remedies of astrological science

Post on 23-Oct-2015






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Joyful Living through

Remedies of

Astrological Science

Tilak Raj Jyotish Maharshi and Vastu Rishi


1. Introduction 1

2. Worshipping the planets — 6

3. Yantras of the Planets 11

4. Mantras of Planets 17

5. Gems of Planets 20

6. Tantra 34

7. Rudraksha 36

8. Sarhesati of Saturn and its remedies 39

9. Remedies of Kala Sarpa 42

10. Worship of the deities related to the planets 44

11. Contemplation of God 49

12. Conclusion 51


Astrology is a part of Vedas. Jyotisham Vedanam Chakshuh - i.e. Astrology is the eye of Vedas. You can come to know the past, present and future by Astrology just as you see this world with your simple eyes. There are 242 Shlokas in which the entire Astrology is mentioned. In Rigveda there are 37 Shlokas, in Yajurveda 44 and in Atharvaveda there are 162 Shlokas. These very Shlokas are the base of Astrology. Job of an astrologer is to know the main theme of Astrology.

We are bound to reap the fruit of what we sowed in our previous births. God has appointed planets to give results according to our deeds. We shall have to face the results according to the planets concerned positioned in our horoscope at the time of our birth. Even Almighty God has to bear the effects of planets if He becomes incarnate. Parashar Rishi has mentioned the dominance of different planets during each of the nine incarnations of God. According to him, there was dominance of Sun in Rama Avatara, Moon in Krishna Avatara, Mars in Narasimha Avatara, Mercury in Buddha Avatara, Venus in Parashurama Avatara, Saturn in Kashyapa Avatara, Rahu in Varaha Avatara and it was the dominance of Ketu in Matsya Avatara. By Astrology we come to know the result to be given by a planet posited in some constellation or sign.

Very often it is asked as to what is the use of astrology? Can the malefic result of planets be glozed? According to me, a man starts from home with an umbrella if he knows that it will rain today. He cannot prevent the rain but he can save himself to some extent with the umbrella. Likewise, we try to lessen the malefic effect of the harmful planets byTantra,

Mantra, Yantras, gems, worship or Jap if we know by Astrology that the period ahead is not auspicious. According to astrology there are three kinds of agony: Physical, Financial and spiritual. The man experiences them by his nature. All the nine planets (Navagrahas) are considered to be the controller of all these agonies. Remedies are prescribed to gloze or pacify the evil effects of the planets. One should go for self-searching and try to find whether he had committed some sinful act. May be he did it during hardships in life knowingly or unknowingly. By a deep introspection and analysis of your inner self you will find that -

Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala Bura Na Milaya Koy, Jo Dil Khoja Apna Mujhase Bura Na Koy.

It is our desires and expectations that cause us distress. The more we expect from

others the more agonies we will have to face. Half of the agonies of a man gets vanished automatically soon after he becomes liberal.

Khudi Ko Kar Buland itna Ki Khuda Khud Bande Se Puchhe Ki Batah Teri Raza Kya Hai

Different methods of remedies have been mentioned in this book. I hope, the book will prove to be useful for the students of Astrology and the astrologers in practice as well. I was inspired by Shri Arun Kumar Bansal, Chairman, All India Federation of Astrologers' Societies and Dr. S.C. Kursija, the secretary of the same to write this book. I am thankful to both of them.


1. Introduction Learned astrologers prescribe various remedies to curb evil effects of planets. Some advise to wear gems while others prescribe mantras. There are scholars who stress on Yantra-pooja or wearing Rudraksha. Some of them go for propitiating planets or for that matter tantrik remedies. There can obviously be differences among astrologers as to which remedy is best and quickest for a particular native. I cite here one anecdote of such difference amongst Rishis.

King Parikshit got to know that his death is imminent on seventh day by snake-bite. So he estranged himself from his kingdom and wealth and straight away went to the holy Ganges. There he sought advice from various Rishis regarding ways to Moksha -eternal freedom from vicious cycle of life and death. One of the Rishis came with a prompt reply, - "O king ! Holy dips at holy places are very much fruitful. So you go for that. Another Rishi said -" You sit for a Yajna instead. It will wash away all your sins. The third one said, - "You better donate wealth to Brahmins as that's the best kept religion. Then came the fourth Rishi who held, -"As worship and chanting (of mantras) for Gods washed away all your sins, so that is advisable". Thus all the Rishis, one after another, came with their views but none of them was thoroughly convincing. So lastly, king Parikshit, with his folded hands, spoke his mind, - "O learned sages, all of you came with great suggestions, but all of them are time consuming and my days are numbered on this planet. Therefore, I request you all to advise a remedy that can be accomplished within the stipulated time of seven days." While the discussions were going on, there came 15 year old Param Hans Shukdevji Maharaj - inspired by none other than great sage Narad. Every one present there, got up in his respect. They offered Shukdevji the highest seat. There only the latter's grandfather Parashar ji announced, — "Shukdev ji is the most junior in age whereas, he is at the top in knowledge. He will make you absolutely clear which deed is the most advisable to get rid of the vicious cycle of life and death. I am sure you will attain Moksha that way." Thus on request of Parikshit, said Shukdev ji - "O' King! These, whose days are numbered on this earth must listen to Krishna Kathas and memorise the same. That is the best way to cross over this 'Bhavasagar'. So now I will recite "Shirmadbhagvat Mahapurana" for you. It is the greatest of all Puranas and which I have learnt from my father Shree Veda Vyas ji. I will read these Krishna Kathas for you in coming 7 days. You will have 'Punya' of listening to all Puranas by this one. Therefore, one should take it as the essence of all the Vedas. Merely listening to this Katha, one gets absorbed in

Remedies of Astrological Science 1

worship of lord Krishna and gets across Bhavasagar easily".

I have cited this instance to prove that though all the remedies bear fruit, but the one adapted according to the situation is the best. However, I have left this for learned astrologers. At this unripe age, with not much experience I have tried to write this book. Hope the book finds your appreciation. As you all know, all the remedies can't be in the scope of this book. So I have focussed on simple ones -for understanding of general mass. Besides, I solicit advice of learned scholars on my address.

Seeking Remedies: For Whom?

How to know the planet is inauspicious for a native? You can know this by analysing horoscope of a native. In case there is no horoscope. I take down certain simple rules

1 to ascertain which planet has put the native in trouble. The ailments and worries caused by Navagrahas are listed below:

Sun: Strained relation with father, trouble from the government, problem in government job, headache, diseases of eyes, heart, skin, bones, jaundice, fever, tuberculosis, mental weakness, etc.

Moon: Strained relation with mother, mental tension, insomnia, asthma, respiratory problem, cough and cold, urinary troubles, menstrual problems, stones of gall bladder, pneumonia, etc.

Mars: Excess aggression, troubled relation with brothers, accidents, blood impurities, leprosy, skin-eruptions, high blood pressure, piles, small pox, plague, etc.

Mercury: Trouble in education, aggressive speaking, strained relation with maternal uncle, loss of memory, epilepsy, nose and throat problems, religious passion, loss of wisdom and business, suspiciousness, fickle mindedness.

Jupiter: Disenchantment with worship, loss of faith in Gods, Gurus, and Brahmins, fall in income and expense of wealth cumulated, delay in marriage and child birth, epileptic fits, stomach disorder, ear-problem, arthritis, constipation, insomnia, etc.

Venus: Hindrance in conjugal life, dejection in love, vehicle-problem, disenchantment with make-up, impotency, hernia, diabetes, semen problem, urinary problem, problem in womb, etc.

Saturn: Trouble with servants and in service, gastric trouble, paralysis, trouble in spinal cord, fear of evil spirits, small pox, leprosy, epilepsy, impotency, ailment in feet, etc.

Remedies of Astrological Science

Rahu: Strained relation with grandfather, ego problem, skins and brain disease, ghost phobia, etc.

Ketu: Strained relation with maternal grandfather, trouble inflicted by witchcraft, contagious diseases, impurity of blood, pain, small pox, cholera, etc.

Once the troublesome planet is ascertained, remedies can be pondered over.

First, note the following points if remedies are to be prescribed according to horoscope:

1. Positioning of Kendra and trine.

2. Which planets are combust and retrograde?

3. Which planets are posited in enemy quarters?

4. What is the position of Yogakaraka planet?

5. Which planets are debilitated and which are exalted?

6. What is the inter-relationship between the lords of major and sub periods?

7. Which house is more troubled?

8. Which planet is more distressed?

9. Which Yogas are significant in the horoscope?

10. What is the position of the house, lord of the house and Karakof the house under consideration?

11. See whether the lords of Mahadasha and Antardasha are Yogakarak, obstructing, or fatal for the horoscope.

12. What is the position of planets in different groups?

Only after contemplating the above points, it is ascertained which planet needs t© be propitiated.

What remedies should be prescribed?

Make a fair guess of the behaviour of the native through positioning of Moon and Lagna in his horoscope. Advise him remedies accordingly. If his Moon, Jupiter and ninth house are disturbed he will not follow the worship even after your suggestion. It is then better to advise him gems orTantrik remedies.

Thus, position of a planet in sign decides the effective remedy. If the planet is in a fiery

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sign then Yajna, fasting, etc. work. But if it is in an earthy one then gems, Yantra, metals are effective whereas if the planet is in an airy sign then chanting of mantras will work lastly, if the planet is in a watery sign then medicinal - bath and offering of objects in water does wonders. Note that in case of a weak yogakaraka planet, remedies by gems, Yantra and metals should be prescribed. Inauspicious and fatal planets must be propitiated by worship, donation by offering planet-objects to water.

Verdict of Lai Kitab

Remedies mentioned in Lai Kitab have their own importance. But here, we are not going to discuss them in detail as their laws don't conform to principles envisaged by Parashar. Yet salient features of the Lai Kitab deserve a mention here. According to the Lai Kitab, all planets can't be propitiated by their own remedies. For some of them, help of other planets is sought. Remedies of Lai Kitab are prescribed in conjunction with nature and practical science. Some simple and practical remedies are related with planets as well.

Some remedies to reduce the evil effects of various planets.


Respect your father. Worship Lord Vishnu.

Donate wheat, jaggery and copper.

Develop a good character.

Offer copper coins in flowing water.

Don't accept bribe.


Obey your mother.

Worship Lord Shiva.

Donate silver, rice and milk.

Take a dip in the Ganges.


Serve your brother.

Worship lord Hanuman.

4 Remedies of Astrological Science

Offer lentils (pulse) to a flowing water.

Wear pure silver on your body.


Get blessings of own sisters, and sisters of mother and father.

Offer copper coin with hole in a flowing water.

Worship Goddess Durga.


Worship your Gurus and Brahmins.

Donate religious books.


Respect ladies.

Worship Goddess Laxmi.

Donate a cow.


Don't take meat and wine.

Keep your servants happy.

Worship Bhairon.


Worship Goddess Saraswati.

Keep electric - appliances in running condition at your home.


Worship Lord Ganesh.

Keep a black-white dog at your home.

In Lai Kitab, remedies of each planet have been prescribed as per their house. Detailed description of which is not given here.

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2. Worshipping the Planets On auspicious occasions and festivals Navagrahas are duly worshipped and to propitiate all the planets following Sholaka is recited.

Om Brahma Muraristripurantakari Bhanu Shashi Bhoomi Suto Bhudasch.

Gurusch Shukrah Sani Rahu Ketawah Sarve Grahah Shantikara Bhavantu.

It means- O' lord, Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha, The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu! Please bless us with peace and welfare.

As a matter of fact, Navagrahas leave their impact on every human being according to his/her time of birth and Zodiac, signs at that time. Some planets cast good while some others cast bad effects on the native. To ward off evil effects of a particular planet, it is worshipped. Worship, Yajna and donation pacifies the planet and thus the native gets good results and evil days go off simultaneously. Worshipping the planets and chanting the appropriate mantras are quite helpful. In continuation, one should perform havana of dasamsa; dashamsha tarpan of havana, dashamsha marjan of tarpan and dashamsha brahman bhojan of marjan. All these must be performed under the able guidance of a Brahmin scholar to have desired result without fail.

