room data sheet - pacific lutheran university 5, 2001 pacific lutheran university room data sheets...

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November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 1

Room Data Sheet Room 103 General Function Public Events


Description * in instructor�s console

Units Size Fixed or Mobile Power Req. Other

Screen 1 W - 8�, S -10� Fixed No

VCR* 1 16x11x4 Fixed Yes*

CD/DVD Player* 1 16x11x4 Fixed Yes*

Sound System* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*

Overhead Projector 1 13x13x27 Mobile Yes*

Overhead Cart 1 14x18x34 Mobile No

Computer Projector 1 14x24x8.5 Fixed Yes less than 25#

Instructor�s Console 1 To be


Fixed Yes (floor


Desktop Computer* 1 In rack Fixed Yes*

LCD Panel* 1 9x15x15 Fixed Yes*

Document Camera* 1 28x21x23 Fixed Yes*

System Interface* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*


Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics.

Walls � Special acoustics for videoconferencing in room. Acoustical treatment to separate

from noise generated from AV Production Room 104. See

CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data. Whiteboards on at least front

wall. Videoconference/webstreaming panels described in CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf,

CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and CLT17620AVControlRoomFigures.pdf

Ceiling � Two ceiling recessed screen troughs along south and east walls. One 10� screen

mounted on south wall for projection; secondary 8� screen mounted on east wall near

front of room. Space along projection plane for mounting computer projector; space free

of lighting grid. See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data as well as

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf and

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassroomsFigures.pdf for details..

November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 2


Doors � Include small vision panel for door or next to door. Adjust door s in room 104 and

102 to move outward from south wall to prevent disruption of sessions in 103 due to

access to room 104.

Windows � Include treatment for room darkening for projection.

Mechanical Ventilation � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.

Air Conditioning � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.


Electrical Power � One outlet in front of room; one in back of room along projection plane. One outlet in

ceiling near computer projector on same circuit as instructor console power. Add outlet in

ceiling 8 ft. back from screen for videoconference lighting or provide track lighting rack.

See CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 1.1 and


Lighting � See CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 2.5 and


Communications � Cable TV outlets and network lines in instructor�s console; network line to

computer projector. For cable TV details, see CLT17560CableService.pdf,

CLT17560CableServiceRA.pdf, and CLT17560CableServiceFigures.pdf. For networking,

see PLU Telecommunications Division 17 specifications. Videoconference/webstreaming

connections described in CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf,

CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and CLT17620AVControlRoomFigures.pdf


Pipes Services



November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 3

Room Data Sheet Room 104 General Function AV Control Room

Equipment For cable TV details, see CLT17560CableService.pdf,

CLT17560CableServiceRA.pdf, and CLT17560CableServiceFigures.pdf. For networking,

see PLU Telecommunications Division 17 specifications. Videoconference/webstreaming

connections described in CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf,

CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and CLT17620AVControlRoomFigures.pdf


Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics.

Walls � See CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf, CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and


Ceiling � See CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf, CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and


Opening Doors � Should open into lobby; not into classroom. See CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf,

CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and CLT17620AVControlRoomFigures.pdf

Windows �

Mechanical Ventilation � See CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf, CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and


Air Conditioning � See CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf, CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf,

and CLT17620AVControlRoomFigures.pdf


Electrical Power � See CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf, CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and


Lighting � See CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf, CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and


Communications � Cable TV outlets and network lines in instructor�s console; network line to

computer projector. For cable TV details, see CLT17560CableService.pdf,

CLT17560CableServiceRA.pdf, and CLT17560CableServiceFigures.pdf. For networking,

see PLU Telecommunications Division 17 specifications. Videoconference/webstreaming

November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 4

connections described in CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf,

CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and CLT17620AVControlRoomFigures.pdf


Pipes Services



November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 5

Room Data Sheet Room 105 General Function Classroom


Description * in instructor�s console

Units Size Fixed or Mobile Power Req. Other

Screen 2 W - 8� , W - 8� Fixed No

VCR* 1 16x11x4 Fixed Yes*

CD/DVD Player* 1 16x11x4 Fixed Yes*

Sound System* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*

Overhead Projector 1 13x13x27 Mobile Yes*

Overhead Cart 1 14x18x34 Mobile No

Computer Projector 1 14x24x8.5 Fixed Yes less than 25#

Instructor�s Console 1 To be


Fixed Yes (floor


Desktop Computer* 1 In rack Fixed Yes*

LCD Panel* 1 9x15x15 Fixed Yes*

Document Camera* 1 28x21x23 Fixed Yes*

System Interface* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*


Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics.

