renegade spread offence

Post on 29-May-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 Renegade Spread Offence


    X-treme Schemes vol. 1 is the original version of the spread running game. Vol. 1 isfree here. For the next generation of this offensive scheme you need The RenegadeSpread Offense. The Renegade Offense combines all the best ideas and plays fromX-treme Schemes vol. 1 and vol. 2 into a condensed, easy to learn, easy to coach, andvery lethal offense. If you are looking for an offense that can be taught at all levels, that

    attacks the entire field, and does not require huge linemen the Renegade Spread isyour offense. Check out more info on the Renegade Spread by clicking here >Renegade


    The X-treme Scheme idea is a combination of three types of offensiveschemes that are modified and ran from extreme spread formations. Theseschemes were born from the need to move the football in unique fashion andto take advantage of the type of players that you have to move the football


    The plays are presented on a conceptual basis because I know that coacheshave their own systems and can adapt any of these plays to their ownformations and schemes. As all coaches know, there is always more than one

    way to skin a cat.

    The goal of this playbook is to simply present you with some new ideas. Youcan take what you want and leave what you do not need. New ideas help to

    excite players and coaches. They also help in the advancement of our sport.

    As mentioned the plays do not have to be run from the extreme sets that theyare diagrammed in. I have drawn them this way because I feel that certain

    spread sets take advantage of the defense in several ways.

    1. They create one on one match ups.2. They allow you to take advantage of the speed your team has.3. They limit the defense by formation.4. They reduce blitzing.5. They reduce the number of blocks that need to be made.

    6. They reduce the amount of time that blocks have to be held.

    Take from this book what you will. I hope you enjoy it and can get someideas from it that will help your offensive schemes. X-treme Schemes 2 is thesecond book in this series. It covers the passing game from these schemesincluding the "Zoom Option" (which is the pass run option), play action (off

  • 8/8/2019 Renegade Spread Offence


    the plays in this book), and individual/team routes (including bunch routes aswell as isolation routes). You can purchase X-treme Schemes 2

    Thank You,

    Robert B. Babcock

    Editor of

    Getting Started

    I understand that all coaches have different ways of getting the job done withtheir teams. I am not going to try to change the way anyone coaches.Coaches know their teams far better than anyone on the outside. However, togive you an idea of how this system works I will attempt to give you a briefdescription of the terminology that I use with this type of offense. I am notsaying that it is the best but I think it will help you understand the scheme

    better as well as how we have simplified it over the years.

    Each one of our players has a letter assigned to them with the exception ofthe offensive linemen. Below is a diagram that shows you the letters.

    The Ends are L and R (left and right)The Tailback is a TThe Fullback is a FThe Quarterback is a QThe Cutterback is a C (would be great if he could pass)

    It does not matter where the players line up they will always carry their letter. Even

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    though the fullback does not line up in the fullback position that often we still considerhim the F-back. You could substitute any letter for the backs but we use these letters sowe can revert back to basic sets anytime we want without confusing the team. Also, bylettering the backs we can call individual routes during games as we see thingsbreaking open.

    Assigning letters allows us to put any back in motion as well as flipping the formationand putting an end in motion. On a wristband Tmo would tell the T-back to go in motionno matter where he was lined up. We always motion towards the QB unless we include"away" after the motion which would tell the T-back to motion away from the QB. Fmowould tell the F-back to motion towards the QB. The Cutterback is called this becausehe will motion more than any other back. For this reason when the play just says Mo itmeans that the C-back will motion. This shortens a good deal of the plays listed on thewristbands and makes it much easier for the QB to call in the huddle.

    We name each formation. Somecoaches assign a letter or number for each. We just name them or let the players namethem. The formation above is Renegade. Renegade left would have the short slot onthe left instead of the right. If there is no direction call on a formation it is always set tothe right. If we want to flip the formation to the left we add "left" to the back of theformation when called, signaled, or read off the wristband. This will shorten the call on

    all formations to the right.

    Our backs in general will know where to motion to for certain plays. I have heard somecoaches say that this is too complicated but I can assure you that it is not. If theyalready know to motion towards the QB they only have to know where they need to bewhen the ball is snapped. Sometimes the QB will tell the back whether he motionsthrough or not. Motion through means he will motion past the QB and to the other sideof the field prior to the snap.

