sap asset accounting end user trainin manual

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FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 1

Saudi Arabian Airlines





2008 Version: 01

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 2

Table of Contents

Table of Contents .........................................................................................................2

1 Course Overview .......................................................................................................4

1.1 Course Goals ...............................................................................................4

1.2 Target Audience...........................................................................................4

1.3 Prerequisites ................................................................................................4

2 Curriculums................................................................................................................5

2.1 Pre Requisite Training:.................................................................................5

3 Business Impact ........................................................................................................6

3.1 Key Impacts .................................................................................................6

3.2 Glossary.......................................................................................................6

3.3 Post Go Live Support Process: ....................................................................6

4 Course Introductions: Overview.................................................................................7

5 Practical Components................................................................................................8

6 Unit 1: Asset Master Data: Create asset AS01........................................................17

1.1 Creating Fixed Asset Master Data .............................................................17

1.2 Screen Tabs for Fixed Assets. ...................................................................20

7 Unit 2: Change Asset master – AS02 ......................................................................30

2.1 Changes of cost centre ..............................................................................32

8 Unit 3: Display Asset Master AS03 ..........................................................................33

9 Unit 4: Lock Fixed Asset: AS05 ...............................................................................40

10 Unit 5: Asset Accounting- Business Transactions F-90 .........................................42

5.1 Asset Acquisition........................................................................................42

5.2 Asset Acquisition with Vendor....................................................................42

5.3 View Asset Values AW01N ........................................................................47

11 Unit 7: Asset Acquisition without Vendor: ABZON.................................................49

12 Unit 8: Asset under Construction: AIAB .................................................................54

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 3

13 Unit 9: Lease Assets ASO1 ...................................................................................61

9.1 Create Lease Assets AS01 ........................................................................61

9.2 General Leasing Tabs on Screen:..............................................................63

14 Unit 10: Entering the Opening Entry AS03.............................................................66

15 Unit 11: Revaluation of Fixed Assets ABAW..........................................................68

16 Unit 12: Asset Retirement-With or Without Revenue: F-92....................................73

12.1 Case # 1 Asset Retirement With revenue ................................................73

12.2 Case # 2 ABAVN......................................................................................79

17 Unit 13: Asset Transfers AS02...............................................................................83

13.1 Change of Cost Centre ............................................................................83

13.2 Change of Business Area: AS02..............................................................87

13.3 Change of Asset Class: ABUMN..............................................................91

18 Unit 14: Edit Asset Document/Reverse Asset Document: AB02/AB03 ..................95

14.1 Edit Asset Document................................................................................95

14.2 Reverse Asset Document: AB08..............................................................98

14.3 Reverse Normal: Assets Document .........................................................98

14.4 Reverse Capital Work In progress (CWIP) Document AIST ..................103

19 Unit 15: Periodic Processing AFAB .....................................................................108

15.1 Depreciation Run ...................................................................................108

15.2 Unplanned Depreciation: ABAA .............................................................120

20 Unit 16: Asset Fiscal Year Change: AJRW..........................................................123

16.1 Asset Fiscal Year Change: AJRW..........................................................123

16.2 Asset Year –End Closing Execute: AJAB ..............................................130

16.3 Asset Values ..........................................................................................136

21 Unit 17: Asset Account Information Systems.......................................................137

17.1 Standard Sap Reports............................................................................137

17.2 Asset History Sheet................................................................................138

17.3 Depreciation Values ...............................................................................139

22 LEGEND..............................................................................................................140

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 4

1 Course Overview

This course will focus on how SAP Accounting for Fixed Asset module manages general assets, transactions, retirements, changes and other activities. This will also include Fiscal year management, depreciation of assets. The starting point of the course will introduce the concept of Fixed Asset Master Records and data through creation, changing and management of assets and will give explanations with regards as to how they will relate to transactional processes. The course will also touch on the structures of Fixed Asset Accounting as a financial record and their significance to processes that are critical to the business accounting in the recording of accounting transactions such as revenues, adjustments, changes, depreciation and retirements/scrapping of assets and also assist in areas of internal and external reporting. Master records fields and their impact on transactional processing will also be under focus. During course trainees will be taken through the steps in the creation of the fixed asset Master records execute transactional processes in areas of: parking, posting, document changing, accounts, depreciation and document reversals, fiscal year closing and reporting.

Course Version: 2008 - Version 1 Duration 5 Days

1.1 Course Goals At the completion of the course the delegates should be able to;

1. Overview of the SAP ERP MRO System – Financials- FI_AA 04 2. Understanding Company Codes, Classes, Types and SAP numbering of Assets 3. Understand SAP language and Financial Accounting Module 4. Creation and Managing Fixed Assets 5. Changing Fixed Assets 6. Acquisitions of Assets 7. Access to Transactions, between clients, Vendors and the Business 8. Depreciation, Scrapping Assets and Locking Assets 9. Fiscal Year Closing 10. Reporting

1.2 Target Audience • All Phase 1 SAP End Users

1.3 Prerequisites • Essential PC Literacy and Full completion of SAP Basic Navigation Training • Accounting in English – ( English skills required- above learner standards levels)

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 5

2 Curriculums

Finance Course Curriculum.

FI_01 GL Accounting FI_02 Accounts Payable FI_03 Accounts Receivable FI_04 Fixed Assets FI_05 Funds Management FI_06 Bank Accounting FI_07 FI Executive & Management

2.1 Pre Requisite Training: Course Content

SAP 01 Sap Basics and Sap Navigation Training

English (Standard Levels)

Pass level or have a good command of the English language

Financial Accounting

Good understand of the Business and Financial Accounting Practices

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 6

3 Business Impact

3.1 Key Impacts Business Process Impact:

Fixed Assets The impact of the new Fixed Asset course on Saudi Airlines is limited. The asset process is similar to that which is in existence, but SAP will replace the existing accounting system used for Fixed Asset system, as well as integrate with the GL with all other Finance and Procurement systems.

At a later stage there will be further integration with Human Resource Management, Aircraft Maintenance and General Maintenance.

