sample hr article

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Sample Article on ‘Organization Culture

Aary Infoline Organization

Page 2 of 33

In research Paper with title “Organizational Culture and

Organizational Performance” Published Malaysia International

Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 3; Author- Davoud

Nikbin, December 2010. This review paper focuses on the definition

and measurement of organizational culture and sheds the light on

the important studies on the topic. It also sheds the light on the

culture-performance literature. This review paper also sheds the

light on the definition, conceptualization, and measurement of

organizational performance. This review paper has also showed a

number of studies that linked the relationship between

organizational culture and the organizational performance. By his

studies different researcher opinions stated here about issue among

organizational cultural researchers, it defined organizational

performance as the ability of the organization to achieve its goals

and objectives. Organizational performance has suffered from not

only a definition problem, but also from a conceptual problem. Some

stated that as a concept in modern management, organizational

performance suffered from problems of conceptual clarity in a

number of areas. In result oriented evaluation, productivity

measures were typically considered. Many researchers have used

managers‟ subjective perceptions to measure beneficial outcomes

for firms. Others have preferred objective data, such as return on

Page 3 of 33

assets. Scholars have widely established that there is a high

correlation and concurrent validity between objective and subjective

data on performance, which implies that both are valid when

calculating a firm‟s performance. Author concluded that-

Organizational culture was based more on differences in norms and

shared practices, which was learned at the workplace and

considered as valid within the boundaries of a particular

organization. Hence, in the context of organizational culture, cultural

differences resided more on practices while national, the differences

lie in values. There were three factors that determined employees‟

behaviour in the workplace: national culture, occupational culture

and organizational culture. Organizational culture practice was the

most crucial factor that will determine organization success than

national or occupational culture. The study of organizational culture

should hence look into the differences in organizational culture

which distinguished one organizational culture from another.

In research paper with title “Seven Reasons Organizational Culture

Matters” published on blog” Posted by Kevin Eikenberry on

Wednesday, 09/12/2007 1:24 pm author says that- This article

containing organization culture matter, Author spends 40, 45, 50 or

more hours at work each week. Many of us spend more time with

those we work with than they are families. They earn content and

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fulfilled people, that time must be valuable for more than a dollar.

He told us be engaged in your work, enjoyable, meaningful and

engaging. When we are engaged we are safer on the job, more

productive and more willing and able to delight Customers. He told

that there are basic reasons that organizational culture matters as;

the right thing for an organization to do to think about the work

environment, working relationships focused on building and

sustaining an organizational culture is one way of showing that

people are the organization's most valuable asset. He focused on

and building organizational culture. That positive energy will

permeate the organization and create a new momentum for success.

Energy is contagious and will build on itself, reinforcing the culture

and the attractiveness of the organization. A strong culture changes

the view of "work". A strong culture brings people together. Author

concluded that- The author says that a strong culture is a talent-

attractor. Organizational culture is part of the package that

prospective employees look at when assessing your organization.

Positive good environment gets strong building of organization.

In research paper with title “Creating Your Environment for a

Different Kind of Green“ by Andrea Feinberg published in Business to

Business, Huntington Chamber Networks, Creations Magazine, e-

newsletter on 2011 Author says that- Article explained author life

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experience at the last 35 years; both awareness and concern for

current natural environment have become incorporated into our

consciousness. Natural fibers, recycling, biodegradable goods,

concern for natural habitats, the disappearing ozone layer, and

second-hand smoke are all concepts that have filtered into her

personal and business behaviors. The result of this awareness is a

pretty good understanding of the interdependence we have with our

natural environments and reasons to respect them. He wondered

that do we have a similar appreciation for the contribution of our

working environments to our business success & messaged creating

good environment. He explained that - When developing products,

you find funds to develop and promote green them, find partners,

test markets, affiliates and more for this cultural. Author concluded

that- Creating an environment that supports your business may be

trickier than just providing the necessary physical tools and working

space. Businesses create their own kind of 'green' and you can take

that to every time.