Walls � Special acoustics for videoconferencing in room. Acoustical treatment to separate

room east wall from noise generated from restrooms. See

CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data. Acoustical treatment for east

wall to reduce restroom noise. Whiteboards on at least front wall.

Videoconference/webstreaming panels described in CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf,

CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and CLT17620AVControlRoomFigures.pdf

Ceiling � Two 8� screens mounted on west wall ceiling in recessed screen trough all along

front of room. Space along projection plane for mounting computer projector; space free

of lighting grid. See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data as well as

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf and

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassroomsFigures.pdf for details..

November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 6


Doors � Include small vision panel for door or next to door.

Windows � Include treatment for room darkening for projection.

Mechanical Ventilation � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.

Air Conditioning � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.


Electrical Power � One outlet in front of room; one in back of room along projection plane. One outlet in

ceiling near computer projector on same circuit as instructor console power. See

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 1.1 and


Lighting � Add outlet in ceiling 8 ft. back from screen for videoconference lighting or provide

track lighting rack. See CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 2.5 and


Communications � Cable TV outlets and network lines in instructor�s console; network line to

computer projector. For cable TV details, see CLT17560CableService.pdf,

CLT17560CableServiceRA.pdf, and CLT17560CableServiceFigures.pdf. For networking,

see PLU Telecommunications Division 17 specifications. Videoconference/webstreaming

connections described in CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf,

CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and CLT17620AVControlRoomFigures.pdf

Plumbing - Acoustical treatment for east wall to reduce restroom noise.

Pipes Services



November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 7

Room Data Sheet Rooms 107 and 108 General Function Classroom, Seminar Classroom


Description * in instructor�s console

Units Size Fixed or Mobile Power Req. Other

Screen 2 W - 7�, W � 7� Fixed No

VCR* 1 16x11x4 Fixed Yes*

CD/DVD Player* 1 16x11x4 Fixed Yes*

Sound System* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*

Overhead Projector 1 13x13x27 Mobile Yes*

Overhead Cart 1 14x18x34 Mobile No

Computer Projector 1 14x24x8.5 Fixed Yes less than 25#

Instructor�s Console 1 To be


Fixed Yes (floor


Desktop Computer* 1 In rack Fixed Yes*

LCD Panel* 1 9x15x15 Fixed Yes*

Document Camera* 1 28x21x23 Fixed Yes*

System Interface* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*


Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics.

Walls � Special acoustics for videoconferencing in room. See

CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data. Whiteboards on at least front

wall. Videoconference/webstreaming panels described in CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf,

CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and CLT17620AVControlRoomFigures.pdf

Ceiling � Two 7� screens mounted on west wall in recessed ceiling screen trough all along

front of room. Space along projection plane for mounting computer projector; space free

of lighting grid. See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data as well as

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf and

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassroomsFigures.pdf for details..

Opening Doors � Include small vision panel for door or next to door.

Windows � Include treatment for room darkening for projection.

November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 8

Mechanical Ventilation � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.

Air Conditioning � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.


Electrical Power � One outlet in front of room; one in back of room along projection plane. One outlet in

ceiling near computer projector on same circuit as instructor console power. See

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 1.1 and


Lighting � Add outlet in ceiling 8 ft. back from screen for videoconference lighting or provide

track lighting rack. See CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 2.5 and


Communications � Cable TV outlets and network lines in instructor�s console; network line to

computer projector. For cable TV details, see CLT17560CableService.pdf,

CLT17560CableServiceRA.pdf, and CLT17560CableServiceFigures.pdf. For networking,

see PLU Telecommunications Division 17 specifications. Videoconference/webstreaming

connections described in CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf,

CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and CLT17620AVControlRoomFigures.pdf


Pipes Services



November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 9

Room Data Sheet Room 114 General Function Open Lab


Description * in instructor�s console

Units Size Fixed or Mobile Power Req. Other

Screen 1 7� Fixed No

Sound System* 1 19� rack Mobile Yes*

Computer Projector 1 14x24x8.5 Fixed Yes less than 25#


Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics.

