reflection edsa revolution in pgc

Post on 10-Feb-2016






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Caronan, Andrea A.4ISC

EDSA RevolutionThe youth of today have no idea of what is ESDA Revolution. They do not

have any idea of what really happened and who were the people behind it. The youth of today regret not being born yet to have witnessed the EDSA Revolution, but instead they have other revolutions to fight freedom from poverty, freedom from corruption, access to genuine education, respect for human rights and the preservation and conservation of our Mother Earth.

The 2016 polls will serve as the turning point of our political system and of the many collective decisions we make these days. Everyone is called upon to participate and to make a mark in the great task of rebuilding a nation. Let us try to exercise our right of suffrage this coming 2016 polls. Let us choose the right leaders who will lead our nation. Leadership requires the ability to attend to and understand others and to put one’s personal interest. In short, it requires gallantry and the ability to make personal sacrifices.

We are calling the youth of today for change. We did not see the faces of those who were in EDSA Revolution, but we feel freedom. We did not feel their sacrifices but we feel the change. We see things transform, we must move. Let us learn once again how meaning fully build a nation where the interest of others above all else finds priority and where least of our brothers become the beneficiaries of genuine change. Let us respond to the call of the times now. Let us not wait for another EDSA Revolt to rise. This is the very right time to make and create a great nation free from corrupt officials, since our political system even up today is still suffering from a very dreadful disease. Youth of today, let us join hands to make this nation a great place to live in. a great place where there is progress and most of all where there is peace.

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