reflections 4 on capablanca by dr lyndon...

Post on 26-Jul-2018






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Reflections 4 on Capablanca by Dr Lyndon Bouah Chess is an art, a science and a sport Over the weekend I had occasion to take in my surroundings. The event is played at Times Square, Pretoria. It is a complex consisting of a casino, hotel, an arena where concerts are held and many restaurants where one can have great coffee. The area is decorated with sculptures made by Anton Smit. I was intrigued by these sculptures as I drove to the venue.

Times square with Maslow hotel and casino on the right

In many instances I am now the ultimate chess tourist. I enjoy the atmosphere of the tournament and enjoy watching the games of the top players. I am not sure if I still want to play because I don't have enough time to prepare any more. So now I enjoy the ambience of the event. Let's look at a few sculptures. I quote from the writings below the sculpture. 1. Oblivion of the waves. This was the first sculpture I saw driving to the venue. The work investigates the landscape of the soul- the universe of bone that becomes a translucent cathedral when you have a fleeting glimpse of eternity, it leaves you breathless, weightless- falling into the remains of love. The dimness of our reflection in the mirror of the universe leaves us gasping for immortality as we sink into the abyss of self- Anton Smit.

2. The second one is called colossal youth which symbolises a physically strong man. Standing in total submission before God.

3. The Burning Man states : " my flesh covers the tough clay. My bones to rocks are metamorphosed. That's the cold Northern star burning in my eyes. Those legs, those thighs. My monstrous trunk. My erect head, here it ends".

4. Two heads are better than one, in its simplicity there is great complexity, much to explore.

5. The women in a circle. In conversation we pluck up the termini which bound the common silence on every side- Ralph W. Emerson

6. Not a jakaranda tree!

7. Real jakaranda tree.. It is native to South America, the species may have been introduced to South Africa as early as 1824 by Mr J.D Cilliers. In the late 1880s it was propagated in masses to the city of Pretoria thus giving it the nickname Jacaranda City.

8. Grace cut Torso - " creation continues incessantly through the medium of man. Man emulates and assimilates nature, producing poetry in word and form.

9. Male cut torso -" creation continues incessantly through the medium of man.

10. Faith - " I lift my eyes to you whose throne is in heaven in complete submission to God.

11. The hotel complex and swimming pool is a marvel to behold.

12. The arena hosted Kenny Latimore

13. In front of the hotel is a Shining Beacon of Hope. It is a replica of the original Sun Star. The original Sun Star is 30m- high, designed by Cape Town artist Christopher Swift, it represents our country's history, present and future. At the heart of the star is a multi- faceted polyhedron made from the original rescued Robben Island prison fencing- an anchor our past. After 20 years of democracy, the Sun Star stands as a reminder of South Africa's greatest story and a shining symbol of hope for the future. When yup walk with hope you don't walk alone.

14. The swimming pool is an interesting feature.

Ah so you are wondering about the chess I assume! GM Grover played a wonderful game against IM Roselli to take the full point!

IM Andrew Kayonde alias Ak47 beat IM Cawdery in a Grunfeld. IM Kobese played a very tactical game against GM Hoffman but Hoffman saw everything and secured the draw. GM Strikovic beat FM Railson from Madagscar. Klaasen and Van Zyl Rudd drew their game. So Grover leads with a full point with three rounds to go.

It will be interesting to watch now as Grover has to play Van Zyl Rudd and then Strikovic and Hoffman. Strikovic is one point adrift so there may be fireworks! In the Masters section things are heating up with Geoffrey Luanja now on 5/6. I scored my first draw so I am on the board! It is indeed tough as all these players are active now. I loss to FM Matt Pon in the evening round. He is now doing his honours after graduating this year. SA Women's Champion scored her second this morning so well done to her. The final two days are tomorrow. Let's wish all the players well and may they play their best chess. These events are necessary. I have two recommendations for consideration for next year : An analysis room for the players and perhaps a commentary room with all the games with a commentator. This will encourage spectator participation and increase the ambience. Regards Dr Lyndon Bouah

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