rsu profile for 2008 - university of ·...

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4) Publications in 2008 (n=69)

Academic staff 3.5 Full time equivalent (5 positions)

Honorary Positions 0.4 Full time equivalent (1 position)

Post Doctoral Fellows 3.6 Full time equivalent (5 positions)

Research staff 10.8 Full time equivalent (23 positions)

Administrative staff 1.5 Full time equivalent (2 positions)

NHMRC grants 9 (2 Principal Investigators, 7 other Chief Investigators)

Total NHMRC funding $7,563,050

Funding with RSU as Principal Investigator $3,038,600

Other funding bodies 25

PhD 26 (15 Primary supervisor, 13 Associate supervisor)

PhD completions in 2008 6 (1 Primary supervisor, 5 Associate supervisor)

Other 15 (9 Primary supervisor, 6 Associate supervisor)

Other completions in 2008 3 (3 Associate supervisor)

Full length peer reviewed journals 36

Books 2

Book Chapters 4

Published Protocols in the Cochrane Library 3

Published abstracts 18

Letters/Reviews/Editorials 1

Online First 5

Invited addresses 9

Conference presentations 36

Poster Presentations 2

Musculoskeletal 8 (1 NHMRC, 4 other funded, 3 unfunded)

Spinal cord injury 10 (1 NHMRC, 8 other funded, 1 unfunded)

Traumatic brain injury 7 (3 other funded, 4 unfunded)

Other 14 (3 NHMRC, 7 other funded, 4 unfunded)

Student projects 31 (3 NHMRC, 6 other funded, 22 unfunded)

6) Research project areas (n=70)

1) Core staffing (19.8 FTE)

2) Grants operating in 2008 (n=34)

3) Enrolled research students in 2008 (n=50)

5) Conference presentations in 2008 (n=47)

Rehabilitation Studies Unit

Profile for 2008

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Core staffing in 2008 1

Academic staff (3.5 full time equivalent)

0.6 ID Cameron MBBS PhD FAFRM (RACP)

1.0 RL Tate BA (Hons) MPsychol PhD

0.4 JW Middleton MBBS PhD GradDipAppSc (ExSpSc) FAFRM (RACP)

1.0 LA Harvey BAppSc GradDipAppSc (ExSpSc) MAppSc PhD

0.5 NA Lannin BSc(OT) GradDip (Case Management) PhD AccOT

Honorary Professor (0.2 full time equivalent)

0.2 A Craig BSc (Hons) PhD

Honorary Lecturer (0.2 full time equivalent)

0.2 W Longley BSc(Hons)(Psych) MA(Psych) MSc(Hons)(ClinNeuroPsy)

Administration (1.5 full time equivalent)

0.5 R Debono

1.0 A Kayaian BA

Post Doctoral Fellows (3.6 full time equivalent)

1.0 I Baguley MBBS FAFRM (RACP)

0.4 G Simpson BSocStud MA (Counselling) PhD

1.0 S Slewa-Younan BAPsyc (Hons) PhD

1.0 C Soo BSc (Psych) (Hons) PhD

0.2 Y Tran BSc (Hons) PhD

Research staff (10.8 full time equivalent)

0.2 J Bowden BHMSc

1.0 A Cassel BSc (Psychology)

0.4 B Coward BSc (Hon)

0.1 S Cummings

1.0 P David BSc (Psych)

0.2 A De Wolf BS Physio MPH DPT

0.4 M Genders BPsych (Hons)

0.2 K Godbee BPsych (Hons)

0.5 A Lane-Brown BSocSc (Psych) (Hons) MA

0.1 K Lockwood BHSc

0.6 M Mathers PhD Grad Dip (Linguistics) Dip Speech Therapy

0.8 N Monaghan BSc MSc DipLaw GD Legal Practice

0.6 R Motbey BPsych

0.6 B Myles BA (Psych)

0.3 SC Ng BAppSc (Physio)

0.4 R Perla BA (Psych) MSc (Clin Psych)

0.8 N Pontifex BSc (Biology)

0.2 R Quirk BAppSc (Physio)

0.6 U Rosenkoetter Dip (Psyc)

1.0 R Schultz BPsych (Hons) MClinNeuroPsy

0.1 J Shaw RN Dip Health Science (Gerontology)

0.1 M Stadler BHSc (Physio)

0.2 S Venkatesh BPsych

0.4 D Wakim BAppSc (OT)

1) Core staffing in 2008

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Grants operating in 2008 2

NHMRC grants operating in 2008

1. Aggar C, Cameron ID, Ronaldson S

Impact of a frailty intervention trial on informal carers' experience of caregiving

$26,000 (2008-2011)

2. Cameron ID, Crotty M, Gray L, Kurrle S, Luszcz M, Scuffham P, Whitehead C, Lord S, Giles L, Halbert

J, Sherrington C, Bartlett H, Rungie M, Judd S

Transition Care: Innovation and Evidence

$2,900,000 (2006-2010)

3. Crosbie WJ, Davis GM, Middleton JW, Butler J

A novel approach to the training of functional standing following spinal cord injury

$396,625 (2008-2010)

4. Crotty M, Miller M, Cameron ID, Kurrle S, Whithead C, Mackintosh S

Individual Nutrition therapy and exercise regime: a controlled trial of injured, vulnerable elderly

$553,775 (2007-2009)

5. Fairhall N, Sherrington C, Cameron ID

Participation restriction in older people

$26,000 (2008-2014)

6. Finch C, Stevenson M, Zwi A, Lord S, Williamson A, Cameron ID

Addressing injury in a population health framework: an integrated approach to prevention, acute

care and rehabilitation

$2,351,750 (2005-2010)

7. Sambrook P, March L, Cameron ID, Cumming RG, Lord S

Fracture risk epidemiology (FREE). Epidemiology of osteoporotic fractures in the very frail elderly:

risk factors, quality of life and mortality

$350,000 (1999-2009)

8. Sambrook P, March L, Cameron ID, Cumming RG, Seibel M, Simpson J

Freedom- Sunlight and Falls

$820,300 (2006-2008)

9. Simpson GK, Tate RL

Interventions for suicidality after traumatic brain injury

$138,600 (2005-2008)

Other funding bodies

1. Boswell-Ruys C, Lord S, Harvey LA, Middleton J, Sherrington C

Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute

Quantifying sitting balance in people with spinal cord injury

$24,810 (2006-2009)

2. Cameron ID, Finnegan T, Handoll H, Langhorne P

Cochrane Collaboration

Multidisciplinary rehabilitation for older people after hip fracture

$6,000 (2008)

2) Grants operating in 2008

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Grants operating in 2008 3

Other funding bodies continued

3. Cameron ID, Middleton J, Engel S, Tate RL, Rutkowski S, Stancliff R

Motor Accidents Authority

Community participation after spinal cord injury

$211,980 (2003-2010)

