rg-wlan series access point web-based configuration guide

Post on 10-Feb-2017






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RG-WLAN Series Access Point

Web-Based Configuration Guide

Release 10.4 (1b19)p2

Version: V3.0

Copyright Statement

Ruijie Networks©2014

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Thank you for using our products. This manual matches the RGOS 10.4 (1b19)p2.


This manual is intended for:

Network engineers

Technical support and servicing engineers

Network administrators

Obtaining Technical Assistance

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Related Documents

Documents Description

Command Reference Describes the related configuration commands, including command

modes, parameter descriptions, usage guides, and related examples.

Hardware Installation and Reference


Describes the functional and physical features and provides the device

installation steps, hardware troubleshooting, module technical

specifications, and specifications and usage guidelines for cables and



This manual uses the following conventions:

Convention Description

boldface font Commands, command options, and keywords are in boldface.

italic font Arguments for which you supply values are in italics.

[ ] Elements in square brackets are optional.

{ x | y | z } Alternative keywords are grouped in braces and separated by vertical


[ x | y | z ] Optional alternative keywords are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars.


Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references.

Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment

damage or loss of data.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Configuring Web Management

Understanding Web Management


Web management manages wireless network devices through browsers like IEs.

Working Principle

Web management involves a Web server and Web clients. The Web server is deployed on an AP to receive and

process requests from Web clients (reading Web files or executing request commands), and returns processing

results to the clients. A Web client usually refers to a Web browser, such as an IE.

Protocol Specification


Requirements for Clients

Administrators usually log in to the AP Web management interface through a client Web browser to manage

the AP. Clients are often PCs or other mobile terminal devices, such as a laptop or an iPad.

Browsers include Google Chrome, Firefox, and IEs, including IE6.0, IE7.0, IE8.0, and IE core-based

browsers like Maxthon

The recommended resolutions are 1024x768, 1280x1024, and 1440x960. Other resolutions may make

characters and formats on pages unaligned and unpleasant.

Requirements for Server

The Web service needs to be enabled on the AP.

Web login authentication information needs to be configured on the AP.

A management IP address needs to be configured on the AP.

Default Configuration

Web service is enabled by default. You can enter in address bar of the browser. Please refer to

Typical Configuration Examples of Web Management for specific CLI configuration steps.

Default Username and Password Description

admin / admin Administrator with all permissions

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

If the first configuration for an AP is not performed through Web (such as CLI configuration and the

associated AC configuration), the AP will disable the Web service. If you want to manage the AP

through Web later, please enable Web service manually.

When entering values of configuration items (such as port description and VLAN description) via CLI,

please try not to use spaces. Otherwise an error may occurred in Web Management.

Configuring Web Management

Enter the management IP address of the AP (such as into the browser address bar and

press Enter to display the following page.

Figure 1 Initial Interface

Please enter your user name and password and click Login. If you pass the authentication, the system home

page is displayed. When logging in to the system at the first time, you enter the Configuration Wizard interface.

When logging in again, you enter the monitoring home page.

System Home Page

Click the System Home Page menu to enter the following page.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 2 System Home Page

Configuration description: System Home Page helps users learn about AP status and general network

information as follows:

AP resource status

Interface traffic tendency

Current client status

AP resource status: Display the CPU utilization of the current AP, sizes of the available memory and flash

memory, and the number of online STAs..

Interface traffic tendency: Display the real-time tendency of received and sent traffic on the port specified in the

drop-down box.

Current user status: Display the proportion of STAs with strong RSSI, middle RSSI, and low RSSI.

Configuration Wizard

Click the Configuration Wizard menu to enter the configuration wizard home page, where the Configuration

Steps can be executed.

Configuration Wizard will guide you to complete the Wireless Smart Web network deployment.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Configuration Steps

Figure 3 Configuration Steps

Configuration description: WiFi name (SSID): Configure a name for a wireless network.