Procedure of worshipping the Navagrahas:

At first, arrange all the things essential for the worship of Navagrahas. One shouldn't get up to get things once the worship begins. The native who is to worship the Navagrahas, should leave his bed meditating his own God-Goddess. He must then ease himself off and take a bath. He must sprinkle the water of Ganga in his water for bath. While performing the pooja the native should sit facing east where the priest must face north. Both must sit cross legged. Once again the native should sprinkle the water of Ganga on himself contemplating his 'Est Deva'. He should chant the following mantra simultaneously in order to purify himself.

Om Apavitrah Pavitro Va Sarvavastha Gatopi Va.

Yah Smaret Pundarikaksham Sa Bahyamyantrah Shuchih.

Abstract: O Lord of this Universe, Jagdishwar! We make ourselves sacred by

6 Remedies of Astrological Science

contemplating you.

After this, the following steps are performed while chanting various mantras.

1. Aasan (seat) should be purified by sprinkling water on it.

2. In various provinces sacred thread is changed during the worship of Navagrahas. The native in that case wears a new sacred thread.

3. If wife and husband sit together, the priest should tie them with their clothes.

4. Now sip water thrice from your right hand and chant the mantras all the while: Om Keshavaya Namah, Om Narayanaya Namah Om Madhavaya Namah

5. Once you have done the ablution you should purify your head with this mantra: Om Hrishikeshaya Namah

6. Light up a Deep of ghee.

7. Now take a Sankalp for Navagraha Pujan and pray - O, light like lord, kindle good ideas in my self. O lords - the Sun, Varuna, Indra, Brihaspati and Vishnu! kindly bless us and ensure our welfare.

8. You can nowstart worship of Navagrahas - obviously with sankalp.

9. First of all Lord Ganesh is invoked and his worship is performed.

10. Once you are through with the worship of Ganesh go for the worship of all the planets according to the scriptures.

Worshipping the Sun

Of the Navagrahas, the Sun is at the top. He bestows energy on one and all. Those desirous of his worship should do so on any Sunday - but after worshipping lord Ganesh. After Sthapana of the Sun, his worship should be accomplished according to Ganesha pujan. In the course of worship one should meditate about the Sun and chant his mantras and beeja-mantras. The worshipper must recite Surya Gayatri mantra, Sri Aditya Hridaya Stotra and Surya Dwadash Naam stotra.

After all these, the native should donate some wheat, jaggery, copper, clothes, ruby and red piece of cloth according to his capacity. As per the scriptures lord Vishnu too

Remedies of Astrological Science

should be worshipped along with the Sun. Note that Sunday is the day of worship for the Sun and fast in his name. But this fast i.e. Ravivariya Vrata should commence on first Sunday of Shukla Paksha of Jyestha and be continued on 12 Sundays or till the wish is fulfilled. The worshipper should have wheat bread (rotis) along with jaggery or sugar before sun-set. He should not eat salt.

Worship of Lord Moon

Moon is nearest to the Earth. It has a great impact on our body and psyche. To start worship of Moon, take some white flowers in your folded hands and meditate that 'Kshir-saagar-born lord moon, along with Rohini come and accept my offering and Bless me with well-being'. Later on, perform worship according to that of Lord Ganesha. Chanting and reciting mantras of Moon, his beej-mantra, Soma - Gayatri and Chandra-Kavach stotras are must. On Mondays, one should keep fast after the worship. One should donate silver, pearl, white clothes, camphor, ghee, rice and a pot full of water. Monday fast should commence on first Monday of Shukla Paksha of Jyestha or Shravan month.' Those who keep fast on four Mondays in the month of Shravana get benefits of 16 mondays' fast. Monday fast is kept in three ways: 1. On each Monday, 2. Somya Pradosha Vrata, and 3.16 Monday-fasts. On this day one should listen to Katha after worship of Lord Shiva. Remember to take your meal once in the course of day and night.

Worship of Mars

Mars is also known as Bhoomi-Putra i.e. son of the earth. Devotion towards Mars and latter's worship, fast, etc. help us achieve conjugal bliss and a peaceful life. Worshipping Lord Hanuman too helps in pacifying Mars. To worship Mars, invoke him with red flowers in your folded hands and recite. O Lord! Descend here and drive away all our miseries. After this perform his worship as you did for lord Ganesh and then chant and recite mantras of Mars, beej-mantra, Bhoum-Gayatri and Mangal-Kavach. Keep fast on Tuesdays and donate red clothes, copper, lentils (pulse), coral and gold as per your capacity. Fast on Tuesday should be observed with one meal of wheat and jaggery products only. This fast should be kept at least 21 times. On Tuesdays Lord Hanuman should also be worshipped.

Worship of Mercury

Situated closest to the Sun, planet Budha leaves impact on individuality, learning, sense of humour, and voice of a person. Invoke planet Mercury with green flower in

Remedies of Astrological Science

your folded hands and pray - "O Lord! Come and rid me off my miseries." Now worship him as you worshipped Lord Ganesha. Recite mantras of Mercury and also perform japa, Budha gayatri and Budha Kavach. Observe fast on Wednesdays and donate green-clothes, emerald, bronze-vessels, gold, etc. Fast on Wednesdays should start on first Wednesday of Shukka-Paksha of Jyestha. It must be carried on to at least 21 Wednesdays. Make sure you do have only one meal the whole day.

Worship of Jupiter

Jupiter is best known as the guru of the deities and a scholar of jurisprudence and Vedas. His worship should commence only on a Thursday of any Shukla Paksha. The girls desirous of marriage, whose marriage gets delayed or who face obstacles, must perform worship of lord Jupiter. To perform his worship one should keep yellow flowers in ones folded hands and then pray- 'O lord Jupiter! Kindly take your seat here and accept our Pooja'. Then, perform worship as you did in case of Ganesh. Then start reciting mantras (of Jupiter), beej-mantra, Brihaspati-gayatri, and Brihaspati-Stotra. At the end of worship donate yellow clothes, grams (pulse), topaz and gold. Observe fast on Thursdays. One should start this fast on first Thursday of Shukla-Paksha and do it at least 16 times or till wish gets fulfilled. Use yellow objects on this day. Banana tree is also worshipped on this day. On days of fast, meal must be without salt. Gram-based meal is advised.

Worship of Venus

Planet Venus is related to Shukracharya - guru of monsters. With white flowers in your folded hands, invoke lord Venus and pray - "O lord Venus! You are the scholar of all Shastras. Please do come, take a seat and rid us off our troubles". Now commence worship as you did for lord Ganesh and then start chanting mantras, beej-mantra, Shukra-Gayatri, Shukra-Stotra, and Shukra Kavach. Thereafter, donate white clothes, rice, ghee, incensed-objects and cow. Observe fast on Fridays. This fast too should start on first Friday of Shukla Paksha and should be observed on 21 coming Fridays. On this day put on white clothes; offer pudding (made of milk-sugar-rice) to the lord and have it yourself thereafter.

Worship of lord Saturn

Lord Saturn, son of the Sun, is a big-eyed and over-sized god. Sadhesati of lord Saturn casts its impact on everyone's life. Worshipping and fasting for him should be done on Saturdays. During his worship take some blackish flower in your folded hands

Remedies of Astrological Science

and then pray - "O lord Saturn! Do take a seat and rid us off our troubles". Now perform the worship the way you did for lord Ganesha and keep on chanting mantras (of Saturn), beej mantra, Shani Gayatri and Shani Kavach etc. Thereafter, according to your capacity, donate black sesame, black clothes, horse bean (Urad), oil, and gold. Lord Saturn is worshipped on this fast and so donate the items mentioned above as they are his favourite. In the night take Khichari of black horse bean (Urad). Offer the same to others as well. This fast too should commence on first Saturday of Shukla-Paksha and continue the same on coming 21 Saturdays.

Worship of Rahu

At the time of Samudra - manthan (churning of the ocean) even Rahu tasted some nectar along with other gods. He, too is being offered his share in Pooja from that time only. Worshipping Rahu on Saturdays bears auspicious fruit. With blue flower in folded hands Rahu is invoked - "O lord Almighty Rahu! Do appear and take your seat and free us from all our worries." Now perform his Pooja as you did in care of Lord Ganesha and then chant mantras (of Rahu), beej-mantra, Rahu-Stotra, and Rahu-Kavach. Lastly, donate oil, gold, gomed, and black clothes as per your capacity.

Worship of Ketu

Rahu and Ketu are called shadowy planets. Planet Ketu is offered Pooja on Tuesday. Worshipping Rahu gives result as one gets in case of Saturday fast whereas Ketu bears fruit like a fast on Tuesday. Start worshipping Ketu with some flowers in folded hands by invoking him - "O headless, aggressive- looking God! We invoke you here. Please do take your seat and put an end to our miseries." Now perform Pooja as you did in case of lord Ganesh and then chant mantras (of (Ketu), Beej-mantra, Ketu-Stotra, and Ketu Kavach. Later on donate blanket, Kasturi (musk), sesame oil and gold according to your capacity.

After performing Pooja of all the planets, they are individually given a warm send off (Visarjan). We should apologise to them that if there was any mistake in course of Pooja, Awahan, chanting of mantras and Visarjan, they all should forgive us and finally put an end to all of our miseries. Make it a point to invite guidance of a qualified Brahmin to complete the affair.

1 o Remedies of Astrological Science

3. Yantras of the Planets Every of the planets and deities are worshipped with Yantras also. Yantras are prepared in such a way that power of the deities concerned is permeated in them. In this age of Kaliyug, everybody wants to achieve every thing by Yantras so that he might earn more profit in less time. Yantras act something like an armour for the mankind. There is no importance of Yantras if they are not prepared and consecrated properly. Yantras are prepared on a sheet of paper or the bark of the tree birch or on a copper, gold or silver plate. Yantras give miraculous results if they are consecrated by an able person. Mantras are used in preparing and charging Yantras. Power of Yantras gets multiplied by Mantra. Accuracy of constellations, dates (Tithis) and combinations (Yogas) should be kept in to consideration while preparing and charging Yantras. Now the question arises that as to which Yantra a native should worship? He should propitiate the fatal or obstructing planet posited in his horoscope by Yantra. The native might be saved from the malefic effect of a planet in its Vimshottori Dasha or Antardasha or Pratyantardasha if he worships the Yantra of the planet concerned by consecrating it. A consecrated Yantra is like a machine in order. So, it is advised to use it very carefully and only for one's own welfare. One, who consecrates a Yantra, should have courage, patience, tolerance and wisdom in abundance.

Surya Yantra

This Yantra is worshipped to ward off the agonies caused by the Sun. In our country, it is in vogue to cast the Panchadashi Surya Yantra on safe vault on the day of Deepawali right from the ancient times. On it, digits from 1 to 9 are written in such a way that if added, they make 15 from every side. It has been mentioned in the scriptures as to which digit should be written where in Yantras of nine squares. According to Garga and other Rishis like him, one can be free from ailments if he worships these Yantras.

Surya Yantra










Digits written on Surya Yantra make 15 from every side.

Remedies of Astrological Science 11

Chandra Yantra








4 .


Digits written on Chandra Yantra make 18 from every side.

Mangal Yantra










On Mangal Yantra, digits make 21 from every side.

Budha Yantra










Digits written on Budha Yantra make 24 from every side.

Brihaspati Yantra










Digits on Brihaspati Yantra make 27 from every side.

12 Remedies of Astrological Science

Shukra Yantra










Digits written on Shukra Yantra make 30 from every side.

Shani Yantra










Digits written on Shani Yantra make 33 from every side.

Rahu Yantra










On Rahu Yantra, digits make 36 from every side.

Ketu Yantra










Digits written on ketu Yantra make 39 from every side.

