rhewi yn parkinson’s...nghamau cynnar parkinson’s ac mewn pobl nad ydyn nhw’n cymryd unrhyw...

Post on 25-Sep-2020






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Gwybodaeth a chymorth

Rhewi yn Parkinson’s

Bydd llawer o bobl â Parkinson’s yn profi rhewi.

Mae’r ddalen wybodaeth hon yn esbonio beth yw rhewi, pam mae’n digwydd, pa driniaethau sydd ar gael a beth allwch ei wneud i’w reoli. Hefyd mae’n rhoi awgrymiadau ichi ar sut i ddechrau symud eto a sut i leihau’r risg o gwympo os ydych chi’n rhewi.

Beth yw rhewi? Gall rhewi fod yn symptom cyffredin yn Parkinson’s. Mae llawer o bobl yn ei ddisgrifio fel bod eu traed yn cael eu ‘gludo i’r tir’. Efallai na fyddwch chi’n gallu symud ymlaen eto am nifer o eiliadau neu funudau. Efallai byddwch chi’n teimlo fel bod hanner isaf eich corff yn sownd, ond mae hanner uchaf eich corff yn gallu symud o hyd. Gallech chi rewi pan ddechreuwch gerdded neu pan geisiwch droi o gwmpas. Ond dydy rhewi ddim yn effeithio ar gerdded yn unig. Mae rhai pobl yn rhewi wrth siarad neu yn ystod symudiad ailadroddus megis ysgrifennu neu frwsio eu dannedd.

Os profwch anhawster wrth ddechrau symudiad, weithiau gelwir hyn yn ‘petruso dechrau’. Gallai hyn ddigwydd pan geisiwch gamu ymlaen ychydig ar ôl ichi sefyll, pan ydych chi eisiau dechrau codi o’r gwely neu pan geisiwch lyncu bwyd neu ddiod.

Dysgwch ragor: gweler ein dalen wybodaeth Bwyta, llyncu a rheoli poer yn Parkinson’s.

Hefyd gallai rhewi ddigwydd ynghylch meddwl. Mae rhai pobl yn canfod hyn wrth iddyn nhw geisio’n galed i gofio rhywbeth arbennig, er enghraifft enwau neu ddyddiadau. Hefyd gall troi eich sylw at bynciau a syniadau newydd fod yn broblem weithiau.

Pam mae pobl â Parkinson’s yn rhewi?Mae rhewi’n aml yn digwydd pan yw rhywbeth yn ymyrryd yn neu’n torri ar draws y drefn arferol

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o symud. Ond dydyn ni ddim yn gwybod o hyd yn union beth sy’n achosi rhewi. Gall e waethygu os ydych chi’n teimlo’n orbryderus, dan bwysau neu os collwch y gallu i ganolbwyntio. Wrth i Parkinson’s ddatblygu, mae rhewi’n fwy tebygol o ddigwydd.

Ble a phryd all e ddigwydd?Rydych chi’n fwy tebygol o rewi pan ydych chi’n cerdded, gan fod cerdded yn gyfres o symudiadau unigol sy’n digwydd mewn trefn arbennig. Os ymyrrir yn un rhan o’r drefn, gall yr holl symudiad ddod i ben.

Hefyd rydych chi’n fwy tebygol o rewi pan:

y rydych chi’n cerdded tuag at ddrysau, cadeiriau neu o gwmpas rhwystrau

y rydych chi’n troi neu newid cyfeiriad

y mae tasg arall yn tynnu’ch sylw pan ydych chi’n cerdded, ac mae gwrthrych neu rywun yn siarad yn ymyrryd yn ‘llif’ y cerdded neu os tynnir eich sylw at rywbeth arall

y rydych chi mewn lleoedd sy’n orlawn

Bydd y rhain i gyd yn eich atal rhag cadw rhythm i fynd.

Fel arfer mae hyd y camau rydyn ni’n eu cymryd yn newid wrth gerdded o dir llyfn at dir anwastad. Ond os yw Parkinson’s gyda chi gallech chi ei gael yn anodd gwneud y newidiadau hyn fel mater o drefn. Er enghraifft, efallai byddwch chi’n gallu cerdded heb broblem ar wynebau anwastad, ond gallech chi rewi os bydd gan y llawr wyneb llyfnach neu batrymog. Neu, gallai ddigwydd i’r gwrthwyneb. Efallai byddwch chi’n canfod bod patrwm eich cerdded yn mynd yn afreolus a bod eich camau’n mynd yn llai ac yn llai.

Beth fydd yn digwydd imi?Dydy e ddim yn bosibl gwybod a fyddwch chi’n profi’r symptomau hyn. Gellir gweld rhewi yng nghamau cynnar Parkinson’s ac mewn pobl nad ydyn nhw’n cymryd unrhyw feddyginiaeth ar gyfer eu cyflwr. Ond mae’n fwy tebygol o ddigwydd os ydych chi wedi cael Parkinson’s ers cryn dipyn o amser, ac os ydych chi wedi bod yn

cymryd levodopa ers nifer o flynyddoedd. Mae Levodopa’n un o’r prif gyffuriau a ddefnyddir i drin symptomau Parkinson’s. Wedi ychydig o amser, efallai byddwch chi’n profi ymateb ysgafnach, llai rhagweladwy i levodopa. Mae’n bosibl y byddwch chi’n dal i brofi rhewi hyd yn oed os nad ydych chi’n cymryd levodopa.

A ydy rhewi’r un peth â mynd ‘i ffwrdd’?Mae rhai pobl â Parkinson’s yn cael cyfnodau ‘ymlaen’ ac ‘i ffwrdd’. Mae bod ‘ymlaen’ yn disgrifio’r amser pan yw symptomau person yn cael eu rheoli ac maen nhw’n teimlo ar eu mwyaf galluog. Mae bod ‘i ffwrdd’ yn disgrifio’r amser pan yw symptomau Parkinson’s yn ailddigwydd ac maent yn fwyaf gwanychol. Gall hyn ddigwydd yn gyflym iawn. Mae rhai pobl wedi’i ddisgrifio fel switsh golau’n cael ei droi ymlaen a’i ddiffodd. Gallai hyn fod yn arwydd nad yw eich meddyginiaeth levodopa’n gweithio cystal ag o’r blaen.

Mae bod ‘ymlaen’ ac ‘i ffwrdd’ yn wahanol i rewi. Yn ystod cyfnodau ‘i ffwrdd’ efallai na fyddwch chi’n gallu symud o gwbl, felly bydd cerdded, mynd i fyny’r grisiau neu ymestyn am gwpan yn anodd iawn. Ond mae pobl â Parkinson’s wedi dweud wrthym ni, pan ydyn nhw’n rhewi, mae’n effeithio ar symudiadau penodol neu rannau penodol o’r corff yn unig. Felly efallai na fyddwch chi’n gallu cerdded, ond efallai byddwch chi’n dal i allu ymestyn am wrthrych o’ch blaen i geisio helpu i symud ymlaen eto. Byddwch yn ofalus os bydd hyn yn digwydd i chi. Os bydd eich traed yn rhewi a cheisiwch ymestyn am gymorth nad yw’n ddigon agos, gallech chi golli’ch cydbwysedd a chwympo.

