remedial law 2016 bar exam coverage

Post on 02-Mar-2018






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1. General Princile!

1.1. Concept of remedial law

1.2. Substantive law vis-á-vis remedial law

1.3. Rule-making power of the Supreme Court1.3.1 Limitations on the rule-making power of the Supreme Court1.3.2. ower of the Supreme Court to amend and suspendprocedural rules

1.!. "ature of hilippine courts1.!.1. #eaning of a court1.!.2. Court as distinguished from a $udge1.!.3. Classi%cation of hilippine courts1.!.!. Courts of original and appellate $urisdiction1.!.&. Courts of general and special $urisdiction1.!.'. Constitutional and statutor( courts1.!.). Courts of law and e*uit(1.!.+. rinciple of $udicial hierarch(1.!.,. octrine of non-interference or doctrine of $udicial stabilit(

2. "#ri!$ic%i&n

2.1 ver the parties2.1.1. /ow $urisdiction over the plainti0 is ac*uired2.1.2. /ow $urisdiction over the defendant is ac*uired

2.2 ver the sub$ect matter2.2 1. #eaning of $urisdiction over the sub$ect matter2.2 2. urisdiction versus the eercise of $urisdiction2.2 3. rror of $urisdiction as distinguished from error of $udgment2.2 !. /ow $urisdiction is conferred and determined2.2 &. octrine of primar( $urisdiction2.2 '. octrine of adherence of $urisdiction2.2 ). b$ections to $urisdiction over the sub$ect matter2.2 +. 0ect of estoppel on ob$ections to $urisdiction

2.3. ver the issues

2.! ver the res or propert( in litigation

2.&. urisdiction of courts

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241' 5ar amination 2 Remedial

2.&.1. Supreme Court2.&.2. Court of 6ppeals2.&.3. Court of 7a 6ppeals2.&.!. Sandiganbayan2.&.&. Regional 7rial Courts

2.&.'. 8amil( Courts2.&.). #etropolitan 7rial Courts9#unicipal 7rial Courts2.&.+. Shari’a Courts

2.'. ver small claims: cases covered b( the Rules on Summar( rocedureand

Barangay conciliation

2.) 7otalit( rule

'. Ci(il Pr&ce$#re

3.1. 6ctions3.1.1. #eaning of ordinar( civil actions3.1.2. #eaning of special civil actions3.1.3. #eaning of criminal actions3.1.!. Civil actions versus special proceedings3.1.&. ersonal actions and real actions3.1.'. Local and transitor( actions3.1.). 6ctions in rem; in personam and quasi in rem3.1.+. <ndependent Civil 6ctions

3.2. Cause of action

3.2.1. #eaning of cause of action3.2.2. Right of action versus cause of action3.2.3. 8ailure to state a cause of action3.2.!. 7est of the su=cienc( of a cause of action3.2.&. Splitting a single cause of action and its e0ects3.2.'. oinder and mis-$oinder of causes of action

3.3. arties to civil actions3.3.1. Real parties-in-interest: indispensable parties: representatives asparties:

necessar( parties: indigent parties: alternative defendants3.3.2. Compulsor( and permissive $oinder of parties3.3.3. #is$oinder and non-$oinder of parties3.3.!. Class suit3.3.&. Suits against entities without $uridical personalit(3.3.'. 0ect of death of part(-litigant

3.!. >enue3.!.1. >enue versus $urisdiction3.!.2. >enue of real actions3.!.3. >enue of personal actions

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241' 5ar amination 3 Remedial

3.!.!. >enue of actions against non-residents3.!.&. ?hen the rules on venue do not appl(3.!.'. 0ects of stipulations on venue

3.&. leadings3.&.1. @inds of

pleadings aAComplaintbA 6nswer

i. "egativedefenses ii."egative pregnantiii. 6=rmative

defenses cA Counterclaimsi. Compulsor( counterclaimii. ermissive counterclaimiii. 0ect on the counterclaim when the complaint is

dismissed dA Cross-claimseA 7hird Bfourth; etc.A part(complaints fA Complaint-in-interventiongA Repl(

3.&.2. leadings allowed in small claim cases and cases covered b( theRules on

Summar( rocedure3.&.3. arts of a

pleading aA CaptionbA Signature and addresscA >eri%cation and certi%cation against forum

shopping i. Re*uirements of acorporation eecuting the

veri%cation9certi%cation of non-forumshopping dA 0ect of the signature of counsel ina pleading

3.&.!. 6llegations in a pleadingaA #anner of making

allegations i.Condition precedentii. 8raud; mistake; malice; intent; knowledge and other

condition of the mind; $udgments; o=cial documentsor acts

bA leading an actionabledocument cA Speci%c denials

i. 0ect of failure to make speci%cdenials ii. ?hen a speci%c denialre*uires an oath

3.&.&. 0ect of failure to pleadaA 8ailure to plead defenses and ob$ectionsbA 8ailure to plead a compulsor( counterclaim and cross-claim

