ~l~d Stir 11Ig 1.an11 - t ~ . 0 :

I}::;cfcd VOlll}<T ladies of this' settle-I· tOll felt for a nSlt to. the m:;t 011 ..... <> • l> S 'urda" la"t \\e ul1der..;:t:l1'd ~ S l't . d . t' tl t 1 .... ment. \\'earc\'cn'sorr\' to lose •. aL ", ,,,' :' anle qua L,y an vane les la lave ... .....

}'liss Gro"':1n frol11 our Illi~bt as slle I that all ,IS :1r~:llIged and we :\'llll~(~t : - ".""6'''--: ,\,:15 a g~llcral fa\'orite, We all I be supr~sed 11 they return With hte .. been sold here at $3.50 per bb1., • Jom ill wishing them a long and i partner". ; O· S' ,... - : happy life, I ~Ii",s Rosa Lee who has been ; ur pnce 'i-;:2./ .). :

Stili they COllle, ~fr, Albert Ag--1i liying \\'itlh her gfranclmother Ifor t Cal-. ·vert (gL ~'-Vit 10 1. ~,~Ol)'o-"--' - t

j ' ,. '\ I ' . 'tile" l~"t t lr"c or O1'r "ear~ las.... ..... ll! nnf.! ::~1l11 \' I:Wi:: mo\'cLl Into tlle ",. - ,'.)'" ¢' ~ n-.-;:ti('llct.: of ~fr. .-\Iex, Rice, whert.: gone to hcr home!l1 the e<1st, <> ~'> 11-;: will reside while building' au his :IIr, Israel Hamilton was in: . : h"~ll:~,;.t;:-,d. :lr. :~g:ill \:':1,; a pro~-! Portag(:, where he purchased a ~~~~~~~~~~¢O¢~<>~<)~~~~-$>~~~~~~~<>*~.~¢~~~*-3-~~¢~~~,,>~.;)~~¢>~<},,~,~·~~·OV-V¢ ~ lx:,o.h ,a1'1l1el of::\ ccpa\\ a and "e I ,'allIable team, __ .. __ ._ \ . ~:-.. co. ., •.• ",.-.~,-, ,. .. ... -~

wish him Sllccess ill IllS ne\\' hOllle. . ~r:', Jim (;raham aad famih', of )Ir, aIHI ~lrs. John Thompsoll CPR Th u t d £ 1= II ~ X(:cpawaisi\'isiting-hisf:!.ther: ~!r, and their YO~1l1gcst daughter Idt . . ' III P n ~~,@ [~l~ ~~~"~ll~'h.·,_~,·,rrF.l ~.·~,,;tnro :-J r. Jns, Graham, who is another Tn:hcrl1e ~tatlOn on tin: 16th iust -.' El _Q ., a b m U 6111 (Qt ~ (Ii H Ul ~ R ~ ~ ~ ~;; M U ...\& Y II (:!1kl:pr(sing fariner has btely ar- ior a Yi::;it to their frieucls iu On-. _, ____________ _ rin'<l here from Ontario. 11r. tario, >c.. ---~ TlIROL'GII DAILY SERVICE \'\'ilkillSOIl i.~ making preparations to erect a house on his new farm, "!:~l "ill .11l0\'e down fr0111 ROSSCIl' (Ltlc shortly,

As so many of our neighbors and friends han! left us this winter it will be .well for all who remain to join forces for our mutual enjoy­ment of 'the Christmas festidties,

To the East, vVhen a person is I furnishing a hOllse by

To the West, deo-rees their idea o , ~rr, Smlthgatc hns <::ompleted hi~ residence and is no\\' looking for a hOll:;ekecn~r. ..

A happy Christmas :Jnd a perou::; !lew year to you all.

pros- I should be to o-et fur-o niture that is very

Via all rail or vIa

The Prccious boys are no\\' in the f'eulement doing settlement duties, Boyne Creek. The Lal<es substantial, so that

,\\'e are sorn' to hear of the death llf Xuget, ?\fr'-Lounsbury's fm'orite dr:n:r. Xngc:t died of heart fail­urt.

Eyen'one who had a yote turned out ill full force and did his duty in the right way. One or two were dissappointed to find they were not on the list.

'\v hen the last r00111 First class Sleepers and dining cars is furnished, the' first

;'[r, AIL Vermier of l\Iuskoka (1.istrict has purchased a choice piece of bud on the River flat:; from ~Ir. Jas, Wooly.

on all through trains. 'on e will still be 1001::-

Great preparations are being l11:Jde for the Xmas tree for the school childrep to be gi\'ell on the night of Dec. 23rcl,

Mr, .Robt .. Armstrong, merchant of Treherne~ is disiting his brother ;,Jr, Thos. Armstrong of this place.

l\lr. \V111. Grog-an bought from A. B. Patter l\Iontgomery, Assa" :--:;, \\'. T, the s\veepstakes York­s!lire boar at Brandon fair this year. aud first at \Vinnipeg last year. He is sire of the three pigs t liat \\'011 the packers special prize at Winnipeg last year, and is of the early matnring family.

,\'Ir, J as, Lee will be fencing his quarter of sec. 14 anp it will be neeessary to open the road betwecn 13 and 14. Now is the time to see the council with regards to hadng it fixed, \Vould it not be \\'e11 to get a, petition signed by those who will travel that way and present it to the council.

1\1r. Robt. Bell is l11()ving. onto 11r. Lewis place, which he has rent­ed.

Farm for Sa/o

The south west ;{ of II-S-ro ad­joining the town of Treherne is for sale on reasonable terms. Good buildings. good 5teady flO\\' of wate~ ill well, all fenced and allcultivai­

. ,\Ve are ,'cry sorry to lose l\fr. K, eel. Some sU1111uerfallow this year, E, Hudson and family, who ,,,ere I and nearly all fall plowed. Apply the pi,oneer settlers of this settle· to J AS. AnCHESOX, plent. When 1\1r, Hudson came 9-12 Treherne,

Strayed. here first hc had to cross the ri\'er -on a log at the risk of his life: 111'. Hudson has stood all the hardships of pioneer life, and with true de- From my place in 'rreherne a termination built for himself a home gray broncho mare, about 6 years and opened up the settlement for old branded 50 on left hip. Sween­what. it is to-day, and sparing no eyed 011 both shoulders, and had on t imc anci trouble in showing the in- halter with long rope when strayed. coming settlers O\'er the laud that Also red and :"hite 1.leife~. rising ~ is now taken up. and making e\'cry- year~ old, WIth wlll~e hUld, lel!-s, bod\' welcome from the least unto A SUItable reward WIll be paId for tlte 'greatest. . It is with deep regret I recovery or information leading to that we ha,'c to part with l\Ir. same. ,\V. D. STAPLES. Hudson to the Rossendale people, 9-10 Treherne, where 11.11'. Hudson is going to farm I more extensively, 1\Ir. Hudson Boar For set'vicc. while here was chairman of the' School board, President of the Ep-i Thoro'bred Berkshire boar for worth League and Superintendent I sen'ice at !Ilr. Jno. Lounsbury's of the Sabbath School, and through I farm. Fec, $1 cash at time of ser­'"howing a true Christian spirit and I vice, honest dealings has won the e-;teelll

j 11- 14 & IS-21 Lundy Lounsbury,

oi the neighborhood. In Mr. Hud-son's place we get:. a ,1Ir. Slater Strayed. from north 0,£ \'\ 1Il1llpeg, also a ~lr. Thom:1s from the same place From the premises of the under-\\'ho has bought Mr. Byers' place. signed sec, 35-7-9, about the mid·

\\' I tl t '11' h ,clIe of October, a dark red cow 9 e lear la a 1111 1I1g' ,,1'1n IS Id h' b

l' k' f 1 k' ~ '. bl years 0 ,some w Ite on reast and

t 1111 'Iug a ,00 'lIlg up a SUha ,e, belly piece cut off one ear large ·ll1ar.e to put 1ll a water wheel 11111 ,~, It- d b t 0' t ber~ f t d t1 b lOnb, 111 ca ue a ou co, .some,o our·.s n:a~lls an ler~ y !1nformation leading to her recovery rtn1l111lg, a gnst mIll. ~nc thlll~. will be thankfulh' recei\'ed by L:,d"smlth can boast of IS that It I T -. P 113S some of the finest streams ill I HOS. ARKER' R'tl II

I ' b a lwe ,

?I amto a,

Re,', Mr, Pritchard preached a Yer" fine sermon here last Suuday. , .


Tri-weekly tonrist car service, east and west·bound,

Comfort of passengers the first con­sideration, assnrea by compe­tent atteuclants and perfect sen'lce.

. Tourist Rates Ouoted to all winter resorts-Cali-..... .

fornia, Floriaa, the Antipodes, China and Japan.


For furtitor information npply to tho nearest ticket ageut, 01' to

C. E. McPREHSON, Goneral ['a.souller Agent

__ 'K =;. "aLA

, r , I .. 'J ' ~ ~.f' • A , r • , ., •• r , r " , • I • , ••• L~ ! I' ~"J I I • J ~ I !\..f ~1 :llil' tiC IIi" 1\ (; 'r; 'l" r L 'l i!";: r: I ii II V. r, rr E'i , fs:r~

~ PROSPEROlJS ~ ~ .fARMERS g~ .... "', ::: 011 the gold;"!1l fi .. ·1Js ,-,r \\'::~t'-'rn C~ln:hln rl':i.u ~: =: The FAR:\lER'S .·\DYOC.\TE and art.! its :.!: ... ", l!Tcatc~t admirers. hl."..:all .... ' lh~·.,· \\";:!ll an up~ !': .. ~. ~ ~ to--datc paper, pri~ltt'J anJ.i! ill th..:: ::. :.: best style. It ... e~h1ors and c,,-1:ltnhutt'rs are .~ ~ sl'l. .. cinli~ts in the ,rrt!a t agric~ltural prublcms ~~ .::: ., .0:: ..... of the 'Vcst. Tlli:.~ . • ... -.. ~,

~ f ARMER9S ~~ ... ~.

~ ~

~ ADvotA-rE §; ~ ~ -:: and HOME MAGAZINE :; -. ... :;:; the cream of-agricltltura,l thought ~ == alik • .! for the Red H.h"er Coufltry, the g-rt!'at :: :: wheat plains and dlC \\\.-stern r;tngcs, em brac- :: ... jug aU dcp~rtll1cnts ~f the farm :-.:\J~r!cuJ- ... :; tUrt!, Live St(~k, J);UfY, Poultry, Horucul. ~ ~ tUTe. Bcckcc!"ping. Veterinary, and the! Home =: :: Circle. :: ..... .... ;S NOT A LUXURY, BUT :: ~ A NECESSITY. ~ ... ". :: Its tc..1.chings. $ $ $ in th~ farmers' ;; :: actL-d upon, put pockct.~.:: ~ ~ :: Don'(delay any longcr. 'fake ad\'antage of ~

~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ .... ... :: A BIG :; ~ ~ ~ ~

I $1.00 I ~ ~ ~ OffER. ~ ~ ~~ :: "ii =l: ::: The FARMER'S ADVOCATE and HOM" ;: ~ -~bGAZIXE f.·om noW tm the end of J903. ~ :: indudinCT the ~autiful Christmas Numbers

\Ve are pleased to say that Miss ·}<':.111nie FI!!tcher is about again, .nfter 1',\11 attack of qUillSY,

One of our bachelors has: I>een ~etting a very handsome house-

, To my place, the west half of j-S-IO, a red heifer calf. Some white marking on belly, Owner enn have Same by paying expenses and taking away. R. M, FERRIS,

;: ft.'" both ° for 51.00. ~ :: Time is monl!y. Read! Think! Act! :; ::; Send for free sample! copy of the best farmers' --= :: p.."l.per in '\' estern CaI'k1.da. It will please you :: :: like,," big crop of Xo, .lIard, ADDRESS: :::

~the William Wdd £0., [fd. ~ :: WINNIPEG, MAN, ~

'.1J,.1,y ••• I.¥.· ... ·MY ..... I.J ....... y.·.·.·.·.·~ .. .YN.y,y. .. Ym}~ II· 12 Treherne. •. '

