retrofitting urban arterials into complete streets

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John LaPlante, T.Y. Lin International


Retrofitting Urban Arterials Into Complete Streets

John LaPlante, PE, PTOE Director of Traffic Engineering

T.Y. Lin International, Inc.

PSU Friday Transportation Seminars PSU Center for Transportation Studies

Portland, Oregon – October 5, 2012

What is a Complete Street?

A Complete Street is comfortable, convenient & safe for travel via auto, foot, bicycle, & transit

We know how to build good streets

Yet many roads are still built like this

Can you spot the pedestrian?

Recently completed roadway expansion with destinations on both sides of the road.

What is a Complete Streets policy? A complete streets policy ensures that the entire right-of-way is planned, designed & operated to provide safe access for all users.

Complete Streets is NOT:

A design prescription A mandate for immediate retrofit A silver bullet. Other initiatives, such as

context sensitivity, are still needed!

CS changes intersection design

CS changes bicycling

Presentation Notes
CS changes biking into an activity that feels safe�Image Location: Birmingham, AL

CS changes bicycling

CS changes transit

Who benefits from Complete Streets?


Who wants Complete Streets? About one-third of

Americans don’t drive: 21% of Americans over 65. All children under 16. Many low income

Americans cannot afford automobiles.

55% of Americans would rather drive less & walk more

Transit is growing faster than population or driving


Benefits: Safety Sidewalks reduce pedestrian

crashes 88% Medians reduce crashes 40% Road diets reduce crashes 29% Countdown signals reduce

crashes 25%

Presentation Notes
Safety essential part of CS. Sidewalks and safer intersections crash rates are reduced Image location: Mission Street, Salem, OR

Benefits: Better use of transit funds One year of

paratransit service for a daily commuter: $38,500

Permanent improvements to make a transit stop accessible: $7,000 - $58,000

Source: Maryland Transit Administration

Americans move… without moving

60% of adults are at risk for diseases associated with inactivity: Obesity Diabetes High blood pressure Other chronic diseases

Benefits: Health

Benefits: Physical activity

Residents are more likely to walk in a neighborhood with sidewalks.

Cities with more bike lanes have higher levels of bicycle commuting

Benefits: Reducing traffic Trips in metro areas: 50% under 3 miles 28% under 1 mile

65% of trips under 1 mile are taken by automobile

We know how to build right

Perceived Barriers to Achieving Complete Streets

Conflicts with Federal highway standards and guidelines

Slower speeds reduce mobility and increase costs for all vehicles

Required to design to Level of Service C for the peak half hour 20 years hence

Spending for peds and bikes is a luxury we cannot afford

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Conflicts with Federal highway standards and guidelines

Slower speeds reduce mobility and increase costs for all vehicles

Required to design to Level of Service C for the peak half hour 20 years hence

Spending for peds and bikes is a luxury we cannot afford

Perceived Barriers to Achieving Complete Streets

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ITE: Institute of Transportation Engineers

Nothing in Complete Streets Conflicts with National Guidelines

ITE New Recommended


Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive


Sets target speed (desirable operating speed) as the most important design element

Conflicts with Federal highway standards and guidelines

Slower speeds reduce mobility and increase costs for all vehicles

Required to design to Level of Service C for the peak half hour 20 years hence

Spending for peds and bikes is a luxury we cannot afford

Perceived Barriers to Achieving Complete Streets

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Why Speed Matters High speeds lead to greater chance of serious injury & death

Presentation Notes
As in any crash type, the likelihood that a crash will occur increases with speed, as the time to react to a possible conflict is reduced.

Child dart-out: speed is a factor!


Presentation Notes
The next 8 slides are animated; play them in sequence, they are self-explanatory.

First scenario: Speed 25 MPH


100’ = distance covered in 2.5 sec. perception/reaction time


Driver applies brakes

First scenario: Speed 25 MPH Driver applies




50’ stopping distance (wet pavement)


First scenario: Speed 25 MPH Result: Nothing happens beyond

one scared child, driver & parent!