Mae gwahanol ddulliau o reoli rhewi a newidiadau ‘ymlaen/i ffwrdd’, felly dylai’ch arbenigwr neu nyrs Parkinson’s (os oes un gyda chi) eu trin fel problemau ar wahân.

Dysgwch ragor: gweler ein dalen wybodaeth Lleihau a symudiadau anwirfoddol (dyscinesia).

A all rhewi fod yn beryglus?Gall rhewi neu ymlusgo effeithio ar eich cydbwysedd a’i wneud yn fwy tebygol y byddwch

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chi’n cwympo. Gall ddigwydd ar unrhyw adeg a gallai bod mewn lleoedd gorlawn wneud iddo ddigwydd.

Cymerwch ofal â gweithgareddau megis cerdded ar hyd glannau dyfrffyrdd ac wrth groesi ffyrdd prysur. Hefyd gallai nofio fod yn anodd os ydych chi’n profi rhewi. Mae rhai pobl wedi dweud wrthym ni eu bod yn osgoi defnyddio grisiau a rhodfeydd awtomatig sy’n symud, yn arbennig pan ydych chi mewn canolfannau siopa, gorsafoedd rheilffordd a meysydd awyr. Efallai bydd yn ddefnyddiol ichi gael rhywun gyda chi pan ydych chi’n gwneud y gweithgareddau hyn, ble mae’n bosibl.

Dysgwch ragor: gweler ein dalen wybodaeth Cwympau a Parkinson’s, i weld rhagor ynghylch sut i leihau’r risg o gwympo.

A oes triniaethau ar gyfer rhewi?Siaradwch â’ch Meddyg Teulu, arbenigwr neu nyrs Parkinson’s am y driniaeth orau ar gyfer eich rhewi. Hefyd gallan nhw eich atgyfeirio i gael unrhyw therapi rydych yn ystyried y gallai’ch helpu chi.

CyffuriauOs ydych chi’n tueddu i rewi yn ystod cyfnodau ‘i ffwrdd’, gallai newidiadau i fath ac amseriad meddyginiaeth eich helpu i ‘ddiffodd’ yn llai aml. Siaradwch â’ch arbenigwr neu nyrs Parkinson’s am unrhyw newidiadau i’ch meddyginiaeth. Peidiwch â stopio cymryd eich meddyginiaeth gan y gallai hyn fod yn beryglus.

Pan yw rhewi’n digwydd yn ystod cyfnodau ‘ymlaen’, neu os nad yw’n unrhyw beth i ymwneud â’r newid rhwng cyfnodau ‘ymlaen’ ac ‘i ffwrdd’, fel arfer ni all cyffuriau Parkinson’s drin hyn.

Therapi galwedigaetholMae therapydd galwedigaethol yn weithiwr iechyd proffesiynol sy’n anelu at helpu pobl i fod mor annibynnol â phosibl. Maen nhw’n edrych ar sur ydych chi’n gwneud gweithgareddau dyddiol a gallan nhw roi cyngor ar wneud eich cartref neu weithle’n ddiogelach neu’n haws ei reoli. Gallai hyn gynnwys eich dangos dulliau haws ichi i wneud tasg neu weithgaredd megis mynd i

ac allan o’r gwely. Hefyd gallan nhw roi cyngor ynghylch cymhorthion neu gyfarpar i’ch helpu i wneud pethau’n haws a diogelach.

Gall therapydd galwedigaethol eich helpu i ganfod dulliau penodol o symud yn haws o gwmpas ardaloedd sy’n tueddu i achosi ichi rewi yn eich cartref ac o’i gwmpas. Hefyd gallan nhw eich helpu i ganfod dulliau o reoli achlysur rhewi mewn sefyllfaoedd eraill. Os ydych chi’n profi anawsterau ynghylch meddwl am eich bywyd dyddiol a’i drefnu, neu’n teimlo’n orbryderus iawn, gall therapydd galwedigaethol eich helpu chi hefyd i ddysgu technegau i reoli’r pryderon hyn.

Dysgwch ragor: gweler ein dalen wybodaeth Therapi galwedigaethol a Parkinson’s.

FfisiotherapiGan y gall Parkinson’s effeithio ar eich cydbwysedd a’r ffordd rydych yn sefyll (eich ystum), efallai bydd ffisiotherapi’n ddefnyddiol. Os ydych chi’n rhewi mewn ystum lle rydych chi’n crymu ymlaen gyda’ch pengliniau wedi’u plygu, eich sodlau oddi ar y tir a’ch pen ymlaen, rydych chi’n fwy tebygol o gwympo, gan nad yw’r atblygiad sy’n eich helpu i gadw’ch cydbwysedd yn gweithio mor dda. Po fwyaf byddwch chi’n ceisio symud eich traed, po fwyaf ansefydlog gallech chi fynd, yn ei wneud yn fwy tebygol y byddwch chi’n cwympo.

Gall ffisiotherapydd eich helpu gyda thechnegau i leihau’r risg y byddwch chi’n cwympo a’ch brifo’ch hunan wrth rewi. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys ymarferion i gryfhau cyhyrau’ch coesau, newid y ffordd rydych chi’n cerdded a gwella’ch ystum, megis:

y dysgu rhoi eich sawdl i lawr yn gyntaf wrth ichi gerdded – bydd hyn yn eich helpu i aros yn sefydlog

y dysgu delio â dau beth ar yr un pryd (megis cludo rhywbeth wrth gerdded) a sicrhau y gwyddoch ble i ganolbwyntio’ch sylw

y sythu’ch corff i ystum a fydd yn eich gwneud yn fwy sefydlog

y dulliau o’ch atal rhag pwyso’n ôl

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y defnyddio ‘arwyddion’ gwahanol (pethau y gallwch chi eu gwneud i annog ailgychwyn symudiadau)

y dysgu rheoli’ch rhewi mewn amrywiaeth o leoedd a sefyllfaoedd, fel y caiff eich cof ei sbarduno’n gyflymach mewn sefyllfaoedd bywyd go iawn

Hefyd gall eich ffisiotherapydd roi cyngor ichi ar gymhorthion cerdded. Mae’n bwysig cael cyngor proffesiynol oherwydd os na ddewiswch yr un cywir, gallen nhw wneud rhewi’n waeth yn hytrach nag yn well. Weithiau nid argymhellir rhai cymhorthion cerdded, megis fframiau Zimmer, ar gyfer pobl â Parkinson’s, felly siaradwch â gweithiwr proffesiynol cyn ichi ddefnyddio un. Mae llawer o bobl â Parkinson’s yn cerdded yn well heb unrhyw gymhorthion cerdded, ond dim ond ar ôl iddyn nhw ddysgu sgiliau symud i reoli’r broblem.

YmarferGall ymarferion i gadw’ch coesau i symud eich helpu i beidio â rhewi. Hefyd gallai ymarfer helpu’ch ystum a chydbwysedd.

Er enghraifft:

y Rhowch gynnig ar orymdeithio yn y fan a’r lle wrth sefyll neu hyd yn oed wrth eistedd. Gorymdeithiwch gan symud yn araf – yn siglo’ch breichiau ac yn codi’ch coesau’n uchel.

y Ceisiwch beidio ag eistedd yn llonydd am amser hir. Codwch a symud o gwmpas bob 20-30 munud, os gallwch chi.

Dysgwch ragor: gweler ein dalenni gwybodaeth Ffisiotherapi a Parkinson’s a Chwympau a Parkinson’s.