. Ii '.;,

i11P- fresh. Your furniture eXI)ectatlons ate o

'\:vhat ,\:ve '\:vant to tater to, and \VC can sup-ply the substantial furnshiings. -_ .......... GEORGE Jo Wi LSO l'I ,

Furniture' and Undertaking_

. ..... t:',~! ~!-~!..~1.~.~ A I'" I.",~ "'l~CJ.~.t c.-1~~·t..~.t~! :~!~ ~.:.: t~ ~ ~:~ ~ ;~!:; ~ ~!.;:~ .. :; ~~'";.:!~.!~!~.!~.t,..~.!~! ~,l~ I ~ 1~! ~ !~;! ~~! ~ I~ "tv I~,t-",~". 'U'I'vlvtvlv v t'v1v''ivlvfv I "" 'U", .... (. ", ." ~'". ~~ 'vl""'~ .~"Iv' ..... 'vt ...... tv I,'t V, VIV Iv Iv I ... , 'V'~'"t,"'" I ... , .... . " ",

~n Wh N go I:l BUY THE BEST, as there is m ;!Z y. 0'" ~ nothing too g~od f,or a person m ~!~ to eat. Our al111 IS always at m m the highest grade, regarcl~ess of the cost. This week finds tiS (i)

('j) with new goods, m ill ill (I> English peels, none beller Vostiga raisins-lovely, ill <I) I . . 1 81 II 1 1 j. lit I"n (r> __ .. ayer r31 S111S , 25c. a )OX, , Ie ec n malic S I )CS' \ ~ ;I' lli Select Valencia raisins, best "wal!mts .1 yet scen. ~ SH Sultana raisins, extra fine. If you wallt to have the best m (13 Christmas cakes and pflcldings you want lois of apples, navel m s.~ oran£!:es, lemons, figs, clates,I\Ialaga grapes, Fancy candy cho- ~p ~l! <J ~,2 q> colates and bon-bons. \Vishing you all a Merry Christmas, m ffi ill ill C. W. BarKwel1. * .... ,,' ':~"I,..', ... !~"'AIC,!CjC.!~!A'AIC'2~~!~.f...~~~!~·!::~!:~!~~:~}!~t:...!::!!~~!~!:!!~J~!c·I~·~t~!~:;!~I.:.:;!:::.t~'I'-~I~!C·tl ;fv';~i:';fV f~V· .. vfV'.v·fv;·vfVIV !VlvlVI v, v,vtv,v "" '''' ,-, I''''' vI V Iv I v, v , ..... ;v tv I V , ..... 'v ..... IV' v ,v"vtvtV'.,

-.. Contractor and Builder-..

Estimates and designs given on buildings. tl1er by day or contract.

\Vork clone ei-

Shop custom work done on shortest possible notice.

Latest designs of 'wall and picture moulding always ill stock. Picture framing done. Workshop opp, Times office ..

~ R. F. STEELE, Broadway. ~~


Duriog th:::~::' and fall of Ihe 6i~ CrOn 1902 from premises of G. 1'. Pen-l . V nin~ton, one 2 year ol~ red. ~nd i whIte steer, one roan hel~er nS:l1g I Of 1902 has pushed away the two years old, one wInte heIfer i ,.' ',' 0'''' Id 01 e" 'ear old' shanty and rebUIlt a new house, and nSll1 0 - :y ears 0 , 1 -) i .

red heifer, one yr old red and white; also enabled House the Tailor to heifer. All these animals \\'ere [lay in the largest and finest stock punched in 17ft ear witl,l Oblong i yet, and compelled him to employ punch and mIght ,or nll~ht not i another first class assistant. And have metal tag rherem beanng own- r . .•. ers nal11e and address, Information' pnces and fits are too \\ ell known leading to their recovery will be! to need furfher comment from . suitably rewarded,

Jxo, T, PE;XNINGTOX, W H H 0 USE Holland. • • . •





~., •...


~i;}~_:f~~~1~~~~~v.~~~~~if~j~1bp1mf~~:;11~?!itfot~F'!,;~.~"~.;:,j·';Z'.f-0't'!t"f('~'?"':·~~~'·t'?~?:;''i;~:'?'"" •• ,':'" ;C:;'~':':':""':""":·'! •. '· --.,:,,:,,":' >."':<' ,;', . -,




.. "


j -

,.'. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • ·:xl

T RobeTt Green, Jr., left on Wed-l

~ nesday to spend the balance of the j

I J I TIRE I D & COl f \\;~t: ~r~:a~7::1~~:' exhibiting 1 t BANKERS, ETC. t a collection of oil paintings suiL1.ble I

1 for Xmas presents at Graham's j f Drug store. Call and see them. I • 1

TREHERNE. MAN. 1 The stores are all doing a fine I

nepos' Its w~ .!]" ... lnl,,=l O'Q m<mt!T f Christmas business. The di~play I l.:!~ ...-ilh ... (,ill d"i", .. ll, em -i' of hoI ida_v zoods l'S ,'·el.l up to f , ... "'. or!!'l .... d 1I1,,,·anl... .ble IU ,,"

die nsli.J \Ie. t"'''' . the mark, and the people are buy: I . ! ing freely. . I

f ('!raln Jll'mJ ~l ... n·l ,..ill> ',<> haul oul, T TIle Bank of C"111Il1erce h.~\'e .,1

I U ,'c.Jur .. IH'1\! whf'!O tllt't'!,Ju'(i. 'ft'~ • v ••

Il·Ul1tJ:f.ll JHU mnn.l'l',. (,t:f1 !-.arne.' :u,'· hI' 1 ed l' al i r:.~ '''''''H "u,.,,;nt nt'" "fint"tt,,!.. Wet ®1l Just pU 15 I t lelr annu state.] ~ Am,]""" "lO""Y (1:1 "h""t 1" "I ... · IIlCllt of affairs and the resen-e! . x." ,,"h'-or· I 'f . . -' r fund, or "rest"' has been enlarged,

I ... I to two million fi\'e hundred tho us' I DraUs Yo" viii It .... " rom,,,,. to ."",1· d d II f II IlW,W Ihi> fall. 'l}'" Ct.M !>"': , t an 0 ar:;.. I

I bod ft.,.,f~·,..: li!l.T of ~''1a)mJ: tnon!:"')" 1:!1 ! I "1 ll.\:-i l\ 1m,,' D1UFT. Y(Ifl.,-N·. The. framework of the new church I

' th/_'!'f.<O fn,m UI!> .nnd ,11f':"f Itr~ (lR)'llhl(! , r at I'"r '" nil ,I,e prit:cil"') 1>O'"lti i of Englaud has ueen raised. The f 1" (.'",,,,,1.1. f buil<iing' will be considerably high- j

I t' er than the one destroyed hy fin:, i Insurance On I!,."I" I.he.-d in the and will look a ('Treat do>~1 lllor.e,'· l.Ji'.H ('oml't..ullC;"5 .:, '-..l. i f chapel-like. I

! lIonel' )",nNI ,m ran" Jantlg. Fire ~.' Circular letters have been issued I,! ): !r:!!Jranc~ $:~H'n "J",.~d~l a~·t4!"lltioo. \Ve • • do a ;;c:wn,l !in""dal ht"i""". , from the ~Iethodist mission rooms i i f I at Toronto to ministers and oilicials I i J. T. Reid ®.. Co. ; calling- upon them to snpport the i ® ~ !1lm'emenl to raise $50,000 for mis'l ~t lJ!. ..................... - ....... -.... • • ................ .,.'.!]I ;;iolla ry \\'ork in X ew On t:lrio, the I . ._-_..... -.. -.. . __ . "-'-". -....... ' -- I Xorthwest and nritish Columbia. I. i' i'·~ ... O'O' ... O·i' i~i 0-.''0'0'' ........ 'i" .. 'i-'ic. "i'. I '" ,.. T\Yo or three cars of \Yood are I . ~ taLocal News.. !' shippcd daily from TreherIle. Thc I • (ll OJ ;;carcity of fuel in the west is Ull'!I' O)~(O(C( •• i' ~,,'j,:~ !::e(e,!t,!-,!..i"'i'i' .!'O'.)i' -!--)i'

To the Consumers ~

Of South N o rfo lh. and East Victoria -Now is the time to secure a stock at


The undersigned intend~ amalgamating the two illlllleuge stocks which he now holds at Trt:'heme under one roo~ earl~ next year, and if not reduced "ery lIIatelially, the spl'Ctade of two comhi[:~cl would be unWIeldy Indeed, thereiore after consulting 1fr. Ferguson, who has charge of the big brick store, has concluded to offer the FUlllerton stock at prices which will please e\'erybody -e\'en.thing-wiil be cut to the hone- " •.

Saie Commences December 15th,and Continu08 Furs, clothing, dry goods, shoes, ntbbers, everything goes. Apples, good winter stock, only $3.00 per barrel.

until the end of the month •

While in to\\'l! be sure and "isit the old stand opposite the C. P.::R. depot. A carload of fresh groceries fro III 1Iontreal just arrh'ed, b01ight before the big ucl\'ance in fruit

and canned goods. B.argains \\·ill be gi\'en. New tomatoes only $3.00 for the two dozen case; this is less than wbolegale pnce. Granulated sugar $+.50 per hundred ponnds. 50C tca for 40c.

In dew of ~he kind patronage accorded to me by South Norfolk settlers for the past q years and especially dUring thc I:1st few months, I have concluded to Sllow Illy appreciation of the same by gi\"ing special Holiday Prices this season, So coine one, come all aud eYer)" elTort will be made to give satisfaction. .

Jo fio McLENNAN. precedented, and prm'es that the , :'frs. A. \V. Pmtlill was a Rath- :I\\'ellcr~ of the plains were \'cry P. S.-A special line of ladies' ami children's cloaking, also of Men's Gloves amI unc1erdothillO' \'Yill

weil yisitor this week. llllprl~\'1dent, or else had 1mb,mlld- be on the barcrain counter J K 111 " Beaconsfield Christmas trce enter- cd faith in the C. P. R. In either II!l .. b' • • 1 •

crise tIle)· are S11re to stIffer. btMP6\iS;g;tJR;4$$IHH;¥W'»frijf&."~~9M*#1·Wifi'd5$'JU!P!Mj!j§;W;Mtlo;iR3M4iUf§lif&1MJYtI#WiIMWffiWi"M43ti!lf§j5\\;1 tailll1Jent will be held on Tm:sday e\'ening nex t.

Miss Johns')n, of \\"inllipeg has been visiting her siskr j lIfr:;. Cal­\'ert for a few weeks.

~rr. Georg-c \ratchclt and sister Idl on TlIesc!:ly for Cavan\,ill, Ont., to spend theholid3Ys.

:'1r. J. G. Hogg-!cm'es this week for Swan H i\'er to look after his land illtere,;ts there.

.c\. Cook . will escape the cold wea.ther by spcmling- a 1lI011th or so :.t :'[arkham, Ont.uio. Ht left on \\·e<lnesday ..

1Iiss Rosa Lee~ daughter of Mr. Arroll Lee, of Palmerston, Ont., left 011 Tue,,;day to yisit her father at the latter place.

Miss Pauline Johnson, assisted by }'Jr. 1IcRaye, will appear at Wil· sou's Hall on Tue~day e\'ening Dec. 23r<l. Admission 35C. Reserved s~ats 50. PI:ln of scats at Gra· ham's Drug Store.

