roman catholic church 973-383 -1985 · 7/26/2020  · saint joseph roman catholic church...

Post on 04-Aug-2020






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Saint Joseph ROMAN CATHOLIC Church


seventeenth Sunday in ordinary time - july 26, 2020


of Masses

Weekdays Monday-Friday at 12:05pm

Weekends Saturday (Sunday Vigil) at 5:00pm

Sunday at 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:30am


Saturday at 4:00-4:30pm (or by appointment)

Our Parish Family is Served By

Weekly Mass Intentions

Father ST Sutton, Pastor 973-383-1985 -

Father Alexander Londono, Migrant Ministry

Father Edward Davey, Pastor Emeritus

Deacon Thomas Zayac, Deacon

Karen Glowatski, Office Administrator 973-383-1985 -

Doreen Zimmerman, Administrative Assistant 973-383-1985 -

Christine Shell, Director of Food Pantry 973-383-1985 -

Faith Formation - 973-383-8413

Kelly Robinson, Director of Music Ministry

Sharon Eltzholtz, Bulletin Assistant

Robert Lasser, Finance Administrator - 973-383-1985

TRUSTEES OF THE PARISH Dorothy Bosi, George Hayek

and Gerard Woodring

seventeenth Sunday in ordinary time – july 26, 2020

The Sanctuary Lamp, which burns near the Tabernacle

as a reminder of our Lord’s presence in the Most Holy Eucharist,

burns this week in loving memory of:

And the hosts and wine, which will become the Holy Body and Precious Blood of our Lord, were given in loving memory of:

Weekly Remembrance

May they now be resting in the peace of the Lord’s heavenly kingdom!

We pray for all those who are in need of the Lord’s healing presence:

Gary Arvary, Ron Ayers, Gene Belcher, Fred Bender, Mary Benziger, Egon Berninger,

John Ciccone, Louise Crann, Father Angelus Croce, James Cunningham, Alex DeMartino, Derya Demirtas,

Jennifer DiNardo, Mary Ann Dowling, Jennifer Downing, Russell English, John Fedash, Kathie Fetchko, Chris Flora,

Theresa Fusco, Monsignor Mark Giordani, Jim Gluszak, Gladys & John Greed, Joy Grenewicz, Suzanne Hammond, Finnuala Hanifan, Jessica & Hannah Joseph, Ann Inglima,

Susan Kadar, Father Daniel Kelly, Jessica Kirby, Darby Knox, Valerie Landell, Shirley Lavin, Elaine LeFever, Roberto Leyva,

Beth Malkin, Sal Mauceli, Deirdre Metzger, Sharon Miller, Jake Michael Miraldi, Mike Palumbo, Cheryl Piritz,

Joyce & Mike Polster, Michael Porfido, James Proulx, Joan Riccardi, John Rokicki, Donna Rozsas, Alexia Russ,

Father Jude Salus, George Scarpa, Ben Sellitto, Coleen Shields, Crystal Siro, Francis Siro, Terri Skill, Ernest Sprague, Gloria Steets, Kristen &

Sofia Steets, Evelyn Strauss, Joni Strauss, Delia Sutton, Edna & Paul Swenson and Rita Zimich.

Saturday 7/25 5:00pm Mike Biron Kevin Ryan Herrmann

Sunday July 26th

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time




Loreta Reyes Thomas C. Haxon

Loring R. Reyes Roberta Treptau

Eric Despotovich Francis & Stella Covel

Monday 7/27 12:05pm James Lee

Tuesday 7/28 12:05pm James C. Whitaker

Wednesday 7/29 12:05pm Father Hugh P. Murphy

Thursday 7/30 12:05pm Thomas C. Haxton

Friday 7/31 12:05pm Donald Charette

Saturday 8/1 5:00pm Wayne Van Vleet

Sunday August 2nd

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time




Richard Rodimer Monsignor John Demkovich

Chet Zukowski, Sr. Ted Olechowski

Francis & Stella Covel Terry Saita

“Oremus Pro Invicem”

This week’s events

Food pantry

July 19, 2020

Collection $6,011 Online Giving $1,458

Total: $7,469

Thank you for your generosity!

Confessions will continue this week

on Saturday from 4:00-4:30pm

in front of the Blessed Mother’s Altar.