    Play Numbering System

    We do not number back and hole. That is not to say that you could not do it but for us itmade the scheme just to complicated and there were too many conflicts with what wedid. We use a series system because it created fewer conflicts for us in the long run.

    Here are some of our series numbers. The evens go to the right and the odds go to theleft but they represent types of plays and not holes.

    22-23 Leads

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    16-17 Options32-33 QB Leads48-49 Sweeps58-59 QB Sweeps78-79 QB Rollout Passes

    The trap plays are the 100 series

    131-132 Inside Trap Plays148-149 Outside Trap Plays158-159 QB Trap Plays

    Any 200 series play is a play action play.

    222-223 Play Action Lead Plays248-249 Play Action Sweep Plays

    216-217 Play Action Option Plays

    Sometimes we add a letter or word to the end of a play call to let the team know about adifferent blocking scheme or a slightly different way of running the play. Here are twoexamples of plays that we might call and what they mean.

    JAG Mo 49 Mon Cr

    Jag is the formationMo means we are going to motion the C-Back49 is the sweep to the right

    Mon Cr stands for "monster crack" which means there will be doublecrackback blocks on the play side.

    RenTmo 131Q

    Ren stands for the Renegade formationTmo tells the T-Back to go in motion131 is the inside trap playQ makes it the QB inside trap instead of the man who motioned


    Here are some of the formations for this scheme. I am sure that you could adapt someof these plays into your offense and your own formations. Also, there is nothing thatsays you have to run these plays or these formations from the shotgun.

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    Jag: This formation has 6yd splits with the Ends. The F-back is in the right slot and theT-back in the left slot. The C-back (Cutter) is right so he can motion. You will soon seewhat advantages we are hoping to get from certain formations. However, it is still hardto scout us by formation because we do so many things from each one.

    Renegade: This is a very good formation for most of the offense. It has a short slot tothe right with the R and the F. On the left you have a trips set. The C is to the left.

    Here the L is split wide.

    Wide: This is a great formation for motion. This formation is good because it spreadsthe field from one sideline to the other while still giving you decent protection with upto seven blockers up front and eight with motion.

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    Cobra: Cobra is a very good formation for sweeps to the wing side, counters, powerplays, and cross traps. The inverted twins are great when mixed with motion. We usethe inverted twins and motion for "Shadow" routes. On shadow routes we would snapthe ball when the C-back was even with the split end or the L in the formation drawn.

    Trips: Super trips but with a halfback instead of a slot.

    Reno: Reno is much like Renegade but with a tight end and a halfback to the right.This formation is very good for the option as well as isolating the C-back for individualroutes.

    As you can see we have produced formations to accomplish the things that

    we need to get done. However, we can run so many of our plays from each ofthese formations that we can mask the real reason we introduced the new

    formation to begin with.

    These formations were dreamed up to support both the running game andthe passing game. Sometimes it may not be apparent as to why we run aformation the way we do until you see the passing scheme as well. A decent

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    running game is important at any level of competition and most of theseformations have been designed to let the offense get a back one on one witha defender. As mentioned earlier they are also designed to put blockers in

    positions that give them advantages over the defenders.

    Pass protection is crucial to any team that uses the pass even in its most basicform. Some of these formations are designed to get skill position players inpositions to not only help with pass protection but also to run delays andscreens. Pass protection will be discussed in detail in X-streme Schemes vol.2.

    X-treme Schemes

    Spread Running Game


    This is the basis for many other plays. Monster Crack tells the playside to get doublecracks. The R (right end) is split about 6 yards. If there is a threat to the inside that iswithin eight yards of the L.O.S. he will crack the defender covering the F (slot). I havedrawn both blocking plans for the R. Here he has the option to block the C or the S.

    The F-back will crack the DE and must line up outside of him. If the DE refuses to letthe F-back line up outside him we will run the ball inside of him and can audible to a

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    play that takes advantage of this.

