reduced emissions from all land uses - a broader perspective on redd+: presentation

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Seminar on Landscapes in a Carbon Focused World 26 October 2012 SIANI, Focali & Naturskyddsföreningen organized a one-day seminar in Gothenburg. Summary: Vietnam has been targeted as one the REDD+ pilot program countries with great willingness to mitigate emission from carbon dioxide by avoiding deforestation. However, being a country with a diverse landscape and scattered deforestation and reforestation the REDD+ approach is not obvious. This study suggests a landscape approach to quantify emission from broadening the REDD+ scope to include other relevant landscapes. Land cover conversion and land use change in tropical forest margins affects both carbon stocks and profitability. Where the carbon stocks generally decrease during land use conversion and profitability (from the perspective of the actors) increases, the ratio of these changes is indicative of an opportunity cost of foregoing the change. The OPCOST model of Opportunity Costs Analysis used in this study combines information on land cover types (typical C stock densities and Net Present Value) with a land use change matrix for a certain period. This model has proven to be a very useful tool for providing a science-based carbon offset price estimation that is important for decision making for any conversion of forestland into non-forest land. Matilda Palm's research included financial mechanisms related to climate and forest as well as landscape rehabilitation in developing countries with a special focus on degraded and marginal lands. Palm has a masters and PhD in physical geography, did a postdoc at World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) in Vietnam and is currently doing a postdoc at Physical Resource Theory at Chalmers. Click to view the video of the presentation



Landscapes in a carbon focused worldSIANI, Focali, GMV och NSF Göteborg 26 Oktober 2012

Matilda Palm, Chalmers Technical University, Physical Resource Theory

Reduced emission from deforestation and degradation - REDD• REDD Reduced Emissions from

Deforestation and Degradation

• REDD+ Includes:

• conservation • Sustainable

management of forest• enhancement of forest

carbon stock.

Both systems are limited to the definition of forest







Hoang et al. 2012

Why a landscape approach - REALU

Background – REDD+ perspective in Vietnam• Low (1,2 tCO2eq/per capita/year) but

sharply increasing GHG emissions (6,7% 1995 - 2000 and 10, 6% 2000-2005)

• Estimated emission from deforestation, forest degradation and forest land use change were 19 Mt CO2 in year 2000

• Emission from forest and agricultural sector were 29% of annual GHG emissions

• Active development of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Activities (NAMA)

• Adapting to a REDD+ perspective in the NAMA and in the general climate approach

Rubber Plantation in Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam. Photo Jake Catlett

National issues for REDD+ readiness

• Inconsistent land use classification and forest definitions• Inconsistencies between land use plans and actual land

use• Inconsistency between land use data available and forest

cover change• Issues:

• Include REDD+ in

overall framework of

forest or• Include REDD+ in

a broader overall

framework?Coffee plantations in Da Lat Photo John van der Woude

Why a landscape approach in Vietnam?• A broader approach is not limited to the definition of forest

• Vietnam use 3 different definitions of forest• Designated National Authority (DNA) for CDM projects• Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) for forest

management (2009)• Vietnam’s Forest Protection and Development law (2004)

• The REDD+ mechanism itself does not hinder the national implementation to be broader (full landscape?) than the definition itself, but the “payment” will only be made for the defined REDD+ actions

The case of Dak Nong• Located in the central highlands• High deforestation area – very little primary forest left• Aim

• What are the current impacts of deforestation and land-use change on carbon emission?

• Assessment of land-use change and the associated drivers as well as underlying causes.

• What level of economic profitability is associated with current carbon emissions and at what carbon market price could different degrees of deforestation and degradation be offset?

The case of Dak Nong• Located in the central highlands• High deforestation area – very little primary forest left• Aim

• What are the current impacts of deforestation and land-use change on carbon emission?

• Assessment of land-use change and the associated drivers as well as underlying causes.

• What level of economic profitability is associated with current carbon emissions and at what carbon market price could different degrees of deforestation and degradation be offset?

Approaches to REALU• Spatial analysis – to establish the long term land-use change and to identify the drivers of the change

• Land use conversion (from what- to what – when – by whom?)

• Opportunity cost analysis on various land use alternatives,all relevant for land use conversion

• What is the costs (in USD) per tCO2eq for different land use conversions?(input – NPV, time averaged carbon stock, land use matrix)

• Stakeholder consultation – to collect data and groundtruth the data analysis

Results• Large gaps between land use planning and actual land-

use change• High conversion rate from natural forest to perennial

crops, although decreasing from 97% to 52 % over the last 30 years.

• Majority of the land use conversion generated less than 5.3 USD per tCO2eq lost – conversion from natural forest to shifting cultivation or low carbon annual crops.

• Conversion of poor and medium natural forest to perennial crops (rubber, coffee) show high economic profitability, 225 USD per tCO2eq

Reasons for applying a landscape approach in VietnamHow can this approach facilitate the REDD+ readiness?

• Identify • the drivers on land use conversion and • the interaction of actual land use and policy implementation. • the choices made by land users and by that also potential

alternatives to land use change. • the gap between land-use plans and real land-use changes.

Focus the REDD+ actions to the most suitable areas

Question for consideration

• Is it possible to combine different carbon mechanisms in order to apply the landscape approach nationally and internationally?

Thank you!

Small hydroenergy dam, Bac Kan. Photo Matilda Palm


Long term trend of land use/land cover change

Stakeholder consultations• By workshops and key informant interviews • Presented results for groundtruthing• Responding to cause and impact to

• Policy implementation• Actual land use change

Degraded hill slope, Bac Kan. Photo Matilda Palm

Opportunity cost analysis• Net Present Value (USD/ha) • Time averaged carbon stock (t/ha)• Land use matrix (from the spatial analysis)


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