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The Vile Worm of the Eldritch Oak

The Vile Worm of the Eldritch OakAn Adventure for 4-6 Characters of Levels 1-2

Written by Jimm Johnson with Jeff Lynx. Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game™ conversion by Mark Moreland

Art and Cartography by Andy Taylor.

The original module was edited by Reese Laundry, Rob Hewlett, Timothy Drisdelle, Dan Frohlich and Christopher Cale and was play-tested by Christopher Cale,

Daniel Officer and Benjamin Dale.

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.





Brave Halfling Publishing

IntroductionThis adventure, as well as the others in this series, is intended as a short, but challenging scenario, where new players and low-level characters may hone their skills and gain needed experience before venturing into a large-scale dungeon scenario. It can also be used as a “one-off” adventure session, as an expansion to one of the classic dungeon modules, or be inserted into the wilderness setting of any campaign. While originally written for Swords & Wizardry White Box Edition, the rules of this adventure have been converted for compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Thorough reading and study of this scenario should be the province of the Game Master alone, and he will provide the players with any necessary background information before play begins.

If you intend to be a player in this scenario, stop reading now and avoid further examination of the encounters and maps so as not to spoil the challenges and surprises that await.

BackgroundDeep within the forest, an ancient oak has grown huge, twisted, and evil. Ages ago, a savage cult haunted these woods and this tree became the catalyst of their unspeakable rites. Below it they carved out a chamber of sacrificial horror where innocent victims were offered to a hideous worm-like god. As the centuries passed, the cult faded into the mists of time, but the twisted old oak stood fast, awaiting the day when the creeping evil in the dark below would be summoned once more.

And so it happened that a crazed warrior, a savage berserker who spilled rivers of blood in the north of the world, came in his wanderings upon the great, brooding tree. In his madness he believed that the tree whispered to him, invited him, shared with him its dim secrets.

Over the course of many years, the folk of the borderlands have come to know the old berserker as “the mad hermit of the woods.” While pretending to be a kindly, albeit eccentric, old priest, he secretly

scours the forest and nearby areas for human (or humanoid) prey to be sacrificed to the “worm god” that dwells below the ancient oak.

Several nights ago the hermit attacked a shepherd family in their secluded cottage on the edge of the forest, forcing the wife and child to drag the shepherd's unconscious body through the tangled forest to the huge, ancient oak. He imprisoned the family in a chamber below the oak, and offered the shepherd to the “worm god.”

The monster gathered the father in its tentacles and took him to the caverns below where he was quickly paralyzed and impregnated with the worm's eggs. The “worm god” is actually a tentacled cavern worm! (See APPENDIX II for more information on this new monster.)

Notes for the Game Master

This scenario is designed for 4 characters of 1st or

2nd level. The adventure will probably play out in a linear fashion, beginning with a meeting in the woods where the party stumbles upon the hermit and his “dog.” After this, events are likely to progress in correspondence to the numbered order of the encounter areas. Once the party has discovered the hermit's prisoners, their primary goal should be to rescue them from the tentacled cavern worm.

The Eldritch Oak of the scenario's title may itself be used as a monster to challenge the players. The Game Master is encouraged to do this, however, it is strongly suggested that the tree remain in a state of “slumber” at the start of the adventure (although its sentient nature should be hinted at by the insane hermit). It is suggested that the oak only awaken at the very end of the scenario.

Brand new parties of 1st level PCs will most likely find these encounters difficult, and placing them in quick succession will most likely result in character death. Feel free to split one of the creatures from the first encounter into its own battle to lessen the challenge. Similarly, low-level characters may have better success against the tentacled cavern worm in





The Vile Worm of the Eldritch Oak

Area 2 instead of Area 3. As always, GMs are encouraged to adapt the adventure to their needs and style of play.

Beginning the AdventureThe adventuring party has traveled some distance into a large forested area. The GM may wish to devise a short background for the adventure based on his own ideas about this scenario and the needs of his overall campaign. Possibly the party searches for a chaotic outpost, or perhaps they are simply lost. Any plausible explanation will suffice.

When the party first encounters the hermit, he should be stalking the forest with his wolf. He claims to be a reclusive “priest of nature” who lives in the woods with his “dog” and hunts small game for sustenance. He feigns amity, in an effort to gain the party's trust, and attempts to manipulate them into following him back to the oak. To this end he may offer a meal, pretend to show them the way out of the forest, or if all else fails, tempt them by offering a magical scroll from the treasure horde buried in his “hovel.” If he can convince the party to follow him,

he leads them into an ambush, signaling the giant lynx to attack as he nears the eldritch oak.