Remedies of Astrological Science 13

Navagrah Yantras

Budha Yantra










Guru Yantra










Ketu Yantra










Shukra Yantra










Surya Yantra










Shani Yantra










Chandra Yantra










Mangal Yantra










Rahu Yantra










14 Remedies of Astrological Science

Apart from these Yantras, there are several Yantras for different deities meant for different aspects of life. Main among them are as follows:


1. Shree Shree Yantra 2. Shree Vaibhava Lakshmi Yantra 3. Shree Mahalakshi Yantra 4. Shree Kuber Yantra

5. Shree Kanakadhara Lakshmi Yantra

6. Shree Ganesh Siddhi Yantra 7. Shree Shubha Labha Yantra 8. Kala Sarpa Yoga Yantra

9. Shree Santan Gopal Yantra

10. Saraswati Yantra 11. Shree Baglamukhi Yantra 12. Shree Sukha Samriddhi Yantra 13. Shree Rinamukti Beesa Yantra 14. Yantra of Shree Pandrah 15. Shree Durga Yantra

16. Shree Durga Beesa Yantra

17. Shree Durga Chauntisa Yantra

18. Shree Nava Durga Yantra

19. Shree Hanumat Poojana Yantra

20. Shree Vahan Durghatna Nashaka Yantra 21. Shree Narisimha Yantra


For gain of wealth For gain of prosperity For gain of wealth To enhance the sphere of accumulated wealth To enhance the sphere of wealth and prosperity. To ward off hurdles. To increase the sphere of profit. To ward off the evil effect of Kala Sarpa Yoga. To have an obedient child or to get children. To gain education and knowledge. To have good health. For happiness and prosperity. To be free from loan To have respect and honour. To have desires fulfilled by worshipping Goddess Durga For wealth and knowledge. To ward off hurdles in trade and business To have all round prosperity by propitiating the nine Durgas. To ward off hurdles by propitiating Hanuman. To save vehicle from accident. For moral boost up by propitiating Lord Narisimha

Remedies of Astrological Science 15

22. Shree Vasheekarana Yantra 23. Shree Mahamrityunjay Yantra 24. Shree Ram Raksha Yantraraja

25. Shree Vishwakarma Yantra

26. Shree Bhairava Yantra 27. Shree Mahakali Yantra 28. Shree Sarvakaryasiddhi Yantra 29. Vastu Dosha Niwarana Sudarshana Yantra

30. Shree Vastu Dosha Nashaka Yantra

31. Shree Vastu Devta Yantra

32. Shree Dikdosha Nashaka Yantra

33. Shree Matsya Yantra

34. Shree Kurma Prishthiya Meru Yantra

35. Shree Bandhana Mukti Yantra

36. Shree Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra

37. Shree Navagraha Yantra

38. Shree Gita Yantra 39. Shree Maruti Yantra 40. Shree Vastu Prapti Yantra

To bring others under control. To ward off deadly agonies To be saved from enemies. It is like Shree Raksha Kawach. For industrial Vastu and to ward off hurdles in construction. To propitiate Bhairon To propitiate Mahakali For success in undertakings To reduce the effect of fault related to Commercial & Industrial Vastu. To reduce the effect of fault related to Residencial Vastu. To propitiate Vastu Deva To reduce the effect of faults related to directions in Vastu. To ward off the waterborne faults in Vastu, To propitiate Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. To lessen the effects of evil spirits. To increase the sphere of trade and business. To propitiate the nine planets (Navagrahas) To have spiritual knowledge It is concealed to sell land. It is worshipped to buy a property.

16 Remedies of Astrological Science

4. Mantras of Planets Planets










Tantrik Mantra

Om Ghrinih Suryaya Namah

Om Som Samaya Namah

Om Ang Angarakay Namah

Om Bum Budhaya Namah

Om Vrin Brihaspataya Namah

Om Shun Shukraya Namah

Om Shan Shanaishcharaya Namah

Om Raan Rahave Namah

Om Ken Ketawe Namah

No. of Jap










Beeja Mantras of Planets












Om Hran Hrin Hron Sah Suryaya Namah

Om Shran Shrin Shron Sah Chandramase Namah

Om Kran Krin Kron Sah Bhaumaya Namah

Om Bram Brim Brom Sah Budhaya Namah

Om Gram Grim Gram Sah Brihaspataye Namah

Om Dran Drin Dron Sah Shukraya Namah

Om Pran Prin Pron Sah Shanaischaraya Namah

Om Bhran Bhrin Bhron Sah Rahawe Namah

Om Sran Srin Sron Sah Ketawe Namah

Remedies of Astrological Science 17

Pauranik Mantras of planets








Mantras of













- Japakusumasamka Sham Kashpeyam Mahadyutim.

Tamoarim Sarvapapadhnam Pranatoasmi Diwakaram..

- Dadhishankhatusharabham Ksheerodamavansnibham.

Namami Shashinam Somam Shambhormukutabhushanam..

- Dharanigarbhasambhoota Vidyutkanti Samaprabham.

Kumaram Shaktihastam Cha Mangalam Pranamamyaham..

- Priyangukalikashyamam Rupen apratimam Budham.

Saumyam Saumyaganopetam Tarn Budham Pranamamyaham.

- Devanancha Rishinancha Gurum Kanchansannibham.

Budhibhootam Trilokesham Tarn Namami Brihaspatim.

- Himakund Mrinalabham Daityanam Param Gurum.

Sarva Shastrapravaktaram Bhargavam Pranamamyaham

- Om Nilanjansamabhasam Raviputram Yamagrajam

Chhayamartand Sambhootam Tarn Namami Shanaischaram.


- Om Hrin Shrin Lakshmi Narayana Namah

- Om Gopalay Uttaradhwajay Namah

- Om Klin Krishnay Namah

- Om Hiranyagarbhay Avyaktarupine Namah

- Om Klin Jagadadharay Namah.

- Om Namah Pirn Pitambaray Namah.

- Om Tatwaniranjanay Tarakramay Namah

- Om Narayanay Sursinhay Namah

- Om Shrin Devkrishnay Udhavadantay Namah

- Om Shrin Vatsalay Namah

- Om Shrin Upendray Achyutay Namah

- Om Am Klin Uddhritay Uddharine Namah.

18 Remedies of Astrological Science

Very often it is asked as to how does the evil effect of planets get glozed by reciting Mantras?

By chanting Mantras of a planet we bow with respect to the lord of that particular planet and propitiate Him so that He might shower His benediction on the mankind. We awaken and propitiate the planets by Mantras just as a man talks to us if we contact him on a mobile phone by dialing his number. This must be noted that propitiating the Gods and Goddesses never goes in vain, sooner or later it gives result. Jap and worship of a planet is a very effective measure to propitiate Him. Effect of the Jap of the Mantra of a planet gets multiplied if it is performed before a Yantra. Jap of Om Namah Shivay proves to be very much effective if it is performed on a Rudraksha rosary. Likewise, Lakshmiji becomes propitiated if the Lakshmi Pooja and Mantra Jap is performed on a Kamalgatta rosary. Jap of Lord Vishnu is performed on a Tulasi rosary. While performing Jap, one should have control over ethos or conduct, contemplation and behaviour. Yantras are activated by Mantras and the power of Mantras gets multiplied if the Jap is performed before activated Yantras.

Remedies of Astrological Science 19

5. Gems of Planets Gems should be selected very carefully. Gems are not only meant for adornment but they also bear celestial power in them. They bear unique capability to make the human life prosperous. Some people want to wear gems according to the signs of their names, which is wrong. It is wise to wear gems after getting the horoscope analysed.

There is a common concept that a trine in a horoscope is always auspicious. It means that the native can wear the gems of the lords of Lagna, fifth and ninth houses. But there is no need to wear all the three gems. There is no need to wear the gem if any of the planets concerned is in a exalted sign or in its own sign since it is already strong. Gems are worn to increase the power of the planets.

It is advised to wear the gem of a benef ic planet if it is combust or weak. It will help increase the influence of that planet so that it may give auspicious consequences. One should wear the gem of the lord of Ascendant if the Ascendant is weak or its lord is combust. This will keep him healthy. The gem of the lord of fifth house is prescribed for man if it is weak. A man may make his lady luck smile if by wearing the gem of the lord of ninth house if it is weak or combust in his horoscope. The gem of the lord of Ascendant is called Jeevan Ratna, of the lord of fifth house Karaka Ratna and of the lord of ninth house it is called Bhagya Ratna. The gem of the lord of trine is not advised to wear if it is debilitated. The gems of the lords of second and twelfth houses should also be not worn. Gems are also useful in getting some diseases cured.

In no case a person should wear the gem of an obstructing, debilitated or inauspicious planet.

It should also be kept in mind which gem is prohibited from being worn with some other particular gem. Weight of a gem should be determined according to age and weight of a person as well as the position of the planet concerned in his horoscope.

What should be the weight of the gem prescribed for a person? There is no specific method to prescribe the weight of a gem. However, some prevailing (customary) methods are given here under:

Weight according to the weight of the native: A gem must be at least of 3 Rattis. But according to most of the scholars the weight should be prescribed according to the weight of the native and that is 1 Ratti for 10 kilos. So, a person of 60 kilos should wear a gem of 6 Rattis.

20 Remedies of Astrological Science

Weight according to the age of the native: Gems of less weight are prescribed to children whereas adults are advised to wear gems of much weight.

Yogakaraka, malefic and fatal planets according to ascendant


Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Yogakaraka Planets

Mars, Sun, Jupiter, Moon Venus, Mercury, Sun, Saturn Mercury, Venus, Saturn Moon, Mars, Jupiter Sun, Mars, Jupiter Mercury, Saturn, Venus Venus, Saturn, Mercury Mars, Sun, Moon, Jupiter Jupiter, Sun, Mars Saturn, Mercury, Venus Saturn, Venus, Mercury Jupiter, Mars, Moon

Malefic and fatal planets

Venus, Mercury, Saturn Moon, Jupiter, Mars Mars, Jupiter, Sun, Moon Mercury, Venus, Sun, Saturn Mercury, Venus, Moon, Saturn Mars, Moon, Sun, Jupiter Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars Venus, Mercury, Saturn Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Moon Moon, Jupiter, Sun, Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn

Gems according


Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

to ascendant

Jeevan Ratna

Coral Diamond Emerald Pearl Ruby Emerald Diamond Coral Topaz Sapphire Sapphire Topaz

Karaka Ratna

Ruby Emerald Diamond Coral Topaz Sapphire Sapphire Topaz Coral Diamond Emerald Pearl

Bhagya Ratna

Topaz Sapphire Sapphire Topaz Coral Diamond Emerald Pearl Ruby Emerald Diamond Coral

Remedies of Astrological Science 21

A gem should be worn in Shukla Paksha on a specified day at a specified time to have auspicious and perfect result of the same. It should be consecrated by an able person. One should donate things related to the gem the day he wears it. Gems rivals in nature should not be worn together. Details regarding gems are given below:




















Cat's eye

Weight (Lowest)

314 Rattis

3% Rattis

6!4 Rattis

4!4 Rattis

4!4 Rattis

% Rattis

41/4 Rattis

5!4 Rattis

61/4 Rattis












Ring finger

Little finger

Ring finger

Little finger

Index finger

Little finger

Middle finger

Middle finger

Ring finger





















Period of gems and gems not to be worn with










Cat's eye


4 Years

2!4 Years

3 Years

4 Years

4 Years

7 Years

5 Years

3 Years

3 Years

Gem not to be worn with

Diamond, Sapphire, Gomed

Gomed, Cat's eye

Diamond, Sapphire, Gomed


Diamond, Sapphire

Ruby, Coral, Topaz

Ruby, Coral, Topaz

Ruby, Pearl, Coral


22 Remedies of Astrological Science

Method of wearing Navaratna (nine gems)

A man is advised to wear all the nine gems (Navaratna) while facing numerous hurdles and suffering from several ailments. In a Navaratna ring all the nine gems are studded equal in weight. A ring studded with these nine gems should be worn on an auspicious Muhurta on ring finger after getting it worshipped properly. The gems may also be studded in a locket. The gems are studded in it, the way they are studded in a Navagraha Yantra asshown below:

Emerald (Mercury)

Topaz (Jupiter)

Cat's eye (Ketu)

Diamond (Venus)

Ruby (Sun)

Sapphire (Saturn)

Pearl (Moon)

Coral (Mars)

Gomed (Rahu)

Relation between a gem and a finger

In Palmistry it has been mentioned that every finger is associated with a planet or planets. Our hands and their fingers are a part of the most sensitive TANTRA of planets and the signs of zodiac. Rays produced by planets transmit to our body through different fingers. Gems are used to increase the power of the rays of planets. Gems are able to ward off several diseases and are used as an alternative medicine. Barring diamond, all the gems should be worn in a way that they touch the fingers so that their rays might be transmitted to our body. A table of the gems useful in the treatment of different diseases is given below:

Gems Diseases the gem is useful for

Ruby Pearl Coral Emerald Topaz Diamond Saphire Gomed Cat's eye

Heart disease, eye disease, disorder in blood Insomnia, heart and eye diseases, tuberculosis, hysteria Fever, small pox, piles, impotence, disorder in blood, abortion Disorder in intestine, lungs, tongue, weakness in speech and mind Jaundice, gout, heart disease, impotence, disorder in liver Diseases related to semen, impotence, blindness Epilepsy, paralysis, deafness, baldness, disorder in nervous system Windy disorder, small pox, cholera, skin diseases, leprosy Cancer, asthma, superstition or confusion, paralysis, epilepsy, skin diseases.