3.&.'. efaultaA ?hen a declaration of default isproper bA 0ect of an order ofdefault

cA Relief from an order of default

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241' 5ar amination ! RemedialdA 0ect of a partialdefault eA tent ofrelief fA 6ctions where default is not allowed

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241' 5ar amination & Remedial

3.&.). 8iling and service ofpleadings aA a(ment ofdocket feesbA 8iling versus service ofpleadings cA eriods of %ling ofpleadingsdA #anner of%ling eA #odes of service

i. ersonalservice ii.Service b( mailiii. Substituted serviceiv. Service of $udgments; %nal orders orresolutions v. riorities in modes of serviceand %lingvi. ?hen service is deemedcomplete vii. roof of %ling andservice

3.&.+. 6mendmentaA 6mendment as a matter ofright bA 6mendments b( leaveof courtcA 8ormal amendmentdA 6mendments to conform to or authorie presentation ofevidence eA i0erent from supplemental pleadingsfA 0ect of amended pleading

3.'. Summons

3.'.1. "ature and purpose of summons in relation to actions in personam; in remand quasi in rem

3.'.2. >oluntar( appearance3.'.3. ersonal service3.'.!. Substituted service3.'.&. Constructive service Bb( publicationA

aA Service upon a defendant where his identit( isunknown or his whereabouts are unknown

bA Service upon residents temporaril( outside the hilippines3.'.'. tra-territorial service; when allowed3.'.). Service upon prisoners and minors

3.'.+. roof of service

3.). #otions3.).1. #otions in general

aA e%nition of a motionbA #otions versus pleadingscA Contents and forms of motionsdA "otice of hearing and hearing ofmotions eA mnibus motion rulefA Litigated and e partemotions gA Pro-forma motions

3.).2. #otions for bill of particulars

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241' 5ar amination ' RemedialaA urpose and when appliedfor bA 6ctions of the court

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cA Compliance with the order and e0ect ofnoncompliance dA 0ect on the period to %le aresponsive pleading

3.).3. #otion todismiss aADroundsbA Resolution of motioncA Remedies of plainti0 when the complaint isdismissed dA Remedies of the defendant when themotion is deniedeA 0ect of dismissal of complaint on certaingrounds fA ?hen grounds pleaded asa=rmative defensesgA 5ar b( dismissalhA istinguished from demurrer to evidence under Rule 33

3.+. ismissal of actions

3.+.1. ismissal upon notice b( plainti0: two-dismissal rule3.+.2. ismissal upon motion b( plainti0: e0ect on eisting counterclaim3.+.3. ismissal due to the fault of plainti0 3.+.!. ismissal of counterclaim; cross-claim or third-part( complaint

3.,. re-trial3.,.1. Concept of pre-trial3.,.2. "ature and purpose3.,.3. "otice of pre-trial3.,.!. 6ppearance of parties: e0ect of failure to appear3.,.&. re-trial brief: e0ect of failure to %le3.,.'. istinction between pre-trial in civil case and pre-trial in criminal

case3.,.). 6lternative ispute Resolution B6RA

aA Special Rules of Court on 6R B6.#. "o. 4)-11-4+-SCA

3.,.+. INCL)DEE Rule on Duidelines to be bserved b( 7rial Court udges and Clerks of Court in the Conduct of re-trial and Fse ofeposition-iscover( #easures B6.#. "o. 43-1-4,-SCA which becamee0ective on 1' 6ugust 244!

3.14. <ntervention3.14.1. Re*uisites for intervention3.14.2. 7ime to intervene3.14.3. Remed( for the denial of motion to intervene

3.11. Subpoena3.11.1. Subpoena duces tecum3.11.2. Subpoena ad testicandum3.11.3. Service of subpoena3.11.!. Compelling attendance of witnesses: contempt3.11.&. Guashing of subpoena

3.12. #odes of discover(3.12.1. epositions pending action: depositions before action or

pending appeal aA #eaning of deposition

bA Fses: scope of eaminationcA ?hen ma( ob$ections to admissibilit( be made

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241' 5ar amination + RemedialdA ?hen ma( taking of deposition be terminated or its scope limited

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3.12.2. ?ritten interrogatories to adverse partiesaA Conse*uences of refusal to answerbA 0ect of failure to serve written interrogatories

3.12.3. Re*uest for admissionaA <mplied admission b( adverse part(bA Conse*uences of failure to answer re*uest foradmission cA 0ect of admissiondA 0ect of failure to %le and serve re*uest for admission

3.12.!. roduction or inspection of documents or things3.12.&. h(sical and mental eamination of persons3.12.'. Conse*uences of refusal to compl( with modes of discover(

3.13. 7rial3.13.1. 6d$ournments and postponements3.13.2. Re*uisites of motion to

postpone trial aA 8or absence ofevidencebA 8or illness of part( or counsel

3.13.3. 6greed statement of facts3.13.!. rder of trial: reversal of order3.13.&. Consolidation or severance of hearing or trial3.13.'. elegation of reception of evidence3.13.). 7rial b( commissioners

aA Reference b( consent or ordered onmotion bA owers of the commissionercA CommissionerHs report: notice to parties and hearing on thereport