4. Clemson L, Lannin NA, Cameron ID, McCluskey A, Nelson D, Rubenstein L, Barras S

The University of Sydney

HOME: a randomised controlled trial of the efficacy of pre-discharge occupational therapy home


$50,000 (2008-2009)

5. Craig A

Australian Stuttering Foundation

Brain activity in people who stutter as a function of anxiety

$13,500 (2008-2010)

6. Craig A, Middleton J, Nicholson-Perry K

Lifetime Care and Support Authority

Psychosocial care of people with spinal cord injury: best practice and intervention

$264,755 (2008-2012)

7. Craig A, Tran Y

ARC Discovery

Enhancing the independence of the severely disabled: improving detection rates of an EEG based

brain computer interface (BCI)

$150,000 (2005-2008)

8. Cusick A, Lannin NA, Novak I, Thorley M

New South Wales Cerebral Palsy Institute

Royal Children’s Hospital Brisbane

Development of an evidenced based casting protocol for children with cerebral palsy: a multi-

centre randomised controlled trial

$20,000 (2006-2008)

$10,000 (2008-2010)

9. Harvey L

New South Wales Department of Health

Addition of stroke exercises to physiotherapy website

$52,000 (2007-2008)

10. Harvey L

The New South Wales Statewide Spinal Injury Service

Developing video clips of patients with spinal cord injuries for teaching

$2,000 (2008-2009)

11. Harvey L, Ben M, Thompson A

The Rehabilitation and Disability Research Foundation

Training unsupported sitting in people with spinal cord injuries: a randomized controlled trial

$24,696 (2008-2009)

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Grants operating in 2008 4

Other funding bodies continued

12. Harvey L, Herbert R, Moseley A, Glinsky J

The University of Sydney

How can physiotherapists treat and prevent deformities in people with spinal cord injuries?

$46,000 (2007-2008)

13. Harvey L, Middleton J, Lord S, Boswell-Ruys C, Sherrington C

State Premier’s Grant

Does balance training in people with recent spinal cord injuries improve function?

$48,745 (2005-2008)

14. Khim K, Herbert R, Harvey LA

Physiotherapy Research Foundation

Contractures in the stroke population: A study on incidence and prognostic factors

$4,640 (2008-2010)

15. Lane-Brown A, Tate RL

Australian Postgraduate Award

Psychological intervention for apathy after acquired brain injury

$56,500 (2005-2009)

16. Lannin NA, Cadilhac D , Anderson C, Levi C, Faux S, Price C, Donnan G

Allergan Australia

The Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care

AuSCR: the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry

$126000 (2008-2010)

$450,000 (2008-2010)

17. Lannin NA, Cameron ID, Oates J, McCluskey A, Goodall S, Lukersmith S

Lifetime Care and Support Authority

Lifetime Care and Support Scheme Unrestricted grant: the real cost of 24-hour care

$74,000 (2008-2009)

18. Leung JWK, Harvey LA, Moseley A

The Lifetime Care and Support Scheme of NEW SOUTH WALES

An innovative bimodal approach in the management of contracture

$70,400 (2008-2010)

19. Middleton JW, Davis GM, Gandevia SC, Craig A, Nickolls P, Scott TRD, Lee BSB, Butler J, Lord SR

New South Wales Ministry for Science and Medical Technology

Enhancing functional recovery and independence after spinal cord injury

$1,000,000 (2005-2008)

20. Nguyen HT, Craig A, Middleton JW, Tran Y

Australian Research Council (Discovery) Grant

Innovative hands free technology to give the severely disabled greater mobility control

$245,000 (2006-2008)

21. Robinovich SN, Kahn K, Cripton P, Birge SJ, Cameron ID, Derler S, Evans SL, Howland J, Kannus P,

Kiel DP, Lauritzen JB, Munns J

Canadian Institute of Health Research

Planning for international cooperation to improve the effectiveness and guidelines for hip


$27,695 (2007-2008)

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Grants operating in 2008 5

Other funding bodies continued

22. Siddall P, Middleton J, Henderson L, Wrigley P, Rutkowski S

Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

Activation of brain regions in people with neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury

$50,943 (2007-2008)

23. Smith P, Cameron ID, Butler J

Insurance Australia Group

Accident Care Evaluation (ACE) Study

$40,000 (2006-2008)

24. Siddall P, Middleton J, Henderson L, Wrigley P, Rutkowski S.

Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

Activation of brain regions in people with neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury

$50,943 (2007-2008)

25. Tate RL, Lannin NA, Taylor C, Pfaff A

Life Time Care and Support Authority

Validating the cognitive scale of the functional independence measure in traumatic brain injury

$ 92,725 (2007-2008)

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Enrolled research students in 2008 6

PhD students

1. Christina Aggar BNursing (Hons), BNursing (Post registration)

Ian Cameron, associate supervisor

2. Elaine Blumgart MSc

Ashley Crain, primary supervisor

James Middleton, associate supervisor

3. Claire Boswell-Ruys BAppSc

Lisa Harvey, associate supervisor

4. Julia Bowman BAppSc(OT)Dist MAppSc(OT)Res

Natasha Lannin, associate supervisor

5. David Buck Bsc MAppSc

James Middleton, associate supervisor

6. Petrina Casey MPH

Ian Cameron, primary supervisor

7. Joanna Hui Lin Diong BAppSc

Lisa Harvey, associate supervisor

8. Seeta Durvasula MB BS MPH DCH MPAed

Ian Cameron, primary supervisor

9. Nicola Fairhall BAppSc (Physio)

Ian Cameron, associate supervisor

10. Liz Gill BAppSc (Physio)

Ian Cameron, associate supervisor

11. Joanne Glinsky BAppSc MAppSc

Lisa Harvey, primary supervisor


Ian Cameron, primary supervisor

13. Nazirah Hasnan MBBS, M Rehab Med

James Middleton, associate supervisor

14. Lauren Jones MHSc BAppSc AssDip

James Middleton, primary supervisor

15. Amanda Lane-Brown BSocSc (Psych) (Hons) MA

Robyn Tate, primary supervisor

Ian Cameron, associate supervisor

16. Joan Wai King Leung BAppSc

Lisa Harvey, primary supervisor

17. Susannah Littleton RN

Ian Cameron, associate supervisor

18. Wendy Longley BSc (Hons) (Psych) MA (Psych) MSc(Hons) (Clin Neuropsych)

Robyn Tate, primary supervisor

3) Enrolled research students in 2008

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Enrolled research students in 2008 7