Remedies of Astrological Science 23

Gems should be worn on fingers in the following manner:


Index finger

Middle finger

Ring finger

Little finger



Sapphire, Gomed

Ruby, Coral, Cat's eye

Pearl, Emerald, Diamond

Right hand Middle finger

Ring finger

Little finger




24 Remedies of Astrological Science

How to select gems according to signs:

Aries: Lord Mars

Ruby: In Aries, the Sun is the lord of fifth house. The lord of Ascendant is the friend of Mars. It is auspicious to wear Ruby. It is beneficial in the Mahadasha of the Sun.

Pearl: Moon is the lord of fourth house. Lagnesh is the friend of Mars. It is auspicious to wear pearl. It is more auspicious and favourable to wear coral and pearl.

Coral: Mars is the lord of Ascendant. This is the Jeevana Ratna for the native. One who keeps wearing it lifelong, will have all round prosperity.

Emerald: Mercury is the lord of the 3rd and 6th houses that are malefic. It is not the friend of Mars. It is advised to wear it after considering all aspects.

Topaz: Jupiter is the lord of ninth trine, and twelfth house. It is considered to be benefic for this sign. Topaz proves to be much useful if it is worn with coral. It is useful in the main period of Jupiter.

Diamond: Venus being the lord of 2nd and 7th houses is extremely fatal. It is also not the friend of Mars. Still then, diamond can be worn in the major period of Venus if Venus is in its own sign or exalted. But it has to be kept in mind that it might turn fatal. So, it is better to avoid.

Sapphire: Saturn is the lord of 10th and 11 th houses. Saturn being the lord of the 11 th house is not benefic for Aries. Saturn might be benefic in its major period if it is posited in 1 st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th or 11 th house. It is better to avoid it.

Note: Gems prescribed for Aries give strength, wisdom, knowledge, education, wealth, favour from state or ruler and bliss of children according to the houses.

Taurus: Lord Venus

Ruby: Sun is the lord of 4th house in Taurus. But it is not the friend of the lord of Ascendant. If required, Ruby should be worn in the major period of Sun itself. If not necessary, it should not be worn.

Pearl: Moon is the lord of 3rd house in Taurus. It is not benefic. So, Pearl should not be worn.

Coral: Mars is the lord of 7th and 12th houses. Coral should not be worn. It is malefic.

Emerald: Mercury in Taurus is the lord of 2nd and 5th houses. It is Yogakarak. Emerald

Remedies of Astrological Science 25

must be worn. It is much useful in the major period of Mercury. Diamond of Venus, the lord of Ascendant gives prosperity if it is worn with Emerald.

Topaz: Jupiter being the lord of 8th and 11 th houses is not benefic. There is no friendship between Venus and Jupiter. Jupiter may give wealth in its major period if it is posited in 1 st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 9th houses. If not necessary, it should be avoided.

Diamond: Venus is the lord of Ascendant in Taurus. This is a Jeevana Ratna. It should always be worn.

Sapphire: Saturn, being the lord of 9th and 10th houses, is considered to be benefic and favourable. It gives all round prosperity. Sapphire is very much useful if it is worn with diamond, the gem of Venus.

Gemini: Lord Mercury

Ruby: Sun is the lord of 3rd house in Gemini. It must not be worn. It will cause harm.

Pearl: Moon is the lord of 2nd house. It is fatal also. It might give benefic results in the major period of Moon if the Moon is posited in 9th, 10th and 11 th houses and in own sign in the 2nd house. If not necessary, it should not be worn.

Coral: It should never be worn. Mars being the lord of 6th and 11th houses will not give good result. Mars and Mercury, the lord of Ascendant, are not friends.

Emerald: Mercury is the lord of Ascendant and fourth house. Emerald is a Jeevana Ratna and acts like an armour. It must be worn and worn lifelong.

Topaz: It is prohibited from being worn. Jupiter is malefic and fatal being the lord of two central houses-7th and 10th bears the evil effect of the lord of kendra.

Diamond: Venus is the lord of 5th and 12th houses in this sign. The Mool Trikona sign of Venus falls in fifth trine. So, it is considered to be auspicious. There is friendship between Venus and Mercury. Diamond worn in the major period of Venus proves to be very favourable.

Sapphire: In this sign Saturn is the lord of 8th and 9th houses. Ninth being the lord of trine is considered to be benefic. Sapphire gives good result if worn in the major period of Saturn. Emerald happens to be very much auspicious if it is worn with Sapphire.

26 Remedies of Astrological Science

Cancer: Lord Moon

Ruby: Sun being the lord of 2nd house is fatal. But it is the friend of Moon, the lord of Ascendant. One should wear Ruby if suffering from eye problems. Otherwise, it is better to avoid.

Pearl: Moon is itself the lord of Cancer. So, the Pearl is a Jeevana Ratna. Pearl should be worn lifelong. It is very much favourable.

Coral: In Cancer, Mars being the lord of the 5th and 10th houses is a Mahayogakaraka and favourable planet. Coral appears to be very much benefic if it is worn with Pearl. It must be worn in the major period of Mars.

Emerald: Mercury is the lord of 3rd and 12th houses. This must not be worn.

Topaz: Jupiter is the lord of 6th and 9th houses in the sign of Cancer. The planet being the lord of ninth trine is considered to be benefic. Topaz gives much benefic result if it is worn with Pearl.

Diamond: Venus is the lord of 4th and 11th houses. There is no friendship between Venus and Moon. So, Diamond is considered to be unfavourable.

Sapphire: It is inauspicious. Saturn being the lord of 7th and 8th houses, is fatal and the lord of Duhsthana. Sapphire should never be worn.

Leo: Lord Sun

Ruby: Sun is the lord of Ascendant. It is a Jeevana Ratna. It gives much benefic results. It must be worn lifelong.

Pearl: Moon is the lord of 12th house. It can be worn in the major period of Moon, if the Moon is posited in its own sign in 12th houses. If not necessary, it should not be worn.

Coral: Mars, being the lord of 4th and 9th house, is a very Yogakaraka planet. Coral is very favourable. It becomes much favourable if it is worn with ruby.

Emerald: In Leo, Mercury being the lord of 2nd and 11th houses is not considered to be benefic. It can be favourable only if it is worn in the major period of Mercury.

Topaz: Jupiter is the lord of 5th and 8th houses. Being the lord of 5th trine, it is considered to be benefic. Topaz is favourable. It will give better result if it is worn with ruby. If worn in the major period of Jupiter, it will give a good result.

Diamond: Venus is not benefic since it is the lord of 3rd and 10th houses. Venus and

Remedies of Astrological Science 27

Sun, the lord of Ascendant, are not friends. Diamond should be worn only in the major period of Venus. If not necessary, it should be avoided.

Sapphire: It must not be worn. Saturn is fatal besides being the lord of 6th and 7th houses.

Virgo: Lord Mercury

Ruby: It should never be worn. Sun is the lord of 12th house. So, it will cause loss and expense.

Pearl: If not necessary, it should not be worn. Moon being the lord of 11th house, is malefic. Relation between Moon and Mercury is not cordial. It can be worn in the major period of Moon.

Coral: Mars is the lord of 3rd and 8th houses. It will cause loss, so coral should be avoided.

Emerald: Mercury is the lord of Ascendant and tenth house. It is a Jeevana Ratna. So, emerald is favourable. It will give an auspicious result if it is worn in the major period of Mercury.

Topaz: Besides being the lord of 4th and 7th houses, Jupiter is the lord of two Kendras. So, it is malefic. It is very fatal. However, the gem can give good result if it is worn in the major period of Jupiter. If not necessary, it should not be worn.

Diamond: Venus is the lord of 2nd and 9th houses. Being the lord of trine, it is very much benefic. Diamond with Emerald is very favourable.

Sapphire: Saturn, being the lord of 5th and 6th houses is not considered to be malefic. Sapphire may give favourable result if it is worn in the major period of Saturn.

Libra: Lord Venus

Ruby: Sun is the lord of 11 th house. Sun and Venus, the lord of Ascendant, are enemies of each other. So, ruby will not be benefic. If required, it can be worn in the major period of the Sun. It is better to avoid it.

Pearl: Moon being the lord of 10th house will give both good and bad results. Moon and Venus are not friends. However, Pearl can be worn in the major period of Moon.

Coral: It should never be worn. Mars, being the lord of 2nd and 7th houses, is fatal.

Emerald: Mercury is considered to be auspicious since it is the lord of 9th and 12th

28 Remedies of Astrological Science

houses and ninth trine and since the trine of Mercury is in 12th house. Apart from this, there is friendship between Mercury and Venus, the lord of Ascendant. The native should wear Emerald with Diamond.

Topaz: Jupiter is the lord of 3rd and 6th houses that are malefic. So, Topaz should not be worn.

Diamond: Diamond is the Jeevana Ratna of Venus in Libra. Venus is the lord of Ascendant and eighth house. It is not malefic since it is the lord of Ascendant also.

Sapphire: Saturn, being the lord of 4th and 5th houses, becomes Yogakaraka. Venus, the lord of Ascendant and Saturn are friends of each other. Sapphire either with Diamond or Emerald will give all round prosperity.

Scorpio: Lord Mars

Ruby: Sun, being the lord of tenth, is benefic. Lord of Ascendant is the friend of Mars. Ruby will be favourable. It must be worn in the major period of the Sun.

Pearl: Moon will give very favourable result since it is the lord of ninth trine. Relation between Mars, the lord of Ascendant, and Moon is cordial. One may have gain of wealth if he wears Coral and Pearl.

Coral: Mars is the lord of Ascendant and sixth house. Lord of Ascendant does not have the evil effect of sixth house. Coral is a Jeevana Ratna. It must be worn.

Emerald: Mercury is the lord of malefic 8th and 11th houses. So it is not benefic. Emerald gives financial gains in the major period of Mercury, if it is posited in 1 st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th and 11 th houses. If not necessary, it should not be worn.

Topaz: Jupiter is the lord of 2nd and 5th houses. Being the lord of fifth trine, it is considered to be benefic. Mars, the lord of Ascendant, and Jupiter are friends. Topaz should be worn.

Diamond: Venus, being the lord of 12th and 7th houses, is not considered to be benefic in Scorpio. Apart from this, there is no friendship between Mars and Venus. Diamond should not be worn.

Sapphire: Saturn is not considered to be benefic since it is the lord of 3rd and 4th houses. Sapphire can be worn in the major period of Saturn, if, being the lord of 4th house, Saturn is posited in 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses. Relation between Saturn and Mars is not cordial. If not necessary, Sapphire should not be worn.

Remedies of Astrological Science 29

Sagittarius: Lord Jupiter

Ruby: In Sagittarius, the Sun is the lord of ninth trine. So, ruby will give good results. If worn in the major period of Sun, it becomes much favourable.