3.1!. emurrer to evidence3.1!.1. Dround

3.1!.2. 0ect of denial3.1!.3. 0ect of grant3.1!.!. ?aiver of right to present evidence3.1!.&. emurrer to evidence in a civil case versus demurrer to

evidence in a criminal case

3.1&. udgments and %nal orders3.1&.1. udgment without trial3.1&.2. Contents of a $udgment3.1&.3. udgment on the pleadings3.1&.!. Summar(

 $udgments aA 8orthe claimantbA 8or the defendantcA ?hen the case not full(ad$udicated dA 6=davits andattachments

3.1&.&. udgment on the pleadings versus summar( $udgments3.1&.'. Rendition of $udgments and %nal orders3.1&.). ntr( of $udgment and %nal order

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241' 5ar amination 1 Remedial

3.1'. ost-$udgment remedies3.1'.1. #otion for new trial or

reconsideration aA DroundsbA ?hen to %lecA enial of the motion:e0ect dA Drant of themotion: e0ecteA Remed( when motion is denied; fresh 1&-da( period rule

3.1'.2. 6ppeals in generalaA udgments and %nal orders sub$ect toappeal bA #atters not appealablecA Remed( against $udgments and orders which are notappealable dA #odes of appeal

i. rdinar( appealii. etition for reviewiii. etition for review on certiorari

eA <ssues to be raised on

appeal fA eriod of appealgA erfection of appealhA 6ppeal from $udgments or %nal orders of the #7CiA 6ppeal from $udgments or %nal orders of the R7C

 $A 6ppeal from $udgments or %nal orders of the C6kA 6ppeal from $udgments or %nal orders of the C76lA Review of %nal $udgments or %nal orders of the ComelecmA Review of %nal $udgments or %nal orders of thembudsman nA Review of %nal $udgments or %nalorders of the "LRCoA Review of %nal $udgments or %nal orders of *uasi-$udicialagencies

3.1'.3. Relief from $udgments; orders and otherproceedings aA Drounds for availing of theremed(bA 7ime to %lepetition cA Contentsof petition

3.1'.!. 6nnulment of $udgments or %nal orders andresolutions aA Drounds for annulmentbA eriod to %le actioncA 0ects of $udgment of annulment

3.1'.&. Collateral attack of  $udgments

3.1). ecution; satisfaction and e0ect of  $udgments

3.1).1. i0erence between %nalit( of $udgment for purposes ofappeal: for purposes of eecution

3.1).2. ?hen eecution shall issueaA ecution as a matter ofright bA iscretionar(eecution

3.1).3. /ow a $udgment is eecutedaA ecution b( motion or b( independentaction bA <ssuance and contents of a writ of 


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241' 5ar amination 1 RemedialcA ecution of $udgments for mone(dA ecution of $udgments for speci%c acts

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241' 5ar amination 1 Remedial

eA ecution of special $udgments fA 0ect of lev( onthird persons

3.1).!. roperties eempt from eecution

3.1).&. roceedings where propert( is claimed b( third personsaA <n relation to third-part( claim in attachment and replevin

3.1).'. Rules on redemption3.1).). amination of $udgment obligor when $udgment is unsatis%ed3.1).+. amination of obligor of $udgment obligor3.1).,. 0ect of $udgment or %nal orders3.1).14. nforcement and e0ect of foreign $udgments or %nal orders

3.1+. rovisional remedies3.1+.1. "ature of provisional remedies3.1+.2. urisdiction over provisional remedies3.1+.3. reliminar( attachment

aA Drounds for issuance of writ of

attachment bA Re*uisitescA <ssuance and contents of order of attachment: a=davitand bond dA Rule on prior or contemporaneous service ofsummonseA #anner of attaching real and personal propert(: when propert(

attached is claimed b( third personfA ischarge of attachment and the counter-bondgA Satisfaction of $udgment out of propert( attached

3.1+.!. reliminar( in$unctionaA e%nitions and di0erencesE preliminar( in$unction and

temporar( restraining order: status quo ante orderbA Re*uisites

cA @inds of in$unctiondA ?hen writ ma( be issuedeA Drounds for issuance of preliminar( in$unctionfA Drounds for ob$ection to; or for the dissolution of

in$unction or restraining ordergA uration of a 7emporar( Restraining rder B7RAhA <n relation to R.6. "o. +,)&; ban on issuance of 7R or

writ of in$unction in cases involving governmentinfrastructure pro$ects

iA Rule on prior or contemporaneous service of summons inrelation to attachment

3.1+.&. Receivership

aA Cases when receiver ma( beappointed bA Re*uisitescA Re*uirements before issuance of anorder dA Deneral powers of a receivereA 7wo kinds of bondsfA 7ermination of receivership