In research paper with title “Presenteeism: Another Dimension”

Published in Harvard Business Review” Author- by Kelly mccullough

in 2004 author says that- This Article of Author shares his job

experience past few years‟ about terms "employee engagement" and

"employee disengagement". He had described the employee's level

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of motivation and commitment to their job. An engaged employee is

considered to be passionate about their work and emotional

connected to their work and to their company. The term

"presenteeism" has also been used to describe disengaged

employees. Their minds are somewhere else. He thought about their

children, their upcoming date, a party, last's night basketball game

or be engrossed thinking about their own personal problems. From a

productivity perspective this may not be that serious for a person

working manually on repetitive tasks. He brought awareness to the

serious increase in the rise of mental disabilities He explained

situation; managers are increasingly challenged to create

workplaces that will support a mentally healthy environment. Author

concluded that- There are anywhere from 10% to 15% of employees

who suffer from depression and who are not absent but who are in

fact are at work. This group of employees is incapable of working at

peak performance. They are at work and they fall squarely into the

disengaged or presenteeism category of employees. He added such

employee to the presenteeism group: physically sick workers who

show up at work but are not fully functioning & trained them for

recover good mental ability.

In research paper with title “Process 'n' People – Synergies for

Improved Business Performance”, Published in business review

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AIMM MAITD, Author- Leslie Allan in 1998 author says that- This

article stated that Process clarity is one of the three key foci in

effective organizational design, along with people and technology.

Explained about many organizations are struggling with poorly

defined and communicated processes. Research indicates that less

than 20 percent of product defects and service problems are due to

non-random factors such as malicious employees, machine

breakdown and poor raw materials. The other 80 percent or more of

problems are due to systemic deficiencies with processes. This

explained mapping by designing the process of start and end

activities, objective and inputs and outputs, Identify Customer and

Supplier requirements, Identify a Process Owner for each process

Such process, specify one Process Owner. Identifying one person

who is responsible for the process end to end is critical to ensuring

process efficiency. There is no more effective way that she knows to

dismantle quickly and effectively the silo walls that get built

separating departments. Last is documentation. The documents

must now be made easily accessible to all who need them. Have the

documents centrally managed and well indexed. Author Concluded

that- Mapping is important and do well, once the mapping is

completed,; they then serve as excellent induction and training

resources. The process maps and work instructions can now serve as

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the agreed baseline for ongoing process improvement. Through

continuing process improvement teams, your employees will remain

emotionally engaged with the organization and motivated to

continue working towards a common organizational goal.

In research paper with title “What‟s Holding You Back? Tips on

Managing Your Biggest Constraints” published research ,Author-

Adele Sommers . Vol 2 author says that- Article explained problem

may be caused by constraints in your workflow, or even limitations

in your thinking processes. His article explores ways to identify and

manage constraints in manufacturing, projects, and other business

and personal situations. To optimize results, start by avoiding a false

sense of productivity in your organization. It really doesn't matter

how much each individual department or work group produces. It's

what your entire organization puts out that counts. Dr. Eli Goldratt

introduced the Theory of Constraints more than years ago to provide

a powerful new way of thinking about ineffective workflow and

accounting practices in manufacturing firms. Theory of Constraints

applications have since expanded into project management,

software development, marketing, problem solving, interpersonal

communications, and more. Author concluded that- identifying and

managing business and personal constraints could offer the "silver

bullets" your organization needs to excel. In so doing, you can stop

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swimming upstream, break through previous barriers, and enjoy

increasing success.

In research paper with title “Seven Ways to Enhance Organizational

Culture” Published in The Kevin Eikenberry Group; March 13, 2006,

Date - Jan. - Feb. 2013. By Kevin Eikenberry, author says that- The

article author says that overall purpose of this paper has been to

highlight in the language of enhancing cultural and expressive

aspects of organizational life by introducing specific things that you

can do to act on the importance of your organizational culture. He

states that current culture, the parts of the culture that are already

great and need to be supported. And honestly determine where the

culture could use some polishing. Then create a vision of the culture

you want to create, taking into account the entire current picture the

warts and the beauty marks, Explained about - leadership strategic

intention to build a more attractive culture that fits the needs in the

organization. Lastly he messaged to that as you know some things

that need to change in your culture, so role model one of them

starting immediately. He messaged to for invite a couple of people to

lunch that a think. Author concluded that - Get help; Get a vision, Get

strategic, Get people excited, Get a champion, Get started These

seven things are by to enhance organization culture.