LlawdriniaethMae ysgogi yn nwfn yr ymennydd yn fath o lawdriniaeth a all helpu pobl â Parkinson’s. Mae rhai pobl yn canfod ei bod yn helpu eu rhewi, ond dydy llawdriniaeth ar yr ymennydd ddim yn addas i bawb.

Dysgwch ragor: gweler ein llyfryn Llawdriniaeth a Parkinson’s.

Beth allaf ei wneud i’m helpu fy hunan?Gall rhewi fod yn symptom gofidus, ac weithiau gall fod yn ddychrynllyd hyd yn oed. Os byddwch chi’n rhewi’n aml gallech chi osgoi’r lleoedd ble rydych chi’n fwy tebygol o rewi, megis gofodau cul, lleoedd gorlawn neu newydd neu ddrysau. Ond ddylai rhewi ddim eich atal rhag gwneud y pethau rydych chi’n eu mwynhau ac mae pethau y gallwch eu gwneud i’w reoli. Mae angen i bob unigolyn ganfod ei ddull ei hunan o ymdopi â rhewi. Cofiwch, os bydd eich traed yn rhewi ac yna byddwch chi’n ceisio ymestyn am gymorth nad yw’n ddigon agos, gallech chi golli cydbwysedd a chwympo. Technegau arwyddo Mae amrediad eang o dechnegau sy’n defnyddio ‘arwydd’ i’ch sbarduno i symud ar ôl ichi rewi. Rydyn ni wedi rhestru rhai dulliau isod a argymhellwyd gan therapyddion galwedigaethol a ffisiotherapyddion â phrofiad o weithio gyda phobl â Parkinson’s. Rhowch gynnig ar ychydig o bethau er mwyn canfod pa ddull neu ddulliau sy’n gweithio i chi. Gallai dulliau gwahanol weithio mewn sefyllfaoedd gwahanol. Unwaith eich bod wedi canfod beth sy’n fwyaf addas i chi, byddwch chi’n gallu defnyddio’ch dull neu strategaeth i ailddechrau cerdded neu lyncu bwyd a diod, os nad ydy hyn yn digwydd fel mater o drefn. Yn anffodus, fydd tuedd i rewi ddim yn diflannu, ond gallwch chi wella rheolaeth ar eich rhewi trwy ddefnyddio amrediad o strategaethau. Gallai meddu ar y wybodaeth ynghylch sut i ddelio â rhewi leihau unrhyw bryderon a allai fod gennych pan ydy’n digwydd.

Wrth i Parkinson’s ddatblygu, efallai na fydd dulliau rydych chi’n arfer eu defnyddio i reoli rhewi’n gweithio mor dda. Os bydd hyn yn digwydd, dylech chi roi cynnig ar arwyddion a dulliau eraill i ganfod rhywbeth sy’n gweithio i chi.Os nad ydy symudiad yn llifo’n dda, gall gwneud yr ymdrech i feddwl am bob rhan wahanol o symudiad cyfarwydd neu syml helpu.

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Beth i’w wneud pan ydych chi’n rhewi neu’n methu â chychwynOs bydd eich traed yn rhewi gallech chi gwympo felly gwnewch yn siŵr bod unrhyw deulu, ffrindiau a gofalwyr yn gwybod am eich rhewi ac yn gwybod sut i helpu pan fydd yn digwydd. Y peth cyntaf i’w wneud pan deimlwch eich hunan yn rhewi yw stopio symud. Mae hyn yn lleihau’r risg o gwympo ac yn rhoi amser ichi i ail-ganolbwyntio ar gydbwysedd, meddwl am eich symudiad nesaf a pharatoi’ch corff i ddechrau eto.

Gallech chi roi cynnig ar y dull dilynol pan ydych chi’n rhewi:

y STOPIWCH: tawelwch eich hunan a chymerwch anadl.

y MEDDYLIWCH: beth ydych chi am ei wneud?

y CYNLLUNIWCH: sut fyddwch chi’n ei wneud?

y GWNEWCH: cwblhewch y dasg neu symudiad.

Y dull newid pwysau y Pan fyddwch chi’n rhewi, peidiwch â cheisio symud ymlaen yn syth. Yn lle, symudwch y rhan fwyaf o’ch pwysau’n dirion i un goes (dyma sy’n digwydd fel arfer pan ydych chi’n cerdded). Bydd symud eich pwysau i’ch un goes gefnogol fel hyn yn gadael ichi gamu ymlaen â’r troed cyferbyn. I helpu gyda hyn cyfrwch ‘un, dau, tri camwch’ neu ddweud ‘un dau tri, i ffwrdd â ni’ wrthych chi’ch hunan i ddechrau symud eto.

y Efallai byddwch chi’n gallu ailddechrau cerdded trwy siglo’ch pen ac ysgwyddau’n dirion o’r naill ochr i’r llall. Gall y siglo hwn eich helpu i symud pwysau’ch corff at eich coes gefnogol.

y Efallai bydd yn helpu i ddweud rhywbeth wrthych chi’ch hunan wrth ichi wneud hyn, fel ‘symud fy mhwysau i’r goes chwith, yna camu gyda’r un dde’ (neu i’r gwrthwyneb). Efallai bydd rhaid ichi siglo o goes i goes i ryddhau’r pwysau ar bob troed cyn camu i ffwrdd.

Dulliau arwyddo sain a golwg Yn aml gall cyfrif, sain neu rythm helpu – felly efallai hoffech chi roi cynnig ar rai o’r syniadau isod:

y Cerdded yn y fan a’r lle i gadw rhythm y camu i fynd, pan ydych chi’n stopio i agor drws, er enghraifft.

y Penderfynu ar ôl rhewi ac oedi pa droed rydych chi’n mynd i gamu ag e’n gyntaf, yna camwch ymlaen. Ar ôl dweud rhywbeth fel ‘un, dau, tri, camwch’ neu‘un dau tri, i ffwrdd â ni’. Gallwch chi ddweud hyn yn uchel neu’n ddistaw wrthych chi eich hunan. Os yw rhywun gyda chi pan ydych chi’n rhewi, gallen nhw ddweud hyn ar eich rhan.

y Os yw ardal yn peri ichi rewi, efallai bydd defnyddio rhythm yn eich helpu i basio trwy ‘fan trafferthus’ heb broblem. Gallech chi ganu neu fwmian alaw wrth ichi gerdded (yn eich meddwl neu’n uchel). Cyfrwch eich camau o un i 10 (dechreuwch gyfri eto pan gyrhaeddwch 10), neu ddweud yn uchel ‘un, dau, un, dau, un, dau’ neu ‘chwith, de, chwith, de, chwith, de’. Mae’r math hwn o ddull yn cadw rhythm i fynd a gall leihau rhewi mewn drysau ac ati.

y Dywedwch air ‘sbarduno’ yn ddistaw wrthych chi’ch hunan megis ‘camwch’, ‘ewch’ neu ‘llyncwch’ er mwyn ailddechrau cerdded neu er mwyn llyncu bwyd neu ddiod.

y Os yw rhewi’n broblem fynych, gallech chi lawrlwytho cerddoriaeth i chwaraeydd MP3, fel y gallwch chi wrando arni wrth ichi gerdded, i helpu atal rhewi.

y Defnyddiwch fetronom i ailddechrau’ch cerdded. Mae metronom yn ddyfais a ddefnyddir gan gerddorion. Mae’n cynhyrchu tic neu guriad sy’n eu helpu i gadw rhythm. Gallwch chi ddod o hyd iddyn nhw’n hawdd trwy wneud chwiliad ar-lein neu wirio mewn siop offerynnau cerddorol. Gwiriwch y gallwch chi weithredu’r botymau rheoli bach cyn ichi brynu un.