3.1+.'. ReplevinaA ?hen ma( writ beissued bA Re*uisites

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241' 5ar amination 1 Remedial

cA 6=davit and bond: redeliver( bonddA Sheri0Hs dut( in the implementation of the writ: when

propert( is claimed b( third part(

3.1,. Special civil actions3.1,.1. "ature of special civil actions3.1,.2. rdinar( civil actions versus special civil actions3.1,.3. urisdiction and venue3.1,.!. <nterpleader

aA Re*uisites forinterpleader bA ?hen to%le

3.1,.&. eclarator( reliefs and similarremedies aA ?ho ma( %le theactionbA Re*uisites of action for declarator( relief cA ?hen court ma( refuse to make $udicial

declaration dA Conversion to ordinar( actioneA roceedings considered as similarremedies i. Reformation of aninstrumentii. Consolidation of ownershipiii. Guieting of title to real propert(

3.1,.'. Review of $udgments and %nal orders or resolution of theComelec and

C6aA 6pplication of Rule '& under Rule '!bA istinction in the application of Rule '& to $udgments of the

Comelec and C6 and the application of Rule '& to other

tribunals; persons and o=cers3.1,.). Certiorari; prohibition and mandamus

aA e%nitions and distinctionsi. Certiorari distinguished from appeal b( certiorariii. rohibition and mandamus distinguished from

in$unction bA Re*uisitescA ?hen petition for certiorari; prohibition and mandamus isproper dA <n$unctive relief eA ceptions to %ling of motion for reconsideration before %lingpetition fA Reliefs petitioner is entitled togA 6ctions9omissions of #7C9R7C in electioncases hA ?hen and where to %le petition

iA 0ects of %ling of an unmeritorious petition3.1,.+. uo !arranto

aA istinguish from quo !arranto in the mnibus lection CodebA ?hen government ma( commence an action againstindividuals cA ?hen individual ma( commence an actiondA udgment in quo !arranto actioneA Rights of a person ad$udged entitled to public o=ce

3.1,.,. propriationaA #atters to allege in complaint forepropriation bA 7wo stages in ever( actionfor epropriation

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241' 5ar amination 1 Remedial

cA ?hen plainti0 can immediatel( enter into possession of the real propert(; in relation to R.6. "o. +,)!

dA "ew s(stem of immediate pa(ment of initial $ustcompensation eA efenses and ob$ectionsfA rder of epropriationgA 6scertainment of $ust compensationhA 6ppointment of commissioners: commissionerHs report:

court action upon commissionerHs reportiA Rights of plainti0 upon $udgment and pa(ment

 $A 0ect of recording of $udgment3.1,.14. 8oreclosure of real estate

mortgageaA udgment on foreclosure for pa(mentor sale bA Sale of mortgaged propert(:e0ectcA isposition of proceeds ofsale dA e%cienc( $udgment

i. <nstances when court cannot render de%cienc( $udgmenteA udicial foreclosure versus etra$udicialforeclosure fA *uit( of redemption versusright of redemption

3.1,.11. artitionaA ?ho ma( %le complaint: who should be madedefendants bA #atters to allege in the complaint forpartitioncA 7wo stages in ever( action for partitiondA rder of partition and partition b( agreementeA artition b( commissioners: appointment of

commissioners; commissionerHs report: court action

upon commissionerHs reportfA udgment and its e0ectsgA artition of personalpropert( hA rescription ofaction

3.1,.12. 8orcible entr( and unlawfuldetainer aA e%nitions and distinction

bA istinguished from accion publiciana; accion reivindicatoria and

accion interdictalcA /ow to determine $urisdiction in accion publiciana;

accion reivindicatoria and accion interdictal

dA ?ho ma( institute the action and when: against whom theaction

ma( bemaintained eAleadings allowedfA 6ction on the complaintgA ?hen demand is necessar(hA reliminar( in$unction and preliminar( mandator(in$unction iA Resolving defense of ownership

 $A /ow to sta( the immediate eecution of $udgment kA Summar( procedure; prohibitedpleadings

3.1,.13. Contempt

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241' 5ar amination 1 RemedialaA @inds of contemptbA urpose and nature of eachcA Remed( against direct contempt: penalt(

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241' 5ar amination 1 Remedial

dA Remed( against indirect contempt:penalt( eA /ow contempt proceedings arecommenced fA 6cts deemed punishableas indirect contempt gA ?henimprisonment shall be imposedhA Contempt against *uasi-$udicial bodies

*. Secial Pr&cee$in+!

!.1. Settlement of estate of deceased persons; venue and process!.1. 1. ?hich court has $urisdiction!.1. 2. >enue in $udicial settlement of estate!.1. 3. tent of $urisdiction of probate court!.1.!. owers and duties of probate court

!.2. Summar( settlement of estates!.2.1. tra$udicial settlement b( agreement between heirs; when

allowed!.2.2. 7wo-(ear prescriptive period!.2.3. 6=davit of self-ad$udication b( sole heir!.2.!. Summar( settlement of estates of small value; when allowed!.2.&. Remedies of aggrieved parties after etra$udicial settlement ofestate

!.3. roduction and probate of will!.3.1. "ature of probate proceeding!.3.2. ?ho ma( petition for probate: persons entitled to notice

