routes of transmission. direct: contact with infectious lesions, blood or saliva indirect: contact...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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  • Slide 1
  • Routes of transmission
  • Slide 2
  • DIRECT: Contact with infectious lesions, blood or saliva INDIRECT: Contact with contaminated objects SPLATTER: Bodily fluids on broken skin AIRBOURNE: Through bio-aerosols DENTAL UNIT WATERLINES: Ingest or inhale pathogenic micro organisms from bio films
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  • *1*1 *2*2 *3*3 *4*4 AT1
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  • * 1 Ingestion * 2 Absorption * 3 Via an insect carrier * 4 Injection / Inoculation injury (puncture of the skin) AT1
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  • Natural lines of defence against attack by pathogens * Intact skin, mucous membrane and hair * Surface secretions, such as sweat and saliva * Tears * Stomach acid * Coughing and sneezing
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  • * Immune response
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  • * These are types of patients have a defective immune system. * Causes may be * 1.Leukaemia * 2.Oncology chemotherapy/radiotherapy * 3.kidney failure * 4.HIV/AIDS * 5.Diabetes
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  • * The bodies normal reaction to an exposure of a pathogenic micro- organism, irritant or physical exposure
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  • * 1. * 2. * 3. * 4. * 5. AT2
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  • * 1. Heat * 2. Swelling * 3. Pain * 4. Redness * 5. Loss of function
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  • * Leucocytes flood the area of infection * The toxins produced by a pathogen cause the bodies temperature to rise * Normal body temperature is 37C * Rise in body temperature pyrexia
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  • * Increase in blood volume to the area * Tissues appear red and swollen to touch HERPETIC WHITLOW
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  • * Swollen tissues put pressure onto surrounding nerves * Area becomes too painful to use * Eventual loss of function
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  • * To reiterate an infection is the invasion of the body cells by a pathogen * Acute infection a rapid onset, brief symptoms and resolved with a few days * Chronic infection occurs over a longer period with few symptoms present AT3
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  • * Destruction of both leucocytes and pathogens occur * This debris collects to form Pus * Pus remains in the area to form an Abscess * If left unmanaged this can spread to surrounding tissues and cause Cellulitis
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  • * If the infection is overcome the body repairs itself. * Leucocytes travel to the area, remove any dead or damaged tissue * Lay down temporary repair layer Granulation tissue Eventually scar tissue is formed
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  • * Over the last three decades there has been emergence of new diseases such as * Coxsackievirus (hand-foot and mouth) emergence in humans * Virulent diseases that currently our immune system and the use of drugs are unable to fight effectively such as * Variant Cruetzfeldt-Jacob Disease (vCJD) prion * Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus * Ebola virus * Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Superbug bacteria
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  • Clue: itis
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  • * Micro organisms not only cause disease and illness but also present in a range of lesions and conditions which as a dental nurse must be able to recognise * In your groups pair the definitions to the descriptions and the clinical photograph
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  • * Antibiotics Bacteria * Anti- virals- cold sores * Anti-fungals- thrush Powerful and difficult to control micro-organisms are known as Virulent
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  • * Historically antibiotic cover used to be given an hour before dental treatment. * Risk of allergic reaction began to outweigh the benefit. * What conditions????? * Rheumatic fever historical illness that caused scarring and pitting to the inner lining of the heart. * Bacteremia (bacteria in the blood) could lodge in the oit/scar and cause inflammation of the inside of the heart known as Endocardititis * Prophylactic (given before) antibiotics are only given upon requests of the patients cardiologist and shown in writing
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  • Each used to alleviate pain but some have more characteristic effects. These should be avoided during pregnancy. * Paracetamol -antipyretic properties, exceeded doses cause liver damage possibly leading to fatality * Ibuprofen -NSAID non steroidal anti-inflammatory, safer than paracetamol. Can cause stomach ulcers. NOT to be given to asthmatics * Aspirin - anti-inflammatory, acts as an anticoagulant. Can cause stomach ulcers. NOT to be given under 16 and to asthmatics
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  • Research the following viruss and analyse the mode of transmission and the effects on the body. This must be presented in a PowerPoint, you may research using your mobile phones if this is quicker and then develop your presentation. EVERYONE must present a key point to the class from your presentation. Maximum 5 slides duration * Hepatitis B - green group * Hepatitis C red group * Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) blue group * Herpes Simplex yellow group During each presentation you will be expected to take notes of each other groups findings NB- this will be saved onto memory stick.

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