The GM should not force the party to follow the hermit if they are absolutely set against it. Instead, allow them to continue on into the forest, eventually stumbling upon the eldritch oak and the hermit’s “pets” by chance. The wolf sleeps in the bushes near the hollow oak, and is likely to lie in wait to surprise anyone searching the area. Occasionally, the lynx hunts away from the tree, and there is a 1-in-3 chance it is not immediately present when the PCs approach. If so, it is nearby, and if alerted by the sound of combat returns in 1d3 rounds and attacks any intruders. If not hunting, the lynx perches in the oak, taking 20 to remain hidden before springing on its first attack. The hermit emerges from the hollow of the oak and immediately rages.

OUTSIDE THE OAK (CR 3)The hermit is an aging barbarian who wears an old, stylized suit of masterwork studded leather armor. He is now completely delusional and insane, and believes himself to be a “priest of nature” whose





Brave Halfling Publishing

duty is to feed the tentacled cavern worm that dwells below the oak. He lives in the rotted hollow of the old oak, and, like the tree itself, his hair and beard have grown wild and twisted. When he walks abroad in the forest he carries his warhammer and wears a brown robe over his armor. In combat he always flies into a berserker rage.

The hermit has raised two “pets,” now fully grown, which he uses as loyal guards and hunting animals. The first is a lynx. The wild cat lairs in the branches of the oak and, when first encountered, will automatically gain surprise if attacking from this position. The second is a wolf. The hermit considers the wolf to be his “dog,” and it accompanies him whenever he is away from the oak.

HERMIT CR 1/2XP 200Male human barbarian 1/expert 1CN Medium humanoid (human)Init +1; Senses Perception +6DEFENSE

AC 12, touch 9, flat-footed 11 (+3 armor, +1 Dex, –2 rage)hp 24 (1d12+1d8+8)Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +5OFFENSE

Speed 40 ft.Melee warhammer +5 (1d8+4/x3)Special Attacks rage (6 rounds/day)TACTICS

Before Combat The hermit attempts to lead the PCs into an ambush by his “pets.”During Combat The hermit rages on the first round and power attacks whenever possible, especially if one of his “pets” provides him a flank. Morale The hermit fights to the death.Base Statistics When not raging, the hermit’s statistics are AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13; hp 20; Fort +4, Will +3 Melee warhammer +3 (1d8+2/x3); Str 15, Con 14; CMB 3, CMD 12; Climb +6STATISTCS

Str 19, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 13Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 14Feats Animal Affinity, Power Attack

Skills Acrobatics +6, Bluff +3, Climb +8, Handle Animal +8, Perception +6, Ride +3, Survival +6 Languages CommonSQ fast movement Combat Gear potions of cure light wounds (2); Other Gear masterwork studded leather, warhammer, 20 gp.

LYNX CR 1XP 400See the "Young Leopard" entry in the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game Bestiary™ hp 13TACTICS

Before Combat If encountered in the branches of the eldritch oak, the lynx hides from view, awaiting a chance to pounce. If away from the tree, the lynx returns immediately upon hearing combat at its master’s home.During Combat A natural hunter, the lynx attacks any target it sees as being particularly weak, and takes little heed of its master’s well being or the wolf’s.Morale If reduced to 5 or fewer hp, or if the hermit is slain, the lynx flees into the forest.

WOLF CR 1/2XP 200Use the stats for the "Young Riding Dog" entry in the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game Bestiary™ hp 9TACTICS

Before Combat If accompanying the hermit on a hunt, the wolf stands at his master’s heel awaiting a command. If at the eldritch oak, he sleeps in nearby bushes and hides from anyone approaching.During Combat Ever loyal to its master, the wolf defends him from the largest threat. A pack hunter, the wolf provides flanks with his master whenever possible.Morale The wolf fights until told to stand down by the hermit. If his master is killed, the wolf fights to the death.





The Vile Worm of the Eldritch Oak


Over the years, the trunk of the twisted old oak has rotted within and become hollow, creating a cave-like chamber (about 20' x 25'). The entrance is well concealed behind a stand of large bushes. This is where the hermit lives and sleeps when he is not out hunting. The hollow contains a cask of wine, a wooden table and chair, a rough wooden cup and plate, and a bed of loose dirt and leaves.