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Defnyddio’ch dychymygOs ydych chi’n ei gael yn anodd dechrau symudiad, rhowch gynnig ar wneud y weithred yn eich meddwl yn gyntaf. Ceisiwch ddychmygu neu gofio gwneud y weithred yn fanwl, heb unrhyw anawsterau ynghylch symud. Weithiau gelwir y weithred o feddwl am weithredoedd fel hyn yn ‘rhagymarfer meddyliol’. Mae pobl chwaraeon a cherddorion yn defnyddio’r dechneg hon yn aml i ymarfer a gwella eu perfformiadau. Mae’n gweithio’n dda oherwydd bod meddwl am symud yn defnyddio’r un ardaloedd o’r ymennydd a ddefnyddir pan ydyn ni’n gwneud y symudiadau hyn mewn gwirionedd. Er enghraifft, i godi o gadair freichiau pan ydych chi’n teimlo’n sownd:

y dychmygu symud eich pen ôl at flaen y sedd, gan gadw’ch traed ychydig ar wahân ac wedi’u plygu’n agos i’r gadair, gyda’ch dwylo’n barod i wthio i lawr ar freichiau’r gadair

y yna dychmygu’r teimlad o wthio i lawr trwy’ch coesau a breichiau a phwyso ymlaen wrth ichi ddychmygu sefyll yn hawdd

y ar ôl ichi redeg trwy’r gweithredoedd yn eich meddwl, paratowch i symud trwy ddweud ‘un, dau, tri, sefyll’, wrth ichi wneud y set o weithredoedd rydych chi newydd eu dychmygu

Stribedi llawrOs ydych chi’n tueddu i rewi’n aml yn yr un lleoedd yn eich cartref ac nad yw’r dulliau rydyn ni wedi sôn amdanynt yn y ddalen wybodaeth hon yn gweithio, gallech chi roi cynnig ar ddefnyddio stribediu llawr i helpu gorchfygu mannau rhewi trafferthus. Mae’r rhain yn cael eu gwneud trwy ddefnyddio stribedi o dâp wedi’u glynu ar y llawr. Gallan nhw helpu os ydych chi’n profi problemau wrth droi neu newid cyfeiriad ar lawr patrymog. Hefyd gallan nhw helpu mewn drysau, ble bynnag mae angen ichi droi cornel, mewn cyntedd neu mewn ardaloedd cul eraill. Eglurir y ffordd i wneud hyn isod.

y Cymerwch ychydig o dâp gludiog, megis tâp masgio neu gwndid, mewn lliw sy’n wahanol i’r llawr neu’r carped.

y Torrwch y tâp yn hydoedd o oddeutu 40cm i 55cm (15mod i 22mod).

y Glynwch nhw’n gadarn i’r llawr neu garped, oddeutu 35cm i 50cm (13mod i 20mod) ar wahân.

y Ble mae cornel, rhowch y stribedi ar siâp gwyntyll o gwmpas y troad.

y Os yw lliw neu wead y llawr yn newid trwy ddrws, rhowch stribed ar yr uniad. Os yw’r llawr yr un peth ar bob ochr i’r drws, rhowch ychydig o stribedi ar yr un pellter ar bob ochr i’r trothwy.

Pan gerddwch dros y stribedi, peidiwch â phoeni ynghylch ble rydych chi’n rhoi eich traed. Camwch ar neu rhwng y llinellau fel sy’n addas i chi. Pan fyddan nhw’n dechrau treulio neu ddod yn llac ar yr ymylon, bydd angen ichi amnewid y stribedi gyda thâp newydd neu drefnu i rywun wneud hyn ar eich rhan yn rheolaidd.

Awgrymiadau arwyddo eraill y Os sylwch fod rygiau neu fatiau o wahanol liwiau’n gwneud ichi rewi, tynnwch nhw i ffwrdd o’ch llwybr arferol trwy ystafell. Rhowch gynnig ar eu lleoli rhywle nad ydych

“ Os ydw i wedi rhewi am ennyd ac yna’n dechrau symud eto, dw i’n canfod bod fy nghydbwysedd ychydig yn chwithig weithiau. I fi, dw i’n teimlo ei fod yn feddwl dros sylwedd lawer o’r amser. Mae’n rhaid imi edrych ar fy nhraed a mynnu eu bod yn symud, a dw i’n canfod bod hyn yn gwir helpu.” Mae Paul yn byw ym Mhenbedw ac yn mwynhau ymweld ag amgueddfeydd yn ei amser hamdden. Cafodd ei ddiagnosio â Parkinson’s yn 2013.

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chi’n cerdded yn aml, e.e. o dan y ffenestr. Mae lloriau lliw plaen a mannau taclus yn gwneud symud o gwmpas yn haws.

y Os yw rhywun sy’n gwybod am eich problem gyda chi pan ydych chi’n rhewi, gallan nhw eich helpu trwy roi un o’u traed o flaen eich traed chi ar ongl gywir. Bydd hyn yn rhoi rhywbeth ichi i gamu drosto i’ch cael i gerdded eto. Hefyd gallech chi roi cynnig ar gamu dros ben dolen ffon gerdded wedi’i throi tuag i fyny, ymbarél neu dros bapur newydd wedi’i rolio i fyny.

y Os yw eich camau’n rhy gyflym i’ch corff gadw i fyny, canolbwyntiwch ar arafu’ch rhythm camu a meddyliwch am wneud camau mwy. Gall hyn helpu i orchfygu ymlusgo, gan fod ymlusgo’n digwydd cyn rhewi’n aml.

Beth os ydw i’n rhewi mewn man prysur?Mae rhai pobl wedi dweud wrthym ni eu bod yn rhewi mewn mannau prysur, megis archfarchnadoedd, gorsafoedd, digwyddiadau cymdeithasol neu ganolau trefi. Os bydd hyn yn digwydd, dysgwch roi amser ichi’ch hunan i stopio, edrych a chynllunio’ch llwybr ar bwyntiau rheolaidd.

I wneud hyn:

y camwch tuag un ochr, allan o brif lif pobl eraill, ac os bosibl cyffyrddwch â rhywbeth solet megis wal er mwyn cynorthwyo’ch cydbwysedd ac edrych ar yr ardal o’ch blaen

y gwiriwch am unrhyw beth sydd yn y ffordd, megis blychau, plant, meinciau, goleuadau stryd neu drolïau

y penderfynwch yr union lwybr byddwch chi’n ei gymryd am gyn belled ag y gallwch chi weld neu eisiau mynd cyn cerdded i’r pwynt hwnnw

y ailadroddwch y dull hwn o ‘oedi, edrych, cynllunio a cherdded’ cyn amled ag sydd arnoch ei angen

Os na fydd yr un o’r dulliau hyn yn gweithio a bod arnoch angen brys dechrau symud eto ar ôl rhewi, ceisiwch blygu’ch pengliniau’n dirion a cherdded ymlaen yn yr ystum hwnnw.

