sabbath parts

Post on 30-Sep-2015






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Shary Mae Selorio- Secretarys Report

Ill be a friend to Jesus, My life for him Ill spend; Ill be a friend to Jesus , Until my years shall end.

To all who need a Savior, My Friend I recommend, Because He brought salvation Is why I am His friend.

Wilma Hendrick

May we be a friend not only to Jesus but to those we meet, and share with them what "our best Friend " did for us. Let us tell them of this wonderful Friend and what he can do for them. Did He not die for them also? Will you be a friend to Jesus today?

__________________________________________________________________ Aileen Lobitaa- Opening PrayerShall we kneel for prayerOur Father in Heaven, We praise your Holy Name. We thank Thee for all the blessings you have given us. Thank you Lord for this Sabbath that we are gathered again to worship You!Thank you that you have been with us throughout the week and that Your presence is with us now. Today we remind ourselves of Your faithfulness through all generations and Your goodness to each of us. Be with us today O Lord, May we worship You in Spirit and in truth. Help us to keep this day holy as Thou art holy. Forgive all our sins, In Your name we pray. Amen.

Kryll Ian Enrijo- Closing PrayerLet us bow our heads for prayer.Our loving Father, Thank you Lord for the lessons we learned in our Sabbath School. Thank you for being our greatest Friend. Help us Lord to walk in the path of righteousness. May we remain true and faithful to you. Help us today dear Father as we proceed to our hour of worship. May our thoughts be pure and actions be acceptable in your sight. Please guide our hearts as we make our decisions. Please forgive all the sins that we have committed against Thee. These we all ask, In Jesus name we pray, Amen.Tribute- WelcomeThe best way to educate children to respect their father and mother is to give them the opportunity of seeing the father offering kindly attentions to the mother, and the mother rendering respect and reverence to the father. It is by beholding love in their parents that children are led to obey the fifth commandment. . . . According to Ellen White, our obligation to our parents never ceases. Our love for them, and theirs for us, is not measured by years or distance, and our responsibility can never be set aside. When the nations are gathered before the judgment seat of Christ, but two classes will be represented --those who have identified their interest with Christ and suffering humanity; those who have ignored their God-given obligations, done injury to their fellow men, and dishonor to God. Their eternal destiny will be decided on the ground of what they did and what they did not do to Christ in the person of His saints. To our beloved parents, teachers, fellow seniors, visitors and friends! On behalf of Central Bukidnon Institute, I warmly welcome you all to our program this afternoon, the Tribute to parents and teachers. Indeed, We, the graduating class of 2015, express our gratitude to the people that mold and discipline us to become better citizens not only on this earth but on the earth to come.Again, I welcome you all. Good afternoon!__________________________________________________________________

Tribute-Opening prayerLet us all bow our heads for prayer.Our merciful Father in heaven, thank you for all the good things that you have given us. We thank you also Lord for the trials and challenges we encounter that made us better people. Thank you for the gift of life, for our families, for our parents and teachers. Thank you Lord for sustaining our needs. Help us to love one another as you have loved us. Lead us always Lord to the path of righteousness. Bless our program this afternoon dear Father. Forgive us from all our sins we have done. In Jesus name we pray, amen.


Tribute-Closing prayerShall we prayDear Lord, we our indeed grateful of Your unending love. We thank your for the people that love and support us. We thank you Lord for our loving and supportive parents and teachers that guide us to make the right choices. Please forgive us Lord if we have failed Thee in our thoughts, words and actions. And as we leave this place, may your blessings and protection be in us. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers and forgiving our sins, in Jesus in we pray, amen.__________________________________________________________

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