sacred times - june 2011

Post on 27-Mar-2016






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If you find yourself suddenly 'thrust' into some intense times over the next little while, take a breath and know that you are not alone on your journey - we are all being poked and prodded and given opportunities to shine our light even brighter! So, let's help each other navigate our way through by taking a moment each day to 'connect in' and fill ourselves up with light in order to, not only, expand our own consciousness, but to be a beacon of light for those around us who may need it!!! With that in mind, we have filled this month's magazine with articles that will hopefully inspire, support and nurture you through these changing times. Remember to check out the brand new website -  - where you will not only find heaps of great info can now purchase all of the latest crystals, books, dvds, oils etc… all from the comfort of your own home!



Hi Beautiful People,

The next few weeks gives us an opportunity to make some conscious changes in our lives. Not only do we have

three eclipses, 1 June (new moon partial eclipse), 15 June (full moon lunar eclipse) and 1 July (new moon partial

eclipse) - but we have the Solstice occurring on 21 June. Very intense energies that provide a 'window' of

opportunity for us to transform, heal, let go of and resolve issues. It's like a spiritual 'spring clean' gifted to each

one of us, to use as we see fit, or not, as the case may be. Each 'event' is coupled with an invitation to delve

deeper into ourselves, to understand more about who we truly are and to connect with the 'divine magic' within

in order to really blow out some cobwebs.

If you find yourself suddenly 'thrust' into some intense times over the next little while, take a breath and know

that you are not alone on your journey - we are all being poked and prodded and given opportunities to shine our

light even brighter! So, let's help each other navigate our way through by taking a moment each day to 'connect

in' and fill ourselves up with light in order to, not only, expand our own consciousness, but to be a beacon of light

for those around us who may need it!!!

With that in mind, we have filled this month's magazine with articles that will hopefully inspire, support and

nurture you through these changing times. Remember to check out the brand new website - - where you will not only find heaps of great info can now purchase all of the

latest crystals, books, dvds, oils etc… all from the comfort of your own home!

In this Issue

Sacred Scribe - Change - how do we cope.

Earthly Treasures - Remembering your global purpose

Poetic Justice - Lapsed

Up in the Skies - June’s Duality

Sacred Journeys - The gifts of change

Health - Change is good for our health

Healing - Lemon helps STOP cancer

Enjoy the month of June.

Sacred Blessings,

Julianne xxx



Change - how do we cope.

Change is all around us. It is in everything we are and everything we do. Change is constant and consistent and it calls to us from the depths of our being.

And, even though it is the one constant in the universe – most of us struggle with it – as if we have no choice, no say in the matter at all.

But, the thing is. We do have a choice, always have a choice. Often if we don’t embrace change or make the changes we know to be right we end up feeling like we have been ‘hard-done by’, a victim of some cruel universe who is ‘out to get us’ – so to speak!

But…the truth is. Change just is. It is natural and flowing and if we only opened our eyes and hearts a little wider we would see ‘it’ from a great distance.

So, how can we embrace change?

How can we simply take a breath, centre ourselves, trust in our hearts and make a decision that is right for us – in the now moment – without the fear, pain, indecisiveness and anguish associated with it?

It pays to remember that what might be a ‘simple change’ for one person can be a ‘life altering’ change for another. For instance; one person may see a change of hairstyle as a simple, everyday occurrence and yet another person may find it to be a truly ‘defining’ moment on their journey.

With every change presented to us, we have an opportunity to expand our awareness of who we are. Handling a change ‘well’ (without stress) doesn’t mean you handle change well per se, it might simply mean that the change in question hasn’t ‘stretched’ you outside of your ‘comfort zone’ (awareness of who you are).

For one person, a change of hairstyle doesn’t ‘stretch’ them at all, for another it is one of the biggest things they have ever done which means they are being ‘stretched’ and once you have been stretched it takes an awful lot of ‘not stretching’ to ‘go back’ to how you once was.