Second scenario: Speed 38MPH


140’ = distance covered in 2.5 sec. perception/reaction time


Driver applies brakes

Second scenario: Speed 38MPH



Driver applies brakes

Second scenario: Speed 38MPH



In the last 10’ car slows to 36 MPH

Second scenario: Speed 38MPH


Result: a high speed crash

Where do these two scenarios lie on the pedestrian fatality risk scale?

Second scenario:

Crash speed 36 MPH

First scenario:

no crash

Presentation Notes
This slide illustrates where on the fatality risk scale the two preceding speeds lie

Defining Mobility

Typical experience: 45 mph speed 2 min wait at signal

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Defining Mobility Viable alternative:

2-way progression set for 30 mph

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Benefit/Cost Analysis

Reducing speed from 45 mph to 30 mph For a 5-mile trip, a 3.33-minute delay Assume 30,000 ADT and $20/hr driver cost $12.154 million in loss to economy, right?

Wrong! Delay for each person is still 3.33 minutes Less time than their daily stop for Starbucks

Community benefit Slower operating speeds Safer and more comfortable ped crossings

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Conflicts with Federal highway standards and guidelines

Slower speeds reduce mobility and increase costs for all vehicles

Required to design to Level of Service C for the peak half hour 20 years hence

Spending for peds and bikes is a luxury we cannot afford

Perceived Barriers to Achieving Complete Streets

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Roadway Capacity Analysis

Designing to LOS C for peak hour means: Unnecessary pavement, waste of tax dollars Increased ped crossing times, thus reducing

vehicular movement times Increased operating speeds for other 22 hours

ALWAYS design urban roadways to LOS D

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Will traffic volumes always increase?

Since 2005 US VMT has been flat











1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010


ual V






)Maybe not

Conflicts with Federal highway standards and guidelines

Slower speeds reduce mobility and increase costs for all vehicles

Required to design to Level of Service C for the peak half hour 20 years hence

Spending for peds and bikes is a luxury we cannot afford

Perceived Barriers to Achieving Complete Streets

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Retrofitting Urban Arterials to Complete Streets

Requires arterial traffic calming/taming: 1. Controlling operating speeds 2. Ped-friendly street crossings Geometric issues Signal considerations

Requires facilities for nonmotorized users:

1. Pedestrians 2. Bicycles 3. Transit

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Retrofitting Urban Arterials to Complete Streets

Requires arterial traffic calming/taming: 1. Controlling operating speeds 2. Ped-friendly street crossings Geometric issues Signal considerations

Requires facilities for nonmotorized users:

1. Pedestrians 2. Bicycles 3. Transit

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Design to D LOS Signal progression Narrower travel lanes Road diets Raised medians and landscaping Retain curb parking

Costs to Control Operating Speeds

Design to D LOS – Less pavement = less cost

Costs to Control Operating Speeds

Design to D LOS – Less pavement = less cost

Signal progression – Cost to interconnect

Costs to Control Operating Speeds

70 mph lane widths not needed to handle 30 mph traffic

Narrower Travel Lanes

News Flash! 10 and 11-foot lanes are just as safe as 12-foot lanes on urban arterials with posted speeds less than 45 mph

Narrower Travel Lanes

Design to D LOS – Less pavement = less cost

Signal progression – Cost to interconnect Narrower travel lanes – Less pavement

= less cost

Costs to Control Operating Speeds

29% reduction in total crashes/mile

Effect of Converting 4-Lane Roads to 3-Lane and TWLTL

“Classic Road Diet”

