research johnny cash digipack

Post on 15-Feb-2017






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RESEARCH: Digipack Deconstruction

Johnny Cash – American IV: The Man Comes Around

Johnny Cash – American IV: The Man Comes Around

Johnny Cash’s album is similar to Adele’s album, 21, which I previously deconstructed. Both of these albums show key characteristics which can be associated with the Singer/songwriter subgenre. One of these is that the cover is trying to advertise Cash to his audience, with a photograph of himself and his name in bold writing being the only things on the front cover. The albums drab and dull colours are also very similar to Adele’s album, these colours connote the link between the dark lyrics and the drab colours.

On the back is a black and white photograph of a small room used for writing, composing and recording music. This room is empty this denotes that Johnny Cash is a solo artist and he is the person who controls all his work, putting emphasis on him being a singer/songwriter.

Inside the case shows the inside of a religious building with a microphone standing alone. On the right hand side there is another black and white image which shows lyrics and guitars. The images in this album constantly suggest characteristics of singer/songwriters.The CD itself is very basic, I have found this in all the digipacks I have deconstructed. It only contains the album title and recording studios.

The booklet which is inside the case contains a printed note from Cash, part of it reads ‘nothing can separate me from my love of God, my wife, and my music’ this explains the reasons for the use of the images on this album case. – The religious building, this hand with wedding ring and images of instruments.

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