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In research paper with title “Transform Communications Initiatives

Through Engagement” Published HR Today Magazine Author Erik

Samdahl in November 8, 2013 author says that In this article Author

stated that technological culture in an organization Internal

Communications refers to all communication done within an

organization including emails, memos, company meetings, etc.

Internal Communications speaks to the “what‟s going on” within an

organization, allowing a company to facilitate a voice for the

employees to keep them engaged. Poor internal communication

causes annexation in an organization that could lead to employees

feeling disconnected. Enhance internal programs with repeatable

situational message processes. Author concluded that- Today‟s

environment technology perform lot of role in an organization

providing fast way of communication.

In research paper with title “ Standardize Your Process to Improve

the Bottom Line” , published in Wall Street Journal, and blog author

- Donald Bryant in June 21, 2005 author says that This article that

standardize your processes, You can save time, money and prevent

errors. Things you do over and over should be done the same way

every time, if indeed you do the task the best way. They told variety

is the spice of life, but for healthcare processes it certainly isn't most

of the time. Standardization helps save time. As things become

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routine, a process is easier to do and is done more quickly. If this is

done, the doctor can save time, thereby enabling him or her to spend

more quality time with the patient or see more patients.

Standardization saves money. Most doctors face rising malpractice

costs, but for one group this has not been true anesthesiologists.

Standardization prevents errors, as in the above illustration. It is

best if you can measure standardization. The best tool to measure

standardization in statistics is variance or standard deviation. Author

concluded that Once you have standardized a process and have

achieved a satisfactory standard deviation, then write down the

process in a manual that is a collection of all best practices. This

way, anyone who needs to reference how a process should be

conducted can refer to the manual. Too, it is an excellent training

source for new employees. As you can see in these brief

illustrations, standardization or the lack of variance provides safety

for patients, a saving of time for the provider and patient, and

contributes to an improved bottom line.

In research paper with title “Balancing Top-Down and Bottom-Up

Change Processes”, Published in HR TODAY magazine Author-

Donald Bryant in June 1,1999 , author says that This article is

Organization change and improvement planning call for systems,

processes, and discipline. These are often top-down, organization-

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wide approaches. Developing change champions and supporting

local initiatives takes leadership. Like innovation, many change and

improvement paths are discovered accidentally by change. These

can then be formalized and made passable for the whole wagon

train. This is an important part of organizational learning. Change

and improvement processes evolve and change to fit the shifting

Managers play a pivotal role in the success or failure of any

organization change or improvement effort. Their behavior is the

single most important variable in the process. But among those

managers working hard to visibly and actively lead their

organization improvement effort, many fill only half their role. They

personally signal values, plan, direct, and coordinate. That's vital.

But what most fail to do as well is follow and serves. The leadership

component of the change and improvement paradox involves

managing the Context and Focus vision, values, and purpose,

identifying customers/partners and the gaps to be closed, and

cultivating the environment for innovation and organization

learning. Improvement leadership means establishing goals and

priorities and setting the improvement planning process and

framework. Author concluded that- As members or leaders of

operational and improvement teams, such people are much closer to

the action than anyone in senior management. So they have a much

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better sense of which change and improvement tactics will work.

They hold the balance of implementation power.

In research paper with title “Think corporately, act locally”

Published by The academy of management journal; Author-

Deepika Datta in February 2005 , 5465 vol. 48, no. 1 author says

that Article contain Balancing top-down improvement planning with

local initiatives involves identifying and supporting the change

champions, innovative teams, and other efforts that are already

underway. At the corporate or organization-wide level, change and

improvement planning includes the establishment of strategic

imperatives, improvement objectives, setting the broad

improvement map and developing preliminary plans. Part of that

planning entails connecting to and incorporating the existing

pockets of change and improvement. These teams and champions

have often gone through the innovation and organizational learning

steps of exploration and experimentation. Their approaches and

experiences can be a gold mine of learning for the organization

improvement process. As these early innovators are educated to the

full organization improvement plan, they're shown how to adapt the

new process and tools. Author concluded that- There are wide

changes in organization, team management and other. So they can

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use them to build on their earlier experiences and move ever closer

to their change and improvement goals and establish you.