Frank Mercer, the jewellcr, has recci\'ecl a verv handsome lille of Christmas gooels this year in the line of sih'erware, jewellery and

i'lIr. Solol11on Pritch:lrd and \\'ife wete ticketed here last ~Iond:ly for their trip to the east. Bells

--_.-.",.------- --' ----==="------_._---

Bells docks, suitable for I)rescntation. "I J \ 1 . "' rs. ames j (nlr was a passen- ---------------------------------------.-----------==------------~---This line of ~oods appeals to almost ger to \\'alkerton Ont. on Tl1e;;cby .. e\'cryonc, as they arc so pel'lna- She will visit her father, :.Ir. Mc.1 ncnt, and can be scnt e:lsily to a l';ichol of that place.

distance. Johu Thompson and \vifeof ?lIc- vVe have just receiv-An estimable couple from the Creary Icf~ 011 Tuesday for \\'r?x~ I ed a fine shil}111en t of

J3eaconsflCld district \\"ere married' etl!r. O\\'lng to a typographical C

O!l \\' ec1nesday uight. Miss Janet I error it was alllloullced that they shoes f1'o111 J. T'. Bell Sutherl:lnd and ?lIr. ·Wm. PCDIIY' had left 011 Tuesday of I:lst wcel;:. , cook were the contracting Pilrties. of JVlontreal. j-\nv re-They ha\'c the best wishes of thc The Rev. Dr. Patrick, prillcipal l' bl 1 J '11 Times for their future haj)I)illess, of ?Ianitoba College, will preach at 1a e SlOe 1uall ,\-V1

the Anlli\'ersary services in Rath­alOl.lg with th~ congratulations of well ou Sabbath, the 21st inst, at tell vou these aloe the thell' many fnends. I I a. m. and 7 p. 111. He will also J C

preach at Illclianford at 3 p. ll1. best shoes made 111 A social in cOllnection with the C 1 TXT Anniversary sen'ices will be held on anac a. V V e are 1110re

Xmas Bells!

-IW) 'fhe skating and cllding rink

opened last week, and promises to be well patroniz'~d. The President \"5 Vice· President . competition is in progress, as the opelli ng over· ture in the curling arena, and a couple of hockey practises have bcen Held. The ladies' wailing

Monday e\·ening. Doors open at 7.30, programme to commence at 8.

than pleased with then1. \Vhy not come and buy a pair for a Xmas box to your friend and give the111 pleasure also. \Vishil1g our many customers a \'ery Merry Christmas.

-,room has been almost doubled in Tuesday was a lively day in tOWIl. size, anel the band room aCCOlllIl1O'

E\'erybody who had a vote to cast dation has been perfected. was brought out, and, wondcr of wonders, they were all carefully taken hOllle again. This breaks all precedent in electioncering,as the voter is popuJady supposed to shift feir himself after his vote is cast.

The Methodist anniversary scr­vices held this week were very suc­cessful. The special sermons were well cleli \'ered by the pastor ancl keenly appreciated, wl11le the epi­cures were gratified by the supper on the following evening. A very good entertainment was provided by the local talent, indudlng Pro· fessor \Vaddle's orchestra. The door receipts and collections were also very pleasing to those who care for the financial arrangements. On Monday, Dec. 22ml, the Pres·

byterian Sabbath School will hold their Christmas entertainlllent in Wilson's Hall. Tea will be served to the school at 6 o'clock An in­terestiug and varied programme will be furnished commencing at 8 o'clock, one of the most interesting features of which will be the bring­ing of gifts by the school for needy families in Winnipeg. A collec­tion will be taken to defray expen­ses.

Horse & Harness an

Are considered together when we are making harness. Each piece is 'made to couform to the shape of the animal, and so nicely adjusted that there is eutine freedom from un­necessary strain. The result is bet­ter work froIn the horse and more of it. Our prices are not hIgh. bllt our qUalities ~Ire.

'i\!/i\!/i\!,,,, .

. D.' 5.- HARVll. -n

. .-1 ':_ .':," t.,;

Samuel Cook, who was a well known character about tOWI1, suc­cumbed to an attack of bronchitis on Monday morning. He had been ailing for several weeks, but no one in town Euspected that the case was so serious. Sam was an honest old.soul, whose first duty was to pay his debts, and though an In· dian, he was somewhat of a scholar, and could well hold his own, espec· ially on religious subjects. The body was laid to rest at East Tre­herne on Tuesday afternoon.

The elections for Reeve and COllltcillors held on Tuesday re­sulted in the return of \V. D. Stap·


LIGHTLy-GROGAN. By the Rev. S. Polson, at Norquay, Dec. 3 I902, \\T. R. Lightly of Swan Lake to Miss Eva Grogan of Ladysmith.

For Sale.

les as reeve for the coming year, A team of coming four year old Charles l~r~her il~· \yard I, and horses, mare and gelding, also Wm. lI~CCOlg 111 ". ara. 3. In the a double seated carriage. Apply ree\'eshl~ the fight was ~ee~ly COil-I to Times office or to T. Routledge, tested, as the narrow maJonty of q 12-q Treberne will show. }'Ir. McCoig had a . plurality of votes at both his polls, \yhile Mr. Archer was elected by 2 I majority. The personnel of the cO!lIlcil for 1903 will be: Reeve, \V . D. Staples; Councillor, ward I,

Charles Archer; ward 2, Jno. Coul­ter; ward 3, 'V m. McCoig, ward + \\7 alter \Vilson.

The Public School Concert, held


To my place sec. 23.8-10, about mielsulllmer, a reel spring calf, bull, some white marks. Owner can have same by paying expenses

JAS. ST,L,TOX I 1-13 Treherne.

on Friday e\'ening, ,vas accorded Administrator's Notice, the largest crowd that has ever been assembled in \Vilson's Hall. In the Sllrrog-ate Court of the United Connties TI . f h f of Xorthumbcrlllnd unel Durbam . . Ie men tot e per ormance \\'as III the lIlatter of the estlllO of Elizabeth Ann e\'en a little better tllan expecta- ~[cCnll\.m. late.of tbo Elo~tornl District of . h' . " I :;o11th Xorfolk, In the Pronnce of Mallltoba, bOllS, t e gIrls espeCially acqUlttll1g ma.rri(~l wo~nlln, docen~ed.

themselves wOllderfullv well The !>OTICE .s hereby S' •• on pu.rsullnt to R. S. O. • J. Chap. 1~, sec. 3s and amcmlInI:' .. Acts, thnt all

boys parts were well taken except perro;,~ haYillg.cIaims ,~!."ain:'t tho c;;t\lto of the . '1' d " smd Elizabeth 'Ann ~IcCallum, who d.ed on or III the n11 Itary nIl whIch would nbou.t the t.hird day of AUIl'U,t, . ..1.. D. I~ro. are have been much better had the" r"'lu~re<1 ~o scntl!>r rtOst prelJa.>d to .l!r. F. A.

'- , .J ~IcDJnrml(). at LlnU~IlY. Ontano, solIcitor for had more practice. The library !he Natioual Trust Com rallY, L,imitcd, Admin.

• • ... lStrntors of the estate 0 thft EUllI deceaF-e<l. on fund IS ennched to tbe exten t of or before the third day of Jannary, A. D. 1!l<Xl ahou t thirty five dollars after all .l.e· their unme;;. addresse!" and dC5Cdl?tion~ and ,;

- Ul rnll suncment or particulars of taeu and expenses are paid. The teachers the natu~c oC tbe security (if au)) held by them,

d . dill)' certified. and that after sa.d dar the nd-are o.ue an all to be hlgbly com- ministrators will proceed to c!istrlbllt<l the d d f th ' , d t nssets oCthedeccn.."CIlllmongthe parties entitled men e or elr energ) an en er- ·tbereto. only to the claims of

prise in taking on themselves this which they.shnll ilien ba\'e notk.e •

k l 'b" a1 bl Dated thIS Sth day oC December. A.D. 1902. .. wor ., as a 1 rary IS a v ua e . F., .\.t~cDL-\~, .

anxiliary in school work. 12-U SOlicl~~~~~~~~~~~ Trust


On to my premises sec. 7'9-9, From my place, two miles west \0

about the middle of October, a of Treheme, about the middle of black steer calf with white mark September, hyo red spring calves, between front legs, on breast. Ow· heifer aud bull. Information lead­ner can bave same by proving pro· ing to thei.r recovery will be suit. perty Ulid paying expenses. ably rewarded by

ALEX. Hum F. CARL'rON 8-JO Arbroath. 17'9 Sec 3-8'1 I

Pumps, McLachlan Cutters, Sleighs,

Raymond sewing nlachines

A few celebrated Enlerson Gang Plows still left.

N ~tionaI CrealTI Separators.

Chicago Aermotor Windmills.


P. IUIChilfl, Agent for Portage la Prairie Farmers' Mutual Insur­

ance Co., and Toronto General Trusts Co.

, i

~ .. ~' ••••••• • ••


,,(. ' , "'." ~

Dath: ... or tile "Pet" !l1l.,.,p. FOR : .......................................... . . . ;

i My Heart's Darling i Out nt the Ilbattolr the "pets" among

the shce[l mll,.'\" be distlnguished bv thl'lr superior belgbt Ilnd sb:1[1ellnes"S :md by the Intelllgence of tbelr expres­sion_ 'fbe pets Ilre murderers. In tbe othl.'r pens sbeep come and go by thou­S:1luts to the slaugbter. but the pets re­main. They nre trained to lead their fellow's to death. Ilnd they do tbis work well. for they bn,e by reason of their strell~h. Intelligence nnd betlut'" a grt'llt Intlu('nce. When the butche~ oC the nhuttolr wish to slaughter a flock oC shcep word Is passed to tbe pets, and they indifferently, cnlmly. Sllunter in among the tlock. gain their confi­dence nlltl esteem nnd then take their plnces at tbelr head and lead :!::aem to the slaughter bouSe.

Bilious and Nervous Disorders Sick Headache and Constipation


C :! •• , BY W. HEIMBURG • 1 , , t.

"Her 0D1y Brother,· Etc.-, Etc.

",,'c!come, Lucie. to ~,.,ur ne'\' - £ om conccrned. he

~~;;G}~d;~~ rlo.U"''- ro=b, Dlul.= =d Dro"""_ Blotche: o~ th s~!lgS~.f Heabedt. Loss of ~ppetite, Shortness of Breath, Oostivene:ss: Un Sensa' e In, Istur. Sleep, ~r,g~tful ~rellms, llruhllNcrvousand Treml>-fi~on ~ons, e~V The First Dose WIll gIve rchefin twenty minutes. This is no th ~t li . o~. n . ~ Stomach, DIsordered Liver and Impaired DlgestlOG anC; th k?11 beMagklc • !:vcry sufferer is eunestly invited to try a Box 01 these Pills. 'home." he said, with rcpr_ .... f,,~i- pa,YlO at least. and ~'Oll must see to

Ing in his ,-oice. "I wUlIwd so rr.u.:h those things if you will marry. for 1.0 go to the station to ~!cet .'o)U' you will IIn"e nothing from home to but. a Visit to II sick pcrson:' ,,:hi,;h reV on." lie und'!rstooll prefectly could not l"l: l'Of<tp.)Ol'1i, kept. me. the slur upon this ,Jo·:.erless bride he ONE MORE CURE

BEE~HAM' ac nowled\:ed to be WITHOUT A R.IVAL. health Th S PI~ taken :tS directed, will quickly restore females to complete

• ey promp y remove any obstruction or irregula.rity of the system.

l.. d hnll chosen. Sold by aU Dru~U In Canada and U.· S. Amerles. III boxe.5. :tI5 cenu. "Il octors arc nc,'cr mast~rs of "ur t.UIIC." "Dut bl·yond that you must allow

, They sat. lIide by side on 'he bench. Ulat. it would bc vcry unsuitable for oQnu held each other's hands. "How yonr wife to nmcw such an intim­(:ood it is that you are here," sho acy. and you could IIOt wish to ha'o'e

it kept UI1."


Lost year 138.000 copies of the bible in Japanese were circulate<! in Japan.

It costs £650.000 a yenr to fced the hOI'ses of the Dl"itish Army when on n pence footing.

whIspered, looking at his ean .. !,t "~ f face, which wos fnllned ill a light - 0, a course not; for an illlimac" hlonde belLrd. iJe Lure I' strong re- with a woman o)f the fashionabie semhlance to his mother, with 1.:tc world would not be of any .td"un­strulght nose, hi,;h for,"lCad I:nd tagl: t.o my I.ucic--would, in fact. li~ht eye_~; only there \\ liS '\0 tr ... :e be fl grent disadvnntll.J;e. Dut to re­of t!le bitternC!;s which ."!lS IIPI"U'- t.urn a c:ivility does not involve a



Tw~nty per cent of the strikes ure fOI' lllgher wages; only 11 per c('nl. iOI' shOl·ter hours.