Public Daily Mass continues each day

Monday-Friday at 12:05pm.

Weekend Masses are the normal schedule!

August 2, 2020

Isaiah 55:1-3 Romans 8:35, 37-39

Saint Matthew 14:13-21


Next Weekend readings

“If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are.”

Welcome Back!

We thank everyone who dropped off groceries this past week in church after Mass and at our food pantry.

For the safety of our volunteers and clients, we will continue to have our clients complete a shopping list of their needs and desires. A shopping bag will be filled by the volunteers and given to the clients.

Now that we are open, the following items are most needed. Thank you so much for your support for our Saint Mother Teresa food pantry.

Ketchup Toilet paper Mayonnaise Paper towels Canned chicken Laundry detergent Canned tuna Dish soap Hamburger Helper (all kinds) Shampoo Chef Boyardee (all kinds) Conditioner Pancake syrup Body wash Baked beans Deodorant (men/women) Cookies Toothpaste Fruit snacks Men’s shampoo Knorr’s pasta sides (all kinds) Cat food Knorr’s rice sides (all kinds) Dog food Spam Snack-size applesauce and puddings Canned white potatoes Flavored oatmeal Salad Dressing (Ranch, French and Thousand Island)

New office hours

“Chrism Mass in July”

We congratulate our new bishop as he celebrated his first “Chrism Mass

in July” this past Wednesday evening at the Cathedral of Saint

John the Baptist in Paterson.

Although there was a small crowd of priests, deacons, seminarians, religious and laity, it was a great

start of his legacy as the 8th Bishop of the Diocese of Paterson.

The Bishop highlighted the need to pray for the “wounded army” of

priests who serve the diocese and also focused on how the Church

needs to be present, listening to those who have been affected by the clergy abuse scandal. Bravo Bishop!!

Ad multos annos!

The Parish Center Offices are open Monday-Friday from 9:00am-12:00pm. We can be reached at: 973-383-1985

or by email:

First holy communion

Hanna Rose Austin

Dylan Edward Carleton

Diego Ezequiel Diaz

Baltazar & Alexander Jaoudy

Adamary & Jan Carlos Lugo-Cinto

Justin Ivan Menjivar Guerra

Alexa Marie Nogueira

Congratulations to all our First Holy Communicants - July 18, 2020

Ricardo Carbajal-Cinto

Patrick Rigail

Abriana Nuvia Restrepo

Mariska Esperanza Sanchez-Reyes

Jason Charles Schell, Jr.

Myles Matthew Sutich

Giovanny & Nicole Diane Villegas-Sanchez

What will become our new “normal?”

Over the past several months, many people have emailed and written to me, reminding me of their support (both prayerfully and financially) during this global epidemic. I think it deserves repeating; again and again, I am truly in awe of the generosity of so many people. Thank you!

I have also received correspondence concerning the fear and anguish people are experiencing in losing what they knew as “normal” in their lives and in our local church of Saint Joseph. “It doesn’t feel warm and friendly coming anymore.” “What happened to our parish family?” “Will we ever return to ‘normal’ again?” To which I can only say; we will never return to what we had because it is in the past. Still, what we will create in the future (I believe) will be something different and my hope and prayer is, something better.

These past few weeks, we have heard the parables of Jesus using the imagery of the soil and the seeds. To take this motif a step further, it seems like someone has uprooted our grain of good deeds and faith and not only planted weeds, but poisonous and truly evil deeds as well.

Violence in our streets has reached epidemic proportions. Damage to property, stores, civil and religious statues have been defaced and toppled, millions of dollars in destruction and the worst, the absolute worst, is the loss of innocent life which has been all accomplished in the name of “progress?” I think not.

As always, I am a hopeful realist for our future. I continually believe that it is always darkest before the dawn. That like many people who need to “hit bottom” before getting clean and sober, I believe it is the same for society as well. Unfortunately, watching our nation “hit bottom” is not a pleasant thing to endure or witness.

The same is true for our Church as well. It seems being separated from The Most Blessed Sacrament at daily Mass for eighty-eight days may have been “rock bottom” for many (at least it was for me). Now, seeing our church half empty makes me genuinely sad as well. Nonetheless, I truly realize, understand, and respect the fear that so many people still have about the virus and how it is transmitted. Still, little by little, people are beginning to return and this gives me great hope.