Ask any woman who has given birth and they will probably agree that the ‘stretching’ that happens on all levels of their being is ‘incredible’. They are not only

stretched physically, within and without – but stretched emotionally and mentally as well!

Which is why CHANGE is constant and different for every single one of us and how we cope with that change is also different for each one of us.

The thought that we can keep ourselves ‘safe’ from change is truly an illusion. Yes, it is nothing more than something we tell ourselves to appease that ‘small’ part of ourselves into thinking that ‘it’ is in control.

But, the truth is…that ‘small’ part of ourselves (our EGO) is totally not in control – even though it likes to think it is and will do pretty much anything to keep us safe and ‘comfortable’ by instructing us and filling us with fear the way it does. Our soul on the other hand, doesn’t hold fear. It doesn’t fear change nor does it tell ‘stories’ that keep us ‘safe’ and away from the very thing that has been put on our path to assist our journey.

So, how do we deal with the fear that CHANGE often brings?

For starters, it is important to honour and accept that you have fear around the change. Often we try and put on a brave face and a ‘she’ll be right’ attitude to handling change. Unfortunately, this only strengthens the fear that is holding us. When we ‘step into the fear’ it often dissolves into nothing more than a few ‘random thoughts’ that no longer has power over us. The saying “what you resist, persists” is so very true when dealing with big changes in life. The more you fight it the harder it is to embrace it and to make a decision about it.


I liken this to a smoker (any addict really) trying to give up/quit smoking. If they don’t do it when they are ready, they won’t be able to follow through, to stick to the ‘quit’ program as it were…and before they know it they will have wasted a whole lot of time and energy doing a complete ‘about face’ which really only strengthens their habit in the first place.

When the time is right…the time is right and you will do it easily and without effort! Just because CHANGE seems easy for someone else…it doesn’t matter - they haven’t walked in your shoes, so understand that change is different for everyone.

TRUST yourself & HONOUR your journey!

Lastly, start to ‘stretch’ yourself. Do small things that ‘stretch’ the you – you think you are. This way, when little changes come your way, you will simply step into them straight away without letting the fear build up, the stories to be told or the resistance to block your way. For instance: Say you really would like to move house, explore another location – but you have lived in your home for a long, long time and it holds lots of memories and you have good neighbours and you know where all the shops are – blah, blah, blah…and so, shifting to a new location brings up lots of fear for you. So instead of sitting in the fear, shoving it back down or making it bigger than it is…embrace it.

Recognise that you have fear about moving house, then start to look for ways where you can ‘expand’ your awareness of who you are – maybe take a drive around different areas where you might want to live. Have lunch in a café with a friend and soak up some of the ‘community’. Visit open inspections and ‘try another house on’ for size. If you have a friend in the area you want to live, go and stay with them overnight to see how it feels.


Secondly, it is important to be compassionate with ourselves (and with others) when faced with CHANGE. Remembering that what may well be a simple, everyday change for one person, is a life altering, soul defining change for another. So…go easy on yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for not having made a decision earlier or for feeling fear, or for taking your time…or anything at all. Know that when the ‘right’ time comes you will make the decision, take action and change what needs to be changed…when it is right to do so.


Thirdly and probably one of the most important things to remember is to TRUST yourself! Know that there is a reason (illogical or not… conscious or not) that you have fear around this issue. Know that in time you will gather the ‘right’ information you need, that you will find the piece of the puzzle so to speak to make the shift in the right time for you. And…if you are not able to do this part on your own, seek help…there are plenty of great practitioners who are well equipped to ‘shift this type of energy’ so you can move on and make the ‘shift’ you need to. Remember, you can never be in the wrong place or be part of the wrong situation or be with the wrong person…it is your soul journey – honour it and trust you are being divinely guided on your journey.


are never given more than you can handle – so trust! Know the answers will come. The truth will come. The sun will shine again tomorrow. And yes, you will rise above it.

