
Post on 06-Dec-2015






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Scale: ALL VARIABLES : Pengetahuan

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 30 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 30 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.824 21

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Item Deleted

Scale Variance if Item Deleted

Corrected Item-Total Correlation

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted


P001 9.1500 3.397 .720 .810 VALID

P002 9.1000 3.779 .796 .820 VALID

P003 9.3500 3.924 .763 .896 VALID

P004 9.1000 3.779 .360 .863 TIDAK VALID

P005 9.4000 3.832 .721 .860 VALID

P006 9.3500 4.029 .715 .721 VALID

P007 9.4000 3.305 .761 .813 VALID

P008 9.4500 3.418 .794 .846 VALID

P009 9.5500 4.155 .775 .808 VALID

P010 9.3000 4.116 .654 .897 VALID

P011 9.4000 3.411 .801 .843 VALID

P012 9.3000 3.800 .806 .833 VALID

P013 9.1000 3.674 .772 .873 VALID

P014 9.2000 3.853 .300 .832 TIDAK VALID

P015 9.3500 3.779 .720 .720 VALID

P016 9.1000 3.924 .796 .796 VALID

P017 9.4000 3.779 .763 .763 VALID

P018 9.3500 3.832 .281 .841 TIDAK VALID

P019 9.4000 4.029 .721 .821 VALID

P020 9.4500 3.305 .715 .815 VALID

P021 9.1500 3.397 .720 .810 VALID

Jumlah responden 30, maka nilai r table = 0,361


Scale: ALL VARIABLES : Penanganan Reumatik

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 30 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 30 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.844 17

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Item Deleted

Scale Variance if Item Deleted

Corrected Item-Total Correlation

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted


P001 9.3000 4.537 .728 .852 VALID

P002 9.2000 4.484 .709 .829 VALID

P003 9.3500 4.976 .696 .821 VALID

P004 9.4000 4.884 .856 .813 VALID

P005 9.4500 4.576 .820 .872 VALID

P006 9.5000 4.053 .722 .883 VALID

P007 9.5000 3.526 .222 .864 TIDAK VALID

P008 9.5500 3.734 .498 .816 VALID

P009 9.6000 3.937 .791 .859 VALID

P010 9.2500 4.934 .773 .804 VALID

P011 9.4500 3.418 .700 .833 VALID

P012 9.4000 3.937 .814 .853 VALID

P013 9.2000 5.116 .779 .821 VALID

P014 9.3000 4.747 .182 .884 TIDAK VALID

P015 9.5500 3.937 .728 .804 VALID

P016 9.6000 4.934 .709 .833 VALID

P017 9.2500 4.618 .716 .858 VALID

Jumlah responden 30, maka nilai r table = 0,361

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