WiFi Password: The authentication password that user entered to associate the WiFi

DHCP service: If there is no DHCP server in the network, enable the DHCP service for the wireless network.

Configuration Steps


Client Info

Click the Client Info menu to enter the following page.

Figure 5 Client Info

Configuration description:

Details: To check details about the specified STA.

Block: Add the STA to the blacklist.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Neighboring APs

Click the Neighboring APs menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages of Rogue APs and

Interference APs.

Rogue APs

Figure 8 Rogue APs

Configuration description:

This page display rogue AP information detected by the system.

Interference APs

Figure 9 Interference APs

Configuration description:

This page display interference AP information detected by the system.

System Logs

Click the System Log menu to enter the following page.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 10 System Logs

Configuration description

You can query the system log by entering the keyword.

Network Configuration

Port Management

Click the Port Configuration menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages of Basic

Configuration, Port Aggregation and Port Mirroring.

Figure 11 Port Management

Configuration description:

Edit a port: Click Edit in the table above to open the window of Figure 12.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 12 Port Editing

Check port details: Click Details in the table above to open the window of Figure 13.

Figure 13 Port Details

VLAN Management

Click the VLAN Management menu to enter the following page.

VLAN Settings

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 14 VLAN Settings

Configuration description:

Add a VLAN: Enter a VLAN ID, a VLAN name, an IPv4 address, and an IPv6 address into the upper form on the

page, and click Add to finish the addition operation.

Edit a VLAN: Click Edit in the table above, and the table displays the parameters of the specified VLAN. Then

click the Edit button to finish the editing operation.

Delete a VLAN: Click Delete in the table above, and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish the deletion


Route Configuration

Click Route Configuration to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages of IPv4 Route and IPv6


IPv4 Route

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 15 IPv4 Route

Configuration description:

Click Create Static Route to open the window of Figure 16. Click Create Default Route to open the window of

Figure 34. To delete a specified route, click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box.

Figure 16 Create Static Route

Figure 17 Create Default Route

IPv6 Route

Figure 18 IPv6 Route

Configuration description:

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Click Create Static Route to open the window of Figure 19. Click Create Default Route to open the window of

Figure 20. To delete a specified route, click Delete and click OK in the displayed dialog box.

Figure 19 Create Static Route

Figure 20 Create Default Route

DHCP Configuration

Click the DHCP Configuration menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages of Basic

Configuration, Static Address, Reserved Address, Client Display, and DHCP SNOOPING.

Basic Configuration

Figure 21 Basic Configuration

Configuration description:

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Add a DHCP server: Click Create DHCP Server to open the window of Figure 22. Configure parameters and click

OK to finish the addition operation.

Edit a DHCP server: Click Edit in the table above to open the Edit DHCP Server window, and click OK to finish

the editing operation.

Delete a DHCP server: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish the

deletion operation.

Figure 22 Create DHCP Server

If you select the “DHCP Relay” networking mode, the Create DHCP Server link below is changed to Create

DHCP Relay, and the DHCP server form is changed to the DHCP relay form.

Add a DHCP relay agent: Click Create DHCP Relay to open the window of Figure 23. Configure parameters and

click OK to finish the addition operation.

Edit a DHCP relay agent: Click Edit in the DHCP relay table to open the Edit DHCP Relay window and click OK

to finish the editing operation.

Delete a DHCP relay agent: Click Delete in the DHCP relay table and click OK in the displayed dialog box to

finish the deletion operation.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 23 Create DHCP Relay

Static Address Configuration

Figure 24 Static Address Configuration

Configuration description:

Add static address allocation: Enter parameters into the upper form on the page and click Add to finish the

addition operation.

Edit static address allocation: Click Edit in the table above, and the upper form displays allocation information

about the specified static address. Then click Edit to finish the editing operation.

Delete static address allocation: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish

the deletion operation.