One in e\'el'y 200 of tho of India belongs eit.her to 0\' l'ol"luguese c.olonies.

population the French

.... ot III every fcnllll'c of tl,.. :.;o~lll'r ns vi~l~nt friendSl'hi P , molher." ~1is l'~'CS looked so t rllstiull~' .,.,,, n h au °h ~o have Sl'('n Lucie;

Ancl ~n'Y lifO ,1"hlS :111 the t)th(· ... ~ 11'1 Prltlsln,: Th.-tn -Un lInd Sun','rod 1-.')1 Y"l\r~ nnd Il'I ~ow C(l1\ll'tctely ('utet1.

Minard's Liniment Cures DisteIDDer . Linen is n. very fnir conductor of

electricity but silk is an almost per­fect insulator.

Hel"\" Noll, of Del'lengcn, in Ger­many has Ulude a clock warranted to go 9,000 years without winding.

-«t. his young !iallc,'''' o.w en~ uSlfistlcally she !.'poke of

must. Itt Ve h('Cn hn rd to bd "I' "! d "It I I thiS meetm ......

'the:n farewell" snid "", 'lIt". - remm ed me of my father's • ., -. bot.. \,;,. hous d f cl . d

., Dut it Ill:d to he, I.ud.:; We "no". > 0 an . a my. '111 hood," snid • each otlwr so I it tie st ill, ,!I:d I do t.he young girl, as )f to excuse her­I:ot want you to feel -"Oll ,,'o!ll' -.;t .. ,,- self. It. sounded as if she spoke 111r.!.~ up to the nltar with a p"~f,":l. th~ough t,ears. ." osttlon,;cr. Is nol that so, "')" ti'.I,.' Are ~ou ,~ot tIred? said _\If-'One?" re", quickly. I 'lXPl!ct t.he journe,'

"(lh! WIIS that the re.I>;""!'· ~!tc and this warm wea.ther bas fatigued Wit"! silent. you. Let us go in. 1 want to show

"1 prolllir,ed your sist ~I', and I,he you our guest chamber. Come and \,.ail right." . try how you can sleep I,. it."

They sat sill'nllv l,v "'1"11 olhe'" "Ob. yes," she said. with 0. full '1 . . .' " beart " ~U<.~IC had lcnrs in her 0:,','5. lie '\'UfO f· '1'Ig-ht; they did I;no\\" ellch ,.LlH'r V,"\. "he~, soon ?-fler, she found hcrself ,lit LIe yet; they hncl ollly .. " .. n I!nrh alone In tl!? little room, she covered -'ll.her a few ilion",!! ts at il L;lIIe 1)\' h~r eyes ~ I th her 11I;nds and wept hel' si!llcl"s sick b",l; and ,'ven U;c :~ent1y from homeSIckness-at leo.t. oda~' that he alit. .. inetl Ill"r ,'onSI:nt 1.(' she t.bought. cOl:ld not stay to ten, as tt v"n' "kk ---,patient was waiting for him ..


J\nd this san:e "utient k·.,pt him n;(.me distallce h'OIlI t he forester's The ne.. ... t afternoon, about. five lior sevcrnl dn~'s; nnd wh m !l t ins!. o'clock. Lucie dress!)d J.,.rself for her 'jle di~1 cOIJ'e. one SlIntlay noon, II~ visit. She had helpoJd ldl the morn­,tlstOlllshcd thelll wilh the n"Ws thal ing t.o get everything clelLn and in :It,) thought oi settling n .... I'h"sichUI order for Whitsunlide, As she was .ilJ his native \'0\\,11. nnd \\ oHlli I"'ob- doing so, t.he old la,ly's voice kC'.·t ;ahl~' lIlo"e there ut allee, i:t u\"tlm' soundi~ like OI'ders .m n. drill: ""'Co .c.~ he said, to he g'ctting a conlfort: do thn.t so, IllY dear dl11cL"-"r CO:l

'.able home read.\· for his lit.l: ... wife sider it better to dean this bra;;s

Lowel' Windsor, Carleton Co., N .n . _); ov. 17, (Special) .·-Carleton coun­ty people have long recognized Dodds Kidney Pills as a sure cure for 011 forUls of Kidney Disease. and as a consequence there is 0. marked de­creuse in the number of those suffer­ing from pain in the back:' lumbn.go, Rheumatism, diabetes, Dri~h~'s di­seasc, and all other ailments rcsult­ing" fro\l1 diseased kidneys.

Still as each fresh cure is reported thC're is revived interest in the mut­t"r n nd there. are moro prnises of Dodd's Kidney Pills. One of the Int­cst cures reported is that of Post­nlllstC:I' '1'. l':I. Delyea of Lowel' Vii'l1d­SOl', and he is spreading broadcast the good ·news.

';1 'had a bad spell of Kidney 'l"I'ouole" says the, Postmaster, "which hod bothered me fOI' some I t.ried several kinds of pias­ters lind medicines, but did not seem to .. get much . lasting benefit. Dut hearing Dodd's Kidney Pills so high­ly recommended for Kidney '1'rouble, 1 I.ltllu~ht I would try them.

Six pillnets of our system have be­t ween them 20 1I100ns.

The Chatham Dockyard cl'ane is la.! fed long Ilnd can lift 2;:;0 tons.

}Hnard's Liniment CurBS Colds, Btc, ~01\lc' men never get an~'lhin:1; tll'!l'"

because they are too fllll of s· hen",,,.

SOllle people of wir,ciolll thut den '.

carr~' It hel~vy ~lock neV0r y iC!ldf:o \, d' \Ii_

The Beau· und the Child.

The London GI'lIl'hic obtllins from 0. corrcspondent Ilt Sebastopol ll\l in­terest ing bear slol'~'. A huge oellr approached nelll' til n \'ill\l!~e und cur­ried ofT a youllg child. 'rhe inhubi­lalots formed a corclon nrollllcl t.he lI·t\r.t of forest whel'e the heHI' hnd t,tI'C11 l'efIlW', nnd lIn tite third dllY oft e1' the child wns en'Tied 00" thev dosed in on till' ll"I!sL. The chilci, unharmed; was' I'cclillillg Oil tt deep mossy cOllch mati!' for hel' hy the helll·. She had sllh~ist.erl on t.he nllts and fOI·e~t. fl""it brought. hl'I' hv lhe b f.':l I' , OIlC' IIll1lost. r"g'reL:, to' lem'n lhat the bellI" WllS SlIlIlllllU'ily killed.

Futuru l\UWS)UlJlI!1"",

The fOI'ester thought tili.' 11. verY with chalk, on accouut of the white 'Sood plan. H \\"nH :l t.hick'" sct tkd point on the door .. ··-- 'Dut, chill\. t"l'gion. nllel the: 1"!l\~lIlIt:; w~'r" good where did you learn to rub the chairs pay. The doctors in that ncighbor- so against ea.:h othe:"l ::\Iy furnit'lrc hood always became rich. ".My has not a single sCI·ittch. and it It·.'<; muther sugge5ted the idea, ' said he been in use thirty~)\g-llt years. How

, ... he is It '-er~' TlI'aclicltl WO\1l,tn"; will your t.hings lasr. .. if you go to

.. ] receh'ed more IJenefit from Dodd's Kidney piJls than any olhel' lIll'llicine I ever tried, fOI' t1ie~' seem to huve made It conlplele cure:' as T am liS well as ever. I believe Dodd's Kidney PiJls are the right medicine for Kidney 'l't·ouble."

J'fler dinner th1!y both w('nL to the work in thn.t waY'I" wo?d lo!tether: The flrst gll;en of Taute Dettchell had smiled, Itnrl : .spring was COVering the lrees liko a whispered to Lucie: "She docs n:lt. Men with blue or grey oyes are al-

,Yeil. and ancmones and prllllroses mc,an anything," and Lucie had smil- must innlriably the best shots,

: 'were Oower~ng no> their feet. They; e{~, too,. for was she 110t. his mo',~,e,? iWCllt IlI~nd III hallc! down ~he shady - "auld It be hard to Will her heart ,1P\lth, Ilnd he t"llked lo her 01 his when sl,le saw that Lucie waR doing mot.hc. und or his <il'ad father, .!.lId e"erythlng to lllltk.e her son happ:d

, .. told her how glnd Ite would bo to Sho dressed nerself in her b,,!.t :l'raclice in the old town where he dl'l'?s, a ,tight-filling gray. beige, .'llIld spent his childhood. IIis whole which SUIted her .;Ii.,ht ftgure to p,>r­.'Iife was laid bdore her '~Y'!S, e"ery feetion. and caUle inca the ~itt!\I;~­'word sunk into her heart, :L111i in the room where the smell of the fW~ql ,evening, aftl'r he had at la!'t said und watel- mingled with that of I he 'fnn!well. "till we nICeL ;n Hohen- lilac which . filled every vase, and 'berg," she kept the hn.wl-nut oranell ~nid adieu to her mother and aunt, ;which he hnd pieked for her as they who were sitting Imitting oppo~I::e :'wnJ!.ed, and fell aslcep \\-ith it in hcr to each other. at the wi:ldow

We Illugil at the weaknesses ers and yet we object. to other iug at ours.

of oth­laugh-

There nc'\~cr was anll never will be a universal panacea. in one l"ml1cdy. for all ills to which flesh is heir-the "cry na­ture 01 muny curatives bein~ such that WO,'e thl! germs of otber Ilnd dilTerently s~nl.ed diseases rooled in the system of Lhe patient-what would relieve one ill in turn would ngg'ru:vate the othor. 'Ve however, in Quinine 'Vine, when obtainahle in sound, unadulterated state, n. remedy for Junny and grcvious ills. Bv its g-rndunl and judicious use the irnilc!Ot systenu; are led into convalescence and strell~th by the influence which Quinin" exerts on nature's own restora.tives. It relioves the droopin~ spirits of those wilh whom a chronic stnte of morbid despondency and lack .. I interest in lile is n. disease and bV tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound aud relreshin~ sleep-impurts "i~or to the action of the blood, which, bein~ stimulated. courses through the veins, stren~thenin~ the healthy animnl functions of the system, thereby makin~ activity a necessary re­suit, strengthenin~ th~ frame and ~ivinl\" lile to the di!:'estive organs, which nntu­rally demund increased substnnce-resuit improved nppetite. Northrup & Lym'lIl' 01 . Toront~, hav.e given to· the pu.bHc their SuperIOr QUIll!ne Wine at the usual rnte, nnd, ~ullged by the opinions of sciellti~ts, this wine approaches nenrPRt pe..rer~lOn of any on the Illtlrket. All dru~~lsts s('l1 it.

Whnt will the news;'llp,~r of the fu­ture be like'! I1SI<S The Loncion Ex­I.'ress, Mr, VietOI' 111 ul'lloch, uddl'ess­\I1g the Kanstls Edi~'.'rinl aE!<ot"i>ltion dl!~In1'ed that within fOl"ty ~'el1l's th~ dally news po pel's i n htr~er o:i Lies \\:(;ul(\ be i:sued in II seri~~ of (;cil­tl.onH, each being devoted l .. ) nne kllid of IH1\\·S. In eu('h city there would be only OJ]!} p"per, Itnd It sin­gle corporntion would ('ontr,)1 the pltp~rs everywhere. Pol itica I infor­matIOn would 1)(' g'h'cn mainl" in the form of authentii: intel'vie\\'~ with public men. Dut the popel' liS a whole would hnv<' no political I;llts.