3.2 Glossary Terminology Meaning comments


3.3 Post Go Live Support Process:

Contact Telephone No: 4000



Any queries should be logged with the Saudi Airlines Help Desk: Please dial 4000

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 7

4 Course Introductions: Overview

FI _04 – Asset Accounting This course provides an overview of Fixed Asset Accounting within SAP. Users will be able to maintain asset master data, process transactions throughout the asset life cycle, and generate asset reports. The medium of instruction will include a Power Point presentation and hands on exercises. The functions for handling tangible and intangible assets enable you to illustrate and document the development of fixed assets for accounting purposes. Asset accounting is a subsidiary ledger of the general ledger and is used to manage and document in detail fixed asset transactions. In Fixed Asset accounting, you can update depreciation and changes to asset balance sheet values in asset accounting. You can also make various account assignments to cost accounting for these transaction types. As a result of the integration in the SAP AG System, Asset Accounting (FI-AA) transfers data directly to and from other SAP AG components. For example, you can post from the retirements fiscal year data a component directly to FI-AA. Locking, reversal and scrapping including updating changes, company codes and asset number information with or without vendors.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 8

5 Practical Components

Note This training document does not serve to meet all your needs for the knowledge of the SAP AG System. It should be treated as a supplement and/or guide to your daily work and nothing further. This training document/manual will only provide explanation of the key and mandatory data fields and not all of the fields appear on the screen. However, users may use the online help facility provided by SAP AG system by placing the cursor on the field that requires explanation and click the [ ? ] icon. Please note: The screen displays on SAP Web Gui will be a little different in display only, not functional purposes. Business Case Catalogue

No. Business Case ID

Business Case Description Remarks



Create Asset Master Data

Asset Master for Asset Under Construction will be created once relevant Internal Order has been created

2 FIAA02 Change Asset Master Data 3 FIAA03 Create Sub Asset 4 FIAA04 Display Asset Master Data 5 FIAA05 Lock Asset 6 FIAA06 Delete Asset 7 FIAA07 With Vendor 8 FIAA08 Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry 9 FIAA09 Clearing Offsetting Entry

10 FIAA10 Post Capitalization 11 FIAA11 Distribute 12 FIAA12 Settle 13 FIAA13 Transfer within Company Code 14 FIAA14 Intercompany Asset Transfer 15 FIAA15 With Customer 16 FIAA16 Asset Sale Without Customer 17 FIAA17 Asset Retirement by Scrapping 18 FIAA18 Subsequent Revenue 19 FIAA19 Subsequent Costs 20 FIAA20 WriteUp

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 9

Process Flows: Diagram 1 as per Business Blue print.

Figure xx1

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Asset Master Data: Diagram 2

Figure xx2

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Asset Master Deletion: Diagram 3


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Capital Project Cycle: Diagram 4


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Asset Acquisition: Diagram 5

Figure xx5 Asset Retirement: diagram 6

figure xx6

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figure xx7

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1. Need to run depreciation

2. Depreciation Posting Run


3. Select background jobs


4. Any errors?5. Display asset values (AW01)

Change Asset Master Record

Yes No

Periodic Reports

figure xx8

Year End Closing










1. Need to process year end

2. Has final period dep

been run?



5. Change Fiscal Year

Close Last Fiscal Year

Periodic Reports


3. Run successful?


5.Resolve Errors and Run

Depreciaiton Again

figure xx9

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 16

Business Processes

No. Title Description

1 Asset master Record Creation

This process covers the creation of single and multiple asset master records. It also covers assigning newly created assets to project settlement rules.

2 Asset Master Record Maintenance

This process covers asset master record changes. Where there is a change in location E.g. Between regions or cost centres, the master data can be changed accordingly. Where there is a change between asset classes, a transfer should be performed.

3 Locking an Asset This process covers the asset Lock functionality in SAP. Locked asset can not receive any financial postings.

4 Asset Master Record Deletion

This process covers assets that must be deleted. This can only be performed on assets with NO transactional data. Where this is not the case, the asset must first be retired and after one year in the system it can be deleted.

5 Asset Acquisition This process covers the capitalisation of costs to Fixed Assets. Capitalization using asset under construction as well as direct capitalization processes are covered.

6 Asset Retirement This process covers the removal of an asset or part of an asset from the asset portfolio. This removal of an asset (or part of an asset) is posted from a bookkeeping perspective as an asset retirement.

7 Transfer This process covers the transfer of assets between classes or areas. Either when the incorrect asset class was used or if the asset was capitalised to unclassified assets and later transferred to classified assets. It is also used to transfer assets between company codes, regions or areas.

8 Depreciation This process covers the calculation and execution of asset depreciation based on the remaining asset useful life and depreciation method. i.e. Straight line. The depreciation costs are posted to the assigned assets’ cost centre on a monthly basis.

9 Manual Value Correction This process will cover the value correction using standard transactions provided by SAP.

10 Asset Document Reversal Incorrect posted transactions can be reversed in SAP. Audit trail of reversal is maintained in the system.

11 Year End Closing This process covers the opening and closing of asset fiscal years. This process checks that all depreciation in a given period has been posted. It also checks if there are errors or incomplete entries for any assets.

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6 Unit 1: Asset Master Data: Create asset AS01

1.1 Creating Fixed Asset Master Data Use: If you acquire a new fixed asset for the business which has no master data existing in the system, you need to create the master data for the asset in the system before you can create any transactions against this asset. Action by an Authorized trained staff only. Menu Path and Transaction Number: To create the fixed asset master number use transaction code: ASO2 or use the following menu path Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed Assets→Asset→Create→ Asset

Procedure ...

1. Choose → Accounting

2. Path to follow: →Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets →Create→ Asset 3. The window opens in mode order.

4. Choose → Double click on Asset. 5. Screen: Asset Master Data screen will be displayed 6. On screen “Create Asset: Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as

specified in the table below: -refer to Title Bar name. 7. Note: The screen curser will default into the asset class: 8. Specify at least an asset number and a name for the asset.

9. Hit enter or click on the icon (Goto: page 20 in the manual to continue with the process)

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 18


Remember to locate your desktop Icon first and then login into the SAP system. Use your Basic Navigation training documents for help to action this process. Enter your user Id and Password and hit enter on the keyboard. Once you have followed the menu path the main menu- SAP Easy Access will be displayed as per figure A1 on page 18 Figure A1

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 19

Follow this menu path: Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed Assets→Asset→Create→ Asset

Procedure: ...

10. Choose Accounting

11. Path to follow: →Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets →Create→ Asset 12. The window opens in mode order.

13. Choose → Double click on Asset. 14. Screen: Asset Master Data screen will be displayed 15. On screen “Create Asset: Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as

specified in the table below: 16. Note: The screen curser will default into the Asset class: 17. Specify at least an Asset class or select a name for the asset from the icon

button as per figure 1 on this page.

Figure 1

1. Curser will default to this field

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 20

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Asset class Classification of the asset R Use drill-down to locate the asset class Company code Enter your Company Code R

Number of similar assets

Number of similar assets that you want to create in the system when you save.