Reserved Address

Figure 25 Reserved Address

Configuration description:

Add a reserved address: Enter parameters into the upper form on the page and click Add to finish the addition


Edit a reserved address: Click Edit in the table above, and the form displays information about the specified

reserved address. Then click Edit to finish the editing operation.

Delete a reserved address: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish the

deletion operation.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Client Display

Figure 26 Client Display

Configuration description:

The table displays the MAC address, the assigned IP Address, address lease time and other information about

an online client.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management



Configuration description:

Click Configure Trusted Port to open the window of Figure 28, and click Configure IP Source Guard to open

the window of Figure 29.

Figure 28 Configure Trusted Port

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 29 Configure IP Source Guard

Wireless Configuration Management

WLAN Management

Click the WLAN Management menu to enter the following interface.

Figure 30 WLAN Management

Configuration description:

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Add a WLAN: Click WLAN Configuration Wizard to open the window of Figure 31. Configure parameters

according to the wizard and click Finish to finish the addition operation.

Edit a WLAN: Click Edit in the table above to open the window of Figure 31. Configure parameters according to

the wizard and click Finish to finish the editing operation.

Delete a WLAN: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish the deletion


Figure 31 WLAN Configuration Wizard

Configure basic information: Set parameters to create a WLAN.

Figure 32 WLAN Configuration Wizard

WLAN mapping information: Configure mappings between WLAN and VLAN for the specified AP group.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 33 WLAN Configuration Wizard

Web authentication configuration: Configure the security mode and confirm whether to enable Web

authentication for the specified WLAN.


Click the Radio1 menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages of RF Configuration, Rate

Configuration and WDS Configuration.

RF Configuration

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 34 Radio 1

Configuration description:

The table above displays online APs. Click Config Radio to open the window of Figure 35. Enter parameters

and click OK to configure Radio 1 for the specified AP.

Rate Configuration

Click the Rate Configuration menu to enter the following interface.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 35 Rate Configuration

Configuration description:


Tick required rates and click OK to finish the 802.11a rate configuration.


Tick required rates and click OK to finish the 802.11b rate configuration.


Tick required rates and click OK to finish the 802.11g rate configuration.


Enter the basic MCS index and click OK to finish the 802.11n rate configuration.

WDS Configuration

Figure 36 WDS Configuration

Wireless Distribution System (WDS) connects multiple APs in wireless bridging or relay mode so as to connect

distributed networks and extend wireless signals.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management


Click the Radio2 menu to use this function. Radio 2 configuration is similar to Radio1configuration.

Security Configuration


Click the ACL menu to enter the following interface, which includes the sub-pages of ACL Validity Time and

Access Control List.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

ACL Validity Time

Figure 37 ACL Validity Time

Configuration description:

Add a time object: Tick Create Object, enter parameters into the form, and click Add to finish the addition


Edit a time object: Tick Select an Existing Object, edit parameters, and click Add to finish the editing operation.

Delete a time object: Select a time object from the Time Object pull-down list, click Delete in the table above,

and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish the deletion operation.

Edit a time range: Click Edit in the table above, modify parameters in the upper form on the page, and click Edit

to finish the editing operation.

Delete a time range: Click Delete in the table, and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish the deletion


Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Access Control List

Figure 38 Access Control List

Configuration description:

Add an ACL: Click Create ACL to open the window of Figure 39, enter parameters, and click OK to finish the

addition operation.

Edit an ACL: Click Edit Rule in the table above to open the window of Figure 41, edit parameters and click OK to

finish the editing operation.

Delete an ACL: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish the deletion


Figure 39 New ACL

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 40 Standard IP ACL

Figure 41 Add Rule

AP Containment

Click the AP Containment menu to enter the following page.

Figure 42 AP Containment

Configuration description:

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Configure AP containment: Click Enable in the table above to open the window of Figure 42. Select a

containment mode and click Save to finish the configuration.