;11ll1ll1. It hurt her now that l,e s[lul;.o "An odd time for II. visi;," said the (of theil' "Icnrlling to know each Olll- mother.' l\:ou~h she hardly knew why. "~ut it is the correct t.ime," said


when we do learn to kno,,' LUl'le, as she buttonrld Iwr gloves ;l'neh olher, Alfred, nnd dlll'~I' ~'ou ,)r "In the country, p'!rha[>s, or ... mong : T lind I\.urselvcs disnppoil1t,~d 'in our v~'r:, intimate friends; c:I.!lerwise one ~cxPC'ctItLions, what then? ;-;hall we VISIt.. .. here e.. ... actly all th~ stroke of q'Hl.t~" t"'(~lvc:'

",;od forbid!" he !':aid, with a l.ucio waited n. minuto in hopes of ,shockcd look, and presscd her halld. u kind word; but a'! Tante JJettchen ':''It. will not be." only gave her a frielllll" nod and

Thc gurden gnte opened, and .\1f- Frall Adler knitted ')n ":ithout. mov-rC!d's mother came t.owllrds th:!ll1 ing- a feature, as' If bcr daily bread

· with lI\cnsured !<teps, 'rante Dettchen depended upon it, flho said once more tll)lping hehind her. Doth ladies allicli and left. "he had 1I0t fll.r t.o hud work in their hands. The Frau ~.) along tI.e bigh -;vall which bor­

'I"ol:rrl'lor knitted even while walk- d"rcJ the house whi':h lI",r Ulother-in­';jng. :-ille sl'tlted hel'sel( opposite '.he law rented. At the ItHge gate in ':loVl'rs. 'uitholll for a 1ll0Ul.!nt stop- the middle of t.his wall, she pulled :'ping her work. "Go)od even- tllC bell. upon the PO'·".:uin handle ,uns. Alfred," she said, o! which was 'JOgrttv.,d Alexander '.1'''t\lrnin~ hi's greetin~. .. Hns \""u MeerCeldt. An old 5,,1 "ant open-l.ucie lold ~'()U of her tra .... eling com- eel n little side gate. R.nd Jet her en­

'Il\lnion yct'?" she asked, after a trll". Cool shadows sU""ounded her · ,pullse. un,l deep stiliness-ovl!n their step~

. "r c(\me on wilh Frau "on Low- wcre deadened by the grnss which -en," ~n.i(l the girl, quietly, "She grew luxurin.nUy between the stones '\\ as !';o r:ood as to help me out of·1I. of the court-yard. Defore her stood }:!:rel1t. di'.:culty. I lost my purse and 0. t.wo-story house, with irre~lIl".r U1:: ticl,ct in H-, and sh~" windows and a tow09 whose painted

"Lost"?" cried the old Indy, exciled- tile roof was decorated with a gay Iv. ",\nd you only mention it. now? :-e~~W~Ji~a:' tI:~~ Ul:p;:~~~Jla~~l W~! y ClI: oll~ht to have writ.ten to the stables and servan ts' quarters, ('.nd r:' ih'Co:!d ofl:cial at. once! No. Alfred; at the left, shut otI only bY:L ra.i1-l.o'.\" else is it possible?" ing. was the green wilderness of a

., 'Itf! sho helped you to !:et anoth- garden, that had apparently been -ar ticket'" be asked, without paying long freo from the pruning knife of ,any attention to his Illothe:r. 0. gardener. Lucie was delighted to

"Yes; and I want to ask you see the overgrown arbors and l..'Ul­wbich would be the best wuy to re- gles of bushes; it reminded her of t.urn her loan," continued Lucie. t.he· wood at· home. She followed ,"We used to piny l.ogether as chil- the servant. and gave him her c,trd,

.dren," sho added. . an~ stood waiting in the broad hall, "You bad better we it o,"er your- . wblle be knocked softly at a door,

• self: ' he said. quietly. and tben went in. "Tbnnk you, Alfred." Aiter 0. moment a stout lit.tle Indy Tho Frau Counselor knitted more appeared on the tbreshold in 8. bro,;\'Il

-energetically than ever. woolen dress, tbe style of wbich re-"Do you not think that will be the minded one of a Co.ptrChin cloak;

"best, mother?" said her son, turning sbe wore II. black lace cap . with an .. to her_ "As I am to be tho Meer- enormous red bow on bel' gray hair, "feldt.'s physician. my colleaguo will which, in accordance with the fnsb­'Uot be, ablo to reswne bis practice." iOI!l, hung oyer bel' bro~·. Rhe

. "Great honor!" muttered his moth- stretchP.d out both bands to tho .cr. girl.

"A physician must .go ",'here he Is "Lucie, mon ange, whn.t·n. 5Ur-<:alled. mother." prise!" sbe cried. in Iln e.. ... cit ... -d tone.

.. ~i-.. '- -.' ','How ~. it possible? .You· here? (To be ContiJzued~l

Na CnlUU! For nhu to Coml,lnln.

"Sl'e bere!" rl!mul'ked the gnl'st to the IIPW wulter. "Tbl're doesn't seem to II(' any ~OUfJ on tbls ml.'nu cunl."

"Olt, no, sir," r('plled the walter lH'!"\·OIl~ly. "1 dlcln't spill It at tllis tahlt.; It \\"n~ tile one 011 tile other slue of tlle .... w."

" Lon~ "'nit. Physleinn (Iool,ing Into bls nnteroOm,

wlll're a J]l1lUher of pntients arc walt­In;.:1 - Wbo hus bel'n waitiug tbe lou­g(':<t?

Tallor (wllo has called to present his bllll-I bll ve. doetor, I deliyered tbe clothes to you t111'l'e years ago.

Wl"'n We nenlly ~'nn't Dlnme Them. SOllletimes In our more tolerant nnd

for~IYlng moods we don't blame people for whnt they 110. At the same time we eunnot bel)! but feel that they ougllt ~ bn \'e hnd more sense.-


Patron-Wilen killed?

Limited. WIIS this chicken

Wnlter-We don't: Curnlsb dntes with eblckens, sir. Only brend and butter.-'

P!.t!.Sb~rg Press.

Perhaps you hll,'e heard it beiore, but whiskey and water is a dilution anll a sna;e.

Almost e,ery mun thinks he could make II. speech if he trien real hard.

A man who combs bis hair over a bald spot to hide it is guilty offraud.

For a Cold that hangs on

For obstinate coughs and colds there is nothing equal to that old reliable remedy uray' s Syrup of ~ed Spruce Gum. Prepared from Red Spruce Gum it is soothing and healing to the Lungs and Throat: It stops that tick­ling in the throat, and after a few doses that ticrht feelinO' • ~ b

In the chest is relieved and the cold and cough pass away.

Try a 25 cent bottle.

Gray's Syrup of

Red Spruce 6um

Horse Health

is one of the most· important things for every farmer to consider.

Dick's Blood Purifier

will build up a run down horse. It tones up the system, rids

stomach of bots, worms and other parasites which under­mine an animal's health.

So cts. a package. LEEMING MIL.:!S & CO.

AGENTS. - - - MON.TRIAL. ._-

Your Address.

A request, with your address attached, is all that is necessary to obtain our new and handsomely ill ustrated catalogue.

It l"'iII put you ill loucb with I". f,neal &a.ortmenl 01 FINE JEWELRY in CUl~da.

, The price, wbich ia pl .. inl, "ven with each artiele i. 1"_ co.1 01 th_ artiele dcliY~recl ,. you.

We c"eerfully refund ,oar mone, if you duir. it.









" -:.; "

VENEZUELAN CRISIS T::Ut~O~';; ~DI;maotO: ::: :au:.: I AERIAL NAVlfiATION. .. '.... latally bumed. nIle ... &.shing tbl' diAt>u in tbe ba.5oecntont the IringI' of tbe



loyp! .. be ..... bolding caagb~ tire from 'Lbo nu>ge aJld tbe girl threw It to the llonr &JId stamped upon It to extin,gubh tbe Il~. hut thO!)" caught her Iildns ADd 500n she ...... eu .. "loped In tire and



nart Dtapatdt._ Fro.. the ...... Quan.n ~ th. __ 14.

Thc situation in VCn&Uc!tl is regarded in Britain as alarming,


I~rt .. d ,\rr ... t or Two n .... dred DrlU\h

and C..,rmAII n..ld .. nl. at ean._. I. :O;-"t CotIllr ... ...s loT OlllrlAl6-wru>_


rail upo:ta.irs and 11110 the J>&rlor. SCl'<'am- lIe .says tbe nalloon 1,1<-. .. 'Iu_t b., Aban_ Inlt frantically. ner eri~ attracted her

St. John's college, Winnipeg, be IlI0\'ed to thc southcrn part thc city,

will of

MAny or tbo Article!' St!'llt to the llakt"rSt

t ... ~ lust'rtetl A--'" carts.A rl" nC K. y.,ry

EXllen!'5.h-e Cha",cler-.J~\TeJry Uullt!1.l In TheUl,

A .. h lrom CarACas, \'''Dnurla, hlll"'l n...:, 10. 4oa)'S: At Y"ritoke this atumoon th" combl~ O"n:11Ul .. nd l1r1Ush flHt captuNd IlJ>d to ... N! out_ide tbi! barbor' of La Gualr .. all lhe ... _Is .bleh .. 'ere thra th~, Th ...... were the "'ar"hl" .. G.-neral Cre.po, TOlumo, Ossuw and )larpmt .. , Thhe fohlps were man­nN! by 300 Inrn. The n ...... s of the caV­ture of th" .'Rrahlps b not Y,,1 g~nerally knm.n In the CApi, Gr .. at eXCitement 10lII undoubt....tly prn'all ,,'hen It Is an­aounc-.d,

It Ie ""Id on good allthorlty tbat the ,('al,taln of the British cruiser RetributJon this afternoon ""lll a special courier from I.a Gualra to Caracas ,,'Ith Iln ulUma­lu", for C'ompllance with the Dote depos­Itoo y" .. terdfty by the C~rruan and Brit­lah ministers at the home of the foreign IIIll1if>te.' belore tbelr departnre Irom Car­ftCIl", It Is sllld the ultimatum gl\'es a maximum of 48 bours In which Yen.,.. 7.ue"t Is to accffio The lIat ... it Is Bald, rNlut'"t" tho hnmeillnte rash pu~'ment 01 S31,OOO eRch to Great Urltnln and Ger­JonIJ:,'. and n setthmlent. 01 clahns o.ris­Inc: from past revolutions by a mixed tribunal, the sume as the lllst agreement thu Ilrltlsh mln\'~ter at tho last moment made with France, It Is also said that tho British minister at the last moment lalJ"d to present cll\lrus exc~pt for $40,-000, hut his demand Is not duly support­ed by legal d"cuments nnd fncts, nnd Is cOI,shlercd ahsurd,

1.ondon, Dec, lO,-Tho admirnlty hns rl'('"I\'cd Inlonnntiou of tho selzllro of the Vcnrzuc]Rn gunboat. Dolh'ur, nt Port of S""ln, Islnnd of Trlnldnd,

Ilcrlin, Dec, 10,-1 hc lorelgn office bere h,"l not rec"I,'ed, up to nOOn, unythlllll' from La Gualra slnco Monday e\'enlng, when Charge d'AfT"h'es Von Pilgrim Bal­ta7,:r.1 cllhled tlmt ho bad gone on board tho Yineta, The otllclnls here ha\'e no col'ih'!lIntion 01 the nnnounce<i arrest of all tbe German allli Il,'IU.h subjects at Cameus, and arc t herelol'" disposed to dlscn'dll, the Htatem"nt, 'I'hey say thllt po •• n,ly a few Germun. and Englishmen hU\'1l been arrested under Some pretext by l'l'csldent Cnst ro, but th" lorelgn of, fice lluthorlU"" consld"r It extrellloly ,loul.Uul thnt he would permit tho or­reHt 01 nil the G,'rl1l1l1lH Ilnd nrltlshers at en rncas.