Walls �Wall patch panel for access to AV display/sound systems. See

CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data. Whiteboards on at least front


Ceiling � One 7� screen mounted on east wall in screen trough recessed in ceiling all along

front of room. Space along projection plane for mounting computer projector; space free

of lighting grid. See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data as well as

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf and

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassroomsFigures.pdf for details..

Opening Doors � Include small vision panel for door or next to door.

Windows � Include treatment for room darkening for projection.

Mechanical Ventilation � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.

Air Conditioning � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.


Electrical Power � One outlet in front of room; one in back of room along projection plane. One outlet in

ceiling near computer projector on same circuit as instructor console power. See

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 1.1 and


Lighting � See CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 2.5 and


November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 10

Communications � Cable TV outlets and network lines in instructor�s console; network line to

computer projector. For cable TV details, see CLT17560CableService.pdf,

CLT17560CableServiceRA.pdf, and CLT17560CableServiceFigures.pdf. For networking,

see PLU Telecommunications Division 17 specifications.


Pipes Services



November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 11

Room Data Sheet Rooms 115, 116, 117 General Function Multimedia and Studios


Description * in instructor�s console

Units Size Fixed or Mobile Power Req. Other

Screen 1 8� Fixed No Transluscent?

CD/DVD Player* 1 16x11x4 Portable Yes*

Sound System* 1 19� rack Portable Yes*

Computer Projector 1 14x24x8.5 Fixed Yes less than 25#

Instructor�s Console 1 To be


Portable Yes (wall


Against wall

Desktop Computer* 1 In rack Portable Yes*

LCD Panel* 1 9x15x15 Portable Yes*

System Interface* 1 19� rack Portable Yes*


Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics.

Walls � Acoustical treatment for multimedia recordings and videoconferencing. Sound

treatment is especially important for studios 116 and 117. See

CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data. Whiteboards on walls around

perimeter of rooms and in studios. Videoconference/webstreaming panels described in

CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf, CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and


Ceiling �Recessed ceiling screen trough along south wall; 8� screen mounted over south wall

in front of room in front of windows. Screen translucent to pass image through windows to

lobby. Space along projection plane for mounting computer projector; space free of

lighting grid. See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data as well as

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf and

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassroomsFigures.pdf for details..

Opening Doors � Include small vision panel for door or next to door.

Windows � Include treatment for room darkening for projection.

November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 12

Mechanical Ventilation � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.

Air Conditioning � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.


Electrical Power � One outlet in front of room; one in back of room along projection plane. One outlet in

ceiling near computer projector on same circuit as instructor console power. Power

around perimeters of all rooms. See CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 1.1 and


Lighting � Add outlet or lighting track in ceiling 8� from screen for videoconference lighting.

See CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 2.5 and

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassroomsFigures.pdf. Studio lighting separately controlled for

each room.

Communications � Add 1 ½� x 8� wire channel about 32� off floor just above desk height for

cabling among workstations. Panels should be removable in 4� sections. Route wire

channel along floor below floor-to-ceiling windows on south and west walls. Cable TV

outlets and network lines in instructor�s console; network line to computer projector. For

cable TV details, see CLT17560CableService.pdf, CLT17560CableServiceRA.pdf, and

CLT17560CableServiceFigures.pdf. For networking, see PLU Telecommunications

Division 17 specifications. Videoconference/webstreaming connections described in

CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf, CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and



Pipes Services



November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 13

Room Data Sheet Rooms 121, 122, 126, 128, 129, 133, 134 General Function Team Workroom


Description Units Size Fixed or Mobile Power Req. Other

Screen 1 6� Fixed No Mounted to


Overhead Projector 1 13x13x27 Mobile Yes

Cart for Overhead 1 14x18x34 Mobile No

VCR/TV 1 20x20x20 Fixed Yes Mounted to



Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics

Walls � Structural support for mounting VCR/TV and screen to wall. Screen mounted on wall

in front of room. See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data.

Whiteboards on at least one wall.

Ceiling � Provide recessed screen trough along front wall in each room.

Opening Doors � Include small vision panel for door or next to door.


Mechanical Ventilation

Air Conditioning


Electrical Power � Power for laptops and projectors under screen and on opposite wall from screen.

Power for TV in VCR/TV mount location.