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Rhagor o wybodaeth a chymorth

Nyrsys Parkinson’sMae nyrsys Parkinson’s yn darparu cyngor a chymorth arbenigol i bobl â Parkinson’s a’r rhai hynny sy’n gofalu amdanyn nhw. Hefyd gallan nhw gysylltu â gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol i sicrhau y diwallir eich anghenion.

Mae’r rôl nyrs Parkinson’s yn amrywio. Bydd pob un yn cynnig gwasanaethau gwahanol, yn anelu at ddiwallu anghenion lleol. Lleolir rhai nyrsys yn y gymuned, tra bod eraill wedi’u lleoli mewn sefyllfaoedd ysbyty.

Mae llawer o nyrsys Parkinson’s yn rhagnodwyr annibynnol. Mae hyn yn golygu y gallan nhw ragnodi a gwneud addasiadau i feddyginiaeth, felly nid oes angen i rywun â Parkinson’s weld eu harbenigwr am newidiadau i neu ymholiadau ynghylch eu cyffuriau â Parkinson’s bob tro.

Efallai na fydd nyrsys Parkinson’s ar gael ym mhob ardal, ond gall eich Meddyg Teulu neu arbenigwr roi rhagor o fanylion ichi ar wasanaethau lleol.

Gallwch chi ddysgu rhagor yn parkinsons.org.uk/nurses

Gwybodaeth a chymorth gan Parkinson’s UK Gallwch chi ffonio ein llinell gymorth gyfrinachol am ddim i gael cymorth a gwybodaeth gyffredinol. Ffoniwch 0808 800 0303 (mae galwadau am ddim oddi wrth linellau tir yn y DU a’r mwyafrif o rwydweithiau symudol) neu e-bostiwch hello@parkinsons.org.uk. Rydyn ni’n rhedeg gwasanaeth cymorth cyfoedion os hoffech chi siarad ar y ffôn â rhywun a effeithir gan Parkinson’s sydd wedi wynebu problemau tebyg i chi. Mae’r gwasanaeth yn gyfrinachol ac am ddim – ffoniwch y llinell gymorth i siarad â rhywun am gael eich paru â gwirfoddolwr.

Gall ein llinell gymorth eich cysylltu ag un o’n cynghorwyr lleol Parkinson’s, sy’n rhoi gwybodaeth a chymorth un wrth un i unrhyw un a effeithir gan Parkinson’s. Hefyd gallan nhw ddarparu dolenni i grwpiau a gwasanaethau lleol.

Mae gennym raglen hunan-reoli ar gyfer pobl â Parkinson’s, partneriaid a gofalwyr. Mae’n gyfle i fyfyrio ar fywyd gyda’r cyflwr, ddysgu am hunan-reoli a meddwl am y dyfodol. I ganfod a oes grŵp yn agos i chi, ewch i www.parkinsons.org.uk/selfmanagement

Mae gan ein gwefan parkinsons.org.uk lawer o wybodaeth ynghylch Parkinson’s a bywyd dyddiol gyda’r cyflwr. Hefyd gallwch chi ganfod manylion ynghylch eich tîm cymorth lleol a’ch cyfarfod grŵp lleol agosaf yn www.parkinsons.org.uk/localtoyou

Ewch at parkinsons.org.uk/forum i sgwrsio gyda phobl eraill sydd wedi cael profiadau tebyg ar ein fforwm trafod ar-lein.

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Mae'r dudalen hon wedi'i gadael yn wag yn fwriadol.

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Mae'r dudalen hon wedi'i gadael yn wag yn fwriadol.

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Diolch Diolch yn fawr i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu i’r ddalen wybodaeth hon neu wedi’i hadolygu:

Ana Aragon, Uwch-ddarlithydd Cyswllt a Therapydd Galwedigaethol Annibynnol

Dr Nin Bajaj, Niwrolegydd Ymgynghorol

Sophia Hulbert, Cymrawd Ymchwil a Ffisiotherapydd Clinigol

Diolch hefyd i’n grŵp adolygu gwybodaeth a phobl eraill a effeithir gan Parkinson’s a ddarparodd adborth. Allwch chi helpu?Yn Parkinson’s UK, rydyn ni’n gwbl ddibynnol ar roddion gan unigolion a sefydliadau i ariannu’r gwaith rydyn ni’/n ei wneud. Mae sawl ffordd y gallwch chi ein helpu i gefnogi pobl â Parkinson’s.

Os hoffech chi gymryd rhan, cysylltwch â’n tîm Gwasanaethau Cefnogwyr ar 0800 138 6593 neu ewch i’n gwefan yn parkinsons.org.uk/donate. Diolch.

Sut i archebu adnoddau 0845 121 2354resources@parkinsons.org.ukLawrlwythwch nhw oddi ar ein gwefan yn parkinsons.org.uk/publications

Rydyn ni’n gwneud pob ymdrech i sicrhau bod ein gwasanaethau’n darparu gwybodaeth gyfredol, ddiduedd a chywir. Rydyn ni’n gobeithio y bydd hon yn ychwanegu at unrhyw gyngor proffesiynol a dderbyniwch a’ch helpu i wneud unrhyw benderfyniadau y gallech chi eu hwynebu. Os gwelwch yn dda parhewch i siarad â’ch tîm iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol os ydych chi’n poeni ynghylch unrhyw agwedd ar fyw gyda Parkinson’s.

Os hoffech chi ddysgu rhagor am sut rydyn ni’n rhoi eich gwybodaeth ynghyd, gan gynnwys cyfeiriadau a’r ffynonellau gwybodaeth rydyn ni’n eu defnyddio, cysylltwch â ni yn publications@parkinsons.org.uk.

1. Dewiswch yr opsiwn sy’n addasach i chi. Mae gen i Parkinson’s a ches i fy niagnosio yn Rwy’n gofalu am rywun â Parkinson’s Mae gen i ffrind neu aelod teulu â Parkinson’s Rwy’n weithiwr proffesiynol yn gweithio gyda phobl â Parkinson’s Arall (pennwch)

2. O ble gawsoch chi’r wybodaeth hon? Meddyg Teulu Arbenigwr Nyrs Parkinson’s Grŵp lleol Parkinson’s UK Cynghorydd lleol Parkinson’s UK Wedi’i harchebu’n uniongyrchol gennym ni Galwad i’r llinell gymorth Arall (pennwch)

3. A ydy wedi ateb eich holl gwestiynau? Ydy, yn gyfangwbl Ydy, gan fwyaf Ddim yn siŵr Yn rhannol Ddim o gwbl

4. Pa mor hawdd oedd ei deall? Hawdd iawn Hawdd Ddim yn siŵr Eithaf anodd Anodd iawn

Rhewi yn Parkinson’s (FS63W/2015)A oes gennych unrhyw adborth ynghylch yr wybodaeth hon? Bydd eich sylwadau’n ein helpu i sicrhau bod ein hadnoddau mor ddefnyddiol a hawdd eu deall â phosibl. Dychwelwch at Y Tîm Cynnwys Gwybodaeth, Parkinson’s UK, 215 Vauxhall Bridge Road, Llundain SW1V 1EJ, neu e-bostiwch publications@parkinsons.org.uk. Diolch!

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Ni yw’r elusen Parkinson’s sy’n gyrru gofal, triniaethau ac ansawdd bywyd gwell.