PhD students continued

19. Judy Lovas BA DipEd (Technical) MSc (Research)

Ashley Craig, primary supervisor

James Middleton, associate supervisor

20. Jenson Chun Sum Mak MBBS FAFRM (RACP) FRACP

Ian Cameron, primary supervisor

21. Darnel Murgatroyd Dip (Physio) Mas (HSc) (Manipulative Physio)

Ian Cameron, primary supervisor

22. Geoffrey Murray MBBS FAFRM (RACP)

Ian Cameron, primary supervisor

23. Rosemary Prosser BAppSc MAppSc

Lisa Harvey, primary supervisor

24. Ray Russo MBBS FAFRM (RACP)

Ian Cameron, associate supervisor

25. Regina Schultz BPsych (Hons) MClinNeuroPsy

Robyn Tate, primary supervisor

26. Nirupama Wijesuriya BSc (Hons)

Ashley Craig, primary supervisor

Other research students

1. Necia Au

Natasha Lannin, associate supervisor

2. Damien Barrat BAppSc

Lisa Harvey, primary supervisor

3. Marsha Ben BAppSc (Physio)

Lisa Harvery, primary supervisor

4. Jackie Min-Hsuan Chu BAppSc

Lisa Harvey, primary supervisor

5. Megan Gozzard

Natasha Lannin, associate supervisor

6. Kate Hopman BAppSc (OT Hons)

Robyn Tate, primary supervisor

7. Ray Jongs BAppSc (Physio)

Lisa Harvey, primary supervisor

8. Owen Katalinic BAppSc (Physio)

Lisa Harvey, primary supervisor

9. Li Khim Kwah BAppSc

Lisa Harvey, associate supervisor

10. Roberta Law BAppSc

Lisa Harvey, primary supervisor

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Enrolled research students in 2008 8

Other research students continued

11. Stephanie McLean BAppSc

Lisa Harvey, associate supervisor

12. Lisa Mossop BSc (Biomed)

Ian Cameron, primary supervisor

13. Leo Ross BAppSc (OT)

Lisa Harvey, primary supervisor

Natasha Lannin, associate supervisor

14. Megan Thorley

Natasha Lannin, primary supervisor

15. Nadege van Drempt BAppSc (OT)

Natasha Lannin, associate supervisor

PhD completions in 2008

1. Ian Baguley MBBS FAFRM (RACP)

Ian Cameron, primary supervisor

2. Leanne Hassett MHSc (Neurological Physiotherapy)

Robyn Tate, associate supervisor

3. Bonne Lee MBBS FAFRM (RACP)

Ian Cameron, associate supervisor

4. Judy Lovas BA DipEd Technical MSc Research

James Middleton, associate supervisor

5. Kathryn Nicholson Perry BSc (Hons) Psyc MSc

James Middleton, associate supervisor

6. Iona Novak BAppSc(OT) Masters (OT)

Natasha Lannin, associate supervisor

Other completions in 2008

1. Alison Hardacre

Natasha Lannin, associate supervisor

2. Catherine McGettigan BAppSc

James Middleton, associate supervisor

3. Robyn McLaughlan

Natasha Lannin, associate supervisor

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Publications in 2008 9

Full length peer reviewed journals

1. Baguley IJ, Heriseanu RE, Cameron ID, Nott MT, Slewa-Younan S (2008). A critical review of the

pathophysiology of dysautonomia following traumatic brain injury. Neurocrit Care, 8(2):293-300.

2. Boord P, Siddall P, Tran Y, Herbert D, Middleton J, Craig A (2008). Electroencephalographic

slowing and reduced reactivity in neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord,


3. Cameron ID, Rebbeck T, Sindhusake D, Rubin G, Feyer A-M, Walsh J, Schofield WN (2008).

Legislative change is associated with improved health status in people with whiplash. Spine,


4. Chen JS, Simpson JM, March LM, Cameron ID, Cumming RG, Lord SR, Seibel MJ, Sambrook PN

(2008). Risk factors for fracture following a fall among older people in residential care facilities in

Australia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 56(11):2020-2026.

5. Craig A, Tran Y, Lovas J, Middleton JW (2008). Spinal cord injury and its association with negative

psychological states. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 12(2):115-121.

6. Craig A, Tran Y, Middleton J (2008). Psychological morbidity and spinal cord injury: a systematic

review. Spinal Cord, 47(2):108-114.

7. Craig A, Tran Y, Middleton J (2008). The impact of spinal cord injury on psychological status.

Proceedings of the 43rd APS Annual Conference, ISBN 978-0-909881-36-8: 140-144.

8. Cumming RG, Sherrington C, Lord SR, Simpson JM, Vogler C, Cameron ID, Naganathan V (2008).

Cluster randomised trial of a targeted multifactorial intervention to prevent falls in hospital.

British Medical Journal, 336(7647):758-760.

9. Cusick A, Lannin N (2008). On becoming a practitioner-researcher in remote northern Australia:

personal commitment and resources compensate for structural deterrents to research. Disability

and Rehabilitation, 30(26):1984-1998.

10. Delbaere K, Close JCT, Menz HB, Cumming RG, Cameron ID, Sambrook PN, March LM, Lord SR

(2008). Development and validation of falls risk screening tools for use in residential aged care

facilities. Medical Journal of Australia, 189(4):193-196.

11. Faddy K, McCluskey A, Lannin NA (2008). Interrater reliability of a new handwriting assessment

battery for adults. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62(5):595-599.

12. Glinsky J, Harvey L, Korten M, Drury C, Chee S, Gandevia SC (2008). Short-term progressive

resistance exercise may not be effective at increasing wrist strength in people with tetraplegia: a

randomised controlled trial. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 54(1):103-108.

13. Graham SK, Cameron ID (2008). A survey of rehabilitation services in Australia. Australian Health

Review, 32(3):392-399.

14. Graham SK, Cameron ID, Dickson HD (2008). Analysis of draft Australian Rehabilitation Service

Standards: comparison with international standards. Australia and New Zealand Health Policy,


15. Gray L, Travers CM, Bartlett HP, Crotty M, Cameron ID (2008). Transition care: will it deliver?

Medical Journal of Australia, 188(4):251-253.

4) Publications in 2008

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Publications in 2008 10

Full length peer reviewed journals continued

16. Lannin NA, McCluskey A (2008). A systematic review of upper limb rehabilitation for adults with

traumatic brain injury. Brain Impairment, 9(3):237-246.

17. Long E, McDonald S, Tate R, Togher L, Bornhofen C (2008). Assessing social skills in people with

very severe traumatic brain injury: validity of the Social Performance Survey Schedule (SPSS).

Brain Impairment, 9(3):274-281.

18. Lovas J, Craig A, Tran Y, Middleton JW (2008). The role of massage therapy in managing

secondary conditions associated with spinal cord injury: an integrative model. Topics in Spinal

Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 14(1):61-75.

19. McDonald S, Tate RL, Togher L, Bornhofen C, Long E, Gertler P, Bowen R (2008). Social skills

treatment for people with severe, chronic acquired brain injuries: a multicenter trial. Archives of

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89(9):1648-1659.

20. Middleton JW, Leong G, Mann L (2008). Management of spinal cord injury in general practice -

part 1. Australian Family Physician, 37(4):229-233.

21. Middleton JW, Leong G, Mann L (2008). Management of spinal cord injury in general practice -

part 2. Australian Family Physician, 37(5):331-338.