O This function enables you to create multiple similar assets in one master transaction. These assets initially only differ in their asset numbers. When you save, you can also enter a description and inventory number for each individual record. (Refer to page 20 for details)

Reference: Asset Sub-number Company code

The reference asset that you are copying from

O Check the data before you copy

1. <Enter> or if click on the icon you will be asked to save, click on the next tab

1.2 Screen Tabs for Fixed Assets. New Screen: Create Asset: Master Data- General Tab highlighted in dark blue on screen as per figure 2 on page 21. Process of creation and field names and prompts are as follows.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 21

Figure 2

Note: General Tab information displayed for Asset: (Highlighted in Dark blue on screen)

Figure 2a On screen “Create Asset: Master Data”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

If asset doesn’t exist, this is the message displayed As per figure 2a or if asset class doesn’t match the company code

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 22

General Data: Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Description The description of the asset R Asset main no text

One line description of the asset. It will appear in reporting.

O If leave blank, the first line of description will be copied over to this field.

Manage Historically

Set this indicator if you want this asset to be manage Historically

O This indicator ensures that this asset is manage Historically

Inventory no You can enter an inventory number for the asset. The inventory is placed into the standard inventory list for Asset Accounting (Information System).

O Accounting trace for reporting within the Financial Accounting Information System

Last inventory on

You can enter the date of the last inventory.

O This field is for information only

Include assets in inventory list.

Set this indicator if you want this asset to be counted in a physical inventory check.

O This indicator ensures that this asset is included in the standard inventory list of Asset Accounting. Asset without this indicator are not output by the report.

Inventory and Posting Information: Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Inventory note Supplementary information for the

analysis of physical inventory O General Information for Users

Posting information

When the document was posted Used for information when and why and who posted the document

Capitalized on The capitalization date is the value date of an asset.

The field will be automatically updated upon acquisition posting.

First acquisition on

The system automatically sets the asset value date of the first acquisition posting in this field.

The field will be automatically updated upon acquisition posting.

Acquisition year The system enters the fiscal year of the first acquisition posting in this field.

The field will be automatically updated upon acquisition posting.

Deactivation on The system enters the asset value date of the retirement posting for a full retirement in this field.

O Once an asset has been deactivated, you can no longer post to the asset (with one exception: posting a reversal of the last retirement). In order for you to be able to make correction postings after an asset has been deactivated, you can also manually change the deactivation date in the asset master record.

Once you have entered the required data in the fields, if you click on then You will be asked to save the data- Click on the time Dependent tab on screen.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 23

1. Click on the <Time-dependent> tab. (Which will be highlighted in dark blue)

Figure 3

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Business area This field must be left blank as the

business area will be default through cost centre


Cost centre This is the cost centre where the depreciation expenses of the asset will be charged.

R Use drill-down to locate the cost centre

Plant Used in selection criteria in reporting O Not displayed Location Used in selection criteria in reporting O Use drill-down to find out the predefined


Serial no. O This is an optional (but not for this update)

Process: 1: Enter the business Area: 2. Enter the cost centre:

3. If you click on the icon then click on the next tab required- Allocations.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 24

4. Click on the <Allocations> tab. (The tabs are always highlighted in dark blue)

Figure 3a

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Main Category Evaluation groups

Use the drop down function and choose appropriate code related to asset

R/O Allocations

Sub Category Integration of Assets

Use the drop down function and choose appropriate code related to Main Category

R/O Change/Create equip from asset

1. Click on the evaluation 1 field , and after selecting the required information

2. Then Click on the icon then click onto the next required tab.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 25

3. Click on the <Origin> tab.

Figure 4

Origin: Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Vendor You can enter vendor number

(Customer) O This field is for information only

Asset Purchased New Set this indicator if the asset was purchased new (not used)

O This field is for information only

Purchased Used Set this indicator, if this asset was second-hand when it was acquired (not new).

O This field is for information only

1. Click on the vendor field 2. Enter the date in the other fields

3. click on the Icon then

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 26

1. Click on the < Leasing > tab.

Figure 5

Leasing: Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Type Key

R Enter the type

Base Value : New Key .

O Value in SAR

Purchase Price


No. Lease Payments

O Value in SAR

Lease Payments- SAR O Value in SAR

1. Type 2. Base Value as new asset ( Always in SAR) 3. Purchase price (Always in SAR) 4. No. Lease payments 5. Lease payment- ( Always in SAR) 6. Always in SAR unless otherwise required as different currency

7. Click on the Icon then

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 27

1. Click on the < Depreciation Area > tab. You will be prompted with the following screen: (Valuation information displayed for asset)

Figure 6

1. Enter depreciation details to ensure the update of the record 2. Tick the required box fields and description of recording- refer to figure 6. 3. Refer to the table on the next page 28 for the fields and details.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 28

This tab page provides you with an overview of the most important data for a fixed asset and its depreciation parameters. You can make manual changes to defaulted values. General Field Description

Inventory No. The inventory number can be used as an alternative to the asset number. This enables you to retain previously used numbers when transferring legacy data.

If a fixed asset in an old system has a specific number, you can retain this number in the asset number as an inventory number and can also assign a new number to the fixed asset.

Serial No. You can assign a unique serial number to every fixed asset in the system.

Vendor Code Specifies the vendor code. You can use the icon to branch to the business partner master data.

Vendor Name Specifies the name of the vendor.

User-defined fields You can name and use these four fields as required. The fields User 01 and User 02 are for alphanumeric values, fields User 03 and User 04 are for numeric entries only.

Depreciation Area Displays the depreciation area. The system only offers the depreciation areas that have been defined for the asset in the Asset Classes window.

Fiscal Year Shows the Fiscal Year for which the asset values and parameters (e.g. remaining life) are displayed. The default value is the current fiscal year. When you choose a new fiscal year, the system automatically updates the displayed values; depreciation is recalculated as well. Last year’s cumulative end values are transferred to the following year as start values (Values tab).

For transactions in the current fiscal year, the system carries forward only the values for following years for which a fiscal year change has taken place. If no values are displayed for the year you selected, you must perform a fiscal year change. The cascading update of the data in the following years ensures that even in the case of a subsequent modification of the depreciation values (for example, corrections done by external auditors) the current values are always available in the system.

The following values are displayed as end of year values for the selected fiscal year. If you choose a different fiscal year, the system automatically updates the displayed values. For more details concerning the individual values, refer to the Values tab page.

Historic APC Displays the historical acquisition and production costs.

Acquisition Value Displays the value that the asset had when bought.

Net Book Value Displays the current net book value of the asset.

Ordinary Depreciation Displays the planned depreciation of the asset.