In research paper with title “Relationship between Organizational

Culture, Leadership Behavior and Job Satisfaction” Published in Tsai

BMC Health Services. Author- Yafang Tsai1 in 2011, 11:98 author

says that This article related with Organizational culture refers to

the beliefs and values that have existed in an organization for a long

time, and to the beliefs of the staff and the foreseen value of their

work that will influence their attitudes and behavior. Author

explained for administrators usually adjust their leadership behavior

to accomplish the mission of the organization, and this could

influence the employees‟ job satisfaction. It is therefore essential to

understand the relationship between organizational cultures,

leadership behavior and job satisfaction of employees. They studied

was focused on hospital nurses in Taiwan. Correlation analysis was

used on the relationships between organizational cultures,

leadership behavior and job satisfaction. Author concluded that-

Organizational cultures were significantly (positively) correlated

with leadership behavior and job satisfaction, and leadership

behavior was significantly (positively) correlated with job

satisfaction. The culture within an organization is very important,

playing a large role in whether it is a happy and healthy environment

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in which to work. In communicating and promoting the

organizational ethos to employees, their acknowledgement and

acceptance of it can influence their work behavior and attitudes.

When the interaction between the leadership and employees is good,

the latter will make a greater contribution to team communication

and collaboration, and will also be encouraged to accomplish the

mission and objectives assigned by the organization, thereby

enhancing job satisfaction.

In research paper with title “Organizational Culture‟s Influence on

Creativity and Innovation” This is Review of the Literature in

Advances in Developing Human Resources. Author- Angle, Vol. 7, No.

2 May 2005 Author Say that This article related with Organizational

encouragement. It is including encouragement of risk taking and

idea generation, supportive evaluation of ideas, collaborative idea

flow, and participative management and decision. Concepts put forth

by other scholars align closely with some of these. It puts a heavy

emphasis on integrative structures, multiple structural linkages with

intersecting territories and horizontal communication that is often

supported by a matrix organization Author concluded that- the

relationship between organizational culture/climate and

creativity/innovation is relatively limited. Organizational structures

and a culture that supports, or perhaps more appropriately does not

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punish, this type of communication will be more likely to have more

effective creativity and innovatory.

In research paper with title “Organizational Culture and Leadership”

Published Times Publi Wiley Imprint, San Francisco, CA 94103-1741.

Author: Jossey-Bass in 2004 author says that- This article explained

Culture, It is both a dynamic phenomenon that surrounds us at all

times, being constantly enacted and created by our interactions with

others and shaped by leadership behavior, and a set of structures,

routines, rules, and norms that guide and constrain behavior. When

one brings culture to the level of the organization and even down to

groups within the organization, one can see clearly how culture is

created, embedded, evolved, and ultimately manipulated, and, at the

same time, how culture constrains, stabilizes, and provides structure

and meaning to the group members. These are dynamic processes of

culture creation and management are the essence of leadership and

make one realize that leadership and culture are two sides of the

same coin. If leaders are to fulfill this challenge, they must first

understand the dynamics of culture, so his journey begins with a

focus on definitions, case illustrations, and a suggested way of

thinking about organizational culture. Author concluded that- It

clear that the leader of the future must be a perpetual learner, which

will require (1) new levels of perception and insight into the realities

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of the world and into him- or herself; (2) extraordinary levels of

motivation to go through the inevitable pain of learning and change,

especially in a world with looser boundaries in which one‟s own

loyalties become more and more difficult to define; (3) the

emotional strength to manage one‟s own and others‟ anxiety as

learning and change become more and more a way of life; (4) new

skills in analyzing and changing cultural assumptions; and (5) the

willingness and ability to involve others and elicit their participation.

Learning and change cannot be imposed on people. Their

involvement and participation is needed in diagnosing what is going

on, in figuring out what to do, and in actually bringing about

learning and change.

