review of: adjective agreement, ser, nouns & articles

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Review of:Review of:adjective adjective


nouns & articlesnouns & articles

Adjective AgreementAdjective Agreement Adjectives describe Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns.nouns and pronouns.

In Spanish, they agree In Spanish, they agree with the noun:with the noun:

in number in number (singular/plural)(singular/plural)

in gender in gender (masculine/feminine)(masculine/feminine)

Adjective AgreementAdjective Agreement Adjectives usually come Adjectives usually come afterafter the noun described. the noun described.

a a talltall boy = un chico boy = un chico altoalto the the redred house=la casa house=la casa rojaroja

the the bigbig books = books = los libros los libros grandesgrandes

Adjective AgreementAdjective Agreement Adjectives that end in “o” Adjectives that end in “o” have 4 forms: Example: have 4 forms: Example: altoalto

SingularSingular PluralPlural

MasculineMasculine altoalto altosaltos

FeminineFeminine altaalta altasaltas

Adjective AgreementAdjective Agreement Adjectives that end in “e” Adjectives that end in “e” only have 2 forms: Ex: only have 2 forms: Ex: inteligenteinteligenteSingularSingular PluralPlural







Adjective AgreementAdjective Agreement Adjectives that end in a Adjectives that end in a

consonant have 2 forms as well. consonant have 2 forms as well. Example: azulExample: azul

SingularSingular PluralPlural

MasculineMasculine azulazul azulesazules

FeminineFeminine azulazul azulesazules

Adjective AgreementAdjective Agreement EXCEPTION: If the adjective ends EXCEPTION: If the adjective ends

in “-or”, then you add an “a” for in “-or”, then you add an “a” for the feminine form so it has 4 the feminine form so it has 4 forms. Example: forms. Example: trabajadortrabajador

SingularSingular PluralPlural







Adjective AgreementAdjective Agreement EXCEPTION: If the EXCEPTION: If the adjective ends in “-ista”, adjective ends in “-ista”, then it only has 2 forms. then it only has 2 forms. Example: Example: deportistadeportista

SingularSingular PluralPlural







SerSer Ser is used to:Ser is used to: identify people and thingsidentify people and things tell time, day, datestell time, day, dates professionsprofessions origin (de)origin (de) possession/ownershippossession/ownership relationshiprelationship

SerSer Ser is used to:Ser is used to: describe people and describe people and thingsthings

SerSer The verb “ser” is used The verb “ser” is used when describing people. when describing people.





SerSer The verb “ser” is used The verb “ser” is used when describing people. when describing people.

I amYou

areYou are He/She is

We are

you are

they are

you (pl.) are

Nouns and ArticlesNouns and Articles All Spanish nouns are All Spanish nouns are either masculine or either masculine or feminine. feminine.

Most nouns that refer to Most nouns that refer to males are masculine.males are masculine.

Most nouns that refer to Most nouns that refer to females are feminine. females are feminine.

el actor / la actrizel actor / la actriz

Nouns and ArticlesNouns and Articles The definite articles (the) The definite articles (the) are:are:

SingularSingular PluralPlural

MasculineMasculine elel loslos

FeminineFeminine lala laslas

Nouns and ArticlesNouns and Articles The indefinite articles (a, an The indefinite articles (a, an

or some) are:or some) are:

SingularSingular PluralPlural

MasculineMasculine unun unosunos

FeminineFeminine unauna unasunas

Nouns and ArticlesNouns and Articles Most nouns that end in the Most nouns that end in the following letters are masculine:following letters are masculine:

-o, -or, -ón, -ma/-pa -o, -or, -ón, -ma/-pa

el el sombrerosombrero

el el profesorprofesor

el el cinturóncinturón

el el problemaproblema el mapael mapa

el el trabajadotrabajadorr

Nouns and ArticlesNouns and Articles Most nouns that end in the Most nouns that end in the following letters are feminine:following letters are feminine:

-a, -ción/sión, -dad/-tad-a, -ción/sión, -dad/-tad

la camisala camisa la la nataciónnatación

la la televisiótelevisiónn

la verdadla verdadla la libertadlibertad

Nouns and ArticlesNouns and Articles The gender of nouns with The gender of nouns with other endings is learned other endings is learned through practice.through practice.

el relojel reloj la clasela claseel lápizel lápiz

(los (los lápices)lápices)

la gentela gente

Nouns and ArticlesNouns and Articles And of course…there are And of course…there are irregulars:irregulars:

el díael día la manola mano

la florla flor

Nouns and ArticlesNouns and Articles Lastly, “-ista” words Lastly, “-ista” words always end in “-ista”always end in “-ista”

el artistael artista la artistala artista

Picasso es un artista talentosPicasso es un artista talentosoo.. Notice that the agreement Notice that the agreement remains.remains.

AccentsAccents Rule # 1: Rule # 1: Nouns that end in a Nouns that end in a vowel, nvowel, n or or ss have an have an oral stress on the oral stress on the second to last syllable.second to last syllable.

hhaablo, jblo, jooven, lven, liibros, cbros, caasasa

AccentsAccents Rule # 2:Rule # 2: Nouns that end in a Nouns that end in a consonantconsonant (other than (other than n/s) have a stress on the n/s) have a stress on the last syllable. last syllable.

azazuul, cartl, carteel, l,

AccentsAccents When some nouns are When some nouns are made plural, accents made plural, accents may be added or may be added or dropped in order to keep dropped in order to keep the same sound. the same sound.

An accent mark is only An accent mark is only used to tell you to used to tell you to break break the rule. the rule.

el joven:el joven: rule says to pronounce rule says to pronounce this work with an oral stress on this work with an oral stress on the 2the 2ndnd to last syllable. (the “o”) to last syllable. (the “o”)

el joven el joven jóvenes jóvenes

But…when “joven” is made But…when “joven” is made plural it is altering the sound. In plural it is altering the sound. In order to stop this from order to stop this from happening you add the accent happening you add the accent mark to “break the rule” above mark to “break the rule” above the original sound which is the the original sound which is the “o.”“o.”

AccentsAccents el examen el examen los exámenes los exámenes

Sometimes it happens the other way Sometimes it happens the other way around so accent mark is no longer around so accent mark is no longer neededneeded

la lección la lección las lecciones las lecciones

el autobús el autobús los autobuses los autobuses

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