Unplanned Depreciation. Displays the unplanned depreciation of the asset.

Special Depreciation Displays the special depreciation of the asset.

Quantity If the asset is managed by quantity, the quantity is displayed here.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 29

At the bottom of the window, the following key values are displayed with regard to the depreciation area selected above: Look at the names in bold on page 30.

1. Depreciation Start Date 2. Planned Useful Life 3. Remaining Life 4. Depreciation Type

5. Click on the icon to save the asset. The system will assign Asset number. 6. Then the following screen will be displayed as per figure 6a on page 30.

Figure 6a Note: At the bottom of this screen when you have clicked on the save button you will see the asset number created by the SAP system. (This will only happen for newly created assets after the GO- LIVE processes, all existing assets will maintain and keep their existing Asset Id). Refer to numbering process for the SAP allocation of numbering ranges. Asset Assignment Numbers: (10000000001 to 99999999999)

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7 Unit 2: Change Asset master – AS02

To change the asset master use transaction code: ASO2 or use the following menu path

Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed Assets→Asset→Change→ Asset Note: Remember to double click on the last prompt.” Asset’

Figure 7

On screen “Change Asset: Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below: Look at the table on page 30 for full details.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 31

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Asset The asset main number to be

changed. R Enter the asset number

Sub-number The asset sub-number to be changed.

O No need to enter any number in this field. The system will default zero

Company code Enter your Company Code R Use the icon on the side for help

1. Enter data in the required fields displayed

2. Press <Enter> or click on the icon then click on required tab.

You will be prompted with the following screen:

Figure 8

Note: Change the required data by overwriting it or adding to it when in the tab labels above, ref to figure 8 on page 31 for the tab names. Note: This process will allow the user to change the assignment for cost centre/location using this function. Also deactivation field on this screen this as well – Figure 8 page 31)

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2.1 Changes of cost centre

To change the assignment for the cost centre: Top level of the business area for reporting. 1. Click on the <Time-dependent> tab. You will be prompted with the following screen:

Figure 9

Change the cost centre number 1. Enter the data in the required fields

2. Press <Enter> or click on

3. Click on to save the changes 4. Message reads- asset created.

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8 Unit 3: Display Asset Master AS03

To display the Fixed Asset Master for this process select or use Transaction code: AO3 or Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed Assets→Asset→Display→ Asset

Figure 10

On screen “Display Asset: Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Asset The asset main number to be

displayed. R A number can be chosen by using drop down

function Sub-number The asset sub-number to be

displayed. O Default value Zero

Company code Enter your Company Code R

1. Press <Enter> or click on the icon Then 2. The following screen will be displayed: Check figure 11 on page 36 for


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Figure 11

Note: Screen field names:

1. General Data 2. Inventory 3. Posting Information.

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To display who created the asset On screen “Display Asset: Initial Screen”, Goto: 1. Extras→Management Data. You will be prompted with the following screen: Details displayed as per figure 12.

Figure 12

Note: The popup screen will display the Management data and information on the user who created the asset or the changes made to the Asset.

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General/ Time-Dependent/ Allocations/ Origin/ Depreciation areas. To view changes made to the Asset Master Data Record On screen “Display Asset: Initial Screen” Goto: Environment→Change Documents → On Asset. You will be prompted with the following screen: As per figure 13.

Figure 13

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Figure 14

To view asset values On screen “Display Asset: Initial Screen”, click on the button: . (Assuming that this asset is already capitalized, if this asset does not have any balance than definitely it will not show you any value) You will be prompted with the following screen: Look at the details within planned values on page 38 figure 15 as an example.


FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 38

Figure 15

This report can be accessed through asset explorer (T.Code AW01N) Look at the icon images above planned values and transactions- Click and view use function to become accustomed and list the names to help with screen movements and task in the future. Note: If no values set against the asset the following screen will be displayed, look at the next page 39 figure 16 as an example of the screen message displayed.

Click here if you wish to see the actual document by choosing a transaction

Highlight this first

Look: Tab information and field display information

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Figure 16

1. Close on the box or click on the exit button displayed on screen.

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9 Unit 4: Lock Fixed Asset: AS05

To Lock an Asset use the transaction code AS05 or follow the menu path: Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed Assets→Asset→Lock→ Asset

Figure 17 On screen “Block Asset: Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Asset The asset main number to be

locked. R

Sub-number The asset sub-number to be locked.


Company code Enter company code. R

1. Press <Enter> or click on Block button. 2. You will be prompted with the following screen on page 41 figure 18

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1. Tick “Blocked for acquisition.” This step will prevent any postings to this asset. 2. Click on to save. Note: Always click save to ensure data has been saved after the required changes.

Figure 18

Options: Acquisition Lock

1. None.

2. Locked to acquisition.

In case of unblock asset, click on none

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 42

10 Unit 5: Asset Accounting- Business Transactions F-90

5.1 Asset Acquisition

Overview Use this procedure to acquire asset from FI modules (FI = Financials)

5.2 Asset Acquisition with Vendor To acquire or the Asset acquisition with vendor use the Transaction code F-90 or use the following menu path:

Accounting→Financial Accounting→ Fixed assets→ Posting →Acquisition→ External Acquisition→ with Vendor

Figure 19

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 43

On screen “Acquisition from purchase with Vendor Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below: Page 43 displayed the table information. Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Header Information Doc. date Source document date. R Enter a document date.

Document Type The default document type for this screen is KR. Do not Change it


Company Code Enter your Company Code R

Posting Date Date for posting a document to financial accounting. This will determine which fiscal period (also known as posting period) the transaction is recognized


Reference One of the key fields that can be used to search for documents at a later retrieval date. Any user-defined text.


Line Item information

Posting Key Posting keys represent Debit or Credit entry of any account type


Account Enter the Vendor account Number R

1. Press <Enter> or click on the icon

2. You will be prompted with the following screen

Figure 20


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Enter the debit or credit amount and other necessary data like business area, cost centre (for items), tax code (if the item is subjected to GST), item text, etc. 1. Go to the next line item>

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Posting Key Enter the posting Key to debit Asset R Enter the posting Key

Account Enter Asset Number R

Transaction Type

The transaction Type in Asset Accounting classifies the business transaction. The transaction type controls various system activities when business transactions are posted.

R Enter Transaction Type

Figure 21

1. Press Enter and Goto next screen> 2. Enter the debit or credit amount and other necessary data like business area 3. Click on document in menu 4. Click on Simulate

<Simulate the Entry>

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Look at the example on the next page. Page 44 and figure 22 display the screen details and information.

