rights and responsibilities clip art from © north carolina community college system

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Rights and Responsibilities

Clip art from http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/clipart/default.aspx

© North Carolina Community College System

Everyone living in the United States has the rights

that are in the first two amendments to the Constitution.

• freedom of expression,

The First Amendment gives everyone the right to

• freedom of speech,

• freedom of assembly (freedom to gather together peaceably),

• freedom to petition the government,

• and freedom of worship.

• the right to bear arms.

The Second Amendment gives everyone

But some rights are only for United States citizens. These are

1. the right to vote in a federal election, and

2. and the right to run for federal office.

I am running

for President.

Please vote

for me!

Some responsibilities, too, are only for United States citizens:

1. voting in a federal election,(Voting is both a right and a responsibility!)

Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas. The leaders support the citizens’ interests.

2. serving on a jury.

The Constitution gives citizens the right to a trial by a jury of their peers. A jury is made up of U.S. citizens.

There are many ways Americans can participate in their democracy. They can

• vote,

• join a political party,

Democrats Republicans

• help with a campaign,

• join a civic group,





• join a community group,

Race for the Cure!

• give an elected official an opinion on an issue,

• call Senators and Representatives,

• publicly support or oppose an issue or policy,

Lower N.C. Gas Taxes!

• run for office, and

Elect Me!

• write to a newspaper.

People who are not citizens can participate in seven of the last ten


Can you find which seven?

In our next lesson, we will look at the promises people make when

they become naturalized American citizens.

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