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  • Fr. Barry Anwender is the new Council Chaplain

    Santo Niño Council News Volume Issue December, 2014– February, 2015

    The Knights of Columbus is a family-oriented fraternal service society of practical Catholic men.

    Chaplain’s Letter

    Brother Knights, My first letter to you as chaplain has to do with the prac-tical matter of your service to Blessed Sacra-ment Parish. The Archdiocese of Regina has implemented a Protocol for Responsible Parish Ministry. The intention is to safeguard all those to whom we minister; to support parish employees and volunteers, to preserve their safety, integrity, reputation and to ensure that we fulfill our service with compassion and transparency. All parish vol-unteers must complete the proto-col process in order to secure our insurance policies. Our parish has about 70 volunteers, who have completed the protocol forms and are serving the parish with their time, talent and treasure. I have only received forms from five (5) Santo Niño Knights. I thank these Knights for their diligence, care and concern for keeping Blessed Sacrament an insured-vibrant parish. I thank all of you for sharing your many gifts and talents for the building up of God’s Kingdom in our parish. Sincerely in Christ, The Blessed Sacrament Rev. Barry J. Anwender

    The Knights of Columbus are dedicated to the four pillars of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism

    Fr. Barry Anwender

    Reverend Barry Joseph Anwender is our new Council Chaplain following Father Em-mett Morrissey. Father Barry is the eldest of seven children, raised on a farm near Kendal, 70 km southeast of Regina. He had a degree in Electrical Engi-neering from the University of Manitoba. He worked as an engineer in telecommunica-tions. He had “the good life” but a corporate restructuring resulted in a process of deep questioning and spiritual explo-ration.

    So, in 1991, Father Bar-ry began work on his Master of Divinity degree at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Edmonton. He completed the degree and was ordained at Holy Rosary Cathe-dral in Regina by Archbishop Peter J. Mallon on June 28, 2002.

    Father Barry has served in the parishes of St. Anne, St. Martin and Little Flower in Re-gina, in the parishes of St. Pe-ter in Lumsden, St. Jerome in Regina Beach, St. Anne in Chamberlain and Our Lady of The Lake Chapel in Saskatche-wan Beach. In 2012 he served in the Moose Jaw parish of St. Joseph, the parish of St. John The Evangelist in Marquis and the parish of St. Mary’s in Cen-tral Butte. On October 1, 2013, he came to serve Blessed Sac-rament in Regina.

    11th STAR Council Award

    Our council, Santo Niño Council (#12415), won the Star Our council, Santo Niño Council (#12415), won the Star Council Award for the Columbi-

    an year June, 2013—June, 2014. On Sunday, November 23, 2014, District Deputy Glen Pi-otrofsky presented the awards to GK Joseph Alejandria at Santo Nino Council’s regular council meet-ing. The Star Council Award is the highest award that is given by Su-preme for council achievements in the areas of church, council, com-munity, family and youth as well as accomplishments in membership and insurance. It is Santo Niño’s eleventh (11th) award in fourteen years since the council was char-tered in 1999. Congratulations goes to GK Joe, officers and the directors for the job well done!

    Proud Santo Niño Council

  • Santo Niño Council News Page 2

    Donations for Souls Harbour November 21, 2014 – Meeting with Bro. Ro-

    drigo Chiu to obtain old clothing to donate. I wrote

    a letter to Rodrigo’s work in order for them to give

    us their old clothing.

    November 24, 2014 – donated around 40

    garbage bags full of clothing to Souls Har-

    bour . Bro. Rodrigo, Urbis, Richard and myself deliv-

    ered the clothing.

    Family Picnic August 24, 2014 – Family Picnic

    at Candy Cane Park . Coordinated by Ian

    Alarcon and

    Pete Escanlar.

    Approx. 25

    brothers with

    their families

    attended the


    event. Special

    thanks to Phil-

    ippine Associa-

    tion of Sask for

    donating the

    barbecue and

    Coop Bakery

    for donating

    the bread.