    The C-back needs to be at full speed when the handoff is made. You may think thatthis takes too much timing to work out but it just does not. This is not to say that thetiming is not important. Timing is important to this entire scheme but it is not as hard to

    obtain as many might think.

    Depending on the defensive alignment the blocking scheme is fairly basic. You mayhave to adjust it to what certain teams run against you but the formation cuts down thenumber of defensive formations that you might encounter. The spread formation limitsthe defense by formation, alignment, and reduces blitz options.

    The QB will simply handle the snap and hold it out in front of him at handoff level. Asthe handoff is being made the QB will swivel in the direction of the handoff then run acounter to the opposite side. The swivel makes it harder for the defense to know if thehandoff was made or not. On plays where the QB keeps the ball the back making the

    handoff fake will slap his elbow or chest to simulate the sound of the ball hitting him.After the handoff the QB can fake a drop-back pass, QB trap up the middle, or rollopposite the play. In general I would have him fake either the trap off the backside orthe QB roll. These fakes set up future plays.

    The most important part of the play is the timing of the snap. The QB must not onlymake sure the motion man is in position but also needs to focus on the ball as it isbeing snapped. Here is a diagram of where we try to snap the ball. You may have toadjust it for the speed of your back and the speed of your snap.

    We will snap the ball at this point no matter what formation we are running. We domotion the motion man through from time to time but on all handoffs or handoff fakesour snap occurs at this point.

    If the QB can not make the handoff, or has miss handled the snap we have him run theQB blast play to the sweep side because the blocking is identical for that play. This waywe do not waste a play unless the snap goes over the QBs head.

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    Jag Lft Mo 58 Mon Bl (monster blast)

    This is the "Blast" play to the motion side. Here the C-back will lead on the CB or thefirst defensive player that does not get sealed. The ball is snapped in the same positionas before. As mentioned before this is also the play that we run if the handoff is missedon 48 and 49 Monster Crack.

    Jag Lft Mo 59 Mon Cr (monster crack)

    We call this play a Monster Crack because there is no lead blocker on the corner likethere is on the Blast play. You may have to adjust your blocking scheme on defensive

    backs because some teams respond to motion in a different way than others.

    Jag lft Mo 59 Mon Cr "P"

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    This is a variant of the crack where you can pull the tackle to the corner. You can givethe linemen an option to pull the tackle or guard depending on which is uncovered. Thisis also a good way to deal with the motion blitz (a blitz from the motion side). P is theletter designated for our left tackle.

    The next variant is a basic play with a unique twist. You can see that we have motionedthe T-back to take the handoff but I have also drawn a dummy pull by the Tackle tokeep the defense guessing. You can do this with many of these plays on the backside. Iust threw this in as an example.

    Jag lftTmo 48Mon Cr "P"

    One thing to keep in mind with this play is that the T-back did not have near thedistance to cover before the snap that the C-back usually does. The snap must be made


    Jag lft Mo 48Mon Cr "S"

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    S/T (super trips) Mo 59 Cr "P"

    This is a good play if the LBs are over pursuing the sweep.

    Jag lft Mo 48 Rev (reverse) Mon Cr

    Here is the slot reverse off the sweep. This variant takes more work. The handoffs arevery quick but also very hard to follow for the defense. Here the C-back motions andtakes the handoff from the QB. The C-back must put the ball in position for his handoff

    to the F-back as soon as he has the ball. The F-back needs to make a good pocket andlevel the pocket so that the C-back does not have to adjust the height of the ball for thehandoff.

    This play is actually a "Monster Blast" play because we use the QB to lead on thebackside corner. We do not call it a blast because our team associates the word "blast"with the QB sweep. If you do not like the idea of leading your QB on the corner or youwould rather bring him inside on a fake QB trap you can pull your center or guard(most likely which ever one is uncovered).

    Faking the handoff and the reverse with a QB trap or play-action pass is a good twist to

    throw at a team late in the season.

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    S/T lft Mo 48 Rev Cr

    This is the same play from a formation that spreads the field even more. If the defensedecides to motion blitz (blitz the man covering the motion man) the QB or the T-backwill have to pick the blitz up. We do not call this play a "Monster Crack" because we do

    not have a double crack on the playside.