Lighting � Split into front/back and separately controlled by labeled switches.

Communications � Cable TV outlet in VCR/TV mount location.

Plumbing Pipes Services



November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 14

November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 15

Room Data Sheet Rooms 124, 125, 131, 132 General Function Classrooms


Description * in instructor�s console

Units Size Fixed or Mobile Power Req. Other

Screen 2 7� (side-by-


Fixed No

VCR* 1 16x11x4 Fixed Yes*

CD/DVD Player* 1 16x11x4 Fixed Yes*

Overhead Projector 1 13x13x27 Mobile Yes

Cart for Overhead 1 14x18x34 Mobile No

Sound System* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*

Computer Projector 1 14x24x8.5 Fixed Yes less than 25#

Instructor�s Console 1 To be


Fixed Yes (floor


Desktop Computer* 1 In rack Fixed Yes*

LCD Panel* 1 9x15x15 Fixed Yes*

System Interface* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*


Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics.

Walls �See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data. Whiteboards on at

least front walls.

Ceiling � Two 7� screens mounted in ceiling screen troughs at front of each room. Space

along projection plane for mounting computer projector; space free of lighting grid. See

CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data as well as

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf and

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassroomsFigures.pdf for details..

Opening Doors � Include small vision panel for door or next to door.

Windows � Include treatment for room darkening for projection.

Mechanical Ventilation � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.

November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 16

Air Conditioning � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.


Electrical Power � One outlet in front of room; one in back of room along projection plane. One outlet in

ceiling near computer projector on same circuit as instructor console power. See

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 1.1 and


Lighting � See CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 2.5 and


Communications � Cable TV outlets and network lines in instructor�s console; network line to

computer projector. For cable TV details, see CLT17560CableService.pdf,

CLT17560CableServiceRA.pdf, and CLT17560CableServiceFigures.pdf. For networking,

see PLU Telecommunications Division 17 specifications.

Plumbing Pipes Services



November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 17

Room Data Sheet Room 180 General Function Conference Room


Description * in instructor�s console

Units Size Fixed or Mobile Power Req. Other

Screen 1 6� Fixed No

VCR* 1 16x11x4 Mobile Yes*

CD/DVD Player* 1 16x11x4 Mobile Yes*

Overhead Projector 1 13x13x27 Mobile Yes

Cart for Overhead 1 14x18x34 Mobile No

Sound System* 1 19� rack Mobile Yes*

Computer Projector 1 14x24x8.5 Fixed Yes less than 25#

Instructor�s Console


1 To be


Mobile Yes (wall


Desktop Computer* 1 In rack Mobile Yes*

LCD Panel* 1 9x15x15 Mobile Yes*

System Interface* 1 19� rack Mobile Yes*


Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics.

Walls � Special acoustics for videoconferencing in room. Portable instructor console patched

to wall panel for access to AV display/sound systems. See

CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data. Whiteboards on at least front

wall. Videoconference/webstreaming panels described in CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf,

CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and CLT17620AVControlRoomFigures.pdf

Ceiling � One 6� screen mounted in ceiling screen trough along front of room. Space along

projection plane for mounting computer projector; space free of lighting grid. See

CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data as well as

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf and

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassroomsFigures.pdf for details..

Opening Doors � Include small vision panel for door or next to door.

Windows � Include treatment for room darkening for projection.

November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 18

Mechanical Ventilation � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.

Air Conditioning � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.


Electrical Power � One outlet in front of room; one in back of room along projection plane. One outlet in

ceiling near computer projector on same circuit as instructor console power. See

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 1.1 and


Lighting � Add outlet in ceiling 8 ft. back from screen for videoconference lighting or provide

track lighting rack. See CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 2.5 and


Communications � Cable TV outlets and network lines in instructor�s console; network line to

computer projector. For cable TV details, see CLT17560CableService.pdf,

CLT17560CableServiceRA.pdf, and CLT17560CableServiceFigures.pdf. For networking,

see PLU Telecommunications Division 17 specifications. Videoconference/webstreaming

connections described in CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf,

CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and CLT17620AVControlRoomFigures.pdf


Pipes Services



November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 19

Room Data Sheet Room 205

General Function Seminar Room


Description Units Size Fixed or Mobile Power Req. Other

Screen 1 72� Fixed No Mounted to


Overhead Projector 1 13x13x27 Mobile Yes

Cart for Overhead 1 14x18x34 Mobile No


Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics

Walls � See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data. Provide whiteboard

on as many wall surfaces as possible.