Blacklist and Whitelist Configuration

Click the Blacklist and Whitelist Configuration menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages

of IDS, Static Blacklist, Dynamic Blacklist, and Whitelist.


Figure 43 IDS

Configuration description:

When IDS detects an attack, you can identify the attack source according to attack statistics and add it to the

blacklist. Alternatively, you can enable the dynamic blacklist function, so that the device automatically adds the

attack source to the blacklist.

Attack detection statistics: Display detected attack information according to the configured attack detection


Static Blacklist

Figure 44 Static Blacklist

Configuration description:

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Add an STA to a static blacklist: Enter an STA MAC address into the form above and click Add to finish the

addition operation.

Delete an STA from a static blacklist: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to

finish the deletion operation.

Dynamic Blacklist

Figure 45 Dynamic Blacklist

Configuration description:

Configure a dynamic blacklist: Enter parameters and click Save to configure a dynamic blacklist.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management


Figure 46 Whitelist

Configuration description:

Add an STA to a whitelist: Enter an STA MAC address into the form above and click Add to finish the addition


Delete an STA from a whitelist: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish

the deletion operation.

User Isolation Policy

Click the User Isolation Policy menu to enter the following page.

Figure 47 User Isolation Policy

Configuration description:

Configure the isolation function: Select an isolation type and click Save to configure the isolation function.

Configure isolation-enabled users: Add isolation-enabled users.

ARP Management

Click the ARP Management menu to enter the following page.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

ARP Management

Figure 48 ARP Management

Configuration description:

Add an ARP entry: Enter an STA MAC address into the form above and click Add to finish the addition operation.

Delete an ARP entry: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish the

deletion operation.

Dynamic-to-static binding for an ARP entry: Select the ARP entry and click Dynamic>>Static Binding to finish

the configuration.

Delete all dynamic entries: Click Delete ALL Dynamic Entries and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish

the deletion operation.

ARP Anti-Attack

Click the ARP Anti-Attack menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages of Gateway

Anti-ARP-Attack and Anti-User-Attack.

Gateway Anti-ARP-Attack

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 49 Gateway Anti-ARP-Attack

Configuration description:

Add gateway anti-ARP-attack: Select ports on the panel, enter a gateway address, and click Add to finish the

addition operation.

Delete gateway anti-ARP-attack: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish

the deletion operation.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management


Figure 50 Anti-User-Attack

Configuration description:

Edit anti-user-attack: Click Edit in the table above to open the window of Figure 51. Select Anti-User-Attack

status and click OK to configure defense against user ARP attacks.

View ARP attack list: Click View the ARP-Check Binding List to open the window of Figure 52.

Figure 51 Configuration Desctiption

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 52 Attack-check Binding List


Click the NFPP menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages of ARP Attack Defense, Anti-IP

Scanning, ICMP Attack Defense, DHCPv4 Attack Defense, DHCPv6 Attack Defense, and ND Attack


Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

ARP Attack Defense

Figure 53 ARP Attack Defense

Configuration description:

Set parameters and click Save to configure the ARP attack defense function. The table at the bottom of the page

displays monitoring information after ARP attack defense is enabled.

Anti-IP Scanning

Figure 54 Anti-IP Scanning

Configuration description:

Set parameters and click Save to configure the anti-IP scanning function. The table at the bottom of the page

displays monitoring information after anti-IP scanning is enabled.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

ICMP Attack Defense

Figure 55 ICMP Attack Defense

Configuration description:

Set parameters and click Save to configure the ICMP attack defense function. The table at the bottom of the page

displays monitoring information after ICMP attack defense is enabled.

DHCPv4 Attack Defense

Figure 56 DHCPv4 Attack Defense

Configuration description:

Set parameters and click Save to configure the DHCPv4 attack defense function. The table at the bottom of the

page displays monitoring information after DCHPv4 attack defense is enabled.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

DHCPv6 Attack Defense

Figure 57 DHCPv6 Attack Defense

Configuration description:

Set parameters and click Save to configure the DHCPv6 attack defense function. The table at the bottom of the

page displays monitoring information after DCHPv6 attack defense is enabled.

