regional workshop for data collection and validation mechanism abidjan, cote d’ivoire

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EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY Data Collection and Harmonization Practices and Experiences in East African Community (EAC) – Overview of Recent Activities. Regional workshop for Data Collection and Validation Mechanism Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire 05 – 08 December, 2011. Outline. Background - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Regional workshop for Data Collection and Validation Mechanism

Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire05 – 08 December, 2011


1) Background2) Demand for Regional Statistics3) EAC Statistics Program4) Priority Macroeconomic Statistics under Harmonization5) Other Critical Macro Areas6) Other Areas/Activities Under Harmonization Programs7) Data collection and Coordination Mechanisms8) Challenges

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1. Background

The East African Community (EAC) is the regional intergovernmental organisation of the Republics of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Republic of Rwanda and Republic of Burundi with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.

The Treaty for Establishment of the East African Community was signed in 1999 and entered into force in 2000 following its ratification by the original three Partner States – Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

The Republic of Rwanda and the Republic of Burundi acceded to the EAC Treaty became full Members of the Community with effect from 1 July 2007.

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1. Background (Cont’d)

Mission and Vision

The Vision of EAC is a prosperous, competitive, secure, stable and politically united East Africa;

Mission is to widen and deepen Economic, Political, Social and Culture integration in order to improve the quality of life of the people of East Africa through increased competitiveness, value added production, trade and investments.

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1. Background (Cont’d)

Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community (EAC), provides that “the Partner States undertake to establish among themselves and in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty, a Customs Union, a Common Market, subsequently a Monetary Union and ultimately a Political Federation”

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1. Background (Cont’d)

A fully fledged Customs Union was achieved in January 2010;

The Common Market is under implementation since July 2010;

Negotiations on the Protocol for the establishment of the East African Monetary Union are underway and;

Faster strides towards a Political Federation are being fast made

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2. Demand for Regional Statistics

For purposes of:Coordination of macroeconomic policiesPolicy analysis, evaluation and impact assessmentMonitoring and surveillance of the convergence

Scope:All sectors

Current focus (emphasis)High frequency data

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2. Demand for Regional Statistics (Cont’d)

Member states to provide all data and reports required for the implementation and monitoring of the convergence programme.

These statistics, of necessity, need to be comparable (in terms of concepts, definitions and collection methodologies)

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2. Demand for Regional Statistics (Cont’d)

However,Divergences in methods of compilation and

computation of indices existHarmonization of different subject areas is in

progress, with the process being executed in phases

Hence the EAC statistics harmonization programmes

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3. EAC Statistics Programs

Focus of EAC Statistics programMaintaining an updated statistics database

covering all the socio-economic areas of the region’s economies, and

Harmonization of compilation practices for the different priority statistical indicators.

Regional Statistics Development Strategy (RSDS) under developmentAims at making a coherent roadmap on the

harmonization programsTo be anchored on the PS’s NSDS

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3.1. Maintaining an updated statistics database covering all the socio-economic areas of the region’s economies

The secretariat is ensuring availability of updated regional statistics through four programs

The focus is on official statistics ONLY

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3.1. Maintaining an updated statistics database covering all the socio-economic areas of the region’s economies

3.1.1 EAC Facts and Figures ReportIs an annual publication of the EAC SecretariatIt presents socio economic highlights of the EAC

region for a five year periodAvailable on the Statistics portal in the EAC

website (http:/ done on standardized excel templatesWorking group collates and prepares the Facts

and Figures report

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3.1. Maintaining an updated statistics database covering all the socio-economic areas of the region’s economies

3.1.2 EAC Statistics DatabaseThis is a web based database planned to be launched in

early 2012Will provide a set of about six hundred socio- economic

statistics indicators in the regionHas validation mechanism at national and regional

levelData has been uploaded for the period 2005 – 2010However, gaps still exist for some of the indicatorsTemporary hosted on the site (http:/ be available on the Statistics portal once launched

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3.1. Maintaining an updated statistics database covering all the socio-economic areas of the region’s economies

3.1.3 EAC Trade Statistics DatabaseThis is a web based database planned to be commissioned

in early 2012Data has been uploaded for the period 2008 – September

2011 (at the commodity level – 8 digit)Uploading done at the national leveldesigned to contain three distinct modules open to all

users namely Requirements & Taxes, Import Tariffs and Trade Statistics. Only data for the last two modules have been inputted

Available on (, with a link from the main EAC website

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3.1. Maintaining an updated statistics database covering all the socio-economic areas of the region’s economies

3.1.4 Monetary and Financial Statistics The Secretariat with the Partner States

harmonized a set of regional indicators on MFS and FSI that were considered urgent in 2009

These indicators are regularly being compiled and posted on the statistics portal on the EAC web site.

Monthly/quarterly data for them is available for the period January 2000 – September 2011

Submission done on standardized excel templates

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3.1. Maintaining an updated statistics database covering all the socio-economic areas of the region’s economies

3.1.5 EAC Trade Report The EAC Trade report presents facts and an

interpretation of trade flow in the regionThe 2009 and 2010 editions of the EAC Trade

Report are at the editorial stage.