Presentation Notes
crf of 29 % for the treatment: "Convert Undivided Four-Lane Road to Three-Lane and TWLTL (Road Diet). This crf of 29 % (i.e., AMF of 0.71) was taken from the new draft NCHRP report "Crash Reduction Factors for Traffic Engineering and ITS Improvements", which was sent to the NCHRP panel in September of 2006. The authors include from UNC Highway Safety Research Center (David Harkey, Raghavan Srinivasan, Jongdae Baek, VHB (Forrest Council, Kim Eccles, Nancy Lefler, and Frank Gross), Ryerson (Bhagwant Persaud and Craig Lyon), as well as Ezra Hauer (University of Toronto), and James Bonneson (TTI). Iowa DOT study 15 road diet projects with 15 control sites over 23 years = 25.2% reduction in total crashes/mile = 18.8% reduction in crash rate TRR 1593 “Iowa’s Experience with Road Diet Measures”, Michael Pawlovich, Wen Li, Alicia Carriquiry, and Tom Welch. A Bayesian Before-and-after data analysis by Iowa State University for 30 sites with 15 study sites with 15


Three crash types can be reduced by going from 4 to 3 lanes

1. Rear enders


2. Side swipes

Three crash types can be reduced by going from 4 to 3 lanes


3. Left turn/broadside

Three crash types can be reduced by going from 4 to 3 lanes

Mission District, San Francisco North-South ADT







Dolores Guerrero Valencia Mission S. Van Ness

1998 – before Valencia Road Diet 2000 - after Valencia Road Diet

Handles 20,000 ADT


Presentation Notes
This chart shows the result of 5 road diets in SF – no real change in ADT

Valencia Street Bicycle Volumes PM peak hour counts

88 bikes/hr

215 bikes/hr







Valencia St

before bike lanes after bike lanes

Presentation Notes
Bicycle ridership went way up – so capacity has improved.

Design to D LOS – Less pavement = less cost

Signal progression – Cost to interconnect Narrower travel lanes – Less pavement =

less cost Road diets – Install with resurfacing,

no additional cost

Costs to Control Operating Speeds

Continuous raised median

Raised Medians

40% reduction in pedestrian crashes

Presentation Notes
The basic principle behind a median island is the pedestrian crosses half the roadway at a time, simplifying the task of assessing an adequate gap, making the crossing much safer. Pedestrian looks left, crosses to the island, looks right, crosses 2nd half. Much easier than finding a gap long enough to cross all at once.

Median/Parkway Landscaping

Design to D LOS – Less pavement = less cost

Signal progression – Cost to interconnect Narrower travel lanes – Less pavement =

less cost Road diets – Install with resurfacing, no

additional cost Raised medians and landscaping – With

roadway reconstruction

Costs to Control Operating Speeds

Eliminating on-street parking encourages cars to go faster and

discourages neighborhood business

Retain Curb Parking

Design to D LOS – Less pavement = less cost Signal progression – Cost to interconnect Narrower travel lanes – Less pavement = less

cost Road diets – Install with resurfacing, no

additional cost Raised medians and landscaping – With

roadway reconstruction Retain curb parking – No cost, parking meter


Costs to Control Operating Speeds

Retrofitting Urban Arterials to Complete Streets

Requires arterial traffic calming/taming: 1. Controlling operating speeds 2. Ped-friendly street crossings Geometric issues Signal considerations

Requires facilities for nonmotorized users:

1. Pedestrians 2. Bicycles 3. Transit

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Tighten corner curb radii Corner “pork chop” Eliminate free flow right turn lanes Curb bulb-outs

Costs for Ped-Friendly Geometrics

Effect of large radius on drivers

They drive fast,

Tigard OR

ignoring pedestrians

Presentation Notes
Animated slide: First image: A large radius makes it easy for right-turning drivers to drive fast Click for second image: This places pedestrians in danger. Note the pedestrian is crossing legally, with the light; the right-turning driver should have waited and yielded to him.

Large corner radii:

•Increase crossing distance

•Longer signal time

Tighten Corner Curb Radii

Presentation Notes
Design guides point out the obvious consequence of large corner radii: long crosswalks. But there are other negative consequences: they “pull the intersection apart” and make it hard to place ramps and crosswalks where pedestrians want to cross.