Ceiling - One 6� screen mounted on south wall in recessed ceiling screen trough.

Opening Doors � Include small vision panel for doors or next to doors.


Mechanical Ventilation

Air Conditioning


Electrical Power � Power for laptops and projectors under screen and on opposite wall from screen.

Lighting � Split into front/back and separately controlled by labeled switches.


Plumbing Pipes Services



November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 20

Room Data Sheet Room 207 General Function Lab Classroom


Description * in instructor�s console

Units Size Fixed or Mobile Power Req. Other

Screen 2 S - 8�, S - 8� Fixed No May need



VCR* 1 16x11x4 Fixed Yes*

Overhead Projector 1 13x13x27 Mobile Yes

Cart for Overhead 1 14x18x34 Mobile No

Sound System* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*

Computer Projector 1 14x24x8.5 Fixed Yes less than 25#


Instructor�s Console 1 To be


Fixed Yes (floor


Desktop Computer* 1 In rack Fixed Yes* 1280x1024

LCD Panel* 1 9x15x15 Fixed Yes* 1280x1024

System Interface* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*


Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics.

Walls � Special acoustics for videoconferencing in room. Screen mounted on wall in front of

room. See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data. Whiteboards on at

least front wall. Videoconference/webstreaming panels described in

CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf, CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and


Ceiling � Two 8� screens to be mounted in ceiling recessed screen trough running all along

south wall. Space along two projection planes for mounting computer projectors; space

free of lighting grid. See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data as well

as CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf and

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassroomsFigures.pdf for details..

November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 21


Doors � Include small vision panel for door or next to door.

Windows � Include treatment for room darkening for projection.

Mechanical Ventilation � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.

Air Conditioning � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.


Electrical Power � One outlet in front of room; one in back of room along projection plane. One outlet in

ceiling near computer projector on same circuit as instructor console power. See

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 1.1 and


Lighting � Add outlet in ceiling 8 ft. back from screen for videoconference lighting or provide

track lighting rack. See CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 2.5 and


Communications � Cable TV outlets and network lines in instructor�s console; network line to

computer projector. For cable TV details, see CLT17560CableService.pdf,

CLT17560CableServiceRA.pdf, and CLT17560CableServiceFigures.pdf. For networking,

see PLU Telecommunications Division 17 specifications. Videoconference/webstreaming

connections described in CLT17620AVControlRoom.pdf,

CLT17620AVControlRoomRA.pdf, and CLT17620AVControlRoomFigures.pdf


Pipes Services



November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 22

Room Data Sheet Rooms 215 and 219 General Function Classroom/Lab


Description * in instructor�s console

Units Size Fixed or Mobile Power Req. Other

Screen 2 ea S-8�,S-8� (215)

E-10�, E-8� (219)

Fixed No May need



VCR* 1 16x11x4 Fixed Yes*

Overhead Projector 1 13x13x27 Mobile Yes

Cart for Overhead 1 14x18x34 Mobile No

Sound System* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*

Computer Projector

1 ea 14x24x8.5 Fixed Yes less than 25#


Instructor�s Console 1 To be


Fixed Yes (floor


Desktop Computer* 1 In rack Fixed Yes* 1280x1024

LCD Panel* 1 9x15x15 Fixed Yes* 1280x1024

System Interface* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*


Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics.

Walls �See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data. Whiteboards on at

least front wall.

Ceiling � Screens mounted side by side in recessed ceiling screen trough at front of room.

Space along projection plane for mounting computer projector; space free of lighting grid.

See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data as well as

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf and

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassroomsFigures.pdf for details..

Opening Doors � Include small vision panel for door or next to door.

Windows � Include treatment for room darkening for projection.

November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 23

Mechanical Ventilation � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.

Air Conditioning � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.


Electrical Power � One outlet in front of room; one in back of room along projection plane. One outlet in

ceiling near computer projector on same circuit as instructor console power. See

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 1.1 and


Lighting � See CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 2.5 and


Communications � Cable TV outlets and network lines in instructor�s console; network line to

computer projector. For cable TV details, see CLT17560CableService.pdf,

CLT17560CableServiceRA.pdf, and CLT17560CableServiceFigures.pdf. For networking,

see PLU Telecommunications Division 17 specifications.