And lastly, you need to ‘EXPAND’

When a big change hits us fair and square in the face…sometimes it takes a while for us to pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off. That’s totally okay! Know that when we eventually do, our awareness of who we are has been stretched, it has been expanded…and whilst it might have been damn painful to endure…in time…we will understand and feel love in our hearts for the journey.

Enjoy these changing times. They are ramping up and we are being given more and more opportunities to embrace them. See the light not the darkness and know that with every ‘challenge’ comes an ‘opportunity’ to grow and expand our awareness of who we are.

For who we are… IS


Sacred Blessings,

Julianne xxx

All of these ‘little’ things help you to expand your awareness and help you cope with the bigger change that you know you need to make at some point. Start stretching yourself comfortably at first until you notice you don’t have any fear around a certain thing and then stretch it a bit more and before you know it, you’ll be putting the ‘FOR SALE’ sign up and moving into a brand new location (in a new country even), in no time!

STRETCH yourself comfortably!

What about coping with CHANGE that has been seemingly thrust upon you? You know, the ones that come from nowhere - death of a loved one, loss of job, end of relationship, accidental pregnancy, earthquake, fire, flood etc..etc..

Well…it’s the same really.

First, you need to ‘BREATHE & LET GO’

Know that even though you don’t know why this has happened, it has happened. All you can do is breathe and let go.

Secondly, you need to ‘RELAX’

Be compassionate with self. Know that whilst, this may have seemingly come out of nowhere, on another level it is for your highest good and you don’t have to blame yourself or beat yourself up over anything.

Thirdly, you need to ‘TRUST’

Trust that it has happened for a reason - even though you don’t know why. Trust yourself to handle it. You


Remembering your

Global Purpose - by Kerry Grezl

Most of us have more than one global Purpose.

For instance, one of your purposes is probably to bear

your children. Another might involve some volunteer

work that you’re engaging in. And yet another might

relate to the work that you do for money.

Here is a way to remember what your purposes are:

Begin with a Prayer.

Heaven will help you remember your Life Purpose(s),

but the law of free will says that you have to ask God,

the angels, ascended masters, and/or your guides

(whomever you call upon for spiritual help, depending

upon your spiritual or reli­gious beliefs) before they’re

allowed to help you.

This is where prayer can help.

“Blowing you fairy dust your way”

- Kerry

Prayer To Develop the Courage

to Follow Your Life Purpose.

God and Angels, I call upon You now.

I seem to have forgotten what I came to

Earth to do.

I know that I’m here to help in Your great

plan of love.

Please give me clear guidance that I will

easily notice and understand.

So that I might know what steps to take

today that will bring me closer.

To remembering and fulfilling my Life


Thank You, Amen.

Tranquility Therapies –Kerry Grezl (02) 0423498674

South West Rocks, NSW Australia Distance Reiki Healing Angel Reading by email

Angel & Crystal Workshops


Lapsed By Michelle Neeling

Jet lagged at four in the morning in the Palestinian spring,

She missed the muezzin but was woken by the birds

Loudly declaring the astonishing blueness

Of the dust swirling around the stony ancient landscape.

Later, her small car tumbled through the Jerusalem hills,

A ball bearing in a maze game,

Almost as unguided as the fallen Christian atheist at its wheel.

All around her, low-slung cars slithered across lanes like snakes,

Predatory eyes flashing bleak warnings,

Their hatred barely veiled beneath their skin.

The rain, which first fell brown,

Had rinsed away the murkiness from the sky

And left the cars’ dust blankets in fuzzy puddles by the roadside.

Inside the car, the World Service crackled out the news –

Another farmer dead

Another man shot in his bed

Another family waking up without a home.