Tighten corner curb radii – With roadway reconstruction

Costs for Ped-Friendly Geometrics

Corner “Pork Chop” Islands

Benefits: Separate conflicts & decision points Reduce crossing distance Improve signal timing Reduce ped crashes (29%)

Presentation Notes
Refuge islands have been discussed within the context of midblock crossings. Now we’ll look at their role in intersections.

Tighten corner curb radii – With roadway reconstruction

Corner “pork chop” islands – With roadway reconstruction

Costs for Ped-Friendly Geometrics

Eliminate free flow turns across crosswalks/bikeways

Free Flow Right Turn Lanes

Free Flow Right Turn Lanes

Eliminate free flow turns across crosswalks/bikeways

Tighten corner curb radii – With roadway reconstruction

Corner “pork chop” islands – With roadway reconstruction

Eliminate free flow right turn lanes – With ramp reconstruction

Costs for Ped-Friendly Geometrics

Reduce crossing distance Improve sight

distance and sight lines Prevent

encroachment by parked cars Create space for

curb ramps and landings

Curb Bulb-outs

Tighten corner curb radii – With roadway reconstruction

Corner “pork chop” islands – With roadway reconstruction

Eliminate free flow right turn lanes – With ramp reconstruction

Curb bulb-outs – With roadway reconstruction and on-street parking

Costs for Ped-Friendly Geometrics

Retrofitting Urban Arterials to Complete Streets

Requires arterial traffic calming/taming: 1. Controlling operating speeds 2. Ped-friendly street crossings Geometric issues Signal considerations

Requires facilities for nonmotorized users:

1. Pedestrians 2. Bicycles 3. Transit

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Pedestrian Signal Costs

Time signals for 3.5 ft/sec walking speed Countdown Ped actuated HAWK signals Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon

2009 MUTCD now recommends using a pedestrian walking speed of 3.5 fps for FDW and 3.0 fps for overall WALK phase

Pedestrian signal timing

Recent studies found that previous 4.0 fps walking speed based on average walking speeds (not 15th percentile)

Time signals for 3.5 ft/sec walking speed – Signal maintenance

Pedestrian Signal Costs

50% of pedestrians in the U.S. do not understand that “Flashing Don’t Walk” really means it is OK to continue walking

So we put signs like this to “correct” the problem

Effective Communications

Presentation Notes
Pedestrians should not need instructions on how to figure out signals – should be intuitive

Pedestrian count-down signal tells pedestrians how much crossing time is left

Countdown Clocks

Presentation Notes
Summary: Provide enough time to cross the street Message: For pedestrians to cross the street safely, adequate time must be provided for them to make this crossing. Signal engineers can increase the amount of time provided if those using the signal typically walk slower than 4 feet per second. The countdown signals shown above help by giving pedestrians information about how much time remains. There is a good deal of confusion for some pedestrians in what the flashing “Don’t Walk” means. While it technically means “Don’t Start”, some pedestrians (and motorists) believe it means the light has changed. The countdown signal shows the number of seconds remaining to cross the street so that people can decide for themselves whether they have enough time to cross. Some studies have shown that countdown signals reduce the number of stragglers and help everyone get across the street more quickly, although some people still start late. Image(s): (l.) ITE Pedestrian and Bicycle Council, on PBIC web site, (r.) from web site: hitech.html

Results from San Francisco: 25% Crash Reduction Factor after

countdown signals installed

Countdown Clocks

Presentation Notes
The crash reduction factor is still very preliminary, it needs to be reproduced in other locales. This is abased on several hundred signals in SF with and without countdowns.

