ruby on rails intro

Post on 15-May-2015






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An introduction of Ruby on Rails for non-programmers.


Ruby on RailsRuby on RailsA Basic Introduction for



What is it?What is it?


Before we start!Before we start!Let’s talk about…

What is Programming?What is Programming?

• Make the computer work for you in a systematic way based on pre-defined rules

• The more trivial routines you have, the more powerful the computer can be

• Depending on the level of abstraction, there are high-level and low-level programming languages

• No matter what language you use, there are commonly 5 types of statements

They are..They are..• Calculations

=> arithmetic or logical operations• Assignments

=> set a name to memorize something• Conditionals

=> if, unless and cases• Iterations

=> do, while, and until loops• Controls

=> sending hardware signals

What is Web?What is Web?

• A client-server computing model, of which data transmission is based on the request-response protocol (HTTP)

• The packets are sent in text without encryption• Stateless nature, connection open and close in every

request-response cycle• No request, no response


Ruby LanguageRuby Language

• Created by Yukihiro Matsumoto(aka. Matz) in 1993• Flexible syntax, make programmers happy• Dynamic typing, everything is an object• Support both OOP and FP styles• Powerful meta-programming capabilities• Good for constructing DSL• Encourage software test• Site:


Rails FrameworkRails Framework• Created by David H. Hansson(aka. DHH) in 2004• Full stack framework• MVC design patterns• Support RESTful architecture• Convention Over Configuration• Don’t Repeat Yourself• Encourage Agile methodology• Site:

Full StackFull Stack

• Built-in app server• Model => ActiveRecord• Controller => ActionController• View => ActionView• Mailer => ActionMailer• Database adapters• Test cases and fixtures support


Convention Over ConfigurationConvention Over Configuration

• Project files layout => all your code goes in app/ => configuration files in config/ => database migrations in db/ => other libraries in lib/ => static resource files in public/ => app test files in test/

• Naming conventions => table name map to model name => column name map to model attribute name => controller action map to view template

Don’t Repeat YourselfDon’t Repeat Yourself

• Code generators => generate project => generate model with db migration => generate controller with views

• Handy helper methods => JavaScript helpers => Form helpers

• Sensible core extensions• Rake automation tasks• Use plug-ins and gems

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