Gyda’n gilydd gallwn ni symud y dydd ymlaen pan na fydd unrhyw un yn ofni Parkinson’s.

© Parkinson’s UK, Medi 2017. Parkinson’s UK yw enw gweithredu’r Parkinson’s Disease Society of the United Kingdom [Cymdeithas Clefyd Parkinson’s y Deyrnas Unedig]. Elusen wedi’i chofrestru yng Nghymru a Lloegr (258197) ac yn yr Alban (SC037554).

Parkinson’s UK215 Vauxhall Bridge Road Llundain SW1V 1EJLlinell gyfrinachol am ddim 0808 800 0303 (Dydd Llun I Ddydd Gwener 9am–7pm, Saturday 10am–2pm). Cyfieithu ar y pryd ar gael NGT Relay 18001 0808 800 0303 (I’w ddefnyddio gyda ffonau clyfar, llechenni, Cyfrifiaduron Personol a dyfeisiau eraill). Am ragor o wybodaeth gweler www.ngts.org.ukhello@parkinsons.org.ukparkinsons.org.ukCod archeb: FS63WDiweddariad diwethaf Tachwedd 2015. Rydyn ni’n adolygu ein gwybodaeth o fewn tair blynedd. Gwiriwch ein gwefan am y fersiynau mwyaf cyfredol o’n holl wybodaeth.

5. A ydy wedi’ch helpu i reoli’ch cyflwr yn well, neu wneud dewisiadau sydd wedi gwella’ch bywyd mewn rhyw ffordd? Mae wedi helpu llawer Mae wedi helpu ychydig Dim newid Dydy hi ddim wedi helpu Mae wedi gwneud pethau’n waeth

6. Beth yw eich cefndir ethnig?* Asiaidd neu Asiaidd Prydeinig Du neu Ddu Prydeinig Tsieineaidd Cymysg Gwyn - Prydeinig Gwyn - arall Arall (pennwch)*Rydyn ni’n gofyn am eich ethnigrwydd er mwyn sicrhau bod ein gwybodaeth yn cyrraedd amrediad eang o bobl. Fodd bynnag, mae’r cwestiwn hwn yn opsiynol.

Eisiau clywed rhagor gennym? Hoffwn i gael ymateb i fy adborth Hoffwn i fod yn aelod o Parkinson’s UK Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn ymuno â’r Grŵp adolygu Gwybodaeth, i gynnig adborth ar wybodaeth Parkinson’s UK Os ydych chi wedi ateb ‘Ie’ i unrhyw un o’r opsiynau hyn, byddwch gystal â chwblhau’ch manylion isod.EnwCyfeiriadE-bost Ffôn Pa ddull fyddai’n well gennych inni gysylltu â chi? E-bost Post Ffôn Fyddwn ni ddim yn trosglwyddo’ch manylion i unrhyw sefydliad neu drydydd parti arall. I ddysgu rhagor, darllenwch ein polisi preifat yn parkinsons.org.uk/termsandconditions

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We’re the Parkinson’s charity that drives better care, treatments and quality of life.

Together we can bring forward the day when no one fears Parkinson’s.

© Parkinson’s UK, June 2017. Parkinson’s UK is the operating name of the Parkinson’s Disease Society of the United Kingdom. A charity registered in England and Wales (258197) and in Scotland (SC037554).

Parkinson’s UK215 Vauxhall Bridge Road London SW1V 1EJ

Free confidential helpline 0808 800 0303 (Monday to Friday 9am–7pm, Saturday 10am–2pm). Interpreting available. NGT Relay 18001 0808 800 0303 (for use with smart phones, tablets, PCs and other devices). For more information see www.ngts.org.uk


Order code: FS63

Last updated November 2015. We review our information within three years. Please check our website for the most up-to-date versions of all our information.

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Thank you Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to or reviewed this information sheet:

Ana Aragon, Associate Senior Lecturer and Independent Occupational Therapist

Dr Nin Bajaj, Consultant Neurologist

Sophia Hulbert, Research Fellow and Clinical Physiotherapist

Thanks also to our information review group and other people affected by Parkinson’s who provided feedback.

Can you help?At Parkinson's UK, we are totally dependent on donations from individuals and organisations to fund the work that we do. There are many ways that you can help us to support people with Parkinson's.

If you would like to get involved, please contact our Supporter Services team on 0800 138 6593 or visit our website at parkinsons.org.uk/donate. Thank you.

How to order our resources 0845 121 2354 resources@parkinsons.org.uk Download them from our website at parkinsons.org.uk/publications

We make every effort to make sure that our services provide up-to-date, unbiased and accurate information. We hope that this will add to any professional advice you receive and will help you to make any decisions you may face. Please do continue to talk to your health and social care team if you are worried about any aspect of living with Parkinson’s.

If you’d like to find out more about how we put our information together, including references and the sources of evidence we use, please contact us at publications@parkinsons.org.uk.

1. Please choose the option that best fits you.

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Freezing in Parkinson’s (FS63/2015)Do you have any feedback about this information? Your comments will help us ensure our resources are as useful and easy to understand as possible. Please return to Information Content team, Parkinson’s UK, 215 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1EJ, or email publications@parkinsons.org.uk. Thank you!

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More information and support

Parkinson’s nursesParkinson’s nurses provide expert advice and support to people with Parkinson’s and those who care for them. They can also make contact with other health and social care professionals to make sure your needs are met.

The role of the Parkinson’s nurse varies. Each will offer different services, aiming to meet local needs. Some nurses are based in the community, whereas others are based in hospital settings.

Many Parkinson’s nurses are independent prescribers. This means they can prescribe and make adjustments to medication, so someone with Parkinson’s doesn’t always need to see their specialist for changes to or queries about their Parkinson’s drugs.

Parkinson’s nurses may not be available in every area, but your GP or specialist can give you more details on local services.

You can find out more at parkinsons.org.uk/nurses

Information and support from Parkinson’s UK You can call our free confidential helpline for general support and information. Call 0808 800 0303 (calls are free from UK landlines and most mobile networks) or email hello@parkinsons.org.uk. We run a peer support service if you’d like to talk on the phone with someone affected by Parkinson’s who has faced similar issues to you. The service is free and confidential – ring the helpline to talk to someone about being matched with a volunteer.

Our helpline can also put you in touch with one of our Parkinson's local advisers, who give one-to-one information and support to anyone affected by Parkinson’s. They can also provide links to local groups and services.

We also have a self-management programme for people with Parkinson’s, partners and carers. It is an opportunity to reflect on life with the condition, learn about self-management and think about the future. To find out if there is a group near you visit parkinsons.org.uk/selfmanagement

Our website parkinsons.org.uk has a lot of information about Parkinson’s and everyday life with the condition. You can also find details of your local support team and your nearest local group meeting at parkinsons.org.uk/localtoyou

You can also visit parkinsons.org.uk/forum to speak with other people in a similar situation on our online discussion forum.