    Setting up of Nativity Scene

    The Santo Niño Knights, braving the cold

    and windy day to help set up the nativity scene in

    front of Blessed Sacrament church, November 29,

    Saturday at 9am. Thanks to the following Knights

    - Chaplain Fr. Barry, GK Joe Alejandria, DGK Ur-

    bistondo, Art Vanderzalm, Richard Alejandria,

    Gerry Abao, Jim Johnson, PGK Pete Escanlar, PGK

    Rio Mercado,

    PGK Jim Alva-

    rez, Melchor

    Andes, PGK

    Gregg Ravas-

    co and Rodri-

    go Chiu

    T h a n k

    you for the ar-

    roz caldo pre-

    pared by our

    GK’s mom,

    Amor Alejan-


    New Heat Register

    September 7,

    2014 –The San-

    to Niño council

    helped Blessed

    Sacrament Par-

    ish move the

    side pews to

    prepare for

    new heat regis-

    ter installation

    after the 10am

    mass. There are

    about 12 broth-

    ers that helped.

  • December 03: Regina Chapter meeting 09 to 14: Christmas Caroling 13: CFC Christmas Party 15: Simbang Gabi–Holy Child Parish 19: CFC Simbang Gabi - Holy Child 20: PAS Christmas Party

    25: Christmas Day 26: Boxing Day January, 2015 01: New Year’s Day 07: Regina Chapter Meeting 16: Council Free Throw ? 25: Mass and Council Meeting February, 2015 04: Regina Chapter Meeting 14: Valentine’s Day 21: Ladies Night 22: Mass and Council Meeting

    Upcoming Events Happy Birthday Brothers! December: 01- James Johnson 06- Ferdinand Sta. Maria 06- Carl Folk 07- Peter Thacyk 10– Heintje de Sosa 11- Noel Quinton 12- Ferdinand Feliciano 14- Elmer Sayat 14- Gabe Seiferling 16- Metro Rybchuk 20- Fernando Inocalla 20- Lito Lopez 25- Chris Elpa 26- Sam Tranquilino 27- Joepet Cabugao 28- Fr. Felipe Faustino 29- Ruel Punzalan 31- Umberto Gonzales 31- Ricardo Villastique January 01- Cecilio Corpuz 02- Dante Quintos 04- Bonifacio Borricano 09- Arnulfo Ventocilla 09- Glen Empleo 11- Reynaldo Dimaano 16- Eumir (Rec) Mercado 16- Anthony Selinger 17- Mark Esguerra 17- Amado Paligan 20- Simon Firnesz 22- Frank Lang 23- Henry Kwasnitza 24- Peter Francis Siapno 28- James Descallar 31- Butch Siapno February 01- Walter McLashan 01- Joseph Fahlman 06– Sean Ortiz-Luis 08- Fr. Emmett Morrissey 10- Gladwin Siapno 14– Ruek Malinay 16- Ian Alarcon 17- Mark Dacog 19- Mike Kuffner 19- James Pageot 20- Ferdinand Sampaga 25- Ibn Dionisio 28- Rey Grapa

    Page 3 Santo Niño Council News

    1st Degree & Major Degree Events

    September 15, 2014 – First Degree at Blessed Sacrament basement. Santo Niño Council and Holy Rosary Council col-laborated. Bro. Heintje, Jim Johnson and myself attended the event along with the degree team and Holy Rosary Council.

    November 9, 2014 – Major Degree Exem-plification at St.Cecilia Parish. Bro. Jimmy Johnson attended with 1 candidate for ma-jor degree.

    Members are urged to pick up their membership cards

    from our Financial Secretary Heintje de Sosa. Phone (306)

    751-0089 or (306) 501-1380

    Important Notice to Knights ***

    Please pay your dues asap to our

    Treasurer Art Vanderzalm (306-584-

    3156) or

    Financial Secretary Heintje de Sosa


    Officers: Chaplain: Fr. Barry Anwender 522-7422 Grand Knight: Joseph Alejandria 359-3368 Deputy GK: Arnel Urbiztondo 205-7026 Chancellor: Azel Siapno 999-2227 Financial Secretary: Heintje de Sosa 751-0089 Treasurer: Art Vanderzalm 584-3156 Recorder: Pete Escanlar 751-0512 Advocate: Rodrigo Chiu 569-7700 Lecturer: Melchor Andes 949-3207 Warden: Luis B. de Paz 529-5225 Inside Guard: Diony Elpa 525-1074 Outside Guard: Richard Alejandria 543-5176 Trustees: Rey Dimaano 757-4521 Jeremias P. Ravasco 586-9378 Allan Ngui 584-8103 Program Director: Arnel Urbiztondo 205-7026

    Membership Directors Jim Johnson 527-4267 Church/Vocations Directors Tereso E. Abadiano 527-9431 Arnel Urbiztondo 205-7026 Council Directors Reuben Mercado 775-0224 Dophy Alvarez 586-6736 Community Directors Gerry Abao 586-7569 Melchor Andes 737-3809 Family Directors Ian Alarcon 586-6259 Cris Masaoay 545-2906 Youth Directors Richard Alejandria 543-5176 Azel Siapno 999-2227 Fundraising Director Aaron Alarcon 586-6259 Pro-life Director