Figure 22

Note: If the document has not been fully completed with the required details or system information then the following message will be displayed: example in figure 23

Figure 23

1. To Verify the entry press the save icon button. Following message will be appeared at the bottom of your screen.

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Figure 24

‘Document xxxxxxxxxx was posted in company code Txxx’ <END OF TRANSATION> Look at the example, as per figure 24.

Currency Rate: SAR

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5.3 View Asset Values AW01N To view fixed assets and the values use transaction code AW01N or follow the menu path: Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed assets→Asset Display Asset Explorer

Figure 25

Planned values: Posted Values: Transactions: Note: If the asset has areas defined the following message and screen will be displayed. Example of message on the next page: Example within figure 26 on page 48.

Asset Number Planned/Transactions

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 48

Figure 26

Message: No depreciation areas have been defined for asset- need to click on the depreciation tab for that asset and defined the depreciation values for this asset. Look at the example of the message within figure 26.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 49

11 Unit 7: Asset Acquisition without Vendor: ABZON

Note: Use this procedure when you have received the Asset but not the received the invoice information from the Vendor To acquire or acquisition of asset without Vendor use transaction code ABZON or follow the menu path.

Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed assets→ Posting →Acquisition→External Acquisition→Acquisition With Automatic Offsetting Entry

On screen “Acquisition with automatic offsetting Entry”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below

Figure 27

If you have not created the asset Master Data yet, you can create from this screen

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 50

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Asset Number Enter Asset Number R

Amount Posted Enter the amount of Asset R

Document Date Enter the Date of Source document R

Value Date This date is the Asset capitalization date or the date from which system starts depreciating the Asset


1. End the document date 2. Enter the Amount 3. Press Enter to Simulate the Entry and the next screen will appear

Figure 28

This is what simulates the information for the Asset

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 51

Figure 28a

You will be prompted with the following screen on page 52.

Press simulate

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 52

Figure 29

1. To Verify the entry press the save icon 2. Following message will be appeared at the bottom of your screen> 0

Note: Or if the areas have not been defined then the following message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen

Figure 30

Message: Look at the details within figure 30 and the message displayed.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 53

Figure 31

Note: When Asset transaction is posted this is the message you will see displayed at the bottom of the screen with document no 11xxx xxxxxxxx <END OF TRANSACTION>

Transaction Data Additional Details Note

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 54

12 Unit 8: Asset under Construction: AIAB


Use this transaction to Capitalize Asset under Construction. The master data of AUC is created same as other asset master data. To access this option use transaction code AIAB or follow the menu path:

Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed assets→ Posting→ Capitalize Asset-Under Construction→ Distribute

Screen “Settlement AUC: Initial Screen”

Figure 32

1. Company code, 2. Asset numbers required.

<Next Screen>

Enter the Asset under Construction Number

Press F8 or

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 55

“Settlement AUC: Line Item List”

Figure 33

Details of screen display the document number, document date, asset value and amount of the asset. Also at the bottom a total will be displayed within this screen display as per figure 33. You will be prompted with the following screen on page 56

Select the Asset line item

Press Shift+F6

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 56

“Maintain Settlement Rule: Overview Screen”

Figure 34

<To go back to the previous screen you can by selecting or/clicking on F3 or click on the green arrow within your menu above>

Following are the required field in this screen • Category Select by drop down FXA • Settlement receiver Enter the number of

asset in which cost of AUC is to be transfer. If there is more than one asset enter in the next line item.

• Enter the % of cost to be settled in

Settlement receiver

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 57

Figure 35

Note: Step 1: Green light displays status (Red light highlights error within the statement) Step 2: Press or click on the save icon (to ensure data is saved and updated) Step 3: Press Settlement- then move to the next screen. You will be prompted with the following screen “AUC Settlement: Initial Screen”

Step 2: Press save

Step 1: Status shown a green light means no error in the settlement rule

Step 3: Press settlement to go to next screen

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 58

Figure 36

AUC = Asset Under Construction.

1. Press the execute icon or F8> Remember to enter data in the required fields.

You will be prompted with the following screen

AUC Number

Enter value date

Make sure before executing it mark the indicator test run on

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 59

Figure 37

1. Remove the test run check and press the execute icon > You will be prompted with the following screen

Verify the entry and press F3 or green arrow . To go back on the previous screen

Simulate the entry

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 60

Figure 38

Message will read, Asset transaction posted with document no 98xxxxxxxxxxx <END OF TRANSACTION> Example as per figure 38.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 61

13 Unit 9: Lease Assets ASO1

9.1 Create Lease Assets AS01 Overview

Use this transaction to create Asset for Capital Lease Methods. To create Lease Assets use the transaction code AS01 or follow the menu path: Accounting → Financial Accounting →Fixed Assets→Asset →Create →Asset

On screen “Create Asset: Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Figure 39

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 62

On screen “Create Asset: Initial Screen”, Enter information in the fields as specified in the table below: Table displayed below

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Asset class Classification of the Lease asset R Use drill-down to locate the Lease asset

class Company code Enter your Company Code R Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Number of similar assets

Number of similar assets that you want to create in the system when you save.

O This function enables you to create multiple similar assets in one master transaction. These assets initially only differ in their asset numbers. When you save, you can also enter a description and inventory number for each individual record. (Refer to page 15 for details)

Reference: Asset Sub-number Company code

The reference asset that you are copying from

O Copy information, make sure information is correct or enter in the required information

1. Press <Enter> or click on the icon then click the tab field

Figure 40

On the General tab page, enter a description and other details of your asset. As per figure 40

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 63

9.2 General Leasing Tabs on Screen: Genera l/Time-Dependent/ Allocations/Origin/Leasing/Depreciation areas. 1. Click on<Time-dependent> tab.

Figure 41

Click on the Time-dependent,

1. Enter a Cost Centre, Key Indicator and Company Code.

2. Fields listed below:

Business Area

Cost Center



FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 64

Figure 42

1. Click on < Leasing > tab 2. Enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Leasing Company Leasing Company name ,must be the vendor of the company

R Use drill-down to locate the Vendor number

Agreement number

Free definable field O

Agreement date The date of agreement. R Notice date The date on which lease will be finished O Use drill-down to find out the predefined


Lease start date Date from which the lease will calculation will be calculated


Lease length

Total term of the lease O

Type Type of the lease, Capital lease


No lease payments

Total number of lease payments R

Payment cycle Time interval of lease payments Monthly, quarterly or semi-annually


Lease payment Amount of lease payments

Annual rate of interest

Interest rate R

Choose the icon . Button

Tab Descriptions Field Information

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 65

Note: The system calculates the present value of the asset and enters this in the Present value field.