!.!. 6llowance or disallowance of will

!.!. 1. Contents of petition for allowance of will!.!. 2. Drounds for disallowing a will!.!. 3. Reprobate

aA Re*uisites before a will proved abroad would be allowed in thehilippine

s!.!.!. 0ects of probate

!.&. Letters testamentar( and of administration!.&. 1. ?hen and to whom letters of administration granted!.&. 2. rder of preference!.&. 3. pposition to issuance of letters testamentar(:

simultaneous %ling of petition for administration!.&. !. owers and duties of eecutors and administrators:

restrictions on the powers!.&. &. 6ppointment of special administrator!.&. '. Drounds for removal of administrator

!.'. Claims against the estate!.'.1. 7ime within which claims shall be %led: eceptions!.'.2. Statute of non-claims!.'.3. Claim of eecutor or administrator against the estate

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241' 5ar amination 1 Remedial

!.'.!. a(ment of debts

!.). 6ctions b( and against eecutors and administrators!.).1. 6ctions that ma( be brought against eecutors and

administrators!.).2. Re*uisites before creditor ma( bring an action for recover( of 

propert( fraudulentl( conve(ed b( the deceased

!.+. istribution and partition!.+.1. Li*uidation!.+.2. ro$ect of partition!.+.3. Remed( of an heir entitled to residue but not given his share!.+.!. <nstances when probate court ma( issue writ of eecution

!.,. 7rustees!.,.1. istinguished from eecutor9administrator!.,.2. Conditions of the bond

!.,.3. Re*uisites for the removal and resignation of a trustee!.,.!. Drounds for removal and resignation of a trustee!.,.&. tent of authorit( of trustee

!.14. scheat!.14.1. ?hen to %le!.14.2. Re*uisites for %ling of petition!.14.3. Remed( of respondent against petition: period for %ling a claim

!.11. Duardianship!.11.1. Deneral powers and duties of guardians!.11.2. Conditions of the bond of the guardian

!.11.3. Rule on guardianship over minor

!.12. 6doption!.12.1. istinguish domestic adoption from inter-countr( adoption!.12.2. omestic 6doption

6ct aA 0ects ofadoptionbA <nstances when adoption ma( berescinded cA 0ects of rescission ofadoption

!.12.3. <nter-countr( adoptionaA ?hen allowed

bA 8unctions of the R7CcA I5est interest of the minorJ standard

!.13. ?rit of habeas corpus!.13.1. Contents of the petition!.13.2. Contents of the return!.13.3. istinguish peremptor( writ from preliminar( citation!.13.!. ?hen not proper9applicable!.13.&. ?hen writ disallowed9discharged

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241' 5ar amination 1 Remedial

!.13.'. istinguish from writ of amparo and habeas data!.13.). Rules on Custod( of #inors and ?rit of "abeas Corpus inrelation to

Custod( of #inors B6.#. "o. 43-4!-4!-SCA

!.1!. ?rit of #mparo B6.#. "o. 4)-,-12-SCA!.1!.1. Coverage!.1!.2. istinguish from habeas corpus and habeas data!.1!.3. i0erences between amparo and search warrant!.1!.!. ?ho ma( %le!.1!.&. Contents of return!.1!.'. 0ects of failure to %le return!.1!.). mnibus waiver rule!.1!.+. rocedure for hearing!.1!.,. <nstitution of separate action!.1!.14. 0ect of %ling of a criminal action

!.1!.11. Consolidation!.1!.12. <nterim reliefs available to petitioner and respondent!.1!.13. Guantum of proof in application for issuance of writ of amparo

!.1&. ?rit of "abeas $ata B6.#. "o. 4+-1-1'-SCA!.1&.1. Scope of writ!.1&.2. 6vailabilit( of writ!.1&.3. istinguished from habeas corpus and amparo!.1&.!. Contents of the petition!.1&.&. Contents of return!.1&.'. <nstances when petition ma( be heard in chambers!.1&.). Consolidation

!.1&.+. 0ect of %ling of a criminal action!.1&.,. <nstitution of separate action!.1&.14. Guantum of proof in application for issuance of writ of amparo

!.1'. Change of name!.1'.1. i0erences under Rule 143; R.6. "o. ,4!+ and Rule 14+!.1'.2. Drounds for change of name

!.1). 6bsentees!.1).1. urpose of the rule!.1).2. ?ho ma( %le: when to %le

!.1+. Cancellation or correction of entries in the Civil Registr(!.1+.1. ntries sub$ect to cancellation or correction under Rule 14+; inrelation to

R.6. "o.,4!+

!.1,. 6ppeals in special proceedings!.1,.1. udgments and orders for which appeal ma( be taken!.1,.2. ?hen to appeal!.1,.3. #odes of appeal

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241' 5ar amination 1 Remedial

!.1,.!. Rule on advancedistribution

,. Cri-inal Pr&ce$#re

&.1. Deneral matters&.1.1. istinguish $urisdiction over sub$ect matter from $urisdiction over

person of the accused&.1.2. Re*uisites for eercise of criminal $urisdiction&.1.3. urisdiction of criminal courts&.1.!. ?hen in$unction ma( be issued to restrain criminal prosecution