Pearl: Moon, being the lord of Duhsthana, is not auspicious in Sagittarius. So, Pearl should not be worn.

Coral: Mars in this sign is the lord of fifth trine and twelfth house. Being the lord of trine, it is considered to be a benefic planet. Coral can be worn.

Emerald: Mercury, being the lord of 7th and 10th houses, is malefic having the evil effect of the lord of Kendra. Emerald can be worn in the major period of Mercury if it is posited in 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses. The gem should not be worn if Mercury is not posited in the houses said above. If not necessary, it should be avoided.

Topaz: In Sagittarius, Jupiter, being the lord of Ascendant and 4th house, is considered to be benefic. Emerald is a Jeevana Ratna. It will act like an armour. It will give good result if it is worn with Ruby, the lucky gem. It must be worn in the major of Jupiter.

Diamond: Venus is not benefic in Sagittarius as it is the lord of 6th and 11th houses. Venus is the enemy of jupiter, the lord of Ascendant. Diamond might prove to be favourable in the major period of Venus, if it is posited in 1 st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th or 11 th house. It should be worn only in extreme need.

Sapphire: Saturn is the lord of 2nd and 3rd houses in Sagittarius. So, it is a malefic planet. Apart from this, Saturn is not the friend of Jupiter, the lord of Ascendant. Sapphire should not be worn.

Capricorn: Lord Saturn

Ruby: It should not be worn. Sun is the lord of eighth house and not the friend of Saturn.

Pearl: Pearl should never be worn. Being the lord of seventh house, it is fatal. Moon is also the enemy of Saturn.

Coral: Mars is also not the friend of Saturn and it is the lord of 4th and 11th houses. It is better to wear it only in the major period of Mars. This should be worn only in extreme need.

Emerald: Mercury is the lord of sixth and ninth trines. The Moola Trikona sign of Mercury is also there in the ninth trine. Mercury is also the friend of Saturn. For better result,

30 Remedies of Astrological Science

Emerald should be worn always with Sapphire. It is favourable if it is worn in the major period of Mercury.

Topaz: It is malefic. It will not give good results since Jupiter is the lord of 3rd and 12th houses.

Diamond: it is favourable and Yogakaraka for the natives of this sign. Venus is the lord of 5th and 10th houses. Venus and Saturn, the lord of Ascendant, are friends. It is better to wear diamond with sapphire. Diamond must be worn in the main period of Venus.

Sapphire: Saturn is the lord of Ascendant and second house. Sapphire will prove to be favourable.

Aquarius: Lord Saturn

Ruby: Ruby should not be worn. It is not auspicious. The Sun is the lord of the seventh house. It is fatal and the enemy of Saturn.

Pearl: Moon is the lord of sixth house. Moon and Saturn are not friends either. So, Pearl should not be worn.

Coral: Mars is the lord of 3rd and tenth house. It should be worn only if the Mars is posited in the 10th house in its own sign. Besides, there is no friendship between Mars and Saturn.

Emerald: Mercury is the lord of fifth and eighth houses. It is considered to be benefic since it is the lord of fifth trine. Mercury is the friend of Saturn, the lord of Ascendant. Emerald will give much better result if it is worn with Diamond or Sapphire.

Topaz: Jupiter, being the lord of 2nd and 11 th houses, is not benefic. Being the lord of 2nd house, Jupiter becomes fatal also. Besides, Saturn and Jupiter are not friends either. So, Topaz should not be worn.

Diamond: It is very much favourable. In this sign, Venus, being the lord of 4th and 9th houses, is also the friend of Saturn. It will give much better result if it is worn with Sapphire.

Sapphire: Saturn is the lord of Ascendant. So, Sapphire is the Jeevana Ratna. The Moola Trikone sign of Saturn is also there in the sign. So, it will not bear the evil effect of 12th house.

Remedies of Astrological Science 31

Pisces: Lord Jupiter

Ruby: It is not favourable. The Sun is the lord of sixth house. So, ruby should be worn in the major period of the Sun if it is posited in the sixth house, in its own sign. Otherwise, it should not be worn.

Pearl: In Pisces, Moon is the lord of fifth trine. So, it will give very favourable result. If worn with Topaz, Pearl will give much better result. It must be worn in the major period of Moon.

Coral: Mars is the lord of 2nd and 9th houses. Being the lord of ninth trine, Mars becomes a benefic planet. Coral gives benefic results if it is worn with Topaz or Pearl.

Emerald: Mercury, being the lord of 4th and 7th houses, bears the evil effect of the lord of Kendra. It is fatal also. So, it is better to avoid wearing Emerald.

Topaz: Jupiter is the lord of Ascendant and tenth house. It is the Jeevana Ratna. So, Topaz must be worn. If worn with Pearl or Coral, it will give much better results.

Diamond: It must not be worn. Venus is malefic as it is the lord of 3rd and 7th houses. Besides, it is also the enemy of Jupiter.

Sapphire: Saturn is very much malefic as it is the lord of 11 th and 12th houses. Apart from this, Jupiter and Saturn are not friends either. In spite all this, sapphire can be worn in the major period of Saturn if, being the lord of 11 th house, it is posited in 1 st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th and 11th houses. If not necessary, it should not be worn.

Selecting the Rahu Ratna Gomed and Ketu Ratna Cat's eye: Mercury, Venus and Saturn are considered to be the friends of Rahu. So, Gomed will give favourable results if the ascendent of native is Gemini, Virgo, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Sun, Moon and Mars are considered to be enemies of Rahu. So, the people of Aries, Scorpio, Cancer and Leo should not wear Gomed. If conjoined, Rahu and Jupiter create Chandal Yoga, though they are not direct enemies of each other. It is not considered to be auspicious. So, the persons of Sagittarius and Pisces should not wear Gomed if it is not essential. In the period of Rahu, Gomed should be worn only after having the advice of an able astrologer. This is also said that Gomed bears the influence of deities (daivishakti). It saves the native from evil spirits. It also wards off visual deficiency.

32 Remedies of Astrological Science

Like Rahu, Ketu also does not have any sign of its own. Some people consider Pisces to be the sign of Ketu. Ketu is considered exalted in Scorpio and Sagittarius and debilitated in Gemini. So, only the people having a malefic, weak or combust Ketu in their horoscopes should wear cat's eye. Cat's eye proves to be favourable for a native if Ketu is posited in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 9th or 10th house in his horscope. However, it is better to wear cat's eye in the major or sub period of Ketu by having advice from an able astrologer because, it gives result according to the planet it is associated with. It is said that like Gomed, Cat's eye also saves from evil spirits.

Some main points: The following points should be kept into consideration to have he favourable results of all the gems:

A gem that does not suit the sign of a person should not be worn. If worn, it lessens the power of the lord of Ascendant.

If required a friendly gem of the lord of Ascendant can be worn.

Rise and combustion of planets in horoscope should be kept into consideration. Gem of a combust planet enhances its power.

Gems should be worn after analysing the major and sub periods of the planets concerned.

Aspects of the planets should be observed. Gems of the planets having benefic aspects give favourable results.

Points such as exaltation, debilitation and friendly and inimical quarters should be analysed in the horoscope before wearing the gem of a planet.

A gem worn by a man on a finger concerned of his left hand will prove to be fruitful for his wife. On the contrary, gem worn by his wife on a concerned finger of her right hand will prove to be favourable for him.

A gem must be worn only on the finger concerned.

Only the best piece of a gem should be selected.

Remedies of Astrological Science 33

6. Tantra

Tantra is an invincible power of lord Shiva. Lord puts a man to ordeal by fire when he starts devoting himself to the lord. All the eight supernatural powers (Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Ishita and Vashita) and nine treasures (Padma, Mahapadma, Shankha, Makar, Kachchhapa, Mukunda, Kunda, Neela and Kharva) keep standing at his door as if they all are his slave. But a man, having unstable faith, becomes deviated from his path soon after he gets any of the said Siddhis and by that Siddhi he starts mesmerising the people.

Those who want to get their job accomplished without performing ritual rites and labour, adopt the path of Tantra. Some articles to be used in Tantra are described here under.

Jer of a cat: It is a very rare thing. A cat abandons a kind of pouch after giving birth to its child. This is called the Jer, and the cat wants to eat it up. The sphere of trade and wealth of a businessman gets enhanced if he keeps it in his safe vault.

Hattha Jori: It is found in the root of a particular plant. It looks like two hands joined with each other. A person having this article possesses the art of hypnotising. The man remains safe and the sphere of his wealth enhances so long this is with him. It saves him from evil spirits.

Siyar Singi: Some times knob like thing is found on the head of a jackal having hair on it.

Tantriks keep it with them and it helps them in Tantrik rites. Atantrik having this article with him comes to know the distress well ahead of time. Wherever he goes the situation turns favourable to him. It enhances the art of hypnotising and the sphere of wealth and prosperity of a man who keeps it with him. It also saves him from evil spirits.

One can save himself from unwanted loss, accident etc., and can be free from bondages if he keeps and consecrate these Trishakti of Jer, Siyar Singi and Hattha Jori. These three things save him from evil spirits. Even tantrik rites cast by others do not influence him.

34 Remedies of Astrological Science

Ekakshi Coconut: There are three points found on the top of a coconut. It is said that one of the three points symbolises mouth and the other two symbolise two eyes. But coconuts having only one eye or point are also found. A coconut having only one eye is called Ekakshi coconut. This is very rare. This coconut is said to be holy and gives prosperity, it is also said that a man can be free from his afflictions and can have material affuence if he worships goddess Lakshmi with this coconut on the occasion of Dhanateras and Deepawali.

Dakshinavart Shankha: Most of the Shankhas have their mouth left - ward. But some Shankhas have their mouth to their right and that is why they are called Dakshinavarti. There prevails happiness and prosperity in the family of a person who worships Goddess with this Shankha on the occasion of Deepawali. Both lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi shower their benediction on the person if he keeps it in Poojasthala.

Gorochana: It has a miraculous power to enchant. Gorochana is also used to ward off the effects of evil spirits. Tantra practitioners pay much respect to this article.

Indrajal: This is a sea-plant. If kept in a house, it saves from the influence of evil spirits. No dispute takes place between wife and husband. The sphere of wealth and prosperity in the family gets enhanced.

Black horseshoe: A U-shaped black horseshoe saves the house or office of a person from the influence of evil spirits if it is hanged at the main gate. The 'shoe' should be hanged on a Tuesday in morning or on a Saturday evening.

Ring of black horseshoe: A ring of black horseshoe is prescribed to save oneself from evil effect of Saturn and to enhance its benefic effects. The ring should be worn on a Saturday on the middle finger.

Pyramid: It is used to meditate in any spiritual exercise. It accumulates wind in it as it is hollow from within. As a result, the things kept under a pyramid remain protected for long. Pyramids of metal and stone are used to have one's desires fulfilled. In Tantrika exercises, Pyramids of copper, brass and Panchadhatu give better results. Iron and aluminum pyramids are not allowed in worship. Pyramids are also used to ward off the different faults in Vastu. These are kept in a direction to strengthen it. Wooden pyramids are also said to be very effective.

Remedies of Astrological Science 35

7. Rudraksha The image of lord Shiva appears before our eyes seeing a Rudraksha. Rudraksha originated from the tears dropped from the eyes of lord Shiva. He opened his eyes after he finished His Tapa he was on for thousands of thousands of years. A rosary of Rudraksha saves a person from many diseases. There are one to twenty one lines drawn on the beads on a Rudraksha. These lines are called the faces of a Rudraksha. An Ekamukhi Rudraksha is very rare. Generally five and six faceted Rudrakshas are found. A rosary too is made of five faceted Rudrakshas. Others are worn alone. Rudrakshas give results according to their faces. Electric energy in the body of a person remains under control if he wears a rosary of Rudrakshas. It is useful for the people suffering from blood pressure and heart - diseases. If worn, it saves them from physical lunacy, untimely demise and evil spirits. It is useful for the people having Kala Sarpa Yoga in their horoscopes. Jap of Om Namah Shivay on rosary of Rudraksha gives much better results. Wearing Rudrakshas and performing spiritual exercises makes the family of a person prosperous. A person who wears it, goes to Shivalok after his death.

