reflection - goals for placement

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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ReflectionTask 1.1: At the beginning of my placement I set myself goals to refer to in order to manage and get the most out of it:

Analyse my attitude towards my learning by being responsible for being actively involved and taking opportunities to further my knowledge and experiences

Science/English/Maths: I demonstrated and involved the students in making jelly, and we then talked about procedure writing.

Reflect on my learning

I made many reflections, evaluations and journal entries to reflect on how I was learning and growing as a teacher, and what outcomes I wanted the students to learn and if they met these outcomes.

I consistently judged how the lessons were going and if I needed to change things for next time to achieve successful and effective learning for the students.

Note: See Journal entries. clipart

Develop collaborative working

I did this by planning with my mentor and taking on advice given.This allowed me to grow as a teacher and improve my lessons and teaching.

I kept in contact with the Uni Liaison and Site Coordinator, and was supported by other staff and pre-service teachers during my placement.


Conclude:These goals I set myself allowed me to make the most of my professional experience, and because of them I gained enriching learning experiences and grew both as a future educator and as a learner.

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