Time signals for 3.5 ft/sec walking speed – Signal maintenance

Countdown clocks – Can be added for roughly $2,000/intersection

Pedestrian Signal Costs

HAWK (High Intensity Activated Crosswalk) Also in 2009 MUTCD

HAWK Pedestrian Hybrid Signal

Presentation Notes
From City of Tucson Request to Exp – Approved by FHWA MUTCD team

Drivers see Beacon

Peds see Pedhead

Presentation Notes
From City of Tucson Request to Exp – Approved by FHWA MUTCD team

Hybrid Beacon Sequence 1





Return to 1

Flashing yellow

Blank for drivers

Steady yellow

Steady red


2009 MUTCD Section 4F.3 How to Develop a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan –

E i i St t i 7-83

• The CROSSWALK STOP ON RED sign shall be used • There are Guidelines (similar to signal warrants) for Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons

– variables include: – Pedestrian volume – Traffic speeds – Traffic volumes – Crosswalk length

Excerpts from Proposed MUTCD Chapter 4F For Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons

Speeds exceeds 35 mph







0 500 1000 1500 2000

Major Street - Total of Both Approaches - Vehicles Per Hour (VPH)


l of A






g M



et -






r (P



34 50 72 100 Signal Warrant Minimum Pedestrian

Signal warrant

Curves based on

length (see below)


Presentation Notes
This is additional information from the proposed MUTCD Chapter about Pedestrian Beacons. The sign is required. The guidelines chart shown here is one of two charts in the proposal. Note that this chart is for speeds greater than 35 mph, the second chart is for 35 mph and less. It’s not important to point out exactly what the guidelines are, simply a description of the variables is enough. It might be helpful to point out that the curves require fewer pedestrians at higher vehicle volumes. Also note that the 4 different curves are for different street widths. The street widths are shown at the bottom of the graph. As an example, point out that on any high volume multi-lane (4-plus) roadway, the pedestrian volume to “warrant” a pedestrian beacon is the minimum of 20 pedestrians. The red line showing the signal warrant is the peak hour pedestrian signal warrant for speeds exceeding 35 mph.

Designing for Pedestrian Safety – Crossing C t

Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Effectiveness


Time signals for 3.5 ft/sec walking speed – Signal maintenance

Countdown clocks – Can be added for roughly $2,000/intersection

Ped actuated HAWK signals – Half the cost of standard ped signal; lower warrant

Pedestrian Signal Costs

Rectangular Rapid Flash LED Beacon ►Beacon is yellow, rectangular, and has a

rapid “stutter” flash ►Beacon located between the warning

sign and the arrow plaque ►Must be pedestrian activated

(pushbutton or passive) ►Studies indicate motorist yielding rates

increased from 18.2% to 81.2% for 2 beacons and to 87.8% for 4 beacons

►Interim approval from FHWA in July 2008


Presentation Notes
TRR 2140 Three experiments examined pedestrians crossing two 4-lane roads and one 3-lane roads with median islands. When pedestrians stepped into the crosswalk before installation of the rapid flash LED beacons, the average yield rate of motorists was 19%. When two rapid flash LED beacons were added (one on each side of the street) the yield rate increased to an average of 81%. When another set of rapid flash LED beacons were added to the medians the average yield rate jumped to 88%. Further research is showing yielding rates averaging 90% with some as high as 97%. Motorists also yielded further back from the crosswalks with two rapid flash LED beacons and even more yielded with four. On July 16, 2008, interim approval was received from FHWA.

Pedestrian Signal Costs Time signals for 3.5 ft/sec walking speed

– Signal maintenance Countdown clocks – Can be added for

roughly $2,000/intersection Ped actuated HAWK signals – Half the

cost of standard ped signal; lower warrant Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon - $20K

and no specific warrant

Costs for Facilities for Nonmotorized Users

1. Pedestrians 2. Bicycles 3. Transit

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Pedestrians can get by without sidewalks on quiet streets

Presentation Notes
There are no exact numbers for ADT or traffic speed, but most professionals acknowledge there are streets where traffic is so light pedestrians can walk in the street; sidewalks are not necessary under these conditions. For most of this workshop, we’ll focus on higher volume streets where sidewalks are needed.

Shoulders serve pedestrians in rural areas

Presentation Notes
On rural roads, a shoulder helps pedestrians walk away from traffic; it would be very expensive to install sidewalks on these types of roadways and probably not worth the cost due to rural nature and relatively low pedestrian use.