In research paper with title “Transformational leadership,

organizational culture, and innovativeness in nonprofit

organizations” Published in online blogs, Author- Kristina Jaskyte; in

8 Dec 2004 author says that-This article explained at Workplace

cooperation has been conceptualized as the willful contribution of

employee effort to the successful completion of interdependent

organizational tasks cooperative behavior is difficult. They examine

people's disposition to cooperate and the organizational culture in

which they act as relevant personal and situational characteristics

and then suggest how these Administrative Science Quarterly, may

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interact to influence cooperative behavior in organizations Author

concluded that- Organizational behavior and psychology, situational

characteristics, such as organizational culture, entirely predict

behavior. Explained current challenge stemming from this

interactional perspective is to understand when and why certain

people's behavior corresponds to or deviates from their personality

across time or situations. This is particularly important to

understanding cooperation at work-why some people cooperate with

their coworkers and others don't.

In research paper with title “Cooperative and Individualistic People

and Organizational Cultures” published by Chatman University of

California Author- Jennifer A. Chatman University of California in

425/ASQ, September 1995 Author say that this article explained

Cooperative and individualistic orientations are shaped through

dispositions and developmental experiences. A person with a high

disposition to cooperate places priority on associating with others

for mutual benefit, gaining social approval, and working together

with others toward a common end or purpose, while a person with a

low disposition to cooperate places strong priority. Personal

cooperativeness, as examined a single-dimension personality

characteristic varying from high personal cooperativeness, at one

extreme, to low personal cooperativeness, or individualism, at the

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other extreme. A comparable construct at the organizational level is

the extent to which organizational cultures emphasize individualistic

or collectivistic values. The individualism collectivism dimension is

usually examined at the societal level, but because it is central to

characterizing how work is conducted, it is also relevant at the

organizational level. Organizational cultures emphasizing

individualistic values place priority on pursuing and maximizing

individuals' goals, and members are rewarded for performance

based on their own achievements. An organization's emphasis on

individualism or collectivism typically depends on factors such as its

task environment, history, industry, and the primary nation in which

it operates, but both ends of the spectrum are considered legitimate

and effective models of organizational functioning. Author concluded

that- personal cooperativeness and an organization's emphasis on

collectivistic or individualistic values may each contribute separately

to cooperative behavior. They may also interact to influence

members' cooperative behavior. The result of this interaction can

depend on the match or mismatch between a person's individual

disposition to cooperate and the individualism or collectivism of the

organization's culture.

In research paper with title “Organizational culture and employee

commitment” Published On Economic Times , Author- NADARAJ

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NAICKER, In NOVEMBER 2008 author says that article explained

Culture, at the workplace, is a very powerful force, which is

consciously and deliberately cultivated and is passed on to the

incoming employees. It is the very thread that holds the

organization together. The importance of corporate culture is

stronger culture; the more it was directed to the marketplace.

People way down the line know what they are supposed to do in

most situations because the handful of guiding values is crystal

clear. Organizational culture is pervasive and powerful. For business,

it is either a force for change or a definite barrier to it. For

employees, it is either the glue that bonds people to an organization

or what drives them away. They demonstrate high levels of

commitment and teamwork for long- term, sustainable success.

Managers, today, are increasingly challenged with changing an

organizations culture to support new ways of accomplishing work.

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to create a better

understanding of organizational culture and employee commitment

at a selected company. This study attempts to look at a small

business enterprise and ascertain the prevailing as well as the

expected culture. The study further engages to reveal the level of

employee commitment that is prevalent within this particular

organization. Author concluded that- When people operate from true

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commitment; they feel a profound personal ownership and

responsibility for the success of the organization and for

accomplishing its strategic direction. They recognize the significant

link between their personal needs and aspirations and those of the

organization. They communicate candidly, coordinate seamlessly,

and respond collaboratively in pursuit of shared goals. Individual

initiative is not lost in competing agendas. Individual perceptions,

beliefs, and relationships are confronted and leveraged throughout

the organization, within the context of a clear and compelling vision;

true alignment can take place around any given change.

