ryoma's diary (2nd chapter)

Post on 10-Dec-2015






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Authors Note: Thank you for your review ______________. I really appreciated it. I promise to do my best this time, so here’s the second chappie :3 tee hee… What exactly did the senpais read in Ryoma’s Diary? Ryoma is a little OC here, but then everyone is OC when in love <3 tee hee :D

Disclaimer: I do not own POT, but I wish I do. Thank you, and please review :D

And it was now all clear to him. They’ve really read his diary despite him telling them not to. But what did he expect right? They are his annoying DOESN’T-HAVE-A-LIFE-SENPAIS!!!!

“You let your guard down”

“Saaa, echizen… we never knew”


“So, ochibi…. Are you planning on telling her…. ?”

“No….. “


It’s a normal day for tennis practice for the whole Seigaku team. Yes, normal! Until, the sadistic tennis genius decided to read one of the most private secret of our tennis prince and share it to the whole Seigaku team.

After a few flips…

“What? How disappointing, it just full of tennis stuffs, Nyaaaa!”

“Yea, I didn’t expect echizen to be this addicted to tennis.”

“March 02, XXXX, I played tennis with …..I challenge buchou in a tennis match……I bought a month’s supply of ponta……mada mada dane… what the h@#*? What does ochibi do besides tennis and drinking ponta?“

Flip… Flip…. Flip

“March 04, XXXX, I went to Ryuzaki Sakuno’s house…… Saaaa, this is interesting”

“Oooooh! Ochibiko!!!!”

“……March 04, XXXX, I went to Ryuzaki Sakuno’s house…… I taught her some tennis but she’s mada mada.. and her hair is too long.”

“Awhh, disappointing… tennis again”

“Saaaa, wait there’s this unusual fold in this diary. Must be a private entry hee hee… 3:) “

“Kowai ~-~ ….”

Flip… Flip…. Flip open the fold….

To Ryuzaki Sakuno,

There are times that I think if I am actually special to you? One day you'd talk to me, one day you'd call my name, one day you'd smile at me, one day you’d cheer on me, and one day you won't even talk to me. We talked and spent time with each other. I actually enjoyed our little chats. I keep teasing you ‘cause you’re just so adorable. You keep making me those delicious bentos, which I always remarked as “Mada mada dane”. You keep saying sweet stuffs, but I ignored it. You say things that gave these weird feelings. You made me confused, yet I shrugged it all off. You made my heart skip a beat, but I wouldn’t admit. I really liked your very long hair, though I always say that it’s just a hindrance in your tennis matches. I stand to myself that you never made me found love. This is merely infatuation, i say. I’m just nice to you because you are the precious granddaughter of our coach.

It didn’t take a while when those annoying bastards found about you and how close we have been the past few days. They made our simple time together complicated. Things became awkward. They keep bugging us, saying “young love, Young love.. ~~~”. As if I do know what they mean by that. They keep saying we have a connection. They say you like me but I wouldn’t budge. I always say you won’t like me. You’re just too sweet, pure and innocent to like someone as stoic as me. But how should I know right? I secretly find the mystery behind your words, but what does this inexperienced heart gonna do if you ain’t going to tell me? I'm in fact not that dense, I just don’t know what you really want to imply. They asked if l like you. I instantly said never. I immediately thought of the stuffs which made me dislike you, but all that’s coming out of my mouth are compliments. Until then, I’ve realized, I lied. You made me fall in love with you.

But now it’s too late. You walked away. You became distant to me. You’ve turned away from me. It shattered my fragile heart. I never knew I'd ever feel this thing. And then, when I've finally accepted that you'd never talk to me again, there you are, running to me again. Looking excited to talk to me, as if you had not just left me. As if you've really longed to see me. As if nothing has happened. It’s like you never really had the opportunities to talk to me.

But then after some time, things went back to normal. To the normal ignorance you keep showing to me, to my feelings, to the true intention of your action towards me. What is it? Can you please tell me? Save me from this troublesome feeling I've developed.

So, I've moved to my last resort. I ignored you. I stopped talking to you. I started to walk away before I can get more attached to the love I have for you. I keep running away from you, as if I never saw you. This is much better for us, for me. I have much more dreams to fulfil. It's not that I don’t have time for love; it's just that, we are still young and this is for the best. But there’s one thing I promise you. I swear to do my best to become the number one Tennis player in the world.

I may not know what your real feelings are, I know that we still had something special, and to that I thank you. I love you, always have, and always will.

Echizen Ryoma

End of Flashback

“Ochibi…. Why not? You must tell her before it is too late for both of you.”


“BURNING! COME ON…. TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL!” (who suddenly got a tennis racket out of nowhere)

“But ... what if she doesn’t even like me back…. I don’t want to be hurt”

“You’ll never know unless you try, right pfffssshhhh?”

“For the first time, I’m gonna agree to Mamushi…. Give her this to her“

“Saaaa… (opens his gorgeous eyes) Go to her, practice is cancelled for now, right Tezuka? “

“ehem… don’t let your guard down again echizen”

“I will …… no she .… hnn….”

So what will happen now? Reviews are greatly appreciated :D

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