I,ondon, Dec, 10,-In the house 01 Com. 1II0n~ to,day, Unllel' Foreign Secrctnry C,'allborne said the government had no olllcial Inlormation of tne seizure by the VCI&f'7.uclnns 01 ~OO British nnd German 8ullit.:cta. or of the seizure ~1 the \'en~ 7.u(·iull wurships hy tho Ill'cts or Great. Brltoln nnd Oermnny, Lord Cl'nnborne .. <1<1",1 that the British claims, whleb nl'l'C"sitatl'd coercion, will be fully dis­clos, .. 1 by the popers to be llltd before the house, Thl'Y Includo Il demllnd for cOlllpCn6l1tioll lor int"rlercnce with tra,l­In~ vessels, the Imprisonment and 111-trculm,,"t 01 British subjects, Illld the dc~t/'llct Ion of propN'ty, The IInder sec­I'otnry ""sorled that the go,'crl1l1ll'nt will folio,,' the precedent 01 the enforcl'ment 01 1"\1l1ogu~ rlaims.

motht-r and sister. who .... nt to the Un­fortunatl' girl'. l't!Sale. aud In trying to put out the flames by throwing thrir arm" about b .. r tbe mother had both nnll~ and the sistl'r h"r right. arm 5<"'­

erely bumN!, :UIss Norman only 1I .. N! n

don"d_ Cal<,ulate~ on a Sp.,...s cJ{ Ono

Hundred Milts an lIour-Santo5_Du_ Thc t'Stale of tile late Wm, Mac­key, of Ottawa, left to relativcs, was vnlucd at $1,197,09-1.

ahort tlm",

llllrrv llcCalmont, lhe wcll known sJ,urts~lan and CODSCn'ath'o mcmber oC parliamcnt for Xewmarkct, drop­ped dead on Dec, 8 as hc \\"as lea'\'ing his residence, No, 11 St, Jnmcs' Sq" S, W, )11', llcCalmont apparcntly "'as in his usual hcalth as he passed OUl of tlH' door, but before hc reach­ed th,' sidewalk ho fcll and died al­most instantaneously, sUJlPoscdly oC heart, dlscase, ::'fr, lfcCalmont was the owncr of Isinglass, Ul(! horse which won the Derby in 1893, He owned the steam youch t G irll.lda, which was purchascd by thc Spanish government at thc timc of the war between the United Statcs and Spain, '111" deceased was an intimate friend of Kin!! Edward, und was pOJlular gmel'olly,

------Lack of emplo;\'lIent is causing Ull­

pJ'(-(;edl'nted distrcss in thc intcl'ior of Hm'sia, In SaratofT workmcn cagcrly a(','{'pt about 17 cents per day, hosts of bcgg-ars lilel'ally invade the shops and h ouscs and thc stl'cets arc fillcd with sick and stm'ving peoplc, Sitn­ilal' pitiful details cOllle from other interiOl' citios,

Edward lfm'phy and William BUI'­ton, arrestcd ul Kingston for person­ation in thc referendulll votc, with­drew their plea of "not guilty" on Saturday and admitted their guilt, A finl! of $50 and costs on each wus i III posed,

Hotterdum's ncw dock will coyer 1,'jI) acrc!'!, and have a depth of 28 fcct, This will form thc biggest cx­caYllted dock in the world,

A quartcI'-inch bar of steel did not break till 8,332 pounds were put up­on it; but a bal' of iron of the same diamcter bOl'c 4,50·1 pounds only,

St. ::.rnrtin's church, at Canter­bury, is supposcd to be the oldest chtl('J'ch ill the United Kingdom which is in use today,

At Spence's Bridge, on the C, P,R .. the'lt'g of a mnn was found hanging to tho brllkebcam of a freight t!'uin, Upon fUl'thcr inves.tigation it was found thnt a short distance cast 01 Glndwin a section lahOl'Cr nnm('r1 ,J ohn Cinnllmc had been rtlll over &'11(1 kilkd, Xone of the crew knew any, thing nbout the accident which oe­CUl'rec. ,Iul'ing a snow stol'm,

Including rh'ers and canals, it is estilllatcd that no part of England is mOl'c than 15 miles from water conllnuuication,

Garfish, sunfish, basking sharks, all have thc habit oJ swimming with their' eyes nbo\,1) thc, surfaoo of the wnter.

lJul'ing thc three 1110nths, ,January, Febl'ualT and March, 26 out of every 100 birUl~' tnke place: 'during thc next qUlll'tcr, 20 only,

-----TIIC finest rock crystal hall in the

world is in Ule Boston Finc Arts ::.ruseum, It IlIcasures 7t inchcs in dilllllctcr,

mont ,o\<"thr.

A cable from London sa;\'s that Sir Hiram Ma.''(im, of the firm of Vickers, Sons &. MaXim, will shortly sail for thc United States, where hc intcnds to I'elllain for about two ycars, prim­arily to try by breathing hi; native air (he is a native of :Uaine) to cure a troublesome throat complaint, thc result of an attack of uronchitis and lal'yngitis six months IIg0, The se­

cundary object of his visit is to pros­ecute experimcnts with the view to huilding a flying machinc, Hc con­telllpin tt'S making an experimenting ground in Connecticut, or on Long Island, :-;ir Hirlllll bclie\'es that the era' of successful fiying machines, \\ itil which hc has been making cx­pCI'imcnts, is very Ill'llr, al though IUuch work will be necessary bcfore fl'ee high flight is practicable, Hc ad­hercs to his oftcn expl'c$sed view that the solution of the problem will not he found in lighter-than-air mach­i nes, He says that a majori ty of the present expcrimcnters, numbcring nbout a hundred, al'e working on thc balloon theory, but he is convinced that inventors have come to the cnd of their teUier in that direction, Hc does not think that anyone' will do better than Snntos-Dumont, who is cntitled' to eycry crcdit. He has done much better than the French G o\'crnmcnt experts under Col. Hcn­al'd and his brother Major Henurd,

A succcssful machinc, Sir Hiram muilltllins; lI1uSt travcl fast-at a specd, indccd, which would tcar any bnl/oon to picccs, 'I'he minimum spced of a true /lying machine will hllye to be 42 miles an hour, nnd the llla.ximulll 100 mile:;, The avcrage speed pl'obably will have to be that of an express train, Sir Hirlllll adds that if he does not build a machine h imseH he may bccollle a consul enginecr on the subject at the St, Louis Exhibition, although if he competcs for the prizes offered by thc exhibition management it is ob­yious that he will not accept an of­ficial position, Sir Hil'fim wil/ sail in a fortnight,

A cable [1'0111 Paris says that a re­conciliation has bccn ullected be­tween the Aero Club and Scwtos­Dumont, the well-known aeronaut, He, Count de III. Vauix, another aer­onaut, and lL Deutsch; the donor of the prize of 100,000 francs for any lIl'ronaut who could sail al'ound the EifTel 'rower in a dirigible airship, were the gucsts of the club at a din­nel', and r('('ci\'cd mcads in recogni­tion of thcil' cfforts to conquer the pI'oblems of the nil', Santos-Dumont is pl'cparing to renew his cxperi­mcnts,


IUrt Itema Culled ,From TeIelfr.phlo


Portoge la PI'airie's ncxt summer fnil' will be held the week preceding' the Winnipeg Industl'ial.

''rh,' Assouan dam was opcned by the Duke of Connllught before the khedive of Egypt, It cost $25,000,-000,

W, WildgrubC, 1\ gnrdcller, who hns hcell !i\'ing in pO\'erty near Xcw Westminstcr, has inhcrited $50,000, His bl'Others, who hud not heard of hiUl for tcn ycurs, travelled 15,000 in search of him,

The wintcr fair at Guelph was a 1ll0!.t successful show, At tllC ,salc of cal'CUSS('S thc swccpstakcs bullock "nobs," was bought by a Guelph blHcher at 52,10 a pound,

William Allcn, of the village of Glenfell, Assu" gcncrnl agent, will al'ply to parlinment at the next ses­sion Ulcrcof for a divorce from his wifc, Louisa Allen,

Th~ ,-year-old dnughtcr of Samucl BnncroCt, of Maplcton, Ont" was burned to death on Dec, 13, het' clothing taking fire us shc wus put­ting wood in tile stovc,

The lfedicinc II a t council is able to furnish the townspeoplc with gas al 2ijc pet' thousand feet, and watel' at Sl per month,

'I"he ::.runitoba Cement company will cunstruct a railway from Morden to its ceillent deposits at the intei'ua­tionai boundary,

\\" R, :Mclnncs, assistlln t tl'afl1c nlllnager of the C,P,H" hilS been pl'O­llJotet! to thc position of assistant ft'urti'. vice-president of the road,

With the apPI'oach of Clu-istlllns., ti,e J-Ihlln pudding indusu'y of Eng­land, which so fUl' hus not been cltll-, t'd UPOll to rcpel nlly AmCI'ictlll in\'as­iOll other than that mude up of con­sltlltel's-is in its glory, From LOII­dOll tOilS of festh'e pudding find t1l'!ir way all ovel' the world,

Tho Oxford strect shop of the best. known JUllkers of plum pudding hus ordel's fOl' the sending of the pudding to e\'el'y quarter, Many al'C o rd()I'e<\ us Christmlls pI'csents fOJ' fl'iends ill the United Stlltes, 'I'he puddinb"S 111'0

/lucked in tins and sent by parcels post. ns a rule, A tulk with Uw man­agel' culled fOl'th some interesting in­f orllllltion,

" We scll about 250 tons of plum puddillg' each Christmas," he sllid, roughly speaking 82,000 puddings, u\'el'uging se\'en pounds ench, besideli. SOll1e hnlf million large cakes,

"The old custom of putting a thl'eo pcnny bit in thc family plulll pudding hus deyclopcd into a Yel'Y eXI>ensi\'l:l' fushion, Costly jewelQ' und chnrllls, all.' now !ll!nt concenled in the helll't of t.he pudding, ::.rllny o[ OUI' cus­tolltel's scnd smull to~'s nnd orna-, Uh!nts to bc inscrted, We hllve se\'­

l'/!:;tructive StOJ'lllS al'C ~wc'lpi .. g el'al times despatched ditullontl l'ings in t.his way to diffel'cnt pnrts of the' the' toast. of Newfoundland country, A yelll' OJ' two ago a royal

C I ergue's stcJJl rnil ,mills n t Sa ulL PCl'sOJlHge sen t us nn ornlUllcn t wort.h, 8te ::'lnl'ie, have been closed down, £;:'00 with instructions to hoil it in,

'l'wo Allin mail carl'iel's iJl'oke I u pudding, Jt is a I'nthcr dungel'ous. thi'ollgh the ice on 'l'aku luke, uu,1 fashion,

"l'ostage rates [01' Illtllll pudding", \\'(.1 t! drow-ned.

Chief engineer of thc C,P ,H, the company hus plnns to spend 00\),000 west of Winnipeg,

m'e extraordinal'Y, A sc\'cn-pound sa:?s pudding, costing $2, sent to Hho­S to.. desia is chargcd the same amount fOl'

postllge, while the rate for Hong Kong for the samo pudding' is only 50 cents, The duty of ncarly 50 )l0l'

cent. on plum puddings impol'ted ill-

Jll', Law hus discovered thllt flOat and mouth diseasc did not ()ri~inuto in Cnnada,

to the United States has now bcon !ItI'I,cctor Hendl'Y \\'OS, S!lOt hr .o1,'U abolished and we are scnding many

Ot his own eomlllltul 111 \hl' Itltl",- to America, We have sent some a.'> '!Jin~s, , fa I' west as San Francisco,

lntercoloninl railway receipts for I the past livc lIlonths show big in- DEATHS ON GREAT LAKE3' CJ."lm~{lS.

'l'ht'rc are 32 aplJlicunts (01' till' 1"":;'- l'lfty-fuul' Sallnr~ Jll'u'~II,'d DurlnJ,:' the itiolt of secretary of tl1C 1)1;"1"1 of )'".t T,yo "'eek., tradc, Calgary, ,

I I r t d ' h n 't' h t' I I' Kat rOl' IJ1IUlY yeal's hns there been f (I' ca c In t e 1'1 IS ,0 11I1I)1a , ,

legj,;luture, Col. 1'I'ior will appeal to such a record 01 ,\tsaster as has tile ,'ountry, /llllll'kCd thc Pllst two weeks on the

He,n, ~lr: Mulock and Canadian; gl'ellL lakes, 'rhc storm which came llllJntlfllcttll'erS have discussed a di- from the north country lind cotlrsed reel I<teamship line to New Zealund, along the whole chain of lakes scal-

lIon, S, Fisher, minister of, agd- tl'l'ed death widely, Fifty-folll' sail­culture, in an Ilddress at Guelph, ud- 01 s were drowned and theil' bodies. voell,ted the establishment of 1lI0,'e an, now fioating somewhere in tht." abat toil'S, icy \\'atel's, 'rhe mOlley loss hl\s not,

The Detroit reciprocity convent,ion been gl'eat, for the vcssels which wcrc' pUlise,! a strong resolution in favor wrecked belonged to the old woodeu" of enlarged trnde with Canada, squadl'on-with the eXception of one"

The British government must ei th­(:1' drop the Favored Nation clause 01'

tho IJl'ussels sugar conventiou, and the decision is cuusing much Iluxiety in trade circles,

the Bannockburn, owned by the ~ton­treal 'l'rnnsportation cOlllpany,

The loss of the splendid vessel' is, Ulltll'countable, She was model'n andl staunch in evCJ'y pnl'ticular nnd built: whorc they know how to build ves­

Louis Delatrc, of Vancouver, B,C" sels fl'OIll dire necessity-in England, employed in the Cornell COpPet' mine She is the gl'eatest loss of the sca­on Texado. island, was killed on Dec, son, being wOI'th with hcr cargo of, 10th, He ann a companion, Robt, gl"l1in, S210,OOO, :Mol'eover, her aC(l\\I' Hoben, were lute in getting awny ,numbered 20 men,' ,

i:l'plylnll' to llr, B,'yCt', J.iberal, Lord Cronioorne saltl the llritlsh minlst"r R t. CIII'I\I'Il~ bad bccII instruct,,! to wnlt 24 hours nfter t.he presentation 01 the ulti­tnnllHll. Rod failing to rff"f"ive a. reply. to JH'ocl"<'d to La GllltiJ"R, where be "iUS to wnit nnother .. 24 hours 011 board a Dritlsh ship, That period "xpired lost nl)tht. Unl<'Ss menntlmo n concession had b,..,u receh'ed, it wns DCC't"ssary for His l[n!l'~ty's govcrnm .. nt to tuke forcible I1C­

Uron, The Il'0vernmeut had not yet "cen Infurmed that such Rction hRd been tnk­en, At the foreign office, tho arrest of the BI'itlsh subjects, IH thought to pro­vide ngainst their llI-trootment,

,h'l\t'lsb ]-rotipr.rlty.