    S/T lft Mo Rev Lp (loop) lft

    This play looks very complicated but it really is just a combination of two plays. The 48

    reverse play with a "Loop" block. "Loop" means we will pull the Guard to the end manon the L.O.S. Loop left means we will pull the right Guard to the left. The QB will dropback to and pump fake to the T-back who is faking a rail route to the left. This will pullthe LB away from the play.

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    S/T lftTmo 159

    This is one counter to the sweep. You can run it with any motion fake. This is the QBtrap and can be run from all of the formations. It can also be run to the same side thefake is made on.

    At times you will want to motion your motion man completely to the other side beforesnapping the ball. This keeps the defense honest and cuts down on motion blitzes. TheQB trap is a good play to run with or without motion. The motion makes the QB trap acounter to the sweep.

    S/T lftTmolft 159

    This is a 159 QB trap with "motion away" (from the QB). Depending on how teamsrespond to motion you may be able to use it to gain an advantage in the running game

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    ust like you can in the passing game.

    S/T Mo 131

    131 is actually designed as a fullback trap. Here I have drawn it to the C-back. We have

    the QB fake the QB trap to the right or drop him to fake the swing route to the left. Ingeneral the QB trap fake is better because it gets the LBs moving and tends to slowdown the safety as he moves to cover the motion man.

    The motion man (in this case the C-back) slows his motion before the handoff. If hedoes not he will fly past his trap block. When this play is run in conjunction with the QBtrap it looks much like the old cross trap play that has been run for many years from Iand the Splitback formation.

    The blocking rule for the trapping "G" is to block the first man on the L.O.S. past the


    S/T Wide Mo 131

    This is the same play as the last but with the field spread even more. Defenses may tryto pinch the 2techs (DG) if they are in a four-front. If this happens you can have yourplayside Guard take his Defensive Guard down and have the pulling G pull to the

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    defensive end or tackle just like 148 or 149.

    Tri Fmo 158

    Here is the counter to 149 and 131. It is the same QB counter to the sweep. You do nothave to run motion to run this play. The motion is good because it allows you to fakefor the counter but it also pulls a defender back to the formation. You also have torealize that all these plays have play-action passes to make them even harder stop.

    On this play you have two receivers faking quick spot passes while the other receiversare faking longer routes. It is good to combine some combination routes with thesereceivers to get the secondary focused on more than the running game.

    These formations also get some players into the secondary that may not be used to

    being out there.

    Tri Mo 149

    148 and 149 are traps using the motion man or a halfback. Here again 158, and playaction are great counters. You could motion C-back, T-back, or F-back to run this play.

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    This formation is also great to run cluster and bunch routes.

    Trips Fmo 148 T

    This is a great variant to 149 and the sweep play (48 & 49). The QB will fake to themotion man (here the F-back) then hand the ball to the T-back (lined up at halfback)for the trap. We can add the letter T to the end of the play if we need to. This tells theteam the T-back is going to run the trap play. A great pass counter to this play is tomake the fakes then fire a pass to the F-back on a rail routes down the left sideline.

    Trips Fmo 158

    This play takes a little more time to run but attacks a large portion of the defense andfrom many sides. The QB fakes to the motion man for the sweep then fakes 149 trap tothe T-back, and finally runs the QB trap (158).

    You will have to adjust the blocking scheme to what the defense is running but youwould not have to trap block these plays if you did not want to. You could adjust themfor your own base run block schemes.

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    Our Reno formation gives us a tight end but also adds a defensive man to the mix aswell.

    Cobra Mo 48 Fly

    The "fly" is the basic handoff sweep. It occurs at high speed. From this formation youcan slow the defenses ability to react by faking the T-back trap (148) after the handoff.The QB can fake the QB trap (158) or a drop back pass. This Cobra formation is a verygood formation for the passing game and brings a tight end to help block.

    The Fly (48 &49) can be run from many sets. You can run it with our without a tightend. There are times when you can run right past the DE and never have to block him.

    As a suggestion I would say that I would not run the fly without a block on the tightend too often. However, about once a game or so you could run it after you ran thetrap to the inside.