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ythen imagine the feeling of pushing down through your legs and arms and leaning forward as you imagine standing up easily

yafter you’ve run through the actions in your mind, get ready to move by saying, ‘one, two, three, stand’, as you do the set of actions you’ve just imagined

Floor stripsIf you tend to freeze often in the same places at home and the methods we’ve mentioned in this information sheet don’t work, you could try using floor strips to help overcome freezing trouble spots. These are made using strips of tape stuck to the floor. They can help if you have problems turning or changing direction on patterned flooring. They can also help in doorways, wherever you need to turn a corner, in a corridor or in other narrow areas. The way to do this is explained below.

yTake some sticky tape, such as masking or duct tape, in a colour that’s different to the floor or carpet.

yCut the tape to lengths of around 40cm to 55cm (15in to 22in).

yStick them firmly to the floor or carpet, around 35cm to 50cm (13in to 20in) apart.

yWhere there is a corner, place the strips in a fan shape around the bend.

yIf the floor colour or texture changes through a doorway, put a strip on the joint. If the flooring is the same on each side of the doorway, put some strips at the same distance on each side of the threshold.

When you walk over the strips, don’t worry about where you put your feet. Step on or between the lines to suit yourself. When they become worn or unstuck at the edges, you’ll need to replace the strips with fresh tape or arrange for someone to do this for you regularly.

Other cueing tips yIf you notice that different coloured rugs or mats make you freeze, remove them from your usual route through a room. Try placing

them somewhere that you don’t walk often, eg under the window. Plain coloured flooring and uncluttered spaces make moving around easier.

yIf someone who knows about your problem is with you when you freeze, they can help by putting one of their feet in front of yours at a right angle. This will give you something to step over to get you walking again. You could also try stepping over the up-turned handle end of a walking stick, umbrella or over a rolled-up newspaper.

yIf your steps are too fast for your body to keep up with, concentrate on slowing down your stepping rhythm and think about making larger steps. This can help to overcome shuffling, as shuffling often happens before a freeze.

What if I freeze in a busy place?Some people have told us they freeze in busy places, such as supermarkets, stations, social events or town centres. If this happens, learn to give yourself time to stop, look and plan your route at regular points. To do this:

ystep to one side, out of the main flow of other people, and if possible touch something solid like a wall to aid your balance and look at the area ahead of you

ycheck for anything in the way, such as boxes, children, benches, street lights or trolleys

ydecide the exact route you will take for as far as you can see or want to go before walking to that point

yrepeat this method of ‘pause, look, plan and walk’ as often as you need to

If none of these methods work and you urgently need to start moving again after freezing, try gently bending your knees and walking on in that position.

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What to do when you freeze or can’t get startedIf your feet freeze you may fall over so make sure that any family, friends and carers know about your freezing and know how to help when it happens. The first thing to do when you feel yourself freeze is to stop moving. This reduces the risk of falling and gives you time to refocus on balance, think about your next move and prepare your body to start again.

You could try the following method when you freeze:

ySTOP: calm yourself and take a breath.

yTHINK: what do you want to do?

yPLAN: how are you going to do it?

yDO: complete the task or movement.

The weight shift method yWhen you freeze, don’t try to move forward straight away. Instead, gently move most of your weight to one leg (this is what normally happens when you go to walk). Shifting your weight to your one supporting leg like this will let you step forward with the opposite foot. To help with this count ‘one, two, three step’ or say ‘ready steady go’ to yourself to get moving again.

yYou may be able to re-start walking again by gently rocking your head and shoulders from side to side. This rocking can help you shift your body weight to your supporting leg.

yIt may help to say something to yourself as you do this, like ‘move my weight to left leg, then step with right’ (or vice versa). You may have to rock from leg to leg to release the weight on each foot before stepping off.

Sound and vision cueing methods Using counting, sound or a rhythm can often help – so you may like to try some of these ideas:

yWalk on the spot to keep the stepping rhythm going, when you stop to open a door, for example.

yDecide after freezing and pausing which foot you are going to step with first, then step forward

after saying something like ‘one, two, three, step’ or ‘ready, steady, go’. You can say this out loud or silently to yourself. If you have someone with you when you freeze, they could say this for you.

yIf an area causes you to freeze, using rhythm might help you pass through a ‘trouble spot’ without a problem. You could sing or hum a tune as you walk (in your mind or out loud). Count your steps from one to 10 (start counting again when you get to 10), or say out loud, ‘one, two, one, two, one, two’ or ‘left, right, left, right, left, right’. This sort of method helps keep a rhythm going and can reduce freezing in doorways etc.

ySay a ‘trigger’ word silently to yourself such as ‘step’, ‘go’ or ‘swallow’ to re-start walking or to swallow food or drink.

yIf freezing is a frequent problem, you could download music on to an MP3 player, so you can listen to it as you walk, to help prevent freezing.

yUse a metronome to re-start your walking. A metronome is a device that is used by musicians. It produces a regular tick or beat that helps them to keep to a rhythm. You can find them easily by doing an online search or checking in a musical instrument shop. Check you can operate the small control buttons before you buy one.

Using your imaginationIf you find it hard to start a movement, try doing the action in your mind first. Try to imagine or remember doing the action in detail, without any movement difficulties. Thinking about actions in this way is sometimes called ‘mental rehearsal’. Sports people and musicians often use this technique to practise and improve their performances. It works because thinking about moving uses the same areas of the brain that are used when we actually make these movements. For example, to get up from an armchair when you feel stuck:

yimagine moving your bottom to the front of the seat, keeping your feet slightly apart and tucked close to the chair, your hands ready to push down on the armrests

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because if you don’t choose the right one, they might make freezing worse rather than better. Some walking aids, such as Zimmer frames, aren’t always recommended for people with Parkinson’s, so speak to a professional before you use one. Many people with Parkinson’s walk better without any walking aids, but only once they have learnt movement skills to manage the problem.

ExerciseExercises to keep your legs moving may help stop you from freezing. Exercise may also help your posture and balance.

For example:

yTry marching on the spot when standing or even when sitting down. March in slow motion – swinging your arms and lifting your legs up high.

yTry not to sit still for a long time. Get up and move around every 20–30 minutes, if you’re able to.

Find out more: see our information sheets Physiotherapy and Parkinson’s and Falls and Parkinson’s.

SurgeryDeep brain stimulation is a type of surgery that can help some people with Parkinson’s. Some people find it helps their freezing, but brain surgery is not suitable for everyone.

Find out more: see our booklet Surgery and Parkinson’s. What can I do to help myself?Freezing can be an upsetting, and sometimes even frightening, symptom. If you freeze often you may avoid the places where you’re most likely to freeze, such as narrow spaces, crowded or new places or doorways. But freezing shouldn’t stop you doing the things you enjoy and there are things you can do to manage it. Every individual needs to find their own way of coping with freezing. It’s important to find out what is best for you and not to let worrying about freezing stop you doing anything you enjoy. Worry makes you more likely to freeze. Remember, if your feet freeze and you then try to reach out for support that is not close enough, you may over-balance and fall.

Cueing techniques There are a wide range of techniques that use a ‘cue’ to trigger your movement once you’ve frozen. We’ve listed some methods below that have been recommended by occupational therapists and physiotherapists with experience of working with people with Parkinson’s.

Try a few things to find out which method or methods work best for you. Different methods may work in different situations. Once you’ve found what suits you best, you’ll be able to use your method or strategy to restart walking or swallow food and drink, if this doesn’t happen automatically. You may even find ways to reduce or avoid freezing altogether. Unfortunately, a tendency to freeze will not disappear, but you can improve control over your freezing by using a range of strategies. Having the knowledge of how to deal with freezing may reduce any worries you may have when it happens.