A dl~plltch from 1'oronto dllted Dec, !J SliyS that Rishop fluId win, 01 Huron, in tl,e course of nn address on the Jewish raro, said ,thn t the time of Israel's pun, hhment. .. ns apparl'ntl~' rllDning out,

"Wo bad IlUt to look UI,on the J e",s to-<la),," he said, "to see they are grow­ing In power Ilnd Intlucnce, They ore lll­recting the press and entering the ('ubl­net. of Europ.e, and their ",,,a1th Is le­yom! the dreol'.:\ of n. .... nricc:·

'1'hc stcamship Sicn'a, which has fil'l'ivl'd at San Francisco from Aus­tralin, reports that on Xo\" 4, while stchnting at 16 knots, the vessel struck a' whllle, bl'caking its back anti cutting into it so deeply that the huge hody st.uck firmly to thc yC's,<:ol's stem, Thc stt'amcr WIlS slow cd down but thc whale's cUl'cass re­mailled and was dislodged only by hacking the steamcl', Thc latter WIIS not 'damaged,

John Armstrong, survcyor for the C, X, H" states that thcre is no pass at ~moky )'iver as shown on maps of the Hockies,

Winnipeg aldermen have asked ,the Dominion go\'ernlllcnt to prOvide an illlmigrant burial ground in the cit.y,

H, J, Johnson, a C, P, H, clerk in ~fontreal, wl10 gave "tips" to con­ductors, received a two ycars' sen­tence.

One farmer was kllied and 'anothel' fatally injured in an accident on thl Great Northern track at Bathgate, North Dakota,

from a blast, Hoben caught on a I The Bannockbul'n has simply dis~, boam after both had been blown out.; appcared in the middle of Lnke Su­of the shait bucket and miraculously IJ~I'iol', She wus more solidly built, e!;/aped being dushed to dcath at tile ,'than it is cusLomal'Y to build lake­bot.tom, , cl'aft; she was steel frolll her dock.

Brundon's municipal council, school I hou,sl: to her keel, and she shoulo bonrd, and board of trade, have sub- ellslly have weathCl'ed IIny gnle 01)

mit ted a petition to the attorn'~Y-1 the lakes, , general regarding the refusal of the ']'he s~llson f,'OIll the COl~lI1terCIII J University of Manitoba to allow ex- : sktnlldPol~)I~1 has been the heal\'!ehst ehvel'

, t' t B and 011 'J'h'" l"k I nown, ,lC commcrce W llC a8 anllJlU lons u.. r . uJ ... •

for the neccssary legislation t,) 'l:iye passcd through S ... ult Ste, Manc call-them equal rights with \vinnip('I~, I n.IH up to Dcc, 1 mcasured oYel' ::\(\,_

' 000,000 greater than 'last yeal', Thl) A dispatch frolll Ot.tawll. statcs aUlnzing growth of lake comlllet'CI)

that some time ag{), the Hev, },fl', I will he appreciated when it is relatcct Bnn, who has associated with him a that us lute as 1894 the totnl 01'1)

fcllow clergyman Ilamed lfr, Lloyd, nJo\'elltent was only seven million submit.ted a scheme to the depart- t

'C .. "tinulng, he sulel thRl this m"""t God had a mighty fllture In store for Is­rad. a.nd the Jews' great wealth, w{Juht th,m be .'nntffi,

Th.. political ~l/:n!fil'ance of this '\'IIS iml'urtant to the Gentile world, for, a~

JSI\Illlt had pointed out, 1\11 tne world w'l~ /:o!ng to be morc or 1"5s rlominfltPrl In the mlllenniMJ /:lory hy lsr:luilt.:-s, Thl'n Israel, as' a nation, wOllld nckno'''' ledge Christ, ,,"ould be gathered together Rnd .'ould go back to pos,;.,ss Palestine, and the great centre of the \\'orl~ would be J t'rusalem,

'Miss Maud Hughes, aged about 2.3; 'Misil Gertrude HIl~'ler, aged about 19, and Harry Brady, aged 20, all belonging to Grimsby, Ont" were klllea on the public crossing at Grimsbv sta,tion on Dec. 7 by the 'Toront~ e."I:press train, which passed at 8,35 p.m, The young people wcrc in compatW on" their way home from church, ' and on ", reaching the track were stopped by a freight train run­nin~ east, Just as the end of the train pnsBed t!he c-"I:press came a~~ng arilt the three young poople, ,fruhng t{) notice the approaching traiD, were IItruclc;: , .. ,.r

, ' . "

Falmouth is pl'obably the port in England, It was used Phoonkians at least 2,500 ag'o,

oldest by thc years

H thc human tempcl"ature rises ahove lOS degrees or falls bclow 93 c!f>grpcs, the result is almost always death,

Germany now pI'oduccs 2,295,000 lons out of the 6,825,000 to'llS of be-et :;ugnr grown in the world,

Thc exports from the Mcrsey cx­ceed thc value of those shipped from the Thames by nearly tIlirty millions stcrling,

Sc\'eral south :Uain street, Winllipeg, renl estate deals are reported,

Fred C, Wade Is spoken of as the next 1tO,'emor for the Yukon Territory,

, .. train 01 bonded :Uanltob'a wheat cars went south o\'er the Great :O;-orthern line,

The price paid to quiet conscience te.eps mighty few people poor,

A man seldom W1dillg trOUble.

has any trouble Ir

Signor Polacco, Italian minister at. Sofia, committed suicide at Milan on D"c, 10, He threw himsclf out of a window of a hotcl. The ministor had been suffcring for some tillle past f,'om ner,\"ous debility,

The e.-,;:trClllely cold weathcr pr~\'ail­ing in Gcrllluny, in connection with thc hard times, is causing It,uch suf­rel'ing, Many persons have been fro­l'en to death in the western indus­trilll provinccs and also in the north­el1stern prO'\,inces,

'Thc department of crown lands hIlS made the estimate that 884,500,000 feet of pine saw logs and square tim­her was cut on liccnsed territory th is y"ar in Ontario,

Archibald Cockburn, aged 40 WIlS caught; under a falling tree in Lon­don township, Ont" while chopping, and instantly killed, ,

,\ t the newly completed electrical power plant of the Cascade Water I'ower and Light Company at Cas­cadc, Boundary district, B, C" an employee was instantIy kill~ while using the telephone by electncal o:ur­rent." Also a large pipe conveying watcr to the '11'110015 burst, destroy­illg thirty foot al the power hous~,

ons, ment of immigration for locating

about 2,000' settlers from Britain in A l'epul't has hcen received at Ot-tho Canadian West, The department " , hus arranged to locate these settlcl's I tawa f,'om ~'" Larke" th~ Cun,adlan along the linc of the Canadian NOI'-, tl'udc Ilgcnt 1I1,1~u,stralla, 111 wh.'ch he thern railway, west oC Saskatoon, UI'gl'S the posslblltty of the g,rnll1 and They will come from all pal'ts of BI:i- • tlOUI' tJ'ade from the Cana·dtan \\',cst tain and are expected to alTiYe 111 to the Commonwealth, It is Cstll1l­the ~pring, I aLed that there is a shortage of fl'o!"}

The great'attl'action at the Guelph one to two hundred thous~nd tons I~ f " t' 24 I'ange cattle the home market, The Unltcd State .. all' wus a group 0 , h d d d which hart arrived from a ranch near is hot after ~ e tra e" an a go,o C ' L k ASS'lll'boia The'" were deal of CanadIan grain IS being shlp-I ane a e, I ,.J d -...T Y k ' t d f V under the personal supervision of S, pe from _, c~ or" II1S ca 0 an-m P t d puty commissioner of couver, Gram, ilour, oats, corn,bar-n, C '.?rson, e , 1 d' II ' d S f agriculture for t.he Northwest 'I'erri- ey an pcas are a ,require, 0 ar-tories, They were fifteen days on as thc salcs, of Mallltob~ har~ wheat th ' a d fOUl' days without wa- are concel'ned, M,', Larke sa;) s there

e Viav, n I Id b ' t' f C d' te • tly the~' looked thin s lOU e an IllSPCC Ion 0 ana Ian ,I', conscquen J ' d h t d ' t' They arc equally divided between ;:'hea tl \t'es~ Bto 't' °h tcc I ra

b? ,IUS ICC I '

rade Galloways, grade Shorthorns, ",amp es 01 rl IS , 0 um la app es g d d Her fords They will not wcrc, sent across thiS Call and found an grn e e , , t I' Th 'II n return to the west, but will be ex- faylor III Aus r~fla, d feY't \~'I set

' t--" P "efore they meet the we I next year' I goo rUI IS sen . perl men l.-U u on U k h' I ' t th t nntural (lnd of beef cattlc, They will Me r, Ld~r·e repeat IS '~ cOfiIlnlP alll d a

, t bl d d fed at the agricul-, ana IOns are s ow III mg or crs, be s a e an I TI' t' h' I ' t' , t tural college and Major Hood's farm, liS Ime IS comp alll IS agnms and the rcsults will be taken to de-I the flour exporters, tennine if successful business can be , done by Ontario farmers in "finish- e, P, R, survey parties are at work ing" "estern- cattle, I bet wcen Battleford and Edmonton,

~C' ;'C::';0!"'1


.. ,- ".' 7'-,' • \,:'., : '

-~,==~~.'================~==========T=~=================== ~ r

i,\. riet are hereby notified that. the I . Farm (0':' Sale ..


Ratbwell elevators will close on -.

Rathwell until Jan. 2nd. I90tz. m a beauuful locaht) ",here t~ere . . I is the best of water and· the nch-I

. l£~~~~-~~~~~------~~'~- ,.> The fifth annual ball. given bYlest £oil? I have a list of im-! ,""~h'¥4'¥hJ4¥:ViV~ the A. O. U. ,\V. on Fnday even- pro""ed farms which you should I

" Miss Nellie Oliver left on Satur- ing last was 10 say the .least the best see if . you wanta home at a rea­dar's e. .. press for Dauphin, Man., lof t~e season both SO?a11y ~d fin- sonable figure. on a \;sit to her brother. anClally. The musIc supplied by SAM FLACK,

Messrs Gibson, Irwin and Stock- Swan Lake. ~fr. Jos.Craddock of Roland the dale was the best eyer givcu in I

father of "our Bill ... " was in town. Scammell's Hall, and the trio men­a few davs last week. Mr. Crad- tioned have no equal in this part of dock is tra\-eling collector for The 'I . b '1 T C F b

1 . C .l aIll10:l. "' rs.·. . or es

J. 1. Case Threshing Mac nne o. catered to the sevcuty four couples '1'. ~I. Ward Monda \" last from a visit with relatives ill Portage la Prairie.

retumed on three weeks Sidney al?d

~[r. alld Mrs. Jo1m Gibson re­turned to their bome Oil Tuesday last.