She switched off the radio and drove on,

Focused on her unknown, hopefully distant destination.


aspected. It is an instinctual, restful moment and many

will find insights coming readily to them during


Mars and Venus will be opposite the Moon during the

second Eclipse of the month on June 15. It is a good

time to make changes in health and exercise routines

and legal matters previously stalled will begin to make

progress. However, as the saying goes, ‘Beware of

Greeks bearing Gifts’. The energies between the

Eclipse, Venus and Mars can be extreme and promises

made now may not always be fulfilled.

As the Sun and Mercury move together into Cancer

towards the end of the month there may be unplanned

changes in family matters. Partnerships now are not

ideally aspected, unless there is a history of prior


All in all, June is likely to be a sociable, pleasant and

interesting month, with the theme of ‘sudden change’

continuing. It is a good time to curb the excesses of

May and to refocus in areas destabilized by the

unusual start to the year.

Greetings and good wishes for the Winter Solstice

(June 21),

June begins with the theme of duality. An Eclipse in

airy Gemini of the Sun by a new Moon creates

uncertainty and mystery, enhanced by Neptune’s

connection to the planet of expansion, Jupiter.

Gemini is known as the trickster, so with this powerful

Eclipse occurring in disharmony to Neptune and Chiron

during the first week of the month, it is important to

wait for the air to clear before making any major

decisions or statements. Saturn, retrograding in Libra,

suggests that now is not the best time to make

definitive choices in relationship or legal matters.

Whatever is hidden will take time to be exposed and

therefore, time must be given to attract the needed


The dance of the Sun and Moon in June is significant –

expect news regarding your parents or grandparents.

There will be changes in romantic attachments and

friendships. June will be a good month for making new

friendships and cementing old ones. The Eclipse on the

first of the month cautions not to believe implicitly all

you hear or read. It is a crucial time for

communications and to notice slips of the tongue –

many a true word is spoken in jest!

Uranus, Pluto and Saturn continue their quarrel…so,

anticipate some dilemma over the old vs the new, last

minute changes to plans and leadership confrontations

involving dark dealings. Trust will be a challenge for

many in June.

A quiet moment of tranquility is likely during the

second week of the month with Venus and Mars in

Taurus joined by Jupiter on June 5. It is a romantic time

and a wonderful time to plan a holiday. Music,

gardening, cooking and entertainment are all well Michaela is available for readings at Sacred Source

– phone: (03) 9509 2421 to make a booking.


Change is a word that often opens up the door of fear for me. I have spent a huge proportion of my life resisting change, knocking myself out trying to maintain some semblance of control, to keep things as they are where I know I might be “safe” even if not happy.

In numerology, my life path this time round is all about building stability and security. That’s probably why I have (and still can!) fear change so readily. It’s an interesting juxtaposition or me – on the one hand I am drawn to building sturdy, solid, reliable foundations in my life that are built on truth, and yet the inevitability and seeming uncertainty of change is a part of life. It can seem like I just get one thing sorted when another is turned upside down.

But thankfully I feel that I am starting to view change a little differently. Working in the garden, and living in a place where I can so easily observe the seasonal changes of Mother Nature, are teaching me that change not only is an intrinsic part of life, it is actually necessary for life to continue in a healthful, beneficial and effective way.

And I only have to spend a few minutes looking back at my life, particularly over the last six years or so, to realize the amazing benefits that change has brought me. I did not cheerfully embrace all of those changes by any means – some really were thrust upon me. The divine winds of Oya, breaking down the things that no longer served me and forcing me to take a fork in the road, have swept through my life many times. Some of the big changes I have actually yearned for, but for a time was too terrified of the unknown to take the desired step. Having eventually done so, those feared changes have brought me the greatest rewards. And even though it sometimes felt so tumultuous, I was always provided with limitless, loving support to help me through the transition.

As I look back through my own life, not all change has been of the radical and overnight variety. To be truthful, most of it has probably been incremental. I wake up one day and realize that, with so much divine help and after a period of time, I lost nearly 50 kilos in weight. I realize that my health has gradually recovered and I no longer need to take any medication. I realize that, 18 months after leaving a long term very stressful job and lifestyle, I have gradually learned how to sleep for seven hours most nights. I have gradually lost grief and sadness and become happy.