Click on the save icon . The system will assign the asset number

1. Note the number of your asset.

2. Choose .

Figure 43

Message reads: The asset 85xxxxxx is created. <End of Transaction>

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 66

14 Unit 10: Entering the Opening Entry AS03

To action open entry, use transaction code AS03 or the following menu path: Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed Assets→Asset→Display→ Asset

Figure 44

On screen “Display Asset: Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Asset The Lease asset main

number to be displayed. R A number can be choose by using drop

down function Sub-number The asset sub-number to

be displayed. O Default Zero <0>

Company code Enter your Company Code R Check the required code from the list if not known

Note: If you select the wrong company code you will be displayed a message on the screen that asset does not belong to this company code.

1. Press <Enter> or click on the icon Choose .

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 67

2. Choose or click on the Leasing tab page

Figure 45

1. Select Opening Posting.

Result The system capitalizes your asset with the present value. The system also posts the payment installments on the relevant due dates to the vendor. The financial accounting documents are generated automatically. Note: This will not happen if the asset has no leasing charge allocated already.

Choose Opening Posting.


FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 68

15 Unit 11: Revaluation of Fixed Assets ABAW

Overview Use this procedure to revalue the fixed asset within the business To revalue the asset use transaction code ABAW or follow the menu path: Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed assets→Posting→ Bal. Sheet Revaluation

Figure 46

On screen “Balance sheet revaluation: Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below: Look at the details within figure 46 as a guide for this process.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 69

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Company Code Enter your company Code R

Asset Number Enter the asset number which is to be re valued R

Document date Enter the date of the source document R

Posting date Enter the date on which entry is posted in the system


Transaction Type

The transaction Type in Asset Accounting classifies the business transaction. The transaction type controls various system activities when business transactions are posted.

R Enter Transaction Type

for current year acquisition

1. Press <Enter> or click on Note: If the depreciation areas have not been defined then the message on screen will be displayed.

Figure 47

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 70

Figure 48

On screen “Create Asset Transaction: Revaluation of Current-yr acquisition. With depreciation”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Value Date This date is the Asset capitalization date or the date from which system starts depreciating the Asset


Amount Posted Enter the amount of revaluation of asset R

1.Enter: Value Date, then the amount posted for the asset, then

2.Press <Enter> or click on then click the required tab field You will be prompted with the following screen

Dates: Format.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 71

Figure 49

1. Press <Enter> or click on then click on the required tab. You will be prompted with the following screen

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 72

Figure 50

2. Click on the save icon .

3. The system will assign the Document Number to the asset.

Figure 51

Message reads: Asset transaction was posted with AA document number 2 <END OF TRANSACTION> Example, as per figure 51 on page 72.

Amount Posted: In SAR.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 73

16 Unit 12: Asset Retirement-With or Without Revenue: F-92

Overview Use this procedure is used to retire assets with or without revenue F-92 (Retirement)

12.1 Case # 1 Asset Retirement With revenue To retire asset with revenue use the transaction code F-92 or follow the menu path: Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed assets→ Posting→Retirement→ Retirement with revenue With Customer

Figure 52

Note: Look at the field names along the screen above document date: Held document/Acct Model/Fast Data Entry/Post with Reference/Editing options On screen

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 74

“Create Asset Transaction: Revaluation of Current-yr acquisition. With depreciation”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below: Table on page 74. Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Header Information Doc. date Source document date. R Enter a document date. Document Type The default document type for this screen is

DR. Do not Change it R

Company Code R Posting Date Date for posting a document to financial

accounting. This will determine which fiscal period (also known as posting period) the transaction is recognized


Reference One of the key fields that can be used to search for documents at a later retrieval date. Any user-defined text.


Line Item information Posting Key Posting keys represent Debit or Credit entry of

any account type R Enter xx to debit Customer

Account Enter the Customer account Number R

1. Press enter to go to next screen> Enter the amount and other necessary data like business area, cost centre (For items), tax code (if the item is subjected to GST), item text, etc. Go to next Line item

1. Press enter and go to the next screen, - Figure 53 on page 75.

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Posting Key Enter Posting Key 50 to credit G/L Account R

Account Enter G/L Account Number (clearing account) R

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 75

Figure 53

Figure 54

Mark the indicator on and press enter Due date: Value Date, Calculate Tax if required

Amount Cost Centre Company Code

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 76

Figure 55

<Simulate the document>

Enter the following Details on this screen.

• Asset Number: Asset, which are going to be retired.

• Transaction Type: Enter xxx if asset which

is going to be retired was acquired in the same fiscal year other wise enter xxx.

• Asset value date: The date from which

system stop charging the depreciation. • Complete retirement: In case of complete • Retirement mark the indicator is on or in

case of partial retirement enter the value in amount posted or %.

• Press Continue

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 77

Figure 56

1. To save and Verify the entries press the save icon 2. The following screen will be displayed on the next screen with the message at the

bottom of the screen after verifying the data.

Verify the entry and press save

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 78

Figure 57

Message reads: Document 16xxxxxxxx was posted in company code 11xxx <END OF TRANSACTION>

Curenency Rate in SAR

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 79

12.2 Case # 2 ABAVN Case# 2 Asset Retirement- without Revenue/Scrapping


Use this process this process if you want to retire asset without revenue (Scrapping). To action this process use transaction code ABAVN or follow the menu path:

Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed assets→ Posting Retirement→ Asset Retirement by Scrapping Asset

Figure 58

1. Enter company code 2. Enter the Asset number 3. Enter the posting date 4. Enter the Asset value

Enter the Asset number and document date, which is going to be retired. Also the posting the posting date will be displayed as today’s date.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 80

“Enter Asset Transaction: Asset Retirement by Scrapping Screen” Field Name Description R/O/C Comments Asset Number Asset Number of the Retiring Asset R Document Date Date of the Source document R Posting Date Date for posting a document to financial

accounting. This will determine which fiscal period (also known as posting period) the transaction is recognized


Value Date The date from which system stop depreciation.


<Simulate the entry>

Figure 59

Note: If no depreciation area defined then the asset will not simulate. Message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Simulate the entry

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 81

Figure 60

1. To verify the entries press save the icon button.

Verify the entry and press save

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 82

Figure 61

Message reads: Asset transaction posted with document no 11xxxxxxxxxxx <END OF TRANSACTION>

Book folder

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 83

17 Unit 13: Asset Transfers AS02

13.1 Change of Cost Centre Use this procedure to change cost centre of an Asset to make the change use the transaction code AS02 or follow the menu path:

Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed assets→Asset→Change→ Asset Scenarios (3 options and ways to transfer)

The transfers are used in mainly following scenarios:

1) Change of cost centre 2) Change of Business area 3) Change of Asset Class

Figure 62

Change of cost centre

1. Press enter and go to next screen 2. Click on the Tab Time Dependent Data

Enter Asset Number

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 84

Figure 63

Following message will appear on your screen

Figure 64

1. As per Figure 64, change the cost centre and then press Yes> Following message will appear on your screen ‘Do you want to overwrite the existing time-depreciation data?