22. Middleton JW, McCormick M, Engel S, Rutkowski SB, Cameron ID, Harradine P, Johnson JL,

Andrews D (2008). Issues and challenges for development of a sustainable service model for

people with spinal cord injury living in rural regions. Archives of Physical Medical Rehabilitation,


23. Moseley A, Hassett LM, Leung J, Clare JS, Herbert RD, L Harvey (2008). Serial casting versus

positioning for the treatment of elbow contractures in adults with traumatic brain injury: a

randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 22(5):406-417.

24. Russo RN, Miller MD, Haan E, Cameron ID, Crotty M (2008). Pain characteristics and their

association with quality of life and self-concept in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy

identified from a population register. Clinical Journal of Pain, 24(4):335-342.

25. Sanchez Riera L, Wilson N, Sambrook P, Kok C, Cumming R, Cameron ID, Chen J, Simpson J,

Mason R, Seibel M, March L (2008). Trends in calcium and vitamin D usage among older people

in nursing care facilities in Australia: still falling short of the guidelines. International Journal of

Rheumatic Diseases, 11(4):430-434.

26. Slewa-Younan S, Baguley IJ, Heriseanu R, Cameron ID, Pitsiavas V, Mudaliar Y, Nayyar V (2008).

Do men and women differ in their course following traumatic brain injury? A preliminary

prospective investigation of early outcome. Brain Injury, 22(2):183-191.

27. Slewa-Younan S, van den Berg S, Baguley IJ, Nott M, Cameron ID (2008). Towards an

understanding of sex differences in functional outcome following moderate to severe traumatic

brain injury: a systematic review. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry,


28. Soo CA, Tate RL, Williams L, Waddingham S, Waugh MC (2008). Development and validation of

the Paediatric Care and Needs Scale (PCANS) for measuring support needs of children and youth

with acquired brain injury. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 11(3):204-214.

29. Tate RL (2008). (Japanese) Rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury: an Australian context.

Higher Brain Function Research, 28(2):129-142.

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Publications in 2008 11

Full length peer reviewed journals continued

30. Tate RL, McDonald S, Perdices M, Togher L, Schultz R, Savage S (2008). Rating the

methodological quality of single-subject designs and n-of-1 trials: Introducing the Single-case

Experimental Design (SCED) Scale. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 18(4):385-401.

31. Tate RL, Perdices M (2008). Applying the International Classification of Functioning Disability and

Health (ICF) to clinical practice and research in acquired brain impairment. Brain Impairment,


32. Thomas SK, Humphreys KJ, Miller MD, Cameron ID, Whitehead C, Kurrle S, Mackintosh S, Crotty

M (2008). Individual nutrition therapy and exercise regime: a controlled trial of injured,

vulnerable elderly. Bio Med Central Geriatrics, 8(4):26-33.

33. Tran Y, Craig A, Thuraisingham R, Boord P, Wijesuriya N (2008). Improved EEG based input

concept for hands free control of assistive devices for persons with severe disability. Technology

and Disability, 20(4):295-301.

34. Uy C, Kurrle SE, Cameron ID (2008). Inpatient multidisciplinary rehabilitation after hip fracture

for residents of nursing homes: a randomised trial. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 27(1):43-44.

35. Vickland V, Rogers C, Craig A, Tran Y (2008). Electrodermal activity as a possible physiological

marker for acupuncture. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 14(2):83-89.

36. Wijesuriya N, Tran Y, Craig A (2008). Neurophysiological changes associated with spinal cord

injury: a study of brain activity and cognitive function. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual APS

Conference, ISBN 978-0-909881-36-8: 308-312.


1. Craig A, Tran Y (2008). (Book) Psychological aspects associated with spinal cord injury

rehabilitation: new directions and best evidence (Nova Science Publishers: New York. ISBN 978-


2. Harvey L (2008). (Book) Management of people with spinal cord injuries: a guide for

physiotherapists. (Elsevier: London. ISBN-13: 978 0 443 06858 4)

Book chapters

1. Craig A (2008). (Book Chapter) The nature and treatment of stuttering. In Gert Rickheit & Hand

Strohner Communicative competence: Handbook of Communication Competence: 499-530.

2. Lovas J, Craig A, Tran Y, Middleton J (2008). (Book chapter) The effects of stress and relaxation

on secondary conditions in chronic SCI. In A. Craig & Y.Tran (Eds.) Psychological dynamics

associated with spinal cord injury rehabilitation: new directions and best evidence, New York:

Nova Science Publishers

3. Middleton J, Craig A (2008). (Book Chapter) Psychological challenges in treating persons with

spinal cord injury. In A. Craig & Y.Tran (Eds.) Psychological dynamics associated with spinal cord

injury rehabilitation: new directions and best evidence, New York: Nova Science Publishers

4. Middleton JW, De Wolf A, Cameron ID, Elliott S, McBride K, Breen S, Abramson C (2008). (Book

chapter) Sexual health following spinal cord injury. In: Eng JJ, Teasell RW, Miller WC, Wolfe DL,

Townson AF, Hsieh JTC, Konnyu KJ, Connolly SJ, Foulon BL, Aubut JL, editors. Spinal Cord Injury

Rehabilitation Evidence, Version 2.0:11.1-11.58.

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Publications in 2008 12

Published Protocols in the Cochrane Library

1. Cameron ID, Handoll HHG, Finnegan TP, Langhorne P (2008). (Protocol) Multidisciplinary

rehabilitation for older people with hip fractures. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,


2. Hassett L, Moseley A, Tate RL, Harmer AR (2008). (Review) Fitness training for cardiorespiratory

conditioning after traumatic brain injury. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (Issue

2): 1-56.

3. Katalinic OM, Harvey LA, Herbert RD, Moseley AM, Lannin NA, Schurr K (2008). (Protocol)

Stretch interventions for contractures. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (4):1-15.

Published abstracts

1. Cameron ID (2008). (Abstract) Geriatric rehabilitation: current concepts. Journal of Rehabilitation

Medicine, 40(Suppl 46):29.

2. Cameron ID, Kurrle SE, Sherrington C, Lord S, Lockwood K, Monaghan N (2008). (Abstract)

Concepts of frailty - a comparison of the Fried and Rockwood criteria. Internal Medicine Journal,

38(Suppl 5):A126.

3. Davies O, Salih S, Cameron ID (2008). (Abstract) Transition Care - a three state audit. Internal

Medicine Journal, 38(Suppl 5):A133.

4. De Wolf AC, Cameron ID, Middleton JW, Quirk R (2008). (Abstract) Community integration and

participation following spinal cord injury: a 2 year follow-up. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine,

40(Suppl 47):106.

5. Kangas M, Tate RL, Williams J, Smee RI (2008). (Abstract) Neuropsychological and psychosocial

functioning in adult brain tumour patients. Brain Impairment, 9(2):211-212.