My view of the world and of Nature has gradually changed, to where I am now more and more feeling that I am indeed part of Her. I love and appreciate Her. My vision of Her has changed so that I now see Her immense and unfathomable beauty, and want to care for Her, instead of ignoring and abusing Her with my unthinking behaviour, attitude and ways of life.

My attitude towards myself has changed. I love and care for myself more now, and am able to gratefully acknowledge things I am good at. I am more able to let

myself be me, just as I am – sometimes confused, sometimes authoritative, often innocent and childlike, kicking up autumn leaves and scrunching them underfoot just for the sheer pleasure of the feel and sound of it. My heart has opened, and I am able to receive love from others and more often give it back unconditionally. My life is literally filled with love. These things have not “happened overnight”, but they have happened, and I want to keep the door of my heart open so that I can continue to grow and experience all that is divine.

I can tell myself that change is a part of life, and that I can embrace it without fear – and indeed I have experienced this. That knowing doesn’t always stop my fearful reaction, however! But I am learning to be gentle with myself through change. To remind myself that I am in a new situation, to surround myself with love and understanding as I walk through the transition, and to remind myself that if I trust and listen to my heart, I will be led to a new and wonderful place.

- Catherine MacGregor


5 New Essential Oils

Ginger Essential Oil - 12ml

The warming properties of Ginger Essential Oil aids

muscular and arthritic aches. It is also strengthening,

encouraging and promotes confidence. A useful oil for

nausea and morning sickness.

Only $16.95 View Online here

Clary Sage Essential Oil - 12ml

Clary Sage essential oil is calming and soothing and

relieves painful periods, premenstrual tension, and

abdominal cramps. It is also useful for treating irregular and

absent menstruation. It's delightful, nutty herbal aroma

helps clear space and uplift the mind and emotions.

Only $16.95 View Online here

Neroli Essential Oil - 5ml

I simply love Neroli. It has a delicate, sweet yet spicy scent

that lingers in and around wherever it is used. It eases

muscle pain, settles heart palpitations and when used as

massage oil can reduce scarring and stretch marks.

Only $29.95 View Online here

Rose (Otto) Essential Oil - 5ml

Rose is one of the most decadent and divine oils that

Mother Earth provides. It is highly concentrated and

therefore you only need a tiny amount in any application.

Use it to create love, as a moisturiser or to ease


Only $89.95 View Online here

Sage Essential Oil - 12ml

Sage has traditionally been used for its highly regenerative

properties and has been known to be beneficial for slow

healing wounds. It was a popular herb in the Middle Ages

and was used as a general nerve tonic, for digestive

disorders, kidney disease and uterine and menstrual

complaints amongst others. Its name is derived from 'clarus'

which means 'clear'; it was used to clear mucous from the

eyes. It is also very 'clearing' and used in the home will clear

away any stagnant or negative energy.

Only $29.95 View Online here


Lavender Essential Oil uses

Lavender essential oil is a great multi-purpose essential oil

and one that is an absolute essential to have in the 'healing

cupboard'. It is important to use ONLY pure essential oils as

'fragrance oils' are synthetically made and although they

may smell, in this instance, like Lavender - they carry NO

theraupetic properties whatsoever and therefore are not

suitable to use in this way.

Here's a few ways I use Lavender Essential Oil:



Head Lice


At first sign of headache - open bottle of Lavender Essential

Oil (100% pure) and inhale deeply. Do this 3 times or until

headache eases.

Place a drop of Lavender Essential Oil (100% pure) and rub

into temples. If headache is at front of head, rub into middle

of brow as well. If headache is at back of head, rub into

nape of neck as well.

Place 3 drops into 5ml carrier oil (cooking oil is okay) and

massage both feet.


Place 3 drops of Lavender Essential Oil (100% pure) onto a

tissue/cotton wool and place underneath pillow before

going to bed.