ND Attack Defense

Figure 58 ND Attack Defense

Configuration description:

Set parameters and click Save to configure the ND attack defense function.

Rate Limit Configuration

Click the QOS menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages of WLAN Bandwidth Policy, AP

Bandwidth Policy, and Client Bandwidth Policy.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

WLAN Bandwidth Policy

Figure 59 WLAN Bandwidth Policy

Configuration description:

Edit WLAN bandwidth policies: Click Edit in the table above to open the window of Figure 60. Set parameters and

click OK to finish the editing operation.

Clear WLAN bandwidth policies: Click Clear Policies in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box

to finish the clearing operation.

Figure 60 WLAN 1 Bandwidth Policy

Client Bandwidth Policy

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 61 Client Bandwidth Policy

Configuration description:

Add client bandwidth policies: Click Create Policy to open the window of Figure 62. Set parameters and click OK

to finish the addition operation.

Edit client bandwidth policies: Click Edit in the table above to open the Edit Client Bandwidth Policy window.

Set parameters and click OK to finish the editing operation.

Delete client bandwidth policies: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish

the deletion operation.

Figure 62 Create Client Bandwidth Policy



Click the AAA menu to enter the following page.

Figure 63 AAA

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Configuration description:

Add an authentication method: Click Create Policy to open the window of Figure 64. Set parameters and click

OK to finish the addition operation.

Edit an authentication method: Click Edit in the table to open the Edit Authentication Method window. Set

parameters and click OK to finish the editing operation.

Delete an authentication method: Click Delete in the table and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish the

deletion operation.

Add an accounting method: Click Create Policy to open the window of Figure 65. Set parameters and click OK to

finish the addition operation.

Edit an accounting method: Click Edit in the table above to open the Edit Accounting Method window. Set

parameters and click OK to finish the editing operation.

Delete an accounting method: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish

the deletion operation.

Configure AAA group: Click Custom AAA Group to go to the Custom AAA Group page. Enter parameters and

click OK to finish the AAA Group addition operation.

Figure 64 Add Authentication Method

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 65 Add Accounting Method

Figure 109 Custom AAA Group

RADIUS Configuration

Click the Radius menu to enter the following page.

Figure 66 RADIUS Configuration

Configuration description:

Add a RADIUS server: Enter parameters into the form above and click Add to finish the addition operation.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Delete a RADIUS server: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish the

deletion operation.

802.1X Authentication

Click the 802.1X menu to enter the following page.

Figure 67 802.1X Authentication

Configuration description:

Set parameters and click Save to configure 802.1X authentication.

Web Authentication

Click the Web Authentication menu to enter the following page.

Figure 68 Web Authentication

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 69 List of Internal Servers

Configuration description:

Add a portal server: Click Add Portal Server to open the window of Figure 70. Set parameters and click OK to

add an external or internal server.

Edit a portal server: Click Edit in the table above to open the Edit Authentication Method window. Set parameters

and click OK to finish the editing operation for an external or internal server.

Delete a portal server: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish the

deletion operation.

Figure 70 Add Portal Server

User Authentication Management

Click the User Authentication Management menu to enter the following page.

Figure 71 User Authentication Configuration

Configuration description:

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Import user authentication configuration in batches: Click Batch Import to open the window of Figure 72. Upload

the webauth.txt file in the specified format and click Batch Import to finish the upload operation.

Manually add user authentication configuration: Click Manual configuration to open the window of Figure 73.

Enter parameters and click OK to finish the addition operation.

Edit user authentication configuration: Click Edit in the table above to open the Edit User Info window. Set

parameters and click OK to finish the editing operation.

Delete user authentication configuration: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box

to finish the deletion operation.