In research paper “Organizational Culture and Organizational

Change: How Shared Values, Rituals, and Sagas can Facilitate

Change in an Academic Library Jason Martin” Published in dupoint

Ball Library, Stetson University. Author- Jason in 1997 author says

that this article related to organizational culture. it is defined as the

shared norms, values, and beliefs of an academic library. Values are

the building blocks of organizational culture and are derived either

from the organization‟s leaders or from organizational traditions

with the latter making for stronger and more enduring values. The

culture of a library expresses itself through symbols, sagas, rites,

and rituals. This change on and around the core values of the

library‟s culture makes implementing the change less uncertain and

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unpredictable thereby making the librarians and library staff less

stressed and fearful. Emphasizing an organization‟s values,

especially how the change will enhance those values, strikes at the

very heart of those within the organization and makes them more

open to and accepting of change. Author concluded that- He

explained about Organizational culture and change is both complex

and difficult to grasp. Organizational culture can advance and

impede, help and hinder. Change brings uncertainty and with

uncertainty resistance. These two can work together & to help

implement change. Resistance can be overcome, at least in part,

through the use of organizational culture. If the change strengthens

the underlying values of a culture, then members of the culture are

more likely to accept the change. The use of cultural rituals and

sagas also helps to make change more palpable to an organization

In research paper with title “Leadership style, organizational culture

and performance: empirical evidence” Published in UK companies

blogs . Author-Emmanuel Ogbonna and Lloyd C. Harris. 1998 author

says that this Article is examination of the literature in theŽ yields of

organizational culture and leadership. These two areas have been

independently linked to organizational performance. He explained

despite the implicit and explicit linking of leadership and culture in

many parts of organization theory. There is two concepts and the

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impact that such an association might have on organizational

performance. The various absence of critical literature exploring the

performance implications of the links between organizational culture

and leadership is surprising given the numerous references to the

importance of the two concepts in the functioning of organizations.

The aim of this paper is to provide empirical evidence of the links

between different types of organizational culture, a range of

leadership styles and organizational Performance. Author concluded

that- In an evaluation of studies of organizational culture, leadership

style, and organizational performance, it emerged that, while some

evidence exists of links between organizational culture and

performance and between leadership style and performance, the

combined study of all three of these concepts has been lacking.

Consequently, based on theories which suggest that leadership style

and organizational culture are linked, it was proposed that

organizational culture mediates the association between leadership

style and performance. So its stated that leadership style is not

directly linked to performance but is merely indirectly associated.

In research paper with title “ The impact of internationalization on

organizational culture“ Published in Building a winning culture ,

Author- Prof. Dr. Winfried Ruigrok & Prof. Dr. Martin Hilb in 2006

Author Say that this Article is the research field by virtually every

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measure growth in international trade, foreign direct investment,

and cross-border flows of technology internationalization is

becoming increasingly pervasive. Geographic expansion abroad

offers the vast potential benefits of a much larger market arena,

spread risk, scale- and location-based cost efficiencies, and

exposure to a variety of new product and process ideas. Emerging

markets especially constitute the major growth opportunity in the

evolving economic world. Globally active companies have been on

the rise and substantially extending their impact, particularly in the

last three decades. Whether is to internationalize, and how to

internationalize, have become two of the most burning strategy

issues for managers around the world. His academic research over

the last three decades has been assiduously investigating the

relationship between corporate internationalization and

performance with partly disillusioning and partly contradictory

results; change can have the greatest impact on a company‟s

performance. It takes strong leadership at every level of an

organization, determination and a willingness to make culture a top

priority. The elements behind a winning culture can be managed by

using some practical guidelines. And the payoff is high. Author

concluded that- It defined a strategy that promoted a new

understanding of customer service and a commitment to deliver it. A

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stronger, more proactive bank would add value to people‟s lives by

figuring out products they wanted and providing them with better

service and more flexibility than the competition.

In research paper with title “impacts and implications on

organizational culture, human resource and employee‟s

performance” Published in time Paper vol 3.2.1 Author- Dr. Nyameh

Jerome in 1995 Author say that "A Theory of Human Motivation".