Place 5 drops of Lavender Essential Oil (100% pure) into foot

bath filled with warm water. Place feet into water and relax.

Practise *square breathing for 10 minutes. *Square

breathing is when you breathe in and out for the same

amount of counts - Breath in to count of 5, Hold to count of

5, Breathe out to count of 5, Don't breathe to count of 5 -

repeat for 10 minutes.

Place 3 drops into 5ml carrier oil (cooking oil is okay) and

massage both feet.


This recipe is safe for children of all ages.

75ml of any carrier oil (vegetable oil is okay - coconut

oil is best)

15 drops of Lavender Essential oil (100% pure)

5 drops of Geranium Essential Oil (100% pure)

5 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil (100% pure)

You will also need; fine-toothed comb and chemical-free

shampoo (health food shops stock this)


Add all ingredients together and shake well.

Wet hair and apply essential oil treatment to wet hair.

Massage well into scalp, especially behind ears and nape of


Leave on hair for at least 1 hour (for deeper penetration,

wrap hair in towel or glad wrap)

After 1 hour run hands through hair to loosen and then run

fine-toothed comb through hair to remove eggs.

Shampoo thoroughly.

Repeat every three days until clear.

12ml Lavender Essential Oil

Only $9.95


New website!

Sacred Source is a comprehensive personal

development resource centre that has been open to

people from all walks of life for over 6 years.

Besides the extensive library of new age books, DVD's,

CD's, exquisite range of jewelry and semi-precious gem

stones and crystals, Sacred Source is also known for it's

experienced team of tarot readers.

We have just launched a new website giving you the

opportunity to buy your favourite Crystals, Jewellery

and New Age products online anytime.

So far we have over 1500 products available online and

we will be adding many more in the coming months.

Check out some of our categories:









A great resource for crystal information.

We have listed hundreds of crystals from A-Z with a

easy to navigate tool bar.

Each and every Crystal has a comprehensive range of

information form the actual image of the crystal in the

shop to the metaphysical properties of the stone and

even some additional information for your enjoyment.

You can literally learn about crystals as you shop!!!

Check out these to get you started.

Adamite crystal

Amethyst Ring Fluorite pendant


New Tarot Readers

We have experienced readers working each day of the

week between 11am and 5pm. All readers have many

years experience, some have been with us for many


We recommend that you make a booking before

coming into the shop, however you can just walk in

and arrange a time.

Call now on (03) 9509 2421 to make a booking.

1/2 hour = $50, 45 minutes = $70 or 1 hour = $90

Phone Readings available

If you live interstate, overseas or cannot come into the

shop you can book a phone reading.

Note:- not all readers are available for phone readings.

Phone reading requirements

Call the shop to make a booking

Payment via credit card at time of booking

You will be given the readers number to call

You are responsible for the cost of the call

Barbara Hermene

Tarot Readings


Natural Gifts

Explores past, present

and future

Over 13 years experience



Reiki Healing


Tarot Reader

Face Reader



Reiki Healing


Tarot Reader

Face Reader


Change is good for your health - by Gary Dowse

This month we are talking about CHANGE. I see pain, illness and disease can be seen as symptoms of your resistance to CHANGE.

When interviewing cancer survivors it was found that they all had a common thread. They would say something like "getting cancer was the best thing that happened to me... it forced me to CHANGE my life."

One of my favourite sayings is "if you continue to do what you've always done you will continue to get what you've always got".

Change is paramount to good health. You often see the Chinese symbol of the Yin Yang used as a symbol for health. Well guess what?, it is also a powerful symbol for CHANGE.

Day changes to night, winter changes to summer, new changes to old, there are constant ups and downs in life. It is sometimes said that the only constant in the universe is CHANGE.

Many of us try and lead a "balanced" lifestyle - let's keep things consistent and smooth, don't allow too much change - to me this is like working against nature, it's like "flat-lining", you are getting closer to death instead of flowing with the ups and downs and allowing change to come into your life, which is the true way of nature.

