representation of gender

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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By Alina Haq


Representation of Gender

Dr Who

By Alina Haq


• Her blank expression reinforces the stereotype of a dumb blonde

• Her red dress highlights the idea of her being persevered as a sexual object, a possession that has no


• In the clip she is always seen in the background, there are no close-ups of her this emphasizes her

irrelevancy due to her gender


• Two of the women are in maid outfits, this supports the idea of how women are typically associated

with cleaning and becoming a housewife


• Most of the men in the clip are wearing a uniform or a suit which highlights they’re

superiority, authority and how they are presented as a leader in comparison to women


• The high angle shot used on the Doctor highlights his weakened form and

how he is of little help in helping to defeat the villain without the help of

Martha who is seen to be useless to as she is a woman.


• The low angle shot of Martha quickly switches to a high angle shot of the

villain, this exemplifies his power and superiority over Martha and how he

can quickly diminish her with the deathly laser in his hand.


• This wide shot illustrates an equal amount of females and males which

signifies equality in terms of gender.


• In the beginning of the clip, a sound bridge is used to introduces a tense atmosphere in the clip. The sound bridge cuts through many of the scenes.

• The sound effect of the machinery, the ticking noise of the countdown emphasises the tension, highlighting that they are running out of time and something bad is about to occur.

• The diegetic sound of the light beam proves that this TV drama partially revolves around technology.

• Synchronous sounds are also presented, making the clip dramatic and emotional for the audience.

• The diegetic sounds emphasizes the realism of the set.


• Flashbacks are presented in the clip, with both cross cuts and jump cuts

provided to emphasise Martha’s narrating of the great strengths she went

through to undermine the villain.


• A shot reverse shot is contributed to convey the conversation between the

doctor and the villain who is being defeated.

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