Beneath this pile of leaves, the hermit has buried a small chest near the wall of the oak (marked as 'x' on the map), discoverable with a successful DC 15 Perception check. It contains 23 gold pieces, 33 silver pieces, a potion of invisibility, a scroll of shocking grasp (the GM may substitute a different 1st level spell, or determine it randomly), and an old iron ring holding 3 large keys for the cages, shackles, and table irons in area 2, below.

There is a concealed trap door beneath the dirt in the center of the room. It is easily detected (DC 10 Perception) and makes a distinct hollow sound when any PC steps upon it. It opens onto a rough spiral staircase carved out of the dirt and rock. At the bottom of the stairs a passage leads to a barred iron door.


(CR 1 or CR 2)The iron door opens onto a 90' x 90' chamber with a 30' high ceiling. The walls are reinforced with stone brick, but in many places the bricks have crumbled and fallen away, revealing loose dirt. The room contains the following:

a) Two 10' x 20' cages, one along the north wall and one to the south. The cages contain scraps of clothing and human waste. In the cage to the north is a woman and her young son. They are hiding amongst the debris, but will be easily discovered by anyone inspecting the cages. The woman is in a state of shock and does not speak. The boy can only give simple descriptions of what has befallen them. He

witnessed his father being dragged below by a many-tentacled monster, and implores the party to rescue him. Both mother and child are 1st-level commoners with 3 hp and AC 9.

b) Three pairs of iron leg-shackles are bolted to the floor. Close inspection reveals bloodstains on the floor as well as a number of human bones.

c) Two large stone tables stand in the east part of the chamber. They are equipped with hand- and foot-irons for holding a person. Inspection of the tables reveals bloodstains here as well.

d) Wall racks containing whips, prods, and other tools of torture. The GM is free to add any other fiendish devices. (Suggested items include: saws, branks, the boot, the heretic's fork, the tongue tearer, etc.)

e) A large iron bell mounted between two upright stone slabs. A rope attached to the rim of the bell rises up to the ceiling. If any character inspects this (by climbing or other means), they find that the rope disappears into the ceiling through a small hole.

f) A DC 20 Perception check reveals a secret door, opened by depressing a stone brick to the right side of the door. From within this 10' square room, the cavern worm can be summoned by pulling the rope to ring the “dinner bell.” There is a peephole (disguised and unnoticeable from the outside) that allows the occupant of the room to observe.

If the bell is rung, a deep, barely audible gong sounds. The air begins to reverberate with a low, almost painful throbbing, setting up subtle, but noticeable vibrations in the floor, ceiling, and walls of the chamber. Within 1d4+1 rounds, the tentacled cavern worm emerges from the central hole in the floor.


Before Combat Thinking it will be receiving a captive meal, the worm emerges from the hole without the benefit of Stealth.





Brave Halfling Publishing

During Combat The worm expects to feed, and attacks any living thing it sees, moving on to the next until all potential victims have been paralyzed.Morale If reduced to 8 or fewer hp, it attempts to retreat down the hole and back to its lair in area 3.


For centuries, a tentacled cavern worm has dwelt here. Long ago a primitive local cult worshiped and fed it. The worm took to feeding further underground when the cult died out, but always returned to this cavern to lair. When the hermit—who was already deranged—discovered the purpose of the bell in the feeding chamber (area 2), he believed it was his calling to provide fodder for the beast.

The upper area of the cavern is about 40' across. A steep slope on the south side descends about 40' to a ledge just above the shaft that leads to the worm's lair (area b). The opening to another cavern (area a) can be seen from the ledge. To get to this area, however, a character must somehow cross the mouth of the shaft that leads to area b.

Characters may attempt to climb or leap across, but the shaft opening is quite wide (12-15 feet). Anyone who falls into Area b may become paralyzed by the worm's slime, which coats the walls and pools in puddles on the floor (see below). A clever party may, of course, devise some other method to cross the shaft. The success or failure of any such attempt is left to the impartial determination of the GM.

a) The cavern worm hoards its treasure here in great piles of mixed coin and other precious objects. It includes:

• 2,450 copper pieces• 1,120 silver pieces• 598 gold pieces • 1 gold torc engraved with twining dragons

(worth 750 gold pieces)• 2 large green agates (worth 30 gold pieces

each)• 1 decorated brass tube (worth 25 gold pieces)

containing a divine scroll with 2 spells: hold person and remove disease

• 1 leather tube containing an arcane scroll of invisibility

• and a +1 battleaxe of hewing (see Appendix I).





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