6. Lane-Brown A, Tate RL (2008). (Abstract) Nonpharmacological interventions for apathy after

acquired brain injury. Brain Impairment, 9(1):71.

7. McDonald S, Tate RL, Togher L, Bornhofen C, Long E, Gertler P, Bowen R, McGregor F (2008).

(Abstract) The effects of social skills training on social behaviour for people with severe, chronic

traumatic brain injury: A multi-centre trial. Brain Impairment, 9(2):228.

8. Nightingale EJ, Soo CA, Tate RL (2008). (Abstract) A systematic review of early prognostic factors

for return to work after traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological

Society, 14(Suppl 2):121.

9. Ross L, Harvey L, Lannin NA (2008). (Abstract) A randomised controlled trial of upper limb motor

training after acquired brain impairment. Brain Impairment, 9(1):91.

10. Schultz R, Perdices M, Tate RL, McDonald S, Togher L, Savage S (2008). (Abstract)

Neuropsychological rehabilitation: how good is the evidence in dementia? Brain Impairment,


11. Soo CA, Tate RL (2008). (Abstract) Psychological treatment for anxiety in people with traumatic

brain injury: a Cochrane systematic review. Brain Impairment, 9(2):224.

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Publications in 2008 13

Published abstracts continued

12. Soo CA, Tate RL, Hopman K, Forman M, Secheny T, Aird V, Browne S, Coulston C, Diffley L,

Hummell J (2008). (Abstract) Reliability and validity of the Care and Needs Scale (CANS) for

assessing support needs following traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International

Neuropsychological Society, 14(Suppl 2):73.

13. Soo C, Tate RL, Hopman K, Forman M, Secheny T, Aird V, Browne S, Coulston C, Diffley L,

Hummell S (2008). (Abstract) Reliability, validity and responsiveness of the Care and Needs Scale

(CANS) for people with traumatic brain injury. Brain Impairment, 9(1):92-93.

14. Tate RL, McDonald S, Lane-Brown A, Schultz R (2008). (Abstract) The Zoo Map Test: Equivalence

of two alternate forms. Brain Impairment, 9(2):220.

15. Tate RL, Myles B, Cameron ID (2008). (Abstract) Using the MPAI to chart recovery over time after

traumatic brain injury. Brain Impairment, 9(2):218.

16. Tate RL, Schultz R, Lane-Brown A (2008). (Abstract) Self-esteem after traumatic brain injury: a

comparison of two scales. Brain Impairment, 9(1):76-77.

17. Togher L, McDonald S, Tate RL, Power E, Mansley R (2008). (Abstract) Training communication

partners of people with traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 22(Suppl 1):45-46.

18. Wu J, Cameron ID, Kurrle SE (2008). (Abstract) Outcomes in patients aged 90 years and older

with hip fractures. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 40(Suppl 46):86.


1. Lannin NA, McCluskey A, Herbert RD, Cusick A (2008). (Letter) Response to Letter by Marossezky

et al. Stroke, 39(2):e47.

Online first

1. Chen JS, March LM, Cumming RG, Cameron ID, Simpson JM, Lord SR, Sambrook PN (2008).

(Online First) Role of quantitative ultrasound to predict fracture among institutionalised older

people with a history of fracture. Osteoporosis International, DOI 10.1007/s00198-008-0638-7:1-


2. Chen JS, Simpson JM, March LM, Cameron ID, Cumming RG, Lord SR, Siebel MJ, Sambrook PN

(2008). (Online First) Fracture risk assessment in frail older people using clinical risk factors. Age

and Ageing, doi:10.1093/ageing/afn128:1-6.

3. Fairhall N, Aggar C, Kurrle SE, Sherrington C, Lord S, Lockwood K, Monaghan N, Cameron ID

(2008). (Online First) Frailty Intervention Trial (FIT). BMC Geriatrics, 8(27):doi:10.1186/1471-


4. Harvey L, Lin C, Glinsky J, de Wolf AC (2008). (Online first) The effectiveness of physical

interventions for people with spinal cord injuries: A systematic review. Spinal Cord, doi:


5. Nicholson-Perry K, Nicholas M, Middleton JW (2008). (Online first) Spinal cord injury-related pain

in rehabilitation: a cross-sectional study of relationships with cognitions, mood and physical

function. European Journal of Pain, doi:10.1016/j.ejpain.2008.06.003

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Conference presentation in 2008 14

Invited addresses

1. Harvey L. Evidence-based practice. Are we advancing? Invited Presentation at International Spine

and Spinal Injuries Conference, Delhi, India, February 2008.

2. Harvey L. Management of spinal cord injuries: a guide for therapists. Invited presentation at The

7th Asian Spinal Cord Network (ASCON) Conference Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2008.

3. Middleton JW. Advances in pain management: taking a biopsychosocial approach. Invited

presentation at the 10th ISSICON (Indian Spine and Spinal Injuries Conference), Taj Palace Hotel,

New Delhi, February 2008.

4. Middleton JW. Approach to SCI care: outcomes focussed, community-based rehabilitation

model. Invited presentation at the 10th ISSICON (Indian Spine and Spinal Injuries Conference)

workshop on Spinal Cord Injury Management, Indian Spinal Injuries Centre, New Delhi, February


5. Middleton J, Geraghty J, Waite P. Assessment of the spinal patient: International guidelines and

Australia and New Zealand's role. Invited presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting,

Australian & New Zealand Spinal Cord Society, Christchurch, New Zealand, November 2008.

6. Soo CA, Tate RL. Psychological treatment for anxiety in people with traumatic brain injury: a

Cochrane systematic review. Invited presentation at the 5th Symposium on Neuropsychological

Rehabilitation, Iguaçu Falls, Brazil, July 2008.

7. Soo CA, Tate RL, Hopman K, Forman M, Secheny T, Aird V, Browne S, Coulston C, Diffley L,

Hummell J. Reliability and validity of the Care and Needs Scale (CANS) for assessing support

needs following traumatic brain injury. Invited presentation at the 36th Mid-Year meeting of the

International Neuropsychological Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2008.

8. Tate RL, McDonald S, Lane-Brown A, Schultz R. The Zoo Map Test: Equivalence of two alternate

forms. Invited presentation at the 5th Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Iguaçu

Falls, Brazil, July 2008.

9. Tate RL, Myles B, Cameron ID. Using the MPAI to chart recovery over time after traumatic brain

injury. Invited presentation at the 5th Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Iguaçu

Falls, Brazil, July 2008.

Conference presentations

1. Boswell-Ruys C, Harvey L, Barker J, Ben M, Middleton JW, Lord S. Training people with chronic

spinal cord injuries to sit unsupported. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting, Australasian

Branch, International Spinal Cord Society, Melbourne, Australia, November 2008.

2. Bowman J, Lannin N, Cook C, McCluskey A (2008). The Clinician Readiness for Measuring

Outcomes Scale (CReMOS): development and psychometric testing. Presented at the Health

Outcomes Conference, Canberra, April 2008.