Rural Environments: Paved Shoulders

Crash Modification Factor (CMF) = 0.70 Crash Reduction of 30%

Presentation Notes
AASHTO mentions the benefit to pedestrians; they can reduce walking along the road crashes by 70%.

Urban/suburban Environments: Sidewalks

Crash Modification Factor (CMF) = 0.12 Crash Reduction of 88%

Presentation Notes
It may seem obvious, but studies have shown far fewer walking along the road crashes where there are sidewalks.

Buffer sidewalks with planter strip/furniture zone: ► Space for trees and street furniture ► Easy to meet ADA at driveways and curb ramps ► More pleasant to walk on

Presentation Notes
Self-explanatory; explains some of the benefits of separated sidewalks.

5 feet needed for two people to walk comfortably side-by-side (or to pass each other)

Presentation Notes
Many jurisdictions have a 5’ sidewalks standard, but it’s often the width including the curb. 5’ is the minimum width desirable for the sidewalk area itself.

Set triggers for future sidewalks Development densities Developer requirements Going from open to closed drainage

Sidewalk Design

Costs for Facilities for Nonmotorized Users

1. Pedestrians – Create gap infill program funded by developers, new roadway construction, program small amount each year

2. Bicycles 3. Transit

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Costs for Facilities for Nonmotorized Users

1. Pedestrians – Create gap infill program funded by developers, new roadway construction, program small amount each year

2. Bicycles 3. Transit

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

“All highways, except those where bicyclists are legally prohibited, should be designed and constructed under the assumption that they will be used by cyclists.” AASHTO

Bikes Belong

Presentation Notes
Add Mn/DOT statement, p. 17

Bikes Belong “Therefore, bicycles should be considered in all phases of transportation planning, new roadway design, roadway construction and capacity improvement projects, and transit projects.” AASHTO

Typical Bicyclists

Presentation Notes
Animated – discussion Old-fashioned street with on-street parking offers direct access from sidewalk to businesses. Drivers enjoy direct access from car to sidewalk to businesses, but would not use this street for travel over long distances

Typical Bicyclists

Presentation Notes
Bicyclists come in all shapes and sizes. Children are one group of bicyclists – initially, their bicycle riding may occur on sidewalks, and be supervised by parents. Eventually, as they gain experience and skill, they begin riding on roadways.

Four Bicyclist Types* Bicyclist Characteristics

* Roger Geller, Portland, OR

• Strong & Fearless <1%

• Enthused & Confident 7%

• Interested but Concerned 60% (Includes children)

• No Way, No How 33%

It’s okay for young kids to ride on sidewalks

Sidewalks are Low Stress

An adult bicyclist on a sidewalk is not a good sign

A cyclist on a sidewalk interferes with pedestrians

A cyclist on a sidewalk places himself at risk

Especially when riding against traffic!

RELATIVE DANGER INDEX Of various types of facilities

Major Streets w/o bike lanes 1.28 Minor Streets w/o bike lanes 1.04* Streets with bike lanes 0.5 Mixed-use paths 0.67 Sidewalks 5.32 (* = shared roadway)

1.00 = median

Source: William Moritz, U.W. - “Accident Rates for Various Bicycle Facilities” - based on 2374 riders, 4.4 million miles

Provide space on streets …

Bike lanes most appropriate on urban thoroughfares

They get you from one part of town to another efficiently

Intersections stop or signal controlled

No point in striping local streets with bike lanes

Facility Selection Bicycle Lanes

y OK to reduce travel lane

10 and 11-foot lanes are just as safe as 12-foot lanes on urban arterials with posted speeds less than 45 mph

10-5-7 Retrofit Option when:

Current lane 22 ft (6.7 m) with parking

Vehicle speeds 30 mph How to implement:

Reduce width of travel and parking lanes

Accepted by AASHTO Implemented in Chicago

Presentation Notes
Main Message: A way to accommodate bicycles in a difficult or unusual situation, and when the results from Chicago are fully analyzed and published, it will probably be shown to do so without a negative safety or motor vehicle flow effect. (At least for <35 mph...) How to implement: Reduce width of travel and parking lanes “In residential areas, a parallel parking lane from 2.1 to 2.4 m (7 to 8 ft) is acceptable” (AASHTO Green Book, pp. 437-8) “[Travel] lanes 3.0 m (10 ft) are acceptable on low-speed facilities …” (AASHTO green book, page 316)

