retest 1st term

Post on 11-May-2015






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RETEST 1st Term

UNIT 1 1.- Answer the following questions about the text w ith a whole answer about the Germanic migrations.

1. Why did the Germanic tribes cross the Roman frontier?

2. What happened in the Roman Empire after the third century?

3. What happened in 395?

4. What was the name of the part of the Roman Empire given to Honorius?

5. What was the name of the part of the Roman Empire given to Arcadius?

6. What is the name of the last emperor of the Western Empire? When was He deposed?

7. What new changes were there in the government of the Western Empire?

8. Where did the Germanic tribes live? What were their jobs? What economic sector did

they practised?

9. What religion did the Germanic tribes have at the beginning? What was it about?

10. Why did the Germanic tribes adopt Latin as their language and Christianity as their


2.- Put in order the following events about the Vis igoths´ History.

• The Franks expelled the Visigoths from Gaul.

• There was constant fighting between the kings and the nobles.

• The Visigoths attacked Rome.

• The Romans gave the Visigoths lands in the south-east of Gaul.

• Reccared and his kingdom became Catholic.

• The Visigoths entered the Roman Empire.

• The Visigoths founded the kingdom of Toledo in the Iberian Peninsula.

• Honorius asked the Visigoths to expel the Suevi, the Vandals, and the Alans from the Iberian Peninsula.

• The Visigothic kingdom disappeared after the Muslim invasion.

3.- Answer the following questions:

1. Why did the Byzantine Empire resist the Germanic invasions?

2. How long did the Byzantine Empire last?

3. What places did Justinian´s armies conquer?

4. What powers did the Basileus have?

5. What was the name of the separation of the Roman Catholic Church and the

Byzantine Orthodox Church?

6. What features did the Byzantine churches have?

7. What is the most important church in the Byzantine Empire?

8. What happened to the Hagia Sophia in the 15th century?

4.- Find the correct word for the following definit ions about the expansion of Islam:

a. The highest authority of the Islam empire.__________________ b. Family that took power in 661, after the assassination of Caliph Ali. .__________________ c. Capital of the empire during the Ummayyad period. .__________________ d. Family that came into power after 750. .__________________ e. Capital of the Abbasid empire. .__________________ f. The most powerful people in the Islamic world. .__________________

5.- What are the five pillars of the Islam faith?

6.- Complete the gaps with a suitable word and then label the illustration with a number.

a. Muslims pray together at _____________.

b. All mosques generally have:

1. c. A large courtyard with an _____________ where Muslims wash before they pray.

2. d. A _____________ or pulpit where the imam leads the prayers from there.

3. e. A _____________ where the muezzin calls Muslims to prayer from there five times

a day.

4. f. A wall called a _____________ where prayers pray in parallel lines before it.

5. g. A _____________ , where Muslims pray.

6. h. An empty niche called a _____________, which indicates the direction of Mecca.

7.- Match the following sentences about the Carolin gian Empire.

1.- After the fall of the Roman

Empire, the Frankish


a.- Defeated the Muslims in France at the Battle of Tours in 732.

2.- Kings handed power over b.- Was crowned Emperor of the West by the Pope in 800.

3.- Charles Martel c.- Confirmed the division of the Empire.

4.- Pipin the Short d.- Was established in France.

5.- Charlemagne e.- Were controlled by military governors.

6.- Counties f.- Was Charlemagne´s surviving son.

7.- The marches or borders g.- Defeated the last Frankish monarch in 751 and became king.

8.- Louis the Pious h.- Were the administrative units of the Charlemagne Empire.

9.- The treaty of Verdun i.- To officials called Mayors of Palace.

8.- Translate the following words into English:

• Artesanía.__________________ • Cúpula.__________________ • Monoteísta.__________________ • Politeísta.__________________ • Sala de oración.__________________ • Zoco.__________________ • Comercio.__________________ • Tratado.__________________ • Platería.__________________ • Condado.__________________

UNIT 2 1.- Match the two halves of each sentence. Write the answer in the column on the right.

a.- From 850 to 1100 1. were Muslims pirates

b.- The Vikings 2.- Europe was invaded by three new peoples.

c.- The Magyars 3.- came from Scandinavia.

d.- The Saracens 4.- came from the steppes of Asia.

2.- Read the sentences. What do they refer to? Write the suitable word.

● Land granted to a noble by the king or a higher noble. ____________

● A person who received land from the king or a higher noble in return for homage and


● A member of the lowest feudal class obliged to work for a noble.________________

● It was formed by a group of lawyers, clergy and soldiers. _____________

● The king asked them to help him when his kingdom was in danger._____________

● A ceremony where the nobles swore allegiance to him. ______________

3.- Answer the following questions:

• What advantages did the great nobles have under feudalism?

• What happened to the king under feudalism?

• What is a fief or manor?

• What things are there in a manor?

• What kind of lands did the lord rent to the peasants? What for? How did the peasants paid the rent?

• What other things did the lords do in a manor?

• What was a toll? 4.- Complete the following tables about feudal relations.

The lords provided the vassals with The vassals provided the lords with

1. . 2. . 3. .

1. . 2. . 3. .

5.- Translate the following words into English:

- Excomulgar - Diezmo

- Barbecho - Torneo - Parroquia - Armadura - Escudero - Cura - Tapiz - Cultivo

6.- True or false. If it is false, write the correct sentence.

All the nobles were very rich.

Nobles´sons started their military training when they were ten years old.

Nobles´sons became squires and served a knight at the age of fifteen.

Knights fought in tournaments as in wars.

The most important function of noblewomen was to marry and have children to continue the family line.

Noblewomen could marry the noblemen they wanted.


The _______________ in Rome was the head of the Church. He also ruled over the _______________ on the

Italian Peninsula. The Pope had great influence, and he could _______________ a king. Then, his subjects did

not owe him any _______________.

Below the Pope, the Church was divided into two groups: the _______________ clergy and the

_______________ clergy.

● The leaders of the secular _______________ were _______________. They controlled a large area

called a _______________. In each diocese there were various _______________ where

_______________ worked.

● The _______________ clergy were member of religious _______________ . Each order was led by

an _______________. Below him were the _______________ who managed the monasteries,

where_______________, _______________ and _______________ lived.

The parishes and _______________ owned their own lands, where peasants worked.

8.- Make a diagram about the structure of the Catholic Church.

9.- True or false. Serfs and freemen. If you make a mistake, you loose -0.1 points to your final score.

90% of the population were peasants.

Most of the peasants lived on a fief and worked on the lord´s land.

The serfs did not obey the lord.

Serfs could leave the fief, or get married without permission.

Serfs were not paid for their work and the lord treated them well.

Serfdom was passed down to their children.

Freemen could not leave the fief, and take personal decisions.

Freemen worked on the lord´s land and paid rent but they kept some of the harvest.

Freemen paid a tithe to the Church.

The tithe is the total of the harvest.

10.- Serfs or freemen? Red the statements and decide who they refer to. a.- They could get married without permission. ___________ b.- They could take personal decisions.___________ c.- They paid a tithe to the Church.___________ d.- They were not paid for their work.___________ e.- They could leave the fief.___________ 11.- Complete the following gaps. Name of this agricultural system: Number 1: Number 2:

12.- Explain what medieval peasants did as they had no fertilisers.

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