&.2. rosecution of o0enses&.2.1. Criminal actions; how instituted&.2.2. ?ho ma( %le them; crimes that cannot be prosecuted de o%cio&.2.3. Criminal actions; when en$oined&.2.!. Control of prosecution

&.2.&. Su=cienc( of complaint or information&.2.'. esignation of o0ense&.2.). Cause of the accusation&.2.+. uplicit( of the o0ense: eception&.2.,. 6mendment or substitution of complaint or information&.2.14. >enue of criminal actions&.2.11. <ntervention of o0ended part(

&.3. rosecution of civil action&.3.1. Rule on implied institution of civil action with criminal action&.3.2. ?hen civil action ma( proceed independentl(&.3.3. ?hen separate civil action is suspended

&.3.!. 0ect of death of the accused or convict on civil action&.3.&. re$udicial *uestion&.3.'. Rule on %ling fees in civil action deemed instituted with the criminalaction

&.!. reliminar( investigation&.!.1. "ature of right&.!.2. urposes of preliminar( investigation&.!.3. ?ho ma( conduct determination of eistence of probable cause&.!.!. Resolution of investigation prosecutor&.!.&. Review&.!.'. ?hen warrant of arrest ma( issue&.!.). Cases not re*uiring a preliminar( investigation&.!.+. Remedies of accused if there was no preliminar( investigation&.!.,. <n*uest

&.&. 6rrest&.&.1. 6rrest; how made&.&.2. 6rrest without warrant; when lawful&.&.3. #ethod of arrest

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241' 5ar amination 2 Remedial

aA 5( o=cer withwarrantbA 5( o=cer withoutwarrant cA 5( privateperson

&.&.!. Re*uisites of a valid warrant of arrest&.&.&. etermination of probable cause for issuance of warrant of arrest&.&.'. istinguish probable cause of %scal from that of a $udge

&.'. 5ail&.'.1. "ature&.'.2. ?hen a matter of right: eceptions&.'.3. ?hen a matter of discretion&.'.!. /earing of application for bail in capital o0enses&.'.&. Duidelines in %ing amount of bail&.'.'. 5ail when not re*uired&.'.). <ncrease or reduction of bail

&.'.+. 8orfeiture and cancellation of bail&.'.,. 6pplication not a bar to ob$ections in illegal arrest; lack of or

irregular preliminar( investigation&.'.14. /old departure order K 5ureau of <mmigration watchlist

&.). Rights of the accused&.).1. Rights of accused at the trial&.).2. Rights of persons under custodial investigation

&.+. 6rraignment and plea&.+.1. 6rraignment and plea; how made&.+.2. ?hen should plea of not guilt( be entered

&.+.3. ?hen ma( accused enter a plea of guilt( to a lesser o0ense&.+.!. 6ccused pleads guilt( to capital o0ense; what the court should do&.+.&. Searching in*uir(&.+.'. <mprovident plea&.+.). Drounds for suspension of arraignment

&.,. #otion to *uash&.,.1. Drounds&.,.2. istinguish from demurrer to evidence&.,.3. 0ects of sustaining the motion to *uash&.,.!. ception to the rule that sustaining the motion is not a bar

to another prosecution&.,.&. ouble $eopard(&.,.'. rovisional dismissal

&.14. re-trial&.14.1. #atters to be considered during pre-trial&.14.2. ?hat the court should do when prosecution and o0ended part(

agree to the plea o0ered b( the accused&.14.3. re-trial agreement

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241' 5ar amination 2 Remedial

&.14.!. "on-appearance during pre-trial&.14.&. re-trial order&.14.'. Referral of some cases for court anneed mediation and

 $udicial dispute resolution

&.11. 7rial&.11.1. <nstances when presence of accused is re*uired b( law&.11.2. Re*uisite before trial can be suspended on account of absence ofwitness

&.11.3. 7rial in absentia&.11.!. Remed( when accused is not brought to trial within the prescribedperiod&.11.&. Re*uisites for discharge of accused to become a state witness&.11.'. 0ects of discharge of accused as state witness&.11.). emurrer to evidence

&.12. udgment

&.12.1. Re*uisites of a $udgment&.12.2. Contents of $udgment&.12.3. romulgation of $udgment: instances of promulgation of $udgment inabsentia&.12.!. ?hen does $udgment become %nal Bfour instancesA

&.13. "ew trial orreconsideration

&.13.1. Drounds for new trial&.13.2. Drounds for reconsideration&.13.3. Re*uisites before a new trial ma( be granted on ground of newl(-

discovered evidence

&.13.!. 0ects of granting a new trial or reconsideration&.13.&. 6pplication of &eypes doctrine in criminal cases

&.1!. 6ppeal&.1!.1. 0ect of an appeal&.1!.2. ?here to appeal&.1!.3. /ow appeal taken&.1!.!. 0ect of appeal b( an( of several accused&.1!.&. Drounds for dismissal of appeal

