saidwot gourmet gallivant celebrity dinner

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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The Zone

Gourmet Gallivant

Celebrity Dinner


Case study

Reporting period:

17 April – 26 April 2012

Author- Aanisah Peck


All data within this report was gathered via saidWot.

It is based on the English comments and comments from

South Africa only.

This case study was not compiled for a specific brand, but

purely out of curiosity and a burning passion to showcase

the impact of Online Reputation Management

The story

Twelve celebs and media personalities participated in

a challenge on hosting the best dinner party at various

restaurants at The Zone @ Rosebank, all in

contribution to donating to charity. The celeb who

receives the most votes from Facebook and re-tweets

from Twitter will be the winner of a R5000 donation to

their favorite charity.

Where did the conversation take place

Mentions were posted

Mentions were posted

Conversation of the event took place mostly on social media

Brand Reach

• Overall, about 2 344 189 people in the country saw comments about the event during the reporting period

• The number of positive mentions alone reached 5 859 people in



Event took place which caused a high influx of positive mentions

Overall reputation 3.11 (Good from a reputation perspective)

Comments received

Positive: 157 | Neutral:345 Negative: 0

Majority of the positive mentions that came in were about the celebrities supporting the charities .

Who was talking

@Bonang_M was the top Tweeter and reached 191,668 people.

@Kuliroberts tweeted 8 times but reached a smaller audience

@leratommoloi tweeted 49 times and reached 7659 people

Social Media Influencers

Majority of the individuals speaking about the brand have a low number of followers and fans.

48% of fans had more than 500 followers ,in a South African context, this is quite high and thus great for

the brand

What was said

What was said

The Audience


Restaurant that participated in hosting the event:

Restaurants mentioned

Restaurants mentioned in relation to the event on social media:

Twitter profiles that were used to mention the event: @LiquidChefs_SA & @MikeKitchenSA


The keywords tracked during the reporting period:


•The Zone Gourmet Gallivant

Hashtag used for the event :


Voting polls used to determine the winner :

•Facebook polls

•Twitter retweets with the celeb name and hashtag used during the event

So What?

•With 506 comments posted in just 9 days and a large number of individuals reached, the

event and brand’s social media presence and reputation improved.

• A high number of positive and neutral mentions proved that the event was popular as


•Social media profiles were updated regularly. The Hastag #GourmetZone also became a

trending topic on twitter the night of the event, further proving the power of social

media in generating awareness.

•The online communication however should have placed more emphasis on the charities,

as few individuals realised the purpose of the event. Only 11.4% of the tweets mentioned

the various charities.

More information

All information for Gourmet Gallivant was gathered via our own ORM tool, saidWot.

For more information, please visit

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