Retrofitting for Bike Lanes

Reduce travel lane widths

Reduce number of travel lanes

Remove, narrow, or reconfigure parking

Other design options



3.6 m(12 ft)

3.6 m(12 ft)

3.6 m(12 ft)

3.6 m(12 ft)

1.8 m(6 ft)

1.8 m(6 ft)

3.6 m(12 ft)

3.6 m(12 ft)

3.6 m(12 ft)

Typical “Road Diet”

Presentation Notes
Key Message: Although retrofitting bicycle lanes onto existing streets is challenging, there are several ways it can be accomplished. Suggested Comments: While bike lanes may be desirable in many urban locations, designers face the reality that space is limited on most urban streets. Unless plans call for a roadway widening project, the extra width for bike lanes is often very difficult to find in retrofit situations. In central business districts, roadway widening for bike lanes is usually not a desired option, since it could cause problems for pedestrians by further reducing sidewalk space. As shown on the slide, there are several possible options to consider when retrofitting bicycle lanes into limited space on existing streets. A road diet has become a popular treatment that enables bike lanes to be striped, and in most cases, improves or at least does not degrade vehicle level of service.

Shared Lane Markings

Shared Lane Markings

“Sharrow” Reinforces shared lane

concept Keeps bikes away from door

zone Where to use:

Narrow shared use road where bicyclists tend to ride too close to parked cars or curb

Low roadway speeds with high parking turnover

Generic “Bike Route” signs not recommended

Routes should be designated with a name or number.

Signing of Shared Roadways



Route Signage • Distance

• Direction

• Destination

Signing of Shared Roadways

Directional and destination signs are now in the 2009 MUTCD (Section 2B-20)

Shared Use Paths

Bike facilities that are separated from the roadway

Typically located on exclusive ROW No fixed objects Minimal cross-flow

by motor vehicles

Presentation Notes
Key Message: Importance of shared-use paths as a component of the nonmotorized transportation system (as well as for recreational uses) Suggested Comments: Shared-use paths provide low-stress environments for bicycling and walking that are separate from motor vehicle traffic. They can be great places for novice and child bicyclists to try out their bicycling skills prior to taking trips on urban streets. Shared-use paths are frequently popular facilities that are in high demand among bicyclists, joggers, in-line skaters, people walking dogs, people with disabilities, and a variety of other users. Systems of shared-use paths in urban and suburban communities serve as the arterials of the bicycle and pedestrian transportation system. They serve as a complement to and extension of onstreet facilities (not as alternative to them) and offer the protection from motor vehicle traffic that many Americans seek when looking to leave their car behind in favor of bicycling, walking, or skating.

• Users include: – Bicyclists – Skaters – Wheelchairs – Pedestrians – Joggers/runners, – People with baby strollers – Dogs with people

Shared Use Paths

Presentation Notes
Mn/DOT description, p 123 Key Message: Shared-use path users are diverse, as are the equipment that they use and the reasons why they use trails. Different users, equipment, and reasons for use introduce different user needs. Conflict is to be expected but can be minimized by good design and management. Suggested Comments: Bicyclists include adults using traditional bicycles, but also child bicyclists, cyclists pulling trailers or trail-a-bikes, tandem bicycles, recumbent bicycles, hand cycles, tricycles, and a variety of four-wheeled human-powered vehicles. Skaters include users as diverse as in-line skaters, kick scooters, skateboarders, and people using roller-skis. Pedestrians include joggers, runners, people walking dogs and pushing strollers, as well as disabled people. Today, persons with disabilities have a wide variety of assistive devices available to aid in travel or enable participation in trail activities, including powered and manual wheelchairs, powered scooters, tricycles, hand cycles, and racing wheelchairs, as well as crutches, walkers, and canes. In addition to diverse users and the variety of equipment used, shared-use paths are used for a wide variety of trip purposes. User behavior, such as travel speed and willingness to make stops varies considerably with different trip purposes. Most paths, especially in urban and suburban areas, serve people commuting to work or school, running errands, visiting friends, getting exercise, observing nature, and seeking recreation and enjoyment of the outdoors. User conflicts often emerge when user goals differ.

