"russia" script

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Do you know about: A country that is largest country of the world

A country that requires 7 days to move from east to west

A country that has 11 Time zones

A country which is washed by 12 seas

A country that has as low temperature as -70 C

A country that has 10 million more women than men

A country that Covers 11.46 % of the earth

A country that has Highest literacy rate

A country that has Oldest lake

And a country in which giving a Bunch of even no. of Flowers is considered as bad luck…….!!

Welcome to Russia!! Russia or, also officially known as the Russian Federation, a former communist country in eastern

Europe and northern Asia; established in 1922; included Russia and 14 other soviet socialist republics

(Ukraine and Byelorussia and others); officially dissolved 31 December 1991. Russia is the world biggest

country with its vast territory that occupies the east of Europe and north of Asia 11.46% of land area,

Neighboring 18 countries (Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia,

Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Japan and the U.S.) and

having world’s longest land border of about 60,000 km (over 37,000 miles). Capital: Moscow

President: Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister: Dmitri Mendeleev

Population: 143.5 million (2012) World Bank

Government: Federal republic, Semi-presidential system, Constitutional republic

Official language: Russian Language

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Russia is the world biggest country with its vast territory that occupies the east of Europe and north of

Asia 11.46% of land area. Russia is washed by the water of twelve seas and three oceans with thousands

of rivers, Neighboring 18 countries (Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine,

Georgia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Japan and the

U.S.) and having world’s longest land border of about 60,000 km (over 37,000 miles).

Culture Let’s have a brief look on Russian people life style, culture and traditions….

Russia is quite a rough country, and Russians usually do not hesitate to say what they think in a way that

doesn't leave room for any misunderstandings. Russians are very straightforward. When they meet or

phone each other, they do not spend time on questions like "How are you?" and go straight to the point.

They are not rude; it's just a way of doing things.

Russian family: Russian families don't differ drastically from families around the world. Both the mother and father

typically work, and children go to school (where they typically learn English and other languages) to

prepare them for university. The babushka, the Russian grandmother, fills the role of wise woman,

curator of memories and traditions, and baker of favorite comfort foods.

Russian Women Russians have much higher potential limits of patience and acceptance in comparison with Americans. In

the same situation, which is unacceptable for an American, they will act as if nothing happens. That's

why Russian women often considered good wives. They usually do not let situation to come to the point

of no return. It does not mean that they give up their goals easily, but they try to reach them in a

different, less complicated or roundabout way. They do not intend to prove their point, and the result is

of more importance than the rightness.

Religion Though those who live in Russia are called “Russians,” about 160 various ethnic groups can be found in

Russia. Russian is the official language, though over 100 languages are spoken by its peoples. The

majority of Russians identify with the Eastern Orthodox (Christian) religion, but Judaism, Islam, and

Buddhism are also practiced in Russia. And it is not surprising to know that Islam is spreading quite fast

in Russia. 16% of Russians Are Muslims and are supposed to increase day by day.

Reading in Russia Reading is extremely popular, as it was during the Soviet period. Books are cheap, and one can afford to

buy 5-10 books a month without serious damage to a family budget. Russia has an extremely high

literacy rate. More than 99 percent of the population over age 15 is literate. Having a university or

college degree is common, and Russia has the highest educational level in the world. Having a Ph.D. is

also not a big deal, and doesn't give you a big advantage.

Russia’s Special There are many things specially belong and originating from Russia. Have a look at few of them.

Dacha A country house or cottage in Russia, typically used as a second or holiday home. Russian families

sometimes keep a dacha, or summer cottage, where they escape for the weekends or the summer and

where they tend vegetable gardens and fruit trees.

Matreshka The traditional symbol of Russian culture is Matreshka (also spelled Matryoshka), which is a set of

nesting dolls. Most of them are exclusive author's works made by famous Russian artists. Every doll

(except the last one, the smallest) consists of two parts. The smaller doll inserts into the bigger one.

Thus dolls (sometimes up to 30) can be combined inside the biggest doll - Matreshka. Production of a

30-piece Matreshka demands a huge amount of time and effort. The size of the biggest doll is about 15

inches whereas the smallest – 0.1 inches. This is very high detailed unique work.

Samovar (Tea-urn) is a purely Russian invention. Its origin is connected with tea. Tea was delivered to Russia from

the territory of West Mongolia in the 17-th century and was used as medicine among the nobility. The

samovars became the symbol of Russian hospitality and family comfort as well as the sign of prosperity.

Valenki 100% sheep's wool is used to make seamless, warm and healthy felt boots according to unique Russian

technology called “Valenki”

Civil engineering in Russia There are lots of historic buildings in Russia showing great works of Civil Engineers. World largest

country has a lot of examples of excellence in Civil Engineering work. Keeping shortage of time i9n mind

we will show you only two of such examples.

Saint Basil’s cathedral Look at this wonder of civil Engineering…. How beautiful it is...It is the Russia’s most famous attraction.

Located on Moscow’s Red Square, the church was built on the instructions of the Tsar Ivan the Terrible,

from 1555 to 1561, celebrating his victory over the Kazan and Astrakhans. Basil's marks the geometric

center of Moscow. It has been the hub of the city's growth since the 14th century and was the city's

tallest building until the completion of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower in 1600.

Petehof No visit to St. Petersburg would be complete without a visit to the beautiful palace of Peterhof (also

called Peterhof, Petrodvorets and Peter's Palace). The world-famous palace, fountain and park ensemble

of Peterhof is an outstanding landmark of Russian artistic culture of the 18-19th centuries. A series of

palaces and gardens located in Saint Petersburg, laid out on the orders of Peter the Great. These Palaces

and gardens are sometimes referred as the "Russian Versailles".

Some interesting facts of Russia There’s a theater in Russia where all the actors are


Long Distances In the biggest country in the world you can drive for 4 hours without finding a city or other signs of

civilization. Train trip from east to west part of the country will take you 7 days!

Some other interesting facts are here.

Russia occupies 11 time zones when sun rises in the east; it is late night in the western


Siberia is the coldest inhabitant place in the world having temperature of -70 degree!

First artificial satellite of Earth was Russian. Sputnik was launched on October 4, 1957 –

the beginning of the Space Age.

The first scientist to arrange elements in periodic form was again a Russian, the Dmitri


The world's biggest eye on the sky, the big azimuth telescope is in Russia!

Russians don't smile as often as foreigners do…

And giving a bunch of even numbers to a lady is considered as bad luck!

Thank you

The Moscow Cat Theater is a traveling circus

that showcases cats. Creative director Vladimir

and his daughter, Maria, train the cats from

birth. They have one cat that continually has

litters, yielding them an abundant amount of

cats to work with. The circus travels around

Russia showcasing cats walking on tightropes,

walking across the stage balancing on balls, and

walking upside down.

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