report pages nse ticker

Post on 16-Sep-2015






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Nse Live ticker project



NSE Ticker



No words can give an adequate to our feelings of our ineptness to our guide Prof. Prashant Chaudhry, IT dept. And all staff members of IT dept. of L.D.C.E. A work of this nature would not have been possible without the encouragement and meticulous attention received from them.

I express our sincere gratitude to my thinking for giving the different aspect of this project and help us in every step performed during the project development.

My special thanks to all the member who have directly or indirectly helped us during the project.

At Last but no least, we thank all who have contributed during the project work.


Today I am glad to submit my project. Today every field of world is going to be computerized.

When I see that many company touched with their client NSE ticker messenger. And they try to solve their problem through NSE Ticker.

Through this facilities there valuable time is save and customer are also happy.

After that I am inspiring to make this NSE Ticker with the best facilities.

I have try my best to make project user-friendly and full of facilities. But so many facilities is going to be left.

So also after sub-mission my project is not going to be over. But it is just going to be start to be more user-friendly and more efficient.

I am eager to see that day on which companys work becomes more efficient and easy within a less amount of time. Everything will be possible with this project.


Technology is prestige of any country. There are many activities that can be computerized in this widely spread organization. Computerization work can be made easy using various software.

This project is on NSE Ticker .This project is implemented in VB.NET c# Window Mobile. Main aim of this project is each of the person who are interested in stock market can easily maintain their portfolio.

OBJECTIVES Manual work has to be reduced.

Result to be received quickly.

To speed up the operation.

Customers are more satisfied.



OPERATING SYSTEMS (Client)WINDOWS 98, XP, SERVER 2000, 2003 ,vista

WIN Server, Linux.

FRONT END Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, VB.NET, c#,Smart Device.

BACK END SQL Server Mobile Database

INTRODUCTION Technology is prestige of any country. There are many activities that can be computerized in this widely spread organization. Computerization work can be made easy using various software. This projects is mainly designed for clients of stock broker or who are making trading in stock market. They keep the track of their stock easily and efficiently.

Technology is prestige of any country. There are many activities that can be computerized in this widely spread organization. Computerization work can be made easy using various software.

This project is on NSE Ticker .This project is implemented in VB.NET c# Window Mobile. Main aim of this project is each of the person who are interested in stock market can easily maintain their portfolio.

Forms Description

Error! Reference source not found. Create New Portfolio

Description:User can create their portfolio using this screen.


Pre-conditions:Need to create portfolio name to enter in the systems.

Flow of Events:Create new portfolio consist of one fields enter Portfolio Name and create your portfolio then click on create if portfolio name is already exists they it will give message please select another portfolio name

Post-conditions:After creating new portfolio name you can access system using your portfolio name and you can add stock in it.


Create new portfolio consist of one fields enter Portfolio Name and create your portfolio then click on create if portfolio name is already exists they it will give message please select another portfolio name.

U-2 View Existing Portfolio

Description:User can access its existing portfolio name to access its already created stock portfolio.


Pre-conditions:User first have their portfolio name to access system.

Flow of Events:When user enter their portfolio name and the click on view if portfolio name is rite then system shows user portfolio stock otherwise it will give an error message.

Post-conditions:After entering portfolio name and click on view user can access their portfolio they can add delete in that.


When user enter their portfolio name and the click on view if portfolio name is rite then system shows user portfolio stock otherwise it will give an error message..

U-3 add stock

Description:Here user can get the stock name which user want to add in his portfolio.


Pre-conditions:Select the stock.

Flow of Events:User select the stock then enter quantity and avg. price by which user purchased stock by default it will zero. Then click on add stock will successfully added in portfolio .

Post-conditions:User can view all the data related to that stock and save it.


User select the stock then enter quantity and avg. price by which user purchased stock by default it will zero. Then click on add stock will successfully added in portfolio.

U-4 Save

Description:It will save user current portfolio in notepad for future access.


Pre-conditions:Add stock in portfolio.

Flow of Events:After Adding stock in portfolio user need to save it some where for that user click on save all stocks are save for current portfolio.

Post-conditions:User stock Records are save successfully.


After Adding stock in portfolio user need to save it some where for that user click on save all stocks are save for current portfolio..

Error! Reference source not found.5 Proxy Settings

Description:To get live stock price we have to make some default proxy settings like port address, feed address etc.


Pre-conditions:Enter Port Address.

Flow of Events:Enter port address and proxy address or select default setting to get live price and then click to save to save settings.

Post-conditions:Settting will saved and you will get live feed.


Enter port address and proxy address or select default setting to get live price and then click to save to save settings.

Error! Reference source not found.6 General Settings

Description:It is used to set refresh interval for stock updating.


Pre-conditions:Select Time interval in sec.

Flow of Events:After selecting the time interval click on save it will saved and stock will be updated during those time intervals.

Post-conditions:Time interval will save successfully.


After selecting the time interval click on save it will saved and stock will be updated during those time intervals.

U-7 Portfolio View

Description:Here User can view their live stock portfolio.


Pre-conditions:Add stock in portfolio and view it live.

Flow of Events:First user will select their live portfolio stocks and view in portfolio manager page.

Post-conditions:View live Updated Stocks.


First user will select their live portfolio stocks and view in portfolio manager page.



Select Stock to view its current price.


Click on submit to view stock price.


Show current price of the stock, previous day close, today open price, today change, and today change in %.


Click on save to save current stock in portfolio list.


Display message successfully save.


Click on MY LIST to view your portfolio.


Display Your selected stock select and click submit to view its current stock price.


After click on submit it will show you current price of the stock, previous day close, today open price, today change, and today change in %.


Click on Add New to add new stock in your portfolio list.


After click on add new display above window.


After click on Remove to remove selected stock from portfolio.


After click on Remove it will remove selected scrip and give above message. And refresh the page.


After deleting selected stock it will remove from the dropdown list.


Click on EXIT give message Bye..See You Soon. And Close the application.BIBLOGRAPHY


1. .NET complete referenceWEB-SITES

1. www.asp.net2. www.programmerguide.com3. www.devloper.comPAGE - 5 -

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