3. Cameron ID. Frailty: is it treatable? Presented at the Australian Association of Gerontology (NSW

Branch) Meeting, Wollongong, April 2008.

5) Conference presentations in 2008

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Conference presentation in 2008 15

Conference presentations continued

4. Cameron ID. The older worker. Presented at Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide, May 2008.

5. Cameron ID. Prevention falls and fractures: hard to back a winner in residential aged care

facilities and hospitals. Presented at Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference,

Melbourne, October 2008.

6. Cameron ID, Wang E. Acupuncture reduces pain in chronic whiplash: a randomized trial.

Presented at the World Congress on Neck Pain, Los Angeles, USA, January 2008.

7. Cheok E, Leong G, Middleton JW. Identifying health issues in people with spinal cord injury living

in rural New South Wales. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting, Australian & New Zealand

Spinal Cord Society, Christchurch, New Zealand, November 2008.

8. Craig A, Tran Y, Middleton JW. The impact of spinal cord injury on psychological status.

Presented at the 43rd APS Annual Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, September 2008.

9. Delbaere K, Close J, Menz H, Cumming R, Cameron ID, Sambrook P, March L, Lord S.

Development and validation of falls risk screening tools for use in residential aged care facilities.

Presented at Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference, Melbourne, October


10. Glinsky J, Harvey L, Ben M. Reliability of a new clinical device to measure wrist strength in people

with tetraplegia. Presented at The International Spinal Cord Society: Australasian Branch

Meeting, Christchurch, New Zealand, November 2008.

11. Glinsky J, Harvey L, Gandevia S, van Es P, Chee S. Electrical stimulation to increase the voluntary

strength of partially paralysed muscles: a randomised controlled trial. Presented at The

International Spinal Cord Society (ISCOS), South Africa, October 2008.

12. Haran M, Cameron ID, Ivers R, Simpson J, Lee B, Porwal M, Kwan M, Lord S. The effect of

providing single lens distance glasses on falls in older multifocal glasses wearers: a randomised

controlled trial. Presented at Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference,

Melbourne, October 2008.

13. Harvey L, Lin C, Glinsky J, De Wolf A. The effectiveness of physical-therapeutic interventions for

people with spinal cord injuries: a systematic review. Presented at The International Spinal Cord

Society (ISCoS), South Africa, October 2008.

14. Johnson S, Cameron ID, Rebbeck T, Sindhusake D, Feyer A.M, Walsh J. Legislative change is a

highly cost effective method of improving health status in people with whiplash. Presented at

the World Congress on Neck Pain, Los Angeles, USA, January 2008.

15. Kangas M, Tate RL, Williams J, Smee RI. Neuropsychological and psychosocial functioning in adult

brain tumour patients. Presented at 5th Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation,

Iguaçu Falls, Brazil, July 2008.

16. Lane-Brown AT, Tate RL. Nonpharmacological interventions for apathy after acquired brain

injury. Presented at Australian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment conference, Melbourne,

May 2008.

17. Lannin N, Cusick A, McCluskey A, Herbert R. Static splinting for post-stroke contracture:

Understanding the evidence and stretching our minds. Presented at the OT Australia 23rd

National Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, September 2008.

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Conference presentation in 2008 16

Conference presentations continued

18. Lannin N, Ross L. Clinical and research considerations when choosing an upper limb outcome

measure following stroke. Presented at the OT Australia 23rd National Conference and

Exhibition, Melbourne, September 2008.

19. McDonald S, Tate RL, Togher L, Bornhofen C, Long E, Gertler P, Bowen R, McGregor F. The effects

of social skills training on social behaviour for people with severe, chronic traumatic brain injury:

A multi-centre trial. Presented at the 5th Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation,

Iguaçu Falls, Brazil, July 2008.

20. McLaclan R, Lannin NA, Cusick A, Allaous J. Psychometric properties of the Western Neuro

Sensory Stimulation Profile (WNSSP). Presented at the 31st Brain Impairment Conference,

Melbourne, May 2008.

21. McMahon R, McCluskey A, Lannin NA. A survey of handwriting and technology use in healthy

adults. Presented at the OT Australia 23rd National Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne,

September 2008.

22. Middleton JW, Andrews D, Cooper J, Darvall A, Sampson M, Kelly L, Lee B, Nier L. Resource

utilization and planning for improved pressure ulcer management and outcomes in persons with

SCI. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting, Australian & New Zealand Spinal Cord Society,

Christchurch, New Zealand, November 2008.

23. Middleton JW, Marial O, Andrews D. Managing inpatient needs of a prevalent spinal cord injury

population: Demand and appropriateness of service provision in specialised SCI units. Presented

at the Annual Scientific Meeting, Australian & New Zealand Spinal Cord Society, Christchurch,

New Zealand, Novenber 2008.

24. Murray GR, Cameron ID, Gillespie LD, Robertson MC, Cumming RG, Hill KD, Kerse N. Preventing

falls in nursing care facilities and hospitals. Presented at the Australian and New Zealand Falls

Prevention Conference, Melbourne, October 2008.

25. Nicholson Perry K, Middleton JW. Developing a statewide strategy for psychosocial care of

people with spinal cord injury. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting, Australian & New

Zealand Spinal Cord Society, Christchurch, New Zealand, November 2008.

26. Novak I, Cusick A, Lannin N. Effectiveness of occupational therapy home program intervention

for children with cerebral palsy: a double blind randomised controlled trial. Presented at the OT

Australia 23rd National Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, September 2008.

27. Ross L, Harvey L, Lannin NA. A randomised controlled trial of upper limb motor training after

acquired brain impairment. Presented at the 31st Brain Impairment Conference, Melbourne, May


28. Ross L, Harvey L, Lannin N. Improving hand and upper limb function after acquired brain injury: a

randomised controlled trial. Presented at the OT Australia 23rd National Conference and

Exhibition, Melbourne, September 2008.

29. Saunders NR, Habgood MD, Binns JR, Mooney J, Brown D, Messenger C, Ferraro M, Middleton

JW, Smith K, Cardenas D, Dietrich D, Horgan H. Sailing simulators: A novel approach to

rehabilitation. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting, Australian & New Zealand Spinal Cord

Society, Christchurch, New Zealand, November 2008.

30. Schultz R, Perdices M, Tate RL, McDonald S, Togher L, Savage S. Neuropsychological

rehabilitation: how good is the evidence in dementia? Presented at Australian Society for the

Study of Brain Impairment conference, Melbourne, May 2008.

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Conference presentation in 2008 17

Conference presentations continued

31. Tate RL, Perdices M, McDonald S, Togher L, Schultz R. Using PsycBITE to improve evidence-based

clinical practice in neurorehabilitation. Presented at the 5th World Congress for

Neurorehabilitation, Brasilia, Brazil, September 2008.

