sats 2016 wednesday 27 th january 2016. what are sats? end of key stage 2, all year 6 pupils take...

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What are SATS? End of Key Stage 2, all Year 6 pupils take the KS2 SATS. (Statutory Assessment Tests). End of Key Stage 2, all Year 6 pupils take the KS2 SATS. (Statutory Assessment Tests). Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Numeracy Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Numeracy Teacher Assessment for Writing and Science. Teacher Assessment for Writing and Science.


SATs 2016 Wednesday 27 th January 2016 What are SATS? End of Key Stage 2, all Year 6 pupils take the KS2 SATS. (Statutory Assessment Tests). End of Key Stage 2, all Year 6 pupils take the KS2 SATS. (Statutory Assessment Tests). Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Numeracy Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Numeracy Teacher Assessment for Writing and Science. Teacher Assessment for Writing and Science. SATS Time-table Monday 9 th May Thursday 12 th May 2016 DateTests Monday 9 MayEnglish reading test Tuesday 10 May English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Wednesday 11 May Arithmetic Mathematics test A Thursday 12 MayMathematics test B English Speaking and listening teacher assessment only Speaking and listening teacher assessment only Reading (50 marks) marked externally Reading (50 marks) marked externally Grammar, Punctuation and spelling marked externally Grammar, Punctuation and spelling marked externally Writing teacher assessment only with external moderation Writing teacher assessment only with external moderation A score for each test is awarded. A score for each test is awarded. Reading test One hour to include reading time Consists of a selection of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts, with an accompanying answer booklet. Questions will be roughly in order of difficulty. The paper will be scored out of 50. Raw scores being converted into a scaled score, with 100 representing the expected standard. There will be no extension (i.e. Level 6 equivalent) paper. Just over half the marks (25-35 marks) will be awarded for one-mark answers. There will be 5-8 two-mark questions 1-4 three-mark questions. Breakdown of reading The reading test booklet is to be 1,800-2,300 words in total across a selection of texts. Grammar One paper of 45-minute 50 marks in total short answer questions Second test will assess spelling (20 marks). The spelling test will be read to pupils, with each spelling contained in a contextualised sentence Overall marks out of 70 Will be converted to a scaled score, with 100 representing the expected standard Grammar breakdown Numeracy Arithmetic Paper 30 minutes based written number questions. (This has replaced mental maths) Arithmetic Paper 30 minutes based written number questions. (This has replaced mental maths) Paper A 40 minutes (NO calculator allowed 40 marks) Paper A 40 minutes (NO calculator allowed 40 marks) Paper B 40 minutes (NO Calculator allowed) (40 marks) Paper B 40 minutes (NO Calculator allowed) (40 marks) Add all the marks together to get an overall score marked externally Arithmetic Arithmetic: Consist largely of one-mark questions using calculations. Some 2-mark questions for long multiplication and long division calculations. In 2-mark questions, 1 mark will be award for correct method. E.g. column addition There are 30 marks for this paper, representing 27% of the total test score. Paper A and Paper B Fluency, reasoning and problem solving, Up to half of the questions will be provided within a context. No calculators allow No extension paper (old level 6). Formulae will be provided where required (apart from the area and volume of a shape). Raw scores will be converted to a scaled score, with 100 representing the expected standards. Numeracy Papers Numeracy break down The children will be assessed on various genres of writing such as; Fiction Writing stories with a focus on characters, settings, plot, dialogue, poetry, play scripts etc Fiction Writing stories with a focus on characters, settings, plot, dialogue, poetry, play scripts etc Non-fiction Recount, non-chronological reports, instructions, explanations, persuasion, discussion, letters, diaries, journalistic writing, biographies. Non-fiction Recount, non-chronological reports, instructions, explanations, persuasion, discussion, letters, diaries, journalistic writing, biographies. After the tests Some marked externally. Some marked externally. School receives results before end of term. School receives results before end of term. We do not have the date for this. We do not have the date for this. Parents receive the results as part of the annual report in July. Parents receive the results as part of the annual report in July. How can parents help? Children need a balance between work and play. Encourage a you can do it attitude. Its a partnership speak to the teacher if you have any concerns. Approach a subject from lots of different angles. Look through a practice paper Remind the children that the tests are not the be all and end all. Homework Ensure children GO TO BED EARLY! STATIONERY PLEASE ENSURE CHILDREN HAVE A BLUE INK PEN TO SCHOOL WITH THEM EVERY DAY, (NOT JUST FOR THE TESTS)! PLEASE ENSURE CHILDREN HAVE A BLUE INK PEN TO SCHOOL WITH THEM EVERY DAY, (NOT JUST FOR THE TESTS)! CHILDREN ALSO NEED TO TAKE A PENCIL AND RUBBER TO SCHOOL EACH DAY. CHILDREN ALSO NEED TO TAKE A PENCIL AND RUBBER TO SCHOOL EACH DAY. READING PAPER TOP TIPS Read everything even days and dates at the top of non-fiction pieces they may be a clue to a question. CIRCLE DATES AND NAMES! READING PAPER TOP TIPS Circle important pieces of information as you go along. Write a brief summary in txt spk next to each paragraph if necessary. Schl mus rm Why startd mus Natural musician READING PAPER TOP TIPS Types of question can be answered in any order READING PAPER TOP TIPS Read the questions carefully if it says tick three then TICK 3!!!!!!!!! READING PAPER TOP TIPS If it says find and copy a word or phrase DO JUST THAT ( but NOT the whole sentence) excel better than anyone expected READING PAPER TOP TIPS 1.If it asks for your opinion on something make it up as long as you can link it to the text! Opinion Answer Because I think it would be fun trying to pluck the string and make them sound like a persons voice. To save time I started with because as Id already ticked the drum so the marker knew what I was talking about! I hate drumming I just made up an answer linked to what it said in the paragraph! READING PAPER TOP TIPS 3 point questions Write your answer and make sure you use the word BECAUSE to explain it! Try to think of 3 different points if possible. If you make different points make sure you bullet point them. 15. Some people think that Plinys uncle was a brave but foolish leader. What do you think? Brave foolish brave and foolish Explain your answer using parts of the information to help you. READING PAPER TOP TIPS 3 point questions If you are asked to predict what would happen next. Think of the things that need resolving in the story and comment on them. Try to find different things! What do you think will happen after the rain comes? Explain your answer fully. The crops would grow They would feel happier and more hopeful They would finally get some money when they sell the crops. READING PAPER TOP TIPS 2 or 3 point questions If you are asked to hot seat a character refer to events in the text and comment on them, imagining your feelings and actions! Write in the 1 ST PERSON! When Garnets mother heard that they had received bills in the post, she only said: Oh. What do you think the mother was thinking at that point on page 5? Write her thoughts in this thought bubble. Oh! Ill have to hide the bill before Bill sees it. It will only make him feel worse than he already does. I really wish the rain would come so we finally get some money. THATS ALL FOLKS!

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