Maslow consequently extended the idea to include his observations,

authors has tend to criticizes the theory as being irrelevant in most

part of the world for is western in nature Contrary may be linked to

organizational culture. Every new organization passes through this

lower order stage in which they struggle with their basic survival

needs. Social needs would correspond to the formation of organized

roles within the organization into distinct units, depicting the human

resource management function which resonates according to the

tone set by organizational culture. The positive interaction of

organizational culture and human resource management would

result in self-esteem and self-actualization. This is manifested

through the employees‟ performance which showcases the strength

and reliability of their organization in the face of competitors. Author

Concluded that theory was still important and relevant in today‟s

business organizations, for every organization that seek to obtain

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success and excellence, Such will affect negatively the

organizational culture, human resource management and the

employee‟s performance, to achieve organizational excellence and

create good atmosphere, better work environment and achieve

target at the right time then a drive and application of the theory is


In research paper with title “Relationship between Organizational

Culture and Performance Management Practices” Published in

University in Pakistan Ul Author- Mujeeb Ehtesham, Tahir Masood

Muhammad, Shakil Ahmad Muhammad. 19.12.2011. Author say

that management of human resource in company has become an

increasingly important for firm performance and business vision

achievement. Employees are considered as valuable assets to an

organization, which require effective management of these

employees in firms He determine the relationship between

components of organizational culture and performance management

practices, a pervasive human resource development and

management practice. His study is indented to fill these gaps.

Dension theory of organizational culture implicitly explain the

cultural traits of organizational performance, while performance

management practices as fundamental human resource

management practice support the view that employees and

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managers benefit from the understand Author Concluded that- the

relationship between organizational culture and the practices of

performance management. Results show that adaptability and

mission has significant positive values in correlation. All the

variables must be positive to get better results from Practices.

Traditionally organizational culture and design of human resource

management practices such as performance management have been

studied independently for organizational success. However, studies

on this relationship often differ as to the extent a practice is likely to

be positively or negatively related to performance. They suggests

that firms can implement such management practices that foster job

security and internal career development in order to keep turnover

low, and maintain those social phenomena that comprise

organizational culture within the organization, and therefore

forming a strong organizational culture.

In research paper with title “Creating a Collaborative Organizational

Culture” Published in UNC Executive Development Author-: Kip Kelly

in 21 March 2012. Author say that Collaboration can re-invigorate

organizations by fully engaging employees, improving retention, and

increasing innovation. It can help employees thrive in an ever-

changing, diverse workplace. An organizations grow, employees

scatter through timeworks and multiple locations, budgets shrink,

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and workloads expand, collaboration remains a challenge. Many

senior leaders view collaboration as a skill that is best applied on

projects, rather than as an organization-wide cultural value that

should be embedded in the company‟s fabric. The study concluded

that collaboration should be encouraged among A truly collaborative

environment involves all organizational levels and is infused in an

organization‟s cultural identity and day-to-day operations. Author

concluded that- collaborative environment involves every employee

at every level and department, and is infused in an organization‟s

culture and reflected in its daily operations. It can help recruit,

retain, and motivate employees; increase productivity; bring new

products and services to the market faster; increase customer

satisfaction and loyalty; and improve an organization‟s bottom line.

And because it lowers stress, it makes for a better work

environment overall.

In research paper with title “Impact of Organizational Culture on

Employees Job performance: An Empirical Study of Software Houses

in Pakistan” Published in The Superior College Lahore, Pakistan

Journal of Business Studies Quarterly 2013, Volume 5, Number 2

Author- Fakhar Shahzad. Author Say that -A company either large or

small is consider as a software house whose primary objective is to

produce software‟s. This requires highly technical skills and high

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level of understanding of software developing. Software has are

developed and distributed throughout the world. World famous

software developers are Microsoft, Oracle Corporation, HP, and

Apple, etc. These organizations have their own culture, which could

be the effect on the performance of the employees in the

organization. The organizational culture proposed employees the

way things should be done. Businesses show interest in cultural

dimensions that was the extreme effect rather than the other

fragments of organizational behavior. The culture of organization

comes into view to permeate every important component of the

organization. Author concluded that - the researcher tries to

evaluate the overall impact of organizational culture on the

employee's job performance with the indication from software

houses. He found five possible aspects of organizational culture, e

customer service, employee participation, reward system,

innovation, & risk-taking and communication system.. Based on

regression and correlation results, it shows the link between culture

and employee‟s job performance within the organization.