Lifestyle Assessment Here is a simple Lifestyle Assessment to see where you can make some changes in your life. There are the 7 keys areas to living a long and healthy life as mentioned by Don Tolman, author of the book Farmacist Desk Reference.

On a scale of 0 to 10 rate the following: (0 being poor and 10 being excellent)

1. How much fresh Air do you get in your day?

2. What is your daily Water intake like?

3. Do you get enough Sun exposure to help increase

Vitamin D levels?

4. Do you eat enough Living Foods?

5. How would you rate your weekly Exercise


6. What are your Relationships like?

7. How Passionate are you about what you do in life?

If you have rated poorly in any of the categories you may need to make a CHANGE before illness and disease brings the change to you. A good friend of my has a great philosophy on change:- “Each day challenge yourself to try something you've not tried before.”


Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells.

It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.

Why do we not know about that? Because there are laboratories interested in

making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits.

You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is

beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemother­


How many people will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimil­

lionaires large corporations?

As you know, the lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes.

You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc…

It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is

a proven remedy against cancers of all types. Some say it is very useful in all variants of cancer. It is considered al­

so as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and

worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and an antidepressant, combats stress and nervous disorders.

The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world,

says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that: It destroys the malignant cells

in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas … The compounds of this tree showed 10,000

times better than the product Adriamycin, a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the

growth of cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys

malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells.

Institute of Health Sciences, 819 N. L.L.C. Cause Street , Baltimore , MD1201

How to best get in more Lemons?

Drink the juice!

Every morning as soon as I wake up I go straight to the kitchen squeeze the juice from half a lemon into 500ml of

filtered water and drink it. It wakes you up, hydrates you after sleeping and kick starts your day. Awesome!

Lemon helps STOP cancer


Book: Time of the Quickening

Reviewing the cycles of history from biblical times to the present and prophecies of the

future from Nostradamus to Edgar Cayce and Jeane Dixon, Susan B. Martinez reveals

that our current "time of troubles" is not the beginning of Rapture, the Apocalypse, or

Armageddon, but of the embryonic stage of a Utopian Age - the "Quickening" of the

human race.

Explaining how readers can use the Tables of Destiny to make their own predictions of

the future, she presents her own forecasts of the risks and costs of technological

progress, the destiny of America, the up-and-coming global religion, the truth behind

climate change and the cause of earthquakes, and the true life expectancy of planet

Earth as well as offering a preview of the Paradigm Shift and Golden Age ahead, a time

of global unity and awakening of the soul of the world

Sacred Times magazine - ancient wisdom for today!

$29.95 Author: MARTINEZ Susan

Contact Us

Sacred Source - (03) 9509 2421 //

crystals and newage book store

Sacred Essence - (03) 9502 7619 //

flower essences, essential oils and aromatherapy products


Subscribe online @

Interesting Links

Astro Shamanism

Star Priestess - Gateway to 2012 and beyond


Award winning film - Burzynski


DVD: Prophecy - Understanding our times and beyond

Join John Van Auken in this video presentation as he explores the prophecies from

the Mayans, Aztecs, Totecs, ancient Egyptians, and the Bible - in Genesis to

Revelations and everything in between - then moves on to Nostradamus and the

Bishop Malachy, the apparitional prophecies of Jesus' mother Mary, and finally

those of renowned seer Edgar Cayce.

In this info-packed journey, Van Auken deftly takes us to points in the past, in our

times, and beyond, adding insight to our understanding by giving us the settings

and backgrounds of each prophet and noting which of their prophecies have

already come true. But what really makes this presentation so remarkable is that

the prophecies all lead us to a Golden Age on Earth, one in which all evil and all

temptation is gone, a time when all souls incarnate with their full consciousness

and the Spirit of the Creator among them.

Price $44.95

4 hours - 2 DVD’s

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