32. Tate RL, Schultz R, Lane-Brown A. Self-esteem after traumatic brain injury: a comparison of two

scales. Presented at Australian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment conference, Melbourne,

May 2008.

33. Togher L, McDonald S, Tate RL, Power E, Mansley R. Training communication partners of people

with traumatic brain injury. Presented at the 7th World Congress on Brain Injury, Lisbon,

Portugal, April 2008.

34. Tran Y, Wijesuriya N, Thuraisingham R, Craig A, Nguyen H. Increase in regularity and decrease in

variability seen in electroencephalography (EEG) signals from alert to fatigue during a driving

simulated task. Presented at the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in

Medicine and Biology Society, Vancouver, Canada, August 2008.

35. Wijesuriya N, Tran Y, Craig A. Neurophysiological changes associated with spinal cord injury: a

study of brain activity and cognitive function. Presented at the 43rd Annual APS Conference,

Hobart, Tasmania, September 2008.

36. Wijesuriya N, Tran Y, Thuraisingham R, Nguyen H, Craig A. Effects of mental fatigue on 8-13Hz

brain activity in people with spinal cord injury. Presented at the 30th Annual International

Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vancouver, Canada, August


Poster presentations

1. Nightingale EJ, Soo CA, Tate RL. A systematic review of early prognostic factors for return to

work after traumatic brain injury. Poster presented at the 36th Mid-Year meeting of the

International Neuropsychological Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2008.

2. Soo C, Tate RL, Hopman K, Forman M, Secheny T, Aird V, Browne S, Coulston C, Diffley L,

Hummell J. Reliability, validity and responsiveness of the Care and Needs Scale (CANS) for people

with traumatic brain injury. Poster presented at the Australian Society for the Study of Brain

Impairment conference, Melbourne, May 2008.

Plus 18 published abstracts from conference presentations

See 4) Publications in 2008, Published Abstracts on page 12-13.

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Research Project Areas in 2008 18

Musculoskeletal research projects

1. Cameron ID, Finnegan T, Handoll H, Langhorne P

Cochrane Collaboration

$6,000 (2008)

Multidisciplinary rehabilitation for older people after hip fracture

2. Clemson L, Lannin NA, Cameron ID, McCluskey A, Nelson D, Rubenstein L, Barras S

The University of Sydney

$50,000 (2008-2009)

HOME: a randomised controlled trial of the efficacy of pre-discharge occupational therapy home


3. Clemson L, Lannin NA, McCluskey A


Predischarge occupational therapy home visit practices in NSW

4. Katalinic O, Harvey LA, Moseley A, Herbert R, Lannin N, Schurr K


Systematic review. Effectiveness of stretch for the treatment and prevention of contracture

5. Law R, Finniss D, McCabe R, Harvey L


Stretch within a pain management program. What are its benefits?

6. Robinovich SN, Kahn K, Cripton P, Birge SJ, Cameron ID, Derler S, Evans SL, Howland J, Kannus P,

Kiel DP, Lauritzen JB, Munns J

Canadian Institute of Health Research

$27,695 (2007-2008)

Planning for international cooperation to improve the effectiveness and guidelines for hip


7. Sambrook P, March L, Cameron ID, Cumming RG, Seibel M, Simpson J

National Health and Medical Research Council

$820,300 (2006-2008)

Freedom - Sunlight and Falls

8. Smith P, Cameron ID, Butler J

International Association of Gerontology

$40,000 (2006-2008)

Accident Care Evaluation (ACE) Study

Spinal Cord Injury research projects

1. Cameron ID, Middleton J, Engel S, Tate RL, Rutkowski S, Stancliff R, De Wolf AC, Quirk R

Motor Accidents Authority

$211,980 (2003-2010)

Community participation after spinal cord injury

6) Research Projects Areas in 2008

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Research Project Areas in 2008 19

Spinal Cord Injury research projects continued

2. Craig A, Middleton J, Nicholson-Perry K

Lifetime Care and Support Authority

$264,755 (2008-2012)

Psychosocial care of people with spinal cord injury: best practice and intervention

3. Crosbie WJ, Davis GM, Middleton JW, Butler J

National Health and Medical Research Council

$396,625 (2008-2010)

A novel approach to the training of functional standing following spinal cord injury

4. Harvey L

The New South Wales Statewide Spinal Injury Service

$2,000 (2008-2009)

Developing video clips of patients with spinal cord injuries for teaching

5. Harvey L


Management of spinal cord injuries. A guide for physiotherapists

6. Harvey L, Ben M, Thompson A

The Rehabilitation and Disability Research Foundation

$24,696 (2008-2009)

Training unsupported sitting in people with spinal cord injuries: a randomized controlled trial

7. Harvey L, Herbert R, Moseley A, Glinsky J

The University of Sydney

$46,000 (2007-2008)

How can physiotherapists treat and prevent deformities in people with spinal cord injuries?

8. Middleton JW, Davis GM, Gandevia SC, Craig A, Nickolls P, Scott TRD, Lee BSB, Butler J, Lord SR

NSW Ministry for Science & Medical Technology

$1,000,000 (2005-2009)

Enhancing functional recovery and independence after spinal cord injury

9. Nguyen HT, Craig A, Middleton JW, Tran Y

Australian Research Council (Discovery) Grant

$245,000 (2006-2008)

Innovative hands free technology to give the severely disabled greater mobility control

10. Siddall P, Middleton J, Henderson L, Wrigley P, Rutkowski S

Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

$50,943 (2007-2008)

Activation of brain regions in people with neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury

Traumatic Brain Injury research projects

1. Armstrong B, McFarlane B, Allaous J, Karlssou L, Lannin N, Tate RL


Improving prospective memory after brain impairment

2. Henry K, Lannin NA, Turnbull M, Campisi J, Elder M


National survey of case management practices for adults and children after brain injury

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Research Project Areas in 2008 20

Traumatic Brain Injury research projects continued

3. Lannin NA, Turnbull M, Henry K, Campisi J, Elder M


Systematic review of the efficacy of case management for adults after brain injury

4. McLaughlan R, Cusick A, Lannin NA, Allaous J


Measuring the sequence of recovery from coma after traumatic brain injury

5. Soo C, Tate R, Muscara F, Catroppa C

Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Royal Children’s Hospital

$15,000 (2008-2009)

Adaptation of the Sydney Psychological Reintegration Scale (SPRS) for children with traumatic

brain injury 6. Tate RL

Motor Accidents Authority

$170,000 (2004-2009)

The Care and Needs Scale (CANS) as an assessment tool for people with traumatic brain injury

7. Tate RL, Lannin NA, Taylor C, Pfaff A

Lifetime Care and Support Authority

$92,725 (2007-2008)

Validating the cognitive scale of the functional independence measure in traumatic brain injury

Other research projects

1. Cameron ID, Crotty M, Gray L, Kurrle S, Luszcz M, Scuffham P, Whitehead C, Lord S, Giles L,

Halbert J, Sherrington C, Bartlett H, Rungie M, Judd S

National Health and Medical Research Council Health Services Program Grant

$2,900,000 (2006-2010)