Change the cost centre

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 85

Figure 65

1. Click on Yes, as per figure 65.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 86

Figure 66

Message reads: The asset 13xxxxx is changed <END OF TRANSACTION>

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 87

13.2 Change of Business Area: AS02 Use this procedure to change business area of an Asset. Use transaction code AS02 or follow the menu path:

Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed assets→Asset→Change→ Asset

Figure 67

1. Enter the data in the fields on screen and then click or press enter 2. New screen click on Time dependent tab

Enter asset number and company code

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 88

Figure 68

1. Enter Business Area 2. Enter Cost Centre 3. Enter Location 4. Enter Room

<Press enter following message will be displayed on your screen>

Enter the business area and cost centre of new business area with this tab

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 89

Figure 69

1. Click Yes and then Press the save icon button

Press Yes.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 90

Figure 70

Message reads: the asset 13xxxxxx is changed <END OF TRANSACTION> as per figure 70.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 91

13.3 Change of Asset Class: ABUMN Use this process when the class of Asset is needed to be changed. E.g. Asset Class vehicle change to Vehicle Office. Asset Classes- To change the asset use the transaction code ABUMN or follow the menu path: Accounting→Financial Accounting→Posting→Transfer→ Transfer within Company Code

Perquisite Create a new Asset Class in which Old Asset is to be transferred to:

Figure 71

1. Enter Asset Transaction: Transfer within Company Code Screen”

If asset master data is created then you can also create the asset master data from this screen mark the indicator on new asset otherwise enter the number of existing asset

Enter the Asset Number which is being transferred

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 92

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Asset Number Enter the asset number which is to be transferred


Document date Enter the date of the source document R

Posting date Enter the date on which entry is posted in the system


Value date Enter the date from which system start the depreciation


Existing asset Enter the number of asset in which value is to be transferred.


New Asset If the master data is not created mark the indicator on


<Simulate the entry> 1. Click on Transaction 2. Click simulate

Figure 72

Verify the entry and press save

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 93

Figure 73 To view use Transaction code AS03 The next screen will be displayed on page 93, figure 74.

Enter Document number, Fiscal Year and company code and press enter.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 94

Figure 74


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18 Unit 14: Edit Asset Document/Reverse Asset Document: AB02/AB03

14.1 Edit Asset Document


Use this process to display/Change display the document of any specific asset. To change use transaction code ABO2 or to display use transaction code AB03 or follow the menu path:

Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed assets→Posting→ Edit Document Display/Change AB02 (Change)


You will be prompted with the following screen

Enter the company code, Asset number, Fiscal year and press enter.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 96

Figure 75

1. Double click in the top left hand box as per the screen image. You will be prompted with the following screen

Double Click the required line Item

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 97

Figure 76

Refer to training hand out for further details for this process and revision:

1. Enter in the required fields for changes

You can make the changes in above fields

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 98

14.2 Reverse Asset Document: AB08

14.3 Reverse Normal: Assets Document Overview Use this process to reverse Asset Documents: (for Assets which belongs to Normal Asset Classes) To reverse the process use the transaction code AB08 or follow the menu path:

Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed assets→Posting→ Reverse Document Other Asset Document

Figure 77

Enter the company code, Asset number, Fiscal year and press enter.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 99

Please note: The correct fiscal year is important for this screen You will be prompted with the following screen

Figure 78 You will be prompted with the following screen

Select the required line item

After selecting the required line item than press Tab reverse

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 100

Specifications for reversal posting

Figure 79 You will be prompted with the following screen

Select the reversal reason from the drop down option than press enter

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 101

Document Header Information Document Date displayed in Header

Figure 80 Following message will be appeared at the bottom of your screen

Verify the entry and press save

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 102


FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 103

14.4 Reverse Capital Work In progress (CWIP) Document AIST Overview Use this process to reverse Asset Document. (for Assets belongs Asset Classes) To action this process use transaction code CWIP ASIT or follow the menu path:

Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed assets→ Posting→ Reverse Document Capitalize Asset Under construction

Figure 82 The following screen will prompt for verification.

Enter the Asset number (belong to CWIP Asset class)

After Entering the Asset number (belong to CWIP Asset class), press execute. In the TEST RUN MODE

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 104

Figure 83

Verify enter by pressing f3 or click on the green arrow as per the example above:

You will be prompted with the following screen

Verify the entry and press Press f3 or green arrow.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 105

Figure 84 Please note: Remove the indicator as per screen diagram then press execute. You will be prompted with the following screen

Before actual run remove the indicator then press execute

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 106

Figure 85 Following message will be appear at the bottom of your screen.

Verify the entry and press save, click on the icon

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 107

Figure 86 <END OF TRANSACTION> asset transaction posted

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19 Unit 15: Periodic Processing AFAB

15.1 Depreciation Run Overview Use this procedure to execute depreciation run. Depreciation run is a centralized activity and executed at the end of the month. To action depreciation run use transaction code AFAB or follow the menu path:

Accounting→Financial Accounting→Periodic Processing Depreciation run

Figure 87

Mark indicator on – For Planned, repeat or restart as per the example above.

Mark the indicator on

If you want to execute a repeat run

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 109

On screen “Depreciation Posting Run Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below: Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Company Code Enter your Company Code R Fiscal Year Enter the fiscal year of the depreciation R Period Enter the period for the depreciation run R Planned Depreciation

Mark this indicator on if the depreciation run is executed first time for the period


Repeat Run Mark the indicator on if repeat run to be executed


Test Run Make sure to mark the indicator on before actual run


1. Press F8 or click on Execute > Following message will be appear. Figure 88 on page 109 as per example.

Figure 88

Note: If the following message is displayed, Press yes to continue

Press yes

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 110

You will be prompted with the following screen

Figure 89

Test run completed successes fully. Press f3 or green arrow.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 111

Figure 90

Note: Remove parameters on Test Run- Remember before running the actual remove the indicator in the Test Run box Look at the example within figure 90 for the screen box.