    Cobra Mo 48 Cr Arc

    This is just a different way of blocking the fly. Here we use the F-back (in the wing) to

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    crack or seal the DE to the inside. The TE will rocker step just like a pulling G and pullto the Corner. The ball carrier has the option to stretch it to the sideline or cut up byreading the block of the end.

    S/T TmoLp (loop) lftShov

    This is another good counter to the sweep (48 Crack). This shovel pass uses a trapblock to the left which we call "Loop Left." The QB fakes the handoff, drops two steps,and pitches the ball forward to the F-back. These are some great play action pass playsoff this look as well. You can see the C-back sitting down behind the outside back for apass. If the back clears this pass should be open.

    Ren (renegade) Mo 16 Mon Cr

    This is a motion to an option play with the "Monster Crack" blocking scheme. Themotion man becomes the pitchman. You may have to adjust your motion if people startto key the deeper motion that the option requires. You may want to have the motionman stay at regular depth until the last second before bouncing out for the pitch. Hemust stay in pitch relation with the QB. On the backside we have the T-back faking a

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    screen. Here is a good opportunity for an assistant (in the press box) to check for apossible play action screen to the backside of this option play. The seal on the DE isvery important. Anything outside the DE should be positive yardage. If the safety isplaying deep you may want the Split End (R) to block the corner.

    S/T Fmo 17 Cr

    This is the Crack Option from the Super Trips set. We hope to pitch off the defendercovering the left slot (T-back). You do not have to crack down on the DE. At times you

    may want to arc release the slot to block a DB and pitch off the DE. Here again playaction & QB traps counter these plays very well.

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    S/T Fmo 17 Lp (loop) lft

    This is actually a QB trap with our Loop blocking scheme. We fake the option play tothe left and running the QB trap to the left. If something goes wrong (blitz or missedassignment) we do not want to waste a play so even though we are countering the

    option we allow the pitchman to be "hot" that is the QB can run the option if he needsto. This blocking scheme is much like the blocking scheme of the "Freeze Option" thatmany teams have run from I.

    S/T FmoLpRt

    Here is the QB counter trap off the option play. This play keeps the backside LB honestand is effective in slowing down the secondary flow to the option and sweep plays. The

    QB will take a few steps into the option play then break back for the counter.

    Putting It All Together

    Adding the "Zoom Option" (pass run option), play action, and a spread passing attack tothese plays makes the scheme even more lethal. If you have taken some ideas fromthis playbook I would encourage you to checkout the other playbook that goes with thisscheme X-treme Schemes volume 2.

    It will not take you long to see how play action passes compliment this scheme. I amsure you have already thought up some good routes off the plays you are interested in. Iam currently working on X-treme Schemes Vol 2 which will cover the passing game offthese plays.

    Drills for the X running game

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    In preparing to run a spread scheme similar to this one your drills do not need to changemuch if at all. Fundamentals and techniques are the same wherever football is played. Itmay be a case where you just have to do more of a certain type of drill and less ofanother.

    1. The Shotgun Snap: If you are going to use the shotgun, even a small percentageof the time, your center must be able make that snap in his sleep. Practice yourcenter every chance you get. Practice your second and third string center everychance you get as well.

    2. Timing: When you first look at this scheme you may think it looks like it wouldtake months of work to get the timing down with all the motion and shotgunsnaps. This is really not the case. With that being said I must also add that thetiming of the motion and snap are extremely important and should not be takenfor granted. Just as repetitions in the option game are important reps in thisscheme are paramount to its success. The more reps you get the lower the riskof fumbles and missed snaps.

    3. Communication with the team: Even with simplified terminology it is not hard forplayers to get confused especially during a game type situation. After coachingfor several years we sometimes take for granted that our players understandwhat we want because they are shaking their heads in agreement as we talk tothem. This is just not always the case. You must make sure that you and yourplayers are speaking the same language. Here, no matter what vocabulary youchoose, you must practice your communication in a game type environment.Getting your players to do exactly what you want without letting the other teamknow what is going on is not always easy.

    4. Polish: If you want to run several formations and several play combinations yourplayers need to know exactly where to go and exactly what to do when they getthere. In general teams that run spread attack type offenses need to spend moretime in a "team" type of practice environment.