    Tereso E. Abadiano 527-9431 NewsEditors

    Jaime L. Alvarez 949-3207 Eusebio L. Koh 586-9386 St. Mary’s Round Table Tereso E. Abadiano 527-9431 District Deputy # 3: Glen Piotrofsky 545-6876 Field Agent: Jim Johnson 527-4267

  • Page 4 Santo Niño Council News

    Message from our Grand Knight

    Brother Knights,

    As we approach the advent season, it is important to remind ourselves the less fortunate who are in need of extra assis-tance. We have been continuously col-lecting used clothing to donate to local charities especially during the cold winter season. It is with great honour to announce that our Santo Niño Council (#12415) achieved the Star Coun-cil award for 2013-2014, which will be published in the upcoming State newsletter. We’ve been blessed with the efforts of everyone who has contributed their time and talents to serve God and others. Thanks to our veteran officers for being there to support and set a good example to the new members. Special thanks to Bro. Jimmy John-son for his energetic recruitment and to our Financial Secretary, Bro. Henitje de Sosa for his assistance. Con-gratulations again to everyone for the job well done.

    Our former chaplain, Reverend Father Emmett Morrissey has since retired from being our council chaplain this past July. We then approached the parish priest of Blessed Sacrament Church, Reverend Father Barry Anwender to be our next chaplain, and he accepted. We would like to take this time to thank Reverend Father Emmett Morris-sey for all his contributions for being very instrumental in helping Santo Niño council get chartered, established and become a thriving and successful council that it is today. We cannot thank you enough Father Emmett Morrissey for your support and we wish you the best of luck in the future. Over 200 people were in attendance to support the Prolife Chain Rally, which is a peaceful expression of solidarity in quest of ending abortion. The Knights of Columbus firmly believes in defending life at all cost. Our council continues to be active with the Church during Christmas season such as setting up the Nativity Scene outside Blessed Sacrament Church (Nov. 29) and hosting ‘Simbang Gabi’ (Dec. 15). In addition, our brothers and their families also perform the liturgical services at Blessed Sacrament Church every 4

    th Sunday of the


    We will soon be planning more activities for the upcoming year. We encourage everyone to get involved in coordi-nating future activities. We continue to strive to uphold the mission and vision of the Knights of Columbus found-er Father McGivney, which is to work under the four pil-lars of our order; Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Wishing you all a safe Christmas and a Happy New Year! Vivat Jesu! Joseph Alejandria Grand Knight

    Message from our District Deputy Hello Brother Knights, As the Christmas season is upon us, it is a time to cherish our loved ones whether they are far or near. A time for us, to re-kindle friendships, and make new ones. A time to reflect upon Our Lord’s message of unconditional and eternal love. God became man, not so that he might be with us, but so that we might be with Him….effectively working with Christ to rebuild the world for the glory of the Father. As Knights of Columbus, I believe we have a vital role in God's plan for all humanity, to build a more just, kind and caring world. Many people strive to buy that perfect Christmas gift. But we already know what that perfect gift is, its’ Christ’s love for us. After all ……Jesus is the reason for the season. My wife Susan, and my daughters Lisa and Sara, and I, would like to wish you and your families a very Mer-ry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. God Bless! Glen Piotrofsky Vivat Jesus! District Deputy #3

    Truly our world would not have the same mag-ical atmosphere where it not for the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. With His birth, He brings light to the world. How does this impact our own personal lives? Who do we know that may be needing some guidance and light? How can we be better prepared for this? An event that, although it happens every year, still brings an exhilaration and great anticipation in us. Some of us may be experiencing challenges and hardship and sorrow in our lives and yet the pro-spect of our Lord coming somehow tends to not nec-essarily dispel but somehow smooth over and per-haps alleviate our difficulties. One thing I have learned is that in life there are things that we do not have control over, be it the weather, our jobs, sick-ness, traffic, finances, other people or family. Some-one once said that all this constitutes 10% while the other 90% is our attitude and how we react to it. Try to avoid focusing on things we cannot control but ra-ther concentrate on our own ability to find the positive within. Focus on the joy of this season of advent and all the blessings that we have in our lives and make this a season of joyful anticipation. JLA


    Joe Alejandria

    Glen Piotrofsky

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