Rudrakshas should be worn by touching them with a consecrated Shivaling. But before that Japs of Om Namah Shivay equal to the beads of the rosary should be performed on it. It should be worn on Monday only. It has been noticed that people, who have worn Rudrakshas by worshipping them duly, had their jobs accomplished within forty days.

Kinds of Rudrakshas

One facet Rudraksha: It is very rare and precious. It is found both in round and cashewhut shape. This is said to be the incarnation of lord Shiva. By wearing it, one can have both Bhakti and Mukti. It wards off the effect of sinful acts like Brahma Hatya. It is also worn to have all the desires fulfilled.

Two facet Rudraksha: This is said to be the incarnation of Shiva and Parvati - i.e. Ardhanarishwar. It gives prosperity. It wards off the effect of sinful acts like Gau Hatya. It activates the wisdom and conscience of a person who wears it. It makes man free from agonies and gets enhanced the sphere of his trade. It is useful in Kundalini Jagaran and Spiritual activities.

36 Remedies of Astrological Science

Three facet Rudraksha: It is the mixed incarnation of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha - i.e. Trimurti. It makes a man have knowledge of Bhoot, Bhavishya and Vartaman (Past, Future and present- period of time. It wards off the effect of sinful acts like illegal relations with women other than one's wife. It makes a man active and strong.

Four facet Rudraksha : This is said to be the incarnation of four facet Brahma ji. This can give Dharam, Aarth, Kam, Moksh to the bearer. It wards off the effect of sinful acts like Jeev Hatya (killing others). It can cure mental deasease and gives education & spiritual knowledge.

Five facet Rudraksha: This is the Panchanan form of lord Shiva. This removes the sin caused due to having uneatable meal (abhakshya Bhakshane).

Six facet Rudraksha: This is said to be the Shadanan form of Kartikey, the son of lord Shiva. It makes the sleeping power of a man active. It saves from skin diseases and heart and eye problems. It enhances the spiritual force, will power and sphere of knowledge of a man. It creates a situation for a man to have gain of wealth.

Seven facet Rudraksha: A man is saved from the effect of sin caused due to stealing gold if he wears it. He enjoys sound health, earns name and fame and gets honour and respect. He also enjoys material amenities and prosperity.

Eight facet Rudraksha: This makes a man win in litigation cases. He becomes free from sin caused due to telling lies. The Rudraksha saves him from hurdles in his way.

' Nine facet Rudraksha: This is said to be the incarnation of Nava Durga. According to some scholar, it is the incarnation of Dharmaraj.

According to yet some others, it is the incarnation of Bhairav. It is said to be full of divine virtues. It makes a man free from sins and creates a situation for him to have Moksha. Goddess Nava Durga showers her benediction on him.

Ten facet Rudraksha: All the ten incarnations are there in a Das Mukhi Rudraksha. It makes a man free from the effect of evil spirits and gets all his desires fulfilled. It also saves him from the malefic influence of planets.

Eleven facet Rudraksha: It enhances the sphere of happiness. A man, who wears it, emerges victorious and gets name and fame. The lady-luck always keeps smiling on him.

Twelve facet Rudraksha: It is the favourite Rudraksha of lord Sun. It makes a man free from all diseases if he ties it with his Shikha. If worn on neck, it wards off the effect of sinful acts like Gau Hatya, Manava Hatya and sin caused due to stealing gems. It

Remedies of Astrological Science 37

also saves from fire phobia and miserable plight. It propitiates the Sun God.

Thirteen facet Rudraksha: It enhances the sphere of fortune. It also enhances sexual strength, gets the desires of a man fulfilled and venders all the supernatural powers at one's service.

Fourteen facet Rudraksha: This is said to be the incarnation of Hanumanji. If worn, it saves from evil spirits. A man, who wears it, becomes free from sins and enjoys sound health.

Fifteen facet Rudraksha: This is considered to be the incarnation of Pashupatinath. It enhances the sphere of wealth and saves from skin diseases.

Sixteen facet Rudraksha: It is said to be the symbol of Kala Vijay. It saves from the effect of sinful acts and agonies. It makes a man lead a long life.

Seventeen facet Rudraksha: It is considered to be the incarnation of lord Viswakarma. A man, who wears it, gets his job accomplished and enjoys wealth and prosperity.

Eighteen facet Rudraksha: This symbolises earth. This also wards off diseases related to uterus.

Nineteen facet Rudraksha: This is said to be the incarnation of Narayan. This enhances the sphere of trade and business.

Twenty facet Rudraksha: Concentration of mind and spiritual power of a main enhances further if he wears it.

Twentyone facet Rudraksha: It is said to be the incarnation of Kuber. It enhances the sphere of wealth and gives all round prosperity.

(Rudrakshas from fifteen to twentyone facets are now rarely found.)

Gaurishankar Rudraksha: Two Rudrakshas joined naturally with each other are said to be the symbol of Shiva and Parvati. A man can never have want of money if he keeps it in his safe vault. A family enjoys prosperity where this Rudraksha is worshipped.

Ganesh Rudraksha: This Rudraksha is found occasionally among Panchamukhi Rudrakshas with a trunk on it. This particular Rudraksha is called Ganesh Rudraksha. This gives all round prosperity (Riddhi - Siddhi). Lady-luck keeps smiling on a man having this Rudraksha.

38 Remedies of Astrological Science

8. Sarhesati of Saturn and its remedies Transit of Saturn is seen from the Janma Rashi of native to know its Sarhesati. Sarhe sati of Saturn starts when Saturn falls in the twelfth house from Janma Rashi while in transit. Saturn stays on a Sign for about two and a half years. It remains for two and a half years on twelfth house, Janma Rashi and second house from Moon sign respectively. These seven and a half years are called Sarhesati. What result will Saturn give to a native in its Sarhesati? A table in this regard is given below:

Results on the basis of Dhaiya of Saturn:

Chandra Rashi













First Dhaiya













Second Dhaiya













Third Dhaiya













This table of Shubhashubha Gyarlam has been drawn out from natural friendship of Saturn. The benefic and malefic impacts of Sarhesati may change according to the

Remedies of Astrological Science 39

difference, if any, between the benefic and malefic positions of the planets in Panchadha Maitri.

It is advised to know the nature of Saturn before going for the remedies of Sarhesati. Saturn is a cruel planet. Its Sarhesati puts its influence on the life of every one. Capricorn and Aquarius are the signs of Saturn. The benefic influence of Saturn reduces when its Sarhesati starts in the life of people of these signs. Saturn does not prove to be much malefic if it is benefic and Yogakark in the horoscope of a person. But its inauspiciousness enhances if it is obstructing, fatal or malefic. Saturn enhances the influence of the houses it is posited in and reduces the influence of the houses it aspects with its third, seventh and tenth viewing. Dispute, enmity, imprisonment, chronic disease, failure, hurdles, bitterness, frustration etc. are also considered by it. People under the influence of Saturn happen to be suspicious by disposition,, clever and cunning and do not expose what they have in their mind.

They are sombre by nature. They possess fine imaginative faculty and they happen to be planners of big trades. They are thrifty, tolerant and they love independence. They also happen to be inventors, solitude loving and interested in Astronomy and Chemistry. They love honour. Problem in feet, accident, impotence, windy diseases, diseases in the back-bone, cancer, leprosy and obstructions caused by evil spirits are caused by Saturn. Cobbler, blacksmith, carpenter, mechanic, coal dealer, driver, oil dealer, judge etc. are the subjects of Saturn. Saturn is exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries. Venus and Mercury are its friends whereas Sun, Moon and Mars are enemies. Jupiter is even (neutral) for Saturn. Saturn is the son of Sun but thinks him to be his enemy.

People, who eat uneatable, who have illicit relations with the women other than their wife, do not like working hard, keep involved in illicit behaviour and do not perform religious rites suffer much in the period or Sarhesati of Saturn.

Dukha Mein Sumiran Sab Kare Sukha Mein Kare Na Koy

Jo Sukha Mein Sumiran Kare To Dukha Kahe Ko Hoy

To be free from agonies and afflictions, a man has to make oblations and to perform religious activities, Jap-Tap etc. He also has to have the help of gems.

Following remedies can be helpful to pacify the malefic influence of Sarhesati of Saturn;

1. Worshipping Saturn

2. Jap of Shani-Mantra

40 Remedies of Astrological Science

3. Worshipping Shani-Yantra

4. Worshipping the Shree Graha Peeda Nivark Shani-Yantra

5. Sapphire or an iron ring should be put on in case Saturn is Yogakarak

6. Rudraksha should be worn

7. Worship Lord Shiva. Perform the Jap of Om Namo Shivaya

8. Worship Lord Hanuman

9. Worship God

10. Do not consume meat and liquor.

11. Do not establish physical relation with the women other than your wife.

12. Stay away from evil acts.

13. Remain active.

14. Pray to God every day and visit to temples.

15. Donate horse-bean, oil and a piece of black cloth on Saturday.

16. Offer unboiled milk and water to a Peepuljree and worship it on Saturday.

17. Do not wear black cloth on Saturday.

18. Perform Mrityunjay Jap.

19. One should perform Mahamrityunjay Jap or should get it performed by some one else just in case he is suffering too much.

20. Keep fast on Saturday and read or hear the Vrat katha of Saturday.

21. Worship lord Krishna.

Remedies of Astrological Science 41

9. Remedies of Kala Sarpa It is Kala Sarpa Yoga when all the planets come to the one side of Rahu and Ketu. It is Poorna Kala Sarpa Yoga when all the planets are in between Rahu and Ketu and there is no house lying vacant. It is Anshik Kala Sarpa Yoga when any of the planets is free from Rahu and Ketu. Planets in between Rahu and Ketu are unable to give their complete result - thus making the native a puppet in the hands of fate. He cannot get the better result of his deeds. He has to reap what he had sown in his previous birth and the following five types of misfortune keep him under their influence:

1. He cannot get the absolute results of his labour or results are delayed. 2. Delay in marriage and tension in married life. 3. Delay in birth of a child and no help from children. 4. Physical and mental weakness. 5. Untimely death or agony at the time of death.

In fact, Rahu and Ketu are called shadowy planets. Lord Vishnu beheaded Rahu with his Sudarshan Chakra since he had taken nectar at the time of Samudra Manthan (churning of the ocean). But by consuming nector, he had become Amar (immortal). The head of beheaded Rahu is called Rahu and the trunk is called Ketu. The Janma Nakshatra of Rahu is Bharani and that of Ketu it is Ashlesha. Kala is the deity of Bharani, the Janma Nakshatra of Rahu and Sarpa is of Ashlesha, the Janma Nakshatra of Ketu. This is why the Yoga created by the deities of Rahu and Ketu is called Kala Sarpa Yoga.

The influence of Kala Sarpa Yoga gets enhanced whenever a native, having this Yoga, falls in its major or sub period. In transit, transit of Rahu and Ketu transiting over Janmakalik Rahu-Ketu and Moon also makes this Yoga active.