As Parkinson’s develops, methods you normally use to manage freezing might not work as well. If this happens, you should try other cues and methods to find something that works for you. If a movement is not flowing well, making the effort to think about each separate part of a familiar or simple movement can help.

“ If you have difficulty getting through doorways, it can be helpful to paint a brightly coloured line (or stick securely a strip of contrasting carpet) across the opening. This seems to encourage me to lift my feet. Obviously this is only appropriate in your own home. I doubt that friends, hotels or restaurants would appreciate the gesture!

” Annebernadette, Parkinson's UK online forum user

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Can freezing be dangerous?Freezing or shuffling can affect your balance and make you more likely to fall over. It can happen at any time and may be brought on by being in crowded places.

Take care with activities such as walking along the side of waterways and when crossing busy roads. Swimming may also be difficult if you experience freezing. Some people have told us that they avoid using automatic moving stairs and walk-ways, especially when in shopping centres, train stations and airports. You may find it helpful to have someone with you when doing these activities, where possible.

Find out more: see our information sheet Falls and Parkinson’s for more about how to reduce the risk of falls.

Are there treatments for freezing?Speak to your GP, specialist or Parkinson’s nurse about the best treatment for your freezing. They can also refer you for any therapy that you both think may help you. Treatments include:

DrugsIf you tend to freeze during ‘off’ periods, changes to the type and timing of medication may help you ‘switch off’ less often. Talk to your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse about any changes to your medication. Don’t stop taking your medication as this can be dangerous.

When freezing happens during ‘on’ periods, or if it’s nothing to do with the change between ‘on’ and ‘off’ periods, this can’t normally be treated by Parkinson’s drugs.

Occupational therapyAn occupational therapist is a health professional who aims to help people be as independent as possible. They look at how everyday activities are done and can give advice on making your home or workplace safer or easier to manage. This may include showing you easier ways to do a task or activity such as getting in and out of bed. They can also give advice about aids or equipment to make doing things easier and safer.

An occupational therapist can help you find specific ways to move more easily around areas that tend to cause you to freeze in and around your home. They can also help you find ways to manage a freezing episode in other situations. If you have difficulties with thinking and organising day-to-day life, or feel very anxious, an occupational therapist can also help you learn techniques to manage these concerns.

Find out more: see our information sheet Occupational therapy and Parkinson’s.

PhysiotherapyAs Parkinson’s can affect your balance and the way you stand (your posture), physiotherapy may be helpful. If you freeze in a position where you’re stooped forward with your knees bent, heels off the ground and head forward, you’re more likely to fall, as the reflex that helps you keep your balance doesn’t work so well. The more you try to move your feet, the more unsteady you may become, making it more likely you will fall.

A physiotherapist can help you with techniques to reduce the risk of you falling and hurting yourself when you freeze. These include exercises to strengthen your leg muscles, change the way you walk and improve your posture, such as:

ylearning to put your heel down first when you walk – this will help you stay steady

ylearning to deal with doing two things at the same time (such as carrying something when walking) and making sure you know where to focus your attention

ystraightening your body into a posture that will make you more stable

yways to stop you leaning backwards

yusing different ‘cues’ (things you can do to encourage a movement to restart)

ylearning to control your freezing in a variety of places and situations, so that your memory will be triggered more quickly in real-life situations

Your physiotherapist can also give you advice on walking aids. It’s important to get professional advice

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“ If I’ve frozen for a while and then get going, I find my balance is sometimes a little off. So, I sit for a little while before I feel ready to move again. For me, I feel it’s mind over matter a lot of the time. I have to look at my feet and will them to move, which I find really helps.

” Paul lives in Birkenhead and enjoys visiting museums in his spare time. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2013.

Where and when can it happen?You’re most likely to freeze when you are walking, as walking is a series of individual movements that happen in a particular order. If one part of the sequence is interrupted, the whole movement can come to a stop.

You’re also more likely to freeze when:

yyou are walking towards doorways, chairs or around obstacles

yyou are turning or changing direction

yyou are distracted by another task when you are walking, and the ‘flow’ of walking is interrupted by an object, someone talking or if attention is drawn to something else

yyou are in places that are crowded

All of these will stop you being able to keep a rhythm going.

Usually the length of the steps we take changes when walking from smooth to uneven ground. But if you have Parkinson’s you may find it difficult making these changes automatically. For example, you may be able to walk without a problem on uneven surfaces, but may freeze when the floor is smoother or has a patterned surface. Or, the opposite might happen. You may find your walking pattern gets out of control and your steps get smaller and smaller.

Will it happen to me?It’s not possible to know if you will experience these symptoms. Freezing can be seen in the early stages of Parkinson’s and in people who aren’t taking medication for their condition. But it is more likely to happen if you’ve had Parkinson’s for some time, and if you’ve been taking levodopa for a number of years. Levodopa is one of the main drugs used to treat Parkinson's symptoms. After a while, you may have a milder, less predictable response to levodopa. You may still experience freezing even if you don’t take levodopa.

Is freezing the same as going ‘off’?Some people with Parkinson’s have ‘on’ and ‘off’ periods. Being ‘on’ describes when a person’s symptoms are controlled and they are feeling at their most capable. Being ‘off’ is when Parkinson’s symptoms recur and are at their most debilitating. This can happen very quickly. Some people have described it as like a light switch being turned on and off. This may be a sign that your levodopa medication is not working as well as before.

Being ‘on’ and ‘off’ is different from freezing. During ‘off’ periods, you might not be able to move at all, so walking, going up stairs or reaching for a cup will be very difficult. But people with Parkinson’s have told us that when they freeze, it only affects certain movements or parts of their body. So you might not be able to walk, but you might still be able to reach for an object ahead of you to try to help move forwards again. Be careful if this happens to you. If your feet freeze and you try to reach for support that is not close enough, you may overbalance and fall.

There are different ways of managing freezing and ‘on/off’ swings, so your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse (if you have one) should treat them as separate problems.

Find out more: see our information sheet Wearing off and involuntary movements (dyskinesia).

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Information and support

Freezing in Parkinson's

Many people with Parkinson’s will experience freezing.

This information sheet explains what freezing is, why it happens, what treatments are available and what you can do to manage it. It also gives you tips on how to get moving again and how to reduce the risk of falling if you freeze.

What is freezing? Freezing can be a common symptom in Parkinson’s. Many people describe it as like their feet getting ‘glued to the ground’. You may not be able to move forward again for several seconds or minutes. You may feel like your lower half is stuck, but the top half of your body is still able to move. You may freeze when you start to walk or when you try to turn around. But freezing does not just affect walking. Some people freeze during speaking or during a repetitive movement like writing or brushing their teeth.

If you have trouble starting a movement, this is sometimes called ‘start hesitation’. This may happen when you try to step forward just after you’ve stood up, when you want to start getting out of bed or when you try to swallow food or drink.

Find out more: see our information sheet Eating, swallowing and saliva control in Parkinson's.

Freezing may also happen with thinking. Some people find this when they are trying hard to remember something in particular, for example names or dates. Switching your attention to new topics and ideas can also be a problem sometimes.

Why do people with Parkinson’s freeze?Freezing often happens when something interrupts or gets in the way of a normal sequence of movement. But we still don’t know exactly what causes freezing. It can get worse if you’re feeling anxious, stressed or if you lose concentration. As Parkinson’s progresses, freezing is more likely to happen.

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