It seems that some were confused, thinking that I said “If you were over sixty years of age, you should stay home.” What I did was only publish the guidelines of the diocese. Like with everything in this “new norm,” I will continue to treat people with dignity and respect. I will allow people to make their own choices and decisions on what is best for them (of course while respecting the safety of those around them).

My experience here in Newton is that the “mature” seem to have returned the quickest. I attribute it to craving and starving for the Eucharist with a fearlessness of their faith. I attribute this to the great faith of so many people in the “fall” of their lives. Again, this is not making any judgment on those who choose to remain at home, but just a commentary on those who have returned so quickly.

So what is this “new normal” that our Church will be? I am honestly not sure, but I have great faith in God and His people, to move forward safely, conscientiously and faithfully. I have come to know firsthand the resilience and faithfulness of the people of Saint Joseph Church and know that what we will become will be stronger, more faith-filled and grateful.

Our diocese has a new bishop. I have great hope for his success and ability to change our diocese and her clergy into something new and something better. Maybe our prayer should be that of Solomon from this weekend’s Readings, that we would be granted “An understanding heart” and pray that the Lord will respond “I give you a heart so wise and understanding that there has never been anyone like you up to now, and after you there will come no one to equal you” (1 Kings 3:12).

Maybe the “treasure” that the Lord speaks of in Saint Matthew’s Gospel will be for us, not pearls, money, prestige, or power, but a greater hope and trust in Him to “Make all things anew” (Isaiah 43:18). Possibly as we see more and more people return to their own pews, we will begin to see our local church here in Newton be transformed into a greater space, a more welcoming and kind environment, where truly “All Are Welcome!” Maybe even sometime soon, we will be able to actually extend a sign of peace in a personal touch and not from a distance.

However, until that time comes, know that you are in my daily prayers, and I humbly ask for yours. Not only for me as your pastor, but for your brothers and sisters who have returned to church and for those who are still not comfortable or are even fearful about returning.

In all that we do, let us always take to heart the unfailing and timely words of Saint Paul as he wrote his First Letter to the early Church living in Corinth: “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

When the Sadducees asked Jesus which was the greatest commandment in the Law, I think His answer is quite apropos for us at this time as well: “You shall love the Lord Your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost Commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two Commandments, depend the whole Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 22:37-40).

Please keep our Confirmandi in your prayers as they will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, August 8th at the hands of Father ST.

Please return your Registration Packet.

Our printable Registration Packet for the 2020-21 Faith Formation school year is still

available on our website

Your completed Registration Packet may be dropped off at the Parish Center Office

M-F 9:00am-12:00Noon or in the collection basket at church when you come to Mass.

We are still waiting on the protocols and

procedures for the opening of the public schools in Newton. As soon as we hear from them, we will be

posting them here in our bulletin and online.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during these difficult times in our lives and the

life of our Church.

Christmas in July sale

Salvation of souls

The Father Michael J. Burke Thrift Shop is OPEN

Shop hours are: Thursday and Friday 10:00am-4:00pm

Saturday 9:30am-12:30pm

There will be a Welcome Back Sale and a Christmas in July sale!

Stop by to see a variety of goods at half price.

All Customers MUST wear a mask.

Faith formation news

The Don Bosco Columbiettes #7784 are sponsoring a campaign to seek our Blessed Mother’s intercession

for the Salvation Of Souls. Please support this endeavor to pray


The campaign will be extended until August 31, 2020.

You can e-mail your tallies to:

The tally so far is: 3,497,221

Is there any family that is in need of a beautiful bedroom set for a girl? There are several pieces and they are available for you to come and see what they look like. It was generously donated by a family of the parish several months ago and the original family for whom it was intended, did not have the room for it. So if you think you might be interested in these beautiful pieces of furniture, please call the Parish Center Office during the week at: 973.383.1985.

Part-time help needed

Good Shepherd Church in Andover is seeking a

part-time (twenty [20] hours weekly] Director of

Faith Formation for Grades 1 -7.

This individual will report directly to the pastor

and will have the responsibilities of organizing,

coordinating and implementing the Religious

Education Program. The desired candidate

should have at least two (2) years prior

experience in this position, be a team player,

possess strong interpersonal skills in dealing

with families, children, co-workers and be

technologically proficient. The candidate must

also be a practicing Catholic in good standing.