Figure 72 Import User Information in Batches

Figure 73 Add User Information

Advanced Configuration

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Association Control

Click the Association Control menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages of Package

Configuration and Zone Configuration.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Terminal Package Configuration

Figure 74 Terminal Package Configuration

Configuration description:

Add a terminal package: Enter a terminal package name and click Add to finish the addition operation.

Edit a terminal package: Click Edit in the table above to open the window of Figure 75.

Delete a terminal package: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to finish the

deletion operation.

Figure 75 Terminal Package Editing

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Associated Control Domain Configuration

Figure 76 Associated Control Domain Configuration

Configuration description:

Add an associated control domain: Enter parameters into the form above and click Add to finish the addition


Delete an associated control domain: Click Delete in the table above and click OK in the displayed dialog box to

finish the deletion operation.

Balanced Configuration

Figure 77 Balanced Configuration


Click the NTP menu to enter the following page.

Figure 78 NTP

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Select a type and click Save in the form above to configure NTP.

The Default type indicates that NTP and SNTP are disabled.


Click the Multicast menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages of L2 Multicast

Configuration and Multicast-to-Unicast.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

L2 Multicast Configuration

Figure 79 L2 Multicast Configuration

Configuration description:

Configure global L2 multicast: Enable or disable global L2 multicast status and click Save to finish the


AC configuration:

Enable IGMP Snooping and click Save to finish the IGMP Snooping configuration.

Click Configure Parameters to open the window of Figure 80. Set parameters and click OK to finish AC

parameter configuration.

Click Configure IGMP Snooping on a Vlan to open the window of Figure 81. Set parameters and click OK to

finish VLAN IGMP Snooping configuration.

Figure 80 AC Configuration Parameter

Figure 81 IGMP Snooping Status of the AC

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management


Figure 82 Multicast-to-Unicast

Configuration description:

Set parameters and click Save to configure multicast-to-unicast.

System Management

System Settings

Click the System Settings menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages of System Settings,

Log Management, and Password Change.

System Settings

Figure 83 System Settings

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Configuration description:

Basic system information: Enter basic information. If the input information is incorrect, prompt information is

displayed after the input box. The management VLAN is VLAN 1 by default. The displayed information including

the management IP address and the mask will be updated if a different management VLAN is chosen. An input

box followed by "*" is mandatory. The device name, device location, contact person, and contact information are

displayed on the system login page. Enter information in the correct format and click Save. The configuration is

completed after the system prompts "Setting succeeded!"If you want to change the management IP address,

the system prompts you to confirm the change. After the address is changed, the system returns to the login page

for re-login.

System time: The page above displays the current system time. You can manually reset the system time or tick

the Synchronize Time Server option, and click Save. The configuration is completed when the system prompts

"The time has been successfully configured." .

Monitoring Mode: You can select a monitoring mode from the drop-down list box. An AP can detect and counter

rogue APs when it works in hybrid or monitoring mode.

When the management IP address is changed, ensure that the changed IP address is reachable;

otherwise, you cannot log in to Web again.

Log Management

Figure 84 Log Management

Configuration description:

Log configuration: Enter parameters and click Save to finish the configuration.

Historical record: Open the Wlan Diag Enable to monitor the historical records.

The page is automatically refreshed every 30 seconds.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Password Change

Figure 85 Password Change

Configuration description:

Change the administrator password:

Enter the old password and enter the new password twice. If the input old password is incorrect, the page

prompts "The old password is not correct" in red after the input box. Then enter the right old password and

click Save to finish the change. You can clear passwords entered in the input boxes by clicking Cancel.

Change the Telnet password:

Enter the new password twice and do not need to enter the old password. Except for this difference, the operation

is same as that for changing the administrator password.

After the administrator password is changed, the system returns to the login interface for re-login.

System Upgrade

Click the System Upgrade menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-page Local Upgrade.

Local Upgrade

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 86 Locate Upgrade

Configuration description:

Click Browse to choose the local upgrade file and click Upgrade to perform local upgrade.