Messrs Adam Forbes and Paul Kane' were Treberne visitors on :\Ionday.,

Mr. George It~\'in, who bas been the guest of fr:iends the past few days returned on Tuesday to his home in Almasippi.

~Irs. GlO\'er Lloyd of Portage la Prairie is \'islting her sister Mrs. '1'. M. Ward.

Mrs. 'Adam Forbes and :Mrs. R.

present in1 her usual up·to-date manner_ The committee were uu­tiring in their efforts to maintain their usual reputation, and to their personal efforts are due the suc­cess and to the surplus that goes to the local treasury.


Mr. George Crnthersis the guest of Mr. G. Gorrie, he has jllgt re­turned from South Africa and has many thrilling adventures to tell about the war.

Mrs. W. Englisb gave a party last Tuesday night at which every­one enjoyed themselves.

Mr. Archie Smith has sold his team wagon and harness, we under­stand he int.cI!ds goillg east to get a homestead; we wish him every Sllccess.

Wild Land For Sale.' I ha\'e 'SOme parcels of choice

wild lands for sale in this district, and am open to receive offers for same. The following are some of the lallds:

S. W. }{ of 35-j-9· E ;f of 32 -6-j.

The first namedlal1d is only fi\'e miles from Treherne, and the sec­ond is a choice haH section ill the Rose Isle district. Apply to

\V. T. S~lITH, 8tf Glenboro.

Tenders, Tenders will be receh'ed by the

undersigned up to 2jth iust, for thedelivery at Wilson Glen School of ten cords of green body wood A, cut iu 28 inch lengths. The same Ci'" to be delivered by February 1St.

J AS. S1'E\'EXSON, Sec. Treas. II-12


~edieal1tall •

UAlways Open"


Full line of Drugs, Patent Medi= cines. Toilet Articles.

Prescriptions carefully dispenseci. =====.============_ .... -::c .... .-, .. ='= ... = ... , ..

PAUL KANE, Financial Agent, Rathwell,

Agent for Ontario Loan and Debenture Co., the Confedera­tion Life Association and Westem Farmers Li\"e Stock In­surance Co.' Mouey to loan at 6, 6 ~·6 and 8 per cent.


HARDWARE Forbes left on \Vedncsday's express 011 n thrce' months visit to f Jiends

.in T'hamesville, Ont., their former home.

.' 'H,,'nnd Mrs. Donald F.obertson ·Bp.3collsfield Sunday School will "' hold thdr annual Christmas trce

and family "'ere passengers on and entertainment on Tuesday Tuesday's exprcss for Southamp- evening Dec. 28th. All are cordi-

From my place secti.on 15-9-9, about the 1St of September, two roan heifers two and three years old, branded 0 on left hip. A suit­able reward will be given for infor­mation leading to th"eir reeO\"ery.

WItS.lvloRc,\N, . Adam Forbes, Rothwell.

Indianford. tOll. ally invited to attend,

- ;-;-. . . . . . •. . . . . .-.. -;-. .-.-;-, .t\ COUl plitnen tary farewell su pper ................................................................. :

9- II

'was gi\'en to Mr. and Mrs. John Mr·. C. B. Keighley, the general :i: ::: Gibson'und Mr. George Irwiu on book agent paid his customers a.:. J A ~ D A "'\1 'i' Monday evening last at the resi- visit this week. :i: fi&:5) 0 . fi IT 9 :!: dence of Mr. James Forbes. Thc :i: :~: music supplied was a guarantee of • TREHERNE; :MAN. • the enjoyment the young people had Stl'ayadg

• $5 Reward: :i: :!: while the • (oysters" and other good + Practical House Painter and .;-t1.1illgS supplied helped to pass From the premises of the under- ::: :!:

signed, two yearling calves, oue : :nfay the waning hours. ·Mr. J as. heifer and one steer. Heifer red ::: Decorator. :~: Day was present with his gr:U110- and white, with hole in left ear, .:. .:. Phone and with several new re- t d 'tl 1 . b 11 1 .:., COll1plete samples of wall- ••••• seer re WI 1 w 11te on e y, ane cor~is in his possession was greatly b tl b 1 1 . tl f k' .i.· papers kept on hane!. Pal)er- .':.'. o 1 rane ee WI 1 a or -, or spur admired by those present. b 1 H b .. . .:., 1'110' dOlle pr-olnptly' and prop' .:. rane. ave een I11ISSlllg sluce '"

Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Pritchard last June. 'V. J. DmR, :i: erly. Graining. Sign-writing. :~: • • left on Tuesday's express for Owen 10-12 Indianford. .:. • ••••••••••• ~. Sound, -Ontario, on n three 1110nths ==============~~.:.~.:~ .. :~ .. ~:.~.:.=.:~ •• =:.~.:.~.:= •• != .. = .. = ••• = •• = .. = •• = ••• = •• = ••• = •• = •• = •• = ... = •• =:: ..... visi t. .: •• : .. : .. : ....................................................................................................................... : •• : .. : •• : ... : .. : •• :. . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . .+.

y •

One of the largest private parties .:. 'i' 'of the season gathered at the resi- .;, G' d ',' dence of :Mr. and Mrs. George : •• i.·.=. 00 Aa"r : .. i:.:. 'rucker on Tuesday evening of .,-last week. Thc party was a supri~e .'. '.' • • in .eve·ry respect and the table .:. '.'

groaned with the heavy load of ::.i:::.: T' hI(§) ng's =:!.::=: good things to digest. Mr. Jas. Day, Mr. Fred Stockdale and Mrs. J os. Golley of Treherne con- .!. 'i' tribllted ttJ the musical part of the :i: " :!: Progrmnme. Mr. John Cameron .:. .:.

1 • •

wus present with his phonograp 1. .'. F db'" :i: "01' everyone l'oundan a out :!: Mr. Thos. Gill who has been a : ' ~}' •

sufferer of sciatica for the past two :i: this stote froin now till New I ears :i: months left ou \Vednesday 'for the .:. .:. \Vinnipeg General Hospital. ; .:. A'1 .!. ~ nnua ~ 'lk 1 f .+. . .:.

Mr. and Mrs. John \Va 'er e t .:. .:. ';I.'uesrlay for Own Sound, Ont., on :.~'.' S. tock _Ta"lc 1

e n'g" '.:::.:. their annual vacation.. 11.. 1 ~

~ y . S I . • The firm .of J. G. McGO"'an &

Co. are giving their many custom­ers' ,n Xmas box iu the shape of a . substantial discouut on every dol­lar~' worth of goods. See their ad­\'ertisement in this issue.

Mrs:Wes. Paulin and Mrs. H. Smith of Treherne were the guests of Mrs. D, Robertson on Tuesday last. '. .

" Mr. W:J. Dier of left ,on Thursday for


Illdianford Port Elgin;

~Ir.' Adam Forbes visited the City Monday, on a business trip.

A ladies fur collar lined witli !!Teen silk was taken in mistake from the A. O. U. \V. ball on Fri­day e,·e. last. T.he same will be exchunged at the Post office.

.t. a e .:. .:. .... .:. A ~

:i: In order to reduce our iU1Uleuse :~: • • ~ ... :i: stock before stock-taking we pur- :~: :i: PQse holding a great clearing sale :~= :~ from now until Jan. Ist, 1903· :!: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A ~

:k 10 BARGAIN DAYS :!: ~ ~ • • ~ y

.:~: }'3 OFF all our suits, overco-ets, :~: :~:. pea-jackets, pants, and shirts. :~: ... ... ~~: ~ OFF all dry goods; boots and :~: :!: shoes, underwear, mitts, gloves. :!: ~ ~ ~ ~

:!: GROCERIE~'atroc~~bottom ptices :~:


REME~'BER THE MAIN Object ill buying is to get one dollar's worth of

goods for ont! huudred cents. That is the valne always given at the katlnvell hardware store. We have a


of heating stoves, cook stoves, stove boards, pipes, elbows, etc., to scare John Frost away.

CaU aud consider our \·alnes.


. --- ~-- ...


~ •

8 •• ~.GOOO •• 00.Q800~$eQ~0000@~.ec800GO&000GQG o 0

: eoTtIE CORNER STOREu : e 0 o ~ o Q Q 8

: D'" A mm . mlM D~ali~B : ~ ;"'v ~HU ~~ulhlt ~ o G

• •

i The fact ~ •• o 0

: That we are ou top for quality, COlll- :

: bined with cheapness. vVe are show- : o • : ing some beautiful designs in Christ-: : mas goods and invite your inspection. :" · - ~ • •

i Mclachlan & McCombs. i : RATHWELL : · ,. . OO.OGoooeoo.$OG.e •• o •• QOOo~ •• ooeo.o.&e.OOG00

General B!acksmith. PHiliPS & STROGER ·JASa LEE

The \Vest End blacksmith shop solicits a share of your blacksmith­ing, wood-working, share-making and ·horse-shoeing patronage. First class work is our regular grade.

'~. 'i"REHERNE, MAN. .: ,

Builders and Contractors. 01

Are prepared to estimate on all' kinds of building, stone, fr\lme," brick, cement, etc., and other con~ tractillg. Leave orders with either member of the firm, or at the Times. office. . '. ;

~Irs. C. G. Hun nOll who has bee'u visiting friends in Rathwell the past six m'onths left on Thursday for Chicago. It will be' pleasing t~ . her many friends to know that .Mr. Hanuon is employed in the tbica<To Office of Sir Thos. Lipton

g , -. g .:. ..:... -: '.' ~',j- ",' .'-; .:. :!: v\f.;§'hing y~u all the cOi11plin:l~nts :!: LIVERY STABLE :!: of tlie season· :!: JAS: SMITH :~: . . l~' :~: ,.successor to Jj~rrie & CO;j.~,~oing T" C. FOR.BES,

Treherne, Man6

'" , " the.famous tea merchallt. . . , . . l! .

+ _ '. . . ,'" .;. Q!lsinesg a.t t¥.e Broadway ltven~ General Loan: and Insurance Agent. ::: . J' ~ G M: GOWAN' i, C '~9 ::: .bfttn and wlsh~ to see all;the cus: Money W Loan at . 6~, 7 ... '

'.. II I I. • new:ones as p0SSlb1e. G90d ng~,. A"ftntfor .d'rl"rm·k f r"'· 'hin'



~ .


• ....


" Mr. Arthur Shepra'rd has been ~ppointed as deleg'a'te to go to tlie old' Country to procure a numbe,.r of ,experiellced farm 1aborer.s !o'r )his district. Any others wlshl~

. " a .fatm baml can communicate with hifu.>beio~reavillg. ., . ' .".;

. ,'.' ........ > ;~:~~~ .. l}'~ ·t.:, .. ,r:. ... ~1l \,.-\":J ~I

• i' ,~; 0·. : 0 y. :i: ,t'(J1!ers of tbe l:::t~ firm, an~ as m~nY; a~~.8 per ce.i1t .. ·· . '.' • ' . ••• .:'?t_~.. ,j'. d . "t' .... S'-' ~\.IU Ie ammac ery • ::: . ..' (t

w' . E' .. ". .' •. , . ~.:, styhsn dllve)rs ~ promp. C"~ervlce. r . . '\~';.. ". : .. ' , .... '.' ~. 4'

'i.·'-~' . ",\RAT)i LL ..... :,:;· :.;;;::-., .. ;:~.:"(' ' y ". L~:, T'~'f~ '! .'. d ~"R~A~E lICEN~fS.II~SllfD.i':' ~. .:;..,..u~~;.*;..~~:l::tt..~ ... l;..).) .•. -:~·;~1. ••• !..~~i~~~ ....... l.;.:..! ... :...: .. U .. ~~·JASi :~n I H. . Offi~eiliPf 6;~ B'uildihg; hlthweii.

, TI1f! farmers ihrougholif the dist- .• ~r •• . _. _,~ .• ~, •.. ' ••• ' .•••.•• -_ •. * .••.• ,. , •.•••.•. : ... < • • • , ," ", : "\',' :<' ". .' '. I • . • -

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