sanskruti, an english medium school (2018...

Post on 09-Feb-2020






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Class:- 10 A

Adult literacy program

Date:- 22-12-18

Venue:- Takneri Gram (Ashoknagar)

Objective:- Making door-to-door visits and persuading them to join literacy classes. Modifying the

teaching methods and procedures in the light of experience. Objective of adult literacy program is to

ignite the spark of knowledge amongst less privileged. The focused aim is to teach various adults to read

and write their names, their family details and keep in check about the basic information about their

locality, home town etc.

Description:- In accordance with the above mentioned aim we’ve conducted a teaching learning session

for adults ranging from 25 to 50 age groups. Our cheerful volunteers of class 10 taken a step ahead to

teach adults in the best possible manner they can. And yes, they were quite successful as they taught

adults a special activity named “Anghoote se kalam tak” signifying the importance and value of pen and

writing in our lives.

Our students thoroughly enjoyed and were mesmerized by their performances it gave them immense

sense of satisfaction and joy.

“ And we the future will go door to door till heaven and earth with light of knowledge”

Class:- 10 A

Care for homeless children

Date:- 22-12-18

Venue:- Takneri Gram (Ashoknagar)

Objective:- Groups as community volunteers participated in a program to give happiness to children living

in shelters. This would also increase awareness about the issue of homelessness. This SE project will also

focus on every child's right for special protection and care. Children have the right to an adequate

standard of living, health care, education and services, and to play and recreation.

Description:- To attain the target focus of securing child rights our volunteers of class 10th deeply

understood the significance of food and shelter they urged to provide clothes and food to

underprivileged children and were successful in bringing cheerful smile on their faces. It was a day

campaigning in which students donated their belongings like clothes, toys, stationeries, books etc. to

various homeless children. Also we explained them the importance of health and sanitation.

Let’s make this Earth a better place”

Class:- 10 A

First aid awareness

Date:- 10-12-18


Preparation and use of First Aid Kit.

Dressing of wounds and bandaging.

Management of simple injuries and emergencies.

Description:- First aid is something that we need to be aware from our childhood itself and its necessary

to understand the importance of first aid in more detailed manner. Class 10 students conducted a short

demonstration program on how to deal with emergencies, cuts and wounds, strokes and attacks.

They fluently explained the important measures we could adopt in the case of emergencies. Using

antiseptics in the correct manner, usage of clean cotton swabs, urgencies of inhaling pain killers etc.

Students created a very strong mode of teaching learning methods as they themselves learned a lot

through this activity. All in all it proved to be the fruitful demonstration which would help people at

sudden and extreme times.

Class:- 10 A

“Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya” (cleanliness drive)

Date:- 22-12-18

Venue:- Takneri Gram (Ashoknagar)


bring attitudinal change towards cleanliness and sanitation.

be able to distinguish between benefits of cleanliness and the disadvantages of

uncleanliness, including the health hazards.

make the community aware of the result of not practicing cleanliness.

know the importance of cleanliness in neighborhoods, parks, market places, roads

and cities.

Description:- An awareness campaign was been organized by students on cleanliness they roamed around

streets to streets spreading awareness and reciting slogans of cleanliness in entire village. They also

picked up the litters and cleaned up the places so far. Inculcating the thought of clean India green India

they’ve shown their keen interests in cleanliness procedure also they felt immense pleasure in spreading

awareness regarding the same.

“Clean India, green India”


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