&.1&. Search and seiure&.1&.1. "ature of search warrant&.1&.2. istinguish from warrant of arrest&.1&.3. 6pplication for search warrant; where %led&.1&.!. robable cause&.1&.&. ersonal eamination b( $udge of the applicant and witnesses&.1&.'. articularit( of place to be searched and things to be seied&.1&.). ersonal propert( to be seied&.1&.+. ceptions to search warrant

re*uirement aA Search incidental tolawful arrest

bA Consentedsearch

cA Search of moving vehicle

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241' 5ar amination 2 Remedial

dA Check points: bod( checks inairport eA lain view situationfA Stop and frisk situationgA nforcement of custom lawshA Remedies from unlawful search and seiure

&.1'. rovisional remedies&.1'.1. "ature&.1'.2. @inds of provisional remedies

6. E(i$ence

'.1. Deneral principles'.1.1. Concept of evidence'.1.2. Scope of the Rules on vidence'.1.3. vidence in civil cases versus evidence in criminal cases'.1.!. roof versus evidence

'.1.&. 'actum probans versus factum probandum'.1.'. 6dmissibilit( of evidence

aA Re*uisites for admissibilit( of evidencebA Relevance of evidence and collateralmatters cA #ultiple admissibilit(dA Conditional admissibilit(eA Curative admissibilit(fA irect and circumstantialevidence gA ositive andnegative evidencehA Competent and credible evidence

'.1.). 5urden of proof and burden of evidence

'.1.+. resumptionsaA Conclusivepresumptions bAisputablepresumptions

'.1.,. Liberal construction of the rules of evidence'.1.14. Guantum of evidence Bweight and su=cienc( of evidenceA

aA roof be(ond reasonabledoubt bA reponderance ofevidencecA Substantial evidencedA Clear and convincing evidence

'.2. udicial notice and $udicialadmissions

'.2.1. ?hat need not be proved'.2.2. #atters of $udicial

notice aA #andator(bA iscretionar(

'.2.3. udicial admissionsaA 0ect of $udicial admissionsbA /ow $udicial admissions ma( be contradicted

'.2.!. udicial notice of foreign laws; law of nations and municipal ordinance

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241' 5ar amination 2 Remedial

'.3. b$ect BrealA evidence'.3.1. "ature of ob$ect evidence'.3.2. Re*uisites for admissibilit(

'.3.3. Categories of ob$ect evidence'.3.!. emonstrative evidence'.3.&. >iew of an ob$ect or scene'.3.'. Chain of custod(; in relation to Section 21 of the Comprehensiveangerous

rugs 6ct of 2442

'.3.). Rule on "6 vidence B6.#. "o. 4'-11-&-SCAaA #eaning of "6bA 6pplicable for "6 testing ordercA ost-conviction "6 testing: remed(dA 6ssessment of probative value of "6 evidence andadmissibilit( eA Rules on evaluation of reliabilit( of the "6

testing methodolog(

'.!. ocumentar( evidence'.!.1. #eaning of documentar( evidence'.!.2. Re*uisites for admissibilit('.!.3. 5est vidence

Rule aA #eaning ofthe rulebA ?hen applicablecA #eaning of originaldA Re*uisites for introduction of secondar( evidence

'.!.!. Rules on lectronic vidence B6.#. "o. 41-)-41-SCA

aA Scope: coverage: meaning of electronic evidence: electronic datamessagebA robative value of electronic documents or evidentiar( weight:method of proof cA 6uthentication of electronic documents andelectronic signaturesdA lectronic documents vis-a-vis the hearsa( ruleeA 6udio; photographic; video and ephemeral evidence

'.!.&. Parol vidence RuleaA 6pplication of the parol evidence rulebA ?hen parol evidence can be introducedcA istinctions between the best evidence rule and parol evidence rule

'.!.'. 6uthentication and proof ofdocuments aA #eaning ofauthenticationbA ublic and private documentscA ?hen a private writing re*uires authentication: proof of a privatewriting dA ?hen evidence of authenticit( of a private writing is notre*uired Bancient


eA /ow to prove genuineness of a handwritingfA ublic documents as evidence: proof of o=cialrecord gA 6ttestation of a cop(

hA ublic record of a public document

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241' 5ar amination 2 RemedialiA roof of lack of record

 $A /ow a $udicial record isimpeached kA roof of notarialdocuments

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241' 5ar amination 2 Remedial

lA /ow to eplain alterations in a documentmA ocumentar( evidence in an uno=cial language

'.&. 7estimonial evidence

'.&.1. Guali%cations of a witness'.&.2. Competenc( versus credibilit( of a witness'.&.3. is*uali%cations of witnesses

aA 5( reason of mental capacit( orimmaturit( bA 5( reason of marriagecA 5( reason of death or insanit( of adversepart( dA 5( reason of privilegedcommunications

