rob sabourin - monty pythons flying test lab - eurostar 2010

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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EuroSTAR Software Testing Conference 2010 presentation on Monty Pythons Flying Test Lab by Rob Sabourin. See more at:


© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 1

Monty Python’s

Flying Test Lab

Robert Sabourin

President & Principal consultant

AmiBug.Com, Inc.

Montreal, Canada

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 2

And now for something completely different . . . Monty Python's Flying Circus

revolutionized comedy and brought zany British humor to a world-wide

audience. However, buried deep in the hilarity and camouflaged in its twisted

wit, lie many important testing lessons—tips and techniques you can apply to

real world problems to deal with turbulent projects, changing requirements,

and stubborn project stakeholders. Rob Sabourin examines some of the most

famous Python bits—―The Spanish Inquisition‖ telling us to expect the

unexpected, ―The Dead Parrot‖ asking if we should really deliver this product

to the customer, ―The Argument‖ teaching us about bug advocacy, ―Self

Defense Against Fresh Fruit‖ demonstrating the need to pick the right testing

tool, and a host of other goofy gags, each one with a lesson for testers.

• How to test effectively with persistence

• Make your point with effective communication

• Keys ways to clarify project goals and requirements

Monty Python’s Flying Test Lab!

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 3

• Overview– Learning and metaphors– Ambiguous requirements– Logic and reasoning– Dead software– I always wanted to be a tester– Throw code over the wall– Help desk arguments– Communications– Testing tools– Nobody expects the process


Monty Python’s Flying Test Lab!

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 4

Learning and Metaphors

• Teaching

• Learning

• Retaining

• Applying knowledge

• Share experiences

• Don’t get carried away …

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 5

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 6

Monty Python’s Flying Test Lab!

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 7

Monty Python’s Flying Test Lab!

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 8

Ambiguous Requirements

• Is it really perfectly


• Do not tick off the


• Decision tables?

• Real communications?

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 9

Witch Burning

• False logic

• Incongruent chain

of reasoning

• A witch weighs the

same as a duck!

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 10

Witch Burning

• Indirect


• Calibration

• The sound of


© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 11

Dead Parrot?

• When I bought

this software you

said it was taking

time to get to

know my


• ―Norwegian Blue

Screen Saver‖

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 12

Dead Parrot?• What do you

mean it’s


• It’s crashed!

• It has abended

• It will run no more

• It is deceased

• This is a dead


© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 13


• I always wanted

to be a tester,

Leaping from

bug to bug …

• “He’s a tester

and he’s OK –

He Sleeps all

night and he

works all day”

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 14

Lumberjack• He crashes

code and eats

his lunch and

lives by the

blue screen

• And when he

hears of Vista

he runs to the


© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 15

The Taunting

• So what exactly are

the developers

throwing over the


• A cow or a duck?

• Can we really ―run


© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 16

The Argument

• Helpdesk …

• This isn’t an

argument, it is a

series of


• Yes it is!

• No it isn’t.

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 17

Trading Languages

• Do you

understand the


• Do your


understand you?

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 18

Defend against fruit

• Choose the

right tool for the

right job.

• Take heed – do

not take claims

at face value.

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 19

Spanish Inquisition

• Nobody expects the

process inquisition!

• Our three weapons

are Fear, Surprise

and a Fanatical

Devotion to Thick


© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 20

Holy Hand Grenade

• Follow instructions or

just plain act on it.

• Do testers need to

hide behind process?

© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 21


• SPAM is finally


© Robert Sabourin, 2006 Slide 22

Thank You


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