Before actual run remove the indicator

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 112

Figure 91

Go to program and click on Execute in Background

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 113

Figure 92

Please select the required printer based on per permissions or location of local printer

Enter the Printer name then press Enter

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 114

Figure 93

Depreciation run steps are clear- Press immediate, and then save Following message will be appeared at the bottom of your screen

Press Immediate

Press Save

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 115

Figure 94

The background job status can be viewed using T-Code (Transaction Code) SMX. As soon as the job is finished an account will be generated in the system. <To see the document go to document display T-Code FB03>

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 116

Figure 95

1. Document number 2. Company Code 3. Fiscal Year (Year as a whole 2008 not 08) Figure 95 displayed date format clearly.

Press document list

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 117

Figure 96

You will be prompted with the following screen

Enter document type Example here is AF Enter depreciation execution date

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 118

Figure 97

You will be prompted with the following screen

Double click the selected line item

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 119

Figure 98


FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 120

15.2 Unplanned Depreciation: ABAA Overview Use this procedure to execute unplanned depreciation. To action unplanned depreciations use the transaction code ABAA or follow the menu path on the next page:

Accounting→Financial Accounting→Fixed assets→Posting→Manual Value Correction→Unplanned Depreciation

Figure 99

On screen “Unplanned depreciation: Initial Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table below: Next page 121.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 121

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Company Code Enter your company Code R

Asset Number Enter the asset number to be re-valued R

Document date Enter the date of the source document R

Posting date Enter the date on which entry is posted in the system


Transaction Type The transaction Type in Asset Accounting classifies the business transaction. The transaction type controls various system activities business transactions are posted.

R Enter Transaction Type

1. Press <Enter> or click on the icon button Creating the asset transaction

Figure 100

Amount Posted Asset Val Date

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 122

On screen: “Create Asset Transaction: Unplanned depreciation of Current-year acquisition”, Enter information in the fields as specified in the table below

1. Enter the Asset 2. Enter the Company Code 3. Enter the Trans Type (Transaction Type)

Posting Data 1. Amount Posted 2. Asset Val Date ( Value Date)

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Amount Posted Enter the amount of unplanned depreciation of asset


Value Date This date is the Asset capitalization date or the date from which system starts depreciating the Asset


1. Press <Enter> or click on the icon button the system will assign the internal asset document number through this process. The following message will appear on the bottom of the screen

Figure 101

<END OF TRANSACTION> asset transaction was posted.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 123

20 Unit 16: Asset Fiscal Year Change: AJRW

16.1 Asset Fiscal Year Change: AJRW Purpose Use this procedure to open a new year for the posting of assets. Perform this procedure when it is necessary to open a new year for the posting of assets. This procedure should be done before fiscal year closing. To action the fiscal year change for the asset use transaction code AJRW or follow the menu path: Accounting →Financial accounting →Fixed Asset→Periodic Processing → Fiscal Year Change “Asset Fiscal Year Change” Screen

Figure 102

1. Press the execute icon button or F8>

Enter Company Code and New Fiscal Year. Make sure to tick box before actual run execute it on Test Run

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 124

Figure 103

Message reads: Do you want to continue processing

1. Press yes to continue in the pop up box 2. Next screen

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 125

Figure 104

1. Look at the right hand side of screen, Test run execute successfully as no value

in incorrect asset field = “0” 2. Press F3 or the green arrow to go back to previous screen to run the actual.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 126

Figure 105

1. Test Run- Remove the indicator; ensure the correct company code and fiscal year.

2. Go to program and Execute in Background option as per example below.

Figure 106

Remove the indicator on test run Then run process again as the actual

Go to program and click on Execute in Background

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 127

Figure 107

Output device to be selected before- 1. Choose from the select printers for your user Id or location

Enter output Device and press green tick

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 128

Figure 108

1. Press the immediate button and click on the check button next as per example 2. Following message will appear on your screen.

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 129

Figure 109

1. Click on the icon button

The best test and practice afterwards to check if the process has worked is before you run the job, you cannot post to the New Year.

If this check works then the process is correct.


FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 130

16.2 Asset Year –End Closing Execute: AJAB Purpose Use this procedure to close the financial year for assets. After this is run, it is not possible to post to assets in the old financial year. It is possible to reverse the year-end close (transaction OAAQ) and re-open the year for posting if necessary. Perform this procedure when all postings, including all depreciation runs, in the financial year are completed, and the general ledger accounts have been reconciled with the asset reports. This is generally before the general ledger is closed for posting to the old financial year

Prerequisites • The asset fiscal year change (transaction AJRW) should have already been run. • Asset history report reconciled with general ledger asset accounts.

To action this process use the transaction code AJAB or follow the menu path: Accounting Financial accounting Fixed Asset Periodic Processing Year End Closing Execute

Figure 110

Enter company Code, Fiscal year to be closed e.g. 2005 and before execution mark the Test run indicator

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 131

Online processing is limited to approx 1000 assets

1. Press the execute icon or use F8>

Figure 111

2. Press yes to continue within the pop-up window on screen>

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 132

Figure 112

1. Test run is executed successfully

2. Press F3 on the keyboard or the green arrow icon

Test run is executed successfully

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 133

Figure 113

1. Click on the program prompt 2. Click on Execute in background in the drill down screen 3. Tick off the Test Run box 4. Click on the enter key

Remove the Test run indicator and execute the run in background

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 134

Figure 114

1. Printer prompt- Output device 2. Number of pages can be selected 3. Click on the green arrow 4. Then enter

Enter output device and click on green tick

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 135

Figure 115 Press immediate and click on Check. The system displays the message: "Background job was scheduled for program RAJABS00".

1. Click on the immediate button 2. Then click on the green arrow button


FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 136

16.3 Asset Values Information System Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets Asset Values

1. Asset balances- Enter company code 2. Enter asset number 3. Enter sub-number if required.

Selection Screen Settings Display Options

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 137

21 Unit 17: Asset Account Information Systems

17.1 Standard Sap Reports Standard screens

Figure 116

Figure 116a More reports within this option, within the same menu option as the menu path. Note: Reports are run at different times and the process of running selected reports should be known, the selected is printer located on the network and ensure the data you required is correct.

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17.2 Asset History Sheet Follow the menu path below to access the Asset History Sheet: Information System Accounting Financial Accounting Assets Asset Accounting Information System Asset History Sheet

Figure 117

Note: Message could be displayed if the data has not been completed- Asset Fiscal Year not yet made for company code 001

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 139

17.3 Depreciation Values Information System Accounting Financial Accounting Assets Asset Accounting Information system Depreciation Values

Figure 118

Note: To Print documentation please click on the icon within the menu

FI_O4 Fixed Assets Accounting Version 01 140



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