In research paper with ”Organizational Culture: Normative

Implications of Culture” Published by University of California, Los

Angeles in 1966 Vol 2.231 Author- JAY B. BARNEY Author say that-

(1) firms without valuable cultures Such firms cannot expect to

Page 30 of 33

obtain even temporary competitive advantages on the basis of their

organizational culture. Because a firm's culture can have such a

signify cant impact on the ways a firm conducts its business. These

firms often are forced to engage in activities that modify their

culture to include at least some economically valuable attributes. So

a firm facing a competitive environment that requires low-cost

production strategies with a culture that does not emphasize

managerial efficiency often will engage in actions to try to develop

the value of efficiency among its managers. (2) Firms with Valuable

Cultures From his brief review of findings on organizational culture,

at least some firms have valuable, rare, and imperfectly imitable

cultures. Such firms, the normative implications of our arguments

are clear. These firms should attempt to understand what it is about

their cultures that gives them competitive advantages, and then to

nurture and develop these cultural attributes, thereby increasing the

likelihood that their competitive advantage will not be dissipated

through mismanagement. Also told those cultures lead to sustained

superior performance. Author concluded that- it is not easy to

describe what it is about some firms that make them more

successful than others. Precisely because an organization's culture

is hard to describe; because the common sense of managers is taken

for granted; and because even if the culture can be described, it is

Page 31 of 33

difficult to change; a firm's culture can hold promise for sustained

superior financial performance for some firms.

In research paper with title “Organizational Cultural Factors That

Impact” Published by University of Oregon Applied Information

Management Author- Michael J. Campbell in July 2009 Author Say

that- the concept of an „organization‟ refers to a knowledge-based

enterprise, defined as any organization that effectively leverages

their knowledge base. Knowledge sharing is defined as the

exchanging of framed experiences, values, contextual information

and expert insight that provides a framework for evaluating and

incorporating new experiences and information. Knowledge-based

enterprises have come to terms with the fact that knowledge is the

most valuable resource in this knowledge-intensive economy. Author

concluded that - Organizations must compete in an increasingly

knowledge-intensive economy, in which knowledge is the most

valuable resource. Management is challenged to understand what

factors impact knowledge sharing in order to create a sustainable

knowledge sharing environment. Note, making knowledge available

to the right people at the right time is crucial for an organization to

build and sustain competencies. The importance of establishing and

nurturing an environment where knowledge can be easily shared,

Page 32 of 33

the factors with the most potential to have the greatest impact are

not yet well understood in many organizations.

In research paper with title “organizational culture influences on the

organizations” Published by Marius Author Land Forces Academy,

Sibiu in 2001 Vol 4.1 1647.36 Author say that Organizational culture

and organizational performance, with results that supported both

financial and non-financial elements organizations often benefiting

from strong corporate culture of the other competitors, get better

performance. Major cause of this phenomenon is that these cultures

tend to adjust to direct and energize the company members, as to

achieve specific objectives. The effect will be a gradual divergence of

organizations managerial culture, with the realities, which will very

likely lead to its crisis. Inadequate managerial cultures are cultures

that are targeted towards the firm, as to establish procedures and

very rigid rules, creating bureaucratic structures and interest

expressions by means of personal interest, thus paying little

attention to the market requirements trends. The behaviours seem

to be determined by a value system that emphasizes the legitimacy

of the organization to meet requirements. There is Stresses the

importance of values and processes that can lead to beneficial

changes people for the organization. Author concluded that- It is

important to note the idea that leaders in an organization

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encourages leadership and those who perceive opportunities that

change would bring to the firm and at the same time, their ability to

win minds and the hearts. sometimes maintaining organizational

culture. Culture management is basically is reflected in decisions and

actions that they undertake.


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