Configuration Management

Click the Configuration Management menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages of Current

Configuration, Backup Configuration, and Restore Factory Settings.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Current Configuration

Figure 87 Current Configuration

Configuration description:

Current configuration:

The Current Configuration page provides four options: Backup, Import Configuration, Export Configuration,

and View Current Configuration. Choose an option, fill in basic information, and click OK on the bottom left to

finish corresponding configuration. You can view the current configuration.

Backup file list:

You can perform the Restore Backup, Delete Backup, or Save as Backup operation after choosing a file.

Choose a file, tick the intended operation, and click OK on the bottom left to finish the operation.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Backup Configuration

Figure 88 Backup Configuration

Configuration description:

Choose a configuration file and perform the Restore Backup, Delete Backup, Save as Backup, or Rename

Backup operation.

Restore Factory Settings

Figure 89 Restore Factory Settings

Configuration description:

Click Export Current Configurations to open the Save as dialog box. Choose a storage directory and a file

name and click Save to export the current configuration. Click Restore factory settings, and the system prompts

"Are you sure to delete all configuration? This operation may cause a Web access failure!" Then click OK

to restore factory settings.

Administrator Permissions

Click the Administrator Permissions menu to enter the following page.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 90 Administrator Permissions

Configuration description:

Add a user: Enter a user name, a password, and an authorized page (by default, all pages are authorized pages

except those with management permissions) and click Add. Then the system prompts "Adding succeeded!" and

the User List displays all STAs.

Diagnostic Tool

Click the Diagnostic Tool menu to enter the following page, which includes the sub-pages of IPv4 Detection,

IPv6 Detection, and Tracert Detection.

IPv4 Detection

Figure 91 IPv4 Detection

Configuration description:

Enter a destination IP address and click Start Detection to display the detection result.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

IPv6 Detection

Figure 92 IPv6 Detection

Configuration description:

Enter a destination IP address and click Start Detection to display the detection result.

Tracert Detection

Figure 93 Tracert Detection

Configuration description:

Enter a destination IP address and click Start Detection to display the detection result.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management


Click the SNMP menu to enter the following page.

Figure 94 SNMP

Configuration description:

Enter parameters and click Save to finish the SNMP configuration.

Web Console

Click the Web Console menu to enter the following page.

Figure 95 Web Console

Configuration description:

Enter a command and click Send to show the CLI output result.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

System Reboot

Click the System Reboot menu to enter the following page.

Figure 96 System Reboot

Configuration description:

Click Restart and click OK in the displayed dialog box to restart the device.

Configuration Example 1

Networking Requirements

1. An AP serves as a wireless router as well as a fat AP.

2. Establish a small network with a DHCP server configured on the AP.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Networking Topology

Figure 97 Topology 1

Configuration Tips

1) Configure a Wifi name

2) Configure a Wifi password

3) Configure a management IP Address

4) Configure the DHCP parameters

Configuration Steps

1) Configure a Wifi name (such as zhangsan) shorter than 32 bytes in length.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 98 SSID Configuration

2) Security Configuration

If there is no requirement for security, you can click Disable. Enabling security configuration is recommended.

WPA2 encryption is selected by default. Please enter a password containing 8-64 characters which can be a

combination of English letters, numbers and special characters.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 99 Security Configuration

3) Configure a management IP address. By default, it is

4) DHCP Configuration

Figure 101 DHCP Configuration

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Configure an address pool:

Configure a DNS Server: (Depend on the actual situation)

Click Save to finish the configuration.


Verify the configuration by performing the following steps:

1) Associate an STA with SSID ruije_wlan_3842 to get IP address

2) Remove the cable connecting the PC and the AP and connect the AP with an extranet port instead.

3) Access to log in to Web management system again.

If the management IP address is changed, you need to log in to Web management system with a

new IP address.