Kindly send resume and cover letter to

Girl’s bedroom set

Please support those who support us!

Come and Visit

Father Michael J. Burke Thrift Shop (located across the street from the Parish Center)

We are OPEN for business and drop-off

Thursday-Friday 10:00am-4:00pm Saturday 9:30am-12:30pm

Confessor, Spiritual Advisor and Friend. Gone to his eternal reward.

Dr. Francis A. Siro, OFS

Dr. Maria M. Cruz Dr. Carlos A. Abdul-Chani

8 US Highway 206 Stanhope, New Jersey 07874

(973) 347-7500

ABBEY GIFT SHOP 289 Route 206, Newton

973-383-2092 Books, Rosaries, Statues,

Jewelry ,Crucifixes Tuesday-Saturday 9:30-11:45am

1:15-4:30pm, Sunday 1:15-4:30pm

Saint Joseph Church’s Cemetery 137-151 Route 206 - Newton, New Jersey

Crypts and niches are still available in our Queen of Heaven Mausoleum (inside and outside)

For further information, please contact our Parish Center at: 973.383.1985

Smith-McCracken Funeral Home

63 High Street, Newton, NJ - 973-383-4600

Our Caring Staff of Funeral Directors Robert E. McCracken, Owner/Manager - N.J. Lic. No. 3640

Andrew Jorritsma, Director - N.J. Lic. No. 3860, Rachael Zeberl, Director - N.J. Lic. No. 5127 At Need Funerals - Prearrangement Consultation - Medicaid & SSI Funeral Trusts–Cremation Services-Monuments

Jude DiGidio, CFP 973-729-0125 x202 B&D Group 1A Main Street, Suite 5 Sparta, NJ 07871

B&D Carefully Planned, Smart Investing

Securities offered through LPL Financial, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC B&D Group and LPL Financial Inc. are separate entities

Happy Birthday

Ayden Elizabeth



2017 Gold N.J. Herald Reader’s Choice Best Pet Services


March 11, 2018

We remember you with great fondness and love.

We remember Director Kyle Coleman, Corrections Officers Jerry Esparza and

Jackson Pongay and Deputy Sheriff William Garner

who died in the line of duty or complications from the Wuhan Virus this past week.

May they be resting in the peace of God’s heavenly kingdom!

In Loving

Memory of

Randy Arthur Church

We pray for all those who are sick with the Wuhan Virus, those who have died

and those who care for them. May the Lord of mercies continue to bless them with His healing power.





Securities offer through Allstate Financial Services, LLC (LSA Securities in LA and PA). Registered Broker - Dealer, Member FINRA, SIPC


Catholic Family Owned & Operated Louis R. Ruggiero, Owner, President, Director; N.J. State Lic. No. 3686

Domenic L. Ruggiero, Manager, Director, N.J. State Lic. No. 3968 156 MAIN STREET (ROUTE 206) NEWTON, NJ


Frank Gargin, MBA Personal Financial Representative Allstate Financial Services, LLC 191 Woodport Road Sparta, NJ 07871 Office 973-729-8644 Fax 973-729-1166

“This is how all will know

that you are my disciples, if you have love for one


John 13:35



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Foundations, etc. Free Estimates

Fully Insured

973-383-7412 Find us on Facebook

Thank you for your support during these difficult times.

We are still open for takeout and delivery.

Please call ahead for your orders.

Compassionate Care Hospice Our Medicare Certified hospice program is committed to helping patients and their Families live fully and comfortably during life’s most

challenging time. Our goal is provide holistic, compassionate care to patients by considering their medical, physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Our specially trained staff woks as a dedicated team providing comfort, preserving dignity and enhancing quality of life. We recognize that living with a life-limiting illness presents a unique set of challenges, and we have developed disease-specific, home

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IC 1











Is there someone you would like to

remember on their

anniversary or birthday?

10 East Clinton Street, Newton 973-383-9330

Gone but never forgotten.

Continue to

watch over your parish family and priest.

We pray for all those who have lost loved ones by the Wuhan

Virus. May the Lord give those who have

died eternal rest and share with their families and friends,

His peace!

Pray for our Salesian Sisters and all the good work they do, especially as Catechists in our

Faith Formation Program.

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