    Here are some ways to polish your plays.

    Team Practice- scrimmage type atmosphere with no hitting below the waist.Team Practice- Full speed to the ball with no one taken down to the ground.Play Polish Shields- The offense hustles through plays with a defense that stands inplace with hand shields. You can do this with or without full pads.Play Polish No D- Full speed polish as linemen fire off and go through their steps.Walk Through- Players walk through blocking schemes against a defense as positioncoaches talk through each players responsibilities.Talk Through- The offense will line up in formations. The coach will talk through eachpositions responsibilities for the play and hypothetical defenses that might be facedduring games. This is good for new plays, audibles, blitz prep, and possible newdefensive fronts.

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    Here are some drills and ideas that may help.

    1. The water snap: Knowing that we may play in rain, at least at some point in the

    season, we have one ball that we wet down during certain practice sessions. Wehave the center snap it as wet as we can get it. We continue to wet it downduring practice. During the practice we will alternate a dry ball with the wet onefrom time to time. This makes the center focus on making good snaps in differentkinds of conditions. Snapping the wet ball also makes the QB and other skillposition people concentrate on working with a wet and heavy ball. We will usethe water snap about once every two weeks.

    2. Working centers during individual routes: When we work our backs and receiverson individual routes we save the medium routes for the end so that we can bringour centers over from their pass blocking drills to get extra snaps. We do thisduring medium routes because the snaps slow down our individual short routes

    and the long routes do not get the center enough snaps. Medium routes (10 to 20yards) provide plenty of snaps.3. Rolling Thunder Drill: This is the best drill that we designed to work on the timing

    of this scheme. Here we utilize our centers, QBs, and skilled players. You mayuse this drill for conditioning at the end of practice.

    Here we line up our backs in two lines on the cones. The QB will send them inmotion (full speed) then snap the ball and make the handoff to them. Theback will decelerate then toss the ball to the coach so the center does nothave to hesitate before making the next snap. This drill is great for the timing

    of the snap and working the high-speed handoffs.

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  • 8/8/2019 Renegade Spread Offence


    The defenses displayed in the diagrams are just basic alignments. I realize that allteams will have different alignments and many will develop new ones to try and stop thenew super spread sets that teams are running today. If you choose to run any of theseplays you will have to adjust the blocking scheme to several possibilities. However, thespread sets also limit the alignment options that the defense has. This is good because

    you do not have to prepare for as many sets as normal offenses do.

    Many coaches choose to fight the spread offense with the blitz. The good thing is thatyou know this going in and can prepare your team for this early in the season. Knowingthat a team will try to blitz you can be an advantage for you as well. As mentionedbefore the spread formations also reduce the number of possible blitzers for a blitzattack.

    Keep in mind that this book has concentrated on the motion running game from variousspread sets. You can add much more to the offense with the addition of the play actionpassing game as well as the "Zoom Option." As I mentioned before the passing game is

    covered in detail in X-treme Schemes 2 and can be purchased . I am currently in the process of completing another X-tremeScheme series. X-treme Schemes III should be completed by Feb 08. The new bookhas everything that coaches have been asking for for many years including

    Plays vs. two deep, three deep, and four deep zone secondariesA condensed version for younger playersSimplified trapping game that has been adjusted to odd and even frontsPlays to counter the blitz and plays that counter LB reads on traps Stand alone routes with no motion2 minute drill playbook from 4 wide and like formationsWristband optionsMore Zoom Option (refined)Tried and true battle tested plays that counter new defensive adjustments for thespread running game and passing game.

    I really think that X-treme Schemes III (The Renegade Spread Offense) will take thisoffense to the next level while condensing it and simplifying it. Each new book (5 in all)has been an evolution of the next in a sport that is ever changing.

    I encourage you to email me and tell me what you think of this playbook.

    Good luck to you, your team, and God bless you.

    Robert B. Babcock


    Last updated Aug 2008

  • 8/8/2019 Renegade Spread Offence


    IGWT t 2k2

    Copyright 2002 Robert B. Babcock All rights reserved

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