sas on unix/linux- from the terminal to gui. · 2015. 10. 23. · terminal navigation command...

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SAS on Unix/Linux- from the terminal to GUI. L Gakava & S Kannan – October 2015

Agenda All about the terminal

o  Customising your terminal o  Basic Linux terminal commands o  Running SAS in non-interactive mode o  Available SAS file editors o  What to look out for on Unix/Linux platform

All about Graphical User Interface (GUI) o  Launching SAS GUI. o  Changing SAS default behaviour o  SAS ToolBox commands o  SAS editor commands.

Motivation - Why Use SAS On Unix/Linux? Using SAS on UNIX/Linux Platform o  Company migrating to UNIX/Linux o  Joining a company which is using SAS on the Linux platform

Challenge Too many commands to learn! Why Use SAS On Unix/Linux o  Customising Linux sessions will ensure you increase work efficiency by taking

advantage of the imbedded Linux tools. In general transferring and running large files will be quicker in Linux compared to PC*.

Terminal What to expect when you login? Customise: Update .bashrc file with this line PS1='$IV

$PWD$EE> ' will change your prompt to show the following:

% pwd /home/username % ls


Terminal Navigation

Command Meaning

ls list files and directories

ls -a list all files and directories

mkdir make a directory

cd directory change to named directory

cd change to home-directory

cd ~ change to home-directory

cd .. change to parent directory

Terminal Navigation Command Meaning cp file1 file2 copy file1 and call it file2 mv file1 file2 move or rename file1 to file2

rm file remove a file rmdir directory remove a directory

cat file display a file less file display a file a page at a time head file display the first few lines of a file tail file display the last few lines of a file

grep 'keyword' file search a file for keywords

wc file count number of lines/words/characters in file

Terminal useful commands How do you find out if a version of a file has changed? Command to compare two files. This is useful to compare outputs that have been re-run with an older

version. This will compare line by line, hence it’s only useful to compare different versions of the same file. This command cannot be used to compare datasets.

/home/username>diff file1.txt file2.txt

Terminal useful commands How do I search for text in multiple files? How do I run SAS in non-interactive mode/batch? How do I run code that is resource intensive?

/home/username>grep -i <string filename>

/home/username>sas <filename>

/home/username> sas –memsize max

Editing SAS files How do I edit SAS files? Linux editors for plain text can be divided into two

categories: 1.  Console text editors- include emacs, jed, nano, pico

and vim. 2.  Graphical GUI editors - include gvim, gEDIT, Nedit,

Slick edit, Tea and Sublime The advantage of the GUI editor is intuitive user friendly interface while the

benefit of the console text editor is the suitability over long distance network connections which may or may not provide suitable bandwidth or reliability which would both be required by the GUI editors for remote operation. Console based text editors. GUI editors Face to face meeting or teleconference.

What to look out for? LINUX platform is case sensitive and file directories and external file

names called within SAS are case sensitive but the SAS session is not.

Code written in PC SAS might not run on SAS because the Microsoft

Windows and Linux operating systems store text files in a different format. It is good practice convert a file from Microsoft Windows to Linux format by using a ‘dos2unix’ command on the terminal.

/home/username> dos2unix

Still other things Other things to keep in mind Use the ‘&’ at the end of Linux commands. This means the

command will be executed in the background and you can continue using the terminal. Otherwise you will have to wait for the command to execute before you can use the terminal.

If you have a 3-button mouse you can copy text by highlighting

the text using your mouse. This automatically copies the text and you can paste the text by pressing down the wheel on the mouse.

Terminal help

If in doubt man it!!!

Type man or fman command to access the system's reference manuals. It can be

used to search for occurrences of specific text and other useful functions.

ALL ABOUT GUI /home/username>sas&

Changing default behavior Selecting and copying text

Changing default behavior Truncation of inserted text? Text is not split at the cursor when you press ENTER or RETURN?

I cannot use PC shortcuts to copy and paste texts? Modify the entries in the SAS: KEYS window

Changing default behavior

Remember my configuration settings?

SAS ToolBox

Program editor commands

Editing commands Copy c[N] Mark 1 or N lines to be copied cc Mark boundary of block to be copied Move m[N] Mark 1 or N lines to be moved mm Mark boundary of block to be moved Delete d[N] Mark 1 or N lines to be deleted dd Mark boundary of block to be deleted Insert ia[N] Insert 1 or N lines after this point i[N] Insert 1 or N lines from this point ib[N] Insert 1 or N lines before this point

Other useful editing commands Changing case cu[N] Change 1 or N lines to upper case cl[N] Change 1 or N lines to lower case ccu Change block to upper case ccl Change block to lower case mcu Change marked text to upper case mcl Change marked text to lower case

Justification jl[N] Left justify line to position N jjl[N] Left justify block to position N jc[N] Centre justify to line length N jjc[N] Centre justify block to line length N jr[N] Right justify 1 or N lines jjr Right justify block

Other useful editing commands Repetition r[N] Repeat 1 or N times rr Repeat block Indentation >[N] Right shift 1 or N spaces >>[N] Right shift block 1 or N spaces )[N] Right shift destructive 1 or N spaces ))[N] Right shift destructive block 1 or N spaces <[N] Left shift 1 or N spaces <<[N] Left shift block 1 or N spaces ([N] Left shift destructive 1 or N spaces (([N] Left shift destructive block 1 or N spaces

CONCLUSION §  This presentation gives the basis for a less

painful transition to using SAS on Linux from PC.

o  There is greater flexibility in using Linux and the reader

is encouraged to explore this in more detail to increase their productivity when using SAS on Linux.

References,. (2015). Retrieved 24 September 2015, from,. (2015). Linux and Unix diff command help and examples. Retrieved 22 September 2015,

from,. (2015). How to: Change / Setup bash custom prompt (PS1). Retrieved 22 September 2015, from,. (2000). UNIX Tutorial - Introduction. Retrieved 22 September 2015,

from Ippolito, G. (2015). Linux Text Editors. Retrieved 22 September 2015,

from,. (2015). AUTOSPLIT, AUTOFLOW Command. Retrieved 25 September 2015, from,. (2015). Browsing and Editing SAS Data Sets. Retrieved 25 September 2015, from,. (2015). Getting Started with SAS in UNIX Environments. Retrieved 25 September 2015, from,. (2015). SAS Windowing Environment in UNIX Environments. Retrieved 25 September 2015, from,. (2015). The SAS ToolBox in UNIX Environments. Retrieved 25 September 2015, from Wikipedia,. (2015). Bash (Unix shell). Retrieved 22 September 2015,

from Wikipedia,. (2015). Diff utility. Retrieved 22 September 2015,

from William Shotts, J. (2015). Learn the Linux command line. Write shell scripts.. Retrieved 22 September 2015, from,. (2015). Unix Tutorial. Retrieved 22 September 2015,


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