re targeting webinar

Post on 08-May-2015






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Quick presentation on Display Advertising, best practices in banner creation, and using Retargeting technology for better conversion rates & brand awareness.


ReTargetingWebinar w/ Arjun Dev Arora

Half the money I spend on advertising is

wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which

half. -John Wanamaker


Mix of SEO/SEM, Public Relations, Social Media, Display Advertising, Blogging, Viral, Email Marketing, Conferences

After all this, the average bounce rate for most sites is still a staggering 98%

Modern Marketing Funnels







Generating Interest


•EmailCapturing Interest



•Social Media



Optimizing Marketing Spend

Marketing budgets are shrinking

= need more innovation!

Top of funnel campaigns are

important but can be optimized

ReTargeting is the missing piece

in the middle and will soon help

solve the post sale problem

Increase awareness and drive

sales by showing up everywhere

your clients surf

Place a few lines of code on your site – this code drops a cookie on

the users computer

We read the cookie in real time across our network and show an ad

if we find that cookie

No personally identifiable data is stored or recorded

ReTargeter: How It Works

Visitor Arrives At Your Site

I think

Hooked on


would be

great for my

kid …

Visitor Hits A Specific Tab

Oh this is

great and

well priced …

but I have to


Visitor Heads To A Different Site Later

Next Day:

Just surfing

the web ….

Visitor Continues To Surf And Sees Ad

Click Here for Great


Oh yea! I was

just reading

about this.

Cool! *click*

Surfing away

on the web

Visitor Recognizes Ad And Clicks Back

Wow! Glad I

saw this ad!

Let me buy

this for my


Benefits: Why ReTargeter?

• Brand Awareness: Everyone will know you!

• Convert Lost Traffic to Completed Sales

• Test Test Test – Measure reactions to your


• Maintain Relationships – keep your customers


Tracking: It’s all about ROI.

• We can track click and view thru conversions

– See what ads inspire action from your customers

• Customer Profile:

– We saw some interesting results for the sales

ReTargeter helped generate:

• <10% of the sales were directly from clicks on the ads

• ~40% of the sales happened <48 hours after someone saw

an ad

• The remainder of the sales were generated by someone who

had seen an ad more than 48 hours ago

Optimization: Pacing & Ads

• Account Manager: A dedicated account manager will track your account and optimize it

• Pacing: We can limit the impressions to as low as 2 impressions per user per day

• Pacing: We can limit the total number of impressions per day

• Ad Optimization: We will find the ads that perform poorly and help improve them

• We accept five standard IAB sizes

• Creativity & specific calls to action help

determine clicks & overall campaign success

• Multiple iterations help keep messaging fresh &

keep customers engaged

– It also helps to optimize your ads: only show what


Creating Ads That Perform

#1: Keep It Simple! – Have one simple message and a clear and powerful image

#2: Buttons Increase CTR – A succinct call to action within a button is ideal

#3: Honesty Is The Best Policy – Make your value proposition clear and honest

#4: Give It Away – Hold a promotion or have a contest, give away free products

#5: Beauty Sells – Shameless but true, a picture of an attractive person increases CTR

#6: Be BOLD – Use a powerful headline: get people to think / react & then click

#7: No White Backgrounds – They blend in with the page & don’t allow your ad to pop

#8: Stay Relevant! – Have ads that are relevant to current events or important new trends

#9: Iterate! – Keep trying new ideas & ads until you find one that works for your users

#10: Ratios are Golden – 2/3 vs. 1/3 for the two colors you use in the ad

Best Practices for Banner Ads









White banners

must have a


No animations longer

than 15 seconds

Audio: on user click


Examples of great ads

Thank you!


Testimonials and Case Studies

• HomeGain --

HomeGain, a pioneer in helping people find real estate agents online, ReTargeted people that visited their “Find A Realtor” section. These folks arrived via SEO, SEM, WOM, blogs, twitter, but did not complete the online form. ReTargeter found these same individuals across the web (including real estate sites like Yahoo! Real Estate and and presented them with ads that encouraged them to return and complete the sign up process. This solution increased ROI and brand awareness for HomeGain.

• ChesterFrench --

ChesterFrench, an up-and-coming rock band, recently sent out an email campaign to thousands of their fans – pre-launch of their upcoming album –and cookied those users as they came to the site. When the album launched, we switched on our ReTargeter solution and those thousands of fans (and others) saw ads for ChesterFrench across the web. ChesterFrench reached #11 on iTunes and has received rave reviews.

Testimonials and Case Studies

• LOGIK --

LOGIK, a pioneer in eDiscovery (the processes of finding meaning and specific info from a mountain of data for legal purposes), ReTargeted people that visited their site. LOGIK launched a great new website and incorporated ReTargeter into their new marketing blitz. The ReTargeter campaign generated so much buzz, brand awareness and brand credibility for LOGIK that they jokingly said they should be paying a lot more for our service!

• StickerJunkie --

StickerJunkie, a sticker company started by a well known entrepreneur, recently launched ReTargeter as a stand alone marketing test. What they noticed was truly awesome, not only was there an overall increase in brand awareness and conversions directly from the banners, there was also a general increase in conversions across the site. The most interesting result was an increase in high dollar value orders. These customers were taking longer to decide on the purchase and were also visiting competitors sites. These folks eventually decided to purchase with StickerJunkie as they saw the sticker ads everywhere.

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