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3.2. Harmonization program -overall objective

Overall objective is to help countries adopt international standards, codes and best practices in the production and dissemination of macroeconomic statistics

Harmonization programs entails:Reviews of the concepts, definitions, classification and

compilation methodologies in PS’s Identifying and describing differences; enhancing

convergence to narrow differences; and, when convergence cannot be achieved, providing the rationale and developing bridges to reconcile differences

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3.2.1. Specific objectives of the Macroeconomic Statistics Harmonization

Build capacities of targeted agencies within NSS in compilation of regionally harmonized Macroeconomic Statistics and;

Create a mechanism for generation of relevant regional aggregates using harmonized national datasets.

Provide a platform for exchange of experiences and sharing the regional capacities among Partner States; and

Develop a framework for ensuring compliance to regionally harmonized compilation practices.

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4. Priority Macroeconomic Statistics under Harmonization

4.1. Foreign Direct Investment StatisticsHarmonizing of FDI statistics is being

implemented through the joint collaboration of the EAC – COMESA and UNCTAD

Anchored on the tripartite arrangement of the EAC- COMESA- SADC

Key aspects include harmonisation of survey instruments, common analysis software and regular surveys

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4. Priority Macroeconomic Statistics under Harmonization (Cont’d)

4.2. Price StatisticsWork has began in developing Harmonized

Consumer Price Index (HCPI) compilation practices

Done through the EAC-COMESA-SADC tripartite arrangement with the support of the AfDB

Expectation was for the PS’s to be able to generate the EAC HCPI by end of FY2010/11

Regional Workshop to fast track the program planned for early 2012

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4. Priority Macroeconomic Statistics under Harmonization (Cont’d)

4.3. Trade StatisticsHinges on harmonization and dissemination of trade

statistics and include:Development and maintenance of a web trade

statistics database (a web based trade statistics database has been developed and is due for launching in November 2011)

Harmonization of compilation practicesCapacity building of relevant agencies in the Partner

States and EAC SecretariatReconciliation of trade data among the EAC Partner


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4. Priority Macroeconomic Statistics under Harmonization (Cont’d)

4.4. Balance of Payment Statements StatisticsWas expected to start in March 2011 through a

short term expertUrgent need to be fast tracked in order to

identify data requirements for the union level early enough

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4. Priority Macroeconomic Statistics under Harmonization (Cont’d)

4.5. Monetary and Financial StatisticsA major pre-requisite statistical subject area for

negotiations and implementation of EAMUHarmonisation is being undertaken by EAC in

partnership with the IMF under the Monetary Module II of the Enhanced Data Dissemination Initiative (EDDI) for Africa Project

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4. Priority Macroeconomic Statistics under Harmonization (Cont’d)

4.5. Government Finance StatisticsEAC expects to undertake a program on GFS

with support from the World BankA short term expert has been engagedRegional Workshop conducted in May, 2011Developed a roadmap for harmonization of GFS

in the regionDeveloped a reporting template for GFS in the


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4. Priority Macroeconomic Statistics under Harmonization (Cont’d)

4.5. Government Finance Statistics Cont’dShort/medium termPreparation of institutional tables (check list)

identifying institutions to be covered in each Partner State for the following levels of Governments;Budgetary central government Extra-budgetary central governmentSocial security fundsState/ Regional governmentsLocal governments

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4. Priority Macroeconomic Statistics under Harmonization (Cont’d)

4.5. Government Finance Statistics Cont’dShort/medium termIdentification and selection of data sources;Review of the country chart of accounts and

preparation of bridge tables for the institutions to be covered;

Align the classification of available source data with GFSM 2001 framework;

Compilation of data in line with GFSM 2001 framework;

Consolidation of the general government data.December, 2011 UNECA /EAC: 26

4. Priority Macroeconomic Statistics under Harmonization (Cont’d)

4.5. Government Finance Statistics Cont’dMedium/ long term IssuesCommon budget cycle by Partner StatesAdoption of IFMIS system in public financial

management and rolling it out to the entire General Government;

Adoption of accrual basis of recording;Enhance the Government balance sheet data.

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5. Other Critical Macro Areas

National AccountsThe presentation, contents and methodologies

used in the compilation of national accounts are not harmonized

Most Partner States partially implementing the System of national accounts 1993.

A program on harmonization in this area has been proposed

Current initiatives going on under the IMF’s regional program by East Afritac

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6. Other Areas/Activities Under Harmonization Programs

Agricultural Statistics;ICT Statistics;Demographic and Social Statistics;

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7. Data collection and Coordination Mechanisms

The SummitCouncil of MinistersCo-ordination Committee

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7. Data collection and Coordination Mechanisms (Cont’d)

Sectoral Committee on StatisticsResponsible for the preparation of a

comprehensive implementation programme and the setting out of priorities with respect statistics sector;

Monitors and keeps under constant review the implementation of the programmes of the Community in the sector;

Ordinary meetings are held once a yearExtra ordinary meetings are held on demand

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7. Data collection and Coordination Mechanisms (Cont’d)

Focal points (institutionalized)Focal point on Statistics matters at the ministries

responsible for EAC affairsNational coordinator from the NSOsNational /secretary from the NSO

No standing honorarium is paid to the focal points.

Working Group meetings/WorkshopsMissions

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8. Challenges and other important issues

ChallengesLean statistics staff at the EAC HQScarce financial resources causing delays in

implementation of programmesDifferent statistical capacities at the

NSOs/National levelLegal mandateStatistics department expansion proposalRegional Statistics Development Strategy

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