Configuration Example 2

Networking Requirements

1. An AP serves as a wireless router as well as a fat AP.

2. Establish a small network with a DHCP server configured on an external switch instead of on the AP.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Networking Topology

Figure 102 Topology 2

Configuration Tips

1) Configure a Wifi name

2) Configure a Wifi password

3) Configure a management IP Address

Configuration Steps

1) Configure a Wifi name (such as zhangsan) shorter than 32 bytes in length.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Figure 103 SSID Configuration

2) Security Configuration

If there is no requirement for security, you can click Disable. Enabling security configuration is recommended.

WPA2 encryption is selected by default. Please enter a password containing 8-64 characters which can be a

combination of English letters, numbers and special characters.

Figure 104 Security Configuration

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Configure a management IP address. By default, it is

Figure 105 Management IP Address

Click Save to finish configuration on the AP.

Then, you need to configure the switch by performing the following steps:

Step1. Enter VLAN configuration mode to configure a VLAN..

Ruijie(config)#int vlan 1

Ruijie(config-if-VLAN 1)#ip add

Step2. Enter DHCP configuration mode to configure an address pool.

Ruijie(config)#service dhcp

Ruijie(config)#ip dhcp pool sta_dhcp




Step3.Configure a default route (optional)

Ruijie(config)#ip route


1. Use the show run command to verify switch configuration.

Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

Ruijie#show run

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 2374 bytes


version RGOS 10.4(3b16) Release(82376)(Fri Sep 7 14:35:58 2012 -R03912)





auto-sync time-period 3600

auto-sync standard

switchover timeout 4000













vlan 1



no service password-encryption

service dhcp




ip dhcp pool aa








Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management





















interface GigabitEthernet 0/1


interface GigabitEthernet 0/2


interface GigabitEthernet 0/3


interface GigabitEthernet 0/4


interface GigabitEthernet 0/5


interface GigabitEthernet 0/6


interface GigabitEthernet 0/7


interface GigabitEthernet 0/8


interface GigabitEthernet 0/9


interface GigabitEthernet 0/10


interface GigabitEthernet 0/11


Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

interface GigabitEthernet 0/12


interface GigabitEthernet 0/13


interface GigabitEthernet 0/14


interface GigabitEthernet 0/15


interface GigabitEthernet 0/16


interface GigabitEthernet 0/17


interface GigabitEthernet 0/18


interface GigabitEthernet 0/19


interface GigabitEthernet 0/20


interface GigabitEthernet 0/21


interface GigabitEthernet 0/22


interface GigabitEthernet 0/23


interface GigabitEthernet 0/24


interface GigabitEthernet 0/25


interface GigabitEthernet 0/26


interface GigabitEthernet 0/27


interface GigabitEthernet 0/28


interface GigabitEthernet 0/29


interface GigabitEthernet 0/30


interface GigabitEthernet 0/31


interface GigabitEthernet 0/32


Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management

interface GigabitEthernet 0/33


interface GigabitEthernet 0/34


interface GigabitEthernet 0/35


interface GigabitEthernet 0/36


interface GigabitEthernet 0/37


interface GigabitEthernet 0/38


interface GigabitEthernet 0/39


interface GigabitEthernet 0/40


interface GigabitEthernet 0/41


interface GigabitEthernet 0/42


interface GigabitEthernet 0/43


interface GigabitEthernet 0/44


interface GigabitEthernet 0/45


interface GigabitEthernet 0/46


interface GigabitEthernet 0/47


interface GigabitEthernet 0/48


interface VLAN 1

no ip proxy-arp

ip address








Configuration Guide Configuring Web Management














ip route




line con 0

line vty 0 4





Verify the configuration by performing the following steps:

Step1. Associate an STA with SSID ruije_wlan_3842 to get IP address

Step2. Remove the cable connecting the PC and the AP and connect the AP with an extranet port instead.

If the management IP address is changed, you need to log in to Web management system with a

new IP address.

top related