There are twelve kinds of Kala Sarpa Yoga according to the positions of Rahu in twelve houses. These are as under:

1. Anant Kala Sarpa Yoga 2. Kulik Kala Sarp Yoga 3. Vasuki Kala Sarp Yoga 4. Shankhanad Kala Sarp Yoga 5. Padma Kala Sarp Yoga 6. Mahapadma Kala Sarp Yoga 7. Takshaka Kala Sarp Yoga 8. Karkotaka Kala Sarp Yoga 9. Shankhachuda Kala Sarp Yoga

42 Remedies of Astrological Science

10. Ghataka Kala Sarp Yoga 11. Vishadhar Kala Sarp Yoga 12. Sheshanaga Kala Sarp Yoga

If considered on the basis of signs, there are 12 signs and 12 Ascendants in the table of Ascendants. On this basis there are 144 Kala Sarp Yogas. Remedies of each Kala Sarp Yoga should be different from others. Some important remedies are given below that can be helpful to the people having Kala Sarp Yoga in their horoscopes:

1. Worship of Rahu and Ketu 2. Jap of Mantra of Rahu and Ketu. 3. Perform Jap of Om Namah Shivaya for 21,000 times after lighting a lamp of

mustard oil before Siddha Kala Sarp Yoga Yantra. 4. Worship lord Krishna and perform Jap of Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

daily for 108 times. 5. Recite Nava Nag Stotra. 6. Offer water to Shivaling and worship Lord Shiva. 7. Keep fast on sixteen Mondays. 8. Worship snakes and offer them milk to drink. 9. Worship Nag on the occasion of Nag Panchami. 10. Consecrate lord Mahadeva for 30 days in the month of Shravana. 11. Keep fast on Mondays in the month of Shravan. Fast on these four Mondays

gives favourable results equal to that kept on 16 Mondays in the other months of the year.

12. Worship lord Hanuman. 13. Worship lord Ganesha and Goddess Saraswati. 14. Remedies should be performed duly in the Kalahasti Shiva Temple near Tirupati

Balaji to pacify Kala Sarp yoga. 15. Offer a pair of silver Naga and Nagin or a copper snake to a Shivaling. 16. Wear Gomed and cat's eye studded in a single ring. 17. Wear a snake like silver ring with Gomed and cat's eye studded in it. (Locket or

ring should be worn after performing Shodashopachar Pooja of Rahu and Ketu). 18. Perform Shraddha of deceased ancestors (Pitars). 19. Perform religious rites to get your ancestors (Pitars) salvaged (Act of Narayana Bali). 20. Perform Jap of Mahamrityunjaya. 21. Offer articles of Rahu and Ketu such as black sesame seeds (Til), oil, gold, black

cloth, black and white blanket, musk, coconut etc. If the Yoga is much strong, then donate ten per cent of your earnings. Serve poor and afflicted people and contemplate God.

22. Remedies mentioned in Lai Kitab are adopted to pacify the effect of Kala Sarp Yoga according to the house of Rahu and Ketu.

Remedies of Astrological Science 43

10. Worship of the deities related to the planets

As mentioned in the scriptures, planets, their lords and the lords of constellations should be worshipped to ward off afflictions caused by them.

A table of the lords of planets is given here as under:












Agni (Fire)

Varun (water)


(Son of Shiva born after Ganesha)



Shachidevi (wife of Indra)




Deities as mentioned in Lai Kitab










By Tara chakra, we come to know as to what result a Nakshatra will give to a native. We find out the position of Nakshatra starting right from the Janma Nakshatra.

Besides Janma Nakshatra, we also find Sampat, Vipat, Kshem, Pratyari, Sadhak, Vadha, Mitra and Atimitra. Stars related to the class of Janma, Vipat, Pratyari and Vadha do not give good results. Pooja of these stars should be performed the day they are in transit. It is certain that a person gains by worshipping Janma Nakshatra.

44 Remedies of Astrological Science

A table containing the names of constellations along with their deities and planets is given below:

SI. No.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.


Ashwini Bharani Kritika Rohini Mrigashira Ardra Punarvasu Pushya Ashlesha Magha Purva Phalguni Uttara Phalguni Hast Chitra Swati Vishakha Anuradha Jyeshtha Moola Purvasharha Uttarasharha Shrawan Dhanishtha Shatbhisha Purva Bhadrapad Uttara Bhadrapad Rewati

Deity of the constellation

Ashwini Kala Agni (Fire) Brahma Moon Rudra Aditi Jupiter Sarp Pitar Bhag Aryama Sun Vishwakarma Pawan Shukragni Mitra Indra Nirriti Jal (Water) Vishwedeva Vishnu Vasu Varun Ajaikapad Arhibudhanya Pusha

Planet of the constellation

Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury

Remedies of Astrological Science 45

There are ten deities there in all the ten organs of our body. They are as follows:




















Posterior part




Agni (Fire)



Ashwini Kumar







Prasad should be taken by mouth to propitiate Agni. Bhajan of God (devotional songs) should be sung by tongue. Fable of God (Hari Katha) should be heard by ears. Flowers offered to the God/Goddess should be smelt with nose. Things in alms should be given by hands. Glimpse of God should be taken by eyes. Feet are meant for pilgrimage. By wisdom, God should be contemplated.

Worship of Ganesha

To start a venture, lord Ganesha is worshipped first of all so that the job undertaken might be accomplished smoothly. Lord Ganesha is propitiated before worship of a deity, performing Havan, Jap of Mantras or starting a new venture as He counters all the obstacles.

Vakratunda Mahakaya Surya Koti Samprabhah

Nirvidhnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva Karyeshu Sarvada

One should make reverential salutation to deity Ganesh to propitiate Him. He should make invocation, offer Him Aasan, Padya and Ardhya. He should offer Him sacred water for Achawana and bath along with Panchamrit, sacred piece of cloth, Yagyonpavita (sacred thread), flowers, Dhoop, Dhip, Dry Fruit and Dakshina etc. and should perform Aarti.

46 Remedies of Astrological Science

Recitetion of Ganesha Chalisa and Ganesha Stotra should be performed besides Aarti to propitiate Ganesha. Worship of different forms of Ganesh should performed to have different results as mentioned below:

1. Santan Ganapati - For progeny 2. Vighnaharta Ganapati - To ward off strife and all the obstactes. 3. Vidya Pradayak Ganapati - To have knowledge and education 4. Vivah Vinayaka Ganapati - For marriage 5. Dhanadayak Ganapati - To gain wealth. 6. Chinta Nashaka Ganapati - To be free from worries 7. Siddhidayaka Ganapati - To acquire Siddhis 8. Anandadayaka Ganapati - For happiness and pleasure 9. Vijaya Siddha Ganapati - To get rid of litigations and win them over. 10. Rinamochana Ganapati - To be free from loans. 11. Roganashak Ganapati - To be free from diseases. 12. Netritva Shakti Vikasaka Ganapati -To acquire faculty of leadership. Lord Ganesha is contemplated by his 12 names given below:

Vakratunda, Ekadanta, Krishnapingaksha, Gajavaktra, Lambodar, Vikata, Vighnarajendra, Dhoormavama, Bhalachandra, Vinayaka, Ganapati and Gajanan. One, who recites these twelve names, remains free from all the obstacles.

Prathamam Vakratundam Cha Ekadantam Dwiteeyakam. Triteeyam Krishnapingaksham Gajavaktram Chaturthakam. Lambodaram Pancham Cha Shashtham Vikatameva Cha. Saptamam Vighnarajendram Cha DhoomravarnaTathashtakam Navamam Bhalachandram Cha Dashamam Tu Vinayakam. Ekadasham Ganpatim Dwadasham Tu Gajananam. Dwadashaitani Namani Trisandhyam Yah Pathennarah. Na Cha Vighnabhayam Tasya Sarvasiddhikaram Prabho.

Dhana Teras Pooja

Elders in a family purchase house hold utensils and appliances for Grihalakshmi two days before Deepawali on the occasion of Trayodashi. Ganerally, utensils for the head of the family are bought of the metal that may prove to be favourable for him. Deep/ Diyas of Ghee and oil are offered to Yama in the evening. The house is cleaned and decorated with zeal to welcome Goddess Mahalakshmi. Vaidya Dhanvantari had appeared on this day. So, Diyas are kindled to commemorate Dhanvantari. By

Remedies of Astrological Science 47

worshipping Dhanvantari on this day, a man enjoys sound health and does not meet untimely death. Some people start worshipping Goddess Lakshmi right from this day. Lakshmi Pooja on this occasion of Dhanateras has got its own significance.

Worship of Lakshmi

In this materialistic world nothing can be accomplished without the grace of Lakshmi. People wbrship Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth to gain wealth. Worship of Lakshmi on the occasion of Deepawali has got its own significance. It is performed specially on the day of Amavasya in the month of Kartika. Worship of Saraswati, Ganesha, Durga, Kuber, Ledger, Pen, Balance etc. is also performed along with that of Mahalakshmi. Ashta Siddhis dwell in different directions. Worship of these Ashtasiddhis should be performed in the directions as mentioned below:

1. Om Animne Namah (East) 2. Om Mahimne Namah (Agnikon) (South East) 3. Om Garimne Namah (South) 4. Om Laghimne Namah (Nairritya) (South West) 5. Om Praptyai Namah (West) 6. Om Prakamyai Namah (Vayavya) (North West) 7. Om Ishitayai Namah (North) 8. Om Vashitayai Namah (Ishana) (North East)

Worship of Ashta Lakshmi should also be performed the same way, i.e.

1. Om Adyalakshmyai Namah 2. Om Vidyalakshmyai Namah 3. Om Saubhagyalakshmyai Namah 4. Om Amrit Lakshmyai Namah 5. Om Kama Lakshmyai Namah 6. Om Satya Lakshmyai Namah 7. Om Bhoga Lakshmyai Namah 8. Om Yoga Lakshmyai Namah

Thus, after performing worship of Lakshmi, recitation of Lakshmi Chalisa, stotra as well as Aarti should also be performed. By doing all this, a person may enjoy prosperity throughout the year.

48 Remedies of Astrological Science

11. Contemplation of God

Lord Krishna has said in Geeta that four kinds of people take shelter of God:

1. Those who are distressed and afflicted. To get rid of afflictions. 2. Those who have curiosity to know the God. 3. Those who need wealth for mundane affairs. 4. Those who possess the knowledge of Ultimate Truth.

Worship of God to get desires fulfilled is called devotion with an ulterior motive (Sakam Bhakti). Devotion in real terms is called Nishkama Bhakti and there is no place of any gain in it. One, who is wise and spends his time in worship and spiritual exercises, is the most superior, because I am the most favourite of him and he is the most favourite of mine. People having financial desires take shelter of deities and adopt the particular methods and manners of worship according to their nature. They get their desires fulfilled by worshipping particular deities. But the reality is that all these desires are fulfilled by me. Those who worship deities go to Devalok, but those devoted to me come to my Paramadham".

One, who has never been moved by hearing the Katha of the lord, should be considered to be as hard as stone. Sins of the people, committed whether in this life or in the previous ones, are warded off by hearing the Leelas of the lord. There is no way better than adopting what the lord says in his Leelas to get rid of the sins and hurdles in one's life. One can know the importance of Vibhooti, i.e. magnificence Roopa, name and merits of the lord only if he surrenders to Him with devotion.

The man can attain Moksha i.e. Parama Dham of lord Krishna only by worshipping Him lifelong, particularly at the time of his death. Rites performed with Satoguna, according to the scriptures, purify the heart of a man and paves the way for him to heaven. People who perform rites with Rajoguna cannot have this opportunity. Ignorant (Tamoguni) people fall to lower Yonis. Only the Satoguni people can contemplate lord Krishna and can go to the His Nitya Dhama. I would like to mention here the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Shlokas of the Gita which conveys the gist and essence of Gita.

1. Aham Sarvasya Prabhavo Mattah Sarvam Pravartate.

Iti Matva Bhajante Mam. Budha Bhava samanvitah. ..8.. 2. Machchita Madgataprana Bodhayantah Parsparam.

Kathayantashcha Mam Nityam Tushyanti Cha Ramanti Cha. ..9..

Remedies of Astrological Science 49

3. Tesham Satatayuktanam Bhajatam Priti Purvakam. Dadami Buddhiyogam Tarn Yen Mamupayanti Te.. 10..

4. Tesha Mevanukampartha Mahamagyanajam Tamah. Nashayamyatmabhavastho Gyan Deepen Bhaswata..11..

The Shlokas mean:

1. I am the master of both spiritual as well as financial worlds. Every thing is produced by me. Those, who know all this well, keep on paying affection-based devotion to me and keep on worshiping me with full devotion.

2. The thinking of true devotees of mine center around me, they devote their lives in serving me. They feel contentment and happiness by talking about me and giving knowledge to each other.

