russian blog assignment

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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The reign of Peter the Great ushered in sweeping reforms which transformed

Russian culture from the medieval to a more advance modern society. Advances in education military, art and architecture would bring the Russian society within the

European community. Peter created a westernized attitude that would enable Russia to compete and surpass Europe.

Hermitage Museum, has a vast collection of Russian and human art and artifacts, has swollen to fill six buildings, the largest and most appropriate being St. Petersburg’s Winter Palace, once home of the Tzar’s.

Peter The Great before going into battle

The Russian Coat of Arms.

Lomonosov Mihailo Vasilevich, 1711-1765 He was the first Russian scientist who was accepted in the academy of science in St. Petersburg. He was the one who invented the theory of Russian language and developed the literature theory.

Peter’s westernized dress

Russian Arcitecture in the 18th Century.

The 18th Century is the period of vast, rapid growth would challenge

the people of Russia for the next two centuries . The ground work that Peter laid would create the

foundation of the development for the future. Peter the Great began a new era in Russian history, known as the Imperial age. The future was

set for the Russian by the great vision and enourmous

determination of Peter the Great.

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