Transition Care: Innovation and Evidence

2. Craig A

Australian Stuttering Foundation

$13,500 (2008-2010)

Brain activity in people who stutter as a function of anxiety

3. Craig A, Tran Y

ARC Discovery

$150,000 (2005-2008)

Enhancing the independence of the severely disabled: improving detection rates of an EEG based

brain computer interface (BCI)

4. Craig A, Tran Y, Gordon

ARC Linkage

$160,000 (2004-2009)

A hands-free control for the severely disabled capable of operating under stressful and fatiguing


Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Research Project Areas in 2008 21

Other research projects continued

5. Crotty M, Miller M, Cameron ID, Kurrle S, Whithead C, Mackintosh S

National Health and Medical Research Council

$553,775 (2007-2009)

Individual Nutrition therapy and exercise regime: a controlled trial of injured, vulnerable elderly

(Interactive Trial)

6. Cusick A, Lannin NA, Novak I, Thorley M

Royal Children’s Hospital Brisbane

$10,000 (2008-2010)

Development of an evidenced based casting protocol for children with cerebral palsy: a multi-

centre randomised controlled trial

7. Finch C, Stevenson M, Zwi A, Lord S, Williamson A, Cameron ID

National Health and Medical Research Council

$2,351,750 (2005-2010)

Addressing injury in a population health framework: an integrated approach to prevention, acute

care and rehabilitation

8. Harvey L

New South Wales Department of Health

$52,000 (2007-2008)

Addition of stroke exercises to physiotherapy website

9. Lannin NA, Cadilhac D , Anderson C, Levi C, Faux S, Price C, Donnan G

Allergan Australia

The Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care

$126,000 (2008-2009)

$450,000 (2008-2009)

AuSCR: the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry

10. Lannin NA, Cameron ID, Oates J, McCluskey A, Goodall S, Lukersmith S

Lifetime Care and Support Authority

$74,000 (2008-2009)

Lifetime Care and Support Scheme Unrestricted grant: the real cost of 24-hour care

11. Lannin NA, Clemson L, Cusick A, McCluskey A, Herbert R, Ross L


Validity and reliability of DASH UL instrument for stroke

12. Lannin NA, Oates J, Cameron ID


Providing 24-hour care: A survey of attendant care providers

13. McCluskey A, McMahon R, Lannin NA


Adult handwriting: A study of the everyday handwriting practices, performance and behaviours

of healthy Australian adults aged between 18 and 54 years of age

14. Thorley M, Lannin NA, Cusick A, Novak I, Boyd R


Investigation of the psychometric properties and clinical utility of Quality Of Upper Extremity

Skills Test for children with cerebral palsy

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Research Project Areas in 2008 22

Student research projects

1. Aggar C, Cameron ID, Ronaldson S

National Health and Medical Research Council

$26,000 (2008-2010)

Impact of a frailty intervention trial on informal carers' experience of caregiving

2. Au N, McCluskey A, Lannin NA


Reliability of scales of adult handwriting legibility

3. Barret D, Harvey L


Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in patients with tetraplegia

4. Ben M, Harvey L


Are the effects of stretch mediated by central or perpherial factors?

5. Boswell-Ruys C, Lord S, Harvey LA, Middleton J, Sherrington C

Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute

$24,810 (2006-2009)

Quantifying sitting balance in people with spinal cord injury

6. Bowman J, Cook C, McCluskey A, Lannin NA


Randomised controlled trial: education workshops to facilitate a clinician’s measurement of


7. Buck D, Smith R, Middleton J, Sinclair P


The application of genetic programming to development of controllers for stepping in paraplegic

individuals implanted with Functional Electrical Stimulation system

8. Casey P, Cameron ID, Feyer AM


Determinants of health outcomes of whiplash in a NSW compensations scheme

9. Diong J, Harvey LA


Contracture management

10. Durvasula S, Cameron I


Sunlight exposure and Vitamin D status in older people in residential care

11. Fairhall N, Sherrington C, Cameron ID

National Health and Medical Research Council

$26,000 (2008-2014)

Participation restriction in older people

12. Gills L, Cameron ID


Determinants of service quality

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Research Project Areas in 2008 23

Student research projects continued

13. Gozzard M, McCluskey A, Lannin NA


Handwriting in healthy Australian adults aged between 18 and 24 years of age

14. Hardacre A, Clemson L, Lannin NA


Measuring community reintegration following rehabilitation

15. Hopman K, Tate R, McCluskey A


Community intervention for people with traumatic brain injury

16. Jones L, Middleton J, Madden R


An international comparison of traumatic spinal cord injury using routine hospital discharge data

17. Jongs R, Harvey L


Splinting for the treatment of wrist stiffness following fracture

18. Kwah LK, Herbert R, Harvey LA

Physiotherapy Research Foundation

$4,640 (2008-2010)

Contractures in the stroke population: A study on incidence and prognostic factors

19. Kwah LK, Herbert R, Harvey L


An evaluation of the effect of passive movement on joint range of motion (ROM) and soft tissue

extensibility in intesive care unit (ICU) patients

20. Lane-Brown A, Tate RL

Australian Postgraduate Award

$56,500 (2005-2009)

Psychological intervention for apathy after acquired brain injury

21. Leung JWK, Harvey LA, Moseley A

The Lifetime Care and Support Scheme of NSW

$70,400 (2008-2010)

An innovative bimodal approach in the management of contracture

22. Littleton S, Smith P, Cameron ID


Evaluation of the ACE project

23. Lovas J, Craig A, Tran Y


The effects of massage therapy on pain and immune function in spinal cord injury patients

24. McLean S, Harvey L, Alison G


Measuring the hand function of people with C6 and C7 tetraplegia

Rehabilitation Studies Unit Annual Report 2008 Research Project Areas in 2008 24

Student research projects continued

25. Murgatroyd D, Cameron I, Harris I


An investigation into the influence of compensation factors on health outcomes following injury

in a motor vehicle crash

26. Murray G, Cameron ID, Cumming R

Illawarra Area Health Service

$12,000 (2004-2008)

Falls prevention programs in older people in hospitals and residential aged care facilities:

Cochrane Systematic Review

27. Novak I, Cusick A, Lannin NA


Occupational therapy home program intervention for children with cerebral palsy

28. Prosser R, Harvey LA, La Stayo P


Conservative management of carpal instability

29. Schultz R, Tate R, Perdices M

Lifetime Care and Support Authority

$46,257 (2006-2010)

Cognitive recovery patterns and early prognostic indicators in severe traumatic brain injury

30. Simpson GK, Tate RL

National Health and Medical Research Council, Professional Research Training Fellowship

$138,600 (2005-2010)

Interventions for suicidality after traumatic brain injury

31. Van Drempt N, McCluskey A, Lannin A


Observations of adult handwriting in healthy people over the age of 65 years

top related