Plumbing Pipes Services



November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 24

Room Data Sheet Rooms 225 and 227 General Function Math Classroom


Description * in instructor�s console

Units Size Fixed or Mobile Power Req. Other

Screen 2 E-8�, E-8� (225)

S-8�, S-8� (227)

Fixed No

VCR* 1 16x11x4 Fixed Yes*

CD/DVD Player* 1 16x11x4 Fixed Yes*

Overhead Projector 1 13x13x27 Mobile Yes

Cart for Overhead 1 14x18x34 Mobile No

Sound System* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*

Computer Projector 1 14x24x8.5 Fixed Yes less than 25#

Instructor�s Console 1 To be


Fixed Yes (floor


Desktop Computer* 1 In rack Fixed Yes*

LCD Panel* 1 9x15x15 Fixed Yes*

Document Camera* 1 28x21x23 Fixed Yes*

System Interface* 1 19� rack Fixed Yes*


Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics.

Walls � See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data. Whiteboards on as

many wall surfaces as possible for writing equations.

Ceiling � Two screens mounted side-by-side in recessed ceiling screen trough along front of

room. Space along projection plane for mounting computer projector; space free of

lighting grid. See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data as well as

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf and

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassroomsFigures.pdf for details..

Opening Doors � Include small vision panel for door or next to door.

Windows � Include treatment for room darkening for projection.

November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 25

Mechanical Ventilation � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.

Air Conditioning � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.


Electrical Power � One outlet in front of room; one in back of room along projection plane. One outlet in

ceiling near computer projector on same circuit as instructor console power. See

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 1.1 and


Lighting � See CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 2.5 and


Communications � Cable TV outlets and network lines in instructor�s console; network line to

computer projector. For cable TV details, see CLT17560CableService.pdf,

CLT17560CableServiceRA.pdf, and CLT17560CableServiceFigures.pdf. For networking,

see PLU Telecommunications Division 17 specifications.

Plumbing Pipes Services



November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 26

Room Data Sheet Room 339 General Function Math Classroom


Description * in instructor�s console

Units Size Fixed or Mobile Power Req. Other

Screen 1 6� Fixed No

VCR* 1 16x11x4 Mobile Yes*

Overhead Projector 1 13x13x27 Mobile Yes

Cart for Overhead 1 14x18x34 Mobile No

Sound System* 1 19� rack Mobile Yes*

Computer Projector 1 14x24x8.5 Fixed Yes less than 25#

Portable Console 1 To be


Mobile Yes (floor


Desktop Computer* 1 In rack Mobile Yes*

LCD Panel* 1 9x15x15 Mobile Yes*

System Interface* 1 19� rack Mobile Yes*


Enclosure Floor � Carpeted for improved acoustics.

Walls � Portable instructor console patched to wall panel for access to AV display/sound

systems. See CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data. Whiteboards on

as many wall surfaces as possible for writing equations. Use wall panel for patching to

AV Display and Audio Systems.

Ceiling � One 6� screen mounted in recessed ceiling screen trough at front of room. Space

along projection plane for mounting computer projector; space free of lighting grid. See

CLT17430MonitorsVCRsProjectors.pdf for mounting data as well as

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf and

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassroomsFigures.pdf for details..

Opening Doors � Include small vision panel for door or next to door.

Windows � Include treatment for room darkening for projection.

Mechanical Ventilation � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.

November 5, 2001 Pacific Lutheran University Room Data Sheets Layne Nordgren and Multimedia Services Staff AV Requirements Center for Learning and Technology, Video/Audio Systems Page 27

Air Conditioning � Keep ducting/apparatus clear from computer projector mounting area.


Electrical Power � One outlet in front of room; one in back of room along projection plane. One outlet in

ceiling near computer projector on same circuit as instructor console power. See

CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 1.1 and


Lighting � See CLT17650ComputerLabsClassrooms.pdf 2.5 and


Communications � Cable TV outlets and network lines in instructor�s console; network line to

computer projector. For cable TV details, see CLT17560CableService.pdf,

CLT17560CableServiceRA.pdf, and CLT17560CableServiceFigures.pdf. For networking,

see PLU Telecommunications Division 17 specifications.

Plumbing Pipes Services



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