3. I give knowledge to those who keep serving me uninterruptedly, by which they can contact me.

4. To shower benediction on them, I dwell in their hearts and thus remove the darkness of ignorance in them by kindling the light of knowledge.

We should contemplate the lord keeping His words mentioned above in mind so that we can gain spiritual attainment. For spiritual development, we shall have to be Satoguni and for that we should follow the rules mentioned in the scriptures. We should avoid consuming any intoxicating thing such as cigarette, wine, Bhang, Ganja etc. We should take vegetarian meal. We must not establish physical relations with women other than wife or men other than husband. We should stay away from gambling, speculation etc. Money earned this way will be spent in evil acts. Instead of getting involved in such things, one should spend some of his times in contemplating the lord. For this, some parts of Geeta should be read daily. It is also wise to have talks on spirituality and God with others. Worship of Shree Vigraha should be performed. Fruits, flowers and sacred water should be offered to the lord with devotion. One should perform Jap of the following Mahamantra for his own betterment:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Following these methods and manners, one will feel that he is achieving his spiritual goal and the agonies and afflictions caused to him by the planets are washed away. There is no other way better than praying the lord devoting oneself to Him to get rid of his afflictions. I just pray to God for your spiritual development.

50 Remedies of Astrological Science

12. Conclusion It was a difficult task to produce a subject like the analysis of remedies. A book on Tantra, Mantra, gems and religious and spiritual exercises was in demand for quite some time.

The task was something like "to express too much in very words." The book has been written for both the astrologers and the students of astrology. I hope, it will prove to be useful to attain joyful living through remedies of Astrological Science.

A doctor prescribes medicines to a patient seeing his test report. If a medicine does not suit him, the doctor changes it. But it does not mean that the medicine prescribed was useless. However, it did not prove useful to the patient it was given to. For that matter the entire medical science cannot be established wrong. Likewise, an astrologer prescribes remedy to a person on the basis of his horoscope. But we cannot establish astrology wrong if the remedy prescribed to4he native does not prove to be useful to him. A disease can be cured without medicine also, but there is no cure for death. Remedies prescribed on the basis of astrology for different diseases and afflictions acts like a substitute. It depends on the quality of the materials of remedy prescribed as to how much will it be effective. Gems prescribed must be pure and flawless. No better result can be expected from a defective and fake gem. Materials and Rudrakshas to be used in Tantrik system must also be genuine and flawless. Mantrochar must be performed correctly. It is essential to have faith in worship and religious rites. In case the Yantras are used, they have to be pure and consecrated. One should have faith in contemplation of God - this proves to be very useful.

"Jaki Rahi Bhavana Jaisi, Prabhu Murat Dekhi Tin Vaisi". Only those who have faith on astrology can take benefit from it.

"Sakala Padaratha Hai Jag Mahi, Karmaheena Nar Pavat Nahin.

Important remedies for major diseases

To ward off diseases

Wear the gem of Ascendant.

Perform Jap of Mrityunjaya.

Remedies of Astrological Science 51

For progeny Perform worsip of Santana Gopal Yantra Perform worship of Jupiter Recite Gopala Sahasranam. Listen to Harivansha, Purana if the Sun is obstructing. Perform worship of lord Shiva, if the Moon is obstructing. Perform consecration of lord Shiva (Rudrabhishek), if Mars is obstructing. Donate a bronze utensil, if Mercury is obstructing. Perform Shraadha at Gaya, if Jupiter is obstructing. Serve cow, if Venus is obstructing. Perform Jap of Mahamrityunjay, if Saturn is obstructing. Perform Kanyadan, if Rahu is obstructing. Offer a white- grey coloured cow (Gaudana of a Kapila Gay) to some body, if Ketu is obstructing. For marriage Perform worship of Shiva-Parvati. Perform worship of Venus Worship the lord of seventh house. Worship Jupiter.

For love marriage Wear the gem of the lord of fifth house. Worship the lord of fifth and seventh houses. Worship Venus.

For gaining knowledge Worship Shree Saraswati Yantra. Wear the gem of the lord of fifth house.

For service Wear the gem of the lord of ninth house (Bhagyesh). Perform worship of Sun.

To be free from debt Worship Shree Rina Mukti Beesa Yantra Worship the lord of sixth house.

52 Remedies of Astrological Science

For dispute and agonies caused by evil spirits

Worship lord Hanuman

Instal an Indrajala

Worship Bandhan Mukti Yantra

Fix the auspicious mark of Swastik at the gate of your house.

Example horoscope-1

N. 11

12 y/

/ 1

2 \ > Moon/x / 3

/ 10 Rahu

* 4

Ket,Su --Ven, M«

9 /

y \ 8

7 \ . Mars./

^x 6 } J / \ S a t .

5 >v

Venus, the lord of fifth house is combust in this horoscope. Sub-period of Venus in the major period of Jupiter started on 4.11.99 and continued up to 5.7.2002. For this horoscope, Jupiter is malefic and Venus is combust despite being Yogakaraka and is afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. Being combust, a Yogakaraka planet does not render good results. So, the relation of this native with that of his wife turned bitter. His son started disobeying him, as Venus is the lord of fifth house in his horoscope. Hustles cropped up in his trade and business, as Venus is the lord of tenth house. He started thinking of suicide. In these circumstances, he sought advice from me. Mentally, he was so perturbed that he turned against worship and religious rites. No remedy can be advised to a native of this sort. I advised him to wear diamond to pacify evil effect of Venus. The native was unable to buy diamond, so he was said to wear zircon. I advised him to wear red banian under his shirt to propitiate Jupiter. He was asked to remove immediately the broken toys from his house. There is the burden of Stree Rina and Nirdayi Rina on the native since there is Rina of previous birth in the horoscope. Remedies from Lai Kitab was advised to wash away all these Rins. By adopting all these remedies, the native recovered fast from tensions and became happy in a short span of 15 days.

Remedies of Astrological Science 53

Example horoscope-2

\ 7 Sun, V.y/\ NMer/ 6

8 / \ !

/ 9 X Mars

10 y f

3at., H

!£ 12

/ -,« i \Rahu / 11J \ " y

5 \Moor>





In this horoscope, the sub period of Saturn in the main period of Rahu started on 31.8.99 and continued up to 7.7.2002. Saturn, being Yogakaraka, is posited in Lagna, but is afflicted by Rahu-Ketu. So, the native will have results both fovourable and unfavourable. The native sought advice from me in March 2002.1 told him that the time was not favourable to him. He might have to face obstacles caused by his younger brother, wife and he would also face hurdles in business. His son might suffer since Saturn was the lord of fifth house. There is Anshik Kala Sarp Yoga also in the horoscope. In the Dasha of Rahu and Ketu, Anshik Kala Sarp Yoga also puts its effect. I advised the native to perform worship of Kala Sarp Yoga Yantra and Jap of Om namah Shivay for 21,000 times. I also asked him make offerings to propitiate Saturn. The native took the Kala Sarp Yoga Yantra to worship but did not make any offering to propitiate Saturn. Despite knowing that the entire universe is bound by destiny, he did not adopt the remedies. The younger brother suffered heart attack but escaped it. His son met an accident and he had to spend 60,000 rupees on his treatment. The wife started spending all the time with her son and the family got scattered. The native could not look after his business due to his diseased brother and son that caused him loss. At last, he made offerings to propitiate Saturn and donated things related to Saturn.

54 Remedies of Astrological Science

Example horoscope-2

In this horoscope, the sub period of Saturn in the main period of Rahu started on 31.8.99 and continued up to 7.7.2002. Saturn, being Yogakaraka, is posited in Lagna, but is afflicted by Rahu-Ketu. So, the native will have results both favourable and unfavourable. The native sought advice from me in March 2002. I told him that the time was not favourable to him. He might have to face obstacles caused by his younger brother, wife and he would also face hurdles in business. His son might suffer since Saturn was the lord of fifth house. There is Anshik Kala Sarp Yoga also in the ho-roscope. In the Dasha of Rahu and Ketu, Anshik Kala Sarp Yoga also puts its effect. I advised the native to perform worship of Kala Sarp Yoga Yantra and Jap of Om namah Shivay for 21 ,000 times. I also asked him make offerings to propitiate Saturn. The native took the Kala Sarp Yoga Yantra to worship but did not make any offering to propitiate Saturn. Despite knowing that the entire universe is bound by destiny, he did not adopt the remedies. The younger brother suffered reart attack but escaped it. His son met an accident and he had to spend 60,000 rupees on his treatment. The started spending all the time with her son and the family got scattered. The native could not look after his business due to his diseased brother and son that caused him loss. At last, he made offerings to propitiate Saturn and donated things related to Saturn.

54 Remedies of Astrological Science


1. What points should be kept into consideration while prescribing remedies?

2. Gems of what planets should be worn according to the horoscope?

3. Gems of what planets should not be worn according to the horoscope?

4. Worship of which planets should be performed according to the horoscope?

5. At least how many Sunday fasts should be kept?

6. What kinds of Monday fasts are there?

7. Which god or deity is worshipped On fast of Tuesday?

8. What all should be eaten for on fast of Saturday?

9. What is the sum total of the digits on Surya Yantra?

10. What is the Sum total of the figures on Shukra Yantra?

11. What for is the worship of Santan Gopal Yantra performed?

12. Which Yantra is worshipped for being free from loans ?

13. Write down the Tantrik and Beej Mantras of Mars?

14. Write down the Beej Mantra of Rahu?

15. What should be the total number of Jap of Shani Mantra?

16. Rosary of what should be used for Jap of Om Namo Shivay?

17. What gem is the lucky gem for Libra?

18. On which finger should topaz be worn?

19. At what time should sapphire be worn?

20. Which all gems should not be worn with diamond?

21. For how long does a Pearl remain effective?

Remedies of Astrological Science 55

22. Write down the names of diseases caused by the Sun?

23. Why should Indrajala be installed?

24. Of which God Nine facet Rudraksha is considered to be the incarnation?

25. Write down 5 remedies to pacify the evil effect of Sarhesati of Saturn.

26. What is Kala Sarp Yoga?

27. How many Kala Sarp Yogas are there created by houses?

28. Prescribe five remedies to pacify the effect of Kala Sarp Yoga.

29. What all should be offered to propitiate Rahu and Ketu?

30. Which God is worshipped to pacify Ketu?

31. Which deity lies in the eyes?

32. What benefit one can have by contemplation of God?

33. Write down a Shloka of Gita.

34. What all Yantras should be installed for the growth of trade?

35. Which Goddess is worshipped to have knowledge?

36. Which gem will prove to be the most useful for the native of the horoscope cast below?

^v 2 y


/ 4 \ K

5X\s s 6 \

/ Mar.Ve

' \ . 12 / 1 \ /


K 7

un, S

X11 10 X

Rahu /

\ / Mer. \

56 Remedies of Astrological Science

22. Write down the names of diseases caused by the Sun?

23. Why should lndrajala be installed? ·

24. Of which God Nine facet Rudraksha is considered to be the incarnation?

25. Write down 5 remedies to pacify the evil effect of Sarhesati of Saturn.

26. What is Kala Sarp Yoga?

27. How many Kala Sarp Yogas are there created by houses?

28. Prescribe five remedies to pacify the effect of Sarp Yoga.

29. What all should be offered to propitiate Rahu and Ketu?

30. Which God is worshipped to pacify Ketu?

31. Which deity lies in the eyes?

32. What benefit one can have by contemplation of God?

33. Write down a Shloka of Gita.

34. What all Yantras should be installed for the growth of trade?

35. Which Goddess is worshipped to have knowledge?

36. Which gem will prove to be the most useful for the native of the horoscope cast below?

56 Remedies of Astrological Science

Saturn - total combust, Bhogya Dasha at the time of birth - Venus - 8 yrs. 11 months 1 day.

37. Worship and Jap of what all Yantras should be performed by the native of the horoscope cast above?

38. What all benefits can one have by wearing four facet Rudraksha?

39. What all benefits can one have by wearing Gauri Shankar Rudraksha?

Remedies of Astrological Science 57

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