'.&.!. amination of a witnessaA Rights and obligations of a witnessbA rder in the eamination of an individual

witness i. irect eaminationii. Cross

eaminationiii. Re-directeamination iv. Re-cross eamination v.Recalling the witness

cA Leading and misleading *uestionsdA #ethods of impeachment of adverse part(Hs witnesseA /ow the witness is impeached b( evidence of inconsistent

statements Bla(ing the predicateAfA vidence of the good character of awitness gA udicial 6=davit Rule B6.#."o. 12-+-+-SCA

'.&.&. 6dmissions and confessionsaA Res inter alios acta rule bA 6dmission b( apart(cA 6dmission b( a third part(dA 6dmission b( a co-partner oragent eA 6dmission b( aconspiratorfA 6dmission b(privies gA 6dmissionb( silencehA Confessions

iA Similar acts as evidence'.&.'. /earsa( Rule

aA #eaning of hearsa(bA Reason for eclusion of hearsa(evidence cA ceptions to the hearsa(rule

i. (ingdeclarationii. eclaration againstinterestiii. 6ct or declaration aboutpedigreeiv. 8amil( reputation or tradition regarding

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241' 5ar amination 2 Remedialpedigree v. Common reputationvi. art of the resgestaevii. ntries in the course ofbusiness viii. ntries in o=cialrecords

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241' 5ar amination 2 Remedial

i. Commercial lists and thelike . Learned treatiesi. 7estimon( or deposition at a former trial

'.&.). pinion ruleaA pinion of epert witness

bA pinion of ordinar( witness'.&.+. Characterevidence aA Criminal

casesbA Civil cases

'.&.,. Rule on amination of a Child ?itness B6.#. "o. 44!-4)-SCAaA 6pplicabilit( of the rulebA #eaning of Ichild witnessJcA Competenc( of a childwitness dA amination of achild witnesseA Live-link 7> testimon( of a child

witness fA >ideotaped deposition of achild witnessgA /earsa( eception in child abusecases hA Seual abuse shield ruleiA rotective orders

'.'. 0er and ob$ection'.'.1. 0er of evidence'.'.2. ?hen to make an o0er'.'.3. b$ection'.'.!. Repetition of an ob$ection'.'.&. Ruling

'.'.'. Striking out of an answer'.'.). 7ender of ecluded evidence

. Re(i!e$ R#le! &n S#--ar/Pr&ce$#re

).1. Cases covered b( the rule).2. 0ect of failure to answer).3. reliminar( conference and appearances of parties

. a%ar#n+an+ Pa-aran+a/ La3 4P.D. N&. 1,05 R.A. 610 a!a-en$e$7

+.1. Cases covered+.2. Sub$ect matter for amicable settlement+.3. >enue+.!. ?hen parties ma( directl( go to court+.&. ecution+.'. Repudiation

8. R#le &9 Pr&ce$#re 9&r S-all Clai-! Ca!e! 4A.M. N&. 0:::SC7

,.1. Scope and applicabilit( of the rule

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241' 5ar amination 2 Remedial

,.2. Commencement of small claims action: response,.3. rohibited pleadings and motions,.!. 6ppearances,.&. /earing: dut( of the $udge,.'. 8inalit( of $udgment

10. R#le! &9 Pr&ce$#re 9&r En(ir&n-en%al Ca!e! 4A.M. N&. 08:6::SC7

14.1. Scope and applicabilit( of the rule14.2. Civil procedure

14.2.1. rohibition against temporar( restraining order and preliminar(in$unction14.2.2. re-trial conference: consent decree14.2.3. rohibited pleadings and motions14.2.!. 7emporar( nvironmental rotection rder B7A14.2.&. udgment and eecution: reliefs in a citienHs suit14.2.'. ermanent nvironmental rotection rder: writ of continuing

mandamus14.2.). Strategic lawsuit against public participation

14.3. Special proceedings14.3.1. ?rit of (ali)asan14.3.2. rohibited pleadings and motions14.3.3. iscover( measures14.3.!. ?rit of continuing mandamus

14.!. Criminal procedure14.!.1. ?ho ma( %le14.!.2. <nstitution of criminal and civil action14.!.3. 6rrest without warrant; when valid14.2.!. Strategic lawsuit against public participation

14.!.&. rocedure in the custod( and disposition of seied items14.!.'. 5ail14.!.). 6rraignment and plea14.!.+. re-trial14.!.,. Subsidiar( liabilities

14.&. vidence14.&.1. recautionar( principle14.&.2. ocumentar( evidence

11. "#$icial A;$a(i% R#le 4A.M. N&. 12:::SC7

11.1. Scope and where applicable11.2 Contents and rocedure11.3 6pplication to criminal

actions11.! 0ect of non-compliance11.& 0ect on other rules

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241' 5ar amination 2 Remedial


1. 7his listing of covered topics is not intended and should not be used b( the lawschools as a course outline. 7his was drawn up for the limited purpose of ensuringthat 5ar candidates are guided on the coverage of the 241' 5ar aminations.

2. 6ll Supreme Court decisions - pertinent to a given 5ar sub$ect and its listed topics;and promulgated up to Ma/ '1 201,  - are eaminable materials within thecoverage of the 241' 5ar aminations. 

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