Paths Next to Roads • Recommended minimum separation – 5 ft

Adjacent Path Intersection

Presentation Notes
Example of the potential complexity of movements (and conflict points) of path/roadway intersections

Side Path vs. Bike Lanes

Side Path vs. Bike Lanes

Side Path vs. Bike Lanes

Side Path vs. Bike Lanes

Side Path vs. Bike Lanes

Side Path vs. Bike Lanes

Traffic Restrictions • Use bollards only when absolutely necessary

Traffic Restrictions • Use bollards only when absolutely necessary

Use bollards only when absolutely necessary

Traffic Restrictions


Costs for Facilities for Nonmotorized Users

1. Pedestrians – Create gap infill program funded by developers, new roadway construction, program small amount each year

2. Bicycles – Low hanging fruit first: signing and restriping with street resurfacing

3. Transit

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Costs for Facilities for Nonmotorized Users

1. Pedestrians – Create gap infill program funded by developers, new roadway construction, program small amount each year

2. Bicycles – Low hanging fruit first: signing and restriping with street resurfacing

3. Transit

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Transit: Bus is most common mode

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Fixed-route bus service is the transit mode that interacts most frequently with the pedestrian environment.

Transit: Only choice for many people

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Chairlift takes room and time

Shelters must be accessible (grass makes it inaccessible)

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This photo exemplifies a classic jurisdictional problem: the transit provider constructed a well-designed bus pad and shelter, but it is not connected to sidewalks, which fall under the responsibility of the city. Click to next slide for close up.

Good news: they fixed it! (after attending this course)

Presentation Notes
This photo exemplifies a classic jurisdictional problem: the transit provider constructed a well-designed bus pad and shelter, but it is not connected to sidewalks, which fall under the responsibility of the city. Click to next slide for close up.

Separated sidewalk: Shelter placed in planter strip

Presentation Notes
The furniture zone is the best place for a bus shelter.

Every bus stop is a pedestrian crossing and all known crossing techniques apply

to every bus stop

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Street crossings are a critical component of transit trips, as users will have to cross a road in at least one direction. The crossing techniques discussed in other modules apply to transit stops too. No more discussion on specific crossing techniques at this point.

Costs for Facilities for Nonmotorized Users

1. Pedestrians – Create gap infill program funded by developers, new roadway construction, program small amount each year

2. Bicycles – Low hanging fruit first: signing and restriping with street resurfacing

3. Transit – See ped friendly crossings previously described

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

Conflicts with Federal highway standards and guidelines

Slower speeds reduce mobility and increase costs for all vehicles

Required to design to Level of Service C for the peak half hour 20 years hence

Spending for peds and bikes is a luxury we cannot afford


Perceived Barriers to Achieving Complete Streets

Presentation Notes
Since World War 2, we’ve forgotten why we have cities and have facilitated travel over longer distances, making cities less livable. Another irony: we’ve gained no net time, we spend more time in transport nowadays than our grandparents did.

What does a Complete Street look like?

There is no magic formula

The many types of Complete Streets

Safe Routes to School

The many types of Complete Streets

Bikeways on rural roads

The many types of Complete Streets

A commercial arterial w/ bike lanes & sidewalks

The many types of Complete Streets

Residential skinny streets

The many types of Complete Streets

Historic Main Street

Complete Streets

Are sensitive to the community Serve all who potentially will use the street Will save money if fully implemented

is like calling women alternative men

Mark Fenton

Designating peds and bikes as “alternative transportation”


Thank you!

Presentation Notes
Buford Highway illustration

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